Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1885, p. 5

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G01 N1; >11 MATH. TORONTO, A! '1, A1-1-11ni. Ex. (Wt. Hull 1.15 13,111) ' Ullll‘l] Station 7 :'.;1 1: 111g B11"'k Stiw-vt 11111; 12.1.. Qiir‘i'ii's \Vliui'f Pal'hdiilo .9 1Y7 12.211 V151 nut 81.. . ?:Oitrii1 , \1‘1’1 . I[‘hm'nliill s 111 1:121 11.11 Riv'rninxn 1111.1. 51111 1:. -11 11111 King .. . . 111.: . 11.111 Aurora 1.: i 13.1.} Kewnntrlmt 13.1.5 l1..1.1 (1111\. SOUTH, 1'. . A111 111). 1511111. Nownnirkct . 11' _‘s 11.11] 11.11 Aurora 8 111 11.... 19.1.. King , 11.11;: 131.11 ring: Ricnsioxn 1111.1. 111.1 1.’ '1! 1,1"; Thuriiliill . (1'1: 11.4.1 7 Weston {1 21'. 3.121 Davenport :1 1:1 11:1 :1” Pro-11111111- . . . (1:11 1.21) 11.11 TORON‘i‘U, Quin-11's \Vliirrf ,. . Brm-k Him-.11. 1111111 1:111 111.111) Ilnnnn St11t11111..111117 1117 H ’11 City Ilitll 111.15 1.15 811 PROCTO Rigs/15E LINE. Count-ctr»- V. th 111! mung. him-1111: tho I‘alnior Honso, 1111111111111 1 Hill, 1\1_\f(>ll11\\‘3 : 311111 1{' l‘iX1>l'l‘\>.N111‘l1ll 1& 511114211 HDQ 11.511. A1101 111111111111t11111 ‘ “ 11,417 Expi'ew, North . F. 1.1 p.111. .Muil, South . , . 11.110 POST orri’CENUnCE Until {urtln-r 11111111'1' Mmls will 1111 closed tit the 31011111111111111111‘1141111111-9 {\5 follows »â€" Monsis1.'_(‘r1111iu N111111 .wulb, hast. 111111 Vii-<1. 1111-111111n; ’1‘111111111111, 111111113, '1‘111 1111111, Min 111111111_1\'i'. 7.171 ,EVBNING:~G111111: south liiistiind West (its :11111\111 [1.15 N. 11.7711111'1st1-r1-1l Lot‘nrs must he handed in .atlcmt11‘1111111113111111111-s 1~1111~1~rt1ntn the above mentioned horns form-m» N ' ‘iFY,P11<1mnster. (all, Richaiomi HILL, Tlnirsdiv. March 26,’8;’1 111 3:1;1‘111 +111. In ()0 A 7114 .i‘. Lessons in Music. Miss Bailey is now prepnrnd 111 give lessons on the piano or organ. See. card. Sabbath School Teachers‘ Meeting. The 111xt Sabbath School Teachers’ meet- dog will he held at the residence of Mr. C. Mason on Friday evening, nt? 31). New Turkish fl Prunes at The Cheap Cash House. The next regular niceliiig of Richmond Lodge No. 23 ii. It. 0., will be held on Mon- dity evening next, March 30th, commencing at 7 p. in. \‘Vall papers, 1111711“ pipers, wali papers; the nicest patterns and best value in Ricli'd Hill at the Concrete " The Fire Proof." Spring is coming and Mr. I. Crosby is 011 hand already With a large and Varied usssort- ment of new dress goods, iniislius, VelVetS, as. 12c. Purchasers cannot do better than examine his stock. Ladies, for a new Silk dress either in the newest colors or black, go to The Cheap Cash House. Eigensive Credit Sale. The Farm Stock, Implements, &c.. of Mr. Bobt. Clarke, Lot 11,3111 (Jon. West York, will be sold without reserve on Tuesday, March 315t, 1885, at 10 o'clock, lunch pro- vided. Salem Eckardt, Auctioneer. For extra line iragrant Teas, Hysons, Japans, Congons, go to the Concrete, Where you can get the best value for your money that can be obtained. ‘ Change of Ad. is will be seen by change of Ad. Mr. P. G. Savage has 01;' hand an extra large stock of Wall Papers. which he quotes at very low prices.‘ His other lines such as oils, paints, groceries, &c., are complete and at popular prices. ‘ 3 Cans cliOice Tomatoes, 3 lbs. each, for 25015., and 3 cans choice Applet, 3lbs. each, for 25cts., at the Concrete. ' Agriculta 31 Meeting. Arneeting of the supporters of the Rich- mond Hill it Yonge Street Agricultural So- ciety will be held in the Lorne Hall, on Fri- dhy evening, March 27th. A full attendance is requested. * ‘ l Full stock of gents’ furnishings, new and nobby at The Cheap Cash House. ' Credit Sale. On Friday, March 27th, Salem Eckardt, Auctioneer, will sell the farm stock, imple- ments, &c.. belonging to MLW. Washington, (in: Lot No. 30, 2nd Con. Vaughan. Sale at p. in. The Concrete is selling all lines of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Crockery lower than any House in the trade. 184 Yon ge Street. Mr, J. M. Hlilnlllou, No. 184 Yonge St. Toronto, is otterin; for sale new dress goods cashmeres, silks, satins, &c., &c., 111 endless variety. As the Stiilfk 111 purchased at the lountainhead of production, good bargains to customers may be relied upon. Ladies, ifyoii want superb black 511k for your bpi'ing mantle, The Cheap C11in House is the pl.1ce to get value tor your money. 5116at11 1\" C1 1mm in. ‘ W. C. '1‘. U. An interesting meeting of the ‘V. C. T. Union \1 :15 held on Wednesday last, at the TL’thit'llCe of the Treasurer,Mrs. A.L. Skeele. We notice by the Markham Economist that the sessions in that village are held in the evening instead of the afternoon as in this place. New BrickiResidence. Mr. Gray. who has resolvvd to sojourn among us, has bought a part of the Duncumb estate, 1111111 a handsome brick building 1111 in course of erection on the south corner. Messis. Martin, of Thornliill, and Kelly, of Ilciidlord, are the contractors. For 51.01) you can buy at the Concrete House each 111‘ the lollow~ 111g :â€"â€"i7 “)3. good linisins, 17 lbs. g1,1111lCiir1;111is, 251115. best Rice, 37 lbs.0;11niciil. 25 yds. Grey Cotton, 111 yiis.g11od Cotton Shifting. ioyds. 'l‘will Cotton,1 yd. wide, iolbs.white Sugar, ihlbs. l’enrl Topioca. Rebellion in the North West. Startling news iron) Winnipeg and olher plnci's 1111511111le, relorring to a lli‘ln'lliou of Half-breeds and Indians in the North- Wcsl, headed by the nolorioiis IJUlllH lti1zi~ “011111115 have 11111-11 so contradictory, \\'1' shall not make special note of it until next issue. Lumber and Shingles forgale. Mr. A. Blll‘lillnlti(‘1‘,Dl‘UpflPidll‘ of tho Maple Steam Lumber 111111 Shingle. Mill, 1111s for suit! a large quantity of first-class lumber and shingles, which he is prvpurod lost-.11 at 1111111i1lt.1l1l_vl11w prices. Those wis‘ ing a supply should make it a point to iiispvct his stock. New Resident. Mr. J. Morison, of Victoriu Square, has pnivhased [lint part of the Davidson estnle owned by Mr. Atkinson, and tho properly adjoining on the wrist, With tln- intention 111' building a. brick residence this summer, and hPCUllilllg one of our citizens. Mi. Mortson isjiisl.tl1u kind of 1111 “ immi- g111nt " we 111111 to Welcome, espscinlly as there are 11 few more available sites for Similar squatters. Salvation Army. A few doysngo,1i reconnoiliing party of the Salvation Aiiny 111111111 their appearance in this village in search 111 a suitable barracks from which our town could be successfully bombarded. Alli-r making some arrange- Lnents for a Commissary Departincnt they \vithdrcw. Since then no despatchcs have been received irom headquarters. The air, however, is thick with prognostientions of war 111111 rumors of War, and our ubiqutoiis small boy is still 111 anticipation of i “ henpr‘. ql lun." New Tailor Shop. Mi; Charles Trevellinn, a former resident of this Village, intends opening a tailoring establishment on Monday next. For 1111'. present. his shop will be over Mr. Jos. Hall‘s flour & feed store, \1 Illt'll in time past was usvd as 11.11 art gallery. l\Ir. Trcvethan, when hcrc before,gave excellent satisfaction, and now that he is about to resume busi- ness, lie Wlll no doubt make it his earnest endeavor to “ suit " everybody. Lacrosse Concert on Good Friday. Every arrangement is being made for the Concert which is to to. given under the pat- ronageof the “Young Canadian" Lacrosse club. As a guul‘zintee. that the Concert will be a success, .vu give the names of those who are to take pai“.,'iii the progranime:â€"I\Ii88 Herdman, and Messrs. J. Brown and 0. £0- eck, of Toronto; Miss Severn, Deer Park; Professor A. I... \Villson, of Eglington; the Misses Reid, Miss M. Collins, and Mr. A. J. Collins, of Thornhill; lilessrs. Ci‘OSSiHV and Lloyd, Springhillflllr. C..Sav1ige, of Patter- son; Miss Berilia Wilson, the Bailey family, Mr. S. Agar, the Glee and Lacrosse clubs and the Richmond Hill Cornet Band. spinsters'Jubilee. According to announcement, the concert and tea given by the spinsters in connection with the Methodist Church, ’I‘liornhill, was held in the Victoria Hall on Monday even- ing, March 23rd. ‘ Without any exaggeration, the entertainment was one of the best ever held in those parts. The night being fine and the sleighiug tolerably good, 13, strong temptation Was olIered to pleasureseekvrs, who thronged into the village from all parts, Although the tea was commenced in good ?time, it was rather late before the entertain- ment began. which'madc the audience grow ' somewhat impatient. avoided, owing to the very large oiowd whoa-8' appetite had to be all-dyed. The spinsters wore whito aprons, white handkch chiefs around the neck, and white caps neat- ly made and coming to a point at the top, which mode them resemble in appearance the ladies who occupy the Turkish Court at Constantinople. Thc'chair was ably filled by Mics Ada lipid, who, on opening the cou- cart, thanked the audiepcc for their attend- ance, and, in a pleasing,speech,assured thosé‘ present that she would not follow the ex- ample of bachelors, who generally said they did not come prepared to make a speecli,and then torture the audience by giving about an hour and a half as .111 introduction. The spinsterl gave the introductory piece on- titled ” Poor Old M.1i1ls,” and judging from innny‘of th‘e‘mihud not yet dcspaircd. Two little girls, the Misses Wilson, gave an in- alruinental ductt on the piano which was well performed. One of the nicest. perform- shoes of the evoning was 1.1 vocal duett by Miss Reid and Mr. Lion-y. Miss Purk‘ius, of 'I‘orunto,saiig with much acceptance, “Ebren on the Rhine." Miss Bricker, late of Win- nipeg, sung “ Who will Buv my Roseskdrou” and being encorud, gave *‘ I wouldn‘t, would you? " Miss Bricker also appeared in, the second part til the programme, and although responding with an encore, the audience did not yet appear to be satisfied, so charming were her singing and amiable appearance. The orc‘hcstia from Toronto was such a treat as is seldom looked for outside of large cities. Mr. Gorry delighted the audience with his comic songs, and ludicrous gestures. Mr. Sunnis recited a couple of pieces which scai‘Cely haimonizcd with the rest. of the concert. Miss Collins sang a song which was well received. Owing to the lateness of the hour the Art Gullery was Illspl‘useil with, but which will 16 shown on Monday evening id. ’ ispy of it 0: But this could not be' the playful,3inile on their cnuutnuuuoeu, ,‘ next, w111>11 a new pi ‘gr1nirne “1115631131112; ‘ PETLE During our Great “'inter Sale we are otfering astonishing value in our Mantle Department. ULSTERS, DOLMANS, COATS and GAPES Ladics' Tweed ULSTERS from $1.50 to $13.50. Ladies’ Cloth DOLMANS from $3.50 to $45.00. Ladies Fur CAPES. Rich Mantle Velvets, Rich Dress Velvets, Rich Mantle Flushes, Rich Brass Flushes. Rich Black Silks, Rich Colored Silks, Rich Dress Satins, Rich Dress Goods. \Vc beg to call special attention to our display of MILLINERY, which is very Choice ant: Attractivc,;1ntl worthy ol the attention of the most fastidious. Inspection Invited. PETL Y & PETLEY, 12s 132 KING STREET EAST, TOR ONTO. (2111‘ 31 ‘5 twig 7'. "2m W 11111 1.11. 1: PAINTS, 021.1153, GLASS, PUTTY, 811., <BUILDERS’P â€"â€"ANDâ€" , 1V1 EQ H A N1 C5 8’ TOOLS. GIVE Us A CALL. WILKINS’BROS 166 King Street East, Near George Street, Toronto. 23 4-'93. p \>1 1_ T0 HAND. Showing “To-Day. 0 11-1:113'r111:s,0r'â€" --- MlLLER'S TlCi. 17"§TROYER1 ‘ YORKSM‘H CATTLE FEEDER, ‘h'fiESE GARDEN POWDER, 1U. send 111x rent in post» Ago 111111 rem 1 1 free, It 1 costly box of :41" s'vhich . U I wrllholp all, ~' either New Dress Goods New Cashmeres New lilrllmery b‘ I - Silks & Satins u Jackets 1New Velvets and ,, KM move Brocades “ _ l“ S New M a. :11 131 e 3111: Llsle 01013118 Gloves New Gmghams & New Corsets ,_,_ Cambncs “ R_ ANDREVVS’ New Prints and 113130313 Sgeruro finance 11‘“ Sateens “ Laces â€"INTHEf'â€" New Jerseys ,1: Ties seams shoes 1 1. ' Lace Cur_ -â€"IS THE PLACE FOR 11â€" I, ~ ct Hsndkerchiefs FIRST-CLASS: SHAVE 1 talus ,, 7 , , , - - New creyonnes Embroidertes HAIR-CUTTINGA SPECIALTY “ ' ' BERT. ANDREWS. Prop. “ Table Llnens “ underwear Table, covers 1. P A T “ Table napkins angels .1. , V i . I H. B. DEWSURYS 11 Quin-,5, “ Parasel covers FIRST-CLASS o 1 kh 11 b b iht 111. F 1 ' H d ‘ urs 0c asa ‘een. oug ,a e oun airr ea 0 - Production,on the best terms,andis offered to our customers YONGE STREET atthe smallest living profit, tor_CASH only. Ii‘H 0ND HI L, ' - R C M L J ., M. HAMILTQN, Tnlgeljdy; Sififiiédrsfamlvéifps’ 184 YONGE‘ STREET. 1 &c., always on ,hand. V. All Harness guaranteed as. .454; represented. Light Harness â€"â€"- “M "d s is] . R )air atte. - . , .» . ' I :d EECOD LThe slfdrtesst noti::e. D 3‘ co" 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON, E C., ' H! B_ Will be glad to correspond CHEM13T3&DRU3313T3, -' ' Wlth Apple Growers, Mer- RiCirMONDnILL. 2111113981112 Sfiififiifi 21,33 167, Kinj St, East, Toronto, Spring business. _ Thev will also give the usual facilities to cusb. mers requiring advances. BUILBING, [UTS FQR SALE 9 Right Building Lots for sale on Centre Shea East. only,$1M each, 15 per sent. down for pink , sex to more money right away than iiything ‘ , , ‘ ,, , \ , _ a mi “1’1"”; “5° 1"" xew H‘mWBI “room‘s “‘1‘ else in this world Fortunes await ll“ orkeru i t Rvmfi’gui;,t,‘,i.liiiiiii:i\:.ii-1.i,,:-lyveiii1'1p::pmpu I Richmond Street. ‘ absolute” sum, A. n ,, I _ _ ,, “ Ce I 1 11 ions 1) . , 1,11“: 1 . ' “R. l.ANRnS"AvF_ Augusta, M144: l JUIY-i‘ .

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