THURSDAY EVENING THE LIBERAL PRINTWG (k PUBLISHING HOUSE nLIUHMOND HILL‘ â€" â€" ONTARIO. ROMAN CAT as follow 5 '1 Hm at 10:30 a mend Hill at 'Rmmoxn â€"â€"Meets in (11' ’Monday on 0 AJ. Rupert. mom1,Nn.‘Il‘ Ball evevy n Rupeflz, C. R The Methodi soomtion issue desired. Wm Mzcanms voiumesppen a mic Hall. fu Finn. Lectum Blcmmxr Meets in the evening. at i 3193310)") HILL C p notice evecfv Tuede 730 o‘clock C. Savage VILLon Conxcmnae amnn. Messrs. Benj. E G§avage, and RMcCi A. O. U. Wu] Committee 1 each ultenmtiv flury certiï¬caz flciary ce members huh new“ Eon Select Searetm‘v Graduate of T Ont... two vmn‘ Igrgnto ane Wars College VOL.VII. AN $1 per annum, in advance. Rummag- Physicu Youge damage, Tux-onto. Dlwases of all thanked £11mku may 2m bfflce and re Ofï¬ce Hours Vim! :Jnin Was! 'Mup Rich Woo (mice hours 'QDV f1 'dnn'nmv ammo W111 M r ‘ @112 Add 1‘ BUSINE Dr. James Langsth AND Dr. Lewis G. Langsml xers College Physiciuus& Sui-gem RICHMOND HILL, ONT. EDITOR G. ll. Husband. I. D. millage flit-sting. IS PUBLISH VITJZLIZEQ €313 111: GEORGE LAN GSTAE‘F, THORN HILL, ONT, 30! Toronto University,M.C. P. 5: S wears resident, assistant surgeon t Genera] Hospitu] â€" ‘ nAHH‘ no 0 r 0-K Mt wk \V. M Dr. ‘W. J. Wilson. Hill... .. .ch ant ,e Palmer House Dr. Orr, Maple. 1‘s: 8m 9.30 [L m..aud 18 followin Hill L‘lSTIT ullows: sch, lc‘oh, and ï¬ll... .. .ch rm 3 like u. Ehnrm A ROBINFOI Churrhes- F. llE‘VITTq mm: M Dr. A. Robinson. (wit-Ties. uddis‘ and PROPRIETOR. Workman Emaitni. McMï¬EON, 8m Avsncn. Woommman 1M1 11 SURGEON DENTIST >11. Graduate of Ontario Vet Ess CARDS. A T alum“. :e.â€"0ne 1001' South of P. O 1021.. m., & 12% 213.111. the Domesticated Animals ,MLI 111 m Mb sct Qtutnl. of mng . and 35‘ Leader vors of the past 20 years iiu any branch at the pro- xsdav eve NE WT( 3 am over Wm . Harri J.A.E.Sv&itzer '9, Wm. Pugslay, Coun- flditt, W. D. Powell, 1’ mghy. (llvlk, M. ‘I eefy, 1e, No. 141, Meets in the f the Masonic Hull ,3: at S o'clock pm‘ Bene- >r £2,000 in case of death. um. B, Grennan. Rec. Richmond Hill Council, arr-nee Hull, alter- ntSn‘cloclgp m. ’89:)?- D EVERY iismhimy ibcrnl 16th 19th L151: 22nd of ewh mnnth (111th d“. DENTIST sin-éï¬odicnï¬v. BAXD.â€"Meets for ,turday evening at 18th 29th is at 1 001. at lTempamuce As :rv Sunday when 1st malé l at appointments ree from vain. .D.S..Aurom Ont. in Ms- ofï¬ce, New ‘xcept when Bntur and {402.30 pm 341‘ y m’e Rev ingdu gsmï¬. nth Service M0 verv mouth. m‘h BROOK fosaion ally 11 Council, ac]: alter- m. Bene- or female $2.000.nne FLSander- Recording 80 ‘ons, Ont ‘ver 1000 3e Ma Libra M. 11 Mes, nth Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 017F101 LAWREN CE Xe M1? MEAN, HALL. FWLIAR’I‘ON dc COOK. mmusmns, SOLICITORS; &c. Richmond Hill 1’. 0. Every Satnrdn‘ W. M. HALL. J. S. FULLARTON. W. Liâ€r>nrvxm FUNDS To Low. ‘3 Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c.. Toronto OFï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building 84 Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Oï¬â€˜iceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. Solicitor, Notary P‘ Conveyancer, &:c 52 AI)ET,..AIDEâ€"Q.T. EAST TORONTO. Honey to Loan. Aluwe amount of Money to Lend on farm 91 Qtv propnrty interest? percent; no commla‘ Idoneyi’gio Loan $200,000 0| Privmo Funds“) building: and Muni don Licensed Auctioneer for the Countiea of York Outano and Feel. Goods sold on consignment. Generalsalea 0! stock. 0%,. promptly attanded to as reasonable raï¬es. P. O. a.d_<_l Importer of Watches, clerks and ï¬ne jewellery a stock of Diamonds and precinusstones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. Bhlanufacturing of jeweilery,mn1 repairingofwthxea and clocks on the prelnisen,u specialtv Thanking our patrons and friendafor theirlib- em] patronage it. the past we beg to state that wt: 1] rue just rer‘eivad a large stock ofnaw goods inlntest designs. A large stock at Elgin and Waltham watches kept on hand. Licensed Auctioneer for the Countv of York, reâ€" spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice nml at reasonablemtes. P. O. Addreï¬s, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. Livensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re~ ï¬pectfuny solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortth notice and at rensonube rates. P. 0. address. King. own in Farm Property at lnwest rates of inâ€" wsr no pay ufl‘ Mai tguges at highermws or for iihling, draining. or other purposes. Mortgages id Municipal Debentures pin-chasm. Farmers will save money by applying direct to Lucensed Auctioneer {or the County of York Sules attended on the shortest noticegmd at mu.- abe rates. Address Stouffvxlle P. 0 G. F. LAWRENCE. '1‘. C. MILLIGAN. L. if; mmwm A. WRIGHT at SON, UNDERTAKEBS, fl-‘unoral Fulnlsllings Always on "and THE DOMINION HOUSE‘ Richmond Hill, Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish ed it in ï¬rst-class style, I um prepared to give the public the best. of accommodutmn, Excellem «taming axxdattenrive hustlers. “ample Room: Qtabling undattenrive hustlers. Qamplo Rom for cplmnercial travellers. A good hvery in cc necmun. Terms an vet duv. Bell]. Brillingor. Proprietor RUPERT'S EXPRESS LINE do LIVERY STABLES Special Rates to Commerciui Travellers IS'DOMINION HOTEL, RICHMORD HILI FIR S’P-CLASS LI Daily Exprem to Toronto. Specinl a. t( given to moving household funniture pianos, &c., &c. 1205371 MACDONALD, MERRITT 6! CU Y T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES ADVICE FREE TO CLIENTS M. TEEFY, NOTARY'PUBIIC 80c, T. F. MCMAHCN, Editor of LmERAL, Rlcbmoud Hl‘l RICHMOND IIILI Kr Salem Evkardt. 13: latruuurnus. to loan on farm secflrity N. J. Al'mslronu. James (1. Slokc-s. 52 Adelaide St, East 56%;?! 3:" INTER S. Ml. Brown. .l. “’nnh es. mum. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL 2. 1885 aézluury. E. R. REYNOLDS “In Essmtials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†AND S'mnm‘ EAST, Tonom‘o Lo :11 Very BM.“ rd bulluin a Toronto UN’IO'NVILLE A w , Public W. COOK oronto DEAR "LIBEBA'.."â€"-Tlllnking that a few notes from the land of your antimdea might nut be uninteresting ‘0 some of your renders, it uccurred to your corres- pulldent m send you a few menu. A voy- age across the bxllowy Atlantic in now be~ coming a. cnnlllwn event to manv, but the number crossing the broad Paciï¬c is com- pamtively small; so that a. few notes of out passage from San' Francisco to Mel- bxâ€"nrne may not be out of place. l I On the morning of Aug. 2nd, there was an unusual stir on oneof the wharves (onnsioned by the departure that (lav of the “City of Sydney†for Australia. Every person seemed excited; some had forgotten their band-box, gloves or false- teeiii, and the boat was to sail in a few minutes; others hung, lovingly on the arm of I. partner with a look of unmistakable sadness in their tear-stained faces, the words used by a certain darkey in at- ' tempting to comb his matted locks, "The parting gives me pain,†could be easily read in the countenances of many. We are soon all on deck watching the upturned fuCes on the (lock and in a. few minutes the deep bass whistle bellows out a deafening roar and amid waving of handkerchiefs and farewell words we are Milâ€"oil towards the boundless ocean, dear friends and lovers, forgotten band-boxes, gloves, teeth, etC., being left behind. As we steamed through the Goldeit Gate, passing to our right a ï¬ne U. S. battery, the handkerchier were one by one lowered and soon Frisco could no longer be seen; some of the passengers though continued waving their linens sl- niost as long as a speck of land could be seen on Ithe horizon. We had not been out three hours before many of the land-lubbers began to assume even a. more serious expression of countenance than when bidding adieu to their friends. Yes. even as soon as the dred disease mal-de mar, broke out among us and the affected ones without any request began to make known to their fellow passengers what they had eaten for breakfast. " [ was one of the fortunates and beyond a slight un- eusiness the ï¬rst day escaped seaâ€"sickness altogether. SA NDHURST, Vwmm A, AUSmALIA, ....~ayt.. in a. week we sighted the Sandwich Islands and about midnight put into the port of Honolulu. We had only one hour to stop but (luring that short time imde a hurried Visit through the principal street- of that interesting city, passing the post ofï¬ce, parliament buildings, with the Hawaiin flag floating lazily in tho midi- iiiglit air. and the palace of King Kala- kau. The curious chatter of the natives amused me about as much as anything. In Order to get from the pier we had to pass between two lines of these interest- ing specimens who with baskets of fruit peculiar to warm climates Were endeavor- ina to the best of their ability to inform us that their goods were for sale. Few of them could speak a. word of English, but what they lacked of English they made up in gesticulation and Kunuka. At Honnniilu we got rid of more than a hundred Celestials. Next morning we were again ought of sight of land and in a week had crossed the equator, fortu- nately escaping the usual ducking from the sailors, and on Sunday, 17th, sighted Navigator's Island. Although We did not land we had a good view of the natives of that place for they paddled out in a bout to the side of the vessel to try and sell curios to us. They are a line looking race With bronze colored skin and curly yel- low hair, but evidently still uiicivilized for they appeared before our admiring gaze arrayed in native’ simple garb. After leaving Navigator’s Island we en- countered u. heavy .311 for some days and we were kept down below for some time; almost all the passengers Were sea- sick. The 21:: of August was dropped out of our Caiander entirely; we Went to bed Wednesday night and next morning found it. was Friday, having crossed the 180(h meridian 0n the following Sunday we arrived at Auckland, in New Zealand, where we landed fur about9 hours and did the town. Auckland is a pletty little town shunted run a. beautiful bay. The Yankees wth us expressed much disaatisfaction at ï¬nding all the shops and hotels closed, sm‘h mics uhselvance of the Sabbath they thnllullh was quite. uncalled fur. Saw only a few Munrls or natives but those We. did see hall their dirty faces beauti- fully (l) mtuoed will; all sorts of grotesque ï¬gures. \Ve left Auckland about 11 p. In. and next day found ourselves on the way to Sydney. One night we came near hav- lng same mmlver practice about 12 u’clouk, to relieve the monotony of the lung voyage, but fortunately the target 4"!!!â€ng “as pontpuned till the next. trip. 01: Fnd .\ - ,u‘rm-d at Sydney after a t'n_\ag. ' Us Aviva Sydney harbor has Hr. mu: "17 Wing (me of the mg. n 1‘ 17 a mainly deserves MN 1' rm ".nw Hf the city .,-, (J’clock, to lung voyage ahnmiug um 01) Frld ,\‘ (gag. ' " bus ll.- h-Asl n Australia Letter. December 30d1, 1884‘ w harbor is well guarded by the gaping months of many cannnna ready to deal' destruction to an enemy who may think proper to present. themselves as a. target. We stop- ped a day in Sydney during which time we (lid as much sight-seeing as we could and on Saturday embarked again in the “Ty-ll-munn†for Melbourne, distant about 500vmiles. This boat being much smaller than the “Sydney†was more sue- ceptible to the rolling billows of which we had “mute than sufï¬cient and to apare." A young felluw who had just come out from England was blowing tol me of the calm :e::., and of the ridiculous- ness of sume of our passengers whu were already sea-sick. He had braved the raging billowa for 14,000 miles and never thuught of acting so foolishly. They should be ashamed of themselves for casting up their accounts in such a de- lightful sea. Growing tired of his boast- ing I Went below and after some time re- turned or. deck to ï¬nd Ye brave Henglish- man as pale as ashes and wearing a. look , of don’tâ€"eare-whether-the ship-goesdown. ‘ nr-nut on his agnnized face. Poor fellow! the trip from-Sydney to Melbourne was too much for him and I began to think my chances of escaping were small, howâ€" eVer, on the evening of September lat, we entered the month of the Yarra river and soon draw up to one of the wharves, or Jetties as they are called here and I was soon on tcrra ï¬rma, having stood the whole Vuynge Without yielding. (TO BE CONTINUED) For stylish Millinery go to The Concrete House. CATARIIIIâ€"A new Treatment where- by this hitherto incurable disease is permanent- ly cured in from one m three applications, no matter whether standing for one year or forty years. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on rs- ceipt of stump. A. H.DIXON dz SON 305 King Stu-eat west.’1‘orontn Cunadn. The following. is the standing of pupils in Richmond Hill Public School for the month of March :â€"~ 5 4‘ Minnie IS'oules, 1' ' , W. Barker 5 6. Jessie Cooper, 6‘ Maggie Glover, Dollm Duuthwaite, Merritt stun, Jno Fulconbridge, Alex Reid, Eflie McNair. FIRST DIVISION. Hattie Mapea. ! Herbie Garvin, Wlllie Glals, Charles Hall. Fred McConnell. Herbie Soules. Murch :â€" FIFTH CLASS Annie Line, Maggie McDom Silas Slmnk, Tom Jackson Roscoe LAW, Edgar Anslev, Es‘hel‘ Keefler, Flora. Hopper, L. Lynett, D. Palmer, 0. Powell, G. Barker, G. Glover, M. Mapes, SCHOOL REPORTS. SENIOR II. P. Sunless, J. Keefler. J. Glass. M. Redditr, J. McKenZle, J. Blanchard, 'l'he following, is the standing of pupils S. S. No. 6 Vaughan for the month of A 1 cuss aunie leey. SENIOR III. SENIOR RECON D SENIOR. a Glove! FTH CLASS. FOURTH CLASS. 3 Line, Isaac Cook, ‘ia McDonald, Henry Bailey, Shunk, Lizzie Rumble, Euuly Line, '1. RUTHERF.RD, Teacher. FORM III. THIRD DIVISION. Austin Brillinger, Fred Hopper, Ella McConnell, Ella. \Vllson, Elsie ‘J‘easdall, Lillie Washington, J. CRUIL‘KSHANK, Teacher. SENIOR FORM JUNIOR FORM. FORM I JUNIOR. , Freddie Redditt, aite, Frank Sheppard, \, Rubbie Michael, lge, \Vlllie Douthwnite, Lottie Houper, Eva. Jewell. M. WILEY, Teacher. FORM 1". THIRD CLASS. Donald Watson, Ella. Powers, Colin Campbell, Jas Jackson, A 2 cuss. 1. Wellington Hall. , 2. Reuben Glass, 31'. 3. Millie Trenah, r, 4 4‘ Tillie Trench,. Hes, , M. Momlie, 5. C. Kerswell-, r, 6. Flora. Powell, E. A. SPRAGGE, Teach“. wsmx Ill. 1. M. Lewis, 2. W. Skeele, 3. E. Mahoney, 4. C \Vilsou, Richard Garness. Harry Glover, Annie Glass, Willie Clm'ord. Ella Brown, Ada Brown, SECOND DIVISION. Charlie Line W. Hall, G. Sims, JUNIOR 13. L. Harrison N . Datsou, E. Lynn-M, v CLUBINF, Teache'. JUNIOR SECOND Lulu Shunk, \Villie Line, Edith Hafenbrach, M. Powers, Alice Barnette. Minnie Dilworth. The following ‘5 the standing of pupils in Paitersnn school for the month of March :â€" FOURTH CLASS. W. Mulhnlland, James Haï¬'uy, Harry Hardy, Chas Seymour, Jane Rumble, Onil Drury, Mary Mulliulland, SECOND JUNIOR; Louie Haffey, Alex Findlay, Minnie Albin, Mary Rumble, Joe Mundey, Willie Savage. Vesta Mulholland, Albert Albin, Nellie Kirkland, FIRST SERIDR. M. Bassingthwaite, Bella Hawkins, Mary Bassingthwaite, Aggie Kirkland, Minnie Albln Mary Rumble Nellie Kelley Hard and soft coma Hblloway’s Corn Cure ery time. A magniï¬cent stock of Gents' Felt Hats at The Concrete, extra value. S..Chadwick, of Arcadia, Wayne Co , writes: “I have had severe attacks of As- thma for several years. I commench taking: Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil‘ The- ï¬rsr dose relieved me in one hour. 1 con- tinued taking it in temponnfnl doses for a few days, and havenot had an attack of it. since, now nearly a year." The following small school boy, mond Hill, has publication. THIRD JUNIOR DEAR LoU,â€"1 was not to school )ester- dav. \Ve want yun to cmne dawn and bring the baby down. Can Miles talk yet '1 Lots of snow here. Miss Frazer had a. row with Harvey. She said that. she saw Harvev talking, and he said that he was not, and she called him up to the platform and he said “ I wuu’t.†At lax-1: she got him up and hit him across the leg; he said “ Just you icave me alone;" she hit him again, and he said “ Just you stop hitting me;" she did not hit him again. '11 am in the high class in book; I am doing Cmupouml cation; i like it. very well. For a nobby suit 01 Clothe ready made or made to orde the Concrete. Bauxxâ€"At Maple, ( wxfo of Amos SI One trial of Mot] Exterminator will Co has no equal as a war [Single copies, 3 cts ‘Naâ€"On Mom} MrJos smug. smug. aged HE From Our Own Correspondent An Original Letter SENIOR FIRST . Lizz1e Gardner, Dora Rupert, Mary Gardner, Ernie Glass, FIRST JUNIOR. Maud Farnham, May Savage, James Hawkins, Isaac Mulhulland', Lizzie Rumble. H. A. NICHOLLS, Teacher. HEADFOIiD wing letter, written by a boy, to a. relative in Richr has been handed us for \VHITBY, March 25. 1885 BIRTHS. DEATHS E. MILLER, Teacher. Harvey Cook-r \Vlllxe Flack, Euph Kirkland; Mary Rumble. James Mundey. SECOND J UNIOR. THIRD SEN IOR cannot withstand it is effectual av- rm medicine No. 40. t1: M. the third Multipli- M r 5 en \Vn‘ thut :0 to her