Queen‘ arkdalo avenpor Weston .. TOR Rifcï¬nm‘ H11 King .. .. Aurora. Newmm'l‘ Newmm‘ket Anvom Xingu.“ V. lucmmxn Thomhill . NVestnn V mavenport Yurkdnle... TORONTO Queen} Brock : Uuma Cxtyfln PRO CTDR’S Crmuec‘m‘ with House, Rivhmm Mail & Expmas, Accmmnnduciun Ex l'eSS. North M311, South .. Until further math vflchmond Hill Post HQBNING :*( N‘ B.-ReE“ 8% least Fn'te mentioned 11 Munozâ€"Guixig nhuv Bxcanékn HILL, Thnrudw. April 2 @119 Eibsml. The nexl meeting of (he W. will be held at we rPFidence of Sanderson. on Tuesdav evening wommenqiug at 7.30 o‘clock. Gents' Suits made to order at Moodies'. The Bxitish Flag Stafl'. Bend Alex. Mnodie‘s change of Ad. on another page. His Spring stock of Dress Goods, Tweeds, &c., is complew, which he is prepared (4» sell at Lottom prices for cash. EASTER CARDS for sale at THE LIBERAL Store. New Tweeds at The Cheap Cash House. Lots 01 Fresh Eggs cretc House for Easter Easter Holidays. The High and Public Schools will closa on Thursday, to open again on the following Tuesday. No doubt this will seem a. short vacation to pupils who have been working hard all winter. Best \Vinceys and Lybster Shirt- ings at A. Moodxes’. DNTO. it}! Hull Numerous complaints are being made about the surface water obwtruoled M; the junction of Elizabeth and Richmond Streets, ï¬nd other places in the village. The tile “we: does not appear to be a. success. The Council should attend to the matter at ones. Try our 30 cent Tea. The best value on the Hill at The Cheap Casi: House. Notice. Mr. H. B. Dew-bury, having Hold his stock and business to Mr. Geo. McDonald. gives notice in another column that all accounts are to be collected by May lat. Those not. pflid by that date will he placed in Court for collection. POST elfâ€"HE’E’NUUCE Try the Canned Tumatoes sold at The Concrete. 3 Cans for 25 cents. Personal. Rev. W. R. Barker will pieach in the Mahodist Church next Sunday evening. Subjectâ€"~The Resunection of Christ the Corner-stone of Christian Fuit-h.‘ Appropri- ate Anthems Will be rendered bv the choir. Try our 25 up to 80 cent Tea, at Alex. Moodles’. Postponed. 0n acouuut of Good Friday. the regular monthly meeting 0! the Richmond Hill Fire- Brigade will be l-lfllll on Friday, April 10m, inï¬eld of to~morer evening. A good atâ€" undance in requested as important business is to be transacted. )ck set The nobbiest stock of Hats and Ties shown on the Hill is at The Clwap Cash House. ‘ 3 3’7. h . A Silent Bell. There is a. Committee of Management in connection with our Board of School Trua- tees, wlm=e duty H is to see that all schoul lpplirmces are kept, in gnod working order. Yet the bell for the Public Sclmol has not Ionnded a now; for weeks. We hope the commiltee will not \Werlunk their duties, but will‘utte'utl $0 this grievance at once, and not have the tehcllers mppiug on the' windows in calling-- their pupils into the different l'oomsl- mg Ladies; we axe showingthis week the ï¬nes; rang.- of Prints in new gtyles of'pattgrns which we have ~.év'er showï¬. Call and see then {Ihe Cheap Cash Houag. 14(50 4k in St flail 'Whm I11 Whm‘f We Algplt itéred Letters 1 11 Minutes antli‘ iD'FZ Overflow of Water 1 H a'th & uth. Eas‘ rt} STAGE SOI ‘MT'TEEFYJ 1lh g ' Th Mark} lustbe handed artlmu the ab‘ and W 1] be r11] at the Con t and um ill LINE *wv. ystmuster Mrs. John April 7th. sad at 11 I‘ML the For good fresh garden seeds go to The Concrete House. The ladies of moud Hill, will and Tea in the on the 25th of} nu hie church in t 1541th in th [‘he great Canadian oarsmuu man. has suflered another de annpnt. Bench. The race W! On Monday Inst, Mr. Hodgsun, senior 1n- spector of High Schools, paid our High Schcol a \isim. He spent some the or six honrsiu examining. or hearing eta/mined, the Various classes. As was to be expected, Canned Fruits, Fish, &c. at flow- st prices on the Hill at The Cheap Lash House. ngh School Inspection. )rs open at 7 ure‘yout sent )O( A special meeting of the Village Council was held in the Council Chamber, on Thurs- day evening, Murcn 26th_, the Beeye in the chair. Membe re present, Messrs. Redditt. McConaghy, Snv‘age and Powell. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. An ac- count from T. F. MeMalion. amounting to‘ $9.00, for printing and folding 2.00 Village Accounts was read. ‘On motion 0! Mr. Savv age, seconded by Mr. MoCouaghy, the acct. Was ordered to be paid. The Clerk read the agreement siï¬ned by Mr. Johnlvalmer, in reference to change of land for Village Park. ‘ which report (was adopted by the Council. l By-Law No. 110, relating to change 0! Purl: \ was read a ï¬rrat, second and third time and pasaed, and seal of the co;pomtion was It- | tacked thereto. On motion, Mr. Teefv was authorizm to do the nacessary convoysno- ing‘in reference to deed for park. and to [have the 4% acres properly surveyed by a. land surveyor. Mr. A. .1, Hanan WI! ap- pointed a member of the Board of anlth, in 'place of J. K. Falounbxidge, refused. The Council adjourned till Monday. April l20th. ‘ next. ‘ m The new Spring Dress Goods now showing at The Cheap Cash House far' exceed anything we hage yet offered; latest designs in Plaid‘s and Brocades for combinations; also full ranges in black and colored Cash- meles, Silks, 81c. ' Fire. An about 9.30 p. m. ou Monday, just as many of our citizens were retiring for the night, an alarm of ï¬re was sounded. and, on turning out, it was ascertained that a dwell l iug house owned and occupied by Mr. Jesse l Geode was ulremly euv‘eloped in flames. The house being situated at the West sills of Wilson's mill pond, and more than hll! a mile hum the Fire Hull, was almost burned to the gmou before the engine could be got tu the place. Tue ï¬re originated from the atuepipes which ignited the roof of the house, and. as the family lived in the lower part, they did not purceive the danger the)? were in {or some time. One of the sons, '9. young man 21 years of age, who has been laid up with rheumatic ieyer for several mOuths, was removed with much difï¬culty 10 a npighbor‘s hnuse, and being in a week state, fainted away several times in the ex- ‘ citemeut. A good deal of the furniture, home utensils, clothing. &c., was saved. but, l as is the case at nearly all tires, much was l broken and destroyed by the carelessness and thoughtlessuess ol thosle who were eager to assist. Amuug much valuable property which wus burnt was an elegant piano. Fireml u and nun-ï¬remen worked hard and did all they could for the homeless family, Furtunntely, the building and mutants were p'eLty well insured; ‘ V‘ Mer t< who 1 A gra in t1! in the Lecture room 5th of May, next, mu er to the wams of t vho attend the Spr'm grand Concert will I new Hanlan Defeated Cnnadinu oarsmuu, Mr. Edward suflered another defeat from his sch. The race was rowed in S:1turday1ast,when the Ais- by about six boat lengths. ; are felt in aquatic circles on :llnmplouship of me '“orld with to the Wams 01 1 attend the Spr‘ mud Concert wil be evening, for [e province das t salmon sold at The “15 for 2!; cents. ), from W11) ml evening (( at under 1‘ linns,“ will f the Methodist church. Rich- ll give their Annual Dinner 3 Lecture room of tee church, May, next. and will with plea- the wants of their numerous Land the Spring Fair on that d Correert will be mven in the evening, for which the best n-ovince das been secured. ean‘s Birthday Village Councxl ‘ssec.Concel\t ‘ntyi )0! Inspection. Mr. Hodgson, seniol;_1n_ n Prunes at Alex. glm med lust week ex- ecured. In addition immd, n. ï¬rst~olnss dington. led by Prof. part in the Program. me in good time and Friday) the tronnge of the given in the ULSTERS, DOLMANS, Rich Mantle Veiéets, Rich Dress Velvets, Rich Mantle Flushes, Rich Eress Plushes. Rich Black Silks, Rich Colored Silks, Rich Dress Satins, Rich Dress Goods. We beg to PETLEY HARDWARE ‘. PAINTS, OILS, MECHANICS’ GLASS, PUTTY‘ &c. <BUILDERS’:> WILKINS’ BROS 166 King Street East, QaQRHE $EM$$$ 9 FIRST - CLASS; SHAVE 1 HAIR-CUTTING A SPECIALTY BERT. AN DREWS. Prop. H. B. DEWSBURY’S FIRST-CLASS HARNESS EMPDBIUM, YONGE ST REE'I“. RIGHMOND HILL, Trunks, Satchels, Whips,_ Ready Made Harness, &c.,, always on hagd. All Harness guaranteed as represepted. Lighft Harness a specialty. Repairs attend- ed to on the shortest notice. adles’ Tweed ULSTERS from $ 352-50 to $45 Rigm Building Lo Bust, only $100 ouch of $0 lots; Also '1" Bioymond Myron. n ion to our display of MILLINERY, which is V'te beg to call special attent fthe attention of the most fastidious. Inspection Attractive, and worthy o 23 4â€"‘93. TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. 73‘0B, SAIJIE '3 . B. Dewsbury, RICHMOND HILL. BUILDING [GT8 IS THE PLACE FOR N ear George Street, During our Great Winter Sale 1119; Lots far sale on Centre Shea Wenchlï¬ per sent. down for moh- Also Two New Houses. 5 rooms, on 128 TO 132 KING STREET EAST, TOR ONTO. AND {N THE 98.,LANHS’I'lVl". Toronto, ‘ T0 HAND. ‘New Dress Goods jNeW Cashmeres : ~‘ @11le RP Rating } ~‘ Silks & Satins {New Velvets and Brocades New M a. 11 131 e Cloths New Ginghams & Cambrics New Prints and ’ Sateens ! New Eerseys “ Lace Cur- tains New Cretonnes “ Table Linens “ Table, covers “ Table napkins “ Quilts,“ we are off: Our‘ stock has all begn bopght at the hon Produqtionpn the best termsaad is offered t at the smallest living pgoï¬ti-toplCASH Only. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. CHARLES Dunn &. 00., 79 QUEEN ST.‘LONDON,E ‘C.. Will be glad t6 corres end with Apple Growers, er- ohangs, and Shippers, with a. vi‘gaw to Autumn and Spring business. Thev will also give the usual facilities ‘to customers requiring advances" ' II I IIIâ€"â€"- “wryâ€. _,_, ’ sex to mommouea right mwuy than sunning jelne in this world.‘ Fortunes await the Worker- waolutelv qure. M. once a, Taxes: [1113'- a Q. Apgngtu. Mgine. ' ‘ ~ ‘ A PINE- $1.50 to $13.50. Ladies’ Cloth DOLMANS from 1;.00. Ladies Fur CAPES. _. M. HAMELTQN: 'crinu, astonishing value in 184 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. COATS and. CAPES seud six cents in post- nqe, and raceive‘ free, A no yhox of gOO-‘pwbiah‘ win 611) 511, or aims! ,,,_n_:__ PETLEYB out Mantle Department {Showing To-Day. New Millinery “ Jackets “ Kid {Eleves “ Silk Llsle ght at the Fountain Head of Landis offered to our customer: Gloves New Corsets “ Ribbons ‘I‘ Laces “ Ties “ Handkerchiefs “ Embroideries “ Underwear “ Parasels “ Parasol covers HughMlLï¬LEngaduq CHCMISTS & DRUGGBTS, 167, King St. East, Torontc, MILLER'S TlCK DESTROYER. YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN RcmER. 184 . Speéinl attention zivon to thg vmper M193“)! Fmilv Ind Vetsriunry ) w‘iï¬â€˜s‘ : g July_§r«1,'84-.1v. ' 2-ESTABLISHLD very Choice and ion Inv1ted. Pnopnm'rons 0r H) g I‘TOJ‘EY RN?“ â€"134: