-Restlessness, Morbid anxiety, and. a fretfludisposition are usually [net with in the dispcp‘tic. These mental indicia show how close is the connection between tee brain and the stomach. Their most roliflc cause. Dyspepsia, is a complaint or which Northrop J: Lyiiiaii's Vegeta- ble Discovery and Blood Purifier is used “1th llll\‘ill'ylll~_’ success. It also remedi- es Bilioiisiiess. Constipation, and Impur- ity of the blood. HORâ€" JEFFERSON. From Our Own Correspondent. Uui- Burin still continues dull. but I can scarcely take the weather as an ex- once this time, as it is everything that can be desired. Our streets are in a bad Condition, owing to the breaking up of the snow. therefore it is rather disagree- able for pedestrians. It is on every day occurrence to see some person moving to a new place of abode. Mr. C. \Vtiituey has gone to the second concession of King, and Mr. C. Creasor is to move into the Burgh this walk. Mr. John Graham has now occupied the lower Dominion House, and v ill open this week with an immense stock of the latest and choicest goods. We wish the proprietor every success. Our Burgh was thrown into n. staate of excitement last Wednesday morning over an alarm of ï¬re, which luckily turned out to be nothing more than a burning cliiui- iiey; therefore no serious damage was none, but some of the fair sex were COH- siderably excited. The bucket Brigade were promptly on hand but. 1 am glad to say their services were not required. Mr. Thus. Mortson left on Monday for Toronto to act as one ot the special jur- ors on the notorious Bribery Case. Mrs. James Mckenzie, of Kingliorn was in the Burgh last week visiting rela- tives. Miss 'I‘. Lque has been seriously ill, but “a are pleased to hear is on a fair way to recovery. _..,..._._. C. R. Hall, (irayville, Illinois, says: ‘I have sold at retail 156 bottles of Dr. Thonirs’ Eclectric Oil, guaranteeing ev- ery bottle. I must say I never sold .a meniciiie in my life that gave such uni- versul satisfaction. In my own case with a badly ulcerated throat, after a physi- cian penciliug i: for several days to no effect. the Eclectric Oil cured it in twen- ty-fonr hours, and in threatened croun in my children this winter, it never fail- rd to rclicve almost immediately.’ “NOTICE I Having sold out the business of Harness Mali. ing to Mr. Geo. McDonald, I hereby give notice that all my accounts must be paid on or before Friday, the let day of May next. All accounts not paid in before that time will be put in 0 Court for collection. H. B. DEWSBURY. Richmond Hill, April let. 1885. 404w. Mrs. A. Nelson. Brantford, writes: †I was a sntferer of Chronic Dyspepsia for clevun years. Always after eating, a burning sensation iii the stomach, at times very distressing, caused a drooping and languid feeling, which Would last for sev- eral hours after eating. I was recom- mended by Mr. PoppleWell, Chemist of our city, to try Northrop & Lyman’s Venerable Discovery and Dyspeptic Uure. and I am thankful to say that I have not been better for years. That burning sensation and languid feeling is all gone. and food does not be heavy on my stom- ach. Others of my family have used it Iith best results.†PRIVATE BOARD I A few Boarders can be accommodated at a private house. Apply at 38-4. THE LIBERAL Ofï¬ce. CJILENNOX I)ENTIST, arcade Buildings. Rooms A & B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth viithout pain, by means of VITALIZED AIR. Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. BEST SETS ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, - - $8.00 0N CELLULOID, â€" $10.00 I we no cheap material and warrant every set. l M FilIiug, and all other operations skiltuily performed, at moderate fees. 0;.“ and see me. No trouble to an- FOREALEI ' l A Firstâ€"Class BABINET URBAN I With the ModernImprovements, for sale I I May 15th. 1834.“ I? cheap. Enquire at WM. ATKINSON'S, “~11. cnciote House, .iichmoud Hill. Nelle to creditors. late of the of York. about the The creditors of Daniel Hartman. Township of Ynughnii. in tho (.ouiity Yeoman. doccased, who died on or Twenty-sixth day of February, A. D.. 1585, are hercby'iiotiticd in pursuancc of II. S. 0. (up. 10’] section 34. as amended by 40 Victoria Cup. 9, to send on or before the 15th Day of April. A. D.. imam post. pro-paid to George Roamaiii'lsquiro. (‘oncrird P.()..onc ojf tho Executors o! the do- ceased. their christlan and sitrnamcs, addresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims, a stutciiiotlt of their accounts, and the nature of the securitiestif aiiyi hold by thcin ; the said creditors are nlso notiï¬ed that upâ€" niediuti-ly after the said Fifteenth «lay of April. A.1).,lHl-li'i.the assets of the daccascd will be dis- trilnited amount-t tho partil-s entitled thcrcto, having, regard utily to the claims of which notice shall havo boon then received. and tho I-lxccutors Will not be liable for the assets or any part there- ot'so distributed to any peisoii Whose claim shall have not. bccii received at the time of the distribution of the said assctq, timmm“. IIFAMAN, Isui- 1». AMAN. Join: I). ltnAMAN. Lawrence & Millinnii. Solicitors for the Exccutors. Dated at Richmond Hill. this 13th day of March. A. D.. 1885. I» E xecutors. ran am i A Thoro’ Bred Durham Bull 2 years old, registered in tho B. A. Hard Book. For further particulars apply on Lot 13, 4th Con. Vaughan. liHâ€"iw J. R. CAMPBELL, Sherwood I’. 0. All persons indebted to the estate of the late Robert. Sivr'rs, of Richmond Hill, are notiï¬cd to scttlc their accounts on or before April 16th, 1885. ACCOllntF not settled by that date will be placed in court for collect- 10D 7 H ‘7†H. Sivnhn. MUSIC LESSONS I 0 MISS FLORI COULTER IS PREPARED TO GIVE LESSONS IN MUSIC. Feb. 11th, ‘85. Noticeuinissoiiiiin NOTlCE is hereby given that the partnership. carried on for some time past by the under- signed, under the firm name 01 H. SENDERSDN 85 SONS, Hus dissolved this 13th day ofJanuaryhy mutual cousent.â€"thc senior member of the ï¬rm retiring and that J. H & W. A. SANDERSDN is empowoicd to discharge and settle all debts to and by the said partnership. (Signed) }t_ SANDRRRON, J. H. SANDERSON, (Witness) W. A. Swunnsou E. Ssman. Parlnersiiy Notice. \Ve, the undersigned. have entered into partner- ship under the name and style of Sermonsko Bros. 9 And will continue on the old business carried on by the late ï¬rm of H. Sunourson & Sous. (Signed) J. H. Sanderson, W. A. Sanderson. N. B.â€"All parties indented to the late ï¬rm '0! H. Sanderson & Sons are hereby notiï¬ed that all accounts due must be settled on or before the let day of March, 1886, after which date they will be placed in our collector's hands for collection. lSigned) ‘ SANDERSON lines. Richmond Hill, Jan. 14th, 1885. For Sale or to Rent. That House and Lot on Richmond Street. For further particulars apply to 3U-8W. Mus. F.QUANTZ, Cashel. NORTHERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. Through Tickets to all points East and “'est, and Manitoba. For Tickets. Rates, &c., apply to ’I‘. DILWORTE, Agent N. & N. W. Rys., ROBERT QUINN, Richmond Hill. General Passenger Agent. Health isWealth “11.110. Wnsr's Nnnvn AND BRAIN TREATâ€" MiiN’r. a uunrautcud snot-inc tor Hysteria. Dizzi- ness Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headachc. Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakotulness. Mental Depression. Softening: of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery. decay and death. l’reuntture Old Age, Bui'renness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spcriuat- ori‘lioia caused by over-exertion of the briiin.self- abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. Suit) a box. or six boxes for $5.0L),I~ent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. ‘Ve Guarantee Six Boxes To cure any cake. with each ordcr received by us for six bottles accompanied with $5.00. we Will send the lllll'clltlflel‘ our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not oï¬ectn cure. Guarantees issued only by JoHN C. \\ Es'r & t 0.. 81 and 33 King St. East, Toronto. Ontario. MUSIC LESSONS. Miss Bailey is now preparâ€" ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence. oppo- . site Presbyterian Church. Eli! #:1143915- TORONTn Thursday.Aprll a, 1&6. Wheat. fall, per bushel ............. $0 80 to 81 , VVIIPILLP‘lll'ng, do. .. 0 $0 0 El Barley, do. 0 GO 0 66 outs, do. 0 39 0 4“) Pens. do 0 68 0 b0 Ityn. do. 0 56 O (‘lnvcr Seed, do. . . . . . . . , . . . . . Dressed hogspcr 100 lbs .. 5 75 6 00 Boot. fore quarters t 50 0 00 Beef, hind quarters. 6 50 8 Chickens, per pair ..... .. 0 60 6 la Ilttttlis, (lo. .... .. 0 R0 1 0‘ Home. each . . . . . . . 0 H0 1 10 Turkeys, each .. .. -- 1 00 2 W Butter, pound rolls . 0 20 ' 0 ‘12 Mutter, tub dairy .. 0 16 0 19 Eggs. front], per «102.. .. 0 15 I) 2‘] I’otirt.(ies,por ling ., ,. o 40 0 4:) Amilcs, pct- btil ......... . 1 00 1 75 onions, green. of bag . 1 00 - Cabbage ( o. .. 0 '25 0 4" (‘anlillower do. . . O 00 0 00 (,‘elci'y. do. 0 '15 0 5†’1‘urnips,per hug... . o 30 0 40 Carrots, do. . 0 44) it 50 Hay, per ton .. 8 (‘0 15 1:0 straw, [101‘ ton .. ... .6 00 9 (l0 RICHMOND HILL Thin-«lav April 2. 1886. nuts, pcr bushel ................ . 80 M 0 I51? l‘mis, do. ... .. .. 0 55 n no Dressed liorsmor 100 lb“ 6 75 6 ‘25: “Wifth ounrter ..... .. 5 00 6 no llcef. hiiidqiiai-ter . 7 50 8 50 Chickens. per pair . . . 0 50 0 W Ducks. do. 0 55 U or. (it-nee. ouch . 0 50 0 Mt 'l‘ui'kcys. per lb .. .. . . . . o 9 ll Butter. pound rolls . . . . . . 0 19 0 1" Rutter. lnruc rolls ,, 0 15 0 II‘. Enos, fresh. pcr dozen . 0 20 U 22 I'otiitoes. ]H'l‘ hag. . 0 30 (l to Aiiiilcs, iicr bbl . l 00 l 5' onions. urcen. per hush . . GS 75 (‘Iilibiiuo por doz. . 0 25 0 it) Coltâ€".i'v. do. . . . . 'Illl‘tillis,1)¢‘rl)ilg . ., (I 35 0 l-l (Inl'i'ots. do, . , t) IO 0 in) III-ans, Ilf‘l' peck , . ....... . 0 50 0 W Flour. siii'iiiu,]icr bbl . . . . Floiii'.foll.1icr bbl 3 75 4 “It Hoy.pcr toii 7 (in It I") straw. per ton Election: littlest I)URSI'ANT toScctimi 1H ol’ (“limiter 107 of tlic Itl-Viscd Statutes of tlio I’ror‘iiiro of 'l‘ tario: Notico is hereby L'in'll tlin.l.all cicditors niid otlici‘s having claiiiw autinst tho cstuto oi ADAM IIUI’ER'I‘, Into of Itluiilc. in tllt' 'I‘IVWllLlll' of Vaughan, in tho (Toiiiity of York iii the <ltlll l'rm‘inco. Geii'lcâ€" iiiuii. lll‘I't'Illst‘ll. nlio tlt'1Ilil'Il'Il this lifoo." oi about the 17th Tit-i-viiilicr. A l) lrwl. ni'o i'c-(iuirell to solid by 1nwt,1n‘opuid. Ut'fI' deliver to tho iiiillci‘~ siilncd agent for tho Fusi'utors under the but “'ill and ’l‘cstniiient. of tlm mid t1occii!~‘9.l,nii or beforc \Vé’llllï¬hilily, the eighth dun of April next. it statouiI-nt. containing Il‘l'il‘ witness and url- divest-s llllti the full litil'tlt‘llllll’S of their claims. and of the sccui‘ities (if “in! held by them ; Illltl that after the said data lust. aforesaid the said Excciitoi‘s’ will proceed to distribute the (merits of the said di-m-iised amongst the parties cntith-d tlici'oto, regard bein: had only to tho claims of \\’l.ll(‘ll notice has been given as ahovn required, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereot.to any person or per- sons of whose claims Iluilu‘e shall not. have been received by the said Exectitors at the time of such distribution. Dated at Maple in the Township of Vaughan aforesaid this tourth day of March. A. D.. 1865. Signed, .I. I’. RUPERT. Agent. for the Exocutors, Maple P. 0. TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- IIICIIMOND HILL. M In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I beg to re- mind them and the gent-rail public, that. having erected entirely new and Com- modious premises, I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING W I GO N S . Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own supervisc J. I am also prepared to do all kinds of black- sinitliing (lb repairing in the most work- maulike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Horse - Shoeing Paid special attention to. WM TRENCH. 36-5in Belg st! SPRING STOCK COMPLETE WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS, A LL I‘IINDS. SHIRTS & PANTS. 9. LARGE STOCK from 40m. up- HATS AMI) GAR}. SillTé-‘i MADE T0 DRDEII. ' In, (}I{()C 1918.133 .7 '. (ilassvvare, &o “’0 have a CHUIC l STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR J; FEED always on hand. 315 of which we “'1†sell as cheap for cu.in as any store on Ilicliinond Hill, keeping ï¬rst» classsi'um- , VWLUAMEI ~ High Arm Sewing Maching 15 now me- ognized as the SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD It is Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in mot'on. Plain and Simple to beam. 7 7; A .râ€"a DRESS GOODS, It is st.rumz..lumble and well built,0f the Vé‘l‘y best. niiitvrial that. money can buy, or skill pi'oducc. It. was nwardul ï¬ro mclbils and three first pines :i‘. the Dominion Exhibition init‘ October. It ia ropile suprrstding all the c‘d Ithlllflllt'tl llirkt‘H t-i‘cr) wliero. See it, try it..buy il.ami mete saw that you as! it. Sold by J. LUSH. ilChl’liODCl Hill. Dealer in Organs end Pianos. Terms Easy. STEELE BROS. 5!. 90.. SEED 86 PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO. SALT' 0 WE CAN NOW FURNISH Fl E BARREL SALT AT 0 E DOLLAR PER BARREL, â€"-â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€"- Finest Quality Dairy salt at $1.20 per Barrel, AT OUR WAREHOUSE. IVANTED IMMEDIATELY, Enema†éflLSJEE @720 mg SEEfl. All parties wishing to buy or sell Seeds or Choice Seed Grain ivill ï¬mi it to their advantage to call upon, or correspond with us. STEELE BROS, d; Co. N. B.â€"We are agents for the EMPIRE HORSE & CATTLE FOOD. Please send for Circular which Contains teatitntniuls from leading Feeders and Stock Raisers in the Proviiic i. It is equ- ally valuable for Stock of all kinds, Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs .lz Poultry. Dairy-men always ï¬nd it largely Increases quantity and quality of milk. SPRINGWHAS (JOIIEEGA’IN, THE PEOPEEâ€"T STORE! Wall H as on hand the largest new stock of Paper a: Bordering That has ever been in t‘us town, at from 5 to 75c. per roll. A large stock of 1 7 ' r i , r R .ADI MIXED I’AiIfN'I‘S, ALL COLORS. testy or use. White Lead,Oil.Paint,Turpentine 8c Whitewash Brushes All sizes. Full stock of Painter’s materials. less than Toronto prices. A large stock of FURNITURE. HARDWARE, CROCKERT and usual stock of GROCERIES Try our 25c. Tea. Ask for Sample. .c FEED WiLL BE SOLD A’I‘ BOTTOM PRICES. P. Gr S AVAGE. FLO U R WI ‘ 'tl‘ t 'tl' " . b - l‘.‘.l§‘.3&’i.‘l.“§§.nit“{3.31%}...“Rapistv.3; Central Bank of Waugh, book out. Beginners succeed urandly. None tail. Terms tr e. HALLETT BooK Co. Portland, n Maine. PRASIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, STUIIES. STUVES. â€"â€"oâ€" A NUMBER OF PARLOR 8011!. 060K STWES GOAL HEATING STUVES HAND SIEIGHS a. SKATES. For Sale at cost price, to clear out winter stock. A large stock of all kinds of Stoves, Tinware, Eaveâ€" troughing, &c., &C. Repairing promptly attended to. CHAS. MASON, Richmond llill. l-‘lâ€"lA'F’Sâ€"lm CE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIIIE orons “SKnEr’ Cod Liver Oil! 0 This {animus i3 'auml, PURE, Bl" .liIAN'I :nul :lllnos~l Taste- less. is lnr supt-rior to any other Norwegian (‘od Liver 0%] yet in- IL Chisholm, M, P. D.. H. P. Dwight. D. M. MM ’ donald, t‘. 15. ltolnnson. A. McLean huward. and J. Ginty. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. u-oducul. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, o ) , ; Deposits received and Intemstallowed thereon Imp rtLd “"1 hunled ("fly by at Current. Rates N ) notice of withdrawal , _ required. Drafts on all parts of Cunadenited he & , States and Great Britain, bought and sold. ' ‘ Ii 53L. Jules MI. Liswnniwlrt I for i l no.1 10 cents “lahï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ ii i" \ 'i‘l you free J II t‘ ‘ box (If \Â¥ï¬ A__‘ L. i 'i ll) the 7 A- ‘â€" ivu)‘ ofiualiiiiu o . i ‘- t‘vtii i'ou cvur thou ' i i 1 I ('up- in new a ‘ - v itiil not i‘cilul ~ and Kali-l ifsll'l ('dzilllgpoggiyb‘ work in son- 'I of | and by mail you w ~. truths ..\l‘>r o†I t" cu 1i. package I)! .3 rod“ (‘l‘lL‘ to >.»- Ibnt iflm’pe \‘uldc, [lint nill unit you iii wuk tlint" all who into in; Vi ill at oiict biinu You in nioiicy luster i n any llithb tin:- ..- are thin: ('lm' in .\lllt ricn. All at out tb 9i). ‘oon lll not woll mi’ ‘ tho pi tin-lit: I“ each box. A,:4.u:t< \\|l.llI i‘evervuhen‘ trouble oi . l:l- i!It‘lill1‘l‘l-t‘\,li1iillztElN.III-Iiull t' etiiiio or >1hlli't‘ rot-tunn- l‘l 'lllttly tliIiL‘ 'Iiili'. to \ii‘l‘k Ioi ii». M i) .l on N, hoiiim suiu totizo dclity, Fin tuiicx for all \iltl'lii'l\ ")\\x(,1“ My n<\\‘,]¢4i'l AtllllL‘n‘S hl‘th 1 Don't dclus. I'l HALLH‘I‘I‘ ol- ri'ru" l’nitlund.\|mm- I ~ - i