Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Apr 1885, p. 5

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Newmnl‘ket ........... Aurora. .. Kim: ............ Rmamoxn Hmnm Thornhill \Veston.... Dnven orb‘ Park! a ..... TORONTO. Queqn'b Wharf TORONTO. City Hall Umch Rmtlnn Brock Street Queen's Wth l’nrkdak) ..... D .wenport.. Weston Thnrnhlll, Run-mam) HILL. King, Aummmu . 'awmmrket .. Going Ahead. The “ Rapids " on Dufierin Avenue are just, at this time doing a “ rushing “ busi- ness. Tailoring Department. Mr. C. ’l‘revvtlmn, having opened in; Ileparununt in Rinhlnnud Hill, [NW-pared cu do all kinds of work in 'l'lnwe favruriug him with a call will lu ~l uf sutisfnciion. its he is kquu 13m gins: wvrbmuu. Cunnects with El] tmim, leaving «be Palmer House. Richmonl Hill. as fulans: Mail a Ex n‘ess.Nortb & South. 8.00 a. m. Accommo Minn " “ 11.45 " Expreas, North.,.. .5 15 p. m. Mm], 503%.... 13.30 " . . . . . . -\\\\\.. ‘Until furthds‘ notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Eilllboat Oflice as follows:â€" Moafimatâ€"Gnma North. soulh, East and \Vest. includinu 'I‘hnrnhm. Maple. Toronto, Murl(hum.&c\ 7.45 EVENING :â€"â€"Goina somhflnat and West (M N\ B»â€"Regi:9terea'Letyters must he handed in n: least [fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for olgsina. A__ Rmmumn HILL, Thursday. April 9. ’85 Just as we go to press. an official despatch has arrived stating that war has been de- clared between Exuland and Russia. If our nutediluvian village street Inspector dun‘t luok alive, he will baxdlv be able to survive this flood. Lots of Fresh Eggs at the Con- crete House for Easter. Wilson's mill dam requires close watching; the pent. up waters seem enremely anxious to find their level. “ Mark " lbw. New Meat Market. Eli-Councillor Hopper. with his usual go- a-headitivaness, has bought the residence of Mrs. Harrington and is making arrangements for the erection of a Central Meat Market. The nobbiest stock of Ties shown on the Hill Chap Cash House. PRUCTOR‘S STAGE LINE. \Iew Tweeds at The Cheap Cash House. Wanted. A girl (-0 learn the tnilnrmg business want- ed immediately. Apply to C. Tuvmmx, Richmond Hill. Ladies; we are showing thig week the finest range of Prints in new styles of patterns which we have ever shown. Call and see them at The Cheap Cash House. Gents' Suits made to order at A. Moodies‘. Try our 30 cent Tea. The best value on the Hill at The Cheap Cash House. Best \Vinceys and Lybster Shirt- ings at A. Moodies‘. A very deninhle property in the vinuge of Pine Grove, is ofivmd for sale on easy te{m1 The lot contains 2% acres, on which are 21."- ated first-class bui dings. See ad. The next weekly teachers' meeting for the study of the lesson, will be held on Friday 7.30, at the residence of Mr. Glass. If the water is not soon let off the streets in the " North-west" of our town,l.he Indians uni Halfbreeds in those teuitories will soon be in rebellion. The pas-.poned meeting of the Fire-brigade Mllhe held in the Lorne Hull to-mm‘mw (iliday) evering. Among other business will he the r» vision 0! the By-Laws. Try our 25 up to 80 cent Tea, at Alex. Moodles‘. Elie @ihrrul. Try the Canned Tomatoes sold at The Concrete. 3 Cans for 55 centfi. Fine new Bosma Prunes at Alex Moodles’, fii‘ock Street .. Umrm Station CW9 HAIL. .. ‘ POST OFFICE NOTICE Fire-Brigade Meeting. Beware the Flood above! Weekly Meetings GOING NORTH MM]. A v.45 on 9.53 Attend to duty. GOING War Declared For Sale. Sec to It. 8.07 8.13 $.20 .830 BA!) “.02 0.2‘) 03‘.‘ 9,28 1000 10.07 10.15 0.02 .9.” 9.21 9.3.") 9.43 9. u) l TEE FY, Postmaster SOUTH ACCom 12m 12 05 12.16 'Accmn. Mil}! 121m 11.40 11.65 1218 12.32 12.48 1M! 12, 1.13 Hats and is at The to bub a tailor- ls now his line. get the 6.39 6.57 (3.07 um (M1! 0% ml 0.43 1.02 7.12 #50 8.07 B 15 MB 7.: 7.43 6.15 For good fresh garden seeds go to The Concrete House. The Aurora "Banner." Last Wrek the Aurora Banner came out in a new form and new dress. It now has eight pages, and presents a much ueater appear- ance than formerly. being something of the style of ll]:1 LIDEFAL. We are glad to see our northern contemporaries advancing. Flour and Feed at the lowest cash price at Alex. Moodies‘. Again Heard from. The Rnpid City Standard, Mauitobnpomas to hand under n new management. Mr. Jus. Widemau, one of our village boys, is propri- etor and editor. It. is Conservative in poli- tics, but an earnest. advocate of Manitoba rigbts‘ and is a great improvement on any previoUs Issue. We M31) friend Wideman success in his nPw enterprise. Teachera‘ Library. The 033001“; of the Methodist Sabbath School have commenced the formation of a 'l‘euchers‘ Library. Donations of books, hislnricul‘ biographicnl or miscellaneous from friends r-f Ihe nehonl will be thankfully re- ceived at THE LIBERAL oflica. or by Wm. Harrison, Superinteudnnc. Try the Salmon sold at The Con~ Grete, '2 Cans for 25 cents. Canned Fruits, Fish, 820. at low- est prices on the Hill at The Cheap Cash House. West York Lic:nsc Commissioners. As will be seen ty advertisement. on another page. the License Commissioners for West York Will meet in lha Cuurt House. 'l‘oronlo,0u Friday, April 24th. fnl‘ the pur- pose of considering applications for the en. suing year. Tlmre has been only one new applicant for a license, which is in Pm‘kdaler Thiarmnkes for Taverns ~12. and shops 6 For a nobby suit 0t Clothes either ready made or made to order, go to the Concrete. Judging from appearances at present, we are in for u backward Spring. The lakes on all sides of us contain a greater thickness of ice than has been known for a number of years, which will have a tendency to keep the atmosphere cold for some time to come. Notwithstanding all this. there are other signs which go lo show that spring is ap- proaching. Seven tramps were locked up in a room in our village, one night last week. an organ grinder has been in town, and we are now anxiously waiting for the first Robin. Total 48 For stylish Millinery go [0 The Concrete House. New Harness Shop. As will be seen by Ad. in another column, Mr. Geo. McDonald has commenced the harness making business in Mr. Dewsbury‘n uld stand. Mr. McDonald has been one of our citizens foranumber of years, during which time his character and integrity have been unquestionable.and as he has the repu- tation of being one of the best workmen iu the County, we have every fnith in him suc- ceeding in his new undertaking. nt great expeunezâ€"Mrs. Caldwell, Toronto, lending Soprano of Canada; Mrs. Adnmson, Violinist, graduate of Leipsic Conservatory, Germany; Mr. Sims Richards. universally ncknowledged the best Tenor in Toronto; Mr. Kelly, CollingwoodBnritono. will once more delighta Riulnnnnd Hill audience with his awe. t {mixing and Guitar nocmupanimentfi. Mr. J. D. Ken-risen. from Schonl of Art and Music, 'l'orunto, uoc'mpauisl. for the PVell- mg. This will undoubneuly be the twat uf tlm sensnn, as neither trouble nnr rxpvnm will be BPNBd to make it. u bucuun‘. l‘l‘u- l mm tall appeu lab: on. The Ladies of the Presbj Leriau church in- tend givnug the grandest mue‘cal festival ever held here, in the auditorium nl tlwir church, on the evening of May 25th. The folluwing noted talent has been secured nt great expeuxezâ€"Mrs. Caldwell, Toronto, lending Soprano of Canada; Mrs. Adnmson, Uniform Promotion Exams. The North York Uniform Promotion Ex- nmiuutions will be held in the differ-1.13t school sections in the northern Innpt ctomte of York on Friday, April 10. (to~mnrmw). it is proposed by the Central Committee that faltersou and Onrrvi‘le pupils meet. at Rich- mond Hill. If this arrangement cannot be satisfactorily made. Misa Sprugge, Principal hrru. will take charge of Patterson schom, Mr. Niclwils will go to Cmrville, and Mr, Bassiugthwaite will name to Richmond Hill. Miss Rutherford, Mrs. Wiley and Mina Uruickslmnk will mm as arranged by the Local board. Patterson Items. Mud in abundance : but mud is a prophecy of Spring and dry ground, so the Lacrosse Club here held a meeting Thursday evening last, for the purpose of rev-organization. John D. Patterson was elected President, F. McBrien. Vice-President, A. 8. Patterson. Secy. (S: Treasurer. R. Blnir, Captain ; Com- mittee,J. Tully. J. Adams, J, C. Wrigle The Club is stronger in numbers and players than formerly, and ought to make a. record this season. It. is the iuthtion to join the Associationâ€"Con. Temperance Meeting. Revs. W. R. Barker. and J. W. Cameron having arranged to hold Monthly Temper- ance meetings alternately in their respective churches. the first. of the series was held on Monday evening last in the Methodist church. There was a good attendance at this first meeting. Mr. Barker occupied the clmir, and made a few remarks in relation to the Work. The other speaker-3 Were Revs. M. Fawcet. of Maple. and J. W. Cameron. The nexL meeling will be held on the first Monday eveninp in May, when several speak- ers will have been secured to give addressee. A magnificent stock of Gents' Felt Hats at The Concrete, extra value. The new Spring Dress Goods now showing at The Cheap Cash House far exceed anything we have yet offered; latest designs in Plaids and Brocades for combinations; also full ranges in black and colored Cash- meies, Silks. &c. Presbyterian Concert A late Spring s at present, we .8. The lakes on eater thickness of for a number of ndency to keep Grand Display of Winter Good: Rich Mantle Velvets, Rich Dress Velvets, Rich Mantle Plushes, Rich Dress Flushes. ULSTERS, DOLMANS, COATS and CAPES Rich Black Silks, Rich Colored Silks, Rich Dress Satins, Rich Dress Goods. We beg to call special attention to our display of MILLINERY, which is very Choice am Attractive, and worthy of the attention of the most fastidious. Inspection Invited. PAINTS, OILS, HARDWARE! WILKINS’ BROS 166 King Street East, PETLEY MECHANICS’ IxNDERE‘Vfi-‘o’ 511»? mm fizzzwz: I flafififiifl $fia®®% FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I Gzrld Filling, and all other operations skilfqlly Rel-formed, gt: mnderfife fees Fight Building East. only #H‘Uen of the lots; Am lhchmund Street HAIR-CUTTING A SPECIALTY BERT. ANDREWS. Prop. 0N RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID, I use nn cheap material and warrant every set. Call z-m-d see me. Nu tumble to an- swer questions. C. P. LENNOX DEN'FIST, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use at H urd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain. by means of Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. GLASS, PUTTY, &C. 4BUILDERS’P ARTIFICIAL TEETH UIWING NETS 1’(’) I& SAIJI C '.’ Ladxes‘ Tweed ULSTERS from $1.50 to $13.50. Ladies’ Cloth DOLMANS from $2.50 to $45.00. Ladies Fur CAPES. 23 4-‘93 BEST SETS TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. -â€"IS THE PLACE FOR A~â€"- VITALIZED AIR. â€"â€"â€"â€"AND Near George Street, Toronto. {note for sale on Genera Stree 1311,15 per cent. down for pick )Two New Houses. Brooms, on D“. L NGSTAFF During our Great Winter Sale we are offering astonishing value in our Mantle Department. ‘IN THE 128 TO 132 KING STREET EAST, TOR ONTO. Mew 15th. 1884.-1V â€" $10.00 New Dress Goods New Cashmeres *‘ Silks 8c Satins New Velvets and Brocades New M a 11 t1 e Cloths New Ginghams & Cambrics New Prints and Sateens New Jerseys “ Lace Cur- tains New Cretonnes “ Table Linens “ Table covers “ Table napkins “ Quilts Our stock has all been bought at the Fountain Head of Production,on the best terms,and is offered to our customers at the smallest living profit, tor CASH only. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES.‘ seml six cents in post- ugn mm receive free. u. costly lmxuf go“ a whir‘h I willhelp all, u? either sex to unmu umney right nun) tlmn nuytlling else in this wnrlq Furfuuc‘. uwmt the Workers nlnsulutelv mum. At once address [RUE dc Co Auauw. Maine. J. M. HAMILTON, CHARLES DONAD 8s 00., 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON, E C.. Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merâ€" chants, and Shippers, With a. View to Autumn and Spring business. Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. TO HAND. 184 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. {Showing To-Day. New Milliner “ Jackets “ Kid Gloves “ Silk Llsle Gloves New Corsets “ Ribbons “ Laces “ lFies “ Handkerchiefs “ Embroideries “ Underwear “ Parasols “ Parasol covers 167, King St. East, Toronto, MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSH|RE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN PLWJER, dnr Special attention given to the “rover propar atious of Fumilv and Vetexinury xeceims. J uly 3rd. 'Béâ€"lv. HughMILLER Man 18-12 CHEMISTS 8L DRUGGISTS: ESTABLISELED 4842 ‘ry’ Pnornm'rom 09â€"â€"

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