Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Apr 1885, p. 8

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Orders by Mail promptly attended to and forwarded to any addms free of postage ATTENTION ! The number of License: issued during the current year areâ€" Tavern, 41 ; shop, 6 ; total, 47. The numhpr of applications for License for the ensuing year areâ€" Tavern, 42 ; shop. 6 ; total, 48. New Applicant.â€"W. H. Ray, for Tavern License for premises on 001-. Queen and Duflerin Sts.. Pnrkdale. NEAT FITTING ! Dated this 9th day of April, 1885. A NEW AND FASHIONABLE TAILOHING ESTABLISHMENT Besides working for the Merchants, I will keep on hand a fine as- sortment of Patterns. ROUTE BILLS The Board of License Commissioners for West- York will meet for considering Appli- cations for Licenses on Friday. April 24th, 1885, RICHMOND HILL, PRINTED AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE. OOUHT HOUSE, TORONTO. Chas. Trevethan. License District of West York. T0 HORSEMEN ! PUBLIB NUTIBE! A good chuice nf CUTS, for Draught General Purpose or Light. Horses. Repairing promptly attended G93); McDonald, RICHMOND HILL. Trunks, Valises. Horse Fur- nishings and all goods in our line constantly kept on hand Recently vacated by Mr. H. B. Dewsbury. I am now pre- pared to make all kinds of Harness in First-Class Style. HARNESS EMPORIUM, TO THE PUBLIG I Having commenced business in the Leave your orders at once. Every attention paid to “gm: $dvmistmmts. JUST OPENED IN At. 10 o'clock a £11., in the AND GET YOUR ROBERT WILLCOUK, Inspector, Richview P. O. A few Boarders can be adhommodated at a private house. Apply a‘t 38-4. Tn anxm Ofiioe. Having sold out $116 business or Harness Mak- ing to Mr. Geo. McDonald, [hereby give notice that all my accounts must be paid on or before Friday, the 156 day of wa next. All accounts not paid in before that time will be put into Conn (or collection. Richmond Hill. April lat. 1885‘ PRIVATE BOARD '! 141 Yonge Street, Toronto SANDERSOH 8: SONS, Has dissolved this 13L!) «my annnuury.hy mutual causallyâ€"the senior member of the firm retiring and that J. H & W. A. SANDEHSON TO GIVE LESSONS IN MUSIC. Feb. 11th, '85. ()TICE is hereby given that. the partnership carried on for some time past by the under- signed, under the firm name of 1s empowex ed to discharge and settle all debts to and by the sand partnership. (Witness) E. Smnmm Richmond Hill, J an. 14th, 1885 That House and Lot on Richmond Street. For furthe :- particulars app) ' to 363w. as. F. QUANTZ, Cashel. (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jeweflry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED As REPRFSENIED. E M. Morphy 2-5- 82 MISS FLORA COUL'I‘ER IS PREPARED V ' J. H. Samuelson, W. A‘ Sundersnn. N. B.â€"All parties indebted to the late firm of H. Sanderson 6: Sons are hembv notified that. all amounts due must be settled on or before the lat (lay of Mum-h, 1885, after which date they will be nlaced in our collector’s hands for collection. (Signed) _ u GAINET URBAN I All persons indebted to the eatnte o! the late Robert. Sivers, of Richmond Hill, are notified to Settle their accounts on or before April 16111, 1885. Account? not. settled by um date will be placed in court for collect.- ion. We, the undersigned. have entered into partner- ship under the name and style of SflWQEESQW 31:05. 9 For Sale r to Rent. - ft; i‘urtfiéFimrticilEs apply on Lot 13, 4N1 Con. Vaughan. 38-4w J. B. CAMPBELL, Sherwood P. O. Notice of issolutinn And will continue on the old business carried on by the late firm 01H. Sanccrson & Sons. (Signed) _ 2 years old. registeljedflz the I}. A. flerduBoglg A Thoro’ Bred Durham Bull M USIC LESSONS! E. M. MORPHY 1885,hy ost [Ire-paid to George Reamen,Esquire, Concor P. 0.. one oi’ the Executors oi the de- caused. their christian and surnames. addresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their claims. a. statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any! held by them : the said creditors are also notified that im- medietrly after the said Fifteenth day of April, A. D., 1885, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed amongst the e) ties entitled thereto, having regard only to t e claims of which notice shall have been then received, and the Executors will nnt be liable for the assets or any part there- of so distributed to any peisnn whose claim shall have not been received at the time of the distribution of the said assets. GEORGE REAMAN, IsAAc BFAMAN. I» Executors. JOHN D. REAMAN. Partnership Notice. Lawrence & Millimm, Solicitors for the Executora. Dated at Richmond Hill, this 13th day of March A. D., 1885. FOR SALE 1 The creditors of Daniel Batman. late of the Township of Vaughan. m the County of York, Yeomandacease ,who died on or about the Twenty-sixthday ofFebruary, A. D.. 1885, are hereby notified in pursuance of B. s. 0. Cap. 10'? section 84, as amended by 46 Victoria. Cap. 9. to send on or before the 15th Day of April. A. Notice to creditors. With the Modern Improvements, for sale cheap. Enquire at FOR SALE 3 34-4w 314-“ NOTICE ! NOTICE ! cncrete House. Richmond Hill A First-Class (Signed) WM. ATKINSON'S, H_ Smmmsox, J. H. SANDERSON, W. A. SANDEII34)N H. B. DE WSBURY 85. 404W. SANDERSON lines. H. Slums. 38-4w 1'] [SS CAM ERON is prepared to give instruction to paprier iannglinh branches '7 Scho‘bl to open on Monday" March 2nd, 1885. Miss Bailey is now prepar- ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence. oppo- site Presbyterian Church. Private Lessons. To cure any case. With each order received by us for six bottles, accompanied with 55.00, we will send the Durchaser our written guarantee to refund the money i! the treatment does not efi‘ecm cure. Guarantees issued only by Joan C. WEST & 00.. 81 and 83 King St. East. Toronto. Ontario. “a. E. C. WEsT's NERVE AND BRAIN Truanâ€" MENT, a guaranteed sveciflc for Hysteria, Dizzi- ness, Cunvulsxons. Fits. Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Depression. Soitenmg of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Burrenuess. Loss of Power in either sex,Involuncu.ry Lusnea and Spermat- orrhwa caused b over-exertion of the brain,self- abuse or overâ€"int ulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $i.00 u. box, or six boxes for $5.00,sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. 'ZQZE’ LIEEQJZL. ' 81.00 IN ADVANGE. MUSIC LESSONS. Both liglitand heavv. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own super-vim ). I am also prepared to do all kinds ‘1’ black smithmg d- repairing in the must work- manlike manner, an the shortest native, and on the most reasonable terms. In returning thanks to my numerous friends fur their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years, I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modiuus premises, I am enabled to qnpply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Health is Wealth That valuable property owned by the late Levi Snider, m the Village of Pine Grove, consisting of a large and handsome Frame Dwelling and alone Outhouse, on the north side of Gamble St. ; also a stable. driving- bouse and 2; acres on the south side of said street. Price very moderate and terms easy. Apply to TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- oats. per bushel Pans, do. Dressed hogumer 100 lbs Beef. fore quarter ..... Beef, hindquartcr Chickens. per pair . Ducks, do. Geese. each ........ Turkevs.perlh .. Butter, {mund rolls” Butter, urge rolls Euvs. fresh, per dozen Potatoes, per bag“ Apples, per bbln onions. green, per Cnbhuqe. per doz. Celery, do. ’Iumipa, per bag Carrots, do. Beans, per peck .... Flour. sprinfl, per hblv. Flour, full,per bbl .. Hay. per ton ..... straw. per ton , Cutters, PLATFORM * SPRING W A G 0 N S. TORONTO Thursday April 9‘ Wheat.fa.ll.per bushel s Wheat,spring, do. . Barley, do. oats, do, Pens. do. Rye. do. Clover Seed. do. Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs Beef, fore quarters Beef, hind quarters Chickens, per pair . Ducks, do. - Geese, each . . A . . . Turkeys, each Butter, pound rolls Butter, tub dairy Eggs, fresh, per doz. Potatoes, per bag . Apples, per [ml ....... onions. green,per bag Cobb a do. . Cnuli ower do. Celery, do, '1‘umips,per bug“. Carrots. do. . Hay. per ton straw, per ton , Horse - Shoeing lflcmroyn VHIV'LL Thursdav April q We Guarantee Slx Boxes Acting Executor, Woodbridge P. O. Feb. 19th, '85. Paid special attention to. \VM TRENCH. 3R SALE. RICHMOND HILL. Eu: Markets. Sleighs and GEORGE ELLIOTT. an 55 000 wwwmmmmw 000100001 u." 1100 wmmmmmm 0000089 1. 75 0 05 wwmmmwwm 11200001 60 (i0 Kenmfih Campbell &. Co, I for working ople. send 10 cents postage, an we will mail vou tree ’ a 1-0 ml, valuabln sample box of goo sthut will pus 70:: in the way of making more money in a few days than vou ever thought possible at any business. Cap- ital not requlred. You can live at home and work in spare timv only, or all the time. All 0! both sexes.ol all ages. gmmfly successlul. 50 cents to 55 easily earned every evening. That ullwhn wont work may test the business. we make chisunonmlle‘led ofl'er: To all who are not. well satisfied we will sand 31 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars. di- rections etc.,sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure tothose who start at once. Don's delay. Addxesn meson a 00.. Portland Maine. This famous Brand, PURE. BRILLIANT and nllllosl Taste- less. is tar superior to any other Norwegian Cod Liver Oil yet In- troduced. more money than at anvthing else by taking unagenoy for the best selling bookont. Beginners succeed gruudly. None [1y]: Terms free. HALLETTBOOK 00.. Fenland, Mnlne‘ Cod Liver Oil! Wall Paper 85 Bordering That. has ever been In his town. at from 5 to 75c. oer roll. A larue sun-.1 THE PEOPLE’S STORE! White Lead,Oil\Paint‘Turpentine 8c Whitewash Brushes FURNITURE, HARDWARE, CROCKERT and usual stock of GROCERIES Try our 250. Tea. Ask for Sample. FLpUR & FEED WILL BE SOLD A’l‘ BOTTOM PRICES. READY MIXED PAINTS, ALL COLORS \Ve have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR & FEED always on hand. all of which we will he” as cheap for cash as any store on Richmond HLII, keeping first.- ALEX_ MOODIE. In (}R()CEJRIES. Glaangaro, &o British Flag Staff ! IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS, ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 6c PANTS. 3, LARGE STOCK from 400ts. up. HATS AND GAPS. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. SPRING STOCK COMPLETE Imported and bottled only by THE NEW WILLIAMS! All sizes. Full stock of Painter’s materials. less than Toronto prices. A large stock of “SKREV’ Alsike, Bokhard, Early 80 Large Late. Lucerne White Dutch and Trefoil Clouers. For Alternate Husbandry,Permanent Pastures and Meadows, we make this a. Special Fea- ture in our Agricultural Seed Department. Mixtures pre ared for anv Soil or Purpose. N one but 1; e finest variety used. Don't fail to try them. ' Finest varieties of Turnip, Carrot and Mange] Seeds of unexcelled quality. Please don't omit a call whuu in the city. Orchard. Kentucky Blue, Red Top, Perennial and Italian Rye, Timothy, &c., «Soc. SEED WHEAT, OATS, BARLEYl PEAS. TARES, &C. SEED 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & jARVIS STS., TORONTO. STEELE BROS. & 00.. SPRING HAS COME AGAIN MONTREAL. GRASS MIXTURES ! CLOVER SEEDS ! SEED GRAINS I Has on hand the largest new stock of Wis town, at from 5 to 750. per roll GRASSES Ready for use. A full line of AND P. G. SAVAGE. Deposits received and Inu‘rescfllowad shaman at. Current Rates NJ notice 0! withdra“ I) requirod. Drafts on all parts of Canada, Unit-d States and Gram Bn'uin, bought and sold. in presents given mnv. send us 5 nentn [)OSMLEV. and by mail vou will get ; tree a package of g00~ls 0 range value. that. will start van in work chm. will 3.1. once bring you in money luster than nnv thing else in America. All about the in presents in each box. Agents wnnwl 9‘ ervwhere of either sex, of All was. far A" the time, or spare time only, to work {or us at their own homes, Fortuuel for all workers absolumlv assured Don't delnvl H. HALLle & 00.. Portlandluiua K. Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac dunnld, C. B. Robinson, A, McLean Howard. and 'J. Ginty. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIR, WEE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS Central Bank of Canada. It 15 Light and Easy to run. Silcnx and rapid in motion. Plain and Snmple to Learm It is rtrong,.1umble and well built,nt the very best material that. money can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded five medals and three first prizes a: the Domtnion Exhibition inst October. It in. mpidlv superseding all the old fashioned makes even where. See it, try il,aud make sure that. you get it. Suld by J. LUSH, High Arm Sewing Maching 15 now rec- ognized as the A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and PIBDOE. Terms Easy. JAMES M. LAWRENCE. A large Stuâ€"ck of "Ilaflt‘l‘.

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