Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1885, p. 1

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LAW MONEY Sol KICDIUULHI Hi‘l. Richmor Toronto Wm M $1 00.000 \V Lioney to Loan < Jnio. W est 2.19121 Veter Calla: Dw Cream A 13.: Vi tuh' Will tav f THURSDAY EVENING {HE UBERAL PRmTI MUHMOND Hl Mamba M‘BII l’hr: DR. Officel' Add C113 Itde VOL. VII. 7} - 3M per annum, m advance.] G. H. Hlfifilbfllid. [ >1“, P T AMEN”?! WEE}; BUSINI VIEJQLIZ 31% ‘ @312 gamma: Dr. 1:11:19: GEflEBG FBI“. ‘3' ICHN Dr. 6|I1‘. Hustle. Honey to '“li of ‘fii’iuuru 561': 1% l INFON I 1ND IIU MaMfiH’ON and E‘ROPRIETOR. M 71mm! A. Robinson ALD, MERRITT 5: CO v Loan buimiu a Toto Fl] SSS CARDS. t 14 Building & Loan 5 Toronto Street. ‘46 & PUBLISHING HOUSE LL. â€" - ONTARIO. .I. “'il-on irnu- Funds to ‘, Conveyance: xii 6412143“ 3 ry Public Lnnzitnfl 1-ST. EAST! St fill lT'i‘. .1! aagfilafl. d in his. office, New except “ham Sum: ~Rear of the Saturdays. T CURRENT RATES (ball. ONT Lend (m farm or 61113.; no commie- apply profesaiauall my of each mouth fl (ESTA l“ l“: t mte M.( CLIE um» 'MYT Ontur fl. 33(3) ,0C ers, &c.. utl mg direct to M“ mom}; surges JODBRIDGE M ‘f E). VLISAN. ua Ont ntu ain. ‘nto‘ Animals 50 n. m mffvil] Hour up; route en ts Ont Mi: ed to or 01 MISS FLORK COL TO (HVE LE.“ Stat \HTSI M USIC {111 PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN‘ Central Bank ofi FIRSTâ€"CLASS RUPERT‘S EXPR Importer of Wutrhos 21. stock of Diamonds on hand. THIRD l)( STREET, TORONT mflu Sales attenried on the shortest notii‘rerfanr abe rates. Address Stuufl'vxlle I‘. O THE DOMINION HOUSE, NORTHERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. Funeral Fun ulshings Always on "and Benji. Issuer of Marriage Licenses “ALL, FIILLAR'i‘ON a: (300“. mmusmxs. SULII‘I’I‘ORS. m, OFFICES: la KING STREET EAsT, Tnmm'to‘ Richmond Hill 1’. 0. Every Saturday. \V. M. HALL' Rom 1d at Thr T) M) SAVING fltl A. WRIGHT & S UNDERTAKERS. dnt [It I“; 11H ' Express 1 given to m General Passer L Di and G ,uitulu VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. ial lcfPRrVATE 1man To tom. ‘5; JAM ES H. Li “WRENCH, Money to loan nn mm: security Richmond Hill ‘lm, M Richmond Hill Branch B11 Au r‘ A. ALLEN, Cashier. Brillingt-r, Propricm Sn lom Ec‘kardl. nabe rate if ‘r isrtllanruufi. L. '.L'.!1£J:'J.t" I , NOTARY PUBLIC 35:, ‘ble rat anch 1'. Stokes. RICHMOND HILL tinne S. NI. Brown. .l . \V :1 ch ESS UNE & LIVERY STABLES SIDE oer for the )IREC T0 RS m wedâ€" a, large st A large stoc kaht on hand Armstrong: RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL 16. 1885 ‘r for the County of York 8 shortest not.ive,am1 at r68. FULLARTON. V\'. ()001 ads ultV us and friende 9.11 anh 6;, 010011: and fine jaw m1 pJ‘m-inussmnes n mmemiui Travellers “In Essenlials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in AND n- the County bf York, re- }- [gatrmmger and friendly nt points East Lots. Rates, <§ DILwouTH m N. r“: N. W VICTORIA SQUARF 8.111 pre] Imodat stlers. H on 11116 shortest n P, 0. address, Kin L‘SOUTH 0F c Ls-‘Mwmufmrtm~ fwutches and cl ESSONS I" Dwight. D. M. Mm son, A. McLean ‘I' & SON, an Ient RICHMOND HILI ; (‘mmtv of York, re- ermge and friendly n the shortest notice 0. Address, Hm Gmty ll] e (‘mmtis Special nun 11d furniture 6:0. IST umptly att hh‘nss, UNIO'NVILLI tau allowed the n withdn Sample R 00111: )d livery in con llffl‘fi! Canada, W. Ry s‘, hm and H V1115; ‘fnew goods Elgin and n1 furr 1 We lent tice ish (In 1] iats )ft Snwder.” to get hnmes. and like the same to “ human natnr ” that The Sunday reading hec lesn. and war news bccnm places are supplied with 5 class, the loudth kind of a cltxu umn umn :szer eulxmm of debasiug and rewrds of immorality a which Noun-Limes would shame Guzclh’. DH'Ine authority tel}: six days shaft thou lubur uhd d¢ wulk, leaving none for the Sal: On t1 newspaper became a. permch tiou. There are now publisht ank 58 Sunday editions, P 46, Illinois 31. Ohio 20, Cu] Indumn. and Genrgia 19 each, numbers in other States of the man. were are now published In New ank 58 Sunday editions, Pennsylvania 46, Illinois 31, OlllU 20, California ‘13, Indiana. and Genrgia 19 each, and lesser numbers in other States of the Union, or, according to Rnwell's NeWspapei Di- rectory, 456 Sunday papers. In seven States the average circulation nf the Sun- day editions is over 60 per cent. of the daily editions, or an average of a Sunday paper to every other house. A few papers like the New York Tri- bune protested against their advent, but cumuelled by circumstances and the aid- vantage (hey gave to rivals, they yielded to the general pressure, so that now a. paper not issued every day 0f the year is an exception, and not the rule. That those newspaper men who are ilelihernte violaters uf the earliest law on the Divine Statute Book are not the best guardians of public morality is evident Hi) the face of so~culled Sunday papers. As arule ‘hey Commence with a sufileieut modicum of religious reading to act like San) Slick. the Yankee clock pmhllzu's one “011M think that Hm mum mznjnrify of those who cuutrnl [not a has latinu mum ter he Ilmrhlity by les veneratmn that. for the Sabbath Inrue uurpnratio h we can Is the 1 Rebx To the Editor of the LIBERAL: SIR,â€"â€"~[ll reference to the discussion now going on between members of the press as to the advisability of issuing Sunday papers, we think thwe is much truth In the remark madu by some one that, the step just taken by an uflice in Toronto 13 but th - rhm end of a. wedge. press as Sunday truth In that, the 1841, m Sundav HI \Vh-‘ltt Itive power. That those who are in- ‘vsted in the gallant defende of our nth-\Vcst ahnuld recuive on!“ unquali- L1 sympathy and that. the latest war The L‘urnnto has been referred to by i as (me of thu must law abiding this Continent, and when it get: liquur t‘rinkmg fanilities, it wil war news, was rash impetus wa nu,qu notwith: a tranmtnry exl: HS ltur :) thumands who Wlll make it the ex- fur nun~nttemiauce at church. e first :ntemps to publish a Sunday 1‘ 0:1 the other slde of the line was in but that and many successors died .uml death-the public sentiment .gaiust themâ€"~th in the war of the llion the very plea now put forward, ly, the popular demand for the lat- Sunday Newspapers. th ("he me ,7 paper mwer. in the (it nit thou VT nth clean “I epers zu‘e gond advertising are made to cater to the 1f business men and stock mm share of wishyqvashy s for the rest of their fami day issues are generally xll upheave and destroy ssening the respect and ; we, as a people. entertain 1,01ace in the hands of .ms and mum'ed institu- rto rob the Working man at, and supply an attract- IDUIH [lg become-.3 less and , bccnlning scat-Ce. their i with sensational urtiâ€" ind of advertising. ex- degeneruting into on]- urged as an excuse, lS given to the cxrcu. standing their adnptmu >ediency, the Sunday a. permanent institu- uw published in New :ditinns, Pennsvlvania be tun readily ies and tnw ns. the plea. fur my making: ame hum that they mr uhd do all thy ,‘tlle Sabbath, but. elm motto (If the 0 cuutrnl Sunday ur Al mum! artist ltman'a sup .1 our gmu fnl enJuvnu gas, but 1! thmn )‘BIX page iuh‘in all th ' as pussibkx nit, but the on dries up n-pathy scum mansion, don't eye to busi- d advertising cater to the Subbamtl W I ' (It Issuing re is much y some one an uflice in ‘Lll -U( Call“ uruut Sume- s an :1. Sum ‘ertisements sensational I hmmture and CI imev e a Police is us that In all thy an! lulu Ulnl‘ fhcy Must. stay there. less and )st ‘ccr, y tour- 2 cities ts rid of in Luke. seven- :xd ver- DE ii .Hd nt )at 11 W1 thé mg 0|] [and tn the extent. of 2,000 Square miles. These large farms are not. farms here, but Stations, and the owner is not. a farmer, but (I do nut know the origin of the term) it. squatter. Nearly all the land is devoted Lu sheep and cattle raising. One station 0mm {dads 200,000 or 300,000 bheep owned by one man. I am firmly Cunvinced that there is no more money in Australia. than in Canada, but it. is not nearly so evenly distributed. While thuusnuds are rolling in wealth and luxury. them an: thousands the cmwdmg Lugcther in stead. of ulllug the Soil. tans vile-third of tne w uf Vlctunu. The land 3; detrimental effect on ch lniulug town. A person smudin slight, e’evutiun can count scm‘um In fact It. is the greatest gold min triut in Austrnllu. Some of tht are yiclmns Immenser now, whi are doing nothing. Same of tin are more than 2,000 feet; beluw I Look a. trip down a mine one C the mull‘teons manager took pains plain the funuzttiun Hi the dilfere there seen, and told me that z Like Americans, the Australians scuicely utter a. sentence wiihout i slang expressions, some of which are inelegant, and others very Sliggestivt being diflel‘ent tn the turns used There them, edi mr Uanaclu, but 1t. 13 m distributed. While in wealth and luxnr again in abject puvc The city of Saudi] file Llw pet oil. people. The temperance people he not nearly so strong as in Canada, Will be along time before Tump‘ Acts will be passed here as they are m Canada. Dunk and gambling at indulng in to u. very great extent the evil effects are already noticuut The names of manv places her stru fr! m] W A Sundaw mama and bk as a Vehicle latinn all ki A Sundaw paper creates its own de- mand and becomes popular with the mass as a vehicle uf guasxp To will its circn latinn all kirds of facililT i "'1" be Ht 1 zed and many men wed. (In: =rz'i‘lishment alone in New York issues 4.000.000 pages every Sunda", WW": mnuclcring editor- ial and press work, caninw- :wnd distribu- tion, involves a. vast amount. of lutor for some person, and cunseqnently a sad amount of Sabbath breaking. Should the Sunday paper becmne a popular and a permanent instnnniun in this young and growing Dominion it, will necessitatg SJnâ€" (lav trains Sunday trains will soon be adopted for Sunday excursions, so that instead «If the Sabbath being a day of lest. one lmlf of our people will be toiling fur the pn fit and amusement of the other half. We think that the best cure for the bite of a serpent is to kill the serpent pefnre it bites. bourue; It Sells for twape is alum-st. all Auslrnlmn, v grams appeanng in the c eunut of me great, dlstanc The edlturml c.)lu1uns up} and labored; fur a. long I in doubt. as to what Lhe w at; a person reads them i [ll the CL again The norm nnnus. There have started and sunk to feet, then Abandone son to tumble in an Sandhursb, (nigh), although containing latiou, has, I feel sa every Sundnv, \v'vi‘ y r‘r‘ ial and press work, can tiou, involves a. vast am some person. and con mg country; sums of m have a. large circulation. feel Drond of the circulatic [Hall or Star, but. the Age runs up to 55.000da11y an runs up to 5.‘ penny. The In the Coluu ous mcKs an a Dnnaay morning We could hardly expect the printer to re- prove the barber for his Sabbath break- ing propensities. If it is right for the printer and the barber, it ought to be right for the merchant and the mechanic, Elastic consciences will soon avail them- selves of the opportunity, and the ulti- mathin will be a. general disrespect for the Sabbath and a. telemtion of its des- ecrarinn. WM. HARRISON Richmond Hill, April 15th, 1885. ous lacks an a Sunday could hardly expect the ()ue It rad i n ‘seen, and told me that although yielding noching scarcely, he ex- d in about two weeks to “ strike or something better than oil. A of 1,000 oz. 3. week is given by some 5. There have been many \nims ;d and sunk to the depth of ‘20 or 30 {CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK.) stralia is a great newspaper sup )untry; sums of the dailies ruu(:y dlstrxc u the extent. large turms are not. Karma 11 IS, and the owner is not. a do nut know the m-igul u. squatter. Nearly all the (1 Lu sheep and cattle raisin he ire rend mr Indi pp 3, d Australia Letter all filings, Charity.” m, but Decal nothing spicy, nce the lendxu ilguct puvulty. y of Sandhurst, about 100 miles Melbourne, is esselmgxlly a. gold l becum1 cie of w (I y incr, L New Yo Ida". \v' at, 55.UOO (lady and is sold for a me best. paper I have yet seen uies 13 the Argus of Mel- sells for tWUpeucc. The news 1 Austrnlmn, very few cable- Ink to the depth of 20 01‘ 30 mdoned and left for a. per- ) in an a dark night. miginally called Bendigo, aiming about 35,000 pnpll- feel satisfied, mice as many route, \viLh over 100,000 temperance people here are strong as in Canada, and it time before Tmnpemnce l ‘u. very great extent, um: s are already noticeable. er many places here are fined and are almost as musi l of he whula population The land system here has a by but. very few. Mute uf thu Australians is nether into the cities in- Lhe Suil. Melbourne con‘ m names uly ore 00100. \V; rent newspaper support. me of the dailies here Ilatinu. \Ve Canadians at Lhe ‘ 3 them becaus .xllahallo, columns on ac- ncu from England. )pear to me heavy mule a person 18 writeria driving not because he :9 he ought to. 'acy and fresh in articles Ausualiaus can without using yf which are very oue day and )k pains to ex- difi‘erenf skmta. that although vu‘cely, he ex- mums 0t mules. 1d mining dis- Jf the mines N, while others of the shafts aeluw smface. nuft 01‘ m ‘ettlement MeleIrne tance on spate are bad; ‘emora. 0WD 21nd the We ll] I Miht FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I HAIR~GUTTING A SPECIAL?! |1ic bre ; hm ing her that her dear nne Bad fallen rebel's rifle on the Northâ€"West ] We“ might. Gladstone say that tl cursed drink “ produces the con evils nf war. pestilence and famine, the Duke of Albany “ Drink, â€"the terrible enemy England has to feat in Canada toâ€"dny and times rather thunderâ€"bolt. flas ing her that her ( Mr. Juhn Glancy of Elgin Mills has left; for anoum where he intends re~ nmiuiug tor the summer. “I‘m lessen mortality and stop the in roads of disease. use Northrop & Ly mau‘ Vege'able Discovery and DvspepticCure For :13! diseases arising from impure l>lmw such as pimples. hllltclie‘l, biliousnesa in this medicine fnl ed many remedi one that has dul' Igan We send an the North-\Ve hearts we m ANDRE WW Suez mum f’flfié 01; I iafifimfl WK: -â€"-â€"IS THE PLACE FOR Auâ€" Namaka, on C Ill Supplied by the \V. C. 1‘. Union. Richmond Hill. tonne writh TEMPERANCE ITEMS A TEETOTAL LECTURE. There is danger in the glass. Beware lest it euslnves. They who have dralued it. find,alasl Too often early graves. It sparkles to allure with its rich ruby light. There is no antidote or care, only its course to fight. It changes men to brutes; Makes wnmen bow their heads; Fills homes with anguish, wants. disputes, and takes from children bread. Then dash the glass away and flee ; drink )8 f1 50nd Mr )llrllt 7V8 send our boys to fight the rebels in : North-“’est; “ith loving hands and LHS we make them ready tor the ruey; we provide for their comfort far as we can; and then sanction and mse a more cruel foe than the Half- eds to attack thruse that are left be- d. The rum curse is a. thousand-fold 788 than the war curse. How many a. aping parent has seen a. loved and low child, a bright and manly bov trans- I‘l inn, 1450., etc,,it ha Snnich, Elm, write itoa [In 1nd there BERT. AND ERE‘VS.' Prop. [Single copies, 3 cts an 5. Phillips of Saginaw city Miclh n a visit with his relatives at let-e Is no weeping mother day, who would not a. thous- ther bare her buxom to th»: flashed along the wires, tell- her dear nne had fallen by He m the Northâ€"VVesh plains. 3ladstoue say that the ac~ “ produces the combined pestilence and famine,” and JEFFERSON and family have left for e in the West, and Mr. has moved into the Burgh; bath success in their new USS He II] at pure cold water day and walk footstool free var curse. How many ms seen a. loved and It It and manly boy trar led carcas and g0 dm 1, writes: “1 am Dyspepsia. Ilmw s, but this is the it has no N THE mm my ARTHUR MITCHELL at are left be- a. thousand-fold I. How many a a. loved and low Ianly boy trans- ;s and go down g to a. drunkurd's weeping mother ould not. a. thous- r bnsom to th»: nu the wirasA he‘l- M ichigan 52 SON UP} 116 3 me,” and â€"the only fear.” King

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