Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1885, p. 5

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TUI K'u Th men the ( Hill ma Spade “’0 a I p ttr at 1'9 'l‘hB fir: dressnm ing Lil prices white su B. A. bu] ll). cans Apples : rip POST WDS )m The Crd lOLatl Th Stan Alp n be 1S ‘ulc 1t 1f atw TUE u M lll HI at ljt TIME TABLE. min ’ctfey 1m]: H1 lll ll .111 It, th di t1) wool ca: ‘th \-Vall House 1t nt 1nd 4 lbs Concrete ‘f$\\\‘3§ Ell‘ll styles be moderate uflmcuu ‘cretary 311 TM the mom 1rm l‘1( 1rpets "II libb ith 111 the 3.115 lbs. ‘em the in Those wishing mm will bear in mind that for Leslie (it Sun, uud citizen of Richmond Palmer House n'uxu the 2% this month with samples. chance fur pmsnns doxh'nns tins firm is giving excellent Ad. The clnsées will Normal School, man 1 miuut The Concrete tnk tra value in Te‘ )Iendid frggrant 13 r one dollar worth ncuordunce mm. the W151] or it wus decided that umnufuctl Implements, such as Rehpers, are. SLruwcumers, Jae. wuuld exhini; the” manufactures by ticket of nmmbm‘ship, but. 1 should bu given for such exhit hrou 1H Hag The [an .luc .1u rtuue it 1 ific mnunte it 1:10 ough the mud to DJE tour: of Re 1ft! 1'1)“ and the the L H ll] ‘9 Council .nt 10 a‘ 11y in th lull '11 Trees. toes LIV tnu chflt tlx ess than a week fr f the fight at Duel} him in Free Drawing Cla ILIJC urmnemems for that dzl‘ ll‘r‘fllfly rev u.” mt U) ! \Vm. Fire Br 311 0‘ Fire in Newmarket Agricultural Meetmg m the 1x wf this oi Canadian Enterpri 11:11) a Week from L110 Markham C was Lruusacbed meet aL the call 11h and me Voll HUNTING ANI ug made, and Judge the different deepurl with the wish of 53 ed that umnufucturz-l' confirmed. 0L .lded by Mr. J. mld the Annual towu outbuaiuii Richmond ociety was 21y eveuin [Etlu break. The illustx‘ntlm md are printed in Links rm and clvur, and um lll mmiLL q'them mum send 1 uz Hm [I an old and respected Hill. will be M the le 20L!) tn the 25th of nles. This is a. good hum of purchasing, as at Jt. [up the of the ry, Mr kl 21321!) Jlmut, :Llle 11111 mnmental tre 30m day of Mn but. that ‘h exhimcs :Lml Um L Trees uionvx ubers ouncxl Skv 1‘ln {h Hill Ou mow J. Palm 1-11 lJI necer th ‘keLches of HI] N am Id in The the meet c meetiu ut seiz‘ [mm ll'l Uauudmn ar- vlwu the ‘10le 18 considered. M ulr HZ golu‘ Lllw M ,umumc Hum 14D p11 n eWers, and lent of the m. of Statute plumiuglfiy- [‘he Jnrl u‘t. Lllp ut fir )[ 3161 1H “All lulu 1n )u th wars, allow Mu has of m ibis them the ILLUS B.l'l 1H of the After Jdunm HUI) nLU ‘P xups ‘ of Mr. “it was Muuduy inted tu :1 L11 mtuu m ,\I Luli ist was pormut 0 press. upurture w 801.11 :rewibu, the en- )1], the. whicu nd och. ll) lLI JuLh Apx'i aUUL pups: Jbliua pines ‘1 l) m \V ('l't th )l‘DE ‘HJ Di are Tub St ,p- In The National Ammeur Lacrosse tlou of Cuuadn. met in Mman on April 10th. There was a. large amen delegates. about alxty in all bemg There were twa sessions, one in th noon, at which the only business dc the reCeiving of the credentials of d and of the uppliuntious of clubs and of the u members of L‘ into in. The mneling, whic meeting, which began at 8 o‘cloc' not end until half-past two in LL The first matter of importance \‘ of amendments, proposed by Mr 0! the “ Tornutos,” which oomph ed the conditions under which L1: ship of first-class clubs is now 114 forth the first-class clubs W111 ph league games, and the club whic obtained the greatest number nf the close of the season shall he obtained the greates the close of the seas champions until the “ Thistle was Mr. Canndi u the eastern m western. Mr tr Sul will l Pl) iHughMLLER Mm, the task wring :1 viuluut rmusdy hr Unust: lhlinusness and Digeatlnu It 15! vddpfell m the wants and lvlnyslc pwraments 0f delicate females as wure. robust sex.um1 is a fine px the For disease as well as remedy “REEâ€"a“ ume her 5 Jurroll whw‘ fi‘alconbrid 'l'he fru: 10L Ln dos liseuse. This l'ummm Brand. PUSH-2, “It! I. IAN'I‘ and :Illuos: 'l‘nsno- loss. is “11' superior [0 any oaht‘r NIH'\V¢';:I:III (‘ml Liver Oil 3m in- Iroduccd. Cod Liver Oil! 31- th ‘t Lo compel mships to fl Kenneth Campbell 89 Cog, MONTREAL. 1n the head, from which I In stantly suffered, until after hm Dr. 'I‘homas’ Eclectric Oil for n bathing the head &c., when I pleter cured. and have only us bottle” the 1t CHEMISTS 8L DRUGGISTS. 167, King St, East, Toronto, mun» L‘Llilh 1; wk nut. H (all. ’. Maine Is there anvhin; mun havng yuur (,‘orns tram there anything wore deli;- tiug rid of them? H0110“ WI“ do w. MILLER‘S TICK DESTROYER. YORKSHIRE CATTLE I CHINESE GAIN Wurma (muse fewer and x'exuessuess (luriu; Gruvea’ V‘Vurlu Extermil m and ti “'51:! H111, H Huuucs I'll sermon ap be preacn‘ 1y advocated of the “ Ont: Sperm] attention given t. ms of Familv uud Veteril M}. I {ll The duly )trmluced ‘ : true Philmnphy >(103H fur symplnl ae. Nurt‘hrop J; I very and DVspept l Purifier. has pm wk, It is a. In st Lacrosse Association Ilupprtcd and bul.tltâ€"‘d 2-E5MBLIS‘EED 'l‘hi l. Des Rucln-rs, writes: “l‘nirteeu with a severe ut- July PERSONALS arroll UH nus free Tina M ch the only business done was ; of the creueutiuls of delegates, uppliuntious of clubs not yet the Associdnmi for admission a real Work was dune in the night ich began at 8 o’clock, and did il half-pust two in the morning. itter of importance was a series ants, proposed by Mr. Hamilton 'ontos,” which comyletely Chung- itions under which the champion- -class clubs is now held. ance- 'st-clnss clubs Will play a. series (if is, and the club which slmll have a greatest number at victories by the season shall be considered until the cluce of tie folluwing iis year eighteen mittches will be )8 only other important amend- iluced by Mr. Mnnning. of the s,“ of Brampton, hml fur its ob- pel all holders of district chum- u furnish a ground 140 yds. lung, mi, and as level as a table. The mime, which was aimed directly ung Canadians " of this place,wns ivncated by Messrs. Rose and 10 “ OntariOS," and Craig of the ’ of Fergus. Opposed to them “FIFE lâ€"I'Tl'T‘ In 11D Ha}! mdi Mm, am Sumla an Ho 3311., Sh Hopper was sdny mornin »,which caus‘ ‘ll he-Lvily 0n wed profuse] stimeV nnd a inful. we an 3rd. "84â€"h: 11 1y 7U] DEATHS p.11 ll 111116 ally in l‘nirteeu ye; veru attack mu which ,until aftcl :lectric Oil f )‘k wa mt'dy f will In that PRIETORS OF Apr ate t1) mu mt the \ LII V fr drivin hi th Ul‘ FEEDER, DEN POWDER. dif Arthnbnsknvill Ill uh I nearly 1' havng xe proper prepur v recmpts. unnying than md uunnl Is ; present the nf ter alter lone dale mdmissi thin rhcum Ludl y “HIE MIC upnu than 3mm 2hr Iti mnanu w ate hltlf I842 T} an th use day l‘fililh at th um JPRICES AT PETLEY’S. EVE Cure In 1H1 u! get- Ill iiNew Prints and; I Sateens New éerseys . “ Lace Gur- Stylish VVell-Mzuh made) ( Fine Scotch made) < West bupem Cloths New Ginghams ‘ Cambrics PETLEY ($5 PETLE T9 HAND. New Dress Goods New Cashmeres 50V “‘ Silks & Satins New Velvets and Brocades New E51" 2 tains New Cretonms “ Table Linens “ Table covers “ Table napkias “ Qufits me Worsted UV ings, only 3151 inc All W001 Tx only $15. ine' Black Enin Our stock has all bccn lmught at the Fountain llczul (1 l’roduction,on the best termmand 15 ullbrcd to our customer at the smallest living plofit, tor CASH only. J. M. HAMILTQN, me All W 001 1 we< ine \Vorsted Over( at Petlev's. Mats, KING ST. EAST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET, tof Englam made) nnly S mor b‘me 1w111 W orst: made) only $18. 3’ Twced Suits, very no $2.;o and $2.40 per SL All W ted Overcoats, to order, in all the newest col et< 18.4: YONGE STREET, TOE ONTO. )nlv ted burs, ‘ Suits, to ( d Suits, to nlv $10 wee< $15. will \Vorsted Suits, Nobb§ antle 11 W0 Suits, warranted all pure Wool, WEE mts or (.10( )at ) order buns, pint lé sted Su1t OI‘( in all the newe suIt. uits,, newest c 3r. at fro at from 1 . at from 1G10ves _ [New Corsets i “ Ribbons style New Millinery “ Jackets “ Kid Gloves )( order Showing” H d Stron )m ‘33 fies Handkerchiefs Embroideries Undérwe ax 1:21.888 Earasois Parasol covers Silk Llsle ldy very nobby styl 9c. and IOC. pe OlOI‘lI’] made) at wee( Styles, ~qellm Tabl 43C Sul a. d

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