Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Apr 1885, p. 8

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cHi W PEHEQ W 1,000 Cords ofl’ime. TENDERSEUR WOOD] Tl I‘l PALMER HOUSE, EIGEMQW’Q JILL, FROM THE 20th till the 25th of April. ZCé’IZS Emit & mamenial â€"ANDâ€" â€" FINEST STOCK Markham, April 13th, 188: TREES T TREES I LARGEST and descriptions. v. claims, a. statement nature of the secur the said creditors mediately after the 1885,by post pre-pmd to D Thornhill P. 0‘ one of the Ct-used. their christian and 23rd Day of May, herolfi section A RT H U R , C( “VAN . Ia te U! ml 1885, w1th 01 Fruit Notice to creditors. elumere, 111a ril 16th 500 (‘ords Mixed ofier THE CREDITORS OF Below Catalo V. April 24th 1n n 34, as amen‘de m or before the Our District 10 11m? girlvrrtisnnmts. g and leavin orders wxll l) lowed a ( 11'] Wit \VE HAVE THE the 11 t1 NFLâ€"Incl: a 111., in the ' A new, TORONTO. WILKINS’BROS Of the 1'1 5K 1d it ER CENT.i CHRISTI} ristian and sm' 5. the full pm lent of then" a auntiesm any) in pply H JAM} r. ML LESLIE & SON )un at Toronto St HUI a, which we now the :11? A. 17., 11111103 of R. S. by 46 Victoria WE! ‘licitl mrties call- ing their be al- )w pr rill ' be dis TH .s nu, West York nto Nurserles, Executors sum am e. pm‘ticuhn M S301] “’ood. nece {all} mm. at l'lC( JR )I’l ’luri n Jame April 'X'Ollt I‘mes. Esquire, 31‘s of the de- 123, addresses xlm‘s of their nuts, and the ml by them; fled that im- rf May. A. D., 1885, kmds Executors ii‘sm'b Iaving Will utors 4v ‘slmn [166 King Street East GLASS. PUTTY, &C. <13UILDERS’.’> ‘AND‘ MEGHANCS’ MW“! PAINTS, OILS, 141 Yonge Street, Toronto (40 Years Established) For good and Cheap VVatch- es, Clocks, Jewellry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENIED. E M. Morphy ‘24:- 8‘2 Chas. Trevethan. FOR SA LE l NEAT TAILORING E8 ATTENTION I RICHMOND HILL. Sesxdes workmg I will keep 0 sortment Repairing promptly attended to. Geo. McDonald, Trunks, Valises. Horse Fur- nishings and all goods in our line constantly kept on hand Recently vacated by Mr. H. B. Dewsbury. 1 am now pre- pared to make all kinds of Harness in First-Class Stvle. HARNESS EMPGBIUM, Having commenced business in the [gum T THE PUUG I lith 1:] Chen; A NE\V AND FASHIONABLE M. MORPHY -eave VOUI RICHMOND HILL JUST OPENED IN verv TOOLS. 1t 5M!!! r of May that, till A1< list, 181 1} 3' §'§7TING 'l‘ 0 je Strc TALESHMENT II. ers at once \us'i‘AFE nterns ment J59 ill DE \VSBI Harm ilk Merchants fine as- All [‘wrunh in Jul IHil M [11‘ 0N RUBBER, 0N CELLULOID Has the e) Hm‘d’a New without pain DENTIST, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, Up-Stair-s. Hmolutcly n {Lbsollltulv Augusta, M That furthc r A‘RTH“ Far Saie or 1 Rent. $200,000 smitlmug db repairing munlike- unmm r, on and on the most ream Cutters, having mndio supply Phaetons, Buggies, . Carriages, PLATFORM _ SPRING WAGUNS. n In friem the 1. min IIorse CARRIAGE WORKS: Wheat Wheat Barley BEST .P. LENNOX VITALIZH] AIR. RICHMOND HILL exclusive right for the use of w Method of extracting teeth in, by means of ‘nnoNTn Thursday, April 16 1.“, per bushel .. “SC all work H. HALLE A1 _HI_LL Thursdnv Apn‘l lt‘ per 100 lb rter.. Eh: “Markets. U!) + At Sleighs and} ll] up]ny Mr y own snpervisr I. I am do all kinds f black- ring in the must walk- un the shortest notice, reasonable terms. - Shoeing rial attention 10, \"M TRENCII. in presents given uwny. svml us 5 cents postage. and by mail you will get free: a. package) of goods all start you in work that n in money faster than JIHV It. All about the $200,000 in . Agvnts \\ mum everywhere 2cm, fur all thutime, urrpure ’1' us nt their own lmmes‘ nrk 1's nbsnlutely asaln'ed “'M 'I‘EKENFII. 100 “'8 in Ittentinn h» ‘end six cents in 1' 5, and receive he #51}: box of goods \v] lhelp 8,1], uf on, m‘my than (myth cs await the work ,ddress I'ILUE & ( I‘lFllCt F- QUANTZ, Cushel LlJOllt the $200 5 waune’] ever) all the time, u their own I absolutely as I to my numernns | patronage during years, Ibex tn re- humnd Street. d and harm TS mil :elv nsmred rtlundJUuine $0 9; $8.00 $10.00 mbled 40 00 U0 00 ll] [READY MIXED PA [NTS 1t 4( ()0 White Lead.Oi1 All sizes. Full Just received son to call ar order on the ‘20 40 I would take this opDortunity of informing lam carrying on the Boot and Shoe Busin stand. I would direct your special attent and splendid stock of 41 9‘4 n to call and inspect my goods. der on the shortest notice by fir C2111 early and leave your orders We have a CHOICE STOCK and FR of which we will wll as cheap fur casl: class goods. That In (£131 )0 h 9 13,112 LL KINDS. SHIRTS & PANTS. 9. LARGE; STOCK from 40< HATS MD MP3. suns M15335 Ti) @3553. DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS SPRING STGCK COMPLETE British Hag: Stafl! NITUI S1’I{IN (6} IRIPORTi‘L’J @iflflfiffififi HIKE; ‘Ol 4‘ ,\i/ )OB ER THE NEW W'ELL S PR For Alternate Husbandryfc and Meadows, we make t ture in our Agricultural Mixtures prepared for anv l\' one but the finest varie to try them. .55 3 Ol'chard.‘K_en_t>ucky Blue, Re‘ Alsike SEED WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY, PEAS. TARES SEED 8c PRODUCE ME COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS me HARDWAI {ING varieties of 'l'urni} alilv. Please dun }RASS MIXTU REE and It CLOVER , Bokhard, Early <83 Large White Dutch and Trefoi] I” SEED GRAINS 3 lll ordial invitation is e}, alian R VILI GRASSES H A S r cash as any Hf Carrot and BI omit a. call w} ALEX. M Af ANDâ€" u” lin 3.56., 6&13ss EhH. FLOUR 1?,er COM 1*] tit '13; High Arm Sewi US QB??? SEE: 1mothy Itlsl 10 ET. SEWING M‘ It Boots VK Al Ill RES in EAMS WOOLLEN GOODS 8D artm TOR BIVE lasy to mn. irapid in motion Eurpo Don’t; I U Mac} OED ONTO. Joel‘ne LORS, tur anial :ry per made t( he lied e to Learn &C. ms and lar 1mm :1 IERICD. th 0‘" TEC hat old ‘Lll nd. all 2 first- he it, get it. three

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