géymm r Unt.‘ two: this'icinus & Surgeons Yourze Street. Richm B 00 10 a..m.,5t08 1x 111. Dr. new“ Members (Mlvue P! {tillage} Tommi). Dlseases of all the Domesticated Animals mm“ ï¬rst}; lo. touffville U Mmrklmm . . . . . .‘mth :10. ~71cmriu Square . 2lst do. I‘horuhilln ‘. ..Z3rd do. Woodbridge "28‘ 11 do. Kleinburg .. ,2ch do Uobloton “ .......... 30th 0 anzed Axr always on hand at appoint‘tnenh. Works like a, charm Free from 1min. Address A BOBINFON L.D.S..AuronuOnt. Yam-may surge matedV manner: .L‘llcmkful for the favors a lmy s‘ill bemusulted in a): fusion, as follows; tat-urn, 13%, 89h, 164511. and aiwmand Hill ...... 9th and (at the Palmer House Meflqlist Tim nt .. . lat Monday of each month Unionville.. ..9th and flat. " ‘ 0V Baton Maple ,. ..16th “ “ Richmond Hill . .lflth ' “ Woodbridge ........ . 2nd Mr. Husband W11. be found in his“ oï¬ice, New- ‘Dn Brook, every Suturdnw oxoeyt when Sam- uav falls on the above dates. Wul visit the following places professionale :â€" Ala-go amouup of Money to Lend on farm or th property mlmrest7 percent; no commis- 'SIOIL LAWRENCE 89 MIELIGAN, 1m. GEORGE LAN(;§1‘AI“F, ‘ 'IHORNHILL. ONT. mun-am of Toronto l'niversih‘. 11. C. PVRS A Loan on Form Property 111 tel-est m Imy ufl Moltgages building, draining. or other and Municiual Debentures Farmers will save money Money to Loan §l00.000 ol Privnm Fundsrlo Barristers, Solicitors, Cameyancers, 566., Toronto OFï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building 8: Loan Chambers. N3. 15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES BARRISTE H-AT-LA W5 Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, 860 TORONTO. pADVICE FREE TO CLIENTS urnutn G‘ Ofï¬ce an Ofl'me Ht (mice hours E. 3% $1 per annum, in advance. VOL.VII. Farmers will save money B3} applymg direct to E. R. REYNOLDS, 52 Adelaide 82., Bust, Toronto. or to T. F. MCMAHON, Editor of LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. .. G. F. LAWRENCE. NOSE MACDONALD, MERRITT a CO BUSINESS CARDS. failicflifétl . G. H. Husband. L. D. 8., DENTIST, Fl fllï¬ :1 L‘l EDITOR ma PROPREETOR. College Physicians RICHMOND HILI Dr. “H J Dr. (lrr. Maple. Money [0 Loan. â€" 8m AVENUE F. HEWIT'IN USED 133' Dr. A. Robinson. ‘. MGMAHDN :1 mos Lu was“! I] mt iuior: Loan builuin a Toronto SURGEON DE NTIST a, Graduate of Ontario Vet Quentin. ‘h. and ï¬nd 9th and 24th 35mm. Brutal. ‘perty at loyv-egt NEWTON BROOK AND TTTFLQ'T' â€"L)n( ors of the past 20 years in any branch of the pro- ivmsih'. Mcn brr ('0 Ont..(labe of Stouï¬viile 1nd Hill. Oï¬ice Hours “’ilsml. Ln “as: n (I. at mgbe purppse -ST. EAST T. C. MILLIGAN. 5111' ON of club month (In. \Voommma: utl‘ rates of in- rrabes or for s. Mortgages n. m HALL, mm. BARRISTER OFFICES: 18 KIN \V. M. HAL] General sales of stock. etc to at reasonable rates. P. Importer oantchcs. clocks and ï¬ne jowpllery u. stock of Diamonds and precioun stones always on hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, TORONTO. ls'MnnufacturinE of jewellery, [mud repairinaofwutches and clocks on the premises,a specialtv Thanking: our patronsnud friendsfor then-lib- emhmtrnnagc iL the past we beg to state that we have just. ret‘eived a. large stock afnew goods in Invest designs. A large stock or Elgin and Wnltbum wutcheskevt onhuud. Licensed Auctioneer {or the Countv of York, re- spectfully salinits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales amended on the shortest notice and at reasonablemtes. P. 0. Address, Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. Licensed Auctloneer 'for the County 0! York, re- spectfully shlicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. Y. 0. address, King. Lmensed Auctioneer for the ï¬ounmy‘ 02 York Sales attended on the shortest Mean (1 at reu‘ abe rates. Address Stouflvme P. 0 UN DE BTA KB RS, Funeral Fulmehings Always on “mill THE DOMINION HOUSE, Havingy reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it. in ï¬rst-class style; I am prepared to give the public the bust of acwmmodntxnn. Excellent stabliug and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nectiun. Terms 51 Der (luv. Du.in Express to Toronto. Special aiteutiun given 00 moving household furniture. pianos, &c., ac. Richmond Hill Bonj. Brllllnger. Proprietor. RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE a [IVERY STABLES. FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Special Rates to Commerciai Travellers Li'DOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL‘ Through Tickets (.0 all point»: East and “'esb, and Manitoba. For Tickets, Rates. &c.. apply to '1‘. mmwon'rn. Agent N415: N. \V. 11315., NORTHERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. Central Bank af Canada†K. Chisholm, M.P.P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mac douuld, C. B. Robinson. A‘ McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, WEE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. Deposits received and Interestallowed thereon at Current Rates No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on all parts of Canada, United states and Gram Britain, boughc uud suld. TO GIVE LESSONS IN MUSKC Feb. 111.11. ‘85. MISS FLORA COULTER IS PREPARED MUSIC LESSONS! Miss Bailey is now prepar- ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence. oppo~ site Presbyterian Church. MUSIC LESSONS. ROBERT QUINN, General Passenger Agent. A. WRIGHT 8c SON, Ri SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Au JAMES M. LA‘VRENCE, sali‘m Brknrdt. Hï¬iï¬rrllanwus. mun: FUNDS 1‘0 LOAN. 1!. N. J. Armslrn-z. James 1‘. Stokes. Richmond Hill Branch A A. ALLEN, Cashier. TLLAR'I‘ON & 1700K, TERS, S( )LICITOBS. 61c. Klsn STREET EAST. TonoNTo. :1 Hill I‘. 0. Every Saturday. J. S‘ FflLLARTON. “H COOK. S. NI. Brown. .l. “ï¬n-hes. neer for the Counties of Ymk . Goods sold on consignment. stock. eta. In‘omptly attended rates. P. 0. address. U NIONV‘ILLE. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL ‘23. 1885 DIRECTORS “In Essentials, Unity; .4711 Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†Richmond Hill NI unnat- r. (Special correspondence to THE LnumAL.) The heirs of the Lawrence-Townley Estate held a meeting at. the oflice of Mr. A. L. Willst A? Sun, Arcade, Toronto, on the 14th inst. Among those present were A. L. \Villson, Esq., Mrs. John Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sackman, Mrs. John \Villson, Mr. and Mrs. \Vm, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wooding- tun,Mr. and Mrs. J..A. Sturgeon Stewart, Mrs. J. \V. Lawrence, Mrs. R. Skmner, Miss DouglasmMiss Lawrence and nthers. Mrs. J. \V. Lawrence, Mrs. R. Skinner, Miss DouglasmMiss Lawrence and others. After the appointment of a chairman and secretary, many important records were submitted to the meeting, in which the ancestry ot the Lawrence fumin was traced back to the time of the Crusades, when Rnhert, Luvrence went to the Holy Land with Richard Cneur (1e Linn, and so dlstinguishetl himself by deeds of valor ut Acre and Jerusalem that in 1191 he was knighted. Ashton Hall, near Man- chester, of historic record, together with much of the land on which that city is built,belunged to the estate ofSir Richard Lawrence, a descendant of Sir Robert. John Lawrence married Mary Towniey, daughter of Lord Tuwnley, of 'I‘uwnley Hall, against. her Euther’s wishes, and came to America. and was lost trace of. At the death of her mother. whu was the only daughter 01 Lord Widringtnn, she inherited her grandfather’s astute. Also on the death of her brother John Tuwn- ley, who had married Lady Standish, they leaving Iiu heirs, she inherited the immense nLundish estate. Her sister At the (tenth of her mother. who was the only daughter at Lord Widnngtnn, she inherited her grandfather’s estate. Also on the death ut her brother Juhn Tuwn- ley, who had married Lady Standish, they leaving no hell‘s, she inherited the immense :‘mndish estate. Her sister Doruthy nmrried Lord Eflinghaui, and they died Without heirs, therefore this estate also reverting to her. Thus it will be seen that four immense estates, v1z., the 'l‘uwnley estate proper, the Widring- ton estate, the Standish estate, and the Etï¬nghmn estate, were concentrated in one. of whan Mary Townley Lawrence was the sole heir. 0f the marriage of John Lawrence and Mary 'l‘ownley there were two sons bum, John and Jonathan, the former of w hum died in infancy. The latter settled near Boston, but under Governor Shirley tor valuable services he was. made a grant of 500 acres uf land in Nova Scotia, whence he removed about "the middle of thb‘last century, and from thence his descendants renamed to Upper I Canadaï¬ettiing in the vicitity of 'l‘uruutu. This inmmuse estate. has fus more than a century been in the hands of the Eng- lish Government, awaiting hairs, and has accumulated to an incredible sum,vurmus l_v eutiuiated~ at from $30‘hOUU,UUU to $500,000‘,UOU~ For hullâ€: years it has been thought that the only obstacle in the way of the Canadian and Amen-ion: heirs proving their chiim was their inabil- ity to ï¬nd the record of the marriage of John Lawrence and Mary Townluy,which is said now to have been discovered, and Mrs. ï¬aney Brown, of Bagdad. N. Y., daughter of the laté Judge Wilder, is said ta have proven her claim as one of the heirs, and through the ufl'urbs of >001. Jacques has had her“ portion, which a- mounts to $405000,000. transferred to the United States Government. Some of Lhose present at. the meeting, among whom ware Mrs. John Walker, of TorontoA and Mrs. John VVillsun. of Newton Brook, who are daughters of the late Peter Lawrence. of Eglinton. feel conï¬dent that. if the matter is properly luuked into there ought not to be any difliculty in establishing t1wheirship,und there was, with this object in View, a. subscriptivn list opened' and more than: $100 subscribed for [musecutiug the cluimgwith more to follow when nacessary. Mn. A. L Willaou mas anpuiuted tu visit. Bufl'alo, Bagdad, New York, Brook- lvn and other places necessary to Confer with [113 American heirs, and devise the best method of prosecuting the claim. Mr. \Villson leaves on the 20th inst. Should this meet the eye of any w ho claim to be heirs to this estate, and are desirous of helping to prosecute the claim they can send their subscriptium to A. L. Willsnn, Room 37 Arcade, Toronto, 01‘ to G. H. Sackmmn, )4 King St. West, or tu J. A. Sturgeon Stewart, 58 King St‘ A lady from Syracuse writes: “ For abnut seven vears before taking Northrop S: Lymnn’a Vegetable Discovery and Dys- peptic Cure. 1" sufl'ered from u. complaint very prevalent with our sex. I was unâ€"~ able to wall; any distance or stand on my feet for more than a. few minutes at a time witllnllt feeling exhausted, but now 1 am thankful to say, 1 can walk twu miles iencu. equal RBAMANâ€"At Cun’ville, on Monday. A the Wife of Mr. D. S, Renumn, of u. ROJIRSONâ€"At Jeï¬eg-son, on Thursday. April 16!!) Mrs. David Robinson, aged 54 yearn. LYxcHâ€"WATTâ€"At Toronto. on the 15th inst. by Rev. Alex. Gilmy. of College St. Presbyterian Church, Wm. Lynch. of Richmond Hill, VA) Miss Sarah Watts, of Toronto. East, Turonfh. without feeling, Hie least inconven- †For Female Complaints ithas no $500,000,000. 1" A R R IA (HES BIRTHS. DEATHS m, Arcade, Toronto, Amnng those present an, Esq., Mrs. John Mrs. Geo. Sackman, [:lâ€, near Man- ,, together with :h that, city is m of Sir Richard of Sir Robert. Mary Townley, y, uf Tuwnley "a wishes, and April 20th I). daughter The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan met. at. the Town Hall on Tuesday, the 14th day of April, at; 10 o’clock a. m. Mr. Isaac Reaman, the ‘member-elect as 2nd Deputy-Reeve, in the place of Daniel Reaman, deceased, having exe- cuted the declaration of qualiï¬cation and “fofï¬ce. took his seat at the Council cuted the declaration of qualiï¬cation and of ofï¬ce, took his seat at the Council Board. The Reeve in the chair. Members present: Messrs; Cook,Ma.lloy and Elliott. Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion approved. The followmg peLitions were pzesented: By Wm. Cook, from D. S. Reatnan and 31 others for the grading of a hill at and 31 others Cal'rville. By Wm. 0 56 others for Planting Act By Wm. Cook. from. John Lahmer and 56 others for making the Ontario Tree- Planting Act'applicable to the Township. From A. Dnlziel and others for the erection of a weigh scale at Nashville. An application was received from J. & W. Rankin reunesnng to be allowed to do their statute labor on Old Yonge St., under the supervision of the path master. A claim was received from Sarah Dick for Injuries sustained by herself and con- veyance on 2nd Jan. last. by the over. turning of her conveyance on the hill be- tween lots 30 and 31, on the 10th Con. Moved by Mr. Unok. seconded by Mr. Reaman, that the Treasuxer be and is hereby authorized to pay? the following accounts; Milen Rines, 6' days at 50c.... 83 00 JAN. Oliver, 10 “ $1.50.. 15 00 W. Gordan, 4 “ “ 6: 90 J. Watson. 126 loads gravel at 10:; 12 60 Puttel‘auu J: lint, 41 days at 50c. 20, 50 Alf. Rmnble,25§ days at $1.50... 35 25 J. W. Rmanqu " †13“ 504 Henry KlivnbleflSï¬ â€œ “ .. 4’2 75 H. Rumble, 25/.Ionds gravel at 10;: 2 50 W. Munslmw. 10 days at 81.50... 15 00 Henry RuvublnflSï¬ â€œ “ .. 4'2 75 H. Rumbla, 25.1.mds gravel at 10p 2 5( \Y. Munslmw, 10' days at $1.50... 15 Ol Muved by Mr. Elllott. seconded by Mr. Mall-Jy, Ilmt the iullowlng road ac counts be paid. . District No. 1â€"» l). S. Realmm. 200 cedar p08ts...$25 m District No. ‘2â€" 'l‘.’l‘unaley,463 cedar posts at 139. . 62 79 J.’ Elï¬mt, hanlil’ig 1500 ft. plank. I 50 Gr. WullaceJmuling 1206M. lumber and 300 pasts ......... -.‘ . . . . . . . . g \. 3 00 Muved by Mr. Mvalluv seconded by Mr. Elliotr, that. the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following act-Hunts: Tl“. Mcflnlmu.printing 300 copies 'Iuwnslnp Aecouula . .......... $26 00 Hart J; Cu , lur Manual. 19 85 Morn-d by Mr. Elliottgemmded by Mr. Cook. that the sum of SlOO be paid to A. Malluy, Cnmmissiouer for Districts No. 1 and 2, for paying for wnrk (lune nu hill betwean lots 29 and 21. Gun. 8. (Special appropriation)â€"â€"Carried. The Clel'k was instructed to~ have a By-Law prepared for next. meeting, Inuk- iug the Ontario Tree Planting Act of 1883 applicable to ths Tuwuslllp. il\I<)vleld by Mr. Malloy, scionded by Mr. Elliott, that the: petition uf D. S. Remnuu and 31 others for the grading of a. hill at. Carrville be refeu‘ed Mythe Cum- Inissiunul‘s uf- Dist. N'). 1.â€".Curried. Lluved by Mr. Elliott, seconded by Mr. Malluy,tlmt the petition of A.Dalziel and others ful‘the erection of a. weigh Moved bv Mr. Cook, seconded by Mr. Reznumu, that. Mbssrs. Porter and Malluy be a'deputatinn to wait on Mrs, Dick, relating to the claim on the Township in consequence of an accident.â€"Carried. By-Law No. 496 was passed appoint- ing path masters fur the present. year as follows: 10 19 ‘An 21 31 quk Mnnshnw ‘ Arthur Muldouu 111 Mason Copwill George Weldriuk John N654 ‘ \Vm Munshuw J S MrNruir, jr VAUGHAN COUNCIL. Thus Johnson George Dean Arthur Tennyson Jus Booth Peter Putt-arson Richurd Vuudelbur Wm Glass Jun anlerburg Anthony Bowes David Bmgllig Authnnv Keï¬er Juo nonmbs H J Graham W 111 Jones H J Graham W 111 Jones w A Clubine Jno Jackson Ja‘s Oatet ’l‘hos Jackson Michael Dufl'y Amos Shunk John Nixon Wm Kirby' James \Vutsor Abrmn Wiuge I Put; muel unflr “981‘ nugh “BB 3‘3 54 son 54:]. 46 49 58:1. Ellshu. Fm‘r Wm Hawmnn‘ John lreluml James Brown Jns Stonebouo, it Thus Willis “’11) Ash RC ht Watsonl Jno McCullum Samuel Arnold Michael Fisher Geo Cooper 1 Nicholas Doualfl‘ Alex Booth. Johu Mclflunon John Elks Wm Muthieson Jus Johnston Geo Lunguouse Gulem) Burton G F Wallace John Jeffrey '1‘ l“ Shaele Thos O'Niel Wm Irvin Eu L Dickens Geo Withersvï¬ C McArthura’ Wm Flemi): Rnbt Agar Câ€"eu Agar Ben Kaiser Jno Allen Juo Cullmm 'J'hus Woods l'hnsSm tin Mu vï¬on 43 by this hitherto incumbl 1y cured in from one tr» t matter whether otandjn: years. Descriptive pam] ceipt of stamg. A. HIM Street wast. Toronm Cm This week owing to the heat of the sun and warm winds, the snow has been dls- appearing very fast, therefore in almust chry hollow or low land there is a pond. l and some of them are located in lmeS', where pedestrians either have to walk the fence or swim, and one of our boys ’tried. buth last week, and is now sufl'criug with a. severe cold contracted by too much l cold water. From our own Correspondent: OBITUARY.â€"-This week we have to re- cord the death of one of our old and I'V- spected neighborsLMrs Robinson, which took place on Thursday morning, 16th inst., after a long and painful illness, borne with truly religious fortitude. Be- yond the tomb. of the goothbeize opens}. bright prospect of eternal glory‘ and uh< fading joy, there glitters 1n the golden portals of the heavenly cizy, \\ here dexth shall be no more, nor mourning, nor cry- ing, nor sorrow shall be at an-ead. The deceased lady was greatly respected in this locality, antl was followed to her burial on Saturday last by a large c0n< course of Borrowing relatives and m:- quaintances. \Ve extend our warmest and most sincere sympathy to the surviv- ‘ ing members of her family in the hour of ‘ their sad: bereavement. The ï¬shing seasnn has opened Ridges, there being some ï¬ne caught in the creek last week, Mesgrï¬. Aiex‘ and Wm. Anderson. of Unionville, were in the Burgh last week. Volumes of bombnst have been pub lijhed mat the multifarious and . irre c uncihxble‘ eï¬â€˜ects 05 may propriuary remedies. The proprietors of Nurtiir‘r) JR: Lyumn’s Vegetable Discovery cunteu‘E themselves with facts susceptible of proof; They state their Puriï¬er to be what it: has proved itself to be. an eradicator of Dyspeplia, Constipation, Liver and Kid- ney Ltoub!es,and a. ï¬ne general alterauve; D McKinnon Jas O‘Connor Jno McNaughton Thos Carins Geo Topper J as Huson Wm Darker The Council then CA'I‘ARIKSlâ€"‘A (Kluge Vania, glint. will start vou in work will LLB once bring you in money faster than thing else in America. All about the $200.0 presents in each box. Agent-iwnum 1 emu-3‘: uf either sex, of all ages, far All the time, oi: time only. to work torus up their mm In Fortunes for all workers absolutely 515:, Don't, delay. H. HALLETT r“. 00.. Poi‘tluudA 200.000 0 turgu value, mm; M] Much distress and is caused by \vorxus \Vorm Exterminator muving the cause. a custly'hmu I \vfll help u sex to more money ï¬ght "may t else In this wnrhl Furluucs uwni ahnolutelv Mira. At once address Auguam, Mame. w' 1mm: money than at taking nu agency for banknnt. Beginners sum-cu fail. Terms true. HALLET‘L‘L‘ A FREE. Holloway’s Corn C kmds uf cums and wan Maine GABINET BEGAN 1 FORSALE! Sheehan, of Oscoda, M “ l have. used Dr. ’lhunms’ J- on horses for difl'el‘ent disease it to be just: as ynu recoum has dune justice to me every is the best Oil for him-3E3 1 Observe that. the mum: 0‘7 “ Ecl’ecu‘ic Oil †is on from nf as thcxe mic; imitations of it, [Single copies, 3 cts Vith the Mor'eru Improvement cheap. Enquire at “n: . mvv JEFFERSON Pâ€"â€"â€". o.â€" â€"â€"â€"4OC.â€"“'_" then adjourned. J,‘ M. LAWRENCE, pambhlet HJSIXON. Canada A First-Class WM. ATKINSON'! ucrete House. 'mchmou tbr new Treatme iu presents given away. send us 5 cents poamge. and by mail vou will get froa n. packï¬9 of. gude W E McC Jno P Du John Tmi Luchlnn C sickness in children Mother Grave-3’ gives relief by re» Jas D1 \Vm ( send six cc :0. and rec ure destroys 1s unvthinf,’ or the be: No. 43 da. Mic SON udent been (‘13- in almost is a pond; in 11088} to walk at mt whe uts everr‘ used. Dr. 1110mm the Wrapper :h., writes: slectric UII , and fudml ended. It 1t. an nys all branch, free sale lli an red