trees arehéncéghed. |\Vle have an Act oflpgrliament, entitled “The Ontario '1‘f6eplm1ting’ Act," but ltS planting, as well as to the preserva- tion ol tlié forests which still exist, in a few years “'5: sliallhnd qgrselvqs living in ‘a‘prairie country as far as ll turn out 1n TREE- FLA AWL/Vt SLICK prame country as far is rt that F0 and thatt \VCI hi t1 11 lht il'C that \ m‘ati )self uch mu 1K as: issue, the news from 'est has been of a mixed .7or a} few days,the indi- that the heart ot‘the re- ther fallen out, or had out. 'In using this lang- ,l\' advisedly. The tone lonservative organ was 1ys pitched to that key les a repetition of that :e, perpetrated by Old Again',-we say.we were ation that duplicity ersxsts 1n 'J<e( actions in-ths ï¬es such ugly invites and n grave ausplcmns Ate Sllence which the NORTH-WEST. {m that 1ch m y the whole till 1 the hue a'nd' 1th )es nL small h the settlers Jere' t0 UOCl l coulo followed shortly that he was se« murderer out 01 do we hesitate )ssiblc of two men en a whole- ut th l'l( Eod the 1n he n; )SiSt then )6 inCE 11’6 111's )licy true pm trc 1 EH 1w; rke pers Bl 1115510!) that 111C] int 11'] en )U ample 11 hbl< Ibts Ill Ill wag-cast on the \Vituesnes for the prosecu- tiuu, indeed, their"widening~ was irirfi-ug- :Lbl'e. The single weak spotflin the case fUXIVtileCI'OWH wus the question 0f cun- syi .cy. Now this was the indictment. 1t '11 through, and for this uccidqu, bc-l hvi V PM") [mm 1") «(:Riaaies. vond can], that the jurors nu recognized it, but. in as much as the charge of con- slum-y regted on the cyideuce of one crown witness whq “as fluply cuntrgldicted by one with-gas folj (he‘defence/ they, the jurors were forced pg give the defehdauts the .lxencï¬tvuf the duubh. No slur he adds was-cast on the th'uesnes for the pl'uSch- 1t shameful defeat, was hailed with a. frenzy of joy and congratulation from which we are mm to believe every high-minded Conservative recoiled in disgust. But amidst this mad and bare-faced jubilation it must not be forgotten that henceforth it Will be utterly puerile for Conserva- tives to pretend that they are not Com- pletely identified with the plotters. \Vhen the ‘brawllng brood of bribers’ were in danger, Conservatives trembled; when an unexpected loop-hole was discovered for an escape, Conservatives ient the sky with mad ucclamzttions. \Vho now will pretend that hud the plot succeeded, Mr. Meredith and his followers and support- ers Would not joyfully have shared the. spoils gained by means at which a. black; leg alone would not stand aghast? _ lu Tuesday’s Globc, however. appeti‘i-ed a. letter from Mr. Thomas West, one of the iurJrs in the recent trial, and acting foreman. This gentlenntn drew up the verdict, and he is‘Certainly competent. to say what was its exact meaning, \Ve confess that we v ish tlntt motives of deli- cacy had not so long deferred an expllsnztji tion which even now hur s aside the foul uspeisions cat by the 1319i] on the wit nessts for thel crown. Mr. West states“ that the charge of bribery was proved be- i 11 p" bruken down, never entered our mind All the ugly details of that most. nefarious plot were Vouched for in a. way lhutdefled negation. It did Shell! that. not one link was missing 1n the chain that. was to bind them. But. the verdict. showud different- ly. firilwi'y there was, but conspiracy was not proved. And then a yell of 11'1- lluilill burst from the throats of all Tory- dmu. A victory, which was a must shameful defeat. was hailed with a. frenzv of our countrymen, we believed the en- denue against the accused uf the most, convincmg character. That it could be broken down, never entered our mind AH the ugly details of that most nefarious plot were VullChed for in a way lhutdefled negation. It did seem that. not. (Hm link Meek. Wilkmsun, am spirucv. Su great is c bench, so anxwus are it is all that it should to account, fur any sea: ice Lu human ï¬llllbllit“ pngn by even a brea Meet there I] Ll duty of the every tern ut walnut ut may pass a Li uicipal funds ceeding twen We notice that the Markham and Vaughan Councils are moving on the subject, and we hope to see oth- erstollow their example. For the beneï¬t of those unacquainted with the provisions of the Act,and in the hope that other Township or village COuncils which are desirous of the blessings ofgenerations to come will take thematter up,we quote Sections L11 .u'y. nus ch 1‘ st undoul nnunity. ke thcmatter u and 6 of said A 0. The council THE BRIBERY VJJHDIC T l‘llli hat it in the rec er the ithin said Ill \‘lSt‘K with sectums fol f this Act,shull l municipality, m :n'e purpust xy cumluents 50 great is cur respect for the anxwus are we tn believe that ut it should be, that we prefer fur any seeming failure ofjust- all] falhbllitry rather than im- ch a breath the humor and ourlaw-adlumistrawrs. True. in common with the great bulk may ulati roughout ball rollir. JIJ lk he council of any municipality s a By-law for paying out of mu- unds a bonus or premium not ex- twenty-ï¬ve cents for each and h, basswood, beech, birch, but- :edar, cherry chestnut, elm. oak, maple, pine, sassufras, spruce, 3r \vhitewood tree, which shall, 9 pmvisions of this Act, he plant- : such municipality on any high- )n any boundary line of farms as . or within six feet of such bonn- l“ ntmeut 11 In mus n5 hundre Statute DIE AW beauty, [)1 3d utility to! The c11mat1< :ent all furtl fan in: ; mini 0 l Ku‘klzu )ll!‘ resw 11) t1 () 1t :lH ll‘l pl tll 1t 11â€" llH NIEDC :cti tm CSU rate will WIK 10H ll) M) my )ll 0r 33! tlj p.013: Are 110W preparul to sell 311 designs of 0 AR R I A. G- S 0- Pâ€? A NE\V DRESS GOODS, M USLINS, VELVETS, Bashmeres. Prints, Hosiery, carpets,&c. SPLE‘NDID STOCK OF SUITINGS IN BLACK &_COLOREI). WORSTEDS, TWEEDS, 8w. TAPESTRY, WOOL, UNION & HEMP CARPETS: BEST VALUE IN TOWN. INSPECTION LN'VITED - J ISAAC QRQSBY, THE. FIRE PROOF, i885. In our line, we can guarantee satisfaction in every particular Call and see what we can do before purchasing elsewhere. Prompt attention paid to repairmg. Havin NGW is Yb LATEST IMPRQVEMENTS - 2 Fm NE W7 DWEST CARRAG glven our entire tim SPBENG WP??? An Immens W EMU 5.1'6 I10\V pr ETINE 351‘ CIAASS Con51sting of Iqo d jUSTgOPENED OUT AT - W RIG-HT 85 he W‘ )f ifferent the past t1 $ߢ fl}. GJFS 36?: thc