w PRUCTO! Mr. 0. red Phila which pm See Ad. 0 The C spot for ( Spades, E Lodge 1% day even Beautl ings at new and The next maeting ( Sabbath School Less< residence of Mrs. G. iug next, at 8 _o’clocL judd‘s 3% sold at the' the market \ ’e I notice tint. Aurora ten érs for a new school hon ours? If we are to have one i is time the trustees are tul Job 10 Concret< from I a Try our 35 up Moodie's. Gents order your Sprmg Suits at the Cheap Cash House, ï¬ne range of new Tweeds. “ Excelsiors " of Brampton, has been chosen captain or" the -‘ Young Cnuadiun " lacrosse (Wan; fur [he cnmiug season. With all due delerence to Mr. Blair, We must inform our Western uotgm. may he is allogether mistak- lelims this gentleman is not only not captain, ‘hiu has no cuunwtiun with the club what- Hon. G. W. Ross, Minister of Education, has appointed Friday, an, 8th, as Arbor Déy fur the schools 0f the Province, No doubt 11191-3 will be a grand rally to the woods on let day. Aucï¬oneers and Pedlars. On another page we publish the names of tbï¬ Auctioneers and Peal-M's in the County of York. A< will be seen there are 21 of Hit: former and 16 of the lunar. Richmond Hm can B'oult of neither. The Concrete takes the lead for extra value in Teas and Sugars. Splendid frggrant japan Tea 4 lbs. for one dollar worth 25 per ct. more. Incorrect. The last number of H e Brampton 5' orqdited Tm: LIBERAL with saying that Reperyï¬luir! My: formerly played with yt‘l' Best V ngs at A ‘veml Co Mr. J.I King >udeu The no H N New iu at Apri ;0ucrete IS and 4 lbs. 1 Schools in Aurora )T Arbor Day ll TI 80 cent Tea at ME TABLE ve one this 511 are talking in up Meeting the will t Lvt 5 p8! be 11PM at the on Friday eve-n “I nmptou Times, xying that Mr. flayed with the has been chosen )I' the 1‘11] stu s asking for Whm. about this summer al‘ 1drv Soap j 3 best m a 25 cents. 1‘ AI‘ Last. Snturdn: Concord, and h‘ were enginng in _ 1y escaped ham; ’1kaan for was setting on < Yum" “bow and the 1mm WE 1.5 summer the powder, \vb1 ‘ 1‘ ‘19- the charge exp} “ pieces. but. sun \ . A Ia. [TH C01"): ROE TI the rrth )3}: Flour am prlce at A. Knltie will sing i thus place on the A Narrow Escape. Last Saturday, while Mr. Isaac Reumanpf Concurd, and his hired man, Wm. Shaw, were engaged in blunting stone, thev narrow- ly escaped being hluwn up 1.00. MLBeamau was setting on or leaning against the ston'e, and the mm] was pounding in the packing of the powder, when, for some unknown reason. the charge exploded, blowing the stone to pieces. h1n.strunge to say, without, Ieriopaly injuring elwer of them, though they were knucked senseless to the ground. When they recovered and picked themselves up they felt themselves all over, but found no dangerous wounds, but the shoqk unsettled them considerably. Mr. Shaw lead his hand badly torn and bruised ; the packing wgs blown up so close. to his forehead as to take his cup uï¬â€˜ Mr. Revumuu l‘aa since been un- B-blu_to ï¬nd the knife he‘ was unit); at the Lune. ‘hs Hamilt‘on Spectargf. Miss Marie Strong met with g cordial re- ception, which must have been yery encour- aging. Thu lady has a ï¬ne physique. which gives her a commanding strvge presenceâ€"a. great advantage to n public singer. Her Voice is a phenomenal and pure con tralto. of extended range, the lower tones being as- pcgcially iull. perfect and powerful.‘ Earnest study with the best masters of tbé Italian SQhUUI, has given Miss Strong 5 I: my of exrcutiuu which nstouiuhes when th 'yolume of her voice is considered, and she Sings n cadanzu, or a trill, witn an ease and absence 0i fnciul or bodily couturtion refreshing to chose wilt! see and hear her. Further study ‘and she is an enthusiastic studentâ€"will give still greater smoothness to her voice throughout its cl‘xmpuss. and Canada will yet be proud of Marie Sirong. These be words of strung commendation, such as this journal seldom gives to a public singer, but they are deserved, as all who heurd Miss Strong sing tho seleCIiOn from Semiramide will agree." Miss Strong Will sing in the Methodist Church of thisvplsce on the ,gvenigg of 1110 32b of May. ' ' ' thi M with ‘ re distim Inâ€. abr Performers for [111% [e if nd \Vll' lle l! ll tbé ins d1 NT 1d tbs charming little flady pond to an encore. when using, ' fully conï¬rming the ziuu .1110 had already made. made, which Mrs. Keltie violiq. obiigato by lit-.7 G. ‘ of I.an best numbers or; the r magniï¬cent voice rang wer and puritv of tone, as to M at the furthest end of the : accompaniment." Mrs. 11 the Methodist Church of evening of the 25th of May. J 1i Methodis" meal the M uishe Free Press ICC 25 cfs. and 4. lbs. cts. at Concrete. e by storm. Mrs. .weful and pleasing cc of unusual power .o,has been trainea and is destined to mougst the leading .‘ue song elicited a 1t Tomatoes in 3 q cents; 1; cans the lowest cash Concert. Hemp Union and all wool carpets .ud talented Tapestry Floor Oil Cloth Wall pa- tl‘e "WWI pets and all kinds of House Fur- nishmqs at the Concrete at bottom the nworipp prices. Jr [no triumph bmid." The u. depth of :ul develop- u‘cssion, and arm. Mrs. ad pleasing I1 Live and HS. No use of it welcome rk Mills. 3 a three- ‘1, and is matever nt ap- culf is Soap, t the 101111) *3 and cans hat; jays past SUG- the atis- the the arty she ‘icnl the the .a te its Ill Uniform Promotion Examinations The marks required to pass are 80 cent. of Value of each paper, and am ag; gate of 125. T110363 marked thus ‘ are ' ommended 144 144 128 140‘ Miss Broughhou. of the vdlnge, and is the 5011‘ 161 Rev. W. Methodist Subject â€"“ Mr. Watkins, photographer, Brampton, and formerlv a. resident here, spent a few days in the village this week. If satisfactory arrangements can be made. Mr. \Vutkiua in- tends opening an art gallery in the village. Our citizen: gladly welcome back to the village Mr. J. H. Sanderson. after an absence of tgn‘weeks. During this time he has dritgn over 1500 miles, and has done busi- ness 1;; all-‘the principal places from Brighton on the east, to Windsor on the Western Peninsula. Mr. Sandemou looks 1nth better after his long trip. 71 Amidst the din of foreign and civil was. ‘ political strife and turmoil, 1t is a plearure to turn aside for a moment to speak a good i but just word of an old acquaintance. Mr. Dan. ï¬Kinnee, Inspector of Weights and Measures, met '11s the other day, and in the oursegf cousversstion, we learned that he had been busy at work in his brand and lung sphere of labor. We might have told him, but we did not, that! true to our culling. we keep 9. wstchfui ey‘o and au attentive eat for all his public p;oc:edings. And it is with the utmost satisfaction'that we can re- port nothing but nustjuted praise 013mm on all hpnds in his ofï¬cial capacity Merchants are a unit in testifying to his obligipg. cars- ful apt] skilful discharge of his duties. No wonder that testimonials of the most lauda- tory class continue to pour in on him. W9 extend to him our best wishes, as he already has our unqualiï¬ed respect. The Village Council met, in the Coun- cil Chamber on Monday evening, April 20th, at 8 o’clock. Tlie Reeve in the chair. Cnuucillors present: Messrs. Redditt. McCuuaghy, Powell and Savage. Minutes of last meeting. March ‘Ztith, read and approved. The Clclk read Hm correspondence [Jam‘in between the Lleuc. Govuruur in Council and himself, relating to change of park lot. x The following accounts were ordered to be paid: Jae. Piper, shovelling snow ......... $4 05 Lawrence ((2 Milligau, an opinion respecting change of park luh. .5 00 Geo. Redditt, cedar posts, &c.. for park .., ........................... 21 50 01; motion of Mr. McConaglly, second- ed by Mr Savage, Mr. \Vm. Bl‘ickuell was appointed Health luapeulur. '1‘1wClerk drew the uttentjun of the Fuuncil‘tu the fact thï¬t Ins rcaiguatiuu md lain on Hm table fur a mgmnh, and he ngw naked them to Luke auuou on the matLer. Mr. Savage moved, aacoudgd by†Mr Pumaâ€, that “W x-esiguabiuu be not no cepngd.â€"Cnrrig:d. "rv'" 'P‘â€':"" . . Aepurdmg to resolution the Counml meet on Friday, 245,11 inst., fir the pur- pose uf inspecting streets and sideWulka Meqsrs. H. A. Nicllolls anle. F.‘ Mc- Mahon, as mémbexs of a. -cuunnittee up pointed by the Fire Brigade, addrpased the Cogmcil, asking that the captain Ul ofï¬cer in Cuuuuand be allowed the privi- lege of ordering refreshments for those who may assist in extinguishing a ï¬re, and that the cost be} paid out. M, the funds 01 the Municipality. The suggest- iul‘lnwashppmved by the Council. The Ca-u-ncil adjthde to meet on L’Ithday eveuiw, Ma‘y’l'lih. TO SENIOR 1H Carrie Powell, Adelia Palmer Willie Bailey, Chas. Wil Mary Map Emma Mi Lou. Lynett, Minnie Davie, @ertie Ba Grant 00 Fulton S To SENIOR In J. ‘W. Bone, T0 FOUE VILLAGE COUNClL. l. uupe Walkiu PERSONALS. RICHMOND HILI PROMOTION To 1rann 167. Aggie Reid, 1&3 136 116 B. Booth will preach Church Sunday evemn The Mysterious City." ter hchm almer arker 46 37 PATTEI CA1 Wilh Jaa F1 115' 110' 177. 165 163 162 146‘ 140 Toronto, in guest 0! Mi‘ In II ‘dm ML TEEF‘gl Clp;k._ Lon Mo TH ers)e visiling 1n {5 Sander- 80 per a aggre- axe rec- next Id. Fast Color Prints, at 4%c. 5c. 6c. yard. Housekeepers wil’l pleasebnote the fact that we Fine White Cottons. soft ï¬nish, at 5c. fig-c. 7c. 7 and IIC. PRICES AT PETLEY’SE Wes Superior I Fine Blacl Men’s W0 Men’s Ser; Men’s Tw‘ PETLEY &; PETLE Factory Cottons, in fine and'heavy makes, at 3% 6&0. 7éc. and 8ic; Pillow Cottons, Sheetmgs etc., in Twills and Pla widths, in soft ï¬nish and ï¬ne and heavy make Table Linens in unbleached cream and whlte, 18c 34c. 390. 45c. and 69C. These goods are u forty-ï¬ve cents to one dollar per yard. \Ne are also offering Special value in White and E Lace Curtains, Table Coversi Piano COV Mats, etc. T0 HAND. Showing TovDay. New Dress Goods New Cashmeres yNeW Millinei‘y 1.1116 " Silks 8c Satins New Velvets and Brocades New M a 11 t1 9 Cloths New Ginghams & Cambrics New Prints and Sateens New {Berseys “ Lace Cur- tains New Cretonnes “ Table Linens “ Table covers “ Table napkins “ Quilts Our stock has all been bought at the Founta Production,0n the best terms,and,is offgred to. o zit/(he smallest living proï¬t, tor CASH only.» ine'Worsted Overcoats, to order, in .all the new ings, only $15. ine All Wool TweedSuifrs, to order, (very nobb only $I5. , ine Black English Worsted ult s, to order, only 5 [en’s Worsted Suits, to order. at from $10 to $40 [en’s Serge Suits, to order, at from $12 to $55 per [en’s Tweed Suits, to order, at from $12 to $25 p6 ine All Wool Tweed Suits, only $15, to order at ine Worsted Overcoats in all "the newest colorings. KING ST. EAST, OPPOSITE T made) only $7 ‘ Scotch TWeec made) only $1 tof England made) only $1 at Petley’s. only $3515. ine Twill Worsted'S-uits, Nobby onlv $I8. TOR ONTO. {1 Tweed "Suits, warranted all pure. only $10. ' ngland Tweed Suits.. newest m 1.84: YONGE STREE uit -» HAMILrï¬m-N, VCFV TORONTO. weed Suits,, newes Jbby styles,(ready made) at u1t. New Millinery “ Jackets “ Kid Gloves “ Silk Lisle Gloves New Corsets “ Ribbons “ Laces “ Ties “ Hanakemhiefs “ E‘mbmideries “ Underwear “ Parasols “ Pagrasol savers HEM 9c. and Ioc. pe are worth frbr \V e f 25} nobl Wool , ARKET, 1t 111'1 11y lit. suit. etle‘ sellin style; $1.5c (read (read (read Lacc Tab] color Suit JmCI