Dr. B. J. J efl'rlea holds that the three primary nylon are red, green. and violet; that blind‘u to violet in rare, and that. color blindness in practically conï¬ned to red or green. SON According to the latest result: of the ï¬nest instrumental 159st an electric pig: nal travels at the maï¬a of 16,000 miles per second. The largest room in the world unbrok- en by pillars 1: at Sn. Patersburg. It 18 620 feet long and 120 wide. ' Th? roof is a single arch of Iron. To llght 1t 12,000 wax tapers are used. The juice of the curious ink-plant of New Grenade. requires no preparation be. forebeing used for writing. Thecolorla red- dish when ï¬rst; applied to paper, but soon becomes a deep black, which is very dur- able. This ink in now need for public re- cords and documentl. If a chicken-bone be left. in dilute mur- ia’oio eeid eeverel days it may be tied into a knot, since she acid be: dissolved the lime, leaving nothing but outline and connective tissue. It a bone be burned it becomes light, porn: and brittle, the lime alone remaining. Nearly 4,000 miles of underground tele- graphic cable has been lnld in Germany, crossing seventy rivers. and seven or eight miles is laid under wvher. Most: of the able contains seven wires and the rest font. A German chemist has obtained a. new link between the vegetable and animal kingdom: in the ahnpe of an animal gum closely resembling the plant gum: in “.5 physical and chemloal propel-flee. Forty-ï¬ve years ago the Britannia we! oonaldend a remarkable ship. She we 20? feet long, and her tonnage was 1.155. The new Cunard vessel just launched at Glasgow is 520 feet long, and her bonnege is nearly 8,000. A curious discovery was made recently when a lightning-rod which had been ln place ï¬fteen years embedded in soft clay was removed. There was found atbacheu to it a solid lump of iron ore welghlng ninety-six pounds, supposed to have been produced by the eonve rslon of the clay by the action of electricity Every plant begins llfe like an an!- malâ€"a consumer, not a producer. Not until the young shoot rises above the no†and unfold: itself to the light of the sun. at the touch of whose rays chlorophyl is created, does real constructive vegetation begin. Then the plant's mode of llfe is reversed ;earbon is retained and oxygen set free. wu .-vv. The pearls of commerce found in the mantle of some mollusks are similar in structure to the shell ; but what is the in- nermoat layer in the shell is placed on the outside in the pearl, and la much ï¬ner and more compact. The pearl is formed around some nucleus, as an organic parti- cle ox- gmin of sand. “ Delta metal,†diacovarod by Alumn- der Dick, of London, a combination of zinc and iron, in said to be as much super- ior to brass as steel is to iron. It in very tough, showing a tensile shtength of sixty- two tone to the square inch when drawn into wire of twenty-two gauge. It does not tarnish as easily as brass and takes a high polish. A tunnel, measuring about 5,000 feet long and constructed as least nine contus- ies before the Christian era, has just been discovered by the Governor of the Island of Snmos. Herodotus mentions this taun- nel, which served for providing the old seaport with drinking water. It is com- pletaly preserved, and contains water tubes of about ten inches in diameter. each one provided with a lateral aperture for cleansing purposes. The tunnel is not quite strsivht. Dr. Martin, of the Salpetriere Hospi- tal, Paris, has made sseries of observa- tions, atretching over a. period of years, on nervous affection among the chlldren of alcoholic drinkers. In eighty-three families in which one or more members showed nervous exuitablllty, traceable to alcoholic origln, there were 410 children. Of these, 108, more than a quarter, had convulsions :and in the year 1874, 169 were dead,241 were still alive, but. 84, more than one-third of the survivors, were epileptic. Swimming birds, which constitute about one-fourteenth of the entire class, form one-half the whole number in Green~ land. As we approach the tropics the variety and numbers of land birds lu- orease. Those of the horrid zone are not- ed for their brilliant plumage, and the temperate zones for their more sober hues but sweeter voices. India and South America are the richest regions. Hummers, tanagera and oriolea are re- stricted to the New World. Parrots at found in every continent except Europe, and woodpeckers occur everywhere cave in Australia. That was a remarkable confession for a continental newspaper made by the Vienna Tagblatt, when it said : “The last days of England's power would be also the last days of European liberty.†It has been the boast of the aggressive Anglo- Saxon race wherever it has pushed its con- quests with the sward that it has also car- ried the love of liberty wlth its wonder- ful language and history. But this has seldom been recognized on the continent of Europe. “ We must be free or die,†exclaims Wordsworth, “who spoke the tongue that Shakespeare spake ; the faith and morals hold which Milton held." And it is undoubtedly true that the sen- timents and morals of liberty stirring in the peoples of the continent of Europe are fostered and encouraged by the free- dom that daily breathes through the Eng- lish and American press. Constitutional libel-3y is the watchword of the English- speaking people wherever they go. The ME FACTS BRIEFLY STATED European Liberty. magma charts and declaration of independ- ence are the bulwark: of the rights of two kindred peoples, and they are the beacon- - - n ' ,, A L _ _ _. ‘L nun-Any“ r..vr..._, _._,. n ' lights to other nations steering through despotic, autocratic, and revolutionary dynasties to a. government by and for the people. But without a. people aware at once of their rights and responsibilities under popular constitutions, their adop- tion brings no true liberty. In England and America today the people who do the ï¬ghting and pay the taxes make war ; in France glory and frenzy force war, and on the continent generally the parties who command the armies and levy the taxes play with war. A French Convict Story. In Louie Philippe’s time the last tran- sportation of convicts to Cayenne took place. One of the most celebrated of the gentlemen forgets of the day was, I be- lieve, the very last. His name was Gate- benrse, a nook-broker, who had plunged deep into all the awindling speculations of the day, and had ended by committing forgeriee to an enormoua amount upon the Bmpm de France. The man had a chateau and hornel and carriages, and when the police went to arrest him he wu “caring about in hil own pleasure boat upon his on lake in his own park.:Gate- bonree was tried,and condemned to trans- portation for liie. He was taken 0 Cayenne. where he lived until a few years ‘ ago, when the hiatory of his horrid death reached Paris. The unhappy wretch, in his endeavour to escape, had been devour- ed by the violent crabs that swarm along the shore: of the settlement. Hal-ac d by fatigue he badlain down upon the an d, and the dreadinl creatures had swarmed in thousands around him, tearing and rendng the body until nothing remained but the cleanly-atrlpped skeleton, which laybleach- ing the sun for weeks beiore it was discov- ered by the police sent in search of the runaway. It was this adventure whiCb ‘ caused the abandonment of Cayenne as a place of punishment. The experienc of sending the young recidivism to the settle- ment w ll be a dangerous one, at the out- ory amongst the convicts will be re-eehoed by the ignorant portion of the philanthro- pists, whoscruplenot, howaver, todeepatch magistrates, consuls, and gendarmea t0 a. place where they hesltate to send the bu g- lare and aenaseina who are rendering the city of Pam far more dangerous to inhab- itthan the pretended fever-stricken colony of Cayenne. The human body is much like a. good clock or watch in its movements ; if one goes too slow or boo fast, no follow all the others, and bad time results ; If one or- gsn or set of organs works Imperfectly, pervaralon of functional effort of all the organs is sure to follow. Hence it in that the nume'ou ailments which make Wo- man’s hie munble are the direct issue of the abnormal action 01 the uterine synbem. For all that numerous class of symptomsâ€"and every woman knoWa them â€"bhere in one nntailmg remedy, Dr. Pieme’u “Favozhe Preemption,†the fa- von'm of the sex. “No.†said the smart pig, just before bubohsrlng time, M he declined the far- mer's invitation to come up to the trough zmd have something, "no, 1 thank you kmdly ; but where there’s mu there’s a. weigh. " is conferred upon that magniï¬cent inabi- tiou, the human 5 stem, by Dr. Pierce’s “Golden Medical aoovery†that {artiï¬ce it; against the encroachment: of disease. It in flu grub blood punï¬er and altera- tive, and as a remedy for consumption, bronchitis, and all diseases of a muting nature, its: influence in rapid, efï¬cacious and permanent. 801d everywhere. A gentleman once asked Dr. Abernathy if he thought. the moderate use of anqu would injure the brain. “No, air," was Abemethy'n reply ; “for no man with a. single ounce of brain would ever think of taking snnfl'.†. . Premature decline of pow- er in either sex, however induced, speed- ily and ermanennly cured. Consultation free. 001: tor three letter stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Armchtion, Buffalo, N. Y. Caucasian Tramp : “My colored friend, please lend me a quarter; I fought, bled, and suffered four years in the union army to make you a free man." Colored gentleman : “You did your duty, nah; but 'bout loaning you dat quarter, don’a keer, sah, to rewlve do bitter memories of de wah.†One of the sights of the City of Hamilton is the factory in which the celebrated “Myrtle Navy†tobacco is mode. Some people may suppose that puttin up plugs of tobacco must be a. very simp e matter, but a walk among the pondexous and com- plicated machinery of this establishment would speedily undeceive them. Here are hydraulic presses, screw presses, iron frames, 9.11 of enormous strengeh, besides a steam engine and many other pieces of ma- chlnery. "For heaven's sake I can the newspa- per paragraphera never let up on the mule joke ’8†asks an exclhed critic. Ger- tainly. They should endeavor to avoid jokes that critics would regard as per- sonal to themselves. “I understand that you have stopped practicing," said the Secretary of State no an eminent colored physician. “Yas, sah, 'clnded to gin up do trade an‘ go be: preachln‘. 1n dis country dar ain't no money ter be made in de practicin' ob medicine. W'y, ssh, at 1 had er ’voted my time ez close tar suthln' else ez I hez her dis business, I would er been pretty well off by dls time. Ober two~thirds of my pablents neber paid me, ssh.†“Why didn’t you sue them Y" “ ’Twouldu’b done no' good, ’caae dey wuz dead. Huh. I got the was class 0’ patients. None of dam neber had no health an’ constitu- tion." Every Woman Knows Them. A Strong Endowment Home TestimouY- Many hundred recommendations aim- iler In character to the one given below have been received, and give proof of the great value of Polson'e NIBVILINE as a pain remedy. Try it. r"-- v r v ATHOL, Fab. 20.â€"We hereby certify that; we have used Nerviline in our fam- ilies, and have found it a most reliable remedy for cramps in the stomach, also for headache, and externally for thou- matic pains. No house should be without; this invaluable remedy.â€"LUKE COLE, ELISEA COLE, J. P. "Johnny," sald an editor to his hope- ful. “are you in the ï¬rst class at school 7†“No,†replied the youngster, “I am re- gistered as secondvclass male matter.†Imitation ! Is the week man‘s inspiration and the highest point over reached by in numerous class in the community. Without the ability or perseverance to work from an independent basis, they cling like barns- oles to ideas emanating from others and with perverse blindness believe them to be their own. Now that explains why that widely knowu and much appreciated rem- edyâ€"PUTNAM'S PAINLESS Corn Extractor, has a dozen or more imitators ; not having sufï¬cient merit in themselves unprinoipl- ed dealers. for a larger proï¬', palm them oï¬â€˜ on unsuspecting and conï¬ding custom- ers as “just as good," .350. Beware of all such, end use only Putnam's Corn Ex- tractor. Sure, safe, harmless N. C. Polson & 00., Kingston, proprietors. “Mllkman, why does your milk always look so blue,†inquired the housewife. “My cows came from Boston. mum,†proudly replied the milkman, “and they're blue-bloods." unpoan When you visit or leave New York City. save Baggage orprenaage and Cerrlnae Hire, and stop at me GRAND UNION HOTEL. opposite Grand Central Depot 600 elegant rooms ï¬tted up at a cost at one mllhon donate. 31 and up wards per day. Euronoan plan. Elevator. Restaurant an plied wilh the best. Home care. stages and e evened railroads w-ell depots Families can live better {ox-lees money at the Grand Union Hotel men at any other nul- nlam hotel in the city. Jonesâ€"“Did Smith tell you any of hi! stories last evening 7" Foggâ€"“Lots of them.†“And were they well related ’I" “Exceptionally well. Most of them were related to the antidiluvian period. Young Men lâ€"Read This. Tam VOLTAIC BELT 00., of Marshall, Mich, offer to send their celebrated ELEC- TRO-VOLTAIC BELT and other ELECTRIC APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility‘ loss of vitality, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other diseases. Com- plete restoration to health, vigor and man- hood gnaranteed. N 0 risk ia‘incurred as thirty days' trial is allowed. Write them at; once for illusnated pamphlet free. A life-long Republican who thought he saw which way the cat, was going to jumn, carried a transparency in a Democratic procession, and now wants oï¬ice. That won't do. The dodge is too transparent. Cntarrhâ€"A New Treatment. Perhaps the most extraordinary sucOIBS that has been achieved in modern scmnce has been attained in the _Dixon Treatment of cstsrrh. Ontot 2,000 patients treated during the past six month-, fully ninety per cent. have been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is rememberei that not ï¬ve per cent. vi the patients presenting themnelves to the regular practitioner are beseflued while the patent medicines and other advertised cures never record s sure at all Sterthg with the olnim now 1generally believed by the most selent 0 men that the cisease is due to the rosenee of living parasites in the tissues. 1'. Dix- son at once adapted his euro in their extermination 3 this accomplished the ostsrrh is practically cured. and the ermnnnnoy is un- questioned. as cures infected y him tour yam ago are cures still. No one else has ever ei- tempted to cure oamrrh in this manner. and no other treatment has ever cured oatnrrh. The application of the remedy is simple and can be done at home. and the resent season of the year is the most revere. In for a. speed). Ind permanent cure.tbe msiorit 0! cases being cured at one treatment. 8 ersrs should eon reepOnd with Messrs. A. H. DIXON 85 SON. 8C6 Kingstreet West. Toronto. Caesar, nndenolore stump ror their treatise on “tombâ€"Montreal Starr A. P. 226. Talus FOR SALE. cannâ€" All “Haasâ€"JEN J. Dygy. (Guelph. 7 ASK 31mm GROOER ma IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING PA‘INLESSTHIIDB’IRT' sam‘jï¬izaazaï¬erzs- Baninry Pub. 00., Onundlnn Depository. Taxonomy Oan'. URE mum Aymum/Es'iuz sale; two cows, two yearling heifers and one mm. Wme for descrip- tun price and pedigree to G. v: Bung, Inlay. (I‘HE BLIn D umloxedeEE.â€"1‘hoEe us In queued no 1 get Wulhmn‘ Eye Water. It cure- nll class-ea of melsye that. no oumble. even Golan Bundneu. at our dmuma lo! 15. Wholesale by Lyman Sons 3 00.. {Acumen Bend tor circular lo we hhe muveloua cures efleotod in Montreal to GEO. WILLIAMS. 709 at. Lawrence street or ID GuDN ER'B Drug More, 00(- nar Mum“ uud hone Dame stream. #77“ ARM FOR SALEâ€"100 aorta o! [iiiâ€"780 rem: clear ed and 20 rcfefl I i good nudwod bueb; new barn nud shble. house and orchard, living spring sud W4â€. The Now '1‘ fauotd wall, sebum, goat-ofï¬ce ‘ud churclus c mummy. Mflgl. H sluuuAN. A man“; y, 1131â€: 11‘de 1N PLerxUNâ€"fleawuuvdy Lt 100, 58, no 5) notes; will be non! sepnnzeiy it Yb qhixed; me (and is m the ch‘x region. amcny on Ibu mom “1' Lake Enron. and LI \he nueu quuluy; plenty a! ï¬rewood, um some good mm»:- remaiuhg; good lance». buildlnaa nudpwnuds; Gaminohne BDmIiJu.2, and 83min 12 mllqn dmunn. Apply penonnlly or by Samar w Mica. H. Wnn‘mu. Olmlnome P. . Comnflsuoner, \‘nluutor. Trustee .1: “mm- clan Agent, Room 0, Arcade, Yonge Street, Toronto. Money to Loan, Est-mes Managed. Properties Excnauged. mu. mm and Unwed Smut; lauds taken in part payment) for city property. > UanadaPermanent Loan 85 Savings 0b REAL ESTATE AGENT, Incorporated Adi. 1855. SUBSCRIBED OAYI'I‘AL ..... ..$3,000,008 PAH) UP OAPll‘AL .. 2,zuo,uuu RESERVE FUND. l,lOl),U00 . 5,600,000 TOTAL ASSETS.... 4. OFFICE : Co)“: llullcungs, Toronto Street, Toronto. The Company has a large amount. 0! m on Real Estate securities at. the lowest. cu interest: repaynble either in one sum 0 meats, as may be desired by the hon-owe Applications may be made direct to m ed by Renter ox otnemise, or to um local tivea of the Company throughout Untano. pany always has funds on hand no delay pected. Expenses reduced to minimum. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Jane. GALLOWAY a 00.. Ootpn. Woouenfsuk 0“ng and Wanted BhumeMnkev, Dundna,9£h. 0R CREDIT FONCIER RTW. ’PRiT’TTE’, t a n s, PLAN. the nude xouey to lend uncut rate or 33,000,000 2,200,000 1,100,000 5,000,000 Aa'the Cox need be e Director. x ifs-red to mealsâ€"$25 n'ncflav. Adana" P Toronto. Ounsdn. AGENTS WANTED The most nouvrnianu men for Yunnan in u an busy The name" of we why, “he! “u mum yum" xenon. Thea- means are «naked and rrndy for use. to and (rum Halifax. Pathmd. Boa'on and made]- So‘d by arrows throuth the DJmInion. Bend for price pm. ; “admins summer heave“ Glut" “a Mom. to W. CLARK, 1’.O. Box 34%. Montreal. Hell “mum-33w sud Bummmeuyawdamow ‘ i ' 7 ~ â€" â€" m..- .. __ and i’hingdqxphh. fortnightly. _ .4. ï¬- lulnâ€"nnflnï¬ Smoked Sausages. l50 Front St. east. Toronto. n...w.., , Ina thousands or canon of he wkhi'kinur ma 6! (uni mam hue been cured. ludaed, m atmu is m m In use my. that I will send TWO BOT'I‘L 3 FR 3. Irv ‘hor w1tn IVALUABLE TREATISE on this about.“ [Wen leo Rxgrflua and P‘ 0. address. . r ‘ DB. T. A. 000x. 151 P635153 W ham-1n a. red tin tag; mac Loflllatd'l Rose eufflne cut; chat Lorillard‘t Nn‘ry ('prlnal. and that Lorinard'a Sunni...“ (he, boat and cheapest. duality considered 7 TORONTO, ONT (limited) OFFICE AM) ‘FAC’IORY, COR. SPADINA AVE. AND 012011. STS‘, from the emullewt up to 1,345.3 bbls. GEARED WINDMIllS from I to 40 h, p.. or Pumpingr Water, runnlng Grain Crushers, Shaw Cutters, Rant Pulpers, or any other machinery up to a 40 b. 1). sum. mill. emaammanu,. [have A pnslnlye rnmedz (ulrrthe My)“: d‘lseagoLb] Iron and Wood. Forte ur “fl. In flu-t a hull [[110 Deep Well Pumps a of “’mer Supply Specialty. Material. Send us your address on a. poalcard and we will send you 104 page illustrated catalogue tree. MERIDEN BEIIAENIA GDMPA" Y Elastm Hang TANKS. Mention this Paper. STEEL. 13111135 AND RIIBBEB ONTARIO PUMP 00., Eleven sues . T. IANB, Montreal. PUMPS l). FELL (E l . TOIllLVTo. FINEST E Mde Ind (enmitâ€" the be". chum ever |-$‘25 00 per week euilyeamvd 3a (or In P. Stevenson. room "H." Arcade. THAT Lorillard’s Climax Pm In men {or laurng in}! a}! busy R. U. AWARE 60 2nd~hand Bicycles and Tricyclea. fl ‘ 7 Send for List. Send 30, stamp for largest. cat- alogue aver issued in Canada PREMIER. RUDHE. BUY A L CANADIAN. EXPERT. KANHAROO SAFETY. RECUT! guaranteed to grind (mm 40 to 25 bushels per hour. according to size. These Mills are the most durable, perfect and cheapest Iron Feed Mill yet. invented. PUMPING WlNDMILLS A full line ufllw Besl Pipe & Pipe Fittings from slo Softer. diameter. | X L VFEED MILL HAVING TOOLS. Agents wanted FOR PLEASANT SEWING Wannabe! FULL Lem th "3qu uncut-e. Eu that. l the land. “FM 30's by Clapperton's Spool Cotton 1 .u uuu. nu‘vgn'w L'Dllllpl‘vlu. .._ __ _ N. F-. to Livarpnol fortnightly dunngisuminferrrinomhl; TN Itenmern ptflgha fllnwggw yuan m1 gigging flaw! n 7., r Lil-‘AI, 1111,1111†W31. M§11.,_§t§%[n§_1§_1}§: rum 1 unnumpun, luluulgu‘u'. Fm- freignt. passe a, 02- otber information aoply to A. Schumac er 8:. 00.. Baltimore: 5. {,“njrdr Sc COHAHAIifax isgea &A0t1‘._§t: J Slugs: Sni‘flngduv‘lng w'x 1"," from Pnnlnnd ever Thurman, and Etkhx every Suturdny m Liverpool. an in nummar hum Quebvc every Sauna-y to Livarpool. o-Hiw st Lon- dondevry to land null] nnd pnflsealflrfl lot 80 thud ml Ire‘gnd. Aim mm Baltimore. via Hg'ilax Ind St. J ohn's. ,, “ALA ‘ uu‘u‘u & U0" nuluu; y Ouch W WI N“ v'V-oâ€" v: N F.; Wm, Thomson A: 00.. an John. N. 3" Alba 8:. 0).. Cbioaflo‘. Love as Alden. New Yo'k : H4 Bourller. Toronto :Allans. Raet 00.. Quebec: Wm. Browne. Phfladel 1:13:11 A. Allan, Portland. Bosmn. Montre . Running In connection with the Grnnd Trunk EMI- my 0! Canada. Bulb 3 from Qu when every unï¬ndny. during the summer months. Md from Pornnnd every TEN-db! during tho v. inter momhn. Scum; data from quzssc. HARNIA â€"M|y 16. June 27. Aug. 8. Sept. 19. VANr‘ot‘JVER,-â€"M.y so. Ju'y 1 , “1.2:, new. 3. 0RKGON,â€"June 13. July 25. Sept 5. 00‘. 17. Rn'ea of pun-ca zâ€"Oabin. Quehno to Liverpool ‘60 ‘50. 865. 880 Return, $90. 8108, $117, .144. owordlnl Io teamer and berth. Inbermedinu. 335, Steer-as at oven: rum. The saloon: and unceroomo in Iteunefl marked thus: ‘ re amidahipr. where Vut mus motion a; (an, and no came or at“ en in curied on 'hsm. Fol tnvchev particular: :pp‘y m A «y Grand Tmnk RAH!†Agent. or 10031 Menu of aha Company. or '0 DAVID TDBBANCE a (10., (IONBOY’B CARRIAGE TOPS are the but and cheapest In the Market. order one from your Can-Inge Maker. Take no other klflll- Dominidn Line of Steamhins. r OoII.Onlvel. Bheep Ind pin. the Yoauwl Gin-Tu. Fxlnxn u used we recommended want-dill ureederl. Milk (little produce more milk Ind bun". it. knew: In one-fourth the mun) time And um food. midway cam- and £1 per box. A dollu box contain! l'ee . CUT THIS OUT! Sewing BEST IN THE MARKET. Latest Improved Attachments A grants prica for similar machine $80 Our price nnly $25 each. Bst’ore buy‘mz send us damp (or our elegant photo- graph and ajmple wt sewhm If Mlcbmel guaranteed for three years md meat on 3113‘. Any hdy mmm g ; machine will do well ‘0 write to Sewing {a’Eachine Co. JQHNSTBN’S FLUID BEEF It is the only preparation of the kind which can mm all me nun-Nous, sogether with the stimula- Eng, propegties of beef, 89d the only one which ,_._|___-_L n.“ tun-.. n-) h§ 150w?" to an; acne, and muscle‘ MYRTLE NAVY ROB'hnenlnz n99 brinzln la ugndlflog. Home: In: his by szgflm everywbuo‘ IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE- NE‘V STAND! NE‘V FYBNITEBEI 9...?"ku V. v"... _*w _ power to sppply uouriahmerï¬trfoi' bnins. and JAMES ST. SOUTH, HAMILTON. The New (faâ€"Operative 123%»? .3081; In D "-obds [Mimi AUTION! HUGE KILLER t Co.. Aamovnrmr. Danna: a 181 King 8| XIII. Tenth. The (Jo-Operative EACH PLUG OF THE -â€"â€"â€"USE ONLYâ€" .__IS THEâ€"â€" emth, and m Inn smooth on In: than Gupntgmnja guys I: on IS MARKED Gene“! Au nu. Mantra-L ‘ Goods stamped Merl- iden Silver Plate 00., are not our make. I! you wantreliable goods insist on getting those made by the CAUTION MERIDEN BRITAN NIA 00., HAmmox.