The Illustrated War News. The Grip Printing Mill Publishing Corr.- pmiy, of Toronto, issued last week No. 4 of their ï¬ne illustrated newspaper, descriptive of events connected with the rebellion in tho Northâ€"West. Each successive issue of this Brampton. “Mrs. Keltie has a. voice of wonderful stvL-etness, llnd she throws into her songs such expression lllltl soul that ererv one must yield to its influence whether musical or not." Mrs. Kellie will sing in the Metho- '1. _ . M i ‘ dist Church here on the evening of the 25th paper eclipsesits predecessors, and We lire F151: Color Prints at lc. C C C 8C C and 10C L NI R- R: of Mny. pleased to observe that the publishers nre r y’lrd ’ 4‘! 5 6 ' 7 ' 9 ' p _ ,. “ï¬â€™ #"’*"â€â€â€œ_ ting with the success they deserve. No. c - some NORTH Chan 6 of Tone. mee . - v , _, . . TORONTO Mn“. , , ~ g _ , . w I , 4 contains the followinlzlllustrations:â€"-Loid Flousekeepel-S “[111 please note the fact that Wâ€"e are selhn, mum,“ 7,45 lair-.0 \lenolice ttlflt tho Inspiring News, which Melgundis Scouts sin-mun,ng three of _ . _ Union Stittinil 7.5:; 1:305 formerly consul-(id and ridiculod the _Siilvii.- White Capra Warmers; The \V-mmpeg Light Flne VVlllte COttOI‘lS, 50ft ï¬nlSh, at 5C. 7C. BroCk'Sm-out so) LJb tloii Army as it Snblnitli breaking nuisance, Infantry (915, Battalion) preparing {or 80,“ d - pmgéfï¬mwmrf QUE; 1-wv') now that it has become (I. Sabbath breaker ice; W‘nm, Cnp‘ the Sim]! Chief; Trial ‘ an IIC. . Davenport.†" «In W itself. ï¬nd-shinny rec-“mu why the Army Practice with the outing at Swift Current; Factory Cottons, in ï¬ne and heavy makes, at 3&0 50. 6c ,j‘XfSF“{l.l~i--- ~- ‘ ,3, shout] continue to Violate the Smmlll‘ay of Col, Otter's Brigade approaching the South ï¬lo MIC 1nd 81C l‘tlgélhllrlerD-ï¬lhh 12.30 Mi? [he S"bb“Ll",,_,# Saskatchewan; The Nova Scoriii Prnvlsioniil _ ‘3 " /‘_‘ ' ‘ 2 ' I ‘ I I I mg __________________ or»; , .i : Comm-,0“ Battalion at Montreal; Steamers at Mi'ill- Pillow Cottons, Shootings etc., in I \VlllS and Plains, in a . g ..l: ' - - ' ' i .‘N , . . . h2iii§iiii¢iii 250mg W Last Week in giving the S“Wet 0‘ Bev- ,d' Widths, in soft ï¬nish and ï¬ne and heavy makes. Go‘i.‘ . r~w »l'v ,s.i '. . ‘ ‘, 3 - - mum. Mi"! 21;,nlj‘uf°;i}‘cfwg,f,'ï¬ï¬‚fgï¬iffl f’.’.’r,,eâ€,,‘,‘,‘y‘;? Hamilton; 'Ihe Midland lo»). \iillmmsi Table Linens in unbleached cream and white, 18c. 22lc. 27c Newnmrket . ........ 5‘18 1' ; m ;y , ' r h, ' ‘. Battalion marching to the. C. 1‘. ll. Depot, , , Aumrc Mn 11-» minus Cry. Instant! 0- Fhe Mysterious W- - . 1. . -, f0†. , 1 F. , 31c. 30c. 45c. and 69c. These (foods are worth fron Kim-1 -- --- "W 13-†(‘ili'." “'9 are sorrv for our mistake, and . "mllwg ‘, mm.“ a 0 \ gems!†L m ‘“,“" ‘ '3 pit-mini? limo... on. i213 S,,;.,e,,dc.w,,,. ,0 1,93,,“ mom, ,0 Mum 11321113111302}- Ouplnetg. iI-\II- Nï¬.}5.wlnch forty-ï¬ve cents to one dollar per yard. '.hornhi ........ . ... ‘â€"‘v - L‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ W Wt 10 issue on ie lid i ny, \"l )e {in in- V 3 - - - gesmnwt †ii'i JATNgsliioriaibile teiisely interestinrv number, as it Wlll csm- \Ve are 3150 Offellng Specufl Value “1 \Vhlte and Ecru Lac‘ amen ior . i i - - . . . . "’ ‘ . . w . ‘ . . Pfll’kllalde. ............... 93,1 is: NOW “wt a ï¬n V ig slow at hand We notice tmn. in addition to other fine illustr‘rtions, Lace Curtalns’ Table Covers, Plano Covers, TORONTO. ‘ p . 5 ’ ‘ ' , ' , . sketches representing tlmrcliefof Buttlefurd, , ’ Quemm wth _, . , . . . . our popular urlist, l\I1~. Belt. Andrews, _13 and me Bame M Fish Crook The pm.“ “i Mats, etc. Iii-och Street _, 1.30 gill) doing a rushing business in the tonsorial the p“ or iq 15’ ("ms per conv mm it pin" Iâ€) Ergfnï¬stin'wmԠum" Many ('1: “lo 11"th gil'lslï¬s we“ as Older produtï¬lll G‘llllllril-Il'om tho phblisliprs 'Oll‘yil'lllll :er H“ V 777% 7' 7 fly 7†7'7 7 7' K 7" H '7 W V 7’ ' ’ . ‘__~ duinscls, are Vlsllliig his lushionirble Parkâ€, local newsdenlors. btylish VVcll-Made blllts 01‘ Good Stronrr TWGCJS (read petling their hair cropped short in the old __7 H WI#_ 7 7‘!" a D , - x - huntun style, and look even more pretty made) only mi. beloro. _l __f Fine Scotch Tchcd Suits, warranted all pure Wool, (read Conneelswilli allti-nins, h‘m'illfl tho Palmer I. will it. in. Toronto Globe. Miss McKinnon in visiting at her sister‘s, Inade) onlv RIO Accr’mmo‘l’mw H H " ' 1,1,1? , The greatest hit of the. evoning was 1111- Mrs- ROW†“Ullmld- f- E J i' ' . L . {ixl’iresï¬g’ damn " " ' ’ ‘ £5.53 doubledlv MrS. Kellie‘s exdnlrlle rendering . *â€"‘ , est 0 ugland Tweed Suits†UCW'GSL coloringsi (read or. u . . . . of COWS“? bountiful snug, u The Bette;- Mr: Bert. Wiley, of Rochester, 15 M3. pres- made) only _ Land." Hercnltivnted, sweet-toned voice out Visiting friends and relatives in the , ‘ h , ll. ' _ ‘ enrnptureil the audience, and nu encore Wits “11089- Supï¬rlof P1116 {Kt/111 \Vorsted Suns, Styles, (read, *4 Uut‘ilfurthor notion Muils will be closed at the iiicileruusly demanded rind gracefully acced- made) only $18. 31011111011“ Hm P“v‘“l‘ll"“ “5 fâ€â€â€œâ€œâ€œ'7# ed." Mrs. Kellie will sing: in tho iilvthodist NY- A. F. Stevellï¬on. Editor and Pro- 3 1 ’ ‘ ' MORNINGiâ€"lelilliSi‘rl‘lll.\n1‘ill\. Tins-t and Church hero 0n the evening of the 25th of printer of the Aurora [lore/ills, \vns iii the boys [\VCed Suits, very nobby Styles,(feady made) at $I'5c, Wort, iwloihng 'l‘hornlnll. _ M, village on Monday, rind gave Till". LIBERAL R q ‘ anlofll‘nronln Mtii’l;iiiiiii.d’<‘. 7.!» [y' M fnendly can. ‘1? 2 - 50 and q, 3 .50 pct Suit. rind \Vost lils ulnri‘m I‘. 1."- N. B.â€"â€"Re::i:. rorl Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes (‘ILl‘llr‘l' than the chore mentioned hours (or Clil<hig_ M. ’l‘liil'leY. l‘ostiiinster. EVENING 1â€"Gi ring soutlidlzi, Dividend No. 2. On another imgo, notice is given by the Ur-utml Bunk llint fl dividend of three per (-I-nl. upon the piiid up CHDlllll stock of this liistitulion has been declared for this our- li'llt hull your. This Will be. payable at the ll ink and its branches on and after Monday, the bust tiny of June noxt. Fine Wors ed Overcoats, to order, in all t ings, only 57,615. . Fine All “7001 Tweed Suits, to order, (very nobby styles, only $15. ' Fine Black English \Vorstcduit s, to order, Men’s \Vorstcd Suits, to order. at Rev. Dr. Stone, ASSoriuto Editor of the Christian Gunrrliuz, will preach in the Methodist church of thi< iibieo next Sunday at 10, a. in., and at (3.30, p. m. The Hnoru- ment of the lmrd‘s Supper will be adminis- tered alter the morning Norrico. or,» , gamut N M A ï¬rst A G rigs “'ILYJsâ€"T’uristt the. l'(‘\lllr'll"l" of the liiidc's only $15. Grand Concert. , ,1 . from $510 to 5,540 per suit. é‘vâ€"‘v‘iliinzm r r ‘ '1 (m y ' A grand Concert will be given iu\I\rYicli)l':R Rigor-,Ilrnnklili.lint†on \u-llnwlnv. Apr-ii :iu N ‘l.L, Si ‘.2. ., .~ ii " "a ’ g,‘. .. Q'lbl,ll'li1"..l. twitter-N \" '< -g , " , ' m '- - 11H 0 ii? 7L 7 ill“: im :7†ll ill, inoriiliill.ou lriduy Bliulli' n)’ s. n \ \ lil it huh \ llll Din , NICUyS berge Sluts, to order, at hum 53,12 to per Stut- uisl. ,\uror:i.lo Mirage .lusrquhiiiu, youngest (lLL'lllIllh-I‘ oi .lohn ltosn, “My, Siii-iii;:l‘iill. bilUSlC LESS(§)NS ! O MISS FLORX (VOULTER lg PREPARED TO GIVE LESSONS IN MUSIC. Feb. 11th, MUSIC LESSONS. Miss Bailey is now prepar- ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence, oppo- sfte Presbyterian Church. in presents given u.v::n'. Sl‘llll rents post . m ' ‘ " :Ii-t ; ii ec it littltllmg-l of goods. o large. value. tliu‘u Will start \‘Ull in work flirt! will up oncvbring you in money luster lhim nnv thing else in America. All about the sorrow lll under the supervision ol l’roiersor \V. M. L'lnike, lute ol \V’orcester, England. The host of talent has been secured from Toronto llrnnliord, \V'oodhi‘idgo and other places. Admission 25 cents; children 15 cents. Con- cert to commence ill 8 o‘clock. Proceeds in arid of Trinity church, ’l‘hoinhill. L 6) C An En S45 . Agent wanted for the Atlanta \‘rtlli'y Prov- dent :3: Life As- aciulion. See All. Men's Twecd Suits, to order, at from $12 to $25 per suit. Fine All \Vool Tweed Suits, only $15, to order at Petley’s Fine \Vorsted Overcoats in all the newest colorings, only $13 at Pctley’s. Try our 35 up to 80 cent Tea at A. Toronto Mail. Moodie's. r Miss Mmie Strong achieved a. marked suc- Bames' FDOWSl‘OTm 11“ 00m“ and Boner ccss. She bus u remarkably rich voice and and 110ԠW" “my Fll‘en'll‘“ {l‘l’ Sllmlï¬- in the cavrtinu " Ali Quel Liioi‘no." from Scion-amide surprised the audience by the extent of her capabilities in the way oi vocal- izulion. She received an enthusiastic en- core and her triumph was certainly well do- served.“ Miss Strong will sing in the Metho- dist Church here on the eVening of the 25th of Mary. Best \Vinceys and Lybster Shirt- ings at ll. Moodie‘s. Fire Practice. To-morrow evening (Fridny) being the ï¬rst of May, the Fire Brigade will be out for their ï¬rst practice of the season. Every man to his post. , «r E 5 New Music Store. As will be seen by advertisement on an- other page, Messiis. Clark & Sanger have Gents’ Suits made to order at A. ‘ ’ ‘ opened a new Mnric Store 0: .isite Brown n-esent. neat-1i hux. A"(:Ill.$ \‘i'ulltoleYcl‘VWllr'l‘e 0’) le S. l. _ b ___-_.,_-,_. _. , Bros, Bakers, where they purpose keeping a or either sex. of all noes, fur-All [ht-time, (Irriwu'c B dd. l " = f ll ll of «lo I ' .'ll'l 0 ts Dd m1 hm!) only. to work l'oriis ut their turn llUlllL‘w. “1 mg «flrgrr- ,3 ‘1 8“pl .V mu‘ " “15 "n n “' a 1' Fortunes fr'l‘ all work " lilisoliitnly {twillwl sin oi every description. Mr. Clarke is also open to receivu pupils 1n vocal and instru- mentiil music. lustrmucnts tuned, and sat- ismction gunriinteed. penile-luv:ll.‘ll.\1:if.'r'rd V ALN H )KRIQ \V’ ’ Snail-rim â€"-â€"~â€"lN T HE-â€"â€"â€"râ€"- dllk l --~â€"â€"IS THE PLACE FOR Awâ€" FIRST - CLASS SHAVE l 0 Mr. D. Gm)‘ is tearing down the old liornrâ€"~ K Ct)...PUI'bltLlltl.Alfl:lll:§ stead of the lute Dr. Duncurnb to make room for n more pretentious structure. The llL‘W residence will be of white brick. Thomhill Murder Trial. On Fri luv but, in the interests of the Crown against the. alleged murderers oi the late Mr. Arnold, l’llqll Constable Jones and Hugh McMahon, Q. (1., who are to conduct the case {or the Crown at the criminal us- sizes, visited the place where the murder was committed. The case will be tried this week. Fine New Bosnia Primes at A. Moodie’s. T0 HAND. ’ New Dress Goods New Cashmeres “ Silks dz Satins New Velvets and w. c. r Union. The next meeting of the W. C. T. Union will be held at the residence of Mrs. Crimp. hell, on Tuesday evening, May 5th, at 7.30. All temperance workers cordially invited. Flour and Feed at the lowest cash price at A. Moodie‘s. Gone Up. The price of breed has risen one cent a lost, in anticipation, we presume, of an Anglo-Russian War. Its ability to jump up always exceeds its agility to jump down. New Millinery “ Jackets “ Kid Gloves Silk Llsle Gloves New Corsets “ Ribbons “ Laces Bee Journal. We have ri‘ceirvd the ï¬rst number of the Canada. Bee Journal., edited and published, at one dollar ‘1 yeur, by D. A. Jones, the well~known bee man, of Beetou, Ontario. It is the only one on Apiarian matters in Canada. It is a neatly gotten up Journal, and to all bee-keepers will prove a. valuable help to success, as it is brim full of inforâ€" mation in its editorial correspondence and query departments. HAIR-GUTTING A SPEGlALT‘l B I’. RT. A N D R [I “’5. Prop. lliilbe lii trillion. THE CREBETORS OF ARTHUR COXVAN, Into of the Township of York, In tho County of York,Yeonianï¬ecousod,who (“Oil on or ubout the Fifth day of April, A. D., 1885. are horeby ltutiï¬ml in pursuuneo of R. 8. 0.01m. ll)? Section 2.54, us fllllL‘llilULl by 115 Victoria. Cup. 9, to send on or beforo the 23rd Day of May.’A. D., 1535113'Illlstlil‘O-llllllltf) Dirvul Joules. Esquire, ’l'hornliill P. 0. one (it the Exocutors of the do- ceitsod, their cliristiun :tu‘l suinnines, addresses and descriptions. the full particulars of their cluinis,u stutoiuont of their iii-counts, [Hill the H Bonus. The ratepayers of Newmarket at ii. late meeting granted the sum of $5000 to Messrs. W. A. Cane dz Sons to assist in building up their factory. The new buildings are to be brick, and will be constructed on an exten- sive scale. Temperance Meeting. The next Monthly Temperance Meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church next ‘ Monday evening, commencing at 7.30 p. 1n. i F. S. Spence, Esq. of Toronto, Secretary of the Dominion Alliance will address the meet- ing. Mr. Spence is thoroughly posted on the temperance question. and is an able and eloquent speaker. The public are cordially ‘ invited to attend. A collection will be taken to defray expenses. New Ginghams & Cambrics New Prints and Sateens Boston Times. “ Miss Marie 0. Strong sang Fosti'so‘For- ever and forever," with ï¬ne effect, her pure rich contralto voice being supplemented by a most graceful stage presence.†Miss Strong vnll sing in the Methodist Church on the evening of the 25th of May, Illustrated Sporting News. Veterinary Surgeon. The latest addition to our village is a new Veteriner Surgeon in the person of Mr. J. 'I'. Nuttress, of Toronto Veterinary College. Mr. Nattress comes well recommended. and judging from his conversation, is an out and out horseman. See card on ï¬rst page. To Crieketers. A meeting wrll be held in the Temperance Ball on Monday evening next for the pur- pose of ire-organizing the Cricket Club. A full attendance is requested, as much im- portant business will be brought up. Lacrosse. The “ Young Canadians,†bound to be to the front, are taking time by the forevlock, and have had several practices already. It ".5 well to make a good start, as, ere long. they .wili be called upon to defend the Medal now in their possession. Performers for Methodist Concert. The following distinguished and talented artists have been secured for the annual concert to be given in the Methodist Church of this plkce on the evening of the 25th 0t May : Mrs. Celeste V. Keltie, the favorite soprsnn, Buï¬nlo, N. Y. ; Miss Marie C. Strong, contralto, late of Boston. Mass. ', Herr Fried, the favorite tenor, of Rochester, Ii. Y. ; Miss Berrvman, the talented mezzo soprano, Toronto ; Mrs. H. M. Blight, To- ronto, pianist and accompanist ; Miss Kate Strong, memo soprano and clocutionist. of Mount Forest; Mr. Fred Wurringlon, '1'0- tonto, Ontario’s invmite baritone, musical conductor. we “'3 in recall†0f the ï¬rst number 0‘ a nature of tho soniiritieslii ltllyl hold by thorn ; new sporting paper, published in New York. under the above title. It contains sixteen 1 pages, neatly printed on ï¬rst-class paper and is the most readable journal of the kind we have even handled. The engravings, which embrace characters of the highest eminence in the sporting World, are elegantly executed, and the reading matter is void of anything low, too often lound in such papers. We will gladly place it amoung our exchanges. The price is 10 cents a copy, or $4.00 per annum in advance. Promotion Examinations. The highest possible number of marks to be obtained 180. Those recommended are marked ' ‘ FROM 11! T0 11 DIV. I'ROM IV To III. 173. Jno.Falconbridge, 139. Willie Glass, 164. Alex Reid, 130. Hattie Mapes, 161. Maggie Glover, 120. Jennie Wiley, 139. Ellie Manir, 108. F.Empriiigham 138. Mattie Harrison, 104. H. Sanderson, 137. Merritt Wilson, 95. Edith Andrews, 135. Florence Tyrrell, 94. Herbie Garvin, 134:. D. Douthwsite, 94. Herbie Soules, 118. Lillie Clifford, 114. Arthur Weir, 110. Everett Law, 104. Annie Cosarove, 97. Freddie Redditt, 96. Willie McKenzie, 94. Tillie King, 91. John Good, 84' Surah Clifford, 83‘ Willie Savage. M. “'in, Teacher. 89. F. McConnell, 87‘ F. Bailey, 85‘ F. Moodie, 85' ()1 Hall. J. CRUICksHAsK, Teacher. the mill crediting uro ulso notiï¬ed thut lin- ii’loiliittely after the said 22nd duvof May. A. 1).. 1885. the tissubs of tlio iloceusod will boilistriliuted ninougst tho yirrtios entitled tlioioto, bowing ro< uurd only to the claims of which notice shrill hero been rot-oirod unil the Executors will not he lltLlJle for the assets or any purl; thereof so distributed to any person whose claim sliull huvo not been received at the time of the distri- bution of the sold assets. D. JAMES. WM. MCDOUALL. 313., Delamcre, Black, Roe-sot dc English, 17 Toronto St, Toronto, Solicitors for Executors. Markham, April 13th, 1885. 42-1w. Genital Beck at Gerardo. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, WEE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M.P.P., H. P. Dwight. D. M. Muc- donnld, C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard, and J. Giuty. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Deposits received and Interestullowed thereon at Current flutes. NO notice of withdrawn] required, Bruits on ullnurts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought and Sold. JAMES l'l. LA‘VRENL'E, Manager. } Executors. New Jerseys H Ties ‘ wills Lace our' “ Handkerchiefs. - “ Embroideries New Gretonnes . “ Table Linens 4‘ Underwear “ Table covers it Parasols “ Table napkins “ u Quilts Parasol covers Our stock has all been bought at the Fountain Head 0 Production,on the best terms,and is offered to our customers at the smallest living proï¬t, lor CASH Only. . M. HAMILTON, 184. YONGE STREET, TORONTO.