Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Apr 1885, p. 8

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nielissiioim NEW MU SIC STORE. We will in a, few duys open a now Music Store in the Village of fironnowo Him I Opposite Brown Bros. Bakers, where ii full supply of MUSICAL INSTRUWIENTS ' And Music of every description will be kept always on hour] (it rock bottom prices. Instru- ments tuned. The public are invited to mvo us u call and inspect our stock. Orders promptly attended to. CLARKE é’c SEAGER. Richmond Hill, April 30th. 3111. AGENT WANTED. Agent wanted for tho Atlillltll. Volley Provident R: Life Association. for the Village of Richmond Hill and vicinity. Liborul (Joininisfion. Address, G H WEBB, Aurora. SERVANT GERLIWANTED ! A good trusty girl wanted as servunt in a small family. Work ousy. Applv iit 'l‘ni: LIBERAL Ofl‘icc. fâ€"étr’rv 77777 73â€"77“ 77 « 771V * S F 0 l’ SAL L BEE b . G Colonies of Bees for sulo iii Lnugstrotli hires. 433w. JOSIAH ltEniAN, ('iii rVillo. 7 ' i ) ) ‘ " i * l l 1L RASPB i. b ! Afcw hundred plunisuftho Philadelphia. m} abundant bearer. I'l'UiHU‘l'lIL' fruit iii the best quality ,for solo clump. in lots to suit purchaser .ipylV in C. MAPES, Hemll‘oril. William Eliri‘uni‘y. Churches. - ST. MARY s Epismiui. CliUlicfl.â€"Sei‘\'i(‘(‘ ut 3 .m.,exoept the. third Sunday of every month, when the service rind sacrament are held (it. 11 mm. SuiiduySc.hoolu,t1:30p.m Itov.\\". Bates, Rector. METHODIST CHLIRCH4'SGI'ViCGS at 10:30 n..m. and 6:30 1i.iii.,auil SI‘LDG’ ‘ school, ut‘ZJIO p.111. Young people's pi-nyor i in: Tuesday evening. General I’riiyei Moctiir ery Thursduyevening 111 the Lecture Room .. . W. R. Burlicr, Supt., Rev. W. B.liootli, A PRESBYTEMAN Cur-m Hor CANADA.â€"Sel‘vi(‘es an ll o‘clock,:i.iiil 0:10 1i.iii. Prayer meeting on \Vednesdiiy GVUlllliL; art .30. ROMAN CATHOLIC CH\‘RCH.->Sel'\'l(‘65 in order as follows ’l‘liornhill Eli ll and Richmond Billet 10:30 (Lin; tinx following Sunday at Rich- mend Hill lit. 0 il.1ll.,illl£l Thornhill at 10:30 a. in 43-2W Societies. RMHMOND LODGE.A.F. & A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ -Meets in the Lodge Roomllnsomc Hull,on the Monday on or before. full moon, at 8 o'clock 13.x): A. J. Rupert, \V. M. Aucmr'r ORDER OF FonnsTEnsâ€"Court Rich- mond, No. 7046 A O. F., meets in the 'l‘eiiiperunce Hall every alternate Fridm’ at 7.30 p. u1.â€"A. J. Rupert (1. R. chmuoxn HILL TEMPLE, No 465, I._O. G.T.â€" Meets in the Temper-Linea Hiill' [every Wednesday evening. at T. 30 o‘clock. \\'in. Harrison T . D. The Methodist sabbath school'l‘emperancc As aociution issue pl ‘vo cm-dsevei‘y Sunduy when desired. \\ mil son supf . Mizcukst’ JXsTiTUTE.‘ [.i‘urtirv or over 1000 v ilumesnpcn every Tuesday evenfiip. in the Ma,- a mic Hull, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. ll. Low. Libra.» ruin. Lectures and disco ions periodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET Rinaâ€"Metals for 1) notice every ’I‘iiosduy and Saturday evening at 7.30 o‘clock. U. Savage, Leader VILLAGE Germainâ€"Rove. Wm. Pugsley, Conn. cillm-s, Messrs. lienj. Redditt, W. D. Powell, 1?, ELDLl RMcQonaghy, (Ilcik, M. '1 ecfv, A. O. U. \V.,Ivy Lodge, No. Ill, Meets in the Committee Room of the ‘Musonic Hull each ulternati ve Tuesday at 8 o'clock p.113. Ben o- t‘icury certificute given for $2,000 in case of deutb. I. Crosby, Minster Workman. B. Grenuun. Rec. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hull,euoh alter» native Tuesday evening ms o'clock p in. Bene- ficiary Certificates issued to mule or female members for 251,000 or in case of death $2.000, one hell nuyublc in case of disability. J. H. Sunder- son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Swfizerficcording sacrum-“inner I GET YOUR ROUTE BILLS PRINTED AT. THE LlBERlL UFFICE. A good choice of CUTS; for Draught, General Purpose or Light Horses. Orders by Mail promptly attended to and forwarded to any address free of postage A IRIZE send six cents in post- age, and receive free, it costly box of goods which I will help all, uf either sex to more money right uwuy than anything else in this world. Fortunes uwuit the workers absolutelv sure. At once address I‘RU‘E & Co Angus tn. Maine. FOR SALE 1’ A First-Class Cod Liver Oil! 0 This famous Brand, PURE, BRILLIAN ‘ and almost Taste- less, is tar superior to any other Norwegian Cod Liver Oil yet in- troduced. o Imported and bottled only by Kenneth Campbell 8e 60., MONTREAL. o. P. LENNOX DENTIST, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, lip-Stairs. Has the exclusive right. for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extracting tooth without pain, by means of a»... 13 gm, VITALIZED Alli. Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. BEST SETS ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON RUBBER, â€" â€" $8.00 0N CELLULOID, â€" $10.00 I use no cheap iiiatoriul and warrant every set. Gold Filling, and All other operations skilfully performed, at moderate foes. Call and see me. No trouble to swer questions. 511‘.- lilitv 15th, ESLâ€"iv TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE mus.- RICHMOND HULL. M In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years, I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that having erected entirely new and com- modious premises, I am enabled to supply Phaetous, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING W l G UN 3 . Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own supervisr i. I :im also prepared to do all kinds of black- smitliing (L‘- repairiug in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Horse - Shoeing Paid special attention to. “’M TREND“. IIealth is man. “n. E. C. WEsT‘s NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT- MEN’I‘, n. cuurunteol Specific for Hysteriu, Dizzi- noss, Cunvulsions, Fits, ' Nervous Neiiriiluiu, Hounluche. Nervous I’rostmtion caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wokefiiliicss, Montul Depression, Softening of the Bruin resulting in insanity and lending to misery, decay and death, Proiiiulure Old Age, Bnrronnoss, Loss of Power in either sexluvoluntiu'y Losses and Speriniit- orrlioi-u. amused by over-exertion of the bruinsolf- abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contuins onu inontL’s treutinent. $.00 LL box, or six boxes for S5.UU,sont by mail prepaid on receipt of price. \‘Vc Guarantee Six Boxes To cure any (use. “’ith each order received by us for six lmitlos, m:(‘uL'?pn.ui@(l with $5.00, we will send tho inirrzliusor our written guarantee to l’Clqul U-o Jul-nor ii the tl‘L‘ilCXllCub does not Ulllfl .1, win, (hiannnh-(mi \lHtl only by JOHN C. \' ia-‘i‘ A i‘.i,>‘l:.~.1iilH:'.l{ing St. Eust, Toronto, (Jntui ll , (N) '3‘“) MOSH-W 141 ‘T-Icnfgo Street, Toronto (All?) “fears sixfolished) For (good and cheap Watch- C-s. LLloolis, a ewellry, Sil- vrrware and Spectacles a: 7-1-1 i L‘l‘f éSkREhJM,W like Winners. TORONTn Thursday, April 30, 1&6. Wheat, full, per bushel ...... ...$O 95 to on \thut, spring, do. . 95 00 Barley, do. 55 65 outs, do. 43 44 I’eus. do. 68 00 Rye. do. 56 Clover Seed, do. . . . . . , . . , , . , . _ Dressed hogs, pew- 1001b3. 5 75 G 25 Beef, fore quarters ....... 4 00 5 50 ‘ycof. hind qunrtei‘s... 5 50 7 00 Chickens, per pair 0 70 00 Duel 0 80 l ()0 ‘ 0 80 1 10 1 00 2 Oil 0 16 U 18 . , iili dairy . , 0 l5 )6 Fun i‘i-sl], per (1 . 0 1'2 ll I’nizitrws,1iorlnig . 0 40 4:3 Al‘l'liis, per l)l)] ............ 1 00 1 75 onions, monomer bug I 00 Cnlilizige do. 0 95 4|] (,‘niiliflower do, 0 00 0 ()0 (lolory, do. 0 ‘25 0 50 '.l urnips, per bag 0 30 0 40 Carrots, (10 0 40 I) 50 Huy, per ton . 0 (‘0 18 00 straw, per ton 6 ()0 9 00 mommxn HILL Thiirsrlav April 30. 1885. outs, per bushel ............. 34 0 30 ' ‘ (l0, . . O 58 0 (ill 11 hammer! 5 '55 (i '25 Ore quarter 5 00 0 00 Roof, hiudquurtcr 7 50 8 50 (‘llk'lif‘llth per pair .. 0 5O 0 “0 blinks, (lo, ' .. (J 55 () ll?) Goose. cnoh ,,,,,, .. 0 50 0 H1) Turkeys, per 11) .. .. O 9 ll liiittm imian roll .. 0 15 n 16 Butter :irgo rolls .. 0 1.5 0 li‘. liqus liesli,per dozen ., 0 11 0 i2 l’ntn. (is,1ioi' 1mg, 0 25 0 Ill) App ,. my Inn. 100 l 50 miimis qi‘ooii, pe 65 7:7 Grililni , , per doz. 0 ‘25 0 «lo (Zulu-y. do. . . . . . , , . . 'l urnips, perbzig .. n $5 0 l7) Carrots, (1r). .. 0 40 0 5i) Ileuiis. par pcok..... .. 0 50 0 ll) Ii‘lm n‘inu,por bl) .. . . . . . l“l(illl,l£Lll, pm: bbl .. 4 ‘4’} l 50 I'lfl)',ptll‘ ton . .. 7 00 11 U0 struw. nor ton ll i i M ii l PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, PUTTY, &E.. 4BUILDERS’.’> -â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€"â€" MECHAMQS’, TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. 1 166 King Street East, Near George Street, Toronto. 25‘; 4-‘93. . “‘ -..â€". WILKINS’ BROS , EITTENTION ! JUST. OPENED IN RICHMOND HILL, A NEW AND FASHIONABLE TAlLillllliil ESTAEIESHMENT Every attention paid to â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€".â€" ‘ NEAT Besides working for the Merchants, I will keep on hand a fine as- sortment of Patterns. l Leave your orders at once. Chas. Trevethen: I0 IH:E_P_ll Having commenced business in the ilhliNESS EMPGRLIM, Recently vacated by Mr. H. B. Dewsbury. 1 am now pre- Trunks, Valises. Horse Fur- nishings and all goods in our line constantly kept on hand . Repairing promptly attended Grail). McDonald, RICHMOND HILL. BUlLlNG WIS FOR SALE '9 T" w Funding: l ots for solo on (‘miire Stree ‘ i li.l< per cont down for pick v- .- J.‘ i . \ i we, in- biliv ‘, . .3 ‘3 ‘4 LVN IETING l‘ pared t0.mal<6 all kinds Of Just received. A cordial invitation Harness 1n First-Class Style. son to call and in5pect my goods. 1, SPRING STOCK COMPLETE WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS, ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS, a. LARGE. STOCK from 400ts. up- HATS Alli} GAPS. SUITS rues Ill @8953. In GROC Mlfil in {3%. (Slaszswvare, $50. \Vo have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR $5 FEED always on hand, all of which we will sell as cheap for cash as any Store on Richmond Hill, keeping first- classgoods. E, DRESS GOODS, W r" I High Arm Sewing Maching is now rec- ognized as the SEWING MACHINE OF THE EERIOD. It is Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to Learn. THE'INE It is strong, Jumble and well built,of the Very best material that money can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded five medals and three first prizes at the Domtuion Exhibition last October. It ia rapile supersodiug all the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it,l,uy it,nnd make sure that you get it, Sold by J. LUSH. Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and Pianos. Terms Easy. T' ELE nos. oo. SEED 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & JARVIS SIS, TORONTO. SEED GRAINS 7 Afull line of SEED WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY, PEAS. TARES, &C. SLOVER SEEDS l Alsike, Bokherd, Early 6c Large Late, Lucerne White Dutch and Trefoi] Clovers. GRASSES ' ! Orchard, Kentucky Blue, Red Top, Perennial and Italian Rye, Timothy, 860., 660. GRASS MIXT‘SRES For Alternate Husbandry,Permanent Pastures and. Meadows, we make this a Special Fea- ture in our Agricultural Seed Department. Nlixtures prepared for any Soil or Purpose. LN one but the finest variety used. Don’t fail to try them. l Finest varieties of Turnip, Carrot and Maugel Seeds of unexcelled quality. Please don’t omit a call when in the city. 12; n. ms”: ... mun“. .................n...z.,,,,~ g / w f I would take this Opportunity of informing the public that lam carrying on the Boot and Shoe Business in the old stand. I would direct your special attention to my large and splendid stock of . SPRIN' Ga} 11‘3er ORTA’IL‘IONS is extended to every per- Boots and shoes made to order on the shortest notice by first-class workmen. Call early and leave your orders. SPRING TH E Wall Paper & Bordering That. has ever been in t‘ns town, at from 5 to 750. per ile A large stock of READY MIXED PAINTS, AL l. COLORS. Ready for use. White Lead,Oil,Paint,Turpentine 8c Whitewash Brushes- All sizes. Full stock of Painter’s materials, loss than 'l'uronto prices. A large stock of FURNITURE, HARDWARE. CROCKERTuud usnaii dual. of GROCERIES Try our 250. Tea. Ask for 5.31.1": rile. & Fl ‘ ' “ SOT *‘ ' WI PRICES. AGE. ANDâ€" PEOPLE’S ,Hiis on hand the largest new stock of STORE l "l FLO UR.

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