Ma, VOL. VII M dav f Alur Money to SMâ€) 3‘.) 1 11 Pl AWBENC MO i'ua hm at C90 JACD( )1 M03: nnum, 1_11 Husband. L. “aim: 1 Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Bank.on Saturdays. ' NE‘VTON BROOK Mrs, Conveyancers, 8m. o. 14 Building & Loan 15 Toronto Street. RAH EVENING & mmmm EST CURRENT RATES i in his‘ ofï¬ce, New except when Satux ate Funds to 5 pr lduy 08]! Llsi ‘ent T. G. MILLIGAN. RRITT & C0 Jildiu advance, Hl $15? son. ‘t ant-h month (‘0‘ ofessionully :â€" 01 each month Aurc HOUSE ‘n mm Ar mOnt ntmentw iirec 1c ‘IDGE Hill 1t {Ln alt Lice: Sales Funeral Furnishings Always on Benj. Brillingm'. Pr Daily Express to T0! given to moving f pianos RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Through Tickets t. and Manitoba. Fox THE DOMINION H( Richmond Hill, NORTHERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. Genï¬ml Bank Dividend No. a. Stock PROF Toront‘ Voc Ehnu be cla. “TEE $1.00 IN RBVANGE. A. WRIGHT 86 SON, ROBERT QUINN General Pm UTICE is herct three per cent Organist Tr T1 th to 315m Muv, both ‘ The mmqu general I s will be held at the. w urJune next, the} c We, the under rm‘ Mumford ( missed his ï¬rst c DOMINION HOTI DVI( Apply at. the Mu Pianos tuned ‘11 an rate me: ‘f this 11 for the x iul Rates to ( UNDEIRTAKERS, lbe payable at 1 after Monday ‘11 nsfcr Books v stvclass style, best of acct ud attentive 1 arciul travelh Terms $1 Der N. J. Armsu‘ona. :1 Hill, April 30th and Instrumental Music. at, the Music Store, Richmond Hill. .I. Wank <5. ‘ted the lom Eckan nucm‘ for the Co 1 April, 186! igrcllmtm an the shm‘ Address St “(‘5 ntï¬ex 1 rate yneer M. Brown W. M uh. 111: Jitutin: rreut ] “ In Essentials, Unity ; A R'I‘GN ‘f the I \V. F l! RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 7. 188 i C. Stain for tho Coum lager Chur SULICIT( ie A1 rciui Travellers RICHMOND HILI Qflflg fl". Tl CLARKE, 1(1- 6&mada 11 AT} HOUSE, ‘11. M EN, Cashier 1t pl Div M l ‘Ves‘ pplv t ‘11 ti that Jto the 1t 1d impusin though, as they cities. second storey. Stt reach the city from Yarra River, a. mis‘ mud and stench. ' get up the river; limnstnwn or SaudI distance. An uceu weele and in about [iv The Paciï¬c Sydney. tion to V] lum bv n to the In new, I of shortly b opening I That, ho tendunts lnenccd,: Dr lers 1 ever saw. All ages, an snze classes and many dxï¬'erent nations here represented. Hideous faces: tesque ï¬gures, awkward manners s tn pred descril' schntti description; waltzes, pull schnttisches, quadrilles, and what else. were being " go at one and the same time music. Some, unfortunate partners, were busily engag invisible grindstones or hau Ill was marcmn with the air army. The l ing, or rathc of them c0111 fantastic†t1 once ridicuh see the poor there. Am. was seen tht movements I Sidd the cause nf mental derangemcm, w brought him ï¬nally to an asylum for insane. This recreation is given we to the inmates, and is hailed with de by all but the more dangerous charac who, of Cnurse, are not; allowed to p: [pate in the eneninu’s amusement. (To BE CONTINUED.) Mr. Ed. ronto, whe the summe 0d ist ch m-c ‘Ol‘tnl‘llllll Mr Mr , however was anon over. Lllf ants retired, the orchestra re :ed,and instantly the floor was at ith the most motley group of I [ ever saw. All ages, all sizes 1i n Non-Essentials, Lil; 101110 St urt time visit the night a] lunatics‘ I] e us. \v 11 {heibuildiu are in Ame Dwelling: 11 before :hm-ch on SI :Bird Songs limit minate e au‘ 0t : The muj rather t nfl. bus return I exumiuutiou l1 1‘! COlII‘St dings here are many of them [ Due-(trance. 0n “ICE “t Sims, of the ï¬rm of A. H. Sims Lreul, spent Sunday in the villagt PERSUNAL S. Palmer 1110 n than some lf-imp ng up Sui mg 0 Vel' 1 ll] CI‘E M £11 m ider left. this morning he intends remaiuiu Boolb will preach in the Math )11 Sunday evening nexL, sub- ,Junty tryinu 1H ll} great J utal dc Lhk fly. lb was a. sight at y comical, and yet. and, to aturea wheeling around the best of the dancers ully ï¬gure and graceful .1e husband Of Mrs. Scott great love fur liquor was a] 1‘1 ormnt and lord m But the dmxcin they tn] other of Mrs. med to the vi u in coumctim . which he has )0 :Itv \Vl pted ance 111 st SUI ut 100 HG nt began. 'L‘m 18 attendants over. the at 1k main at ‘11) HG 11H M e nt. IUEL m [‘5 cunn the In E Ill madlan 1t 1‘} II It] 11‘er ll‘l' ecom IOWd for To during ‘emed 11 flame which I“ the vet:le l‘he man I It artic us 111 Jaa. the the at- ht. Mr [I] 1'11 I‘h Mr. Spâ€"ence will (1 IRWI (lit the in all no y but the) and t1) gubj: Sha“ 'l‘ru by A O. C. ’1‘illmau;bjtock~rm who displayed womlerfu ling the subject in every decision was given in ï¬n subj ï¬eld man, 5‘ Club is 'I‘eml ml Ou celp ï¬bre ch Our ‘lll par t1 1d." A11 The Kix: ‘ctc ndu (‘A'I‘A R I! H )Il I‘ll m as clauuud by Ill W llll‘ll ad 1U! lu ()n W vm purp Stewart; Tillman ll 111115101! Tl cy. & Treus. ( batin ill met in dm 1hr subiect 1'68 lntt lI‘E DEATIIS thl RINGHILI summ Next Monday ses uivinsz a c) u 1‘] Alli mveme rdiully illViLt ke! Club has HI) Charity. up; 111 Vlls D1 Ver ms Meeting Ili Xtel 1n C. Tilhnan. This l for the presenn ill win many laur- IICB ll‘l lutemr M] mmuuicutl by T nt in evemug, h“ ecture, the sident Gar- :d to attend 1 him amzcd Ln under the ti tlll \ft ‘eranc rhea. )t \vher Ml] ’mtt lmnd The but th duly \V TEMPE Supplied by tin the an and th lady m upon if yov their the 1 ‘ ‘ that lectur Ldy It t ing the dri L)“ 1’1 t1) lllé 111 Th In Single copies, 3 cts 1t {fl W 1‘1 CE ITEMS C. T. Union. ilill. n drunk but i0 1t )lll HIS ‘c at 111 1t just got med fair 1} that rnm ath m pelled n with voun 1n he wme dinner brilions wit the bear lDy Vlll Mt rem )Ilt lead Hts 1t