All instructors, in order to be suc- cesslul must teach their pupils to observe closely, to think keenly, and to make good use of what they have acqulred, and if they are able [0 show them the direct result of t‘w‘r labor they will ï¬nd thcll‘ work LCduHCIh auu pupils IS Olten sand to be uninteresting and monotonous, and this no doubt is rendered so by the fact that they are dealing with that which is not ofa practical na- ture. tr du SHI’E \V I stair thin bk 0i sh some of the arrive SUI ODE ret tle skil und th W betx~ the SGI‘V( pa me: ed fro 1ttac1‘ with t the mom hen encourage ll 1V1 it TI (MW qul 1t th he the last Iew years b ) the beautifying 01 is by the planting c 1nd to the cultivation 111' EW AVEHTISEFflENTS school hie and pupils 'i resting am hell we hear of Cana< against Canadians. 1r the worst is not yet] ope for the best, feelin r brave soldiers will do i that sooner or later Justice will fall on thos dvanta oi the iV mnd t1 subjec tit U ii rat sooner tice will f r it was [c 'ame. we are pained victory dearly bou sen a nation spills reign foe, but ten ti f tre he]; Tl UT UR ay Lhrou ighborin J! II E1 ‘d that a 315 in the life eral Middleton, and kely we shall hear mauder making use 11 before many days i by. If ki'ling a .hose miserable, h:- )f the North-\Vest .s 'is often and man Iiniste htm rtl il‘ ‘y, then Coh that honor, red that the b1 est and bra‘ IDUC 1’s Own, marc vour ety‘ mg on a :trang a force of two t lunteers is s i twelve wou an )reve 5mg} numt arrx 1t 6 the r two ( th 1T1 t1) out On- lepublxc, attcntion W ( I" ml. i been f hildren in the it will nose 111 nt this I‘OV 1111011 111cc rut n M W1 str avest a to 1TH their the 1N 11]( 10 tte any [EDS ll GU 7t )l'lf [I'M he: m ntI 1] 1y rtl ut I] From our own Correspondent. Since last writing, our Burgh has been pretty lively. Business has been, and is now, on the increase. The farmers in this localitv are workian Mt. Jns. Mni‘tson has removed to his farm at Bond’s Luke, and Mr. C. Creasm‘ has occupied the dwelling here vacated by Mr. Mortsun. The lake is now clear of ice, and is in good condition for hunting, the water be- ing unusuallv high this spring. 1 under- stand [here is some new boats to be launched very soon. Mrs. Jas. Glancy, of this place, has been seriuusly ill this last few “eeks, but. is now recovering slowly. The upper “Dominion House †has re- ceived their new spring goods, and are doing a good business at present. Mr. J. Hndgins, of Bond’s Luke, has left for Cullingwuud, where he intends renmining through the ï¬shing season. He has purchased a but from n Toronto ï¬rm at a. cost nf $130, and has manu- lzlctured netting to the extent of 700 yds.. and expects to make a, proï¬table season’s work. “ill get tric Oil G. A. Dixon, Frankville, Out “ I was cured of chronic bronchit troubled me for seventeen years, use 01 Dr. Thomas’ Eulecu'ic Oil that the signature of Northrup (51 is un the buck of the wrapper. a “ill get the genuine Dr. Thomas’ ed no shop [let their intentinn strlctly carried , ‘ ___e_- the Grand Jury. A deputation of citizens waited on the Ontario Llcense Commissioners on Satin“ day in reference to the makeshift alterâ€" ations being made to some of the grocer- ies to provide for the separation of the sale of groceries and liquor. They stated if liquor was sold by a number of grocer» who had made, alterations to their premi- ses, it would be merely an evasion of the law, The Commissioners. wlm hurl "rank. G. R. Vulnzuntof the same place in a cnmnmnicntiun .‘o the Markham ASIZIL, has been granted by Chief Justicu Wilsun An investigation was held uu the 2.0m of April bcforea. Bench of Muglsu'aws at. the Court House, Turuutu, but Hull was acquitted, it was alleged, owing tn the Fact that; justices of the peaw “are induc- ed to siL on the case and decide in his :iiVul‘. The case will come up before n Man kham, who Is Stunnont 4&- (md Dufferil and Arthab: Samuel J1 cl‘lminal assi SHE \ hethe arbari OTYDS 0 n e farmers in this locality are working lmurs to get in their crops, as the n is late and them is not much time an M1 provide for the separation of groceries and liquor. They at or was Sold by a number of gl'u ad made, alterations to their prt would be merely an evasion of The commissioners, who had gr shop licenses yet, stated that it 3U «3! nc derange \Vl jEFFERSON W III tll to see tlmt out. inmct ankville, Out, says: chwnic bronchitis, that “Q the for all )te ti whole syï¬tem tumuilnunr dc thrup & Lyman ppm. and ydu Thounas’ Eclec- the law C. Hall, ( “uh hbcllin 31 all Indians, chillzud or Ht llll lu by thr ntlv in Whit- Mid costs H Ills 011111} ran 0] 1t lbs at renu- f the grant- t was was clause H ‘murs 1n whic \Tortl utenc lll' inn the a: 11'! D.†m ll At Lowest Prices For Cash or Trade. Canned Goods Currants A: Raisins ill Garden Shirtings 8a: Cottamdes Wall Papers & Blinds Prints & Ginghams Embroideries 65 Laces 'i'eas A Call Solicited. IKnvicker Suits 1 Bovs’ Silk Fine Hosiery gtylish | 0rd White Ties & Jersey Suits Nobby Bargains in Eress Goods. Childre Gloves. mmense Straw Ladies OVS Colored EMU Clothing. Clothi OUR Tweeds 7- WE arm Collars 'Y'v‘H'MW' Satins 30117868 Seeds Shirts 3.110118. CMUD- ‘01 PRICES z ’SE EINEW NEW DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, VELVETS, flashmems. Prim; Eï¬ï¬aégm @arpeis.&c. SPLENDID STOCK OF SUITINGS IN BLACK 89 COLORED. WORSTEDS, TWEEDS, (Sec. TAPESTRY, WOOL, UNION & HEMP CARPETS, BEST VALUE IN TOW’N. INSPECTION INVITED J CPOSY. THE FEB In our line, we can guarantee satisfaction in every particular Call and see what we can do before purchzming elsewhere. Prompt attention paid to repairing. Having given our entire time for t} CARRI BMW is Yam Shame LATEST IMPRQVEMENTS I CARREAGE UELDERS. Are now prepared to sell all designs of @NCRET} An Immenm WRIGHT & SON WT IE4] IVINE SST CE AASS; And the Conswting of 150 different kinds jUST OPENED OUT AT M] 88 Stock at the RIG-HT 85 SON past three years to the PROOF, $85 .‘1 £0.