tHE LiBI draw THU a mud 63113- .7 7.11m. Markham...†.2001 . 21st Victoria. Square rum-“hm... .. Woodbridge †Kleiuburg. Hoblabon.. ,,23rd ..28th . 29th ....... 30th 10. lo. do. do. do. do 0 Vitulized An 3 ways on hand at appointment Works like a charm Free from pain. Address A ROBINSON L.D.S,,Aurma.0nt Tram-inan College. To Dlsemses treated. L‘Lmnkful for the favors 1 may still be consulted in u fession, as follows: Aurora, lst, 8th, 16:11, and Richmond Hill... . A .9th mm (at the Falmer HOUSI Grmhm Ont" cw RESlDENCE examine OFFICEâ€" tle. & Veterinm} nary College to. Charges sluii Unionville Weston N Maple Richmond \‘Ioodbridg Mr. Husl ‘mu Brook, rmv falls 01 MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Dr Members $l00.000 0! Private Funds to LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN, Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. Mofl alist 'I Physiciunm tar W111 visit the i011 Money to Loan Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 8:c.. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. x4 Building & Loan Chambers. N115 Toronto Street. Alarze amount of Money to Lend on farm 01‘ Qty property interest? percent; no commis- I)“. Hi omc‘ 011‘) Ofli 01' to 11')ding.}lthin m Mumcimml Farmers will V01 an 011 ACOS‘C MACDONALD, MERRITT 6: C0 G. H. ijhmld. L. D. 5., Hor VITQQQIZ-fl 33!? Dr. James Lu“ gslafl USINESS CARDS. Dr. \V. .3. Wilson. u the'ul Hi1 an AWREN CE Dr. 0r M (navy 10 Loan. 1'11] If ' all at â€"â€" STE AVENUE F. HEW ETT, USED By Dr. A. Robinson. ORGE 1cm writtinary. ut Medial. eboumres no money R‘ REYNOLDS. Adelaide St., East, Toronto. AHCN, Editor of LIBERAL. Richmond Hm Waugh NATTRESS; $9an ’RGEON DENTIST inrattal. NE WTON BROOK 11st Monday of each month 3th and let " ‘ 16th " " 19th ' “ rty p ‘rs of the past 20 years 11 any branch of the pro‘ found in his, ofï¬ce, New (kw, except 'When ' Satur lures. places professionally Domesticated Animals 3111". at lowest rates of in- s at higher rates or for ‘rpurposos. Mortgages 5 purchased. xy by applylng direct to Lmugsmfl. DENTIST LL, ONT 22nd of earh month 24th 5". 28th do. 29th do 30th 0 ad at appointments Free from pain. aplc. n.. and to 2.30 p. m rm GS'I‘AFFs promptly attended LSeS of Horses, Cat- by the latest meth- on commission and 33’. Ontario Vetgri. buildin s Tornntc T. C. HILLIGAN. at of Ontario Vat Surgeons, Ont Richmond Hill ENING TOR. Woonnmns}: SHING HGUSE ONTARIO. Mrm'hcr (‘0 of Stouï¬ville Ofï¬ce Hams ruth of P ‘2 x). m. advance. urgean to E‘s. £9 ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬vï¬ï¬‚aï¬ggg BA BRIS'I‘Ec-A’l‘-LAW. Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c 52 ADELAIDE-ST. EAST, TORONTO. OFFI “F. M. HALI in latest ¢ Waltham HALL, FITS. BARRISTE ST} LicensedAnctioneer spectfully soiir'its j iï¬f am Licensed Au spectfully 5‘ if) ï¬nance and at, 1' Incensed Auctioneer f( Sales attended on the s} abs mtes. Address THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Benj. Brillinger. Proprietor. Funeral I’Iu'ulehings Always on "and Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rst-class style. I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodatmn. Excellent stabling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms $1 var duv. Daily Express to Toronto. Special a‘tentinn given to moving household furniture. pianos. &c.. ac. FIRST-CLASS LI Special Rates to Commerciai Travellers Ia‘DOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL RUPERT'S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES. Central Bank of Gamda! Dividend NO. 2. NORTHERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. UTICE is hereby giv three per cent. upo Stock of this Iustitutiun, elm-ed for the Currth 11! same will b5» paypblq at We, the undersigned, do hereby cortlfy that Wm. Mumford Clarke hm: this day successfully passed his ï¬rst degree) in Music. and therefore no shall be claseed as a Professor. NUTICE is hereby given that a. Dividend of three per cent. upon the paid up Capital Stock of this Iustitutiun,lms this (my been «Ia- clm-ed for the current half year. and that. the same will be payable at the Bank audits Brunch- es on and after Monday, the ls: day of June rext. The Transfer Banks will be closed from the 17th to 315?. Mm, both days inelusive. The annual general me etinn 01 the Shareholdâ€" ers will he held as the Bank on Monday, the 15m any 07 J1me next, the chair to be taken at twelve o'clock noon. PROF. W. M. CLARKE, Through Tickets tu all points East and West. and Manitoba. For Tickets. Rates, &c..upp1y to '1‘. DILWORTH, Agent N. 5: N. W. Rys., ROBERT QUINN, Richmond Hill. Vocal @TEE Llï¬ï¬‚fb‘lï¬s 9' $1.00 IN ADVANCE. Tornnto. 23rd April, 1885 T11 ROBERT QUINN, General Passenger Agent Oxgnni: A. .WRIGHT & SON, UNDERTAKERS, Apply lhmond Hi1], April 30th ADVICE mce'. Sales uvtt'er .1: reasonable mtt ply at the Music Store). Richmond Hill Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. By order of the Board Signed mat watche :t. Trmity Church, Thoxnhil], is open to receive pupils in and Insu'unlontal M “sic. N. J, Armstrong Slalom Eiiisrcthmwus James C. Stokes. ctinneer for the County of York. re- nhcits your patronage and friendly mlcs attended on the shortest notine rmbe rates. 1’. 0. address, King. COPY OF CERTIFICATE S. M .H. “’anh es. Hill P.0‘ J. S. FULI 1W. F.C. BATCEELOE, M. D (H. W. BAXTEII, M. M. FREE TO CLIENTS LAR'I‘ON ct 000K, RS. SULICITORS, m. Na STREET EAST, TORONTO. in P. 0. Ever;- Saturday. . Brown. m 511 band 96. VICTORIA SQUARF 111‘ [(16 Ecknrdt. '01- th e (‘mmt RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 14. 1885 and fl'iendsfor their lib- ,st we beg to state that . large stock ofnew goods 'ge» stogk of Elgin and yr the County of York .m-t-est noticegm (1 at reu- Stouï¬vxlle 1". 0 the Countv of patronage and friendly (1 on the shortest notice P. 0. Address, A. A. ALLEN, Cashier 7: Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†T01 ARTON. W. COOK and ï¬ne jewellery 'inusstrmeï¬ always UTH OF QUEEN Manufacturing of bches and clocks on ltlx‘éss: U NIONVILLE ounties of York m consignment. imptly attended London. E u a 3m. To the Editor of the LmEnAL: MR. EDITOR,â€"-ler last issue of Tm: LIBERAL contains a communication from your Tlmrnhill correspondent in regard to the Salvation Army that. 15 not strictly in accordance with the facts of the Case. Your correspondent says that the Salva- tinn Army came to Thornhill on Thurs- day, April 16th. whereas they came on Friday, April 17th. He also says that the enthusiasm which marked their ad- vent into this village has subsided; he is again mistaken, as the vast audience that attended their services last Sunday will attest. Your correspondent’s “bowels of compassion†seem to have been moved by fear, lest the coming of the Salvation Ar- my should shake the churches of this quiet village from centre to circumfer- ence. Surely they are not such pusillan- imous things that two or three uneducat- ed men clothed in scarlet jackets can shake the foundation of the faith of their communicnnts. Did your correspondent see in the "elite" of the Army from York- ville the coming of the toe that was des- tined to compass the overthrow of the churches that have been the pride and glory of Thornhill for more than quarter of a century .9 Your correspondent says that money is one of the great hobbies of the Army. They do not make more of a hobe of it than do all the churches. Your corres- pondent is evidently determined to ï¬nd fault where no fault reallv exists. In his reference to Mr.. Mussulman, he is entirely mistaken as to his object in go- ing to the Hall on April 27th. He did not go to partake of the ‘Free Breakfast’ to which your correspondent so sneer-ing- ly alludes, but for the purpose of having a conversation with one of the members of the Army. There is much that is peculiar about the methods of the Salvation Army. but it has been signally successful in gather- ing the sin-soiled around the cross of Christ; it. has raised the fallen and car- ried joy and sunshine into a. thousand homes that have been cursed and blighted by the demon of drink. Its wonderful success and growth is primafacie evidence of the Divinity of its mission. Wherever the flag of England towers them can be heard the drum-bean of the Sulvntion Army. Its ofl‘icers are frequently uned- ucated men, and which, on general prinâ€" ciples we cheerfully concede the import- ence uf an educated ministrv. yet it must be borne in mind that smue of the great- est preachers and evangelists the world has produced were men of but. little cul- ture. Give the Salvation Army a chain if it. is of man it Will ultimately peri like Jonah’s gourd, in a single night, 1 if it is of God it is imperialiable. A CHmwn MEMBER Thoruhill, May 4th, 1885 The rock on which many a. constitution goes to pieces is Dyspepsia. The loss of vigor which this disease iliVolvers, the maladies which accompany it, or which are aggravated by it, the mental despond- ency which it entails, are terribly ex- haustive of vital stamina. Its true speci- ï¬c is Northrop (l: Lylnan's Vegetable Dis- covery and Dyspeptic Cure, which like- wise Overcomes bilious nmladies, female ailments, and those coupled With impur- ity of the blood. To the Editor of Ten LIBERAL: Sir:â€"â€"[n your issue of the 30th ult., is a communication from your Thornhill correspondent Nu :loubt he has just returned from his trip for your readers have not been kept well informed about the events of the village. He has come back and settled down to business, and the ï¬rst hour and a. half he has to spare, he writes a communication to yuur paper, and all the news he has for us is about the Salvation Anny. He has nut time to inform himself, and give your readers the heiietit of such inforiiiatiuii as the iii- creased putranage to the celebrated Haw- thorn Spriiius, ii!‘ the whiloni factory new abuut being made ready to iiiiuiufacture patent process flour, or the regret the public evinced in losing our ()bllgiiig Post master, or the large business conducted by the new ï¬rm uf Lindsey (L- Francis, or how a. former teacher spends swine days interesting himself in some who were (nice pupils, or as to the cmiditiun 0f the wheels 0f the village, or whether the Head Master is dissatisï¬ed with hoard- ing and is lutikinu fur a. house that would nicely accmiiniudutea family of two, or inform us about the health of the Village; whether the [iispectun Bimrd of Healthy oflicers or medical prucritiuners are dolng their duty, or whether the License In- spector has made his rounds, or that Rev Father Egan has again assumed his whether the Inspectnr. B oflicers or medical pracm‘ their duty, or whether specter has made lns run Father Egan has ngau duties, or that Ken Mr. 3. series of Laura“ svrvim» Clarke had a. must uncuus that the trustees and cl" odiat church dr’sire “gem galls for sale to place the two days, or how Raw. :1 The Salvation Army. The Salvation Army. ngaln assumed Ins Mr. Bates conducwd rvices, nr that. qufâ€" muussful concert, or Chwirnf the Meth- Army a chance. ultimately perish a single night, but. Ms that s that have ur~ :em on tnle for lr.Tutteu holds he is a that some of his services in the Methodist church at the same time the Salvation Army hold thcir meetings, or of’the start- ing of a line of stages to Thornhill Sta- tion to connect with cars to and from Toronto, or of preparations for building new dwelling houses, or of changes likely to take place socially, or of ninety and nine other things that might. be mention- ed likely to interest the reading public. But, Mr. Editor.tl1ese were 'not the things I intended writing about, but a short reply to your correspondent’s attaCk on that noble band of workersâ€"the Sal ration Army. He says people went to hear them out of “curiosity.†How many attend the churches of our land to- day through the same motive; yet would he decry the churches on that account? Better attend through curiosity than not at all, Then he ï¬nds fault on account of their lack of education; certainly there may be room for improvement in that direction; it is no fault of theirs, however if their parents, through poverty 01 crime have neglected their education, but we should rather admire their energy and zealgin an great a. cause. “Enthusiasm subsided" has it, not at all; the Hall can- not seat all that come to their meetings writing all that 119' can to hurt them in their work, he hm; the audacity to say he don't want to injure them. Poor fellow, I do hope by this time he will have been able to have gained courage enough to attend a few of their meetings and not be writing from hearsay. \Vhy should a man of Sulid worth be singled out (Mr. M.) as being friendly to the Army, while the James’, the Elson’s, the Cox’s. and the Suddaby’s, people of undoubted respectability patronize the meetings, and are not ï¬tiwnatized for it? May 4th, 1885‘ A. D. Noyes. Newark, Mich. writes: “ I have enqmred at the drug stores for Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil, but have failed to ï¬nd it. We bwught a. bottle with us frnm Quebec, but. it is nearly gone and we do not want to be without it, as my wife is troubled with a pain in the should- er, and nothing also gives relief. Can you send us some '1 Do not lose another Spring. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL : Snipâ€"Nothing impresses the traveller through Ontario with so deep a sense of wasted time and lost opportunities as to observe, here and there, perhaps even ten miles from each other, some few farms well sheltered from the north and west winds by the beautiful and imperious evergreen windbreaks which are so easily and unickly groun in this country if properly set outâ€"and then to pass, mile after mile, by farms from which the trees have been taken till what might have been a handsome farm and residence, is but a number of squares of earth with some buildings in one cornerâ€"ii. place From which the summer Wlnd will dry the moisture before it has half beneï¬lted the crops, and where the snow, the proâ€" tector of the winter ï¬eld, cannot lie even- lyl but is blown by the wind into drifts which permit no good wheat yield. The stranger passes by, and thinks trulv, “ Now, a. little work a few years ago, and all these farms might have been so Well protected as the one or two I have ob- served on my way." Why not use this spring 7 In the Prov- ime there areinmiy places where thous» ands of evergreens me springing up in clusters. and if transplanted early in June â€"wilh0ut allowing] the roots to dry in the sun even for one 11Li7iutcâ€"tliey will be just what is wanted. Or, if none be near. nurserymen can supply them. and there is no better investment. Plant a. thous- and along the north side this spring, and in tenyezirs the farm Will be value for much more money. Plant them, give a little care for a season or two in mulching or stirring the earth near themâ€"wither will (loâ€"and every reclining year the blanket will be more glad that he did the Work. Toronto, May 7th. 1885 CATARIBII â€"A new Treatment where- by this hithnrto incurable disease is permaneut- 1y cured in from one tn three applications. no mutcer whether standing for one year 01 forty years. Desonptlve pamphlet sent free on re- ceipt of stump. A. ILDIXON & SON 305 King Street west Toronto Canada Yours, &c R. 7 W. Pumps Vnot the ;, but a (3’5 attaCk the Sal~ From our own Correspondent. Our Burgh has been very quies since last you heard from us, owing to the ] peaceable disposition of its inhabitants no doubt. The farmers have been waiting anxious- ly for seeding-time, and have at last go: fairly settled down to work, and if the present ï¬ne weather continues, will have the greater part of the seed in the grnuml this week. The following is in Maple sclmol, S for the mth of E SENIOR Public School. S. l month of April: READER FOURTH . Elisa. Fisher, . John Flsher, 1 2 3. Bella. Malloy, 4. J05. Quinlan, unwarâ€" SENIOR II. . J. Gardner, . M. Rumble, . T. Crooks, . W. Line, A. B. Des Rochers, Arthabaskaï¬'ille. P. Q., writes: “Thirteen years ago l was seized with a severe attack of rheu- matism in the head, from which I nearly constantly sufl'ered, until after having us- ed Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil for nine days, bathing the head, &c., when 1 was completely cured, and have only used half a bottle.†Mr John Magwood, Victoria Road, writes: “ Northrop 1L- Lyman's Vege- table Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure is a. splendid medicine. My cnstome‘s say Ithey never used anything; so etfccmnl. l Good results immediately follow its use. I know its value from personal experience, having been troubled for nine or ten years with dyspepsia. and since using it digestion goes on without that. depressing feeling so well lumwn to (lprr-‘phcs. I have no hesitation in recomnwnding it in any case of indigestion, constipation. heartburn, or troubles arising from a (lis- ordered stomach. The April returns show an increase one in our population. V712,, the wife E. Crittenden. of a. son. There has been a good deal 0‘ ï¬shing in the stream which runs through this place, and it is to be supposed that some ï¬sh were caught. The boys of Uak Ridges have resolved to start u. Lacrosse Club this spring. They have not. issued any challenges vet, but other clubs had better hold themselves in readiness. Is there anything more annoying than having your corn stepped upon I [s thera anything more delightful than getting rid of it ? Holloway’s Corn Cure will do it. DUFFYâ€"At Maple, an the 12th in st , tr Wife of Michael Duï¬y, aged 40 year CLARKâ€"At No. ‘20 Rolynb Street, Tm‘ou 12511 inst... m. the age of 73, Ehwba of the late Justus Clark. and moth J .E. McNully, of Aurora. effectual Worms cause feverisbnesanoaning am restlessnBSs during sleep. Mother ‘}l'd\'€a \Vutm Exterminator Is pleasant, sure at c send 5 age» and cuscly bu I will 1101} sex to luure muuey nth mvm' else in tlns \vnrlu Formulas u“ ahsulntelv sure. At once uddre Augusm, Maiue‘ The following is jhgrepgrtgf Sprjnghill Annie Line, Silas Shank, M. McDonald C. Campbell, Martha. Line, Hattie Jackson Fiora Watson. Maggie Butt, Thus. McOa. be. Annie Hartney, Kate Brown, JUNIOR II. Flora Rumble, Nellie Ross, Annie Bentley, Albert Badger, SENIOR III JUNIOR III [Single copies, 3 cts School R JUNION DIVI OAK RIDGES. SENIOR I. M. Gardner, L. Gardner, E. Glass, C. Rupert. E. MILLER, Teacher DEATIHS SAIGEON. Teacher LYBIN T DmiJ‘, W'. Dufl'y, F. Rumble SENIOR III. J. Thompson, N. Thompson, Wm. MCCabe, Cicley Ball. A. Rumble, John Stewart, Eva. Kightley, J05. \Vinter. SENIOR II Maud Stewart, Archie Brown, Minnie Winter, Fannie Stewart. SENIOR I. King: for thy we usmg It at. depressing spuphcs. I ks pupfls vghan, :her. "Y! Die