Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 May 1885, p. 8

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(40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jewellry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENIED. M. Morphy 141 Youge Street, Toronto efi’ectx Outm-i To cum any uq {or MK 1K W111 scnu tin Train!“ in eitln. orl‘hn‘n. abuse n 01"! In“ for $5.0 E. M. MURPHY Dem-es insauit new, Hcmln Health is Wealth Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaclion as the work is under my own snpervisr 1. I am also prepared tn do all kinds Hf black- smitlnng (C repairing in the most work- manlik». manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. PLATFORM _ SPRING WA G0 N S . Cutters, In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years. I beg to re- mind thcm and the general public, that having erected entireiy new and com- modions premises, I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Horse â€" Shoeing TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS..- GABENET ORGAN I mnre money than at uuvthiug also 1.; taking rmaszency for the heat sellim book out Beginners summed {:mndly. Nam {ML Tcnnsfree. HALLETTBOOK 007. Portland Maine. FORSALE! Special attention utious of Familv and MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDET 167, King St, East, â€"PROPIIIETURS OF Hugh MEMER “'9 final-amen Six Boxes RS-li‘.’ HAiR-QUTTING A SPEGMLTr FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I AN I )RE VVS’ SEQ mm Z>a28£903 I With the Moilern Improvements, for sale cheap. Enquire at Paid special attention ta ‘3“ ESMBLISHEL July 3rd. 'Bé-lv CHEMISTS & DRUGGIS ' vase. ’ With each order received by wines, accompanied with $5.00, we 0 Inn-chaser our Written guarantee us money if the traaunent does nut a. (inumnteesissued only by JOHN 0.. 61 and 83 King St. East, Toronto, â€"IS THE PLACE FOR A"â€" RICHMQND HILL. BERT. ANDRE‘VN. F Sleighs and mbucco, \Vnkl mug: of the Br mg to misery, ;e, Bm‘renuess ‘luutury Lassa cncreto House. Ricfifilbnd'Hill WM TREND". A First-Class IN THE given to the proper pr Veterinary receipts. \VM. ATKINSON’S §3$@@% 3 sure to t Addless ital not Work in boch sex cents to all whn make ch not “ all trouble Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. chanbsfalnd Shippers; Witih a View to Autumn and Spring business. 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON, E C., Will be glad to correspond with _App1e_ Growers, Mer- APPLES. AWLES. APPLES. CHARLES DONALD 8:. 80., TO GIVE LESSONS IN MUSIC. Feb. 11th, '85. Miss Bailey is now prepan ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence. oppo- site Presbyterian Church. MISS FLORK COULTER IS PREPARED Guld Filling, and all other skilfully performed, at. muder Call and see me. No tum awer questions. MUSIC LESSONS. I use no cheap material every set. 0N RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID, M USIC LESSONS! ARTIFICIAL TEETH Absolutely no pain experienced and harm less in all cases. DENTIST, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, Up-Stalrs. Has the exclusive right for the use oi Hnrd’s New Method of extracting teeth Without pain, by means of Kenneth Campbell 81» Cos, MONTREAL. C. P. LENNOX This famous Brand. PURE. BRILLIANT and almost Tash- lvsss, is lur superim- In any mlwr Norwegian Cod Liver Oil yet in- lrodured. Cod Liver Oil! HIGH SCHOOL Entrance Examination THUR SHAY 8c FRIDAY, BEST SETS VITALIZEDAR. Imported and bottled only by 11111: work Lunpmul CgMQJva Ema ! ITSICA L INSTRUDII Jun LARK WI‘IE JSIC STORE. “SKREV’ Elm mdvrrtisrmtntfi. forworking Fooplo. send 10 cents postage, um we will mail vou free uroyul,va,luabln sample box of goodathnt wxll pun vou iu the :moro money in a few days than ,vht possible at any business. On}!- ed. You can llve at Dame and Hum only,m'a.ll the time. All uf t'free. Inm )stu)‘t at. n &Co‘.1’urtl will utl E & SEAGER. Will be held on <3 and 3rd. 1885, 1 at. moderate; fees No trouble to Villa Mtw 15th, 1884.-1v MUND HILL & SUTTON ERINGHAM, P. S. I‘ Ick each day and warrant ‘s, whe send the num~ in Sutton direct operations Applied will â€" $10.00 nbury ‘olut-ely : )Lh delay; 1 Music St: re chers Write iNTfi if )t}. I‘Lmb ‘ we are a. full the I1 an- ‘1' a] should to the m: the July tly the Right Building Lots for sale East, only ain't) each, 15 per cel of the lots: Also Two New H( Richmond Street. RICHMOND HILL. suamma refs 15% )l{ SAIJIE '? Trunks, Valises. Hlorse Fur~ nishings and all goods in our line constantly kept on hand Recently vacated by Mr. H. B. Dewsbury. 1 am now pre- pared to make all kinds of Harness in First-Class Style. MRMSS EMPBRIUM, Having commenced business in the W THE PUBLIG E Chas. Trevethan. NEAT FITTING ! Besides working for the Mercha I will keep on hand a fine as sortment of Patterns. RICHMOND HILL A NEW AND FASHIONABLE TAILGRING ESTABLISHMENT ATTENTION ! 166 King Street East WILKINS’ BROS PAINTS, OILS, MECHANICS’ MRDWABE GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <1BUILDERS’{> Hay, stmv Duel Gees Turk Butt Butt ToRoN‘tn Tunrsda.y,May 14 RM Wheat, full, per bushel “.60 96 Wheat, spring, do. _ 96 Burl oats, 23 4-'83 Leave your orders at once xijis, per bag,../..‘.. .. o 30 ( ots. do. 0 40 ( per ton .. 0 00 25 v, per ton .. 6 00 9 Mormon!) HILL Thm'adav. May 14. 1885 per bushel .50 36 0 JUST OPENED WCI‘ very attention paid to â€"AND TOOLS. VE US A CALL. Near George Street, Toronto. 40:5 for sale on Cent's SW96 11,15 per cent. down tor pick Two New Houses, Brooms. 0" In 3- LANG-STAFF; AND 100 30 lbs mg flaunts. Merchants, {10 A large sh. FURNITURE, HARDWARE, CROCKER Tryour 250.Tea.. . FLOUR «E: FEED WILL DE A . I Ready for use. Whlte LeadIOflnPaintTurpentine & Whitewash Brushes All sizes. Full stock of Pinipter’s materials. less than Toronto prices. __... .x-nsuuu up" ouuvu KEEP Paper". & Bogdering .. nun“ LAH.‘ . THE PEOPLE’S STORE E READY MIXED PAINTS ‘ALL chORS SPRIlVG IRIPOR'FATI( Just received. A cordial invitation is extended to son to call and inspect my goods. Boots and sho ordAerwon the shortest notice bv first-class workmen 10 40 I would take this opportunity of informing the public that Iam carrying on the Boot and Shoe Business in the old stand. I would direct your special attention to my large and splendid stock of That has ever been m this town Call early and leave you’rfiograell“ We have a CHUIé of which we will [at class goods. SHIRTS 6c PANTS. 8, LARGE STOCK from 40c HATS AND GAPS. SUNS MMEE T0 fiflflER‘. En GR()CI£I~RIE§§. (£riaséavvaro. DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS British Flag Stgffi’ E SPRENG STOCK GGMPLETE; SPRING HAS COME AND THE NEW WELLEAMS! For Alternate Husbandryfermanent Pastures and Meadows, we make this a, Special Feaâ€" ture in our Agricultural Seed Department. Mixtures prepared for anv Soil or Purpose. LN one but the finest variety used. Don‘t fail to try them. Orchard. Kentucky B and Italian Rye SEED WHEAT, OATS, BARLEYy PEAS. TARES. &C Alsike, Bokham, Early 8c Large Late, Lucerne ' White Dutch and Trefoil Clovers. SEED 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, COR. FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO. STEELE “inest varieties of Turnip, Carrot and Mangel Seeds of unexcefled quality. Please don’t omit a call when in the city. k a CHOICE STOCK GRASS MIXT'EERES ! CLOVER SEEDS SEED GRAINS ! 11 as chcup Has 01! hand the 12;};est new stack of GRASSES and at from ALEX. MOQME gsOLD S’RESH. FLOUI 1311 as any store on ALL KINDS A full line of Blue, Red Top, Perennial rehi'l'imothy, &c., 860. CRT and usual stock of GROCERIE; Ask for Sample. 3. Boots and shoes médé first-class workmen. IN V High Arm Sewing Maehing Is now rec ' ognized as the 3 to 75c. per roll fir KURT. SIVERS. It 13 Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Slmple to Lear SEWING MACHINE OF Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and Pianos. Terms Easy. It, t is strong, Jurab] y best material th AT rodu I‘A’FIOIVS J. LUSH, OTTO M PRICES A: El {Ichmond AGAIN. ,Jmable and well built,of the erial that money can buy, or 1 five med eDomtniouI npidlv supel “W’al'e ED a1 NEWS 01 A large MRI: of 3m 40cm. every per- THE PER 11 hand, a] eping first PERIOD

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