Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 May 1885, p. 2

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even when I shut my eyes and turned my CAMPAIGN NMES' back to it; “ Bethesda Water at Hatch‘s ' â€"â€" Now, who the mischief wanted any of any Bug‘s Bliisls nom the P. out A Hall "'5 Home That “'iis Reun- Tlun Any Wm“ (vnpul WNW.“ T " Th A _ ‘ kind of water ona day like that? Itmsde Chief Lime Pine ,5 rppmmd to have “Immflfl. ,1"... “we. Jun" Th2]; c meruans me so ma '. thatI tried to quit looking at been poifioned ty his relatives ,1 I. [mum “we was anchored in 'he harbnz- of; \Vriling from| Swift Current, Captain NORTH-WEST I NIH ANS. u..- ;Transatlantic Balloon Travel. Dr. R. G. Wells, now in Cincinnati, tells an Enquirer reporter that he wishes to organvzs a balloon company to make a balloon big enough to carry 100 persons. " I think,” he says, “ that it would prove very profitable to the company operating. It would be attached to a cable which could be paid out to any length desired. Prices for the ascen:ion would vary ac- cording to the distance, which would be from 1,000 feet to a mile. Should the people here fail to patroniza it, it could easily be transferred to Louisville and other cities, where for a time it would un- doubtedly prove a great attraction. ” “ What about long-distance trips 1" “That is just what I should like. If the car were properly equipped, there is no reason in the world why we could not make San Francisco, the City of MtXlOO, or even cross the ocean. An electric mo- tor steering and propelling apparatus is practicable now, and 1 should not feel the sash hesitancy in undertaking the voyage across the Atlantic. Of course a lifeboat that could live in any sea would be attach- ed to the car. We would also have a para- chute, which, in the case of the captive balloon, would prove a great additional attraction, as den rents from high distances could be made before large crowds of up oc- tators. " “ Balloon travelling is fast be- coming practicable, then 7 ” “ I think so, and have no doubt but that before long some adventurous aeronaut will make the north pole in his air ship, and even sail completely around the world I should like nothing better than to make the at. tempt, and think that an American should be the first to accomplish this great under. taking. " “ What other projects have you on hand, Doctor ’1’" “ Well, sir, I am at present working on some apparatus in which to pass over Niagara Falls. I think that some time this summer I shall go over the falls in a large hollow ball fifteen feet in diameter, or else attempt the same in a arachute. Then, again, if Russia and ngland make war, I shall ally myself with Russia, and use a war kite, which I have lately invented and will have patent- ed. It will be in the form of an ordinary kite, made of steel plates, and will be large enough to carry two or more men, and will be used to inspect English camps and equipments from above." SMELL ING SAN EARTHQUA lKE. it. ButIcouldn't. lfI crawled under - A - . 1 n ,-d, 1. .1 d o h K . -_S - x the bed, it was there ; if I thrust my head mg a pm“) poncY' MN“ m' a” m ) m z t a” “‘3th eat thhlwfzcrlnad’eygof ih‘:a;iinagelrll‘ll?§lng 300“: into the flue, it stared down the chlm- mixed tribes the Crees gm, Chyi "9 0 Day. By and by, in utter despair, com- and they are picking Up “mm, Witswgfi; pletely knocked out snzl exhausted, I to make theirmidday meal T, w yielded to my fate, went out in the rain. a t bio b0 d d h . Hey -”e iht t ' htt H c h' nd drank . Funv a ‘18 v .3“ unsry lOOklng. W911i? 1'3 3 “mg 0 l" c 3,3 . . man s name was Cole. The old man was l‘heir faces are painhed red and the}, a glass of Bethesda. water, and if there was A tpror‘lflllblr‘n Fis made by M.u.t.-m.l the he", I 6v“. (M, at 80mm“. 8 M )W- bmnketa are of many hug!“ The Old and anything? gitetfm world I hned, It was :l::r:i(iiildevif::tetdi:gidetllildmlsahjrwzyg Why bin-.5 ya, that nose hf his were be - middle aged 0 "TY Pillmlbe'Pu lhtil' kaB, 6As asnaewripaper man I could only draw with a Quarter section of gar-cl land,“ and tbrilhu§[ any bdmm‘v‘ter that vev” w“ Md they “a "05 gum Jookmg h out eyes- one moral from this: “ Pcrsistrnt adver- that the orphans and widows of the shin Imam," 7]“); “tune I vs seen hm” whlk' Eve: the chime“ 3” "Uh m" to the eye- t' in will tell ”â€"â€"Burdette b9 also rewarded. n” "p 3" .“wn thef’mp WM? "he “‘3' A’ t 6 mm are dhulmed the‘q'mw' “in” 15 g - - Th G n C ‘ h“ d ‘ as bluoand wmd as fair as anything Sud- around the camp kitchens and look at the to bee AC)V8Pnf1t'Il TogfmJ h 5 0011133173“ Edenly he d stup, cock up his nose, and cooks preparing breakfast-la: dogs look at Russian Funerals. “Rocib‘i 1‘011 t 0 . 0 n am II 81106 glve a sort of smfl'liks. Then hod Inlfi their masters, while Waiting fora bone. w 1 from Khoh work on Sh 5“ on- . . all around the compass, and sing out to At this season of the year they cook and e bearn, h b] k m m - Th9 ladles'of Toronto are cmtmumg shorten sail and get ready fora blow. out the (fill and scraps, which the squaws Peters urg, t at as ‘co us are se (1:31 to send supplies to the volunteers at the And Iho blow ca'ne, too. Tue old man collect while the bucks lounge around :sed hi) {lurilfiiemfihnz pigs; 21:33:11?) front. They have commenced making used to say he some-times had, but he their tepees pitched ona neighboring hill. rown, u c_ 1' n W , up bedclmmng, for the sick and wounded, never made nmistake. 'Ihe fingers rf the Iquaws ale covered gluigzliie gig‘lizlgsg 5:21;; will]; (3:11;? and also fatigue jackets for tho trot p8. 11W??? aha [gas sfsyvilng, 11we wlas anchtilf- wfith hbrassl rings and thed lowsrbpart " _' Ann” Indiammnsmd at Fort Mam or n e at oro .mi 3.. t as.) t e o _ t err age are encsse in uck. Admongd “ighp‘i’ggegrgfij:_g‘:il:°$n0;‘ load {0,- rattle “831mg have been remand! moat heuu‘.1fultflstduy you ever see. Not skin and often ornamented with band :hgri'thwthe :vhole way not. the habitag- ’“ l” ‘m not “mad 9mm“ W pm" 2,3353 aw nttlitorlippld'l‘filhe wiier' and mi wuaik acith the atlllkl'e. only a“ milk? v _ hem n e s y. m or man wen an as ey open err“ re wa,”w ic tion to the church is strewed With the "be t * I . i o “me. Mr. Khol Bays : Th6 youngest volunteer in the onnqm asl‘ore’a Bluesny hed come al'oard. As he are usually nearly empty, they look at us “The cofliu is carried to the church un- ment at Fish Creek. a Young bugle:- « f rim New: owfl‘r t'i'Jxe Bx she flipped and 3"” and grin' To” "9 19“”?“9‘ 3” 3 P19“ for ‘ cover'd, that the acquaintances who may 90th, named Buchanan, who looks no 253:. :liui ' ‘36:}, e mumd miss, and $0me )’ Infrian Odd pie“, (:5 plug or. 3.0"” happgn to meet it m the street may have more than 14 years [If age_ “I mesh pm“. I k a} A rumit. e compass on he was cut is . lrown tot iem y the scidiers. a last glimpse of their friend's face. The ed for the coolness he display‘d durinz 1002:r wart] “(a and mst beirw w {Mme 0f. the" boy” am ainusmg a group lid is carried before. The coffin is follow- lhc whole action. He rendered good Ber: boglmriz’nelfu “STAGE? E: bl’g‘ig’ltlllw by 3110021281 at 383'“ can will bog" Sid 31'- ed, even in the day-time, by a band oi Vice by car-r)’in;~‘,r a reserve ofommunirion he yum keep hi“: 0 g: ibld :‘f‘d b: Wag-‘2'“ 1‘01:- ver taxis??? 8‘ :23 DEC fill? torch-bearers,withbroad cocked hats, and fmm llm Wagons Willie “klrmlih‘lfl- The 0., th, ,hi 8%,] {mat 1,90,, fig ti, 2 m, t,- 0 Th J new “5,1: go" or“ o enveloped in long black mantles. MllmUTllll'm lhd about ElVen "‘Ut W'th ’/ h hp h y yp" ' {it pg" D 'm 66' ey e ‘1. presents’ “All those who meet the funeraLpro, H13 plunky youngster appqqrprl (in flu) E733 W‘ tab eJ‘jnught were a-comrn . lbs but they appeal bV lo the white men cession take ofl" thelr hats. and offer up *1 "em" dmfiging “mg a b“ of Snider highlight ioril. iii: do”);m Salim, :i‘fuiihtfellrlno Olfittlbkdiexiwiiiioo for 51:0 Prayer to heaven for the dead; 311d 30 filmy???“ "1 melamnd. “‘1” W” "f sent down the okrsall and. rOYal saleeofl’qylor ismrohibltsd o Ahgbdiiron: earnest are their devotions that they do M" n - Ol‘ry 0"” 1195 "I T "‘ 0111915 , ' . ' v not replace their hats until the cavalcade 1385?“an the who, fim he ran along the 5’3;ch bait unkpurventer back-stays, urn mg them may be found domg a little ‘ , line shout“) “ This WW for w h; . pu ‘ on a gas ets on all the sails work around the Village, and occasionally 11“ dlml’pe‘red from alghl'“ Th“ mark 3 ‘ M m caption the furs and main haw s'ls and a back will cart My rfo a ll of respect is shown to every corpseâ€"to Henry ammuni’ion.” “Who want: Sui. di‘d evéythin he (Hum tn kl) “3 at m“ H I y. he‘eth 1' bun: blwfi‘ Russians as well as to Protestants and der- cirtriduesl" and only re‘ired to the h . ‘ g . . ' “ n 0 og' “ . ‘ a‘on‘ n wm r 8" 3 0° 3° ‘ 0 ch “0 I th hug h the cor 86 i re“ when he was required to assist with t e ship in condition for a typhoon. We tailed deer and antelope, and trade the :i 0 l:- lbli etch ‘0 a th R i 5 Mij Of‘Ahe wnuuded at the has “7;! overhauled the sheets,halyards, buntlins, meat and skins for grociries and knick- alradn.aeb1°1 "d5 “hi3; an d heldliufdfis‘ ” _ I ' p ‘ clewlins, and brasssoi‘ the fore and main kuacks. The faces of some of them are gha‘ In; dac ail)i I; be, all: moi In: m f Great indignationh'ellflt! among .lhe tawps'ls.aud fixed the gaskets so as we striped diagonally with black. and their .25., was:witch-mggzis s21:maztzlg'itgpssl: $22.33 5.37:". °°."'ds°i warn? buds“: with the We" _ v I , l a ai, uryou see we wante to e o it so manypumsges. ' ' ‘ There igge?e:§°ai?agfnigau;e tli‘i‘fiainiih 812:“ :81; 22°r$:?:eiwch::°geifisb ‘0; 813195181311 able to get sail on her quick to keep her are nine canvas lodges in all. stained a .th 11] , , d . I h e P “D: I" '1 0 3 - ofl'shore if so be as she drag her anchor, dirty copper color by the smoke which E" d .oyt “‘3‘” an {Emmet nth” Fm" Winn" 0f 0 ComPBDY 0‘ {'1' We put out both anchors and all the struggles through the open crown. I am .33....22: “t.“.i.‘:°.:..:::§ 2.: s;::z..b§£:’:;..t°.€ttGinsu“: 3:. gm wr, it a Powerful M- moregmmgmive - ' i - can to you. 11] 9 her carts. olron suse intheir Niki-Even a p‘ate of food is phosd near 331;; 111;; Lazflzilflgai Girl; 021223 (If flatfi‘ f“ Zil’eli, that night there want any sign construction. They are rough hewn and ‘ . 9'8 , 9 o a owâ€"ust as calm and leaunt as it small. The s new: are walkin a d “1?. comm Th“ funeral dim 1” termed 5‘1"“an half-breeds. ,When Within had been aJnd there was 15h: old man a- guiding the panics. The papoosgs all-e 1‘“ 7‘" “id generally comm“ 0‘. rice “weuly‘five VQId' of hlmv dl'Ch3'8°d_th°lr walkin‘ up and down the deck party much seated on piles of rags within the carts. coogeg “@1130?” ' formed Into 3.1mm 0‘ weapon“ 5‘: him, “nd the bullet“ Whntlfld all night a-lookin' at that barometer Two bucks follow with pipes in their ‘5’: dgggéma 121:“? “£33721 :11? tgalaillilglby 6105‘} 1:7 11“ head- After “115 he 135’ m“ which never moved an inch. The next months. As the carts reach the encamp- OPOYBI 0f “19331113 guilt- The weal)th 11: :naindfizigfld :0 billeaiithang :18 1:": nos In (rug the barometer did go dowp a want the squaws unharness the ponies d f . . u . f g 3 - _° 9 9 a 59‘“ little and the old man looked actu lay and take abouts dozen light poles from :llilegtr 0 “151115, We vlmfi pieces 0 eral Eugefshin their lgcllsl. and the pleased, fur you see he’d rather be in the each cart. They throw them on the ' . . '0“ e w 0 W°"° “"3 ° ° Pm 00"“ biggest blow that ever was than becaught ground where they intend to wrest their A‘ - ,‘ _ - . ' I unfair; Elf“: 13:3}: is ‘11:“: lzizfizlfilr were mv‘rmbly the obl‘i‘m 0‘ be“? fire eta mistake in smellin’bad weather. Well tepees. A box containing the treasures the prising 7 'Dudng this he misting; uni}; 1' 93°33: ill”: ZTWI“:°° 29"": about clipn that day, wllilile we l:lrore all a; of thz family into :aklpn opt, and the buck ' e uc e g is is us escri - dlnncrt ere camea du rum in’ souu sits own. he ig tpo as are on their :3: El: lfizfi‘rig’innoiggzagezfiztefiéw‘fl 3:1 by,1 an eye fitness :â€"The enemy had and the ship began to tremble; all over ends in a circle with one and stuck in the ' e s vantage every wayas they fired like as if she had struck a too . Then ground. The other ends intermingle at sagging?“ “it: “11:21: find el‘aqgem at the volunteers froma house and stable she began to go up up and we rushed out the open. A cord hangs from the upper mnied mast; ' {d w °v we“: :h“ and from behind shill. There were 200 of the foc'tlc to see a great tidal wave and of one of the ropes, and a squaw, most movin ' antiwo $08811 6°: y’yi Z ? or 250 of them and 99 of Crc zler's force. sweeping into the harbor,snd onshore the taking the rope in her hand, walks around mm" W5“ In Phe r h dp 9“; 1 0 He puts the rebel loss at twenty-three dustand bricks and trees wsss-flyin' round the circle, and thus gets the rope to bind in au'th "hug fiche [ 3“ f‘éhm ' “1" killed and seventeen wounded, but this in great shapa We was all pretty well' the upper and of the poles together. "git he wire tiflau 9.1:“; ° “’1'”? last may be doubts d. He confirms the scued,bu:fo:t'nately we had out so much When the lower end of the rope is tied to or now mo“: 63”“; ° ° 9‘ now 0“ ' death of Constable Garrett, making three chain that we rode the wave in safetv. one of the poles the skeleton of the tapes ifluolubomhiz moi’ybm.hotwhick Alas! policemfr} lklilled. Igllaplerl's dips; [thirds I; the mliilst of tfhe zonfulséontoltfiazuthc ’llshmadgl, and it l‘shrnaidyhfo:5 tlze canvas. ‘ ' were. a my me or e e a o manc aging or car 1 e e er- on e rqusw gst e on covering I?!“ all?” dd“? dmy 1111322; Imehnd' “:7 man." William Blake said, “ I am shot all and heard him shout: 'A earthquake from the cart. The crown is fastened to eve mi: 9:33: '2‘} th “0.5;”19“ ° -â€"God have mercy on my sonL” Morton by thunder; I thought 'twas a typhoon.’ ' a pole that is on the ground. Unaided thaiythougm t 0"; 02h “um, Wow." said, “You can’t do anything for meâ€"I «4..- she strains at the weight and lifts it to its me! How frgih 'fngnweuy gas: those“: am shot through the heart. Take care “Worth While.” place, when she pulls it over the. frame- with me and thy children only Bk weeks plfkmy wife and faml-y. Tell them I died Prince Albert Victor, the pronpami" work and fasten- the door with pieces of e a man on the battle field. Elliott, ~ - wood for buttons, and the tepee is erect- sgo, and played“ with thy lime son F90. . . heir to the )hrone of England, made his . , . . the policeman, said, “ Fight on, boys; - _ ed. A few old rags are thrown inside, dor who is three years old - and now . ,, maiden speech the other day, to an a.ssm- ’ ’ dont let them beat us. On Frida - u some scraps of wood are collected and Y thou art dead and still and auswerest not - bl? 0f 13d! 0f h“ 0w“ 38"- Wbahever ’ . ’ after the battle three policemen were . w - the tapes is ready for habitation. The- a word to thy Wlfa and weeping children 1 l3 W°r~h dOlng at 311 ‘5 worm domg 390m“ . . buried outside of Carleton. Then follow- n - . u ponies are allowed to run loose and the Mylittle friend, my husband,lord,awake! ed th t f t h f C 1 t likely. he 351d: Whether you “halpfl‘a t t d5 t h ’ e s cry 0 re rea rom ar e on, panel] or black yourbots’ (mirth-“Wk non- reay noma area ome. awake" ' . being a string of sleigns a mile lon con- v WM “Amidst this lamentatlon Without end - g‘ 1y and Wau- . . sistmg of three hundred women and 22:53:figtgfg‘f:;:§L°r:;,::d,:Ԥngr°- children. .cti°:f:i2i.§i3.'§:midlifitl’; Thel’lanetandthestar g ' When his teachers remonstratsd, he re- A KNEW}? the 3339'“ 3k?! H a: "911' w “ad “Man men or gen us hays wr men ing ” W) I 0W ll. 5 l surpass ng n size Russ“! and India' p ’ y and brightness every twinkle in the firms. ‘ ‘ lsthnld. Lii is fill A hkemh or Chic Poundmake' The misunderstanding ween Eng- worm Ben“ & ) “10 war mant. This star is the planet Jupiter, the _ while to worry about so tr v a a fan is. " Poundmaker, one of the Cree chiefs, land and Russia gives new . n I ‘ rest; to the Ten yea“, late“ thi, 1“ w“ m ,fficer giant member of the sun's family,thirteen and beyond comparison the ablest Indian statements made by the late 3‘01. Burnaby in the English army, doing Hex-vice in the hundred times as large as the earth, and "1 bl“ northwefly 1' 0‘ DBPblGUIMIS’ fine "439011ng the Russian army. That brave Crimean wan An order he copied for though more than four hundred million specimen of his .race, being over six feet cflioer spent one of his leaves of absence tummugion was .0 illegible that,“ w“ miles away, the mist radiant star that high, of rather slight build, and singularly in making a winter journey from St. given incorrectly to the "009,, and the shines in the heavens, Venus alone being erect. He has an intelligent and rather Peter-burg across the Russian Empire to rem], was the 1055 of a great mm, brave excepted. _ refined-looking face, a high, prominent the city of Khiva in Turkestan, a distance men, A short distance east of the princely forehead, and a nose of the purely of about three thousand miles by road. A few yea“ ago, the keeper of a life. lanet, a bright star may be seen. It is Grecian type, while their is nothing He says in hi “Ride to Khiva" that saving station on the Atlantic coast found egulus, or Alpha Leonis, the leading coarse or sensual about the lower portion the Empire of Russia is divided into four- 51,“ h}, supply of Powder had given out, brilliant in the constellation Lee, or the of his face. His hands _are small and teen military districts, each having its own The nearest village was mo or three miles Lion and the lower star in the handle of delicate in appearance, his fingers being army and its own governor. Thus, for ex- distant, and the weather was inclement_ the starry Sickle, the distinguishing long and faultlessly tapered. Though ample, the Polish provinces forming the He concluded that, 3,; it “was not worm feature of the constellation. a Pagan, he has more than once be- district of Warsaw are guarded by all while to go so far expressly for such a If I’ll"mall “1d “‘“Wi‘lmely WEtChed) “l trayed a. strong Inclination to embrace army of more than a hundred thousand trifle," he would wu’q for a few day. b3. will readily be seen that Jupiter is draw- Cathollcism. His father was a Cree and men, while Turkestan, which is next to fox-e Bending for 9, Eupply, ing nearer Regulus. The approach wil his mother a half-sister to the great Afghanistan, has a force of less than 135- That night A vessel was wrecker within continue until the 30th of May. when Blackfoot chief, Crowfoot, His grand- teen thousand. These armv corps number sight of the station, A line could have Jupiter will pass to the east of Regulus mother, on the side of his mother, is in all about eight hundred and fifty been given to the crew {f hehad been able and keeping on his eastward course, said to have been a Stoney, and this thousand soldiers, which could be increas- Will leave the It“ behind- The . _ , to use the mortar but he had der. is corroborated by the great chiefs 0:1 to thirteen hundred thousand by 0311- He saw the drowfiing men p “1:311:21; by stars have been near neighbors for seven peculiar cast of countenance. Pcund- log out the reserves. (main his sight. knowing that ha alone months, having twice before been in maker s career has been in many respects This has a. formidable sound. But we was to blame_ A few days afterward he conjunction or passed each other on the a remarkable one. It was he who are to bear in mind that the Russian was dismissed from the sex-vice, Celefll’lifllmfid- accomplished peace between the Black- army is scattered over a. territory of vast Tm, ,xparieuce of every man will Bug. A fine opportunity is thus afl’n-ded for feet and Grass, hitherto hereditary extent. out, on the otherhand. so strict nest. gimildg instances that confirm the studyingthe difference in the movement enemies. He had trouble with the ly are foreigners excluded, and so strict finthnfms wand Prince's advice he the cfa fiXed star anda planet. The gun-i5 Indian department last Winter, and heois is the censorship over the press. thut it lads of his ohm “E... apparently “Dehangeable in “5 PDBlthD not a man to quickly forget any indignity would be possible for the governor of Tur- whatever jg rirfhj‘ to do 5h0u1d be done being carried westward by the eastward offered to himself or his people. There kestan to assemble a force of one hun- with our best, “Eu, garongth and faithful. motion of the earth in he: orbit, is notan Indian in the northwest who dred and fifty thousand. men, and form mass of purpose. We have no scales by The phi“t is rightly 3"de “ a wan“ .nows theomntry better than Pound-ionormous depots of provisions and war which w can weigh 0m- duciea 0,. deter. deter,” for seen from the earth he maker. In 18_81, when Lord Lyme went material within three hundred and fifty mine than reunite importance in God's moves now inward, now backward, and acrossfthe plains, Pouudmsker joined the; miles of the Indian frontier, Without any- eyes, That, which seems a trifle to u; now he is stationary. For this reason pirty or the purpose of interpreting the thing being suspected of the movement, may be, the secret spring which shall move during the Winter he has been some- anguage of the Blackfeet into Crees as either In Europe or in India. the issues of me and denh. times on the west of Reonlns and his the Cree interpreter accompanying the,‘ Colonel Burnaby further observes that ____- m. ‘___ movements have been unasnaiiy inter. gait}, dig knoch understand BIECkmOh' “You cannot be With the Rumi‘m Office“ if as is stated the stomach of an ostrich eating' tooapgiy as; 1etc Sugar]: t:vas tagger: along. half an hom- withnut remarking how they {6 luéated at in; {Jack between the Win” An observer judging from the appear. and thus gut e, U uf the geedn Dattlcford long for war." Nothing that the Czar after a hearty meal we hmgine it migh; such of the two stars, would conside h ‘fb e immiv 0 e 9 3"” the could (10.1w thought would be an pnvu- look a little roundshouldered “Pm” 0‘ f“ great“ importance 1“ a. reed cst himself, and for thelaat two1 lar with the oflicers of the army, whether , ' 1 reality the planet is of little account by daya Poundmaker was gutdlng tho ' posted in Europe or in Asia, as entering A b°7 In one of the public “ch00!” the aide of the star. The former is a. The Battle Riwr has be”) 1".”ng en sailor as l’lt‘ stretcth his loss uno‘ertf‘m ‘ table and looked medi‘at‘vely ata glass of beer which had just been placed before him “it were in ihe ship Albvl‘t, as I shipped into for the voyage, and our old and Will be protected by a detachment of volunteers. Rogers, of the Foot Guards, fell wi‘ile handing tobacco to a comrade. Curious Customs among Russian Maidens. On New Year, in the villages and among the lower class of the rural popu- lace, the maidensâ€"no married women or widows are admittedâ€"assemble in some empty house, closely barricade the doors and cover the windows, lost some curious village beau should overlook the sacred rites. The guessing turns chiefly upon the probability of their marrying the en- suing yesr and on the personality of the destined, as the prospective bridegroom is called. To find this out the girls sit on the floor in a circle, and each hasbefore her a small heap of wheat or some other grain, A fowl is placed in the centre. and the owner of the heap from which he will be- gin to pick may expect to be married in the course of the next year. In a basin filled with water each guesser drops a ring of the same form, with a slight mark not reconizabie by touch. The lamp is ex- tinguished till each maiden hss fished out a ring, then relighted ; and those who have found their own rings feel quite con- fident of their matrimonial prospects. They also come out in the street to ask the names of passers-by, believing their future sweethearts will bear the same. A guessing of more general nature l e following : All participants but one leave the room ; she places in a row on the ta- ble 3 bunch of keys, a ring, a thlmble. small heaps of salt, earth, and so on All these objects are covered with cups of the same pattern, and then the door is open- ed. Then the girls hasten to the table; each lifts the fatal cup, and becomes sad or merry as the contents may tell. A ring is speedy marriage ; keys, an opulent household ;salt is thrift; a. thimble, in- dustrious life ; and earth, an early death. A curious vestige of an ancient custom, is the guessing with swimming lights. Both sexes participate. A large, flat dish, filled with water, is put on the table. Empty, halved walnut shells, with small burning tapers inside, are launched on the miniature ocean ; each player watches his particular Vessel ; if it remains swim- ming till the taper has burned down, it signifies a prosperous career ; if overturn- ed, an early death or a fatal accident ; if a man’s and a women’s shall come in con- tact and swim together, it signifies mar- riage ; if the owners are of the same sex, friendship. A game similar to this, but played on a much larger scale, is popular in some parts of India. W A Lesson in Advertising. The lonesome J ersev sign-board, stand- ing chln deep in the flood and ovar head in the rain. warning people not 'to have a picnic in flannel suits and lawn dresses that afternoon. brought to my mind a long dreary, dismal November day I once pass- edâ€"how I passed it. only a merciful Pro- vidence knowsâ€"in Chapin, Ill. Chapiu is a junction town not quite so large as good business office. It rained all day. It got up about daylight to rain and kept on raining harder every hour. I had to wait all day long tor the train I wanted. 1n the afternoon, when my letters were all answered and my newspaper work was accomplished, I stood at the window and looked dolefully out on the flooded land- scape. The trees stood knee deep in the water. Everything was soaked. Every- thing drip, drip. dripped. Whatever could fioat floated. What couldn’t float sank. W Water, water everywhere. In the clouds guide N After cmssin the Red Deer while on d ' d h _ , , a ‘ u on a 1th E I I . I gage in c ning words, a few . - » dill 1:th silli’oghaiifi:éhghilddwlihiilmgdlrgle’ Foundmaker took the [had and traveled 1 sign of Iliad-i: ng and for the posses day“ “luce’ made a mistak" that w“ “Ob filial; Ehgy’shhniiidngigiiiiibiealigiriih’ili: as l , or- nalmo t a 3,1 .1i ,5 Bl ck ‘ a uistake. H id, “A d ' ’ ‘ rent. ’ And right in all this universe of 5 n I he 0 3 f0“ crOBBlng. . Upon the whole, Colonel Burnaby. trav- “33:61 that baggage“, wine‘eggg‘fifixz; nearest fixed star. The latter is a glor- . . |ious sun shining by its own light and or any other kind of intoncating liquor. l piercing the st“. depths from a 6 my“ ; W9 don't know for cerbflln there l5 I so inconceivable that if it were this nig manm the moon but we are dead sure blotted from the sky, it would there is one in the honey-moon. to shine there for many years to come. though there was no trail, andl elling in 1876, brought away from Khiva what has even mpre remarkable, arranged ’ the impression that Russia would one day his time-table so that he hit the best. make a serious attempt upon India, and grass and water to be had just aboutlthat this tt 1: camping-time on every occaiaion. ltroulbe. a emp would give England moisture a great big sign, painted in white letters, black shaded, on a board fence, 9. sign so big that you could read it half a mile away, and it stared me in the face

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