The eleventh annual Spring Exhibition of the Richmond Hill & Yonge Street Agricul- tural Society will be held on the Queen’s Birthday. Monday, May 25th. on the Fair (jimmds, in this Village. Good prizes are oï¬ered competitors in all departments, be- sides special prizes. The Richmond Hill Cornet Band has been secured for tlint day. At present. prospects for a very successful Exhibition are more favorable than on any previous occasion. On another page will be found 3 Cut. and description of the Improved Porcelain Churn for sale by Steele Bros. 8: U0., corner of Front and Jau-vis Sts. Toronto. 1i is very highly recommended, and possesses many advantages over ordinary churns. It Can be worked by a child, and, it is claimed, mu make more butter and of better quality than can be made bv oldâ€" ‘ashioned churns. The price is 87.50 and 8800, according to size. Do not fail to hear the Star Singers at the Methodist Church Concert on the 25th. Mrs. Keltieiss. whole concert in herself. Miss Strong. as an alto has no equal in Ontario. Herr Fried is the best Tenor on the Continent. Tickets only 25 and 3.3 cts. There is room in the church for 1000 per- sons. Notice. Notice is given on another page that a Court of Revislou for the Township of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hal), Vellore, on Tuesday, the 26th tin? of May. for revising the Assessment Roll for the present year. All parties interested are re- quested to attend. The Methodist Parson 3; be sold by Public Aumiou 2nd day of June next, a wishing to purchase a should bear this in mind will in all probability be 84 Eckardt, Anctinneex‘. A large lot of nobby hats for boys and 9 just been opened unt . crete House. Call an Post H &C. at can get "Miss Stror that, is at on This lady will on the evem'u opened out cents per p The next regular Lodge Inc. 23, G. R Masonic Hall on M a: 8 o’clock precisel The 1192 will be be] Tuesday, 1 at 10 a. m Rruinoxn HILI Another : waugha Lacr The Concrete N. [Krâ€"Registered Le at least [ï¬fteen Minute mentioned hours for c] Until (In-they notice Mail Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce : Monxrs Connects with all tmins, )etwin House. Richmnnl Hill, as ntluws Mail & Express, North & Southâ€. 11 Accommodation Express, North. Mull, South . Nawmnï¬ket Aurom Kim: ,,,,, {mum‘an Thm‘nhin .. \Vesmn Davenport , PIR-l‘kdflk‘ ..... TORONTO. Queen's Brm‘k S I’mnn S City Hle PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. 'R‘ORONTO livenmrt†fleshm . . . . . Thnrnhill .. itcnunxn 1 King Aurora . Newuml‘ket (‘iLv Hall Union h‘t‘Ltinu Brock Street Queen's Wharf Penâ€"de‘sâ€. .. . See A. “Wig POST OFFICE NOTICE Shiv .ï¬ihrwï¬. mmxh HILL 14(V)CA&]J§- {res} at once Methodist Concert Hull Spring Exhibition Porcelain Chum Parsonage for Sa r. \th’f Street N Station. hé 11196 HILL ll] 3.1 of ti ‘ox'omo 10c 01 Suspenders 3 at The Concrete tron [it up, extra value. GOING GOING NORTH at jug of ti In} Auctiouron next, at f 1 Letter l!‘ meeting of Richmond R. C._ will be held in (he l‘ouday evening. May 25th, 'han at Mail um I‘hursd av “3.1 10.00 1007 8.5.0 8.4!) 0.02 8,40 9.02 9.12 MI )WIJ ment of Can; ': Sticks to bar bottom prices n's change of ad 5th 43 country d, as the sold chea; SOUTH TEE ouncfl Hal] s {011 .xih Ia ncy straw sntlemen has at The Con- ‘f Ma 2 V Then: Markham alnm h contralto v 3 and power! tthodist chu mstba handed rthnn the ab‘ ill be see mgban Couuc‘ ], Vellore, o ', commencin Headford will Tuesday, the p.m. 'lhose L)rl( Accnm 1100 1 WE DIay A ovum XLIO 12 as 12.15 Caughna- > hand at the Palmer 43 ‘50 werful chm-c mu] hill aster .._,. fu] .uy at the just Mu [V The seventh number of the “Canadian Pictorial and Illustrated War News" is to hand. We are pleased to learn that the publishers have decided to make this a per- manent publication, under the foregoing ti- tle. The illustrations in this number are line. On the ï¬rst page, we have a telling picture entitled “A brave Scout's untimely end.†It will be remembered that, utter the battle of Fish Creek, Lal'ontniue, with other scouts, were sent out to ascertain the where. abouts of Posndmnker. They were surround. ed by Indians, and compelled to retreat. Lalontaine was wounded, fell from his horse, and died game, rifle in hand, facing the eu- emy. A full-page picture shows the battle of Cut Knife Ureek, which resulted in victory for the troops under Col. Otter. Other sketches are as follows: Scenes with the North-West Field Force (from sketches by the special artist of the War Nt’u's, Mr. 1". W. Unrzon, with Maj.-Gen. Middleton‘s com- mand); Camp of the 7th Battalion (Fusiliers) ‘ at Winnipeg ; also six portraits of interest (reproduced from photographs). page supplement is a ï¬ne cartoon picture en. titled “ And now for business." General Middleton is here represented in; preparing to strike a decisive blow at the rebels. The paper sells at 15 cents per copy, obtainable either from local booksellers or from the allies of publication. The two- ‘ 43 43 39 Our Holiday. Should Monday next, the 25th inst., prove to be a ï¬ne duy. we may expect to see a. very large crowd of people in from the hurround- ing country. No doubt the Fair will be the principal attraction, but many will be drawn to Richmond Bl“ in anticipation of meeting their friends and taking dinner or tea. with them in the Methodist or Presbyterian thumb, as the case may be. A grand con- cert will be given in each church in the evening, which promises to eXCel anything that has ever been giVen in this section of country. In fact. the only pity is. that so much excellent tuleut has been secured {or one evening, as men)' would gladly avail themselves of the privtlege of attending both entertainments dld they come on different evenings. lice of publication. Germany; Mr. Sims Richards, universally acknowledged the best tenor in Toronto; Mr. Kelly, Collingwmd, baritone, will once more delight 9. Richmond Hill audience with his sweet singing and guitar accompaniments. Mr. J. D. Kerrisou, from School of Art and Musm, 'l'oronto, acculnpunist for the evening. In addition to the above distinguished army of talent the committee have been successful in securing the valuable servicos of the tulv ented Miss Hurdmnn, mezzo soprano, of Toronto, who scored so brilliant a. succnss at the late Uonversazione of University College. " Performers for the Concert on May 25th leadmg soprano uf C: violiniac, graduate of Germany ; Mr. Sxms acknowledged the be: Kelly, Collingwogd, b Last Saturday afternoon, the lacrosse ball was set selling here in a. match played be- tween the “ Young Canadians," of this plncu_ and the †Vietonas," of Toronto. As usual, he home team tame 01f victormus, taking three straight games in 9, 39 and 5 minutes respectively. Quite a. large number of peo- ple congregated to witness the play, which proved very intrnstiug. After the compleâ€" uon of the match. the strangers were treated to a supper served at the Palmer House, . fter which they Look thelr departure on the evening 'bus. There are several gun] piny- ers in the team. but they were forced to re- main on the defensive all throngn. they rung with greater energy always in fol- lowing this gentleman. He sang well in the Cantata, but he stormed the audience with his rendering of “ Alone in the desert, " and was twice recalled. Mr. Wurrington has a thorough conception always, of what he in- tends to sing. and having 21 voice of great compass, a. true musician's soul, and thor- ough control of a powerful and pleasant voiCE succeeds in winning friends everywhere, and in no place more than in this city. " He is Conductor of the Concert in the Methodist church on the 25th. Tickets 25 cents; re- served seals 35 cents. lowing Mus gentleman. Cantata, but he stormed his rendering of “ Alone was twice recalled. Mr. thorough conception ulw [ends to sing. and havin "Mr. Waniugtou sang the Cantata with a. cleal‘uess uf n vim which seemed to iuspi: they rung with greater energ lowing this gentleman. He Cantata. but he stormed the 31.50; M. Teefy. couwynnciug and register- ing deed for Park. 88. By request of Mr. J. W. Elliott, Assessor. Lot 36 uud 37. on 47 Richmond St. belonging to Mrs. Mary Quauiz was p!uced on the non-resident roll. The Council adjourned to meet on Monday, June 15th, 111.8 30 p. m. Eng; W. Tait. of Stamford; Mr. H. Phipps, o! Brantlord ; Mrs. Revell and the Misses Hackett, of Toronto. Operettas : “ King Alfred " uud “ 'J lmt Naughty Boy.†Admission 25cts.; children 15cm. Doors open at 7, concert to commence a: 8 o’clock. CounciliMeeting. The Village Council me& last Monday eve- ning, the Reeve in the chair. Councillors present, Mesrrs. Redllitt. Snvuge, and Pow- ell. The minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: Jns. Hall, for seeds to be sown on Park Lot. $15; T. F. McMahon 50 quarter sheet bills. overlooked last rear. A Grand Concert will be held in the Duff- enu Hull, Weston, on the evening of Mon- day, Muy 25th, under the leadership of Prof. W. M. Clarke. The following performers will take part: Mr. Reun. Fax, of Brant- ford ; Prof. Wm. Clarke, late of Worcester, Eugl; W. Tait. of Brautl’ord; Mr. H. Portage la Prairie. “Mrs. Keltie in stature is a small lady but she has a Soprano vuice so powerful and rich that. it is wonderful from whence it comes. Added to her voice she has a moat captiva- ting appearance and absolutely carried the audience with her on each occasion. Her success was thorough nnd she will be gladly welcomed by our people whenever at 11 {Lb lure period she may wish to visit Portage la. Prairie." She will sing in the Methodist church on the 25m of May. “Miss Marie 0. Strong achieved a marked success. She has a remarkably rich voice, and in the Cavatinn. "Ah Quel Giorno" from Semiramide surprised the audience by the extent 0! her capabilities in the way of vo- culizution. She received an enthusiastic en- core. and her triumph was cemin y well de- served." Miss Strung will sing in the Math- odist church nn the evening of May the 25th. Ll conï¬rmed. The following accounts re ordered to be paid: Jns. Hall, for seeds be sown on Park Lot. $15; T. F. McMahon quarter sheet bills, overlooked last year, Presbyte Canadian Plctonal. Brantford Expo Three Straights Grand Concert Torbmo Mail. aruess uf accvntu d to inspire the ct ian Concert. 9 Ples|»3tel'inu Church 2 MrsflnldwellIoronto. unada ; Mrs. Adamsuu. Leipsic Conservatory, itor. bass SI ccvntu J10 in the ntion and oruses as Hohoway’s Corn Cure destroys all kinds of coma and warts, root and branch. M. Sheehau, of Oacoda. Mich., writes: "I have used Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil on horses for difl‘erent diseases, and found it to be just as you recommended. It. has done justice to me every time, and it is the best oil for huress I ever used." Observe that the name "Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil†is on the front of the wrap- per, as there are imitations of it. Rev.J.E. Starr. Pastor of Berkley St. Methodist Church. Toronto, will pencil in the Methodist church of this place. next Sunday, morning and evening. Special collections on behalf of Trust Fund. Anniversary Sermons iu the Presbyterian church will be preached on Sunday next, by Rev. J. Mutch, of Chalmers church, Toron- to. Special collecuons at the 01059 of each service. Mrs. Campbell and daughter. who have long resided in Riehmcnd Hill, have moved to Collingwond. where they intend making their luture residence. There will probably never be another oppor- tunity to hear vocalists like the above for the price of an ordinary concert. Do not fail to embrace it. ’l'ickets 25cts. ; reserved seats 350%. Over 300 tickets already sold. 8. Duet. ..Mn.stt-‘1' ar Mrs. Celeste V. Knlm 5“ Programme M. 3. Concert. PART I. Trio. .Ye Shepherds tell me. .Jh Miss Mnrie U. Strong, Miss Be um] Mr. F. Wurringtmr. SougThe lienveu in the Valleth Herr Fried. Song . . . . . . The Better Laud . . . . . . Mrs. Celeste V. Keltie. Duet . . . . . . . . Excelsior . . . . . . . Mrs. Adamson. 7. Reading. . Scott of Arden . . . . W. Lloyd Mr. Sims Richards. 8. Quartette . . . . . . Good Night . . . . . . Floto Mrs. Caldwpll. Miss Hardmau, Measrs. Kelly and Richards. . Triu....Ti Mrs. Keme, I‘It Recn {.... Air Lo Given away for one Year. We want 200.000 subscribers before July m. 1885, to our large illustrated publication, The Fireside Magazine. In order to get, the above number of subscribers we must give away subscriptions the ï¬rst year, and the second year we will make up the loss us mos! of them will subscribe again. paying our reg- ular price. Sand 26 cents in silx er, to pay postage, and you will have the above magn- ziue to read every Week for one whole year. If you accept the above offer, we expect ynu will be kind enough to dlï¬tribule umonng your friends, a few small books containing our advertisements and 167 of the bes household receipts, for which we will make you a. present of a handsome. silver-plated, ï¬ve-bottle caster, m' n. plush covared photo- graph album. State how many books you can give away for us, and we will send the books and caster (or album) pre-pnid. Ordpr for your friends. and you will never regret it. Frmcsmr: MAeAzrmz, Hume. N. Y. Mr. S, Wintorï¬â€˜ provision denier. doing business at No. 561 Queen street west, Tu- ronto, was found dead in his bed about hall. past eight o‘clock this morning. Mr.Winters retired shortly before midnight after partak- ing of a hearty meal. He Was than in per- !ect health. This morning when Mrs. Wint- ers went into her husband's bedroom to rouse him she found him stretched out, cold in death, having expired during the night with- out a struggle or s groan. Dr. Woods, the family physician, was immediately summon- ed,but he was too late to render any nesist- ance. He gives it as his opinion that Mr. Winters died from an attack of apoplexy. Coroner Johnson was notiï¬ed, but it is im- probable Ilmt an inquest will be held, al- though npost mm'ft'llt examination on the corpse may be ordered.â€"Telwgram. Programme of Presbyterian Concert. PART I. NATIONAL ANTHEM. Quartette. . Swiss Peoples’ Sungflrickpr Mrs. Caldwell, Miss Hardmnn. Messrs. Richards and Kelly. Mr Duet Song Soul: Piano Solo. . Irish Airs. Mrs. Bhght. Song. . . . . .. Tit for Tat. Miss Berryman Song. . . .It was not to be Herr Fried. Duett . . . . . . . . . . Thee Onlv .. . . Mrs. Caldwell and Mr. Richard Solo. . Friend of the Brava. .l)r. 4 Mr. Kelly. Duelt . . . . . . Mocking Bird . . . . . Mrs. Caldwell and Miss Hal-11mm Solo. . . . St. George's Banner .. . Mr. Sims Richards. Solo. . Cuckoo Song (by request). . Mrs. Caldwell. Violin Solo. 11. Cavnbina ) .. h. Mazurka [Nu Mrs. Adamson. Mr. J. D. Kerrison. Song. . . . The vae Digger Mr. Kellv Violin Solo. .Auld Robin G Mrs. Adamnnn. Solo. . . . . . The Gay Hussnl'. Mr. Sims Richards. Solo . . . . . . Staccmo Polka. . .. Mrs. Caldwell. DnettOn to the Fieldn of Messrs. Kelly and Iii PART II. Piano Solo Herr Fried J: F PERSONALS. NATIONAL ANTHEM . . .Ti Prego 0 Padre. . . . Nicoluo‘. Lie, Herr Fried & F. \Van‘iugtou. {....Fin Duuque.... ) F 7 ,t I. .0 Min Fernando. .f “w†a' Miss Marie C. Strong. .The Boatswain’s Story..JIallz)J. R1111". Warringtm). The touch Hi 9. vanished hand . Celeste V. Keltiu. IPinmfi. Sudden Death IOVB PART II all 1 Scholar. ..I<‘iormmti & Mr. F. \Vurriugwu nd \Vnr. . . Warrington Duclle'y Back, Franz A bt Pinsmi . . Cook Pinsuti Mudder vzinqhi. Hyman ’[nsuti . .Ruï¬'. niaski Emmet 'au‘un Huni White Die/Ll Balf Inn 5 r lppel izrtti ‘un. 138 Our stock has all been bought at the Fountain Head of Production,on the best terms,and is offered to our customers at the smallest living proï¬t, tor CASH only. tains New Cretonnes “ Silks & Satins NeW‘Velvets and Brocades New M a n 131 e Cloths New Ginghams & Cambrics N ew Prints and Sateens New Jerseys ‘“ Lace Gur- TO HAND. {Showing To-Day. New Dress Goods; New: gashgngres {New Millinery PETLEY (Q‘ PETLEY Men’s VMen’s 86 Men’s T Fine All Fine WC Fine Worsted Overcoats, to on ings, only 31515. Fine All Wool Tweed Suits, to only $15. Fine Black English Worsted Stylish Well-Made Suits or Good Strong Tweeds, made) only $7.50. Fine Scotch Tweed Suits, warranted all pure Wool, made) only 3510. West of England Tweed Suits,, newest colorings, made) only $15. Superior Fine Twill Worsted Suits, Nobby Styles, made) only $18. Boys’ Tweed Suits, very nobby styles,(ready made) at $2.50 and $3.50 per suit. .â€" u I ’ J" """ _-v- ‘1‘- yard. ‘ _ Housekeepers w111 please note the fact that we are selling Fine White Cottons. soft ï¬nish, at 5C. 6%:3. 7c. 7130. 8%c. glc. and no. Factory Cottons, in ï¬ne and heavy makes, at 3%c. 5c. 6c. 6%c. 7§c. and 8;c. Pillow Cottons, Sheetmgs etc., in Twills and Plains, in all widths, in soft ï¬nish and ï¬ne and heavy makes. Table Linens in unbleached cream and white, 180. 22.3c. 27c. 34c. 39c. 45c. and 69c. These goods are worth from forty-ï¬ve cents to one dollar per yard. \Vc are also offering special value in White and Ecru Lace, Lace Curtains, Table Covers, Piano Covers, Table Mats, etc. Fast Color Prints, at 4&0 50. 6c. 7c. 8c. 9c. and IOC. peI -... .‘J 7ine Black English Worsted Sults, to order, only $15. VIen’s Worsted Suits, to order. at from $10 to $40 per suit. VIen’s Serge Suits, to order, at from $12 to $55 per suit. den’s Tweed Suits, to order, at from $12 to $25 per suit. ï¬ne All Wool Tweed Suits, only $15, to order at Petley’s. 7ine Worsted Overcoats in all the newest colorings, only $15 at Petley’s. PRICES AT PETLEY’S. . M. HAMILTON, KING ST. EAST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET Table Linens Table covers Table napkins Quilts 184 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. ats, to order, in all the newest color- Gloves New Corsets “ Ribbons “ Laces “ Ties “ Handkerchiefs “ Embroideries “ Underwear “ Parasols “ Parasol covers order, (very nobby styles) Jackets Kid Gloves Silk Lisle $1.50, (reqdy (ready (ready (ready