Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 May 1885, p. 8

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Presentation. We publish below the address present- ed to Dr. Grant, \Voodbridge, prewous to his departure from that. place a few weeks ago. To Donald J. Grant Esq , M. D.; C. M. DEAR Docron.â€"It is with feelings of the deepest regard mingled with Borrow that we have met. to bid you, Mrs Grant, and family, adieu, ere you remove from our midst ofregardon account of our es- timation of you as a man, a neighbor, a physician, and aohristian; and of sorrow at the prospect of our losing your com- panionship and of your relinquishing your citizenship with us in this world of grief and ever varying vicissitudes. For' about ten years your home has been amongst us and your interests have been more or less intermingled with ours. \Ve have been, while thus associated. gradually devel0ping some of the traits of character which are peculiar to us indi- vidually, and We hope and trust that our having come into contact as neighbors, as friends and especially as Christians may have been for the benefit of all of us and may redound to the glory of our Lord and Master whose work you have been instrumental in advancing to a con- siderable extent in this locality. Through your untiring exertions, the erection of the church, in this place, of which you are a member is greatly due, for which those of us who are members of that church will ever feel grateful to you when you are gone, and for which those of us who belong to other churches think none the less of you, but in it, and in your unremitting attention as an official of the Bible Society have reason to admire your zeal for the work of the Master. Those of us who have had occasion to employ you professionally take this op- portunity of manifesting our appreciation of your ability as a physician and surgeon and those of us who are your professional brethren desire to express our confidence in your medical and surgical skill, and we all unite in rendering to Mrs. Grant our expressions of the respect we enter- tain for her, and sincerely wish you botl‘ and all the members of your family, health, happiness and piosnerity v.her- ever your lot may be cast and as a token of our feelings We now present you with this water pitcher for yourself, and this tray for Mrs. Grant. and which, we hope will be pleasant souvenirs of your sojourn with us. Signed on beliiilf of the givers. P. I). NICLEAN, M. D. Chairman. J. Osmsno 01m, M. D. Secretary. The Dr. replied in appropriate and feeling terms. but space will not permit its insertion. o»â€"â€"â€" Leading Druggists on this continent testify to the large and increasing sales of Northrop (I: Lyman‘s Vegetable Dis covery and Dyspeptic Cure, and report its beueticent effects up n their customers troubled with Liver coni- plui-it, Constipat on, Dyspepsia, Impu- vity of the blood, and other physical ll - tirinitics, and as a female medicine it has acouinplished remarkable cures. _____..’_â€"_â€" SPRINGHILL. From Our Onn Correspondent. The Literary and Debating Club of Springliill is still in a progressive stati . On Monday evening the Club met in due form, President Lloyd in the chair. Subject for debate:â€"“ Resolved, that the rudiments of individual character aie discernible in childhood.” Chairman for debate. \Vui. Fisher; Captain for afi‘irm- ative, J. T. Saigeon; negative, 0. C. Tilinuii. After much light. had been thrown on the subject by both sides of the house, the chairman gave decision in favor of the negative. The Club then adjourned to meet on Saturday evening, May 23rd. Mr. J. Irwin is improving his lot by building a. stable thereon. The new Cheese Factory is to com- mence business on Monday, May 25th. Mr. Norman has erected ii fine builling, and no doubt many of the farmers will t ike advantage of it J. H. Ross is building R. Thompson a. screw stump machine. Mr. Thompson will soon be able to draw stumps of any dimensions. On Saturday, May 16th, G. \Vilkinson and W. 'I‘iiibin, of Aurora, drove down to Springhill to pitch a few games of (,iuoits with .I. \V. Ci‘ossley and T. Butt. .l. \V. Crossley won two out of three games with G. \Vilkiiison; \V. Tiiilnn was too much of a unoitcr for T. Butt. These parties intend to practice weekly, one week in Aurora. and the next in Spring hill. *.°~ Much distress and sickness in children is caused by worms. Blothei‘ (JIFELVBS’ \Voriii exterminator gives relief by reiiio- vii.g the cause. .77 <0 oâ€"â€"â€" RPPLES. APPLES. APPLES. CHARLES Denim x. to, 79 QUEEN ST.,L0ND0Nl E C., Will be clad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merâ€" chants, and Shippers, with it View to Autumn and Spring business. Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers; g‘ advances. i'«.:qui l‘l n MUSIC LIQSMINS.‘ bliss Bailey is: raw :ii'ci'iuiv l in. Ll Lil b0 EIVL‘ SEMI-g; (ill “‘(dl‘tf’ll‘i. *“l i‘ .l 4.. . ;. \li It“ t'rl‘(:r‘,\lvlr «’ VII. till) i 112w iiilvertiscmmts. W musiciPAuffiir VAUGHAN COURT O_l_‘_REVISION The Court of Revision for revising the Assess- nicnt Roll of the Township of Vaughan for the present year, A. D., 11-85. will be held at theTowu Hull, on r Tuesday, 26th day of May, at 10 n. m. All parties interested are hereby re- quested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. By order of th; Council. JAS. M. LAWRENCE Clerk of the Tpof Richmond Hill, May 18th, int-i5. Tough an. HIGH SCHOOL Entrance Examination \Vlll be held on THURSDAY 6c FRIDAY, Julv 2m] and 3rd. 1885, ~IN_ NEWMARKET, RICHMOND HILL & SUTTON, Beginning at 9 o'clock each (llly. Intending candidates or their teachers should send word of tlicii‘ intention to write to the Head Master, before the end of May, so that the right supply of papers may be ordered. Teachers in Georgina. N. (l\\'illiinliui'y,or along the Sutton Brunch lt.1t., should send the num- ber of candidates who will write in Sutton direct. to myself. Forms of application will be supplied at. the examination. III Class l-lxmninutious begin at l p. in. July 6th. and II L‘luss on tho Htli. I). FO'l‘llElthGl-l.’il\l, P. S. I. Aurora. May 9th .1885. 46â€"2w . NEW MU SIC STORE. “'6 will in a few days rim-n it new Music Stti'e in the Village of grammar? Elm. I Opposite Brown lil’IiS. llukrirs, where it full supply of MI'SICAL INSTRUMENTS And Music of every description will be lit'pt. ul\\'it_\’:~ on Illlllll nt viii-k bottom prim-us. Instin- iiioiits tuned. The public iii-o invited to give us a roll and luSllL‘Cb our stock. Orders promptly attended to, CLARKE 86 SEAGER. Richmond HIII,A1Il‘iI Hoth. ‘Jin. “SKREV’ Cod Liver Oil! This famous Brand, FUR l5, BRILLIA and almost Taste- less. is tar superior to any other Norwegian Cod Liver Oil yet in- li'oduced. 0â€" Iinported and bottled only by Kenneth Campbell 8t Dot, MONTREAL. 18432â€" statisticians HughMlLiER Mil-i CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St. East, Toronto, ~â€"1)ll(il‘liIlJT\|ItS Oi“â€" MILLER‘S TICK DESTRDYER. YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER, &r. -â€"â€"'U Special attention given to the proper prcpnr utious of Family iiiiil \'ctciiiiui‘y iccuipts. July .‘li'd, 'si-lv. ’ TAN: iRlcVVQJT SEQVIW’G Rangoon? ! â€"â€"IN THE t »â€"â€"â€"IS THE PLACE FOR Aâ€" FIRST - CLASS SHAVE l 0 HAIR-DUTTING A SPESIALTY BERT. LVle ll “'5. Prop. Go To E. M. MORPH"! 141Yonge Street, Toronto (40 Years Established) For good and cliculi Watch es Clocks. Jewcllry, Sil- vm‘wocrc and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED A8 .EPFIFSENIED. 5E ALB/Inorphy- Iii‘lHl‘X ).\:l‘4 Uâ€" ‘ . u is (initialiiicir i. ,ii'r'ir‘, our Wartim- Tnnox'ro Tnumlnleny ?1 less. Wheat. fnll. per bushel ..... $0 93 to 04 \thnt, spring, (In. 93 94 Harley, «lo. 50 60 Outs, do. 46 47 Pens. (In. . . . . . 05 70 Rye. do. . 56 (‘Io\'.-r ‘lccd, do. ,, . .... Dream-i1 lmgn.per 100 lbs . f 00 7 0“ Mei-f. In o quarters- ... . 4 00 5 50 Ilcvf. .i'. i quarters. 5 50 7 I)“ (lhirkcn.., per pair . O 70 90 I'llckh, .in. 0 so 1 oo ('vePn(',(‘lt(‘ll . . . . . . 0 PK) 1 10 Turin-is. NLL‘II . ., l '25 2 30 lliit‘tor, pound rolls .. 0 16 U 18 Nutter, tiili ilriii y . . . . . .. 0 15 16 F451;»,fl'PhIl,l‘lel'1IUZ.... .. 0 12 H Point-nos. per Int: .. .. .. 0 40 45 AI‘]II('\, p0 mil . , .. 2 00 2 75 onions. ui‘eirii.pi'r bug . 1 00 ...... ('itlllulzo ill). 0 25 4" (lunlitlou‘cr do, 0 00 0 00 (lr-lory, do. 0 25 n .31! 'I'lll'lll]!\',13(’l’ bug... o 30 0 40 (liii’iots, do. .. 0 40 0 50 Hay, "or ton ...l'l 00 21) m strmv . per tori . . . . . _ . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l m 9 01) lurniiown HILL Thursdnv. May 21. 1885. outs, per bushel , 0 45 Polls. do. .. 0 (50 Iliossoil Improper )0 f‘. 25 llecf, t'oic niiilrtor 6 (10 hoof, llllli' until-tuiâ€" 8 50 Chickens, per pair ., .. 0 so Illlt‘ks, do. 0 (".5 Geese I‘m-h . .. .. 0 t“) 'l‘nrkL-\ s, per lb , . . . . . . . . . 11 lluttor. pound rolls 0 N lluttor, large ions 0 15 l‘lnus. flesh. per dozen U l‘l I'otiituos. per ling . . . . . (i 30 Apple». )H‘l' bbl .,. I 50 (Illltillfl. green. per bush. 7.3 (Tubbune, per (1oz. 0 4i) (‘elti v. do. . . 'luiinps,pei~biig . 045 Carrots, do. , , , , , , . . 0 50 )litllllN. per puck .. . . .. f) 130 Flour, hlil‘lllfl. per bbl .. . .. . Ii‘loiiv,fnll. pci‘ bbl 4 2': 4 50 Hiiy,pr-:‘ tun 13 00 I4 00 hol‘fl“ povtoii . .. H A R ii_w_i E ! PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, &C. (IBUILDERS’P M EC H A N l C S’ TOOLS. GIVE US A CALL. WILKINS’ BROS 166 King Street East, Near George Street, Toronto. 23 4:93. ATTENTION ! JUST OPENED IN RICHMOND HILL, A NE\Y AND FASHIONABLE TAILDRIRG ESTABLISHMENT Every attention paid to “nuunn~ â€"â€"AN I)â€" (D; um» 0 Besides working for the Merchants, I will keep on hand a fine as- sortinent of Patterns. Leave your orders at once. Glas- “MERE- T THEIRLIG ! Having commenced business in the HARNESS EMPORIUM, Recently vacated by Mr. H. B. Dcwsbury, I am now pre- pared to make all kinds of Harness in First-Class Style. Trunks, Valiscs. Hiorsc Fur- nishings and all goods in our line constantly kept on hand Repairing promptly attended cad). McDonald, RICHMOND HILL. RRIIEERR Luis E<‘( Elli 1%ku 4E0 luuiil‘>-ii.‘ai_ Siii-ii i‘i'i tint |li|\i’l lui l ml ‘ UN llivusos, i‘ili‘lll’x i;- "D I . V v -: 1.: o NEAT FITTING !' EritisTiâ€"FlagMStgiif! SPRING STOCK COMPLETE IN WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS, ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 80 PANTS. 9. LARGE STOCK from 400135. up. HATS AND GAPS. SUITS MADE TO ORDER. In C}R()Clfl IlIES. (i’lass‘varo, ;\r(- We have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR it; FEED always on hand. all of which We will sell as cheap for cash as any store on Richmond Hill. keeping first- class K00(Is. WILLIAMS f!“ ,. 2 High Arm Sewing Maching is now rec- ognized as the SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. It is Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to Lean). DRESS GOODS, THE NE It is strong,.lurable and well built,of the very best material that money can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded five medals and three first prizes at the Domtnion Exhibition last October. It in. mpidlv superseding all the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it,buy it,snd make sure that you get it. Sold by J. LUSH. Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and Pianos. Teinis Easy. THE IMPROVEDMELAIN GHIIRN! “'9 offer This (‘hurn solelv on he Inorils. knowing that wherever it goes it. will mnKe a clean record. The following are a low of [he many advantages conceded [o the Porcelain (‘hurn by all who have used it : Its great advantage over all others, being made ol Agate ll“0n.whi(-li presents a sin face the Same as your poiceluinwnre dishes, “1" not break or scale 0". Will not rust or corrode. is impervious to heat or Gold, (1005 not sl 'ink. swell or leak, nor lake In or absorb any of the acids of cream, and consequently i< as easily kept clean as :1 china bowl; it is a great saver of labor and so liglit-iunning that a child can work it; the quality and quantity of butter made ; the ease of rimovuig the butter and cleaning the churn. Buy a Porcelain l‘lIurn it you want the Best. Call and S00 "11'!!!- Prices: 6 gallon Size. $7.50; 9 gallon sale. $15.00. .1 , Compch stock in Field. Garden sh Flower Seeds of finest quality. STEELE BROS. CO., SEED MERCHANTS, RONT v jARVIS STS., CORNER I“ TORONTO. L I would take this opportunity of informing the public that Inm‘carrying on the Boot and Shoe Business in the old stano. I would direct your special attention to my large and splendid stock of Sl’IiITNKi‘r INIP()R,’PIAL’1‘IONS Just received. _A cordial invitation is extended to every per- son to call and inspect my goods. Boots :iml shoes made to order on the shortest notice by first-Class \voi‘kmcn. L111 curly and leave your orders. ‘ ROB". HAS COME AGAIN. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€" THE EEOPLE’S STORE l as on hand the largest new st wk of W'all Paper .82: Bordering i That has ever burn in [His town, at from .3 to 734:. [Jt'l' lull. ,\ logo MI'LIC of 1 V r r i i ' v 1 READI )IIXI‘JI) I’AIN'I in, Alli. i (lliOllh, I’LL‘MI)’ IUI' IISL‘. White LeudOilPalnt Turpentine dc W'liitcwungli Brushes. All sizes. SIV 3R8. A.» «. .__ ... SI’I’ING Full .‘Lirt'Ii Iii Painter’s iiizitoriiils. loss II: in 'I'i-i'oiilo prim-s. I'II‘LIt‘ fill‘l'li HI q. “tr. nu i\'l“.ll'lV :lllil usual 1» . ASIxIOI‘SVH viz). Hill \'I' ll MS "-2 j. .I FIVIINI'I‘I'III‘L, ll,\lll)\‘.'.\l:i-‘, tillllCi‘ZRlIiS 'Fi‘v our of sin”. 41,. A- -. T011. "-‘ l l' M ' ‘. BI". l’.{lt I-‘. .v.

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