THE LIB£RAL PRINTING '66 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" » ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING Wondbridge .. Kleiubutg. RobletorL Vitalized Axr always on In Works like a charm. Address A ROBINSON Stouï¬ville ....... Mukuam.... . .. Victoria. Square l‘hovnhill . . . . . . . ‘L‘hnnkful fe may still be ‘ éibhmdua Bill (at the Pa RESIDENCE examined as OFFICEâ€"0px Veterinarv sur College, Torom steases of treated. Veterinary nary College to. Charges Mr. Hu.c Ion Brnol‘ gay falls « IA lame amount of Money to on farm or C_tv property in‘terest? per cent; no commis- man. Tu Medalist Tor [Physicians & 5 Yonge Street 3m 10 3.. 111., 5 $l00¢000 or Private Funds to LAWREN & MELLIMN, 0 nionville w eston £31116 .., ichmond Woodbrid: MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES Luau on rest to uildingy and Nut Fax-me Will visit 1, 'Money to Loan ‘es§ion,as in: Barristem, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 86s.. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. :4 Building & Loan Chambers. N3. :5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. )mdumto of Town )nt.. two years r0 [‘m‘nnm General 1 Ofï¬ce and reside Ofï¬ce Hoursâ€"8 t DI‘ Jembers DB Oflico hour E. ,R. REYNOLDS. 52 Adelaide St‘, East, Toronto. pr to T. F.MCMAHCN, Editor of LIBERAL. ï¬ichmond Hill VOL. VII. NOSE MACDONALD, MERRITT & (30. Union Loan buildin s Toronto 3. F. LAWRENCE. BUSINESS CAR G. H. Husband. L. D. S ï¬g, DENTIST, Hor: VIZ’ZQ‘LIZEQ gig Dr. James Langstafl EDITOR and @1112 Emma} r. hewiï¬ per annum, in advance. RICH Farm Property Mlqwegt rates of in :IS PUBLISH iEORGE LAN I;5TAE‘F, THORN}IITJ,, mm, .ay 06 Moitgaées jrnining. or other cigql Debentures Dr. “7. J 3:112; Dr. 0w, Maple. Hil‘ s M‘ nti 8th. 1E Money w Loan. F. IKE Dr. A. Robinson. 111‘ Ml [Ll Tï¬hï¬h‘ul. llt rtrciuzu'y. attuury. 13mm. be found in hing pflice, New- ‘turdnv. except ‘ when Satur ve dates. Hih and 24th House) NEWTON BROGK ATTRESS, g plan let M( 161:]: tht AVENUE rs of the past 20 years :1 any branch of the pro. PROFRIETOR Domesticated Animals MM. Langstaï¬. 18th 20th at higher rates or for purposes. Mortgages purchased. by applymg direct to dl‘ Juday of qach month (1 215E “ ‘ ‘es professionally ilsoll. ma Mr l at appointments ‘ree from pain. D.S.. AUXOJ 5 Out ith T. C. MILLIGAN. rf Ontario Vet Ontario Ve )mptly Etta} 3 of Horses, the latest 11 Richmond Hill WOODBEXDGE eaoh month (‘0. 1t Stouï¬ville ice Home ms, Ont 301M): ms, Cat at meth .ion anc mm we Mic ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬fï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬‚$g BMHHSTER-AT-LA’W. Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, &CA 52 ADELAIDEâ€"ST. EAST TORONTO. OFFIC Vv'. M. HAL]. Licensed Au Ontario and I General sales HALL. FULLAR'I‘ON & COOK, BARRISTERS. SULICITORS, &c. 'Im pom In stock ‘ on hand STREE' LicensedAuctim: spatially Solis“ influencé. Sales and at reasonahl \Vultham Licensed Aw spectfully S( iï¬ï¬uencé. sale and at reasonat Lwcensed Auctioneer Sales attended on the WADVICE FREE TO CLIENTS Funeral Flu Illï¬llillgï¬ Always on Hand THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Bani. BI-Illinger. Proprietor. Having reï¬tted the above Eouse and furnish- ed it in ï¬rst-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodation. Excellent stabl‘mg and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nect’iun. Terms S! Der (lav. RUP’ERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES. Daily Express to Toronto. Special n'te given to moving household furniture, pianos. &c., 1&0. FIR SUIâ€"CLASS LI Special Ratesbo Commerciai Travellers GDOM‘INION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL Through Tickets to all points East and West, and Manitoba. For Tickets, Rates. &c..n.pp1v to T. DILWOBTH, Agent N. & N. W. Rye., Gemï¬ml Bank cf Canada! Richmond Hill, April 30th NORTHERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. ()TICE is hereby given that n. Dividend of three per cent. upon the paid up Cupltul Stock of this Institution, has this day been de- clared for the current half year. and that. the same will be payable at the Bank and its Branchâ€" es on and after Monday. the 156 day or June next. The Transfer Books will be closed from the 17th to 3156 May, both days inclusive. The annual general meeting of the Sharehold- ers will be held at the Bank on Monday, the 15th (18. ofJune next, the chair!» be taken at twelve o’c ock noon. We, the undersigned, do hereby certlfy that Wm. Mumford Clarke has this day successfully passed his ï¬rst degme in Music. and therefore he shall be classed as :1. Professor. Toronto. 23rd April, 1385‘ PROF. W. M. CLARKE, Dividend NO. 8. Vocal mad Instrumental Music. 61223 élï¬â€˜ï¬‚ï¬ï¬Ã©, 3 $1.00 IN EVANL‘E. Tï¬nnk' ml 1 mitt 'Q have ROBERT QUINN, General Passenger Agent. Organist Trmity Church,’l‘homhill, is open to receive pupils in Appiy [It the Music Store. Richmond Hill‘ Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. abs rates. Addre WRIGHT By order of the Board. Signed THIR T01 WRIGHT 8c SON, UNDE RTAKERS, Salem Erkm'dt. Emimllnnmug. James (I. Stokes. etinueer for me County ( RWATE Ft ‘tch B COPY OF CER’IWICATE of stool la mte S. M. Brown. 1 Hill P. 0.] J. S. FULI :I . \"nnh Gs. KING STRE ‘tcl mm“; J. Armstrong. {W. F. C. BATCERLOE H W. BAXTEB. M. M Mt atte rat “In Essentials, Unity ; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all ltv for the County of York shortest notice.a.nr1 at reu- ss Stouï¬vflle P. 0 RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, MAY 28.1885 liï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚aï¬gs r the Countv of York, re- l‘ patronage and friendly led on the shortest notice P. 0. Address, y_ VICTORIA SQUARE. A; A. ALLEN, Cashier .1 frie ICITORS, &c. :ET EAST, TORONTO. ivory Saturday. ARTON. W. COOK a County onork, re manage and friendl} ‘n the shortest not’ia 0. address, King. at nndï¬ne jewellery ~inusatnnea always IITH _OF QUEEN UNIONVILLE 1)(_acial_ _ m toution Richmond Hill ndsfor their lib- 22 to state that :nck ofnow goods I; of Elgin and nufuctuxing es and clocks untieaof Ymk I consignment. mtly attended London. Eug‘ M.D N WEE AT RICHMOND HILL. Few places of any importance could be named within the borders of the British Empire, whose inhabitants did not cele- brate in some form or smother nn Monâ€" day last, the 67th birthday of our beloved sovereign. Throughout the length and breadth of our land the ordihary labor was mmpended, and young and old. rich and poor. of all classes and creeds. went and poor, 0t ab! cl: in for a. full day’s Richlnund }Iill, beat attire, and from early momin The crowd was not tarmer occasmns, and unsettled up} the morning, wln hundreds of pa otherwise have 1 band enlivened L] day, and never fa whenever it, struc Queen," or some Richmond Hill a: cultural Sucxetv ] and, notwithstanding the threatening weather. was a. BuCCuss, although the re- ceipts at the gate fell shmt of last yeari The entries also were noticeably small- er in several of the classes, particularly in the horses although the animals shown were of a superior clasa. Owners of hors- es from adlt‘tnnce Would not risk coming on account uf the muddy state of the roads, which would place‘at a. disadvan- tage .the showing of the animals, especi- ally the heavy breeds. Mr. J. Palmer showed his heavy draught stallions and succeeded in taking prizes. Mr. Bell’s horse,“ Duke of Cambridge†took second in this class. He is a line looking horse, and makes a good exhibition in the ring. Mr. Jonathan Brillinger tqok ï¬rst. prize with his Canadian draught stallion, and Mr. Geo. Smith, pt Whitchurch,‘ aeouud. In the show of cattle was noticeuble a. ï¬ne display of Jerseys shown by Mr. Cherry. This is a proï¬table kind of cat- tle to ruise. \Ve heard the owner say that he made seven pounds of butter in three days from one of the cows of this herd when not a, veur and a. half old. In sheep, Messrs. R. Marsh and G. Wel- drick carried oil the bulk of the primes, the former showing Sonthdowns, Cots- wolds and Leicesters. Some of the sheep exhibited by Mr. Marsh had taken ï¬rst prize at the New Orleans Exposition) this ‘ Spring. In swine, the principal exhibit- ors were Messrs. Weldrick, Boynton, and Sisley. The principal exhibitors in poul- try were W. and A. Wright of this place. , In implements, the ï¬rm ot Patterson J: Bro.. of Patterson, Massey (lb 00., Toron- to, Harris J: Son, of Branttord, the Fleu- ry Estate, Aurora, and Abell, of Wood- bridge, were well represented. The com- petition among the ï¬rst four named ï¬rms for self-binderswas very keen, and the machines were made to do excellent work. Abell showed a threshing machine and engine. '1'. Wilson succeeded in carrying off the prize for Fanning Mills. He has a. mill now that Will clean perfectly all kinds of grain. Timothy aud Clover seed &0. H. Miller exhibited several tine pumps which did good work. One of the most pleasing sights on the grounds was the carriage display of A. Wright £7 Son, of Richmond Hill, which far surpassed anything of the kind ever exhibited here, for style, ï¬nish and work- manship. The exhibit was as follows: one Gent’s English Cart to carry four, one New Haven Cart to carry four, one Ladies’ Cart to carry two, one covered phaeton, one Ladies’ Covered phaeton, one Covered Buggy, one Surrey, one two- seated Covered Carriage, one covered Corning Buggy, and one Gent’s Speeding Waggon. These carriages were the at- traction of the public. We were inform- ed this ï¬rm made several sales on that day, and received many orders for work to be manufactured. Mr. J. Cruickshank of the \Veston Carriage works, showed a. Detachable Spring Waggon which should supeicede anything previously invented. ceipts at the The entries er in several The work in the Ladies’ Department was far superior to that of any previous year, in fact, such an elegant display is seldom seen at any of the County shows. The judging in this department was very arduous, owing to the large number of entries, and to the inconvenience of the building in which the articles were pluc- ed. The judges were Mrs F. Mason, Mrs. M. Boyle, and Miss Paige, and too much credit cannot be given those ladies who spent many hours in the faithful dis- charge of their duties. Mrs. Smyth,Miss McVean,Miss Eyer. Mrsw. Proctor and Miss Rowden were among those who dis- played excellent taste in their fancy work. PRIZE LIST.~â€"â€"HORSES. Stallion aged, imported~1st, John Palmer; 2nd, John Bell. Stallion 3 ELEVENTH ANNI A Successful Day. mme othei‘ f [ill and Yon ety held its d the 1 Ir failed eople w uttende AI nusement up pm PRING EXHIBITION mnharalr. 'l‘h< ge Street Agri :eedil draw whd 1m a Cornet of the I: throng Save the liI‘. The pt m night m y u] 11 in me 3 year Smith Jn HI Jim," or Jun Bowen Draughtâ€"1 year 0 drivin Stalllic O. St. 3rd. J. Sisley. Cherry. Jersey Cherry. Jersey Cherrv. Jersey J Cherry. Jets J. Cherry. W m Met drick; 2nd, R Marsh. Cotswold Ram one shearâ€"let, R Marsh; 2nd, Gen \Vel- drick. Cotswuld Ewes agedâ€"IshGJ‘Vel- drick. Cotswold Ewes one shearâ€"lat & 2nd, Geo VVeldrick. Southdown Ram agedâ€"ht and 2nd. R Marsh. Ram one shearâ€"lat, 2nd and 3rd. R Marsh. Ewes agedâ€" lst, 2nd and 3rd, R Marsh. Ewes one shearâ€"let and 2nd, R Marsh. Lei- cester Ram agedâ€"15h, R Marsh. Rum one shearâ€"lat and 2nd, Geo \Veldrick. Ewes agedâ€"lat and 2nd, R. Marsh; 3rd, Gen \Veldrick. Ewes one shearâ€"15L, Gen VVeldrick. Pen of sheep-lat and 2nd, R Marsh; 3rd, Geo Weldnck. Fae ‘K’etlmerselst, R Marsh. Fat Ewesâ€" lat, R Marsh. old SWINE. Boar aged, large breedâ€"1st, Wm Bnynton. Boar under one year~ lst. W Bell; 2nd and 3rd, \Vm Buynton. Sow aged, large breedâ€"15!; and 2nd, Wm ’mynton; 3rd, Gen \Veldrick. Sow under 1 yearâ€"lst, Wm Boll; 2nd and 3rd, Wm Bnynton. Boar aged,snmll breedâ€"vlst, R Frisby; 2nd, J Sislev. Bnar under 1 yearâ€"lat, 2nd and 3rdâ€"R. Frisby. Sow aged â€"lst,, R Frisbv; 2nd, J Sisley. Sow under one yearâ€"Isl. 2nd and 3rd, R. Frisby. Berkshire Boar agedâ€"lat, Jno Pudget. Boar under one yearâ€"lat, Geo Weldrick. Sow under one yearâ€"lst,Jno Padget; 2nd. Wm Boyuton. FOWL. Brahmasâ€"l st and 211d,W & A Wright. Spanishâ€"lat, W & A Wright. Spangled Hamburgsâ€"Jst, W & A Wright. Black Hamburgsâ€"lst, W 55 A Wright. How- densâ€"lst, W & A Wright. Dorkinsâ€" lst and 2nd, W Bell. \Vhite Leghornâ€" 1st, J Sialey. Plymouth Rocksâ€"let, W cf: A Wright; 2nd, J Sisley. Cochinsâ€" lst. W & A Wright; 2nd, H. F. Hopper. Bantamsâ€"Jest, H F Hopper. Ducksâ€" lst and 2nd. W J: A \Vright. FARM IMPLEMENTS, Jcc. Farm VVaggonâ€"lst J Crulckahank. 2 Horse Carriageâ€"45¢. A Wright & Son. Open Buggyâ€"13LA Wright & Son. Top Buggyâ€"lat, A \erght c6 Son. Top Phaetonâ€"lat, A “’righc &Son. Sidebar Waggonâ€"â€"] st, A Wright a Sun. Fan ning Millâ€"13b, Thus Wilson. Pair of Harrowsâ€"Jst, Wm Wright. Pumps-â€" lst and 2nd, H Miller. D AIRY PRODUCE, ETC. Glbs Butterâ€"ht. Mrs G \Veldrick. 10 lbs Butter (special)â€"1st, Mrs G Wel- drick. Home-made Breadâ€"1st,)rlrs Wm Harrison; 2nd, Miss Bruels; 3rd, Miss McVean. Appletâ€"lat, Wm Harrison; 2nd, Mrs. Smith. )IU'S O HARNESS. Set 0‘ Single Snap Harnessâ€"lit, Geo McDonald. lls frnm 1 fl lst Durham I RPS ( HIS Lmvsn v McK R. H( :lrle 8. McKinn lst 1L1 Stall illy M F lst. lst, Jno. Palmer; 2nd I Stallion 1 year old mic; 2nd. Jas Terrence; Isl: 1‘1 | Tackâ€"13'. "(age Stallion W. Walker. no iThompg [st Stall: Spnnxz desdale stal u xmld boon [\VIH 1 year old~--â€"]st ar At. Cow or Heiferâ€" ‘ Jersey Bull aged: ‘ey Bull 1 year uld ‘ey Cowâ€"lat and may Heifer 2 years ( :1'sey Heifer 1 year I. am nald Um Stallion :gs, Charity. iruoa Smlli 2 years Simeon SIIEI 1m Sh \Veldri} Brillins Summeirfelt Langstafl" a mare ars old lst, Edwar Gmhmn. Button Tayl 1 thr .Iman lions Stalli )lf itter Hon VII lat an iâ€"lst, S ml lat, Jst years Weldrick , isms] 1 E11 lst Unnadian Stallions my Brood Filly 2 Filly 1 Single mough. :1 horse horse- U b'lily illy irown luck. Thus \Vm. ‘rove :cial) .Hldy Jan lat Jn h n Ell‘s Knitting in \Voolâ€"Jst, 2nd, Miss Eyer. Fancy â€"â€"lst, Miss Movezm. ( â€"â€"lst, Miss McVean; vath. Patch‘wmk 2nd, Miss Eyer. Evading on Cottonâ€" ]st, Miss Bruels; 2nd, Miss H Marsh. Bradiug «in Silk â€"1st, Miss Rowden; 2nd, Miss McVean. Crochet in Cottonâ€"lat, Miss McVean; 2nd, Miss Rowden. Cro- chet in Twine â€"lst, Mrs \V Proctor; 2nd, Mrs 'W Bell. Crochet in \Voolâ€"Jst, Miss Rowdem; 2nd, Miss McVean. Ma.- crame Workâ€"lat, Mrs \V Proctor; 2nd Miss A Reid; Embroidery on Cottonâ€"- lst, Miss Rowden; 2nd, Miss A Reid. Embroidery on Silk-51M, Mrs Smyth; 2nd. Miss Rowden. Kensington Ern- broideryâ€"lst, Miss Rowden; 2nd, Miss Ever. Crewel Workâ€"1st. Mrs Smith; erick Laceâ€"lat, Miss Rowdeu; 2nd,Miss McVeun. Honiton Laceâ€"lat, Mrs Smyth; 2nd, Miss McVean. Specimen of Darned Stockingsâ€"1st, Miss Rowden; 2nd, Miss Kellar. Home-made Shirt (special)â€"lst. Mrs Smyth; 2nd, Miss McVean. Set of Uuderclnthingâ€"lst, 2nd, Miss Rowden. Chenilleâ€"13c, Mrs Smyth; 2nd, Miss McVean. Armsene \Vorkâ€"lst, Miss McVenn; 2nd, Miss Rnwden. Knotting Embroideryâ€"lat, Miss McVean; 2nd, Miss Rowden. Ap- plique \Vorkâ€"lst, Miss Eyer; 2nd, Mrs Smyth. Darnea Netâ€"lst,Miss Rowden; 2nd, Miss H Marsh. Point Laceâ€"15h, Miss Rnwden; 2nd, Miss A Reid. Limer- erick Laceâ€"lat, Miss Rowdeu; 2nd,Miss McVeun. Honiton Laceâ€"lat, Mrs Smyth; 2nd, Miss McVean. Specimen T;ibleâ€"-â€"lst, Miss Elliott; 2nd, Miss Eyer. Painting on Plushâ€"lat and 2nd, Miss Eyer. Painting on Velvetâ€"lat, Miss Rowden; 2nd, Mrs W Proctor. Paint- ing on Silk-412st, Miss Eyer. Painting on Sitinâ€"lst, Miss Ruwden; 2nd, Bliss Eyer. Painting on Chinaâ€"lat, Miss Eyer; 2nd, Miss McVean. Painting on Potteryâ€"lat, Miss Eyer; 2nd,Miss Row- den. Picture in Oilâ€"lat, Miss Eyer; 2nd, Mrs W Prcctor. Picture in Water Color ~lst Miss L Kersev. Collection of Ladies’ Workâ€"lat. Mm Smyrh. Col- h’yer. l’amtmg on Velvetâ€" Rowden; 2nd, Mrs W Proctor. ing on Silkâ€"Slat, Miss Eyer. on Sitinâ€"lst, Miss Ruwden; The Methodist and Presbyterian churches gave their annual Dinner and Ten‘ which were up to the standard, and, in the evening, each of the magniï¬cent ediï¬ces was crowded to the doors with lovers of music. As might have been an- ticipated by the programmes, which we have heretofore published, each audience received a. musical treat never before giv- cn in Richmond Hill. Our limited space this week will not permit a criticism due to the performers, sutï¬ce it- to say, the difï¬cult achievements attained in each church were worthy of the highest com- mendation. We have been informed that over $400 was taken by each of the churches. Go to the Lacrosse Match on Saturday afternoon. Brampton vs. Richmond Hill. by this hitherto incurable dis‘ 1y cured in from one tn three matter whether standing for yams. Descx-iptive pamphlet ceith of stump, A. H.DIXON Street west. Toronto Canada. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. SHARES DONALD 89 60., 79 QUEEN ST..LONDON, E (3., Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Mer- chants, and Shippers, with a. View to Autumn and Spring business. ipecial)â€"lst. Mrs Smyth; 2n vIcVean. Set of Uuderclnthi Iiss McVean; 2nd, Mrs vath iestâ€"lst, Mrs Smyth; 2nd, Mis ‘ira Screenâ€"lst, Miss Eyer. 'ab1e~â€"lst, Miss Elliott; 2nd, M ’ainting on Plushâ€"lat and 2n lyer. Painting on Velvetâ€"1: Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. The progress of medical has led to the abandonluel tiquated remedies of quea‘ and the adoption of nem- tional ones. Promine-w . in Northrop & Lyman's ' covery and DysDchic (" celebrated Blzmd Puriï¬uI sive family remedy for constipation, indiges'im energy‘ and female em CATAth llâ€"A [Single copies, 3 ct-s THE CHURCHES. new heusington Em- )Wden; 2nd, Miss lst. Mrs Smith; Chenilleâ€"lat, Mrs :Vean. Armsene Venn; 2nd, Miss Embroideryâ€"15:, [iss Rowden. Ap- sEyer; 2nd, Mrs nd, Miss Bruels. Eyer. Draped Treatment where- case is permanent- No. 48. applications, no me year or fatty sent free on ru- &SON 305 Iiiu lightenmeut vf many an- able value. nd more my ng the latter Mable Dis- the justly comprehen- complaint, sot physical Foot