N. R. R. TORONTO City HF W t Thor Pam-L wmurk‘ TO PROCTOR‘S STAGE L1 Mail a: Expx‘ A‘ccommoda Until further 1 Richmond Hill I Munxmz N. B.â€"â€"Re:: at least Fmg mentioned 23 EICB‘MOND HILL, Thursday, May Mail, 3cm Minutes of n‘ext week. New Hosiery and 01 Cheap Cash House. returned from a v moud Hill, met. w day, May 20th, {n ing. He was ridil erciae of which he the animal reariu; 0f it falling over 1 on {ailing receiveL the leg. The next me Will be held at Storey. on Tue Another Waugha Lacr The Concren lueut to commen free. concert 15 c The ï¬rst Lawn Pu given by the Headfo‘ the beautxful ground Tuesday. June 16th. amusements will be Boston Creams, Let: the grounds. In the Musical Eutertaimm Church, by the Echo 4.30 to 7. Doors op Connects wit} A large number of people attend Uni-)nville celebration on the Queen‘s day. The principal attraction appea be over the lacrosse contest. The: eight teams on the ï¬eld, four of whk ed as junior and {out as senior clubs. High School Lacrosse Club of our organized a few weeks ago, entered t but were defeated by the “Young Can of Toronto. after a. sharp play for an and a half. :wm Mk Accident and narrow Escape Last Tuesday, as Messrs. J. Grant Harris were engaged in working on. i F. Hopper’s neW'Meat Emporium, UN of the brickwork in the Iront part. building tumbled over on'the street. had just placed, by means of a Jack, ‘ right standard under the beam sup the weight, which had a tendencv tr the bricks in the centre, hence the fail two workmen had an almost mir: escape, as the whole quantitv cuLu their heads, barely missing them. A fresh lot 01 Suspenders jug opened out at The Concrete from 1( cerits per pair up, extra value. Try thc choice Black and Teas at the Cheap (Lash Hc Three P for 25 cent House. uf this endeav affair c extend The young men Vaughan intend h min in the Towua! of July. The suc their efforts in tn couraged them to to celebrate the (1| eclipse 9.1! former spacious platform beautirnl ï¬I‘fl-TI-H: brasa hm prizes wi petitors i B11 'RM )ruhill RONTO Queen's Mr. A. H POST OFFICE NOTICE M ‘NINGI LOCIXIJS. Hull s Wharf Street ,. f the ‘d to H] W M GOTN( Mn. quadrillé to enliv W. C. T. Union. meeting of the W. G at the residence UnionviIIe Severe Accide Sin Vellore Ceieb‘ra the day )I‘BIOI' C ‘tform a visit with fri‘ at. with an accid x, from which 11 riding on hors b he was extren aring,and at in TII‘ Jen of the 6th d holding: the unhip Hall gm .emor men e at nts. )meut e Stick rty Blim the 111mg band rn the m2 TABLE. )BTH leans of a Jack. a r the beam supp i a tendencv to .re, hence the full. an almost mirm : quantitv cuLue )1 veumg t will I TI Sub} tf Mr. horsebackâ€" 3xtremely for Mr. Sims bein ers, jumped ‘ DID at 7.30; entertain- 8. Admission, ten. TI ari Sports whi uncil will appear dent on jug on- Mr. rrium, the Wh nt part. of 1 a street. TL llné who had just 1:15 in Rich- MUS lia the nd 7211 leap appearc There ‘est USE Mr quality, Cash 1n b play adians‘ l hour villa RD [l1] .i the Birth- nion â€"but ‘fraid . and the rti 11 I'h the Just been 01: crete House 1‘1 newes at the trip play will I the oppornur church. To were up to t) and exciting church thrm surpassed th guine. The that the mm yet, long an immt church, capacity mun the 1 warl ling. nudi pram the 1 the e mot big Mr. ant) 1u( K {in tau i W Tlie scrim at the Presbyterian Church, on unlifly lust, from an enrly hour in the curing; till late at night was one'of stirring tivity. Ever eï¬'ort had been made by e ladies to provide excellent repasts,v and rge numbers eagerly availed themselves of e opportunity to secure their meals at the lurch. To say the least, dinner and tea are up to their usual standard. Stirring id exciting however as was the scene at the winch through the day, that in the evening u‘pusseil the expectation of the most snn~ line. The announcement had been made rat the most distinguished vocalisth in the rovince were to be present at the grand en- rtuinment which was to be given’ in the lditnrium of the church. Notwith‘standiw is fact that the tickets had been raised to .ld maintained at a. higher ï¬gure than at iy previous cntertmnrnent in the village, at, long before the time of commencement; u immense throng was pressing on to the ‘ lurch, which was soon packed to its fullest tpacity. Mrs. Culzlwel], the star of the vening, on her appearance was greeted With Junds of applause, and the’ expectations of it} most intelligent and highly cultured udicuce that hm: cvur assembled in 'the vil- [gr-2, were more than realized. Bet 5010, Stuccato Polka.†was well rec:ived, but the Cuckoo Sung †(which was given by re- ucst) fairly captivated the audience, and very sound was hushed by the bird-like table of the cuckoo. The effect was thril- ng.nur would the delighted audience be ntisï¬ed till she hnd repeated the call. The enileriug of tho “ Mocking Bird †by Mrs. lnldwml and Miss Hurdmen was much up- ‘rccinteil, the pure, clear voice of the no- ‘rnim blending: Well with the rich tone of he mezzo. One of the grandest features of he evening was the playing of the violin olos by Mrs. Allumsou, " Allld Robin Gray." :4) Gnuutiua, (h) Muzurka, calling forth an .lmmtt deulvnilri; lipplause. The singing of ‘ On to the Fields of Glory,†by Messrs. inlly rind lliuhurds, was a rare treat. . Mr. (elly illlS already appeared before a Rich- nond Ilill ulhllellm‘, und fully sustained his iigh reputation, “The Guy Hussar." by dr. Sims ltichrmls. was greeted with wild enthusiasm, and in answer to a most grati- yihg encore sung “ Rule Britannia.†His ecltutiull, " Scott of Arden." was in no . re- port inferior to the other part of the enter- Iar 1885. I: PLUS .111] ht. tb ‘11. L0 Bxampton vs 3m 10c; f puin ids of applausv, a most mtelligeut lance that has av: . were more than ‘accato Polka,†w: Ickoo Song " (wh st) fairly captxvat‘ 'v sound was hu: At the Presby r2 scene at the Pr lay lust, from at iug mi late at ui ity. Every eï¬or adies to provide 6 numbers eagerly ppornunity to sec :11. To say the l {11 will 't ink mem The Canadian Pictorial iuhth number of " The th nut 20( :1 Salt The be ' has all 1 Hill a reputat Sims Ri Given Str ably 1 USE We our 1e Sr RW JV Mon vs. Richmond Hill. Lacrosse Match for the Medal 1 District Championship of On- ke plucc between the “Excel- amph-u, and the “ Young- Can- ;his village, on the Fair Grounds urday afternoon next, the 30th nah will he laced at 2.30. No lesteru temn will make every are the prize from the cham- hcir coming here on their second w a large number to see the 0: mil to see this match, which y more the most exciting ever i The Richmond Hill Band has 1, and a grand stand will be the accommodation of visitors. 0 the grounds 15 cents. The ) picked from the following plav- ey, Mager, Palmer, McConaghv, rle, Wiley,Young.Pugsley,Skeele, ill, Derry and Brown. n b‘ieids Richards already u L audiénct bation. ‘ Richards )1. and in >11 1U .‘I‘ uuml Illust l1] 't 1P DE ï¬ne-ores were the order of the 1e piano solo by Mr, J. D. Kerri- ly applauded. sud is an accom- h merit. A most enjoyable brought to a close by the Quar- Mght," bv Mrs. Caldwell, Miss @5518. Richards and’ Kelly, and dispersed during the singing of he Queen.†The ladies’ auxil- ’i'eshv£eriau church’ are to be d on huving secured such high :zlve everv reason to be satisï¬ed iplcte success of their eï¬'orts. will way for one Year 1n an :mdes, Hoes, Rakes, (ms, Draimng Tools, :oncmte, where you t the right prlces. ial artist of the War rzon. Some of these nphic ones. rjepreseniiug rated obby fancy straw 1d gentlemen has uut at The Con- 11 and see. sh H 1} bscn‘lners before July illustrated publication, n. In order to gel the cribers we must give 9 ï¬rst year, and the mlre up the loss as most ngnin. paying our reg- :onts in siher, to pay have the above maga- :k for one whole year. we offer, we expect you m dlstribute amoung null books containing md 167 of the best. m which we will make ,udsome. silver-plated, 1 plush covered photo- L‘OW' many books you ï¬nd we will send the nllmm) prepaid. Order you wrll never regret Hume, N. Y. ‘ellers andrirom the hi ,ed War News" has ly line number, and illustrations; A look- Trail; Departure of Artillery; bxpanencea a; Funeral of the two utlalliou at Winnipeg. lge supplement with ntnius a. number of artist of the War right place Lerian Church Felt HATS. in at bottom prices, 59 battle of Fish rzen was present L9 per Copy, obtain Suitings, made m, the Cheap )USE The Canadian ur News" has Miss Maggie Mchth. of Whitby, is wait.- ing her sister, Mrs. Wing. of this place. Mrs. Nicholls, of Aurura, has been Spend- ing a few days visiting her relatives in this village. We are sorry to learn that Rev. Jas. Dick has been taken seriounly ill, and lies in a critical condition. Mr. Suddahy. of Guelph, well known Ill Richmond Hill, was one of the judges on Poultry at. our Exhibition. Rev. W A. V. E. Pattyson, Miss Wilson. and Miss PGBI‘SG, of Markham. visited our vnmga on Monday, and were the guests of Mn. Hewison. Dr. R B. Orr, of Maple, has been e to represent Kings and Queens Disbr the cullcge of Physicians and Surgeons congratulate the Dr. on his election. Mr. Alex. the York He?" both of Barrie days with the visited the I many of the has recently Bonner: CABLEY Bosv KEEP M. H. K Funeral 0 ant Cemete Mrs. \V. J. Lang,Betliany,0nt.,writes: I was one of the greatest. sufferers for a.- bout ï¬fteen months with a disease of my ear similar to ulcers, causing entire (lezifV ness. I tried everyfhing that could be done through mediCal skill, but. witbnun relief. As a. last ream-t, I tried Dri Tliomas’Eclectric Oil, and in ten min utes found relief. I continued using it, and in a. short time my car was cured and hearing completely restored. I have us- ed tliis wonderful healer successfully in ‘cases of inflammation of the lungs, sore throat, coughs and colds, cuts and bruis- es, &c., in fact it is our family medicine. TEMPERANCE ITEMS Supplied by the W. C. 1‘. Union. Richmond Hill. OUR RESPONSIBILITY AH \V ‘MEN IN RELA- TION TU THE LIQUOR. TRAFFIC. We clip the following from an address given reCen‘tly from Miss \Vebb. Presi- dent of the Brigliion branch oi the Brit- ish \Vomen’s Temperance Association: “ I dare not folio the respoiiSIhility of ‘doing so and so," is another utterance We often hear, the sneulibr being unconscinn: that the rest; m5ilnliiy of not “ doing so and so †is as great as that of ' doing it. “ To him that knoweth to do good and dueth it not, to him; it is sin.†Thus we are as responsible for our omissions as for our commissions. The “ wicked and slothful servant †was answerable for the use of his lord’s money. He simply ne- l glected to use it, and how dreadful his ‘sentenoe. Havnig even but one talent, do let us make the most of it for our Lord. Let us trade with it and increase it for His glory; He will teach us how to do it. The fear of conseqhences some- times pamlyses action and an opportunity for good passes away, because we were too timid‘to seize it at the right moment; but for this very inaction we are also re- sponsible“. ignorance of our duty is no excuse for our nonfulï¬liuont of it, if that ignorance is our own fault. A command- er who’ sails under sealed orders is ac- countable for the nonfalï¬lment of such orders if he has failed to open them at the proper time and place. Many persons. however, on tho temperance subject are MLG. W "' willingly ignorant,†and refuse to be- come acquainted with our arguments in favor of abstinence lest they should be converted to it, hoping thus to escape the responsibility of deciding one way or the other. A vain hope, for they will have to answer for their ignorance, and are as ucoountnble for neglecting to obtain the information within their reach as they would be for refusing to act upon it after at was theirs. If we, as a nation, are re- sponsible for the fate of the heroic Gord- on. are we not equally responsible for the fate 6f every one of the 60,000 drunkards who sink into the grave every year in this country through the use and sale of strong drink l If any of us are partaking of the fruit of this evil tree, oven in “ the strict- est moderation.†or even if under so-call- ed “ medicul orders.†We drink alcoholic liquors, we are encouraging the trafï¬c, and umv we not be held answerable in some degree for the shortened lives, the desecrated Sabbaths, the sins and in- iquities of those traders in strong drink who keep open their public houses, their gin palaces and their taverns on the Lord’s day, bringing to the breWers and distillers their unhallowed gains, wringing from the workmen those wages they receive on the Saturday, and for which weeping ‘ wives and sturvrug children are vainly l pleading? In the Lord’s name let us free ourselves from all connection with this most unholy trade. There are come. Hull omove :m‘jluf LLEYâ€"On Tu wife of Mr ( JD ruin PERSONALS. On Monday. 1511 Bovnton, York 0n the 5th a. May 9632: In 1th MA RRIAG IRS ‘ Budgerow. M. P. 19., East. Ymk, aii' last Monday, and met with electors in Richmond Hill which been added to his constituency. inn Scott, formerly PI'I 11d, and Mr. Henry y, have been spend it friends and relutiv of them fllfl’l‘flï¬. ‘lnm. K Dl’. hm At t!‘ ) \\' 0nd Hill,ou Wednesday,Muy tb daughter at Mr. and Mrs. mqruiu number of varieties nf my‘a Com‘Cure “111 ro- A'I'IIS M erly Proprxetor of Henry B. Myers, 1 spending a. few 1 relatives here. has been elected uemm District in t1) fM to Mount Plea: f the Idv I the wife of A. “I‘m Hanna. Fast Color Prints, at 4%c. 5c. 6c. 7c. 80. 9c. and IOC. per yard. Housekeepers will please note the fact that we are selling Fine White Cottons, soft ï¬nish, at 5c. 6&0. 7c. 7%c. 8%c. 9%c. and He. Factory Cottonsfl in ï¬ne and heavy makes, at 3%c. 5c. 6c. 6&0» 7&0. and Sic. . Pillow Cottons, Sheetings etc., in Twills and Plains, in all widths, in soft ï¬nish and ï¬ne and heavy makes. Table Linens in unbleached cream and Whth 18c. 22ï¬c. 27c. 34c. 390. 45c.and 69c. These goods are worth from forty-ï¬ve cents to one dollar per yard. We are also offering special value in White and Ecru Lace, Lace Curtains, Table Covers, Piano Covers, Table Mats, etc. PRICES AT PETLEY’S. Stylish VVell-Made Suits or Good Strong Tweeds, made) only $7.50. Fine Scotch Tweed Suits, warranted all pure Wool, made) only $10. West of England Tweed Suits,, newest colorings, made) only $15. Superior Fine Twill Worsted Suits, Nobby Styles, made) only $18. Boy's’ Tweed Suits, very nobby styles,(ready made) at $2.50 and $3.50 per sult. Fine All Wool Tweed Suits, to order, (very nobby styles) only $15. Fine Black English Worsted Surts, to order, only $15. Men’s Worsted Suits, to order. at from $10 to $40 per suit. Men’s Serge Suits, to order, at from $12 to $55 per suit. Men’s Tweed Suits, to order, at from $12 to $25 per suit. Fine All Wool Tweed Suits, only $15, to order at Petley’s. Fine Worsted Overcoats in all the newest colorings, only $15 PETLEY cï¬â€˜ PET] F‘ine Worsted Overcoats, to order, in all {he newest color- ings, onlyr tin-$715. TO HAND. New Dress Goods New Cashmeres “ Silks“ 8c Satins New Velvets and Brocades New M a. 11 t1 6 ‘ “Cloths New Ginghams & Cambrics New Prints and Sateens New Jerseys “ Lace Cur- tains New Cretonnes “ Table Linens “ Table covers “ Table napkins “ Quilts Our stock has all been bought at the Production,on the best terms,and is offe at the smallest living prb‘ï¬t', tor CASH KING S'I'. EAST, OPPOSITE at Pet'ley’s. . M. HAMELTQN, TOR ONTO. 184: YONGE STBE TORONTG. Showing To-Day. New Milliner “ Jackets “ Kid Gloves “ Silk L1 Gloves New Cursets “ Ribbons H 'T‘U'FI‘. Laces lElias Hancflzerchiefs Embroideries Underwear Parasols Parasol covers rec ml ountain Head of i to our customers MARKET, JEY, Llsle (re ad 3 (read) $1.50, (read): (read;