If perchance he hath a moment’s peace, it is Dnly that he may have a. moment's rest erethe memory of‘an evll life [acetates his mind as the good pricka the side of a strong 01, so that punishment may be longer drawn out. _ He ahaâ€"ll nob pay additional per cent on taxes, for he shall behold the notice of the l¢;olleo|:or: and he shall take warning there- 7'_ But it were better for him that doth re- fuse to subscribe for a. newspaper, that he were bound hand and foot, and cast upon a fenther bed. He shall not rest: by night or by day, for visions of creditors shall dance upon his stomach by night, and their actual presence torment him by day. Ieed go begging. Blessed is he thab walketh into the ofï¬ce of a newspaper, yea, even entereth the sanctum and payeth a year’s subscription therefor. Selah. He shall learn wisdom day by day and be exalted above his fellows. He shall not lay hold of red hot pokers, for the knowledge of meta‘lurgy will teach him hob iron burns l P 9 shall not contract bad debtsunor lcae gag! bgrgglna. 'Verily he shall bring his products to market when the prices are exceedingly good and withhold them when the price deacendeth. These little traits give us a signiï¬cant Index to the secret of Gordon’s irresistible Bower over other men. Whatever were is faults, he was wholly in earnest in the occupation of the hour. Whether the day’s work set before him was to crush the Taeplng rebellion, to save a. miserable street Arab, or to drive away ally, he gave himself up to it with a single direct. ness of purpose and forgetfulness of self. Blessed is the man who doth subscribe for a paper and Lay therefor. His feet shall notbe forsaken by his friends not prosecuted by his enemies, nor shall his leed go nagging. He shall live to a good old age and when his dying hour is at hand his soul shall not; be troubled as to his future state. Blessed is the Paying Subscriber. We clip the following from an ex- charge-z: He shall talk knowineg upon all sub- jects and his neighbors shall be astonish- ed at) the muchneas of his learning. - Passing on a hot aummef- day through a London hospital, he noticed a wounded man who was tormented by a fly. He hurried out to the shop: a. mile distant, boughta fan, and carried it to the poor cripple. “This at least Ican do for you," he said. “ I can resign, but I will not play the polite Hat," he Paid, grufliy.» Another time he gave up a command, because he was ordered to shake hanc’s with and welcome the native princes, whom he believed to be traitors. One night. there was brought in a poor little waif, for whom there was not a. spot in which he could lie down; the house was ï¬lled to overflowing. The boy was lodg~ ed in the stable. The nextmorning early, Colonel Gordon was seen crossing the yard with a bucket of hot water, soap, sponges and towels. He stripped the boy, put him in the trough, and scrubbed him from head to foot. He led the little fellow in to breakfast presently in a clean suit of clothes. None of his servants, he knew, would touch the child. Upon his return from China (where he Was regarded as the saviour of the Em- pire), he devoted himself to the service of the vagabond boys of the suburb of Lon- don where he lived; gave uphis own house to them, spent his salary and his time in teaching them and in trying to “ make men of them." After Colonel Gordon’s death, the Eng- lish papers were full of anecdotes of the great soldier, of which the following are examples : Empby out both your can and ï¬ller, and Wash them out clean, then get a piece of thin cotton cloth and strain the oil; it: will not take long, and you will be sure of the can’e delivering a drop of 011 every time it is required. And, lastly, when your engine runs bad, sit down and try and reason out why it does no. And take a good paper to read. If your oil can gets stopped up, look out for it, as it does no good to stick the [moat of a can into an oil hole unless you lea_ve a drop of oil there. A contributor of the American M5- chinlst gives this advice: Now. young man, ï¬rst of all. let) well enough alone. Never disturb an engine without occasion de mands it, and if so, do it systematically. Have the floor swept clean. and spread Home old sacking which is clean. When you take apart ffl" clean it; with clean waste, being careful to keep your waste from all grin. Run your hand over the part to see if the waste has left anything on it, as the hand will readily detecn the smallest particle of grit. After you have cleaned a part, lay it back out of the way just as it came off. and all the small staff with it, juan as it belongs. When you put a wrench on a. nul. :66 that it: ï¬lm it before you begln to pull, or on will soon spoil both wrench and nut. f a nut goes too hard, take it (13' and clean the thre: d. When you take (if the head or ateam cheat, take the bolts and lay them in a. circle or hollow square, with the small ends in, so that you can put them back just as they came out. You will. be sur- priaed to see how much faster the work wflliprogress. When you come to a thing that sticks, ï¬nd out what causes it, and remedy it The builders of steam urzines do not al- ways do their work well. But whatever you do don’t use ehammer; use wood or lead tools to pound with. If you use blocks, cut them about ï¬ve inches long end eight inches in diameter, of hard wood, keeping them on hand all the time, replacing them as fast as one gives way, neg; waiting until one is needed. Points for Young Engineers. In Earnest. Austraflla has an editor 91 years old, and he still works as lively a pair of scis- sors as any of them. This is another great argument: in favor of a spare diet. Within twelve days' steaming distance of the .Russian naval station on the Asiatic coast, and lying within range of the guns of a modern warship manoeuvered on the open waters of the Straits of Fuca, the construction of works for the defense of Victoria, B. 0., has been entirely neglect- ed by the British and Canadian Govern- ments. The approach to the town wharves of Victoria is by a narrow and intricate channel, which can only be navigated safely by vessels of moderate tonnage ; but as the centre of the town is little more than a mile from the outerroads, with good landing places at several points, the intricacies of the harbor channei interpose but a slight barrier to attacks from a hos- tile foroe. Three miles from Victoria harbor is the harbor of Esquimnult. the only Baitish naval station on the Paciï¬c coast of America. Esqulmault is one of the safest and most picturesque harbors in the world, about three miles in length, with a depth of water upon which the largest iron-clad ships-of-war can safely flnat, surrounded by low, wooded hills, with a narrow but deep entrance from Fnca straits. Esquimault, is, after San Fran- cisco, the best harbor on the west coast of North America. A large naval gravlng- dock is well advanced toward completion at the uoper end of the harbor, anda small dock-yard is near the entrance. Yet. strange to say, this important naval station has neVer been fortiï¬ed. In the absence of British war ships from the har- bor there is literally nothing to prevent ,-____ uuuuuu 5 vv FLU v Uuu an ordinary steamer, armed with one rifle gun, from steaming in and destroying the dock yard buildings, the graving dock. and the Village of Esquimanlt. The in- difference of the British Government to the defenseless condition of their own naval station on the North Paciï¬c can only be explained on the presumption that the Admiralty intended that one or more efï¬cient cruisers of the British fleet should always be in the harbor. In the summer months the flagship and several of the smaller vessels do go up from the coasts of South and Central America, and reï¬t at Esqnimault ; but at other times, .._- â€". vuuva nun-nun and particularly the last three years the harbor has often been deserted by the naval ships and left entirely unprotected. The students of political philosophy and political economy ï¬nd in India. in such early Institutions as village tribunals ani other customs connected with the village communities, a system of local au- tonomy which contains most of the germs afterward developed into constitutional government, as well as interesting studies of communities, cach of which was self- supporting when the struggle for exitence was reduced to a minimum. The languages of India are a life study in themselves ; the classical language. San- skrit, in which most of the sacred books are written, is the ï¬nest and most polish- oi extant. Its vocabulary contains many words which it is quite impossible to trans- late accurately into English, as they stand for philosophical ideas of which the west- ern world hardly has a conception, while structurally the language is, so to speak, a perfect model of architecture. It is to be hoped the time will soon come when thi queen of languages, willbe generally more stu iie 1in2 its own sake, and um: mere- ly, as is too often the case at present, for the beter elucidation of Greek and Latin. There are, moreover, several sp< ken lan- guages, some of which possess a literature of their own, beside innumerable dialects. No national philosophy can compare with that of India. The Oriental mind revels in metaphysical subtleties and delights to trace out the logical cnnsrquences of the boldest speculative theories. and so in In- dia we ï¬nd every school represented, and anyone who has gone through a complete course of Indian philosophy will not ï¬nd much that will be new to him elsewhere. Each of the various systems of philosophy ï¬nds counterparts in a form of religious belief ; all Indian deities are the personi- ï¬cations of some law of nature. some mor- al idea, and the absurd stories of their mythology were intended originally as vehicles for the diffusion of knowladge, under the form of allegories, or parables. At the outset, then, it will be well to point out in general terms a. few of the rea- sons which make it worth while to know something about this country. India may be looked upon as a sort of epitome of the whole world, but in taking this point of view we must be careful to re- member that we are speaking of what has been as well as what is. The records of India refer to a. state of thing considerab- ly earlier than any‘found elsewhere, and the country contains survivals of civilizz- tlon more ancit nt than any known to us, Egypt and Chaldea not excepted. We are quite aware that this statement is at variance with received ontniom of modern European investigators. In forming our judgment we have been led to rely rather on native then foreign authority, and in a future paper we hope to show that some grounds exist which, if accepted, give at least strong probability of the truth of these assertions. To the ethnologist, India. is a perfect museum. It contains some races in the highest state of culture and othars hardly removed from the giant: ape. Wave after wave of foreign invasion has swept over the country each leaving its trace in some displacement of the population and the addition of fresh factors thereto. T e is no country in the world the very name of which so dazzles the mind and stimulates the imagination as India. and the more we study the country, its peoule, and their tradxtions the more do we ï¬nd that there is indeed a. certain foundation for a. large portion. at least, of the exalted p rpular ideas about it. A Vulnerable British Fort. India. 'ing dock. The in- rrnmenb to their own for comfort and convenience. Two 18-ton guns, arranged forward and aft to ï¬re round a complete sweep both at how and stem, and twelve 4-ton and six ma- chine guns, mounted on patent pivots. will form the chief armament ; and the vessels, for greater protection in cruising near a hostile shore, will be pro- vided with a patent torpedo net defence, and also appliances fordischarging torpedos from small tenders, constructed for the purpose. The protcctive decks of the vessels will also form an important fea- ture, and enable the belted cruisers to hold their own for a time with armour- clad vessels should. necessity ariseâ€"their great speed and lightness enabling them to get out of the way after ï¬ring off their guns towards a slower but more powerful adversary. It is scarcely necessary to say that the new cruisers, as is the case with all her Majesty's ships of modern construction, will be subdivided into water-tight compartments, and have all the most recently invented equipments, such as duplicate steering gear, mechani- cal ventilation, elaborate and powerful pumping arrangements, rapid and effec- tive means of handling ammunition, indi- cators, steam steering gear, (550., and, in fact, every conceivable appliances which can be devised for efficiency, comfort, and now for the maning and armament. The Australia will have a. crew of fully 340 all told, for whom excellent provision will be made on the second deck above the water line, the ofï¬cers' quarters, in par- ticular, having USE THE STEAM THREE TIMES before it becomes useless, and the fuel saving is thus Vary considerable on board a large ship. No doubt the Admiralty will soon ï¬nd out for themselves the value of the invention. The dimensions of the Australia and Gslatea are:â€" Length between perpendicular-s. 300ft.; breadth. 56ft.; with a gross tonnage of 5000 tons. The main belt, from which the vessels take their names, and which forms the most effective part of their pro- tective arrangements, is 240ft. ltng, 5ft. broad, and 10 inches thick, faced with three inches of steel before the seven inches of iron. The ends are protected by an underwater belt similar to that It- ted into the Mersey; but as they are very ï¬ne the part of the waterline not actually protected by armour is compari- tively small. The engines are to be of the usual horizontal type for drivinc twin screws, and difl'er only from those of the Arethnss class by the cylinders being a shade larger and the adoption. as we have already said, of Mr. Kirk’s triple-expan- sion appliances. The cylinders are 42111. and 72in, with a 43-inch stroke of piston. Double-ended boilers, four in number. witha total grade surface of fully 500 square feet, and working up to a pressure of 1201bs, are also to be introduced. They are to be able to develop at least 7500 horsepower on an exhaustive trial. and a speed of 18 knots must be attained to satisfy the Admiralty. In the con- struction of the machinery everything tending to lightness, such as brass and steel, is to be put in use, and the weight of the engines is not to exceed 720 tons. So much for the engines and hull, and ly been asked aboht what cmstinutes a belted cruiser, and aim rs to the part i". is to play in the naval serVJc-s of the future The matter of spued is said to have serir ously engaged the attention of Admiralty experts ueveral days before the contracts were given nut, and 18 knots were ï¬nally adopted. Many builders on the Clyde, however. think that this sh ulri have been increased by at least Falf or even three- quarters a knot. This diihculty willI perhaps. be overcome much more easily than many imagine, for it may be recol» lected that in the case of the Phaeton, Ieander, and Arothuss. the last war vessnls built at Messrs Napier's yard for the Government, the contract speed was 16 knots. but this was actually exceeded by one of them to the extent of 22 knots on an exhaustive trial by the Admiralty. If the celebrated Clyde ï¬rm could do this with their last Givernment job it is, of course, within the range of possibility Hut on their trial trips both the Aus- tralia and Galatea many astouish “my lords †by steaming at 19 xxors PER HOUR. Should such eventually prove corrm'; in the case of a heavy belted cruiser armed with formidable g'uns. going at 19 knots per hour, an important problem in mi rune engineering will have been solved which cannot fail to influence the future condi- tion of the British navy. For the present at least, these vessels will be ihe only ones on her Majesty's navy list with triple expansion engines. The triple expansion process is simply an improvement on the surface-condensing engine invented and succassfully brought out by the late Mr. John Eider fully a quarter of a century ago. At that comparatively early period in Clyde engineering the great naval architect's idea was not regarded with the same importance as it was u‘timately des- tined to assume when applied to fast ocean-going steamers consuming from 100 to 260 tons of coal in the 24 hours. But without it fast ves-ols could never be built to pay. The condensing of steam is so successfully treated by the (‘riginal pro- cess of Mr. Eider that it can be used twice before it passes through the ex- haust pipes. The same. or a like arrange- ment, wrought out by Mr. A. 0. Kirk, enables the engineer to important Addluons to the nrllhh Navy now Under Connlructlon. The two new belted cruisers st cured from the Government by M Assrs Robert Napier & Sons, Gavan, are to be turned the Australia and Galateaâ€"the farmer, it is “ï¬rmed, out of respect to the spontane- ous actlon 0f the Ausaralisns in sending volunteers to assist the mother Country in the Soudan. Ever since it became known that two of the vessels had been hooked on the Clyde many questions have natural- ly been asked about what cnnsbibutes a ballad cruiner, and also is to the part, i'. is tn Dlav in the naval servmw of the future. THE “ BELTED " CRUISERS. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS On the 27th of March, 1854, the French Minister of State read to the corps legis- latif, in the name of the Emperor, a mes- sage announcing that the ï¬nal resolve of the cabinet of St. Petersburg had placed Russia in a state of war with France. A similar message was sent to the Senate. 0n the same day the Queen through Lord John RusselI sent a message to the English House of Commons. It announced her purpose to declare war. On the day fol- lowing the ( finial declaration was made in the London Gazette. It recited at length the causes which led to the rupture be- tween Russia and the alliedplwers. It was of the length of two columns andconclud- ed, as did the declarations of Russia and France,with a pious conviction that Eng- land enjoyed the especial protection of the Almighty in her struggle for the right. The announcement of each of these sover- olgnsto their parliament and subjects and to the world wasregarded according to the modern custom of nations as a sufï¬cient declaration of warto the enemy and to all whom it may concern. .The correspond- enece of the state department shows no to her notiï¬cation to have been given this Government. Declarations of War. There is no set form for a. declaration of war. It being usually in the form of an address from the head of a Government to his ofï¬cial associates and subjeois and to the world at large setting fox-uh his de- termination to go to war and the causes that have led thereto. “This storm continued an hour; but it was only when it had passed. and the inhabitants had leisure to speak to me, that I could make out the meaning of the hurried rush to the river for water. It appears that when the tenkis blows, the seawater is forced up into the river ren- dering it unï¬t for human consumptiOu, often for hours together. and it is with a View of securing a. supply for household use that a rush is made to the banks as soon as the jagged mist appears upon the horizon." “I was gazing through a crevice in the felt walls out over the plain in an east- ward direction, where some camels, laden with grafs and hay, were hurrying forward to gain shelter before being overtaken in the open. I could see their loads seized upon by the storm gusts, and sent whirl- ing far and wide, and to a height of a hundred feet. “The kibitlca into which I rushed for shelter quivered and shook under its in- fluence, and I thought that at each mo- ment it would go over bodily. The west erly edge was lifted some inches from the ground with each fresh gust, and the eagerness with which ropes were hsuled tent, and storm-props made fast by the inmates hanging with all their weight from their upper portions, reminded one of a scene on board a vessel at sea. during a violent tempest. “ 'The tenkis .’ the {enkis ." “ By this time the jegged white mist had risen high above the horizon, and was rapidly veiling the weltern sky. Flock: of sea-gulls and other aquatic birds flawinland. screaming and nhrleklngloud- 1y. Ere long I saw that the clouds along the mountain ceased their westward move- ment, staggered, reeled, and ultimately pal-took of she movement of the advanc- lng ecud. Great sand-clouds came whirl- lng towards us from the beach, and In another instant the storm burst upon us, amompanled by a tremendous downpour of rain. “ Every one was too busily en-gs'ged to give me any further answer to my de- mands as to what all this meant, than to exclaimâ€" “ In the meantime, within my resi- dence, old Daurdi, mn.tering prsyers in most anxious tones, was propping his boat-hook and seven] other poles of equ nl size against the spring of the dome. and planting the lower one ï¬rmly in the ground. I could make neither head nor tail of all these preparations, and wu still more confounded and amazed by see- ing all .he women of the community rushing to the bank of the ' river, some carrying a pitcher in each hand, others with enormous single ones stra; ped upon their backs. These, with feverish haste, they ï¬lled with water, and hurrying with them to their houses. again issued forth with other vessels for a fresh supply. " In the village itself the wind was blowing from an oppoaite direction, and the mist-cloud, along the Elba] z rings were moving towards the west, while the advancing solid was still an Very indistinct- an to be unobservable by the nulocustom- ed aye. I saw men nud women in frantic haste, flinging ropes over the top: of the kibitkus, and luhlng the opposite extrem- iries to stout wooden pegs ï¬rmly embed- dad in the ground close to the wall of the dwelling. safety. Two years and three months are allowed for building and 19-wng the con- tractors' hands â€"[Ia‘r1a.sgow Herald. The 'l‘c nkis. The winters on the eaauern shores o the Caspian Sea are genenlly mild, am even during tha severest vvnrmons of th yearâ€"toward the end of February~th mow raircly lies on the ground very Ion] an a cime. Bun about bwic a a. month the‘ are apt. 10 have sudden and violent atom; fro n 11m westward. anmew‘m'. resemblin; our Western cyclonbn. This Cmpim shorm is called the tankis, and is than de scribed by a. recent fravnllet who span 8. ther 8.: Gumush Tape. whare be ex "The ï¬rst tune I wimpwe'i one I was exccmively puzz'ed to understand the movements of the Inhabi'ants immerlvabe- ly before the storm struck the village. It was about. two o'clock m the after- nnon ; the run was shining brightly, and the sky was without a. clnui. All at once I observed person! pointing hurriedly to- ward t 1e diet-uh Cuplau horiz )u. where a. thin, white, jagged has of flying min was perceptible, .which rme higher and higher ab each moment, Ppproaching us with rapid pace. per what apant the 13} ie “ Say, boss, d‘yer want any meal worms '1" The question was put by a dirty specimen of humanity to the pro- prietor of a bird store. “ How many have you got 7" “ About tree tousand; all very fat." “ Let's see 'em." 'i‘he man drew two tin cans from a di- lapidated coat pc cket and opened the lids. The cans were brimming full of small and lively crustaceous worms. They ran from yellow to dark brown in color, and were an eighth of an inch in thickness and an inch and a half in length. The bird fan- cier took one and ate it with critical slow- ness. After agulp he said, “These are rather inferior, but how much do you want?" “A dollar a tousand." “ All right ; hand ’em over.†In answer to a question, the purvey- or of worms said: “I’ve caught meal worms for ten years. Biz is generally geod. and I can make twelve or tirteen dollars every week. Where do I get ’em? Why, in meal, of coursel 1n dese big grain ware- houses on the river front, is flour mills, and in old feed stores you can always ï¬nd ’em, if you know where to look for 'em. First Plumberâ€"“ Whew I This is hot I But, any. Winter did everlastingly hang on. Second Plumberâ€"“ Yeaâ€"must have been working by the day. " whén you ain’t, very hungry. I know lots of fallen in de warehouses what eat- ’em regular, and llke ’em. Prlces ain’t very gOud nowâ€"mob so good as in do fall. In de aummerdey are quieter, and harder to get, and we pub de prices up. Don’t you want: to try a couple? No ? Well, all righb, boss; we won’t quarrel about it. SJ long.†“ Yea, her story is rather exciting, but; is at the same time pure and elevating. " “ Any murders ?" “ Just two, and she is only divorced three times in the whole book. " De people wot owns dam here places are only too glad to hove a. perfeshionsl like me come in, cos dey breed fast and eat up lots of stuff. When I lust begun catchin' ’em, de bosses use to pay mes. half; but when day found out dat I sole ’61:: again, dey shut down on de racket. How do I get ’em? Wid my hands, and sometimes wide sieve. Dey gener- ally go in gangs togedder, and when you ï¬nd one of ’em, you most always ï¬nd ï¬fty. I put 'em in tin mustard boxes. which hold one or two tousand, according to do s7ze. Some days I get tree hundred, and some days, when luck is good, I get tree tousand. Den Igo round to my customers. Meal worms are good for mocking birds, and nearly all birds with soft bills. Meal worms azevery healthy, and taste a. good deal like shrimps. Dey’re hard and crisp, and very nice when London in ‘3 single year. London has 46,000 annually added (by birth) to its population ; has over 1,000 ships and 10,- 000 sailors in its port every day ; has as many beer shops and gin palaces as would, if placed side by side, tretch from Char- ing Cross to Puttsmouth, a distance of seventy eight miles; has 38,000 drunk- ‘arsls annually brought before its magis- l trates ; has seventy miles of open shops every Sabbath ; has an influence with all parts of the world, represented by a. year- ly delivery in its postal districts of 288,- 000,000 ( f letters. Eight hundred and ï¬fty trains pass Clapbam Junction every day, and the transportation (underground) railroad runs 1,211 trains every day. The London Omnibus Co. have over 700 busses, which carry 56,000,000 passengers annually. It is more dangerous to walk the streets of London than to travel by railroad, or cross the Atlantic from New Orleans to Liverpool ; last year 130 per- sons were killed and 2,600 injured by vehicles in the streets. There are in London 15,000 police, 15,000 cabmen, 15 000 p arsons connected with the Post- oflice. The cost of gas for lighting L111â€" don annually is $3,000,000. London has 400 daily and weekly newspapers. Last year there were nearly 600 ï¬res. The ancient and famous citv of London was ï¬rst founded by Bate. the Trojan, in the yesr of the world 2,832, so that since the ï¬rst building it is 3,006 years. The drain- age system of London is superb, and the death rate very low. llnrvclloni ('18 “Inn! more Jaws than the whole of Palestine; more Irish than Dublin ; mere Scotchmeu than Eliuburgh ; more \Velshmen than Cnrdlfl‘ more country-rained persons than the counties uf Dawn, Warwickshlre and Durhim combaned. It has a birth every ï¬ve minutes, it has is (393311 in every eight minutes. has seven accidents every day in its 8 000 miles of stree‘s, has on an aver- age forty miles of streets opened and 15,- 000 new homes built in in mm y year. In 1883, there were added 22,110 new houses to the vast aggregate of dwelling which is c.lled the metropolis, thus form- mg 368 new streets and one square, cov- ering a distance of sixty-six miles and eighty-four yards It is difï¬cult to form any mentusl pic'ure frnm these ï¬gures. Bright-n (the queen nf watering places) in 1881 had 20,379 inhabited houses, so that Landon in 1883 added to itself a. town bigger than Brighton. It would re- quire two Cambridges, or Oxfords, or Baths to representth addi‘ions made in the greatest in the heart. the world. miles radius me world. it covers wxnhin the] miles radius of Charing Cross (9mm square miles. It numb ars within boundaries 5,000000 of inhabitant comprises over 2,000,000 foreigner every quarter of the globe. 15 c» 11101“ Amt-rear Times Dec mg pa-tlc: GREATER LONDON Meal Worms. Jlars city the w of the Brir hone; L the wh ('uy. thc Wax-Ill l‘ld Pver sh E npire an'l wxnhiu the ï¬f: Le New Urlen plied the folIO' and, trom taina heae sélf due