ARMS FOR SALEâ€"All kindaâ€"Bend lorlist. The Toronto General Trusts *1 Trice. GALLOW iv". 00., (John. Woolï¬, zlilk Car . be! and Worsted Shuttle figsâ€"hers. Tit-mam m; "ASK voua‘c'iibosa FOR 27 (in 29 Wellington St. East, IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLACKING To URE BBEU AXMHIRE: for sole; two cows, two ' yearling heifers and one bull. Write hr descrip‘ tion. niceiandpisd‘lgresrte G. F. Barman. Trahlvsr P R EM l ER. RU DGF. R"YA it. CANADIAN. EXPERT. K ANGARUD SAFETY- 50 2nd hand Bicycles and Tricyclos. 38' Sand for list. Send 3c stamp for largest on All “ Played Out." “ Don't know what ails me lately. Can't eat well,â€"can'l sleep well. Can't work. and don’t enjoy doing anything. Ain't really sick, and I really ain’t well. Fool all kind 0’ played out, someway.†That is what scores of men say every day. If they would takesDr. Pierce's “Golden ROUND T HE WORLD. A ‘ Pendulum a good lnvc-tmcntâ€" AL. Clint. llowurd â€"l.omiou Druill fluic - do, are. The pendulum of the new clmk in .the Chlcsgu Board of trace building weighs - t 10 . Prrm‘dent!l‘lcn. EDWARD BLAKE. QC, up, .. , w, TE ". , ,., _, . . “a u . iffngi’fliiiimix dun are 10 fee Med‘cal D‘WOVWY ' they WI?“ 902111 blaze Vice-Pï¬rsitirnlgl}. ,tv. LL D. (gill-inn: will? )d d L E ever mum m 0m“. ' . . no occasion to as li‘. um “I 8 4 (“WV/"7‘" - - > ~ usedin Engl- dance 1873, awards .gol me a on- A a An Eng lclimun who lately ViSitOd Allin y J p Diredm-giuom w, “Austen Hon. Alexander nun, Fling" 1884 Puslrlvu (Um: y in Ben; and in _ - TD L p blood, tones up the system and fortiï¬es it; , , , _ . Mon.†1; Home, Duoâ€. Amalius in,“ William skin ï¬issases either on cattle, horse: crtheep; destroys against disease. It is a great anti-bilious ' g' Elion, William llulock. n P..Geo. A. Cox, William “MW†“amâ€? “1mm†°““,,“,“d";i;. 3251,32: llHail liliiil Bï¬yal Steamship. . werp Catnedial declares that Rubsn's masteffluce‘ “ the Descent: “mm the remedy as well. GOOdCYhEmI J~ G 590W Q U - "3’P95,'J F'Wi "- 3- gellinmwlif'fii:till.cxf‘gtbliisdlewlieddrees NESS 3130 , Boiling during winter from Portland ovary Thur Cross, is sum 2. wonderful picture that h R 1G d1 Lee. James Mzclennm. it. C.. J- 1\ M". Q (1 . T. 750 (lraiv st. Montreal. Agents Wanted. Good hlduce- sud Halilax every Saturdw to hverpocl. Midi: lama. A sergeant 0f the 10h 0Y3 16118: 91'5 Sutherland Snayncr. W. ll Beatty and ROllb. Jaifray. mum nifnrel to imari'. men. from Quebec every Saturday to Livarpnm, caning “ no it is worthy of Miss Thomson, the painter of one " Roll Call." It is proposed in Elgland to provide the sinews ror war With Russia by raising the tax on patent medicines. The Daily News thinks there is a sort of poetic pru- priety in making patent medlcmes furnish the funds with which to kill people by other means. docdsrry to land malls and passengers for acctland an H.‘ t... u“ A. A ’ ’ it‘s 7 Ireland. Also trom Baitinioroninliali’fs‘ and EltJuhrh .. :KW/ Q g†aâ€, m 3% a (Ring C) L". 15,. to {Animal fortnightly during summer months kept up an exchange of shoes at every op- portunity with a Halibreed in his fr int. Thinking him dead aftera long silence, he raised himself to look, when a bullet whizzsd past his ear. “I Feel So Well.†“ 1 want to thank you for telling me of Dr. Plerce’s “ Favorite Prescription," writes a lady to her friend. “For a long The Company 20‘s as Executor, Administrator and "This shunmms of the Glsngow linus mil during wince: Guardian. and rr(‘ul\’rii and executes Trusts of every ( ,r; - x; > /1'\f' TO {10 [ti 1‘;) description. Tue-12 various positions and du‘il 9 run as- b "" ‘nd “mm H"“““ P3 Emmi scam“ ‘34 PhUhlï¬l- . r . » 7 f T f hi ~ «i ' b - a: r sum ril th (. m a! ', other under Deeds of Trust, '. fl ‘E ' “I: D 5' r" cum†Jummbr 'euwrflm “50" “m “an. n w i 0 ll Li t z", tr sl.weerly;~~laszowsud Boston,wsskly:snd Glasgow ‘3 iii. U ‘v . I l 4rd,- Murrlags,or other settlement evmiird during the 4:3' and Philudgibhlh,fortnightly. life-lime of m. imrtied, or under wills. or by appoint Pnr :rmgnr passage or other information , , n . men“ of the 90'â€? apply to A. Schnmacher it 00.. Baltimore; 8 The Cottunnv silo untsrtakes the investment of Cunard & Co. Halifax; Shea&: 89., St. John’s moneyin Hm] Estate mortgage securities: Collecting \l. F. l Wm. Thomson AZ 00., St. John, N. a. i anti rcmitring ihn ilvii'rPu’l i ~r amol rstc ch irgc If. Allan (z 00.. Chicago; cho 36 Alden, New Will nlthvr lower. the ill-“HOV as agent in the usual wnv: York :H. Bnu‘l'liflf. i‘m‘ontc : Alison. Run is". 00-. l": l." ills or “rear; According to the Revue des Maladies de a, should ,1, mum, - w r I . z s A, prefer it “ill ior ml exer . W flaunt mrnmlarsum. Quebsc- Wm. Hrockie Philade hia- . l'Enfance any 93,. Gem“ of the cmldren “m9 I was unï¬t to attend to the wo k 0‘ charge 1 maniac tlic pmwipil and the prompt 1m" iieox Speciï¬c Medicine Coul’ï¬lludelphiml’a allan. Hortiaud. Bosrori. Montreal). I H Al my househOId- I kept abOUt, bur! I fell! ment if the interest on i‘lxmi (lays, yearly or beli- ' w" ‘ born in Russia die before the age of 5 years. Less than one-half of the males reach the age of 35, anaathirdoi theseare yearly, Mormngcs thus guaranteed and taken in the R w I E ' ' 1 name oi tho lnvrslnr. ore rim siiest class of invest- ment, and sivs‘l'islly commend ihemmlvss foTrusiees, R E A L s T A T E A G E N T ’ as well as to Municipal Corp iratlons and Public Coma thoroughly miserable. I had terrible backaches, and bearing-down sensations across me and was quite weak and dis- unï¬t for ui 9 either throu h . » - , Bunninz in connection with the armor". i. a I bury B'elVlc ,f ,3 couragmL I Bent and got some of the panics desirous of establishing Sn king Funds commgsloner’ walnut“, Trustee & Flam†or 0mm.- Blmus "0m Qnabea “em Bumba- constitutional dsbllity or rom not havmg d. . it . . our letter and The Company alrc acts Mogsnis for tho mllactlnn mil Agent. the summer months, and from Portland aver. all“... attained the requlslte stature. {n6 lclue a at recelvlng y ’ of interest or incon'e, nild ill'.l|188.Ci.3ilhaHClnllthlLeSB Room 0 Arcade Yon 8 Street Toronto Money to during the winter months. flailing due. from it has cured me. I hardly know myself. generally, at tile lowest rates. " ' 3 '. ' _ QUE,†&M de Lease 3 relates that on the econ. " Loan. Estates Managed. Properties Exchanged. Man . ' P I feel so well. * itcba and United States lands taken in part payment SARNIA,â€"Mny 16, June 27, Aug. 5, 3.5;, 19, for guy prgpeny, VANCOUVERâ€"May 31, July 11, Aug. . oct 3.] sion of his marrla e, the day of the open- ing of the buez Canal, November, 1669, his father-in-law handed him 100,000 The third annual meeting cf the shareholders of 0REGoN.â€"June 13. July 25. bspt. 5, Oct. 17.. this Company was hr-ld at its amnes. 27 and 29 We] I T I “lg-$863300! igspaae: wmélï¬gresticnto‘hlusmcoim, m . . e um. . , . , accordln. In liugton-srcet, east, Toronto, on Monday, 11th inst. A man belonging to “. C" Infantry School corps. turned to the right to get a cartridge from his pouch, when his lower ‘ I At than _ V M “f t m gs,“ R'Veg Leann ,Bemn . La,- 9 steamer and berth. Intermediate 835. Streams frame! as a present to h“ Wife front teeth were shot awn the bullet The chair was taken by the President of iheLou panv, dï¬meacDï¬sm o Belts El a gem†'8 g 3 lowest rates. The saloons and staterooms in staging: ti h dd S 0 l h wer y’ g P v . me, e a s, uez ans. 5 area 3 the Hon. Elw rd Blake Q (1., ii. P. A large num_ "Send ,0, price mm and Discounm minke“ than: Ire Imldshlps, where but little mono. passing through the lip without cutting it. ' ism-ha no cattle or she is curl d t]: . her of the shareholiers were present, including Mr. F E & KING 81‘. EAST, thsr particullrl apply has? any G:lhudn'l‘f:|:k E. A. Meredith. the‘icv-president; Hon. Wm. no. ' ' 'l TORONTO- “"“W'â€â€œâ€œÂ°â€œâ€œÂ°â€œh° “WWW-"m selling at 250 francs, or 50 per cent. dis- count. He invested the present in these abate, on which he rewind 1 500 000 Don't disgust everybody by hawking, M , M _wana Ell it, war. o .;d h ’M“ -» Y QA‘YIB Tournament; 00,, francs: ’ , “(Wing and Spitting: bu†“59 Df- 53%“ 3 T‘;.e;‘tavens::.s Rdlliif‘rgziifrzy, Shdi'ildnliJliiis,fl.l.M(-ll WELL BORXI‘G - “new “on†mm" The Grand Duke of Hesse has just paid 0““"1‘ Randy and be cured- Scott. Q 0.. J J. Foy, o C , .I D. in.“ M. P., J BUY THE STAR 7 ~ - - w.L i.JN.Lk,AlburB.Le,J.l'.K ' ' . . to the lawyers of his morganatlc Wife, There is terrible excitement among the Q} CT‘JKJSGMI C. ' 6 \ “I†Will We 6 m 25inch hole; hmd whom-pow": 20 Mme. de Kalomine, the first quarterly installmsnt of the 20,000 marks he had agreed to allow her annually. Mme. dc Kalomine, through her lawyers, has indig- nantly refused the payment, adding that he should be ashamed to offer her a pecun- iary recompense, and than she does not with him further to annoy her with letters or ofl'ers of money. Baron Victor Erlanger seems to have had as poor luck in ï¬ne arts as in stocks. Having been ruined on the Vienna Bourse, he has sold his picture gallery, whi:h was men composing Gen. Strauge’s column and hopes are expressed that the cam- paign will be prosecuted until every mem- ber of Big Bear’s band is exterminated. Pain Cannot Stay Where Polson’s NEBVILINE is used. Com“ posed of the most powerful pain-subdu- ing remedies known, nervillne cannot fail to give prompt: relief in rheumatism, neuralgia, cramps, pain in the back and side, and the host of painful affections, internal or external, arising from inflam- matory action. A 10 cent sample bottle I fest per hour. 0 .r combined sum and Br ck Dvill a Mr. J. W. Langmuir, the Manager oi the Company, grand success. worked by steam or horse-power. Send wasa inted Secretar an (1 read the 'J“ o‘thF‘le- ape y' I V 68 Mary Street, Hamilton, Ont. THIRD ANNUAL asroiu' (-1" THE roacno osssRAL TRUSTS r r r _ FOR PLEASANT snwmc The Directors of the Toronto General Trusts (To beg to submit their third annual rcport togethvr with ’“USE ONLYâ€" Lhc woodman-yin}.r ï¬nancml sum-m -nt4. showing the l rrsulta of the Cmnpany's business for the year ending s 31% March, lbbfi. The Directors have again to congratulate the shnrs- Warrantsd FULL Length. and to run smooth on um holds/s on the cominucd and growing moon-a3 “hit-h Iswiug machine. Bee that CLAPPEBTON’B name is or has attended the Company's operations in every he label. or Forsllaby Ill Dry-Goodsnuie". branch of its businrss during the ps-It twelve months. . - ~ is I ECONBOI'S OAIBIAGI rows are the belt and cheapest In the Market. Order one an your Carriage linker. Take no other mAU'EION ! Each Plug of tho MYRTLE NAVY l Tns sulistanrlialincrease in the work done by the Company in its capacity of trustee. exwumr, admin- iatmwr. and other cillcrs of a kindred character is “specially satisiaot ivy. as it furni h- s conclusive (vi supposed to be very valuable. But only of Nerviline will give suï¬icieno proof of deuce that the Colllpany, as it incomes heirr-r n§.'“{‘hvo°uï¬â€˜.lili“él“£32223 lift‘lliéiï¬in'fl‘lfféï¬lb oi!“ " hue moat meagre pricesâ€"n few dolly,“ “,5 Eu etiorit over eve known tamed Known, is steadily and rapidly growing in public staudln khavc bean curlsd. l‘nIlt‘avl an stronzlsm rsli p y 1'7 Y- mum. in its as may. “inhI willscnd Two'no'rrLrjs FR iam- eachâ€"were obtained even for works by Rembrandt, Teniers, and Rubens ; perhaps it would be better to say works attributed to those masters. Considerable sensation, according. to the London Truth, has been excited in Vien- na society by the announcement of the betrothal of Prince Lichtenstein to the . . I . - other withsVAM'AiilE TREATISE [H dis ()neof the prlnmpal objects in e°i..llll hing the gunner†unannwgundn0.53%â€; mm“ C. nllnny w-s t u rllsille it, in lhe public interests, to DB. T. A. SLOCUM. 181 PunishNewYort.‘ accept. and execute ihese various rns|~or.sible rill H2; R. U . AWARE-C it bung beyond all question tout the sccmitv and THAT permanency whit-h a wealthy and rssp‘nsible corpo- Lorillarcl’s Climax Plug â€"â€" Try Nerviline. Large bottles 25 cents; trial bottles only 10 cents. A member of “B†Battery, writing home, says : “The General is a very kind and solicitous for our safety and comfort, and the boys have great conï¬dence in him." From the Maritime Provinces ration nil ris, Illke to the parties treating th» trust a id to the hemiici'irics, are inï¬nitlly pr icrnl-le to the uncertain security of any individual trustee. It is, therefore, most A ntiiying to your UlrcCiOI‘fl to be _ .. , sole to r port that the C mpany is so satisfactorily .~ 12:31:: $31463: Egg: fulï¬lling the oi'jv‘ots for Will. h it was called into ex- Navy { “ypimfl' and m,“ Lorma‘rdys snuff-l m daughter of a_merchant in the city, such 0 h h f . . 1 h m.- c:. and ti... in so doinzitis layingthe foundation the best and cheapest. duality considered? IS MARKED ‘ omcs a on o testimonia s as to t e U, . mg, and rapidly inc’ra'iing . ugliest. 8;) marriage being regarded as amesalhance Magic Com and W “t cure_Pumamvl The proï¬t and loss statement herewith submitted Th, F" ",0 c __ y the austere purists of the court of Fable“ 00m Extractor We select from shows in detail the revenue of the Company for the mothâ€. ts; .. J Au'trla' This Prince was formerly we“ the list of names beforciul that of Henr Milriimlrihe Bedtiielmiu wlmiih nth-s Ollimifmd uli iiiimlaf‘tiiaililqi- l . . ' ' 3 9 ' i 8| 'V’ A ‘. known in London and his ï¬rst Wife was . y “" °.' 5Ҡ-“ "° 0“ y “'5 e e" “3 ° " wuuinii or m 1' . ’ . incurred for rehninsr expenses been wiped out. I Taylor E q Halifax probably the most P 3’ ears old Withou M135 FOX, the adopted daughter of Lady ’k i " ’ bur. that all coclnni-sions and charges paid for obtaiu- fur, ’me of n w H h: - widely Down (111185135 in the lower Pro' log the Cow an ’s investments. iucludi..gthe balance boon]. can with ease 0 and. - M T l h h ' d y p y‘ 7 h t d‘ 9 Wash 5010100 iscrs l‘ " Capt. Howard, with Gen_Middleton,i.a Vinces. r. ay or as no esitation in “e or wear "'V'M 01‘ ' 6 W0 Pme "‘8 Y m. in who“ {mm In Bronze Letter-8.. have been fully liquidated After the settlement of all outstanding dv ins as well as the current ofï¬ce ex- pf-uses, rhtrc rvnlsinvd a sufï¬cient amount at the crrdit of proï¬t and loss to enable your directors to dtclarc a dill-lend lib per cent. per annum on the paid-up stock of the company, besides plsclog_tbe turn of ll|,UUOto the reserve account. and carrying forward to the credit of proï¬t and loss the sum of wanted all over Con- sda. Sample senlfor trial nndterritory given. Ladies make go- d onenismo wear on clothes. and every lady will buy after tryiml it; warranted to “'th calico: in ï¬ve minuli‘l. cotton gm do in 90, bt‘dclothss in, or no mic. Address, l-‘Eilllis 5r (0., I'uicnleel and Mann- iacturers.’la Jarvis Street. TUBONTU.Cande stating “that in an experience of twenty years he has handled nothing that has given the univarsal satisfac- tion that Putnam’s Corn Extractor in- variably does.†It never fails, it is pain- native of Connecticut. He served in the war of the rebellion and also ï¬ve years in the regular army, where he had consider- able experience in Indian warfare. He is a brave, cool-headed soldier, thoroughly pupils allies ilElllilllE CUT Ti_1_i_s 011T familiar with m . . less, prompt and produces no discomfort. use, 96. ‘ _ . V6 3 - l “by hfe' and hei “ also a Beware Of imitations and substitutes. Atssptcial general meeting of the shareholders, T The New 00 operatlve ry mu mac ml“) P055655 08 a com' Pollon & 00 Kingston pro 1.. held on 5th December last. it was decoded to make LOAN & SAVING-i CIDMPANY _ plane knowledge of ma mechanism of a, " I ' P ' application to the Lieut-Govsrnor in Council for the INCORPORATED AD. 1885. o . Gatling gal-h Dl‘. J. A. Grant, ]l‘.. in a letter to his issue of letters to the Company1 conferring1 ex- ' FUBSCRIRED OAPITALW _ I . ' ‘ ‘ I ' . . _ 33.000300 Sir John Lubbock told a story in his re- math“ “ya I - u The poor General did Zâ€..".‘f§'°,§§Emil] viritbnilbi‘alipgll: 7 itbbgntillhulégdbiffli n: lilggï¬g e cent a eech t Sh b “1 St feel sore over his losses, but did the best ~afiori supplmieumy lette's patent issued to the .v TOTAL ASSETS .......................... 8.600.000 . I? a rgwa My, 537! e ' that could be done and is every inch 3 Company on the 7th «‘ay of January, “85. 0“ CE. , Ind" T t st T 'â€"‘â€"â€"“‘ James 3 Gazette, which can have no person. general It in Bad go see poor Wine and 'l he directors have mus-h pleasure in recordinvghtgr I °_C°y 3 65' 0’0†o " oronm’ ' . ' ' 'flliru ss'iainotion with the manner ill whit: t e or] application to himself. It was about a W",mn,.8 Mum,“ "puma", have he," mndumd STRAIGHT LOANS, -â€"â€"ARE THEâ€" Douceb wounded. but I feel thankful it is not worse, as they run every risk. " catarrhâ€"A New Treatment Perhaps the most extrsrcrdlnary success that has been achieved in modern science has been attained by the Dixon Treatment of caisrrh. Out of 2,000 patients treated during the past six months, ully ninety per cent. ave been cured of this stubborn malady. This is none the less startling when it is remembered that not ï¬ve per cent. of the patients presenting themselves to the regular practitioner are benefltted. while the patent medicines and traveller who revisited a New Zealand vil- lage and inquired after a friend, a leading Maori Liberal and a member of the local Peace Society, it is believed. The reply was discouraging. “ Ah,†said the village chief, with resignation, “ he gave us so much good advice that we had to put him to death mercifully.†Messrs. Ellis, Lever & Co. of Manches- sluring the year by the mam- er and his asst-taste. EDWARD BLAKK. President. OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. The Ccmuany his a large am tunt of mom y to land on Real Esiate stcurities at the lowest current rate of in- t. rest repsyable either in one sum or by instalments as may he ï¬e~irad by the borrowvr. Applicatitus miy be mad - direct to ti o undersigned by ll tter or oihrrwisa. or to the local representatives of the Ct mpa' y thromh )ut Ontario. As lhs Company niwsys has fuLdl on hand no delay need he expects; Expenses reduced to ninimum. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchased. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. BEST IN THE MARKET. NEW STAND! NEW_FURNITURE! Latest Improved Attachments Agents price for similar machine 880 Don price only $25 each. Toronto. 4th May, 1885. in moving the cdop'ion of the report Mr. BLAKE congrsinlatvd the shareholders on the remarkable and uniform progress of the Company's rpentious, ns ill-o (ire v attention to the largely increased nuul~ her of ï¬nish estates which had been placed in charge of the Company during the past year and expressed the bells! that the more the husinrss and powers of ill‘ Company were understood by the public the more ti; present a remarkable contrast to the other advertised cures new; record a, mm, a, it would be availed of in its capacity of trustee, ex- __ ,_- 0 mar En ]' _ all. Startin with the claim now generally be- earlier. etc. 0 at.) 4 Before buying send u: stun to o 1 g mark dyd. lilah “adder The ï¬r.m has a loved by gthc moat scientiï¬c men that The rx'solutinn was seconded by Mr. Manson's. the o < anâ€, "1,, {name 0, sewing, D t ur s and chain E6 l. 1:1 e ,t‘owa: Rania! bemg balm the disease is due to the presence of VlCc-I’rcsident. (2 h“ g gé'lE'Mschlnts guaranteed for three years and an.“ an n is omt 0 view reemiuent livinz arasites in the tissues. Mr. Dix- ’ . a m - , . publicise 'll‘lhe received En order fox. on my once adapted his burs to their Resolutions of thanks were passed to the President, E l; ‘5 A07 1"†wmthg I “15me W111 110 Well to write I 25 0 . y ' extermination ; this uooompuahed the charm Viceâ€"Presi-iunt. and directors. as well as to the man- D g THE CO.OPERATIVE ' , 00 tons of steam coal to be delivered is practically cured, and the permanency is us. lager and staff for their careful and diligcni discharge ‘5 ,_ g In Russian ports. They declined to sup- Quesmnadv "-3 our“ 9590‘“ 1’7 mm to“ 5'05“ °‘ “‘9†d““?5 du'lug “19 W“- ‘i z [- ' v 1 th 1 M L . ‘, 1 ago are cures atul. No one else has ever at. The followmg shareholders were slecied directors l“ a P 6 003 , r. ever answering, _ de- tempted to cum 03mm}; in this manner, and no for the ensuing year, viz 2â€"Hon. Edward Blaite, Q C., D E 0. Ollned to a. sell a. ton of coal to Russia. at othef Ilï¬ï¬‚tmgfléxhrlfl evgr lcon-edclai:s.ri(-1ii. Tlgc ï¬ll; HST? 12min;I McMaEter‘,‘ Silllateiréhfloli‘l. ï¬ling. a '\ †a on on o e reme s sim s so .can 0 OHIB. - . .; essrs. . . ore l . 1.. .; - â€"- In, pube' This would 1001‘ very Belf' pp y p Homer Dixon, Aimilius Irving. Q 0.; Geo A. Cox, “'3 22 JAMES 81" SOUTHv HAMILTON done at home. and the present season or the yes: is the most favors is for a. speedy and permanent cure. the majorit of cases being cured at one treatment. Su erers s'iculd cor- respond with Messrs. A. H. DIXON s5 SON. 306 King-street West, Toronto. Canada. and enclose sstamp for their treatise cu autumnâ€"Montreal ‘av It is impossible to avuid admiration of these volunteers and militia 'who ï¬ght like veterans, and stand hardships with much more equanlmlty than " old sol- diers†cisplay. No smoker who has ever used the Myrtle Navy ,tobacco for, say a month, ever re- linquishes it for any otherbrand. Its flavor is rich and full, and it never burns the tongue or parches the palate. It is, in fact, the ne plus ultra. of smoking tobacco. Seventy miles of telegraph line between Medicine Hat and Fort Macleod have been constructed. A railway over the same route will be constructed in August. Young Men iâ€"Eead This. The Voltaic Belt 00., of Marshall, Mich, offer to send their celebrated Electro- Voltalc Belt, and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afliiotcd With nervous (liability, loss oi Vitality, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia paralysis. and many other diseases. OomploLe orator» ation to health, vigor and manhood guaranu teed. No risk is incurred as thirty days‘ trial is a_lowed. Write them at once ior lllustratod pamphlet from. Gen. Middleton says he led the advance at Fish Creek, contrary to custom, in order to inspire cougrage in the men going to their ï¬rs: battle. important. When yOn visitor leave New York Oily. lave Baggage Expressags and Carriage Hire. and stop at the (1st UNION Bonn. opposite Grand Central Depot. 6m elegant rooms ï¬tted 113;“ a cost of one million dollars, y. Win Gooderham, J. G. Scott, (2.0.; Jas J Foy, Q C.; A B Lee, Wm. Elliot, James Maclellnan, Q 0.; J. K. lie-r, Q 0.; T, S. Stayuer. Robt. Jaflray, Wm. Mu- lock, ill P.; and Wm. H. Beatty. The new Board of Directors then met and re-eiectcd the Hon Edward Blake, President. and Mr. E. A. Meredith, Vice-President. sacriï¬cing, but it may be safely predicted that with the aid of the huge advertise- ment which the refusal has given the ï¬rm they will be amply recouped by increased J lngo patronage. One of the boldest of the French char- latansâ€"the Widow Noel-has lately been ï¬ned and imprisoned for trickery. Not content with prescribing nostrums, she used to insist upon residing with her patients, whom she thus robbed at her leisure. Her last victim was a man with heart disease. She remained with him for sixty days and received her board and $360. Her chief medicament was an “ ointment†made by boiling bull pups for nine days in a. mixture of red earth, and for this foul stufl" she charged 34 per pot. Strange to say, seven witnesses of good character testiï¬ed to the eflicacy of the woman‘s remedies. In London an important modiï¬cation has been made in the manner of investigat- ing the death rate. The old way was to give the entire rate of the city in lump form. The change consists mainly in the systematic redistribution into their re- spective districts of the deaths of persons habitually resident in them, but dying in one of the institutions. In the ï¬rst quar- ter of 1885 the death rate of all London was equal to an annual rate of 21.5 per 1,000 of population. Under the new plan, the rate from which the foregoing ï¬gures were made were as follows forthe thirty- nincsanitarydistrictsof the city : Thelow‘ est were Piumstead, 14. 6, Hampstead 16. 3 ; Kensington, 16,6 ; stisham, 18 ; Hack- ney, 18. 9 ; and St. George’s, Hanover square, 19. The rates were found in JQHNSTNTS FLUID BEEF It is the cal preparation of the kind winch contains all t s nutritiousï¬ogethcr with m stimulatin . pro crties of beef. and the only one which as t a towel to suppl n It. went for brain. and nun. and mum Farmers, Mill lien and all [111 Consumers WILL SAVE MONEY BY USING McGOLL’S CEEERATED OILS. “LABDINE,†For general lubricating purposes, is unexcelled, and their CYLINDER and other Oil. have no equal. Highest Awards and Medals Wherever exhibited. WFor sale by all nltooii BiliiS. o. no. “WNW- CAUTION M Mrs Delaney has died, a victim of foul outrages, on the part of the Indians, and torture on the part of squaws. It is said that she was horribly ill-treated by the Indians, passed arJund from one band to another, and ï¬nally died from abuse. The rquaws cut her into pieces. Mrs. G )wanlock is said to be owned by a buck, and to be still alive. Mrs. Gowanlock and Mrs. Delaney, cap- tured by the Indians at Frog Lake, are still prisoners. Mrs. Delaney had been battered several times and it was thought that she would soon die. She was ill- treatcd more than Mrs. Gowanlock, as Delaney was much disliked by the In- dians. Another report says that John Pitchard had bought both women. It so, they are all right, as Pitchard is a Half- broed, and opposed to the trouble. and has been a prisoner among the Indians. 30 "W . .mwmm USE H SEAL†re not our make. W Tu; y ‘ i ' V : r ‘ l ~youwantreliablegoods BAKING Powe ER » w ~- on - l. .. “a I, l†f,‘ ,r I, v ,. FOR SALE BY ‘ ALL GROCERS. aunâ€" Goods stamped Meri- dcn Silver Plate 00., _v MERIDEN BRITAN London (city). 282 ; Sb. Saviour’s, 29.7; listii‘ft‘iï¬f‘iilpiféa uttE¥§§°i’é.£"“sï¬f'il‘}: MA 00-- St. Luke's, 29 ; St. Giles, 30.5 Holborn, IN“ “‘4 6‘9"“ "“’“d‘ ‘° '11 ‘9 °‘- Fm: The Health' r P t d h 1 I . u, u b l , ies ures on most w o e- 30.7 ; St. George s-m-the-East, 35.7. nï¬a‘i‘t’it-iillxxiixoiiierliflalmlititeilil minds?!†some in the market. Gur’anteed Purl}. -' HAMILTON. 0n