Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1885, p. 8

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sex to mom else in this nl‘soluté 1v a royal, vuluafilo sample box of goods that Will put van in the mug of making more mquay in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Cup- itnl not requlred. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes. of all ages. gramlly successful. 50 cents to $5 easily earned every evening That 0.11 who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled ofler: To all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble, I writing us. Full particulars, di- rectiun , etcl. sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure to those wlm stint. at once. Don't delay. Address s'nxscm 6: Co..1’ortlnu(l Maine. I for workipgfeqple. send 10 cents postage, nu v0 will mail vou free A. 0. U. ‘V.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock p.111. Beue~ ticnry certificate given for $2,000 in case of death. I. GrosbSI,Mnster Workman. B. Grennun. Rec. R. T. of Temperance. Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Mecca'in Temperance Hall,ench alter- native Tuesday eveni‘ug atSo’clock p m. Bene- ficiary certificates issued to male or female members for $1.000 or in case of death $2,000. one half imyub‘lc in 02156 0 disability. J. H. Sander- son Select ngncillofs, JAE.Switzei-,Recor(liug Secreturv. ' fl PEiZEa thfimoxb HILL TEMPLE, No 465, I. O. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hull" every Wednesday 7.30 o‘clock. Wm.IIar1-isou ’1‘.D. The Methodist sabbath schoolTempemnce As sneiubiou issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm.Hu,trison sup? MECEANICS' msmrvrmâ€" Library of over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma. a mic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clOck. R. E. Law. Libra. rum. Lectures and discussiong geriodicallv. RICHMOND HILL CORNET Emu-Meets for Pr‘lfct‘ic‘e e‘verg‘TBesdny 5nd fiathay evening at RICHMOND HILL CORNET . practice every Tuesday and sm 7.30 o'clock. C. Savage, Leader VILLAGE Councn..â€"Re9ve, Wm. Pugsley, Genn- cillz-rs. Messrs.Benj. Redditt. \V.D. Powell, P G. Savage. and F.McConaghy. Clerk. M. '1 eefy. Rummy“) LODGE. A. F. 8: A. M.. N013, G.R.(‘ â€"I\leets in the Lodge Room,Mu.sonic Hnglpn the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clock p.111 A. J. Rupert, W. M. Aver};va ORDER OF Fonnmnnsâ€"Cour’o Rich- mmid. No. 7046 A. O. E. meetfi ‘in the Tempemnce Hall every alternate Fridav at 7.30 1).m.â€"A. J. Rupex‘p, C. R. at. 1] 0': on Wed ROMA PRESBYTEBIAN CHURCH OF CANADA.â€"Sel‘ViCeS m 11 o’clock a..m., and 6:30 p.111. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening “7:30. ROMAN CATHOLIC anRcH.â€"â€"-Services in order 5 follows Thornhill at 9 a..m., and Richmond ill at 10:39 am; the following Sunday at Rich- mond Hill at 9 a..m.. and ’l‘hornhill at 10:30 a. m 81'.an s EPIscoPAL Guineaâ€"Service at 3 .m.,ex<:ept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 mm. SunduySchqolat1230p.m Remw. Bates, Rector METHODIST Carmenâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.,a.nd Sunday school, at 2.30 p. m. Young people’s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Geueml Pram; Meeting every Thursday evemug m the Lecture Room. Rev. W. R. Barker, Su pt. Rev. W. B. Booth, Assistant. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH or» CANADAâ€"Services Ontario in either on'haea ( abuse or Hen. use< Dop insanity ( Prem rm“ Health is Wealth Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work is under my own snpervism. I am also prepared to do all kinds Hf black- smithing rt" repairing in the most work- mnnlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Cutters PLATFORM V SPRING WA GD N S. In returnin friends for tht the past twe mind them an having erecto modious pre supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Horse - Shoeing Miss Bailey is now prepar- ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence. oppo- site Presbyterian Church. MUSJC LESSONS. se 01' < mont “1'0 Guarantee Six Boxes i th d t} mused by over-exertion of the bruinself over-indulgence. Each box contain! tt's treatment. $'..00 a. box, or six boxes .sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price C. W willnge Qirrrturg. Paid special attention to. ‘ case. With each order received by )ttles, accompanied with $5.00, we enurchaser our written guarantee \9 money if the treatment does not w. Guarantees issued only by Jorrx ' .. 81 and 83 King St. East, Toronto, REC rm E costly box of goods which I will help all, u: either 3y right away than anything . Fog-tunes await the Workers At once address l‘mm & Co Societies. T's NERVE Churches. Sleighs and l3 MOND HILL. g thanks to my numerous air liberal ,patronage during nty-five years. I beg to re- d the general public, that -d entirely new_ and Vcom- mises, I am enabled to \VM THENCE. ml six cents in post- und receive free, 3. ‘1y box of goods which help 3.11, of either Wak Ie Br AND BRAIN for Hysteria. Nervous Ne cause efulne: B RALM 55, Mental sulting in anddeath, Sperz )min, That , we are th e ‘1“? ml mt :elf book out; fail. Term Maine. " Call tinfd see me. I No trouble to an- swer questions. H1an ;; Lukmm I use no cheap matorial and warrant every set. Ginld Filling, and all other operations skilhllly p_erformed, at moderate fees. ON RUBBER, â€" ON CELLULOID, ARTIFICIAL TEETH Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. DIENTIST, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right, for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extracting teeth without pain, by means of TO GIVE LESSONS IN MUSIC Feb. 11th, '85. MISS FLORK COULTER IS PREPARED C. P. LENNOX M USIC LESSONS ! (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es. Clocks, Jeweflry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENIED. M. Morphy- 141 Yonge Street, Toronto flfiflfig fiflaw§$§£ 3 ~â€"â€"IS THE PLACE FOR A-â€" FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I HAIR-SUTTENG A SPEGEALTY ANDRE xvsas’ SE92 VINE Z312“ng I Special attention given to the prope: ntions of Fumilv and Veterinary xeceipt July 3rd, ‘84â€"lv. E. M. MORPH‘Y MILLER‘S TICK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER, (it 167, King St. East, Toronto, Hugh MMER my 1842 Kemefih Campbell 89 E05, MONTREAL. This famous B 'and. PURE. BRILLIAN'I and 'llfll'l)§t Task-- less. is tar super ‘ Norwrgmn Cod LIVOI' 0II yet in- Iroducetl. Cod Liver Oil! Richmond Hill,Apri1 30th And Music of eve always on hand at meuts tuned. The a call and inspeCt‘ attended to MUSIC STORE. QEJQEMQJW MILK», I BEST SETS We will in a. few days open a. new Music Stcre in the Village of Opposite Brown Bros. ] supvly CLARKE 8c SEAGER. VITALIZED AIR. MI'SICA L INST}! [TNIENTS more money th n M: auvtbing else by mkimz’ pnagenc for the best selling .4 Beginners . cceed m-nudly. None mus pm. HAL ATTBQQK Co., Portland, CHEMISTS 8L DRUGBISTS. BERT. ANDREWS. Praia). Imported and bottled only by ~ ESMBLISHED attw mattrttimnmtfi. “ SKREE ” NEW IN THE 0F nw'rons Ox van ‘to the proper propm‘ an 15611. 1884.â€"1Y :i-iption will be kept Mom prices. Instru- m‘e invited to give us :k. Orders promme km‘s, where a. full - $8.00 $10.00 1842 tight Building Lots for sale on Centre Stree East, only $100 each, 15 per cent‘ down for pick of the lots ; Also Two New Houses, Snow; on Richmond Street. mt. Lugsnw; BUIlBING LIFTS I?()l{ SAIJIE '3 Repairing promptly attended to. Geo. McDonald, RICHMOND HILL. Trunks, Valises. Horse Fur- nishings and all goods in our line constantly kept on hand Recently vacated by Mr. H. B. Dewsbury. 1 am now pre- pared to make all kinds of Harness in First-Class Style. HARNESS EMPOHIUM, Having commenced business in the T THE Chas. Trevethan. NEAT FITTING ! A NE\V AND FASHIONABLE TMLWENE ESTALISHMENT ATTENTION ! RICHMOND HILL, WILKINS’ BROS 166 King Street East, PAINTS, OILS, Besides working for the Merchants, I will keep on hand a fine as- sortment of Patterns. MECHANICS’ GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <1BUILDERS’i> Wheat Wheat 23 4-‘8 Leave your orders at once. GIVE US A CALL. Every attention paid to jUST OPENED IN Hmozm HILL Thursdnv. May r‘biqahel “30 I (o. _. Near George Street, Toronto. TOOLS. Eh: Wurkcts. AND AND 1300 520 114. 0002 50 “28.1881 a; a. 68 70 White FURNITURE, HARDWARE, CHO’JkE Try our 250. Tea. FLOUR & WILL BE Wall Paper LipktBorjlde‘I-ing That has: over Roan In Hun Lu...‘ AL THE READY MIXED PAINTS," ELL éEfiBfis Just received. A cordial invitation is extended to every perâ€" son to call and inspect my goods. Boots and shoes made to order on the shortest notice by first-class workmen. Call early and leave your orders. ROBT. SIVERS. I would take this opportunity of informing the public that lam carrying on the Boot and Shoe Business in the old stand. I would direct your special attention to my large and splendid stock of Buy :1 Porn-lain Chum i1 you want the Best. Call and see them. Prices: 6 gallon 5120. $7.50; 9 gallon Size. $85.00. Complete siock in Field. Ga C) 1 DELI: bKUb. SEED MERCHANTS, CORNER FRONT & JARVIS STS and consequently is as easily kept elem: as :1 china howl; it is 0. great saver of labor and so light-running that a child can work it; the qualin and quantity of butter made ; the ease of re moving the butter and cleaning the churn. The following are a [REV of "If many advaulngtw conceded to [he Perm-lain Churn by all who have med it : Its Lin-mt advantage over all others, being made 0! Agate la‘0fl,whicll presents a smince the same us your pmcelmnwnre dishes, “1" nol break 0! scale oil. wul no! rust or col‘l‘01lc,is impervious to heat. or cold, does plot shrink. swell or leak, norlnko “I In absorb any of the acids of cream, and consequently is as ezlsilv kom \Ve ofle merits. it Will mu STEELE BROS. & CO ‘Ve havea CEO] of which We will‘ class goods. In GRQ)C E El} SHIRTS 3c PANTS. a LARGE S HATS AW GAPS. SUNS M That has ever been In till-is town, at from 5 to per roll IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS SPRENG STOCK CQMPLETE SI’RING} IDIPORTATIONS All sizes. Full stock of Painte‘r’a materials. less than Toronto prices A large stock of THE NEW WLL SPRING HAS COME Ready for use. Lead,ginaintlTurpentine 8c Whitewash Brushes nntngoc con olain Churn: it: Its arr-mt m being made 0! resents n smincel an E STOCK 11 as chea} iishf‘s, wall no! oil. Will not as on hand the }argest new stmk of Field. Garden & Flower Souls of finest quality ALE ALL KINI AND ES. Glass: ESE. FLOUR A; F} nnnr SOI {T It )s X. MOODEE JSU AGE T0 939%. TOOK from 400138. up Sil ace d Hill lauos‘ AGAIN, rial t1 lumbl Sfiafi '1 2k of GROCERIES 'ple. NI PRICES WAGE“. :‘1 large Stuâ€"ck of rapid in motion. nd Sxmple to Learn" TORONTO. are THE PERIOD ng 15 now re ; on han keeping, u built,of t} ut mm and an buy, c you get it. ition la :1 all t1 ad tbte 1. all first-

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