' THE LIBERAL. $1 per annum, in advance] "In Essentz'als, Unity; in Non-Esscntials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†[Single copies, 3 Cts RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1885. ‘ Ellie gum †IS PUBLISJIED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING AT IHE LlBERlL PRlNTlNll <2 PUBLlSHlNB HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. T. E. MoMllHDll, EDITOR Mil PROIEIFTOR. amylrm BUSINESS CARDS- ._,_..,_’_. medical. ‘ GEORGE LAlN GSTAFF, THORNHILL. our" ‘ nronto Univer‘ â€".M.C. P. & 5. GE?! 133;;qu resident. constant surgeon to ' ~ to General Hospitul. _ (831cc and renounceâ€"One .loor South of 1". O. Oflice Hoursâ€"s to I0 a. 111.. & Etc 23. m. Dr. James Langston ANT‘ Dr. Lewis G. Langsmï¬a Members College Physiciunsll' Surgeons, Ont, RICHMOND HILL. ONT. .â€"n.â€" 3‘ " wwww af-\£,;:'x‘k;l_lalll(', In Ofï¬ce hours: 8 to 9 30 n. lll..llll<l to . , Dr. “2 J. \Vilson. V l- -: " 1' '\ ism. Illrnlwy (‘0 : nslillirt .llIIto of Stoulfville " r u _' gin moprl ‘Hlll, Oflicc HOUIS Ste 10 ul'niqstothm. , ~ Silrtrcinm'y. F. HE‘VIT , Veterinary surgeon,Gmduulc of Ontario Vet. [lo a, Toronto. GflDislgmses of all the treated. RESInENCE: â€"â€" 8TH AVEN‘CE. J. '1‘. NATTRESï¬a Domesticated Animals WOODBRIDGE. .â€"._ " ' Sur eon Graduate Ontario Veteri- ‘ ewnnary g Calls promptly attenéleél . u- sModemte. Diseases of Horses, a â€" tlb, scgizmiiï¬cslly treated by the latest meth- l Horses bought and sold on 00111111165101] and l nary College, Toronto 095. I A examined asior soundness. Union-Opposite Palmer House Richmond Hill, "â€"â€" harm. l Wmeczgeo gem USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGE/3N DENTIST. '1 a... _ thoukhil for the favors of {DJ Past 90 YOM‘S may stillhe consulted in any branch of the pro. fession, as follows : Aurora,lst,8th,18th,and 52an of each month Richmond Hillâ€... .901 an 1 24th (In, (at the Palmer H cruel! Stoufl'ville... , .. nth lo. Morkham......... .lo. VictoriaSqunro.. . . . do. I'hornhill......,.. do. Woor‘lbridge do. Kleinburg . .. , .. . . , do ï¬obletnn .. .. , , . .AUt‘n o Jr'ltalued AiI' always on hurl at appointments, Works lllie a charm Fri-e from vain. Address A RCLllJFON LL.S..AuroruOnt. {5. ll. Husband. L. I). 5., anrrsr. NEWTON BROOK. Will visit the following places professionally :â€" Unionville lst Monday of each month eston .. th and Blot “ ‘ ï¬mï¬e {it}: " " Richmond on, i v! Woodbridgu . 2nd Mr. Husband wr re found in his, ofï¬ce, New- ton Brook, every Saturday, except when Satur- uav falls on the above dates. â€"r~'sL-H I m lousy. Money 10 Loan. Alamo amount of Money to Lend on farm or ggzuropeI-Ly intorost7 percent; no commisâ€" “USE MACDONALD, MERRITT A: C0. Union Loni; buihlin a Toronto Money to Loan $100,000 or Private Funds to 1400.!) on Furrn lfropcity at lowest rates of in- terest_ to Duff‘ofl Mort-gages (Lt lngherretcs or for building, draining, or other purposes, Mortgugos 33ml Municipal llclwntui'c» purchasud. Farmers u'lll save money by applying direct to E. R. REYNOLDS, 52 Adelaide St, East, Toronto. or to T. F. MUMAHDN, Editor of LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. I wean. murmur I. numeric, Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 860.. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"ch5†of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES _o__ A. G. F. LAWRENCE. T. C. MILLIGAN» i8. $9 MEYEOEAEQ BARRISTER-AT-LAW, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, 800. 52 ADELAIDE-ST. EAST, TORONTO. removes FREE TO CLIENTS. HALL, FAIILL‘AIQI‘ON a: Coon. BARRISTERB, SOLICITORS, &c. OFFICES: 18 limo SrnnE’b EAs’r, Tonom Richmond Hill 1’. 0. Every Saturday. lW.M. HALL J.S.FULLARTON. W.COOK. I ‘ mBF/‘ATE FUNDS 'ro pom. â€˜ï¬ W Stimulation. Salem Bcknrdt. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock, 9150., promptly attended to a t reasonable rates, P. 0. address UNIOMLE. _.... J. Wank €51 ' Importer of Vi'atcliesmlocks and ï¬ne jeWelJery 5 a, stock of Diamonds and pTOPlOllï¬styOnes flguys oh hnnd. THIRD DOOR SOUTH OF Q Ed STREET, TORONTO. IE’MHIquacturih an mmflgwollary, and re nirinqofwatchcs and aloe s on 1:110 ui':l‘““‘73-§L “CW-367, . , Tl . kingmir rutronsanu11:371an thelrhb‘ eralparrnnngc ii. the. past we beg to state that I we lirxojust receiveil a large stock ofnowgoorls ‘ in lutr‘st designs. A lame stock of Elgin and Waithum wutcheskcntonhand. S. M. Brown. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- Bpectfully solicits your patronage and friendly . whence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasons-i: mics. P. (7. Address, » Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. James C. Stokes. , Licoused Auctioneer for the Coimt; «it'm-k, re. specufully solicits ysurpntronoue and friendly inflrouce. Sales attended on the shortest notice mm M: reusonebe rates. P. 0. address, King. ! N. J. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Stiles Attended on the shortest noticc.and it rea- cbe rates. Address Stoufl'vxlle P. 0 ’,-__ A. WRIGHT & SON, UNDERTAKERS, ‘ " “‘"â€"‘+‘J rig-merit! Funnruhhlgsmuys on H 3 ml m THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Wilmer. Benj. Bniligci‘. Having reï¬tted the above House and furnish- nd it in ï¬rstâ€"class style, I am prepared togive the public the best of accommodation. Excellent wailing and attentive hostlers, Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nection. Terms ner (lav. RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LlVERY STABLES. Daily Express to Toronto. Special a'teution given to moving household furniture, pianos. &c., &c. FIRSTâ€"CLASâ€"s LIVERY. Special Rates to Commercial Travellers Li'F‘DOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL. NORTHERN &’NORIH WESTERN RAILWAYS. 1 Thth not: :9 and Manitoba. For U 2910†East em! West. iclets, Rates, am. apply to I T. DILWORTH. Agent N. A: N. W. Rys., ROBERT QUINN, Richmond Hill. General Passenger Agent. Central Book of Generic! Dividend N o. 8, VOTICE is hereby given that a. Dividend of 1 three per cent upon the paid up Capital Stock of this Institution, has this day been de. clared for the current half year, and that the some Will be payable at the Bank audits Branch- es on and after Monday. the lst day of Juno next. The Transfer Books will ho closed from the 17th to Blot Mav, lmth days Inclusive. The annual general meeting of the ShareholdT em Will be held at the Bank on Monday, the 15th do. ol'June next, the chair to be taken at twelve o'c ock noon. By order of the Board. A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. Toronto. 21rd April, 1885, Emwuamm Organist Trinity Church.'1‘hornhill, is open to receive pupils in Vocal and Instrumental Music. Apply at the M slc Store. Richmond Hill. Pianos tune . Terms moderate. COPY OF CEIQTEICATE. We. the undersignedqlo hereby certify that Wm.Mumford Clarke has this day successfully passed his ï¬rst degree in Music. and therefore he shall be classed as a Professor. . W. F.C. BATCHELOE, M. D. SW“ {3. w. BAxTER. M. M. London. Eng. ‘Mn unsung, 8 mo m ABVANGE. Richmond Hill, April 30th. ’ LAR IcH †Brampton villighmond Hill Young Canadians victorious The Lacrosse Match played here last Saturday, for the medal and the \Vcstcm District Chumpionship. was a very excit- ingone, and the result shows that tlte long chain of victories by the “Young Canadians†is still unbroken. Although playing against one of the foremost clubs in the province, the home team scored three straight gamed with the greatest casein ï¬fteen, thirty-ï¬ve, and nine min- utes. The honors for putting the ball through the goals were divided, Savage ending the ï¬rst. A. Pugaley the second, and Piper, the third game. The clouds were heavy all during the forenoon and threatened rain, notwith. standing which, people came in from all quarters, and, although the rum “was pouring down at three o’dock wncn play commenced, the grand stand was packed with ladies, and the fences surrounding the grounds were literally covcrul With the male sex. The Richmond Hill Cornet Band was prescdt, and enlivened the in- p tervals with selections Of‘ music. Al- though the Visilm‘s had the advantage lll ' ‘ weight, when they fink“. T‘Th "Hm? 3‘70 liner looking clubs never appeared on our lacrosse grounds, the white shirts of the “ Young Canadians †presenting :1 mark- ed contract will] the (lurk blue of the “ Excelsiors.†The following are thl names and positions of each club: YouNG CANAJJIASS. EXCELSIons .l McConoghy Goal J Ashcnhurst ' W Wiley Point J (‘- Rubens W Miller Cover-point F Lowes T 192;;~ I F Mam I) Pugslcy Defence Field { II James C 8119310 1“. Fulhs F Powell Centre '1‘ Glsallcnlync JPiper (l l‘vmker M Palmer Home W Mihicr A I‘ugslcy S (1113-111I up; ear I - l \‘lc m s (SJSSEvacbbl InSldev Home ’1: Power M Wilson Ficldflupta‘vn â€" The ground was very slippery owing,r to the rain, and the many tumbles in Coll- aequence must have been enjoyed Innrc by the spectators than by the players. “With this draw-back *he play was good on both sides, the " freelsiors †placing their stron est men 01'; defence. Conse< qneï¬fly’tï¬greivérEW'efyiï¬ew shots on the goals of the “ Young (’03! adians." Tllu play throughout wwoMc must friendly nature, not a dispute of any kind having occurred to mar the afternoon’s enjoy» merit. Mr. J. Patterson acted :13 micron, and, although the duties involving upon . . . I'll, 1‘. ‘3 A...‘.. 1 mm were 115m, .19 perioruiC . m the satisfaction of all concerned. Early in the evening the visitors left on their western journey, feeling: satisï¬ed that they had done their best, but were unable to wrest from the victors the de- sired laurels which they formerly held. Brampton may well feel proud of its lacrosse team, who are a. courteous and reï¬lled class of young men, and tho game which they played on Saturday was in every way on-thyo‘ a. champion tonm, whilst Richmond Hill has every reason to feel elated over ils latest victory. School Reports. Report of Currvllle School for the month of May: SENIOR III. 1, Chas. Coombs, 2. Robbie Marsh, 3, M. Wakeï¬eld, J. E. Jones. 4, J. W. Bone, F. J. Seager, 5, Bertie Coombs, , O. H. Hollingshead. JUNIOR III. 1, O. 15. Appleton, , Lou. Tester, . Wm. Cowmbs, Selena Coombs, \Vm. Garvin, _ , Bertie \Vliilty. J. Bussmcrnwnrours, Teacher. gum-s JVI 1, Ida. Mcllish, Lucy Noss, , C. H. Rupert, Cami-cow GUPCONJ Honor Roll of Jefferson School for the month of May: 81311101; IV. JUNIOR IV. 1. Roht. Gibson, 1. Bella Gibson, 2. Jennie Newbery, 2. Chas Noble. 3. L‘bbie Legge, 3. Annie Carson. 4. \anter Gale, CLASS 111. 5. Annie Gibson. 1. Geo. Newbery, 6. G. Graham, 2. Lessie Legge, 3. Carrie Playtcr, 4 Amy Newberv, 5. Gracie Newbcry, (5. Fred Robinson, SENIOR II. JUNIOR II. 1. Frank Legge, 1. Hean Homer, 2, \Vm. Gibson, 2. E. Conwatli, 3. Geo. Legge, 3. F. Cumincr, 4:. H. Gamble, 4. Flovio Mortson. SENIOR I. 1. Ernie Joyce, 2. Thus. Noble, 3. Chas. Leggc, 3. L. Mnrtson, 4. Tlios. Glass, 4. Tillie Garness. J. C. RL'TllDlilv‘OId), Teacher. JUNIOR 1. 1. Rich. Noble, 2. Jennie German, Honor Roll for Richmond Hill Public School for the month of May. FORM I. A l cuss. A 2 CLASS. 1. Alex Sims, 2. Louie Fugue, 3. Willie Powell, 4. Delia Palmer, 1. Flora. Hopper, 2. Roscoe Law, 3. Minnie Smiles, 4. Jessie Cooper, F). Swdie Morgan, 1'). Lillie Caracadde‘n G. Tillio Trench, 6. Lizzie Palmer. E. A. SPRAGIIE, Teacher. FORM U. armor: m. JUNIOR m. 1. Maggie Lewrs, 1. Emma Sivers, 2. \Valker Hall, 2. Joseph Keefler, 3. Carrie Wilson, 3. Maud Bailey, 4. VVilber Sliccle, 4. Phoebe Smiles, 5. Eliza Mulroney, 6. Minnie Redditt, (5. Willie Dotson, 6. JOB. Blanchard. BENIoII II. JUNIOR. II. 1. Maggienlovcr, 1. Mattie Harrison, 2. Alex. Reid, 2. M. McConnell, 3. Florence Tyrrell, 3. Fred Redditt, 4. Louie Harrison, 4. Arthur VVier, 5. Jan Falwmbridgcfl. Lillie Clifford, 6. Merrit Wilson, 6. Ernest Iledditt. 'l‘. M. Rurncurakb, Teacher. FORM Ill. SENIOR. JUNIOR. 1. F. Shear-clown, 1. Percy Powell, 2. Robbie Michael, 2. Susie Trench, 3. F. Sheppard, 3. Lottie Hopper, ,4. E. Sheppard, If. Sheppard, I 5. 'l'hos. Miles, 5. \V m. uoutlIWafte, 6. A. Slicppard, G. H. Sanderson. M. WILEY, Teacher. FORM IV. FIRST DIVISIHN. SECOND DIVISION. Harry Glover, 1. Frank Miles, Julia Lynelt, 2. Fred. Hopper, Rich. (lnrncss, 3. Norton King, Duvid Trickcr, 4. Ella McConnell, Thos. Mulroney, 5. Efï¬e Benson, erase 6: Annie Glass. G. Edie Hopper. THIRD DIVstoN. 1. Jennie NIcNair, 2. Fannie Bunnick, Elsie Teasdall, 4, Ellie Reid, 5. Herbie Hooper, 6. Mary Douthwaite. J. CILUIUKSHANK. Teacher. 6': Stanth Dr of pu‘pils for the month of May, in S. No. 6, Vaughan. FORM I. cuss v. cuss 1v. 1. Silas Shrink. ]. Isaac Crooks. 2.."A. Line. 2. L. Rumble. 3. M. McDonald, 3. EZ'Campbell. 4. L. McLaughlan. 3rd. JUN. 3rd. 4 1. Ella}. Powers, 1. Fred Smith. " f m 34=rnnn 2. C. Campbell A. A. Juc‘.._c.i. 5. Hullio Jackson. 3. Amelia Shunk. 4. Sarah Young. 4. Lulu Sliunk. J. E. CLUBIND, Teacher. FORM II. SEN. 2nd. JUN. 2nd. 1. Jos Gardnen 1. M. Dilwul‘th. 2. M. Rumble. 2. W. Duffy. 3. Helium Rupert. 4. Pessic Crooks. 3. F. Rumble. 4. T. Dllfly. SENIOR 1 st Class. 1. L. Gardner. 2. M. Gardner. 3. D. Rupert. 4. E. Glass. E. MILLER, Teachrr. Honor Vlioll of Patterson School for the month of May: '~ F0 URTE CLASS 1. Chris Seymour, 2. Jars Hailey, SENIOR III 1. Jun Seymour, 2. (icrtie Smith, 3. Kate Hntfcv, 3. Mary Rumble, 4. Harry Hardy, 4. Harvey Cook, u. A. Bussingthwaitcï¬. James Mundey. JI'NIOII III SENIOR II I. Orvil Drury, 1. Willie Savage, 2. Bertie Uillis, 2. Joe Mundey, 3. L McWillIauIs, 3. Willie Rumble. 4. Mary Mulbolland,4. Nellie Kirkland, 5. Albert Albiu. JUNIOR II SENIOR I . Alex Findlay, 1. M.Bassingthwaite . Louis Halley, 2. Mary do. 3. Bella Hawkins. . Minnie Albin, 4. Aggie Kirkland, ' . Mary Rumble, JI'NIOR I 1. May Savage, ". Isaac Mulhollaml, . Lizzie Rhmble. . Bertha Findlay, . Frank Rumble. H. A. NICHOLLS, Teacher. 1 2 3. Nellie Kelley, 4 5 v CHAR: Honor Roll of Concord School for the month of May. I‘LASS IV 1. Funny Buwes, 2 Kate Enright, ,3 Rnlpll Page, '4 John Teasdale, 5 Daniel Madden, SENIOR II 1 Agnes Madden, 2 Eliza Golland, 3 Martha Uster, 3 Beatrice Smellie, 4 Percy Qumnz, 4 Charles Keyfl. 5 Kitty Bron“, 5 Arthur Wmsw, CLAss III 1 Thomas Gordon, 2 Isaac Bennett, 3 Nelson Smellle, 4 Robert Dean, 5 Maggie Oster, JL'NI'JR II 1 Ada Bennett, 2 Ida 'l‘casdall, f‘LASS I 1 Janet Riddell, 2 Getty Keï¬er, 3 John Ellis, 4 May Keller, 5 Etty Keller, CHESTER ASLING, Teacher, W Joseph Rusan, Percy, writes: “ I was induced to try Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil for a lameness which troubled me for three or four years, and found it the best article I ever tried. It has been a great blessing to me.†Beware of similarly named articles; they are imitations of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. m Obituary. His end was pence, _ Helms entered into his rest DICK-In Richmond HIU. on Monday. June lst. the WW. Jars. Dick, BCHIO!‘ Pastor of the Pres- byterian Chum:thI of Richmond Hill and Thomhill, in the 77th year of his ago. The subject of this notice was born in Drumbsne, Ayrshire, in Scotland, and was educated at the Glascow University, and having entered the ministry early in life he preached with acceptance ï¬rst in Scotland, and afterwards in the North of England. But upon his father and the rest of the family moving to Canada, he also Concluded to cast his lot in this coun- y The ï¬rst charge that he held in this grovi’llcc was inlhc Township of Why, in the county or l’lcterborough. But lll . the year 1849 he received a unanimous call from the Presbyterian Church of this place and that of Thornhill to become their pastor, and trusting in the strength and assistance of his Divine Master he accepted the charge. Of the success of» his labors since that time, the large and flourishing congregations in Laskay anti Tcmperanceville in the Township of King, which were formed through his exertions, and which grew so rapidly that they soon became a separate charge, and also the increased membership in the church hero and Thornhill, abundantly testify. And although of a modest, unassuming nature yet he was ever ready with a kind and scasonable word of warning, to those that were in danger of going astray; and of encouragement to the anxious enquirer on his way lieavenward, always appealing to the Law and Testimony as proof of his statements. And although through the inï¬rmities of age he was compelled in the year 187-7 to give the more active. work of the ministry. yet his zeal in the great work of winning souls for Christ did not abate. for when strength per- mitted he was olw be found at the prayer meeting and by the bed of sick- ness. and as a teacher in the Bible Class, his superior was hard to find. By a. strictly christion walk and conduct he “"1 in obtain t t was cnaumc . he “temp 0 3†who knew him, and ministers and mem- bers of other denominations considered it an honor to be acquainted with him. He leaves behind him a surrowing wife, who has been the partner of his joys and sorrows for many years, and one 8011, Mr. John Dick, of Listowell, and one daughter, the wife of Mr. Robert. McKcun of Port Dover. They were all with him at the time of his deceasc. Tlicy mourn, but not as those who mourn without hope. The earthly tabernacleâ€"â€"his bodyâ€"rc- mains with us; we place it in the grave where it will mix with kindred (lust, and rest until the last trumpet shall sound, when the dead in Christ shall arise ï¬rst. But that living principalâ€"his immortal soulâ€"ls now crovbeu in me meé Tubes of Christ’s Righteousness, and in the presence of the great Triuue Jehovah is enjoying the reward of the faithful.â€" COM. L _.> ,._ *1, 87} In Memoriam. At a. meeting of the W. C. '1‘. Union of . this village held on the evening of the 2nd inst, the following resolutions were unanimously confirmed:â€"Thct the mem- bers of this Union have heard with the deepest regret of the death of their ven- erable and beloved friend, the late Rev. James Dick, and feel that in him :lIo temperance cause has lost an able ad V0- cato and true friend; also that the heart- felt sympathy of this Union be extended to the bereaved family in their irreparable loss, with the wish that thcv may accept this slight tribute to the mem‘rry of one whose whole life exempliï¬ed Hut “ Char- ity which thinketh no evil.â€~ Con. James Cullen, Fool's lsliwl, N. F,, writes: I have been watchm the prog- ress of Dr. Thomas Eclectrlc Hi] since its introduction to this place, an v with much pleasure state that my arm-n » lions of its I success have been fully n-nl / I, it having cured me of bronchitis and nreness of nose; while not a few of : rheumatic neighbors (one old lady in icnlar) pro- nounced it to be the best role of its kind that has ever been lv- {lit before the public. Your nlk'dlc «as not re- quire any longer a sponw - ut if you wish me to not as such, I ll be only loo happy to have my connected with your prospz " ‘v's rlm