In its issue of May 28th, the Markham Sun treats Mr. Badgerow to nearlv‘a column of senseless a~ buse. The language used to prove that that gentleman is exactly what a decent person is not, however short it may tall of its intention, af- fords incontestable evidence of the animus which pervades the illustri- ipus journal which, as its proprietor “has exultingly, if not truthfully, asâ€" serted, 15 read and copied in all parts ot Canada and the United Kingdom. We shall not insult Mr. Badgerow .,by offering him sympathy in this storm of brick-bats. His late is the fate of all who dare to raise a pro- testing voice against the Franchise Bill, His fate is the fate of all who think that the welfare of this country 35 of more importance than the con- (matinee in power of the present Iere cult 1 its cc ed or that c which ‘ Beard y Strike-J worth 1e \V 111 it sought Ottawa. V will pass. ed if it effec object,whic the Liberal 10m. Our c the We ant101pate< answers to the a] tot people 01 Untaru less spirited that guided Metis, WI cation dared to t fence of their rigr of the 8an v When a rough in Toronto. or oth- er large place, indulges in any of his coarse pranks, he is promptly arrest- ed, ï¬ned or imprisoned, and to his name, character and antecedents is given the greatest publicity by the city dailies. Now, while we can do little towards the attainment of the ï¬rst part of the above procedure, we can tolerably till the latter part of it. And we think that our duty to the public, especially to the public of this village, imperativer demands that we should perform as much of the programme as lies in our power. Fights which take place at Fairs be wre happex of thos w 11116 And we think th: public, especially this village, imp that we should pt the programme a RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, June 4, ’85 THE MARKIIAM “ SUN†AND G W. BADGEROIV. @119 gamma. telv rom roam ill whic uu,‘( Pasture to let-Gr nt papgrs, e nan II 11: enacts m a g actnvhich is to 1 Liberal party a Our consolati ple of Ontario NEW ADVERTISEMENTS thé Wth suc matter a oxasldcra mment WATER VIS .S'I'I'.-IGGER 3C0 [1685 W 1 nt 1n tOC )I 1V 1! UK W. Cummer latlon 15 that the 0 will not be founc u the wretched, mis ho with less prove take up arms in de‘ [1113 and liberties. kc place at bars gatherings. are in :5 out of a hundred aceful exhibxtions of Ier ,oubted rights em. To him reat degree it )pelessly crippl the next elect m is that th 31' thtmgly :ate and ranchisc, 6 actually 15mg 35 possible . ? D4 ieve t1 th 31' " Week, Wbrb l the Witness 1 its ï¬rst appea ndemned th 1 us why S )nly the faction th antempor queries. the ¢ the I 3 iran the 16 J11 Ell 1t to th dustri right UL the 1f COL nfortu i 1] surpn rriste 31' it urban 1me am JI lnte tin the )undl rid 1t the no grotesque hec offensive. ‘ Now what i UOUDCII w1 whereby the speedily sei; Cleansing ac we undertak profanity and cowardic the swaggering 1diot, a‘ ho‘wling, stamping an He does not want to ï¬g Written in every line of} features. H'e screams 1 though a little water x him as limp and quiet a can thrashâ€"well, every cept those who are near he knows not only can I; He dashes his clothes with most reckless di private property, h incoherent oaths and then he Wilts as soon a man to whom he ulanty us. 'I importunitie in some can To the Editor of THE LIBERAI DEAF. SIR,â€"-In last we your paper, it was stated U at the marriage ceremony 0 Kaiser and Miss Hannah I Permit me to say the n1 correct, as such ceremony ‘ formed by me. Sherwood Pleasant as syrup; nothing equals it as a worm medicine; the name is Mgther Gx‘aves’ Worm Exterminatosj. 11H] :cency. We would sav, gn £11 a wide berth, and it 1 yuraged, those cormoran‘ cit occupation will soon be :se cowar lock-up, BI betti 11 1t )Wln 3V lemen th Miss Hannaï¬ Buddy. me to say the notice was in- suoh ceremony was not. per- me. ALEX. MCLAUGHLIN June 3rd, 1885. W s Incorrect 3.1] j] 11’ ‘r thf and atermtv f1 X'lT )I‘ 1} 1t , as be cc and plung ï¬ght, mm of his disto as for blood r would n arr bulli urpose 01 vic- yield to their Jdacity, which 1 all limlts of say, give to all md it not en- feels nd it n rmorant [BYE 'y person ex- ar him or who but will ï¬ght. on the ground regard of his ‘ shouts out threats, and as approaches eels that his m eek’a Issue 0! mt I ofï¬ciated :f Mr. Joshua ame amon members c 211'1 U! tches 1t the ol sellir vould l ZI'C ii 40C may itc If if attend DTOVC torted )d, a1- make an we. wit} haw an sib < at mes 'ing. )1 in )1] I 1n ith Erin‘ss £1: Ginghams Embroideries '& Laces Shiftings & Cattonades Wall Papers Knicker Suits Bovs’ ‘ SNEATH & GRENMAN. immense Ties 59 Ladies’ Sunshades Children’s Silks 8c Blinds Garden At Lowest Prices OUR SPEBIALTIES Pg? Felt Ready-B Currants & Raisins Canned Goocls &c., &c. Sailors @rdered Straw Nobbv Nl'l Teas Bargains in Eress Goods. A. Call Solicited. For Cash or Trade. Colored SQV Clothing Eosiery Tweeds. Collars Coffees Satins othing. V Suits Shirts Erloves Seeds 110:3.“ Hats Hats. 74 0 : INEW SHIRT 'IIFH PHOW‘IGFH ‘- ‘uaweq‘ eq qouueo qsaqï¬gq eq; go pm; ‘SNODDVM 3N1 581N213 'SAHHHHS 'SHIDDHH i SNINHOJ ‘SC-IISDHS dOl NOISNHlX ‘SIIOl-BBILEI NEW yBE c (1» N03 i885. LUWES’ THE WEE PROOF, NE\V DliiiSS GOODS, MUSLINE“, VELVETS. Bashmeres; Prim; Hnsémy; Carpets.&cn SUITINGS IN BLACK {i2 COLORED. WORSTEDS, TWEEDS, 860. TAPESTRY, WOOL, UNION & HEMP CARPETS, BEST VALUE IN TOWN. INSPECTION INVITED ’ ISAAC CROSBYQ, iii SE-SVIHEVO GEHSINILIIE New Gotmmdes I NOS 9? JJIi‘ifDIHA’X ‘1 " ONCRE “31113 O IIBABH Axe} ' SJ J13 IUST OPE Idsyp lsaug 91p, pueq u mmense Stool SPLENDID STOCK OF n1 SEJ‘I ENG 1885 I y usnï¬na JIWI‘EV {NH and 5m pawn p1). “ q smote :1 5m pmegn em Palms 139‘} 3‘“ If XIV fTT [‘fl uuszsuo NED OUT AT £11193 0} SWWNWM D (10 NTS [k ENGS I W at the CBS 19308 IMHO .SEIIGV'I as 02 n2} qou 0C 3!.133801 g0 puw w (low 10 1w )JOAOO 5835i