TORONTO Brock Street Queen's Wham Parkdmlo ............ aveupor . Thornhill. .. RICHMUND 1 King.. Aural-ah. . . Newmarket Kin RIP The Davel Nest \V e Parkdrile TOROM‘ PRUCTUR’S STAGE H011: Mail R1 at Expres Jail, S The ï¬rst Lawn Party of the sea. given by the Headford Sabbath S the beautxful grounds of Mr. J as. I Tuesday, June 16th. Various g: amusements will be furnished. Boston Creams, Lemonade, ML, fr. the grounds. In the evening a Li Musical Entertainment will be giv church, by the School. Ten 50} 4.30 to 7. Doors open at 7.30 ,- ment to commence at 8. Admia‘ tree, concert 15 cents. anxmus to m at the†NHL game. The Fair Gtoun mOl' Cheap ( The Canadian P The ninth number of “'1“ torial and Illustrated War us. It. contains the follow In the skirmish line at Bl Batallion at Port Arthur; M. P. P. West York, com: Field Battery; 9. Zereba m Artillery shelling the Rebel besides a graphic two-page titled “The Bayonet charge For the Nobbiest up in the lates fashi Cash House is the r legc rwmm’l astur City Hall Union St: alue HM ‘eas at Mr. Wu ut The fun POST 01156 The T} aeautif deceasl the C luds hill 11’6 let ‘INCr Mm] Lawn Party TIME TABLE mug : Batoch at 1T ldi 9.1 rich-west J Creek rani rs and :e and ale on H and in the L from will be 1t ten I Thi Laid toRcst. The funeral of the late Esther M‘ Keefler took place from her father‘s residence on Friday last. Sad it seemed for sorrowina relatives and loving friends to part with one so young, so amiable, and so good. On the coffin was placed a beautiful Floral Anchor from her fellow-pupils of the Public school with whom she was a general favorite. Her school companions marched in the funeral procession, and followed the deported to St. Mary’s Church. where service was read by Rev. W. W. Bates. Her remains were then taken and laid to rest in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Deceased had a kind disposition. a sweet temper, and was dearly beloved by A Correction. In the prize list published last week, Miss Maggie Kellar was credited with onlv having received second prize for flaming stockings. This was a mistake, as she was awarded ï¬rst prize. We cheerfulh make the correction, and congratulate the young damsel on her dexterity, as it is n handiwork of which she mny well feel ,proud. The many frlends of Miss Marie 0. Strong, who was so enthusiastically received at the conceit in the Methodist Church on the 25th u“... will be pleased to note the following ox- tmet from a letter to a friend in this village : " (in Thursday last, I was surprised to re- ceive from Toromo a large handsome gold locket, inlaid with diamonds and rubies. and engrave!) on the back is my name. with the concert, in the Methodist Chu u“... will be pleased to note t1 tnch from a letter to a friend " On Thursday last, I was su codve from Toronto 21 large ] locket, inlaid with diamonds ‘ eugmven on the back is my D u. sweet hemp all who knew eski, a P( Temperm evening v \ ing addre I quor trafl I in which ed. His The Monthly Union Temperance Meeting was held in the Methodirt Church last Mon- day evening. The body of the church was well ï¬lled, Rev. W. R. Barker occupied the chair, and in opening the meeting, made some happy remarks on Temperance, and stroneg condemned the action of the San- ate in mutilating the Scott Act. Col. Sobi- eski, a Polish gentleman, and a. prominent Temperance worker was the speaker of the evening who gave his audience an interest. ing address. dwelling principally on the Li- I quor trafï¬c as carried on in the United States, in which country he has extensively travel]. ed. His lecture was interspersed with illus- trationa and amusing anecdotes. At the close, a vote of thanks, 1110de by Rev. J'. W. Cameron, and seconded by Rev. Mr. Totten was tendered the lecturer for his address. The meeting was brought to a. close by sing- ing the Doxology. Rev. W. R. Barker pro- nouncing the benediction. HocTonâ€"On the Second Concession of Vaughan, on Tuesday, June and. Barney Hector. aged 83 years. DICKâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Monday, June lst, Rev. Jae. Dick.Presbyten'nn Minister, in the 77th year of his age. CAMERONâ€"FARRâ€"At the residence of the bride's father, on the 3rd inst.,by the Rev.D. Came- lou, Alexander, second son of Archibald Cameron, Esq, 61711 C011. Vaughan. to Jennie. third daughter of Mr. John Farr, Toronto. éeipt of stnmï¬. A. H.DfXON Street. west.Toronto Canada. Mr. H. McCaw, Custom. House. To- rnnto, wriws: “ My wife was troubled wi’vh dyspepsia and rheumatism for a long time; she tried many different medicines, but did not get any relief until she used Noxthrop & Lyman’s Vegetable Discov- ery and Dyspeptic Cure: She has taken We bottles of it, and now ï¬nds herself in better health than she has been for years. the wife of (Vii. Filgan. bf Twins? ' McLEANâ€"Iu Maple on Friday, May 29th, the wife of R.McLecm of a San. BARRYâ€"In Maple, on Tuesdtw, June 2116. the wue of Malcolm Barry, of a son. Temperance Meeting The Monthly Union Temperanc; was held in the Methodipt Church lay evening. The body of the ct CATARRHâ€"A new Treatment where ' this hitherto incurable disease is permanentr cured in from one t6 three applications, no utter whether standing: for one year or forty are. Descriptive pamphlet sent free on re- ipt‘of stqtg‘p. A: HZDIXQN d: SON 305 King WiL‘ man on t! liments o awe 1D A Token of Apprccmtion. Oran d( In ldl 111 invitati lll ale! A1 for r w i1 31 to of NIARRIAGES off acr Jpl alert: :eville June. BE R'I‘IIS. part DEATHS 1D it 1B ild re “ Young Canadians " iusv season. At a busi- 1 Wednesday evening, S'Q'Cfld from Cannington. Wu and Markham. all ses. The Secretary was auuington stating that at this team at Uxbridge nedi Be wasinstrnotcd naming oaturdny, the for the championship nere. In answer to an the “ Excelsiora †ask- xdiana " to play a friend- 91, it was decided to vhat arrangements and , and if satisfactory, to . On motion it was also in the Lacrosse Tourn- m Dominion Day. proâ€" ‘ed that this team has 58ng sticks with the 'erton Mee al mph the ‘ suing Th1_us_day, May 28th high Mi Harpist met of C atri iii fri Club Mi at of Canada ; m, world-re- ‘icult instru- Llled humorist ‘edstone, cele- mique. Be- order. The ufï¬cient guar- 19 most. varied weptunce of .f my grant. ‘lli mid without nimtion and Alto d to take O'Leury, ss Minnie Ito; Miss Tickets, concert to Pianist ; Professor Violinist; 1 us- for I .5th, The take Mr Rev. Mr. Miller. of Willowdale, win preach in the Methodist. chureh here next Sunday morning. Miss Devlinne and Miss Grise. of Midland. and Miss Lynett, of " Pleasant Home Farm." spent a. few days with Miss Riley 11:: this village. ML Jae. Newton. jr panied by Mr. E. J. D left on Tuesday for connected with their 1 Mr. A. F. chk, pubnsher of the Peri Banner in the town of Brampton. attended the Inarosse match here on Saturday last, and called on THE LIBERAL. (Shaikh '0er Sdndny afternoon last, a very im- pressive sermon an the death of Miss E. Keefler, from Matthew 9:11, and 25th verse. fur recovered from hi to resume his businee was in the village on friendly cull. Mr. J. H. Sanderson started on Tuesdnv on his Eastern trip With his supply waggon, containing Sanderson’s Infnillble Oils, &c. He intends going as far as Brighton, and will be gone ubuul two weeks. gone. The 1 speht the day racing and fo: the day at party from N an appenranc: apBeamnce 01 One evening lately your bad the opportunity of wit practic; at lacrosse by the‘ The boys are a stout, healt lows and take a. lively" ir game, and with a. few w they will make an excollen Messrs. Edlot last Saturday ev 2 p. m., and diet efl'nrt was made Inflammation of cause. The ï¬shing seasnn has commenced. Almost every day there are ï¬shing and boating parties from different parts Visit- ing the Eake On Monday, May 18th, Mrs. J. Legge, of Bond’s Lake, presented her husband with a. son. BC“) doing well. The majority of our citizens visited Richmond Hill on Saturday last; to Wit- ness the lacroase match, and all returned well pleased with the result. and we trust the “ Ynqu Canadians†may long be victorious. The scholars of St. John’s S. S. intend holding their annual pic-nic at Bond’s Lake, on Thursday. 11th inst. Mr. J. Falconer, of Tom the Burgh last Sunday. That valuable entire hora “ Black Prince.†died at. 0:: Friday last. He was the pr W. Jn-mpn of Yur- People who reside or sojourn in regions of country where fever and ague and bil- ious remittent fever are prevalent,should be particularly careful to regulate di- gestion. the liver and the bowels, before the apprcach of the season for the periâ€" odic malady. The timely use of North- rop & Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure is a, valuable safeguard against the malarial scourge. It is ac- knowledged to be the best blood puriï¬er m the market. From our own Correspondent. It being some time now since any items appeared in your paper from Laskay. I felt it my‘duty to acquaint our fellow citizens with the improvements that our enterprising little Village has undergone during the last six months. The Dr. is still retaining his practice. He had a. very bad wound to attend to last week; one of Mr Rulling’s boys out his foot with a drawing knife, but with the assistance of Mr \Vatson was able to tie up the foot in good style. Mr Henry Gordon, who has been seri- ously ill for the past month, is slowly re- covering. We hope he may soon be able to be areund again. The ï¬rst is the woo been all overhauled, z ery laid aside. and re new machmery, so th doing ï¬rst-class work The next is the Bawes House. He has ï¬tted up his yard by putting up a stylish picket fence and planting unm- meutal trees, so that his part of improv- ing has added greatly to the appearance of our town. The Queen’s Birthday passed ofl" very quietly here; the greatest excitement was ï¬shing. Some or the boys went to No- bleton in the afternoon. I don’t know how they fared,but looked very well next morning. We go further up the street to the Rolling House, and we see another great change by the erection of a. new fence, after the fashion of that of Mr. Bowes. Do not stop yet, there is still room for improvement. . The great topic here is talkingof hav- ing a sidewalk. We think there are places that have sidewalks that could do without a. great deal better than Laskay, for sinCe the rebellion in the North-West one Would think that Leakey was the seat of Government. ‘ Mr. S. M. T W. W. Bates preached_ in St. Mnxfy’a PERSONALS. uot racing was the order of Bond’s Lake. The picnic iewtonbrook did not put in :e, owing to the threatening f the weather in the morning. 1g lately your correspondent urtnnity of witnessing a. little icrosse bv the “ Roval Oaks.†iott 105 evenir lieu at m chh monu t racing was th 30nd’s Lake. ' n, jr.. Elgin Mills, accom- J. Davis, Reeve of King, in Chicago. 011 businesa eir respective ï¬rms. LASKAY the ‘88 1D Vick is ill oollen mill, which has I, and the 01d machm- replaced by ï¬rstâ€"class that it is capable of 1V luy has come and of our Burghers hmond Hill. Boat ‘ria Square, has F0 ‘ess as no be able 5!. few weeks. He clay, and gave us a. althy inte 'oror mse known a )ak Ridges 01 property of Mr 00k alck a! ry available but failed. rest Jtill Mon- d in the afternoon. in th( pracxice 3.5 the (in llI Fast Color Prints, at 4%c. 5c. 60. 7c. 8c. 9c. and 10c. pex yard. Housekeepers will please note the fact that we are selling Fine White Cottons. soft ï¬nish, at 50. 6%c. 7c. 7%c. 8%c. 91m. and He. Factory Cottons, in ï¬ne and heavy makes, at 3%c. 5c. 6c. 6.12m. 73c. and 8.1,c. Pillow Cottons, Sheetings etc., in Twills and Plains, in all widths, in soft ï¬nish and fine and heavy makes. Table Linens in unbleached cream and white, 18c. 22$c. 27c. 34c. 39c. 450. and 69c. These goods are worth from forty-ï¬ve cents to one dollar per yard. We are also offering special value in White and Ecru Lace, Lace Curtains, Table Covers, Piano Covers, Table Mats, etc. PRICES AT PETLEY’S. Stylish Well-Made Suits or Good Strong Tweeds, made) only $7.50. . Fine Scotch Tweed Suits, warranted all pure Wool, made) only $10. West of England Tweed Suits,, newest colorings, made) only $15. Superior Fine Twill Worsted Suits, Nobby Styles, made) only $18. 1 ' Boys’ Tweed Suits, very nobby styles,(ready made) at $2.50 and $3.50 per suit. Fine Worsted Overcoats, to order, in all the newest color- ings, only 311515. Fine All Wool Tweed Suits, to order, (very nobby styles) only $515. Fine Black English Worsted Suits, to order, only $15. Men's 1 Fine All Fine W< PETLEY (95 PETLEY T0 HAND. ‘Showing To-Day. New Dress Goods New Cashmeres 'yNeW Milliner “ Silks 85 Sstins New Velvets and Brocades New IVE a 11 131 e Cloths New Ginghams & Cambries New Prints and Sateens New Jerseys “ Lace Cur- tains New Gretonnes “ Table Linens “ Table covers “ Table napkins “ Quilts Our stock has all been bought at the Fountain Head of Production,on the best terms,and is offered to our customers at the smallest living proï¬t, tor CASH only. J. M. HAMILTGN, KING ST. EAST, OPPOS Black English Worsted Suits, to order, only $15. 5 Worsted Suits, to order. at from $10 to $40 per suit 5 Serge Suits, to order, at from $12 to $55 per suit. 5 Tweed Suits, to order, at from $12 to $25 per suit. All Wool Tweed Suits, only $15, to order at Petley’s Worsted Overcoats in all the newest colorings, only $1; 1t Petley’s. 184 YONGE STREET, TORONTO. TOR ONTO. Gloves New Corsets “ Ribbons “ Laces “ Ties “, Handkerchiefs “ Embroideries “ Underwear “ Parasols “ Parasol covers T'T‘TT‘. 'T' $12 to 3555 x $12 to $2 5, to urder west coloril Jackets Kid Gloves THE M Silk EQISIe (ready (ready (ready (readv