Six names were added to the Assess- ment R011; a few changes made on ac- count uf removals. In one case only was the assessment reduced (the amount. be- ing $500). One dog was struck from the list. The Court adjourned sine (lie. Council resumed work. A shoIt. dis- cusaiou hunk place in reference to the price paid fur gravel. 'I wé bills frum physicians for attending destitute persons were laid over for next meeting. PASWRE T0 LET. fl PREZE Permission was granted D. Nicol and others to erect a weigh scale at Brown’s Corners, upon condition that they be re~ spunsible for all damages that may occur during the erection and repairing of the same. The Treasurer was instructed to pay Messrs. Comm 85 Son fur printing. &c., $60.52; also several amall accounts for repairing culverts, ï¬lling wash-outs, Jae. By-Laws were introduced to amend the road overseers’ By-Law; also the fence viewers’ By-Law. Commissioners were appointed to improve the Whit- church and Uxbridge town lines; also to renew some small bridges through the township. , The Council resolved itself into aCourt of Revision. ed for all the foregoing places, with pow- er to improve if found necessary. A grant of $50 was made to the Elgin Mllls aidemad. The above Council met at Unionville On Saturday. May 30th, at 10 a. m. Members all present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Petitions were presented from H. B. Hoover and others asking for aid to im- prove sideruad between lots 30 and 31, Con. G; from Dr. Lanastafl and others for aid to improve 2nd line in rear of lot 59, 13b Com; from J. Gould and others for aid for sideroad between lute 5 and (5 Con. 8; from W. H. Lapp and others for grant of $20 opposite 10L 7, Con. 10; from I. Reaman and others for a grant to road division Nu. 73; from James Newton and others for a grant to gravel Elgin Mills sideroad. Commissioners were appoint- ’Give Holloway’s Corn Cure 3 trial. .It r uuoved ten coma ft :m one pair of feet without any pain. The general depression in trade which seems to exist in America. and Europe, is happily not experienced in this Colony to any degree of importance. Business is brisk, wages good, and a fair demand for ldborers. But 1 have already trespassed too much on your space, so for the present adlm‘. There is great activity among military men just now,on account of the unfriend- lv relations existing between Russia and England. Should war be declared be: tween these two nations,it is not unlikely that a Russian fleet would visit Australia with a view of making it hers. However, the Colonials here are ready to offer a stout resistance to an enemy; and daily the forts guarding the chief cities are be- ing strengthened. There are several men-of-war and torpedo boats ready for action, while cannons of heavy calibre are being placed in position for action. In fact every preparation is being made to give an enemy a warm~ reception should it prove necessary. A Russian man-ofâ€"war visited Melbourne and Syd~ hey a year or two ago, and the reasons given by the commander for their umn- vited visit Were rather misty, and now the authorities here are beginnin to at- tach some importance to the event. A fsw days ago the ï¬rst Austrian _man-ofâ€" war that ever visited Melbourne anchored in the harbor. I was down to the pier yesterday and saw her, but did not go on board. Her commander states that his mission is of an altogether peaceful na- ture. of that. Li ely the Australians will allow the German flag to float over part of that island. although they murmured very much at the policy of Lord Derby in per- mitting a foreign nation to obtain a foot- hold in such close proximity to this is- land continent. But I cannot. see why Germany should not have colonies in the Paciï¬c just as well as England. The news of the death of the noble Gordon was received here with prolound Iegret. Flags for some dlays were float- ing at half mast, and meetings were con- vened all over to express the sorrow felt by the Colonials. New South Wales sent an offer to England to equip a contingent of soldiers for the Soudan within twenty- eight days from the despatch of the offer. The other Colonies followed the example set by the older Colony. but as they were unable to have their troops ready in time to suit England, only the ofler of N. S. W. was accepted, and they are now on their way to the seat of way, per S. S. Iberia. I see by Canadian papers sent me that the news of the dissatisfaction of the Australians over the German protectorate in New Guinea, has already reached you, so it is unnecessary for me to say_ much Connâ€"ell adjourned until June 27th. )d Pasture. with plenty oi l at reasonable terms. Ayply to NEARKHAIW CO UNCIL. 'CONTINUED FROM MAY 7TH. Australia Letter. Melbourne and Syd‘ g0, and the reasons auder for their umu- her misty, and now plenty of water, 111 W. Gunman, Elgiu Mills G. M. B my! swer qu WEN 212?; I use no cheap material and warrant every set. ON RUBBER.’ â€" 0N CELLULOID, skilfully 1 Call an TO GIVE LESSONS IN MUSIC. Feb. 11th, '85. Absolutely no pain experienced and harm- less in all cases. ARTIFICIAL TEETH G. P. LENNOX DENTIST, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the um 01 Hurd’s New Method of emu-acting teeth without pain, by means of MISS FLORA COULTER IS PREPARED FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I flï¬lgï¬ï¬ï¬kfl $§a®®% mâ€"IS THE PLACE FOR Aâ€" 14:1 Yonge Street, Toronto MUSIC LESSONS! Special attention given to the proper prepnx ntiona of anilv and Veterinary receipts. (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks, Jeweflry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENIED. M. Morphy- AN] )12141‘VS’ Sggrym ï¬gngz; ! HAIR-CUTTING A SPEcmLTV BERT. AN DICE‘VS, Prizp. MILLEB‘S Tli‘rK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER, 84‘. Kenneï¬h Campbell 8:» 6a., MONTREAL. CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. 167, King St, East, Toronto, This famous Brand. PURE, BRILLIANT and almost Tufllo- I095. is Inr suprrior In any olhor Norwvgmn (iml Lwcr Oil yet in- troducml. 184‘) Hugh MILLER &du., And Music of every description will be In always on hand at rm-k bottmn prices. Inst manta tuned. The public are invited to give u. call and inspect our stock. Orders promp attended to CLARKE 8c SEAGER. Richmond Hill,Ap1-i130ï¬h E. M, MORPHY Cod Liver Oil! MUSIC STORE. ï¬wmwgm HI&& I We will in a. few days ripen a, new Music ï¬tcre in the Village of Opposite Brown 111: DIUSICA L INSTRUNIENTS @ï¬ï¬ï¬kï¬ $M®& 9 BEST SETS 2â€" ESTABLISHED VITALIZEDAIH. dF Imported and bottled only by J uly 3rd. '84â€"lv gm ï¬mmcrtiagmmts. NEW “ SKREE †ing, and all other operations rfurmed, at moderate fees. see me. No trouble to an- Pnornm'rons 0Fâ€" IN THE supply Bakers, where a full uv 15th.1884.-lv ,t. uuvthin ’1' the b4 ion will be kept lpflces. Instru‘n nvitedtn give as Orders prommly le bé'st SE! mm‘Uy. 1 ~ $8.00 $10.00 'l’oxthnd -â€"lS/l2 else ‘11 of Hi: Rich); Repairing promptly attended to. Geo. McDonald, Trunks, Valises. Horse Fur- nishings and all goods in our line constantly kept on hand HARNESS EMPOBIUM, Recently vacated by Mr. H. B. Dewsbury. 1 am now pre~ pared to make all kinds of Harness in First-Class Style. Having commenced business In the ATTENTION ! Besides working for the Merchants, I will keep on hand a ï¬ne as- sortment of Patterns. Chas. Trevethan. NEAT FITTING I TO THE PUBLG E WILKINS’ BROS A AND FASHIONABLE TMLOBIHG ESTABLiSflMEET JUST OPENED IN RICHMOND HILL, Flour; Hay. r straw. PAINTS, OILS, 166 King Street East, Citing? ' "'60. Cauliflower do. Calery, do. ’l‘urnips, per bag] Carrots, do Hay. per ton '. straw, per ton .‘ “1073110811 Hum. oats, per bushel .. Penn. do. .. Dressed housmer rm .. 0 25 .. 0 00 .. 0 25 .. 0 80 o 40 3 (’0 .. . 7 00 Thursday.- Juue 4. ....30 37 .. 0 58 lbs‘ 5 76 N, Cauliflower Calery. ’l‘urnips, pa Carrots, Hay. per $01 straw, pot m D re cm Dua Turkevs. 1n Butter, pot Butter. In.“ Egas fresh Po‘méoes, p Apples, per onions, gre Cabbage, p Celery] Turnipa, pt Carrots, Beans. per Flour, apt-h PISESICOes, pch bl Appies,pe1‘ M)! oninps. gram} HARDWARE! R Or (1‘ C oVer Seed, d Dressed hogs. per K Beef, tore quarters Beef. hind quarters Chickéns, per pair . Ducks, do. . Geese, each . . . . . . . . Turkeyn, each ........ Butter, pound rolls: Butï¬er, tub dairy . . . Eggs, fresh. pgr 43M. Wheat, Wham: Barley. nuts, Peas MECHANIOS’ GLASS, PUTTY, &c. 4BUILDERS’:> 23 4-‘83. RICHMOND HILL. BHIWENG LGTS Leave your orders at once. GI >11} TosoN'rn Thumdnvjnne 4. am full. per bushel , . , . . . . . . V ‘ 80 85 spring, £10. . . 85 Every attention paid to wins 1). pa 1) or [15 per_ bag Sand (maker. .1 qua/Mgr per pmr Idiu mom TOOLS. VE US A CALL. bbl mu Humans. \Near George Street, Toronto. rolls Ills. .. 1:111 do Una LANGSTAR’P bbl do. do. too lib: bush bag AND AND on Centre scroe u. down for plot uses, 5100113. on 520 114 ,0002 ,mwuwm 27090 uuumm.& 00001 550 “mm 000 550 700 I 00 1 117 000 50 45 Just received. A cordial invitation is extended to every per~ son to call and inspect my goods. Boots and shoes made to order on the shortest notice by first-class workmen. Call early and leave your orders. A h ,n N'vv““.~ THE PEOPLE’S STORE! I would take this opportunity of informing the public that lam carrying on the Boot and Shoe Business in the old stand. I would direct yOur special attention to my large and splendid stock of SPRING} IMPORTATIONS all _Paper _& “Bordering White Lead,0i1‘Paint,Turpc READY MIXED PAINTS, We have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR of which we will M511 as cheap for cash as any store (an class goods. British FMS; Sta SEED MERCHANTS, CORNER FRONT & JARVIS STS., TORONTO SPRING STOCK COMPLETE In (§~v1?,()(31*JI{IICSiâ€;a (j‘rl: THE IMPE ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS. 3. LARGE STOCK from 400153. up HATS AND 0AP8. SUNS MABE T0 ï¬RDEfl. DRESS GOODS.‘ WINCEYS. TWEEDS STEELE BROS. & CO,1 Prime: 9'; gallon 5120. $7.60: 7 S) gallmz. size, $58.00. Complete sun K in Field. Garden ct Plowm- Scuis of ï¬nest. quality That. has ever been In tqia town, at from 5 to 73:: ELC THE NEW WELLEAMS! All sizes I‘URE SPRING HAS COME AGAIN‘ 7 AND HA Full stock of Painte A lat WEB PERGEWE WEN ! Has on hand the largest new stgck of ALEX. MOODHE. Ready for use It is strong,Jurable and well builtpf the very best material that money can buy, our skill produce. It was nkarded ï¬ve medals and 031'“ ï¬rst. prizes at the Domtuion Exhibition last October. It ia rapidlv superseding all the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it,and make sure that you get it, Sold by High Arm Sewing Maching 15 MW rea‘ ognized as the It is Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to Learn SEWING MAG? heat or swell nbsor and con clean and consequently is as easfly kept clean as :1 china bowl; it is a great anPr of labor and so light-running that a child can work it; the qualin and quantin of butter made : the vase of rt movmg the butter W Ine: it wi Buy» ’l’orrelain (,‘lmrn ii- )05: want me Best. Call mm 53?“ [he‘ll]. The following 4 many adva to [he Porce.‘ who have used it break 0| scale rust or corrode l ron Rich ROBT. SIVERS. chmoud Hill, Dealer in Organs an! FIDAIOS. Terms Easy. its. l mu J. LUSH,- vhich presnms a surface thé same pnu-ulnxnwnre dishes, “1" not :01 scale on. Will not trcorrodcns impervious to cold. does not shrink. 0r leak, normke In or b any uf the acids of cream, per roll ALL COLORS, Porcelain 2 used it: Its a “mare, &c & FEED aIways on hand. all‘ Richmond Hill, keeping til-sh ‘HINE WOOLLEN GOODS. n tag A large stï¬k of OF THE ruin" 10w of tho ("3 conceded (‘iillrn by all 8 ct advantage iï¬ï¬r m agate am a01er on 35 wliel‘erer it goes ‘HE PERIOD. {OCERIE Brushes T1088 H