RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1885. ‘ Ellie @ibcral †THURSDAY EVENING AT ME LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE ithHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. ll. McMAliï¬ON, EDITOR and PROI’RIETOR. BUSINESS CARDS. ‘ \. I alumni. DR. GEORGE LANG-STA THORNHILL. ONT. Graduate of Toronto I’nivci _lv,hf.(‘. I‘ & S. Oiit..twuvears resident, assistant surgeon to Toronto General Hospital. V 0mm and resideiicc.~â€"Oiie loor booth of P. 0. (mice Hoursâ€"8 to 10 a. in.. & 1'3. to ‘2 p. Ill. 1“ F. Dr. James Laugstafl AXD Dr. Lewis G. Laugsrafl. Members College Physicians 8’ Surgeons, Ont., RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Dr. orr, Maple. ()lliceliours: Bto 9.30 a. m..and mun inni- Dr. \V. J. “'Ilsou. Melnlist Toronto I'nivrisih. ll'tii l n r .(o Plivsicuuis & Summons. Ont. Ilute of Stouflnlle Yon-:6 Street. Richmond Hill. Oflice Hours K‘ to 10a in., 5m 8 p. in. Strontium. I F. "E \‘t’ IT’I‘. Veterinary surgeon. Graduate of Ontario Vet. (Willi-1c. Toronto. V _ IllsPrtses of all the Domesticated Animals ircatcd. liESlllï¬NCEZâ€"STH Avaxcu. Woonnnmun. .1. '1‘. NAT'I‘RESS, Veterinarv Surgeon Gmduata Ontario Veteriâ€" nary (‘ollcgéfl‘orontm Calls promptly attended t i. . Charges Moderate. Diseases of Horses. Cat- ile. &c.. scientifically treated by the latest nieth‘ neS. Horses bought and sold on commission and evaruincd as for soundness. OFFICI‘-â€"')pposlte Palmer House Richmond Hill. h iimrtnl. - VIZ‘JQLJZEQ c213 USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, H'iaiiklul for the favors of the past ‘21) years unv still be consulted in any branch of the pro- f liSlUll,iJ.S follows: Aurora,lst,8th.1€th.and 22nd of earn month Richmond Hill ...... 9th and thh do, (at the Palmer House) Sï¬mufvillc... 18th 10. M erliain . in. i'mtoria Square. do. F‘iun'ul‘ill . . . . . . . do. \Vomlbi'idge do, Kleiuburg . . do N )bleton .. doth o Vitalizcil Air always on hand at appointments. Works like a charm Free from uain. Address A ROBINFON L.D.S.,Aumia0nt. G. H. Husband. L. D. 5.. - DENTIST, V V" hEWl‘Oh BROOR. Will visit the following “laces professionally :â€" Clnionville .. lst Monday of each month w estun . .flth and 215i. “ Maple .. .llitlz “ “ Richmond ill 19th ‘ “ Wuodbriilge .. and Mr. Husband will be found in his office, Now- mii Brook, every Saturday, except when Satur- aav falls on the above dates. ~l‘vâ€"‘l-l2’oâ€"I c flaunt. Moqu [0 Loan. Alarce amount of Money to Lend on farm or (Irv iir0pei‘ty interest 7 percent“; no commis- llun. 4.0m?) MACDONALD, MERRITT 62 Ct). Unior Loai: biiiluin s Toronto IVIoney to Loan $l00.000 of Private Funds [0 Loan cu Farm Property at lowest rates of in‘ mates; to payoff Mortgages at higherrates or for liti'liling,iliuiuing. or other purposes. Mortgages and Municipal llelioutures purchased. b armors will save money by applymg direct to E. It. REYNOLDS. 52 Adelaide St, East, Toronto. or to T. F. LICMAHCN. Editor of LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. 35mm. imagine Minnelli Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyanoers, 8a.. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. N115 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. ._0_ ‘ MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES _.¢,_. A. c. r. 1mm. r. c. «anew. BA IR RI STE R-A T- LA \V. Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c 52 ADELAIDEST. EAST, TORONTO. ,T'“.\D\'ICE FREE TO CLIENTS. "ALL, FULLAR'I‘ON at (100K, Initit‘iSTEiis, SoLICIToRS. cc. OFFICES: 15‘ Kim. STREET EAST, 'I‘onox'ro. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. \l'. M. HALL J. S. FITLLAICTON. \V. COOK. L‘fpnivwri: Fran Tn r nix. '} aliisulliuuuus; 5a lom Erkardl. I.icr‘n<ed Allf‘llhlll‘l'd‘ for tho (‘i'iuiiiios of York Ontario and T‘et-l. Goods sold on rmwiflinucnt. Gem-ml sales of stock. otc.. promptly attiiiided to at reasonable rates. I‘. O. iiddi-css. ITNIONYILLE. .l. “'auh ss. Importer of “'ntt'lios, clocks lllill mic jcwr llci'y a stock of Ilinmolids und preciousstnnos nlwnyn on hand. 'l‘IiIItll DOOR SUI‘J ll 0F QI‘I'IEN STREET, TORONTO. If lllunufarturmu of inwellorv, and repairiiicnfwntcbos and clocks on tho prr'misesur specialty Thaultiiiuour patrons and friend: for their lib- erulputi'uiiacr ii. the past “(ï¬lms to stntn that we have just rewived R laruo stock ofiiowcoods in latest dusimis. A largo stock of Elgin and Waltlmm watcheskeptonhaiid. S. Ill. Brown. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on tho shortest notice and at rcasonablcratcs. P. 0. Address, Box on. VICTORIA SQUARE. James C. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re‘ :pcctfully Stilicits your patroiince and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortth notice and at reasonalie rates. P. 0. address, King. N. J. Arnislrouc. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest iioiicenud at rea- abe rates. Address Stouflville I‘. 0 m A. WRIGHT & SON, UNDERTAKERS, Funeral Fun nisliiugs Always on Hand HE DMNION Richmond Hill, Brlllinger. Bcuj. Proprietor. Havinc refitted the above House and furnish- ‘ ed it in ï¬rst-class style, Iam prepared waive the public the best of accommodation. stabling and attentive hostlers. for cuiiiinercial travellers. nectiuu. Excellent Sample Rooms A good livery in con- Teims in nor (lav. RUPERT‘S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABTES. Daily Express to Toronto. Special 3. teution given to moving household furniture, pianos. dc, 61c. FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Special Rates to Commerciai Travellers :1 DOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL. NORTHERM NORTH WESTERN ' RAILWAYS. Through Tickets to all points East and West, and Manitoba. For Tickets, Rates, are†apply to 'l‘. DiLWonTH. Agent N. 2*: N. W, “ya, Itomm'r QUINN. Richmond Hill. General Passenger Agent. Central Banks of Gtuedcl D1V1dend N o. 8. UTICF. is hereby given that a Dividend of N three per cent. upon the paid up Capital Stock of this Institutiondius this day been de- clared for the current half year, and that the same will be payable at the flank and its Branch- es on and Lifter Monday. the lat day of June next. The Transfer Books will be closed from the 17th to illst May, both days inclusive. The annual general me etinu of tho Sharehold» ei-s will be held at the llank on Monday, the 15th day olJuiie next, the chair to be taken at twelve o‘clock noon. By order of the Board. A. A. ALLEN, Cashier. Toronto. 23rd April, 1885. PROF. W. M. CLARKE, Organist Trinity (lhurcli,Th0inhill, is open to receive pupils in Vocal and luslrumeutal l'luslc. Apply at the Music Store. Richmond Hill. Pianos tuned. 'l‘emiu iiiouevute. COPY OF CERTIFICATE. We. lhe undersigned, do hereby certify that Wui. Mumford Clarke has thin day successfully passed llll-‘i ï¬rst degree in Music. and therefore he shall be classed as a Professor. 3w. F.C.ll.\'rcrn-1Lnn, M. D. (H. \V. BAATEu, M. ill. London. Eng. Elm. 9m}? Emilia. 9 gum in ADVANCE. Signed Richmond Hill, April :llltli. l3. ï¬EYESEEE. IN MEM Of the Rev. James Dick, The Loved and Revered. Sadly we think of the loss to our Village. In the death of our venerable father and friend; Whose iioblc exmnllle of true ('hristian cuuragu, Has left here an llnlil'ess which now-r adiqu L'lill. HIS record bright will ne'er grow dim, His works of faith will follow him. “'9 mourn for ourselvfl, not for the departed ; For the Christian and social vm-uum left , A friend, l\lll(l and true, and generous llt‘llllCll, Hus l -{t us forever. in lllh his»: uc’re bcieit. \l o sorrow, Vet rejoice to know, His toils are l‘fluL'Il licre lii~.o\\'. In the days of our childhood. in years loin: urine He ï¬rst came among lira to live and to bless; lln, To show by his lifP how to live and to die; To raise by his efforts, to cheer iii distmss. The old to coiiifoi t lll their ago; The poor their tiials to assuruge. Those \vliolmcw him the bcst can testify To his life of de. vll, his palicuri- and zeal, In i'xtciicl cici'y ;, «rd, urciy Hill in dairy; God‘s lovi- to poor Hunt-rs, his Joy to round. His gluiy “as in (‘lii’iht the Lord: “In t‘unilol‘t “as (son's Hull \\ iii-d. with tiuth He was cheerfully Willing to co-«ipcrate ln true (Ylll‘lhblllll brotherhood, liolu-st bond. \Vitli ullIL‘l'H “in. foil in tlic vuirward so great: Wliri'e “ the Muster “ required llllll lie ever was Requiring always to ullul'll [folio-l The smallest nchice for his land. While prostiate with Sl\ linens ho was led to re- Jilllfl) In the prospect so Hour of approaching release ; His heart luily trusting, till iiuliiiu his Voice, His li e passe-fl auay in unspouauolc peace. To join lllrl kindred gone liciuic, \Vbo rest on the Manual Slltlll'. Methinks we cuu ace hini ininecltncss low Lend- mg, The Savmurga crown with bright jewels replete, With a EIIlllE of approval to him is extending, And the Words "faithful servant " thy joy is comâ€" My righteousness thy who shall be, lplete. This palm the Sign of victory. Thou has lived by My word and magniï¬ed me. And the archives of lieavmi tliy faith (an athrt; To the mansion prepared 1 now \velculiiu thee, Thy toll is now over, cuter lllLU thy rest, \Vitli joy in my presence to dwell, The song of redemption to swell. God bless the lone widow, in sorrow abiding, Sustain With ’l'hy promiscueusu her heart's pain; To the end of her life wherever residing, Be Lcr solace and guide till she meet him again In happy eternal reunion, Add joyous unbroken cuniniuuioii. A monument grander than marble shall rise. In the hearts that revere him in niemury‘s shrine With 0131‘ disuntbralled souls, shuil ascend to the 5 ms, \Vherc the deeds of his life evcimure shall on- His face again we shall behold, ltu‘znc. All radiant With the joy untold. W'hiln others may arise by works of faith to bless Dispensing tn the soul its ever needed food ; To promulgate with zeul the truths of righteousâ€" ncsu. 0 may they strive like him to be as truly good. And may We all his triumph share “’1 .h joy, to see our Lord, prepare. 1’. L. G. Richmond Hill, Juno l;th,1:‘;~.7. â€"â€"-â€" â€"â€"<3.>â€"~ F. Burrows, of Wilkesliort, writes that lie was cured of u very dangerous case of iiitlaiiiunitiou of the lungs, solely by the use if live bottles of Dr. Tlimuus' Eclec~ tric Oil. Feels great pleasure in reccuiu- mending it to the public, as he had prov- ed it (for umuy of the diseases it iiieu- lions to cure) through his friends. and in nearly every instance It was effectual. Do not be deceived by any imitations of Dr. Tliuuius’ Eclectric Oil. Be sure- you get the genuine. JEFFERSON. From our own Correspondent. This week our Burgh has been very quiet. There has been very little excite- ment of any kind since the 24th. The main sport among: the buys is Lacrosse. The “Royal Onks.â€of Oak Ridges. are practising about twelve hours a week and are making rapid progress. They expect soon to hear from Headford. Their suits have not yet arrived, but I understand they are to be supplied by a Toronto firm. Last Sunday, the usual Conï¬rmation was held at St. John’s church by Bishop Sweutluuu of Toronto. There was a large congregation present; in addition to the children, a fcw adults received confirm- ation. The girls were, as is usual on such occasions, attirch in white. During: the tliuuder storm Sunday morning, the 7th inst, a young horse be- ‘ longing to Mr. John McBride of the 2nd concession of Vaughan, was struck by lightning, and died about noon on the same day. Mr. \V. Gamble lost a Valuable mare last Saturday night. It was kicked by one of the other horses sometime through the night and had its lei: broken in two places, consequently it had to be shot. It was the mother of a handsome colt three weeks old. The S. S. pic-nic reported in come all on the 11th inch, is postponed till the 18th, owing to the absence of ltcv. Mr. Musuen. Miss Maggie Young, of White Rose, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. \V. Gamble. of this place. Mr. John Elliott, of Toronto, spent last Sunday with his relativmi in the Burgh Miss Emily Elliot: has been the guest of the Misses Graham, of the Dominion House this last week. â€"~â€"â€"..o- â€"~â€" CA'I‘A RRIIâ€"A new Treatment where- by this hitherto incurable disease is permanent- ly cured in from one to three applications. no matter whether standing: for on» your Ill forty years. Desrriptive ‘aiuplilet ht’llb iron on re- ceipt of stamp. A. .lilan .t HUN mi; King, Street West. Toronto Canud‘a _ liurst, Out, VAUGHAN COUNCIL. The Municipal Counmlof the Township of Vaughan uu-t at the Town Hall on Tuesday, the Blith day of May, 1885. as a Court of Revision. Member» present: Mcsxrs. Porter, Cook, Remiuui, Malloy and Elliott. The members havng subscribed the oath of oilicu. the Reeve (Mr. Porter) took the chair, when flue following ap- peals were heard: Thus Rankin, self, wrongly assessed for a dog; and for more land than he 0c- cupies; \Vm. Mallieson, self, wroueg ai- seSsed “or personal property, \Viii. Web- sfer, respecting James \Vebstei‘, omitted from roli, should be entered as joint ten- not for lut. 29, 1st Con.; Jullll E. Clubine, self, in ho taken on roll as joint tenant. wrtli W. Iâ€. A. (Tluhine. and put on as teJlCllur,.lllellllu $ll)l); \V. J. McDuuuall. solf, (log killed; Johi: McFarlyen. self, to he be put on roll as tenant for hotel and one acre of land, 5. W. part lot l3 ConA; Julio Lines, self, to be put on in place of ‘ Alfred Iluyci-rk, S \V. part lot 10,Cou.2; Juli" Loiigliouse, self, to be put Ull as a. fal'lllcr'u Null for lot 4, Cup. 9. Mova by M. Cook, seconded by Mr. ltr-nnmu. 1 That the following alterations be iii-Ade in Ilie eisswsuiient roll for the pres cut year, v17. , 'l'liar. Thus. l’tauklu be re- duced “111113700 to $034; that Jus. “Veb- Slrl‘ he put “II as joint tenant; that J. E. Clubiiiu be taken oll' as joint frllallb and assessed for Mary; that John McFa‘Iyen be put on as tenant; that John Line be put on in place of Alfred Huacock; that John Lnuulinusv be put on as farmer’s son; that W. J. McDougall’s (log be struck oil. 2, Tlhtl the Court of Revision do now :idj Illl‘ll till 'l‘uesdav. the 115th day of J uiie nextâ€"Carried. The Council then met for general busi~ mess. The Ituevc lll the chair. Mem- bers all pr cut. The minutes of last meeting Were read and on iiioiiou Cnllhl‘med. ’l‘lie fullu-Jng prtlllolls were presented: From Jus. Snider and lllllt'l's, for the erection of weigh scales at Edge-Iv. Au llpnllclltlun “’er received from Mr. Alex. Cameron and others. for the use of the Township grounds on July lat. A claim Was received from W. Jarrett for daumges done to his buggy while driving on llic lUtli Con. Moved by Mr. Malloy, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that the 'l‘reiisurcr be and is hereby authorized to pay the followng road accounts, the same liming been cer- tiï¬rd by the road commisaiouersz Disorict N... ‘2.â€" S W. Hunter, rapuiriufz culvert ...... 3 District Nu. 3â€"- D. McGilrery, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 ‘ â€"Uarrietl. Moved by Mr. Cook. seconded by Mr. Reunizui, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the fullowlllL' accounts: To '1‘. F. McMahon, March 7th, ’85, printing nomination bills, $1.75; Mav let, mlvcrtismu in LIBERAL Court of Revision, Sill"); To John McDonald, for flu†pail, 206m.â€"â€"U.trricd. Moved by Mr. Elliott. seconded by Mr. Mulloy, that. the petition of Joseph Snider and others for the erection of weigh scales at Edgely be granted, on condition that it does not interfere with public travel.â€"â€"Carried. Moved lJV Mr. Cnuk, seconded by Mr. R/Eddlllln. that the Council grant the re- quest of Mr. Alex. Cameron and others for the use of the Township grounds on the lat of July, the committee of inau- ageuieut holding themselves responsible for any damage doneâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. lleauian, seciinded by Mr. Cook,l.l:at Messrs. Malloy and Elliott be a committee to see Mr. Jarrett in re- gurd to damage done his buggy while driving on the 10th Conâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Mulloy, seconded by Mr. Elliott, that E L. Dickens, path- iiiustel‘ of road beat No. 59, be allowed to expend the statute labor in gravelling sidewalks. â€" Carried. The Clerk having been instructed at the last meeting to prepare a. liy-Law in accordance with the Ontario Tree-Plant.- iug Act of 1883, and having done so, aub- iiiitted the same to the Council, when it. was laid over for Consideration at some future (in i. . The (ï¬lincil adjourned till 'l‘ubsday,‘ the ï¬lth-day of June. -' â€"â€"«. Qoo-Iâ€"__ Mr. George Toleu, Drugfisi, Crawli- wriles: “My custonirn who have usad Northrop it" Lyniaii’a Veg- etnble Discovary and Dyspeptic Cure any that it has (lulltl them more good than anything they have ever used " It has indeed a wonderful influence in purifying the blood and curing diseases of the Digestive Organs, the liver, kidneys and ._â€".._...â€"â€"â€"-‘ send rix cents in post- costly In x of goods which I will help all. uf either else in (lllri win-hi Forlunws uuait the workers ubsolutelv sui't'. At once lLIlIlYPKb T1031) 65 C0 :ill disorders of the system. age. and receive free, a. sex in more money riuht uwuv than anything Augusta; Muinc. 50 Warden's Dinner. The Warden of the County, Mr. John Richardson, leave of Scarboro', gave a com- plimentary dinner at the Walker House. To- ronto. lust (\Vellnesduyl evening. About one hundred guests sat. down to :1 magniï¬- cent. spread, which was heartily enjoyed. The first. vice chair was ï¬lled by Mr. T. Porter, Reeve of Vaughan, and the second by Mr. W. Tl. Sanders. After a. happy speech by the Wirdon, toasts were proposal and cheerfully responded to as follow: 2â€"“ The ("r-)v.-(lonprul and Lieu-Governor," by his Honor I)“ u Jiovcrnor Robinson ; " Our Voluiilecrs," by Major Lloyd, Capt. Cooper, Capt. )lrMiister and J. ll. Stevenson; “Du- ininion Parliament and Legislature of On- tario,†by I}. W. ll uluerow; " Education." by J. K. flew-or; " Learned Prof. sSlHll,†b‘.’ J.K. Kerr, {‘11. Hull and WG. )IcWilliams; “CitV of’l‘omlito," by His “'orship the Mayor and erPl‘fll Aldermen ; “ County of York," by sax-Wardens D;ivis,.lack,<<~n.Speight and others; “ The Ladies," by E. Jackson and M. J. O'Neill; " The Press," lvv 1‘}. E. Sheppard. J. (.‘orsnu, Ti. .lackmu {1an '1’. F. McMahon. A pleasant feature of the Oven- inq was a reception extended in Hon. H. H. Hocking, Allm iiey-(i‘reneral of Jamaica, and Hon. Chas. Levy, who are now on a mission here to mnlcavor to eï¬ect a Treaty of Rect- pruc1ty between Canada and that Llnnd. Aftcr cliecra‘ for the \Varden, the Lied-Hov- eriior and others, the assemblage dispersed at about 1 a. m. Messrs. Parker 6: Laird, of Hvilsdale, writes: llur Mr. Laird having occoswu to visit Sontlaud, and knowing the excellent qualities of Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil, c Included to take some with him, and the result has liceu very astonishing. We may say that in several instances it has effected cures when ailments had been pronounced incurable by eminent practitioners: â€"-â€"~oooâ€"-â€" WESTON. From Our Own Correspondent. The question uppermost in the minds of the Electorate lll this neighborhood evau to the exclusion of the \\'llel'9lll[i‘lt§ of lliu Ilenr, or the fate of Riel. I'v-uud- maker, and their dupes in the anrl - West is, \Vhat has become of the “kw. Riding of Yul k Ref:rrmAssocintion. Have they become ell'ete from age, deuiorulized by defeat, or gone over bodily to the lileus. Perhaps to admit the litter would be the nearest correct, for if :LC- tious speak louder than Wolds. no surer method of playing into the hands of the enemies of Free Institutions could have been adopted, than their (louiotliuig :ic~ lion I†regard to the iufmiiuuq disfmn- cliisiug; meal uve,iiow being forced through the House of Commons. Whilst almost every Municignlity and titling in the Province has been by tonng and pen striving to suuport tlie gallant band iii the House, ,whosn liez'nlc struggle to preVeut the passing of the most outrageous party measure ever sub- Initlvd to the representatives of a free people, is the admiration of every lover of freedom throughout the world \Vest York Refuruiers have been supiuely lnnkv lug on, apparently satisfied to accept a. iiiwisure designed to perth mle their disgrace, Without question or pro. test ’tepezltetl efforts it nivprum‘ have been made to induce some of th»‘ leading men of the Association to talu- action, but hitherto without success. A number of electors met on N fluid-Ly last at Buik’s Hotel. The mocking was duly organized by appointing W. A. \Vullls E-q., (ax-president i'v Lille flu) chair, and James Stoncliouse E ll as Sec- retary. The chairman briefly ciphunod the object of the meeting, and read over the clauses of the Fl‘llllClllSt‘ Bill. a Gully of which, he had procured for the 0436\- sion. The main features of the Bill were severely criticized by several uf those present, the meeting being mmuiunms i I their condemnation of the measure an unbritisli, uncilled for, and CillC lllllt‘tl. to endanger the. slabill‘ly of Confederation and fully justiï¬ed every legal nietliml of resistance known to prevent its becom- ing law. A res-Julian, moved by John .‘chcll- an Esq, and srcnuded by James CrlllL'l“ ahfllili sin, that Messrs. \Vlllcile. Stoma- liouxe, and Cmu ford be a (ltiplltdllull to wait on J. C. Farrier Esq, President of the Association, and urue him to call a. public meeting: at the earliest (late poss- ible; in the meantime, that petitions be circulated throughout the llului; to uh. taiu signatures, afterwards to llt‘ ful'uzil'll all to one of the Reform member: from York, was carried unanimously. -â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘o.‘_.â€"â€" ASTURE Tll lET. (loud Pasture. will) plenty of wuhr, be had at l‘t‘llshllllblc tcrinx. Apply In G. W. t'rum‘n. Eluiu )lillv. MUSIC '_L_i§:sso1\*§. Miss Bailey is now proper - ed to give lessons on Pier 0 or Organ. Residence, ( p‘ 0- site Presbyterian Church. may )9 3w.