I necessary. But what is to be‘i ’ thought ota coalition ot the party ot liiiigly prerogative with that ol home rule for Ireland? Truly, the flash and glitter, the shameless lust ofpower. which marked the tactics iiiw irnrisriiiiiiié Newuuu'ket. \\ oultuii Mittsâ€"S. A. Russell. Building Lotsâ€"\\ 111. Smith. 0 U R ital. EM SPEElMl’lES l g} ’ i r l/ otBeaconsï¬eld, are bt’HII'lIIS fruit. t t 9% \\'e have striven to believe that e ‘7; we 7 r 7- ~~-::; . British Toryism was quite a diftier- ‘ Q ‘ lent commodity from the Canadian RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, June 1], ’erI .--- .#::. 77777 7 article. We have sought to corisid- ("S ‘ ijln 101.0 VT“ it VFWS n or it as a protest, at times, perhaps‘, [P l l A . A J . _ . Hats. too vigorous and unheridirig, against democracy tending to run mad. \\ e have honestly regarded it as a bulv \\'e do not lilre the Toronto Nut-s. lts plattoi'iii, daily paraded in its Felt columns, contains many planks “‘ill‘ky “191"â€! OF 1055 EjlrfCCIH'L} against which, in our opinion. all history the charlatan teachings of l eniy J I George and others of the same class. lint it'the Marquis ot Salisbury and Lord Randolph Churchill are true expounders ot British 'l‘oi'yisni, we can see in it nothing but a hypocrit- ical pretense ot loyalty made to se- ‘ cure an igriolile path to the treasury proves to lie rotten. 'lilie tom-anore- over. (it marry ol its articles cannot ii inestly bi- pardoned on the mere score ol bad taste. But in iriattei's‘ ol' instiee. lll\L‘S and dislikes must be rigidly E‘kt‘llitle‘t’l. A man's prt-tii~ lectious may guide him in his choice Ladies’ Sunshades. Children’s ot business and ot’conipaiiy, but un- benches. 'The merits of the home a n less they 0 iricide \iith duty. seen “1'10 question have llljl’llllllls' 1‘: I‘ll) and felt, they must not be allowed Wltll llllS mattCI- 10) 11M} re great or small. but, unless black can sometimes be white. they ought never to have been upheld by thr- party \\'lHCll saw in the tlisesltililisli @rdered Clothing. to sway him in his treatment or an- other, esi‘n‘t‘rally when that other liuppelistobe, from a social and political standpoint. an enemy. Some time ago there ;l}i)it‘{ll't‘(l in merit of the Church iii lt‘t'laiid only a ~ :5 d the Xr'u‘x an tannin; llllLil with flagrant encroachment on the l'lh‘lits mueaiiay“iird.aa 8 wholesale denunciation o1 l‘irt'ncli Of [lie crown. ‘ ' GE - predoir‘rinaiit'e in the gorernnieut (Ji \\ e are told that when the ad 3,0 ' dug country. Maltiiitfeiei'y .illow- \‘erse Vote was annorructd. Lord ttIJCt: tor i'lii_~tei'it.’il exaggeration, the Randolph Churchill and dllhla’tl'll'll article contauiml much nnpltantnt Jumped upon seats and euiirusia-ti truth. It the object of the answt rs Cally waved their hats. Tili'. l’ar- to this article was to LliSIHiiVi‘ it, iiell'st‘eelings are easy (rt e:\pl.iri:r-' they signally lJLllLel. 'l'he lr‘i'r llCl] t10n._ He and. his liillil‘.\'t‘l'5 owe press, at; was to be expt-t ted. broke allegiance to neithtr ( orrsr riutiw l T 7 tax-eye .Frv‘ '1.- 17' q I tone}. er units 'w (3’ out in torrents oi lliCQltt‘l'L‘lll streamâ€" “01‘ Liberal. They are liglliltlï¬" tor l Jlfllfli‘lfl‘tf ing and scnltlllig. The English an Object all their own; to gain it. P 'V““‘U.‘ V ‘ press, with one or two CXCK‘plliiiIS, they care notwhat l‘:ill_\' they use, [ï¬n {kw-‘7 had nothing better to arlvanee in Tltls IS qllltf‘ lllli‘lll‘gll’ltï¬ liiil lll’ m“ "‘ ' a.) spectacle offered by in“ 'lia-r rm and ‘ their impudent, noisy. trited leader, is, to s.._‘.' I strange. \Vhat hart~ the ’l‘orins promised Mr. Parnel ."' inrow not. .tr'r'mlix INN/rt}. \. llll li. \‘ Ifli Mixl ln'IOlSlN', we may truly tr n l -:', reply than the old. stupid platitude H ol the sin or stirrup;r up sectioualisni. \\'e repeat. hourxtgr, that the Nuts is substantially coi'i‘i ct in its asser- tioris. \\lir deiiir-rl tlieirii 111 1% pro lIii‘I‘ tiiiiti > rllrl (ll'fjilili' tits l than jtiljlieitrrg and gesiiculition. or Swi'liâ€"i'iihutl- ir.‘ l".l_\l.l y ~ l llii‘:~t‘ (I than a sully and inastitss Charge. yrrr'iljcr-riiyli‘. } ‘ ' i 1 ' ‘l v s ' w T Cl-l‘o t‘ e lelr‘t lv‘ r it is not the . -ii.s \\iir«,.i int s rise 0 I m bi tie. ii i. . runs to strtrnnah’ tor that ti ding lias nmlisgrace. His divine-it r wilt; iza~ prevailed ll! 1 ..n.rda ior \ ears. and i'\‘L'I'l>o1‘iir" tlit‘sfarrm ol 1“,“lit and l _ l'iis enemies haie assailedY ' him with tin: ierocity «v: llui l with serene temper. and lit mm it lntion, he has Cotilili‘Wil ll't'élrl what he believed to be the path oi duty. ‘Nex'er did he appear greater than in this hour ot h'is t ll. was. T111? ‘\>(,,1|.VIV!1'EII-L‘r\lll'. The news from the Noitlr~\'\'est . . » . . has been yer ' mearrr'i s'uce t‘ie 131th t -t' is the equal of too ioz‘iner in ., l y " - i ,' " . 7 v , at batoche. let FltltliJitfllt nas been arrqlit that stamps a nation as great _ _ _ . 7 v . _ learned to tender unriur stionable the, and Drug“‘SHL‘M'UIilU beoritrageous , - , ‘ .. _ , r , Q ‘ L . . _ certainty ot an Inoian \\ .ri. lrl"‘ ll rttery: to :-a_\' that it is its supei- “ :iitrltthdi’ttiï¬ int: i iit‘ir'ii'asi‘il ttllll lls- ‘ lllSllCCh rd it lor their own special behooi. The Coriteritior’i ri.’ thi, .Vtrr's is that i.i this sti'il“ \Jl iacr s, the French are givingr all the blows, and gt tting till the plir .ilt"l. and it is rightly lll- rjignant th..t the L‘ritish part (it our population li.t:~ ipiietly acquit-sized! in the degrading ott‘iipa‘tiin‘ ol hew-, inf: Wood and carry in;r watt-r tor the ‘ Trench part. in say that the lat» 1i:.i~. 5,). iU .KEZEEEGESG l Bear and his braves hait- i r Wt n'd lit iar 1' i t 'iser s' "lili‘ili‘h ‘ m“ 0 ml , i i A i. .i. ‘..L‘. ~ ' i »' , , . ‘ .7 , encountered the force «it (lt'lli ruil i .t he rage (‘I the l‘t<:iiCii at the (-d- . . . - r ‘r’ U .~ , . r , Strange. and to no one is the first ,, / iaiillfll ot the Am.» was absurdiv , q 7 . , I . i , . . step LJi less concern tnan to the .n- emit. out i. has giien piace to the -, n . ., V - . V _, , mjst “mold†I .1 m ‘1†il “b j[ dians. fire issue ot this struggle a... ‘r i L‘ it H t I .\ )'\'_ ~ , . . . - cannot tor ore moment 7itlilitt oi :1 "n i G: d. A letter whicn that Journal pub- j z.“ ~ S- douht. but its attending details will most liliely prove harrowing iii the extreme. Already the savage nature has declar'i-rl itself in acts or hideous lisiied a short time contained terribly severe strictures on a [“I't‘llCll i‘egiiiierit in the North-“lest. 'l'he aggrieved oliicer‘s have instituted an Sgt) ‘E'éillis Satins. action for libel against tne l'illtiil'. Szilllï¬lfk'; HI {gillgflktlllglu/lft my]??? '3 . A- Vow. so far as the merits (f this.l ‘ '3 IL» {iii-L ' i i A] i I'l' r: in 86 L ’ iihan to lrrrl him has burst lortl! in a; matter are DiIiCL‘l‘IIt’JLl, we have lliilll~ ing to say. but He protest against the; treitriien’. \i'hi2h the accused is receiving at the hands ot the accus- t-rs. \Vith \‘ti’y questionable fair- play. the trial has littrri tailteii to Montreal. it would seem. indeed, as it a determined etlort is being)’ made to prejudice the case of the _\(’lt'.\‘ proprietor. 'l he French pa- pers teem with \‘lt‘lllcllt abuse of the defendant, aid with most intlainiiia- Kory apoeals to a public whose knowledge and selfâ€"restraint are far trom sulticin‘ut to keep passion sub~ ject to l'eilst‘t‘). IL is useless to plead that this abuse and these appeals will tall flat in the presence, ot’com- mou sf: se. ’l‘hey are not addressed to Common sense; they are aimed at a low and ignorant bias, and they tend to place justice under the feet or i'raritic and iguoble rage. It is well for English readers to under- stand this. Let the Mars be what it will, it has certain undoubted rights on which French vanity and all its ungorernable irirv. Canada may eoiigratulate herself that in General Middleton she has air ofï¬cer in whom bra very isjoined to pro- denCr, and the true lletct'iilititttluti ot a Soldier is guided by unwonted regard tor the lives of his men. in his struggle Wltll the l’lalllireeds, (ieuei‘al Middleton has done his work in a manner that does no less credit to hr: heart than to his brain, His first object was to suppress the rebellion, his second was to accom- plish his purpose with as little [053 to our \'rili_nteers as possible. He has succeeded in both beyond all praise. \\ e have every conï¬dence that the same care, bravery and skill wrll mark his line of conduct in settling Big Bear. â€"___ Springhfl L To the Editor of THE Liumiuri: The Richmond Hill Herald of May 2lst,cmtaiiied all account of a horse trade made at Springhill. from which n reader would suppose that proceedings Ginghams. EMbEdidSfleS Laces. Shirtingfs 8c Gottenades. Vital]. Papers & Blinds. Garden Seeds. Teas (it Coffees. r..â€" Currants 6's . 91;?th NJ. aft . I 17 e i n) a i i '1 . R 111" “Ch. g fr nfe 1“ St “0t 1" had been entered into which were of H a owe“ ‘0 “amp 6‘ disrespectahle charirCter. We wish tu in» _ Canned Goods 620., &c. - At Lowest Prices form the public throuin your columns that conduct of the kind referred to never eitisted. True, a transfer was made. but in an orderly way, both parties being berretitted thereby. We think that too much care cannot be exercised when speaking of our neigh- bors. These men, referred to in the article, are reapectahle farmers, in fact, c ire of them holding the oflice of Church Warden. .We think that “ Fritz," as he signs himself, had better bridle his tongue, and G LA DN'I‘I 1N1“) 'b‘ 1,)19'1'7121 T. On Monday afternoon, the Glad- stone Government was deteated by a vote of two hundred and sixty-four to two hundred and fifty-two. The question was an item iii the Budget which proposed that the increased duty on beer should continue until june Ist, 1:86. The Tories and Pariiellites united, and thus out- . numbered the Liberals by twelve. “0" “under h“ Deiflhb'“ We shall be more than Astonished ONE WHO KNOWS, ifthis latest Tory Victory does not l St)rl"ghill. J'lne 9th. ’85~ brin shame rather than joy. “'e _ ~ " _ say gothing on the intended tax. It Hm ï¬tting hon†"I'd “mes cause ("rm' . (illoway‘h Corn Cure is the article to l may,or may notdmre been Just and use. For Cash or Trade. A Call Solicited. mama? M05 $0.? «7.0 7W4 $5133 «Eff? 0.2 $959723 ï¬ï¬i 0' SNEATH & GRENNKN. ' Samaria sarcoma i SPijiiNG- 1885 NEW7 PRENTS New“ ï¬ettonades EW SHlRTlNGS ‘l EEBS, An Immense Stock at the Q â€"â€"-â€" VOVO'NOS' 2.? LLIâ€"Isr'a‘m 3V litliltltt“.ll:[ '.t\ili‘\l.: [ll.l’|l[t|0llfiV‘ PIUHIIIID!}I all] 19 [1101†93S (V‘i {In} 1"†"i1 ‘ltaiihiq .irl giliirir'ti i‘. I i it: pub-flu (Lu: SABRtJJ‘kO that“! ‘quaunii 3m p-,' .! ititilp‘itil at“ Jr: pm: 'itoiiiiliiuu paupls )Sdtl all) .(tl [)aiiipu‘ltitium an; llaillu J" 11" ‘SN SUV/\A ONIGHHdS ELMO 'Skd‘d‘dflS 'SleUflEl GHHHAOJ 'SEllD‘Jth all. NOISNHLXH 'SLHVC) UNI/\ltlt] iSEllCl‘d'l turn; .{Jiua 0L .k-‘IJrJil °s<,}.112(3 wanting}: AXO.\: _SJIIOJ_9 ‘ino; tines 0L “13.13.23 “stufï¬ng 'Sl[()‘ 01:! ESQI )1: ‘S‘HIO El£I )O.IO.&() C u . f L 6.521110%) Jo Briizsrsuog ‘ S E-BVIHHVO CIEHSINIEE? ;o .(nrdsip isam} aq; pueq tto mou OAUH (NOS ail dHSlHttt "i7 Sara SS’QID‘iSJEtd senrnef †l835. jUST OPENED OUT AT THE FIRE PROOF, NEW DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, VELVETS, Cashmeres. Prints, Hosiery, carpets,&c. SPLENDID STOCK OF SUITINGS IN BLACK 8r COLORED. WORSTEDS, TWEEDS, &c. TAPESTRY. WOOL, UNION & HEMP CARPETS, BEST VALUE IN TOWN. INSPECTION INVITED l ISAAC CROSBY. l835.