Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jun 1885, p. 8

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Premtuiiiunsuf apprnuching danger, in the shape of digestive weakness, laasi- hide, inactivity of the kidneys, pains III the region of the liver and shoulder "harm. minim] depresninn cunpled with headache, fur-pd tongue, vertigo, should l'Ul bu disi-nuiirilrd, Use NurthrOD & (40 Years Established) For good and cheap Watch- es, Clocks. Jeweilry. Sil- verware and Spectacle.c for every sight. 141Youge Street, Toronto E. M. MURPHY m he Lecture Room. ‘Rev‘ WA R. Barker, Supt... J: W. W. B. Bunch. Assistant. l’urlauYTERIAN CHuucH or CANADA.â€"Ser\'icos M U Vclnck a.m,.auc16:30 p.171. Prayer muezing on We lnesday eveningm7230. Rmnv CATHOLIC cannonâ€"Services in order in fo‘lnw s Thornhill at 9 3.111., and Richmund Minus Ju;’:0 mm; the following Sunday at Rich. mead HUI at 9 3.111.. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. n1 ylnan'a Vegetablu Discuij twhc Cure, and aveut the pt Ont WARRANUD AS RTPRFJENHD. M. Morphy Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the \mrk is under my own snpervisr ). I am 8150 prepared to do all kinds "f black- Buuthmg (L'- repaiting in the must work- manlike manner, on the shortest native, and on the most reasonable terms. ANCIEYT oI‘r Health is Wealth he wlu Cutters, PLATFORM 7 SPRING WAGON S. In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their l1l)eml patronage during the past twenty-live years, I beg to re- mind them and the general public, that, lmving erected entirely new and CO"!- Inndious premises, I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, STRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- Horse - S] :oeing at THMOND Lom A.) m the LmR My on or bah) Rupert, W. M ‘EMUND ~ in the 111.31; 7 9 Metlu “'9 Gunrantoo Six Boxes 3d the m1 nd the m art’s treasuiént 3, by mail 1) )DIST ( any i‘illngr @irrtturg. Paid special attention to l. m 1116' RICHMOND ll ILL. 43% .TPE‘ATHENT V t sublmtb sch npe Guarimtees issued 81 and 83 King St Hananâ€"Services at 10 md Sunday school. at? :myer meeting Tuesday Meeting every Thursday Soriollos. n 01" FORESTER O. F. meets in L] an: Friduv at 7.: Churches. aveut the p.31 ii to health Hun-Mics illnd gives tulle A. F. & A. M., No. 23, lge Roam, Masonic Hall, we full moon, eta o'clnc Sleighs and TEMPLE. No mmce Hull‘ r: Jck. \Vm. II: “'ith each (J ccom panied Use Nurthrop & Discnvmy and D78 \VM TRENF". th 'E AND BnAIN Tm ific forHysteriu, D a, Nan'ous Neum 15. (‘rremmu :hmomi Hi1] ( vices at 10 )0 mm. school. at 1). m. H; Tuesday evening. r,v Thursday evenlug WA R. Barker, Su pt. 008: ~10 465, I. O. G. T.â€" 1‘ every \Velhxesduy Harrison '1‘. D. (wolTemperance As very Sunday when a receipt of 1' 'der received by with $500, we itten guarantee mth does not lanlv bv JOHN ry or over 1000 king, in the Mm E. LIN". Libra. l'iO(li(';L]1\'. >f t! ILHSI \lne Court H. Smidel- ,liecordiug 1H 01' un't Rid} mpex'anr‘é 1u.â€".A. J Well, P A eer. ts in the ‘f dent] Sperm )mmfl runcil, alter Bene- amnla 0, one Ment Hull 'ont‘ m HS a.) in presents given a“ my. send us 5 cents postmark). and by mail you will 28% , free n. package) of goods oflurgu value. that will start \‘ou in work chub will at mum-bring you in umnev faster than nnv thing else m Anwricu, All ubnuc $119 $200.00“ in pl‘csmlfs in each box. Agents wuuwl evervwhem of cithcl’sex. (If all ares, {13.1- ml thctime, 01' FD“! 15 time nuiy, to work fnrus at their own hulrlv . Frrrmnes {Hr nll “(u'kel'fi nhsnlutn‘v nsmrnl FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I HAIR-CUTTING A SPECIALTY flafiifififl fiflaéflfig 3 AN] )Rlcxvs’ 51m VIJWJ fgizgafi I Special attention given to the proper prepar atious of Fa wilv and Vetex iuux'y receipts. J Ezcgeugmz Ema J MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER' YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER. &t. 167, King St. East, Toronto, Ié’iffESfiBm’smu 4m Hugh MILLER &.du., Kemeth Campbell & Cm, MONTREAL. This famous Bram], PURE, BR ‘ and almost Tush-- loss. 'll' suprl'i I' In a ' (Illll'l‘ Noru'ogmn (‘ml Ln'or ()ll yet in- lrodurcd. Cod Liver Oil! Richmond Hill. April 30th And Music of every description will be kept. always on hand at rock bottom prices. Instru- ments tuned. The public are invited to give us I). cull and inspect our stock. Orders promptly attended to Roll Carding 5 Spinning 12% 3 uly Yarns ‘20 Un’n Flannel 20 Tweeds 20 to 35 MUSIC STORE. Manufacturing Prices T0 sun THE TIMES. As our machinery is more extensive than any Custom Mil! In the cuuntry, we claim that we can turn out KETTER \VORK Customers will be able to exchange their won! for manufactured goods. and so not be compelled to wait. for stuck to be The above Mills will be run ll] the same as lastâ€"0n WOLLEN MILLS ! We will in a few days open a new Music Store in the Village of Opposite Brown Bros. Bakers, “here a. full supnly of CLARKE 8c SEAGER MFSICA L INS'I‘RI'MEN'I‘S and more of it than most other places lelav Jl‘ -â€"IS THE PLACE FOR A~â€"â€" NEWMARKET WOULLiN MILLS Valuable Bui] ding Lots. ORDERS RESI’ECTFULLY SOLICITED July 3111‘ Imported and bottled only by CHEMlSTS & DRUGGISTS. BERT. ANDRE‘VS. Prop “70R. K E D U 1’. “ SKREE” CUSTOM WORK ONLY. alrw Etiamtisnnrutfi. th, 1935 work for us at their mvnl [wind '. n1] “m'kers nbsnhxtn‘v nssumd H. HALLETT 6: C0.. PortlandMaflne NEVVMARKE'I' a most complete service enjoyed b‘ ;uburb of Toronto. as ) and conditions given at. the salt 0 W. SMITH, Eglinmu, or JOHN LEYS, Esq.. I’nopxuwruns OFâ€" 84â€"1“ NEW IN THE cents , old price cts of good _\{'}Lher. )w runumg to this prop- .ne of stuger conche Barrister. Tnmnfn this season 3m cents East, only >1f'Je.wh,15 to t. do 01’ leluts: A‘ u'l‘wo w ouses. Eight Rundiuq Lots [or maxim] C Richmond St. r‘e ‘ BUIlfllNG [0T8 l<‘( )I{ Sr/LIJIE '.3 Repairing promptly aftended to. = Geo. McDonald, Trunks, Valises. Horse Fur~ nishings and all goods in our line constantly kept on hand Recently vacated by Mr. H. B. Dewsbury. 1 am now pre- pared to make all kinds of Harness in First-Class Style. HARNESS EMPOBIUM, Having commenced business In the TO THE PEEBUG I Chas. Trevethan. NEAT FITTING ! Besides working for the Merchants, I will keep on hand a fine as- sortment of Patterns. TMLOEENG ESTQLISHMENT ATTENTION ! jUST OPENED IN {ICHMOND HII a 166 King Street East WILKINS’ BROS PAINTS, OILS, HARDWARE MECHA'NICS’ GLASS, PUTTY, &C. <1BUILDERS’{> W heat Wle Barley nuts, Pens. RICHMONDIHILL A NEW’ AND FASHIONABLE 23 4- '93 Leave your orders at once Every mtention paid to Tonox'rn Tnursduv.June 11. 1&85. ml]. per bushel $0 spring, do. 80 do. 50 do. 40 VE US A CALL. 111 New: 11 arter Near George Stre'et, Toronto. h e] In: TOOLS. on. LANES’W‘Al-‘F ate for 53181011 Centre Stree t 1.15% . down for pink ,‘wo; w uuses, 51‘UUIDS, on [Lir HILL Thursdav. June 11. 1881 100 11 AND AND Warmts. 40 (‘0 40 ()0 00 00 ~10 37 ‘10 {m I no L0 50 6|) NH 00 00 (m J0 411 nu 50 86 40 50 White Wall Paper ,Eorfdering : That has ever ham. n. Mn.- o.,...n n5 SPRING HAS COME AGAIN. ANDâ€" THE PEOPLES STORE READY MIXED yALN'st; ELL Sl’RING-‘r INI130R'1‘AfI‘IONS Just received. A cordial invitation is extended to every per- son to call and inspect my goods. Boots and shoes made to order on the shortest notice by first-class workmen. C1111 early and leave your orders. FURNITURE, HARDWARE, CROCkERT and usuul stock of GROC Try our 250. Tea. Ask for Sample. FLOUR J: FEED WILL BE SOLD A'l‘ BOTTOM PRICE I would take this opportunity of informing the public that lam carrying on the Boot and Shoe Business in the old stand. I would direct your special attention to my large and splendid stock of STEELE BROS. Emiolovtod. tho Highland I’rizofl and. \Vvst :Vortolk purple top vaodo ’1‘uruip. \vhich («nubinos Large Sizn. Synunetrioal Shape \vith unoquallod Kim-(ling and Ira-oping qualities. Also on hand Sioux-10d llorsâ€"eJL‘ooth §5(‘(‘(1 Corn. Hungarian, Millet, English Rape, and other seeds adapted forlate sowing. Large assortment of (u‘rard on It llarvost 'l‘ools‘ at low prices. Complete stocks of all the leading varieties of 'I‘lu'nip Sends fronl g‘roxvors of high- est standing in lil‘itain. Including special varieties ofiered only by our firm on this Continent. Special attention isinvited to TUBNIP SEEDS ! We have n CHUICE of which We w111 sell class goods, That has ever been In t‘ ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS. a LARGE STOCK from 400 I n (frI{()C 1C IRIE H. (1‘ SPRING STQGK COMPLETE IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS British Flag Staff 2 All sizes. Full stock of Painte-r’s materials. less A large stuck of 917111111 WKQALQ HILL . €245? THE NEW WILLIAMS! FT; High Arm Sewing Maching *5 “W ’e‘ in \/:»§§/ ognized as the SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD STEELE BROS. & CD’S. a a CHUICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOI HATS AND GAPS. SUNS MADE TO ORDER. X 8c PRODUCE MERCHANTS, TORONTO. Has on hand the largest new sbck 01; ‘ns town, at from 5 to 751:. per I'm”. cheap for cash as any slur-e rm Ready for use ALEX. MOODiE. {0131K RIVERS It IS Light and Easy to run. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to Learn. It. is strong,«1umble and we]1built,0fthe vPry host mntcrial that money can buy, or skill produce. Richmond Hill, Denier in P1111108. Terms 1 i l 21HN\V=IJ'(‘ than Toronto prices. SAVAGE; LUSH, A large mm; of of GROCERIES mm in Organs and ‘enns Easy. ts. up earn ICC

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