Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jun 1885, p. 1

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AT T HE LIBERAL PRINTING. a PUBLISH“ HOUSE dlUHMUND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING DB. GEORGE IANGSI‘AI‘I‘. TKOWS‘H‘ILL. our- Graduated TomnmUniversitv,M.C. P‘ k s. 0nt..t.wnyem~n resident, mâ€"sismut surgeeu m Turnnm General Hospitnl. 0me and midence.â€"0ue lonr South of l‘. 0. Office Hoursâ€"8 to lo a. m.. R I! 00 2 p. m. 1101111an 0 Veteriner aungeon college. THIGH”... RESIDENCE ' Veterinm'y Samoan Graduate Ontario Veteri- nary College, Toronto. Calls prom Pl attended m‘ Chan-gas Ilodente. Diseases 0 orsefi. Cat.- tle. kc" scientifically treated by the these math- oes. Horses bough‘ and sold on commission and examined ls for soundness. UrrmE-Amposim Palmer House Richmond Hill, Ph "‘fiTsuaesT' 7 of treated. '.LAWBE;NCE 85 EELLEGéN, thanklul for the (Avon a! the put in Years "my still be emu-183d (n my bunch of the pro. Iusion. M (ollaws: Luau, In, 8th. 16th, and and of an" month Richmond mu... . . .th And fish In_ (at the Palmer House) Ml It. Isoudville ...... m_ Hulmun .... lo. Victoria Square.... do, l‘horuMlL. . . . 23rd do. Woodbridge 98th do. meiuburg. an: do Iwbletou ..... . m o “mixed Mr always on hand a “woman-nu Works like 3 ohm. Pm (mm min. ’ THE LIBERAL. Dr. 0N. Maple. Uffloehonrs: 8m 91] a. ILL. 5nd $1 per VOL.VII. wm visit. the [allowing {them prohsalonnlly :â€" .. lat Houdsy of each month Unionville.,. Weston 9th and 2!“ " ' lull. Ile .wth “ " Bic mond Hm 19th ' " Woodmin .. M22011 Hr. Husband will be found in hlfl‘ 4mm. low- ‘on Brook, every Saturday. except when Sutur- uv falls on the above dues. .r.â€"'&H Nloney Io Loan. Alamo amount a! Money to Land on [um _ot (In uroperty interest? per cent“: no mum“!- ulon. 9:00.000 m Pflvnlc funds Io me ou l‘urm Property “lowest rates of In- tereax to yuy at? Mortgages M [uglier mm or (or building, an. mm, mother [Minion-es. Mortgages and Ma mcivul Debentures purchased. Fn '. .uem “ "I save money by applying direct to E. R. REYNOLDS. 52 Adelaide SL. East. Toronto. or to T. F. McMnacs. Editor of LHH'IBAL. Richmond Hill. Money to Loan Add;e:sâ€"‘AW ileINFON L.D.S.. Aurel a 0m. Toronto Ofliceâ€"No‘ .v Building & Loan Chambels. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hm Officeâ€"Rear of the Cemral Bank. on Saturdays. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST GURRENTfiATES EDITOEE PEOPBE'IOP. BUSINESS CARDS. " autism. Dr. Lewis G- "icosw HACDONALD. MEBBITT a co. Unint‘ Loan builuin a Toronto Barristers. Solicitm, Conveyanoers, kc" G. ll. Husband. L. I). 5.. 1mm. wreme all? IS PUBLISHED EVERY ‘. Lewis G. Imngslafl. College Pbyeficiansk Surgeons. 0:10., BICHKOND KILL. ONT. m. w. .I. “'Itson. F. lAWEENCEL zâ€"Stn Avnscn. Wow-amt. F. "B \V I'I‘Tn James Langsu‘“ USED By Dr. A. Robinson. I accuses Dam-In, annum, in advance. wttninary. i NATTBBSS. musty. AND 33cm“. DBITIBT. NEWTOH 8300K. m_,a.nd wwv-nr T. O. L‘ILLZGAIC: do. do. do. do ' liiiiBIS'I‘EB-A mumw. Solicitor. Notary Public. Conveyancer, ace, 52 AD ELAIDE-ST. EAST. TORONTO. mADVICE FREE TO CLIENTS. "Ablatiliibifl'l‘ofl a coon. BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. &c. 0") Fits: 18 KING STREET EAET, Tomx‘m. Rh h'nnnd H?" P. 0. Every Saturday. “7. M. HALL J. S. FULLAIW‘ON. W. (700K. L‘Z'PIIVA'I‘F. Form: To I m \'_ unmum..u.w.. V‘N... w. V Geneml sales of stock. ohm. promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, YNXONVHLE. [Avenged Auctioneer hr the Counties of York Ontario and P0031. Gpodg sold on V cfmsipnment. Importer of Wntrhes, clocks and fine jewellery u stock of Diamonds nnd preciouunmnes alwnva «hand. THIRD DOOR SOUTH 0? QUEEN STREET. TOBDXTO. Whlnuufumrinp at L, .,.,-_-_A “‘4.” A- allu'anl. nuwu.v. . ieweilery. and mmiriuaof Qaicbes Ind clocks on thgyregn'isesp ninet- ltv A .‘ka -_:.....«1 n .n- ohniv “h. unis preuunun, u wan.“ y Thanking our patrons and friends for Weir “b- emlvutrnnugr il. the {vast we beg to state that In have just remivm a large stock ofnew goodw inluteat designs. A large smock 02 Elgin and W‘lthum wnkhes hem on hand. [decanted Auctioneer {or the (‘ountv of York. reâ€" specttully snlicitfl your patronage uni friendly hunches. Sales attended on the shortest notice and“ reasonable rates. P. 0. Address, James C. Stokes. Licensed Audion-Ber for the County of York, re- spect!tu solicits vnur patronage and friendly influence. salqs “dad on the shone-at notice . ‘1 n A LLMM In..- |u'D-Ullvv . sun. is __,.... and a reasonnbe uses. P. O. nddréss. King Licensed Auctioaea {or the County of York Sales attended on (he sbm Lest. noticede at ten.- lbe rates. Adduess Shoufi‘ulle I‘. 0 A. WRIGHT 8c SON, UNDERTAKERS. tuners" I‘m mshlngs Mways on “and THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, raving refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in nrnbchsn style. [am prepared «min, the public the be“ of mmmodnmn. Exaeuuus stamina und attentive hostleni. “unplo Rooms [or comli tmvellerk. A mod livery in con- uaetiun. Tums 31 net duv. Bel-j. Express to Toronto. Specisl uncouth-n given to moving household furniture. pianos. kc" m. RUPERT'S EXPRESS LINE & UVERY STABLES‘ FIBSfiCLAis’s LIVERY. Spochi an.“ ‘0 Common!“ vaollora WDOMIHION HOTEL, RICHMOND BILL, NdlfiHERN NORTHWESTERN RAILWAYS. Through “chats miallipoinca East and West. and Maniwbn. For Tickets, Bates. ac.,.pph to T. DILwom-u. Again 2". k N. W. Kym. Rnnnnf ovum. Richmond Hm. Gomd Bank of Mada! Dividend No. a. UTICE is hereby given that u Dividend of throe Ier cunt. upon the paid up Cuplr-ul Stock of this Institutioqus this day been nib. elated for the current half year. and than the same will be payable at the Bank and ma Brunch. as on Ind after Monday, the lab «lay of June "an. The Transfer Books will he closed from m, “girl-1.0 Tunslé} Books :Nlll he closed 11th to 315% MM. 1)er dayfx Vmclusive. _ .u._ nwn w: .15“ nun, um... ...._, .. "H".-. Th0 annual general washing 0! an; Shure‘num. eril Wm be held at the Bunk on Monday, the 15th day ugJune next, the chum m be taken at. twelve o'éiock goon Tomnw. 93rd April. 1?“, PROF. W. M. CLARKE, mmu LVI Ink. Vocal ll ml I usqu Apply at the Music Store. Richmond Hill. Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. COPY 01" CERTIFICATE. W9, the undersiuned. do hereby certzfy that Wm. Mumford Clarke has this (luv successfully his firm degree in Music. and therefore he shall be classe‘l us a Professor. Roman? QUINN, General Passe-get Agent ‘TflE‘ Llfw‘Eifie‘lLs $1.60 IN EWANGE. Organist Tnuity ChurrhThnmhill, and St Mary‘s Church, Richmond Hill, is open to rweive yupils in mand‘mn, April 30th Salem Brkardl. Wifflllmttmls. Evadm 01 the Dam N. J. Armstronc. Signed Brim-(er. Proprietor. s. NI. Brown. J. Wank as. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1885. “ In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." W. F.C.BATCHHLOE, M. D. H. W. Bax'x‘ougl. Mz Lomd. A. A4 ALLEN. Gas} 'Iluudon. Eu: Mrs. Elizabeth Shonsz. died at her son Jnaeph‘s. lot 1, Con, 4 Vaughan. March 30th, 1885. in the 87th year of her Inge. She was the daughter «If John and Cath- arine Fisher. She was born in Oct, 1798, and on Jan. 23rd. 1816. she was united in mar. tinge to Mr. Daniel Stong. They com- menced life tugether in che wild fore-t, or bush. on lot 25 West York. It was Intel-eating to hear her relate in her earn- ent manner, how they went into the hush nnd chopped down a large (we and med the stump as a table, and took the leaves and small branches of the tree for their bed and slept soundly and sweeth under the canopy of heaven. They assisted to bllllh the town-line between York and Vaughan. They soon procured for them- selves more comfortable qnmrleu. Thev labored and toiled together (or nearly 53 years, when Mr. Stong died, in the 77th year of his age. She had eight children, six sons and two daughters; all of them lived t0 became of age and start life for themselves, but one Son. Michael. who died in his [7th yezr. Bv hard work and ininstaking, during the 52 years and more which they liVed and labored together, they had mum“- latnd considerable property, so that each one of their children when they com- menced life had a good start: not one of them knew what it was to start out and grub their way in life as did their parents. Jacob, John and Joseph Stung, who still reside close to where they were born and raised. having imitated the example of their parents, (or industry and frugality. have added to what they received from their parents, until they are among the most prosperous farmers in the commun- ‘ lty. Even at Mother Stong's death there ‘ were several thousand dollars to be divid- ed among the heirs. Mother Storm was of German origin, and she possessed some stromr German characteristics. None was more marked in this direction than lier’strong will power; resolute and determined to make a success 0! any- thing she undertook. She had a good mind. Although she had no school ad- vantages in her youth. yet she could read the German and English languages and also speak both euually well. She had a remarkable memm-v and it was both in- teresting and instructive to listen to her recounting the strange ewnts which took place in the early dam of “ bush lite " in Canada. It is to be feared that the presr ent generation is losing sight 0! that #7 id of a life. But Mother Slang left her children and gruld~children eonwthing better then this world'l goods. She left them en example of a etrong end an abiding {eith in Jeene Cbriet, the world's Redeemer. She had her pecnleriiiee, (and who don't!) end no wonder. for the people in her dey and generation were ell peculiar eomper- ed with the people now. The circum- eteneee by which they new enrlounded { were pecul‘er; the wey ihey lied in live and work were peculiar mmpered Iiih the way people have thing: "0'. But ell peculiar people ere not. ell bed people by any meane. 'l‘he wriier noticed ene peculiarity in Mother Stung which he most earnestly deeiree I0 lee in ell lhe people, and met wee the olduleehioned way of believing and treating in Jeane. You, one thing ie certain, Mother Slong wee plein end etreightlorwetd in her chrietien leith. They adhered to (he Luthonn Church in the early lilo, but nltelwnrdn unimd with the Evangelicll Association. They took quite an interest in the religion. .0- cietv to which they behinged, u they htd a church and pannnoue builc on rheir farm for the me of mid moiety, princi- pally, BI I understand it, at ‘hoir own nxpense. She was buried in the burying g'uund In connection with laid church, Mung side of her huubond. The nervices were conducted by Reva. Goo. Miller, pastor of the Methodist Church, Willow- dale. and Aler. McLaughlin, pastor of the Lutheran Church. It in to be regretted that there in no preaching in that church by any denomv ilmtiun now. It in to be hoped, however, that if the relnliven and friend: in that. community are not interested enough in the living to have preaching in the church they will take interest enough in the honored dead to keep a good fence around the burying ground, and take care of that. The following’ text of scripture wr‘t found pinned on the inside of the lid of her chest after she was gone. John 14:27: “ Peace 1 leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not :5 the wurld giveth, gin: I unto you. Let not. your heart be trnubled. neither let it be afraid.” " Even the spirit. of truth; Whom the world cannot receive, because it seeketh him nut, neither knoweth him.” Your rffectionate mother, EIIZABIL’I'H Sumo. These were intended 2”; her last, \vurds to her chiidi-en. May the Loni bicss them to their guod.â€"~C().\J. OBITUARY. Cov‘dit than not ion sh! tei‘ mo noc Thotrheelr than . nuhod .n'l me“ow The tbamp o( luye in ‘5 ghy log â€" io:ebT|{d'£li§ Heir Rh; h'uih deny. Thy br‘w n! s_-mpn.1.hy *3 blast. \ The b‘ghto' k‘u‘dnesa dwo‘l' «R then. Th1 ruby Up is ling": bob, - ihirn'be'iykilfieéfibnfiiv‘ielt. shire. Nor cans: thou hide obnelvnm glanco That world unothe; ’a thought define, Thu quick lesponsn the lover a chance. Those me so Mme as 2.“: d: 'ino‘ How vein the loa Ihat thou sbm ‘der" O! loves dehth you never | new. Ya -‘ gamHfl moment: peq‘d‘vo spa“ ‘ FMKEh ifld pleas ‘ «'5 all in ‘ few. In“ sqor‘d no: value love the less liv‘cm‘se of pass ad's ' five zeal. For love h: ch cm" as we must confer: Tha. nn.r 'e'u coldcan never feel. No - out or L0 :0 th'nk of love As womn'n's jov. a woman's power, A '.I. an.» b‘es: 0 unvon abom 'i2 e "3h: 0-“ eve. happy how. K‘ugJuno Nth. F”: Mr. R. 0. Winlow, Toronto. write-:â€" “ Northrop & Lyman’a Vegetable Dil- covery is a valuable medicine to all who are troubled with indigestion. I tried a bottle of it after enfi'ering for some ten years. and the rennin: are certainly be ‘ vond my expectations. it. new“ digest- ion wonderfully. I digeat. my food with no apparent eflurt. and am now entirely free from that sensation, which every dyspeptic well known, of unpleasant full- neea after each Inenl. " Leaving Richmond Hill May 18th, I took ticket vie. Great Western Div. G. '1‘. Railway, by Baltimore snd Ohio to Chicago, then by Milwaukee md St.Psuls ‘ R. R. All along the way we were struck with the backwardness of the seseon. Stopping 03' s few days in Csrroll Co. Ill. we found things not much lsrther sd- vaneed than in Canada. Corn planting van in full blast. Judging from nppenr- sneee, the people In Carroll sre sll weal- thy. Leaving this place on the 220d, on the same line of Railway, I soon ruched Omaha. Iowa, which does not present s good appearance from this line of Rail- way. It is better ierther south, however. Omaha is a line town with stone paved streets.and large business houses. Tskiug the Missouri Pacific, I soon reached Weeping Water. All the we, (rein 0m- shn south, crops looked more advanced. On the wuy to my friends from the Dec \t, I wan struck with the change 12 yearn hed made rince last I we: there. Cottonwood tree: plentod 17 yearn ego leaked like our lore-t treel; I new one rtnmp 18 inche- in diameter, of 17 venn' growth; walnuts, 5 veers from the nut. 4 inches thick end height in roportion. Apple tree: ll year. planted, erger then nanny ere here at 25 Venn. The fruit end fuel queetionn are practically uttled in Nebruka end Kant“, u there is no limit to their cepability of growing either. ‘ Corn in the main crop; thin Spring wu very unfavorable for it. Many bed to plant three time. to get u «and, the ground we: no dnmp and cold. Fall wheet in elmoat a lulure an all the West. ern Slater. Spring grain gookl grnnd, and fruit pronpecu were never better, except pelchea. the trees of which are injured by the rerere winter. This mund- niee to far. but how would you like to lo“ good Ihelled corn for 25 and 30 ctr. e bushel, live hogs for $2.75 a cwt..and wheet 50c“. e buehel. When you buy anything in some liner of goodr, you pay hell u tuuch again u we do in. Toronto. HHELP Notes of Western Travel. Right here, it Itriken mo forcibly that it a men in reasonably well fixed in On- tario, he will not batter his cundition by going either to Nehru-k. or Kansas. Ember clear I burl: [arm in Out; rio, nr stand the cold in Manitoba. However, 1 would choose either of the above State- for fertile soil, and plenty of cum! water generally speaking. Society in pretty fair. Con. Markham. June 15th, 1885. Jan. Shannon. Leaskdale, writes: For many years my wife was troubled with chilblains, and could get no relief until about two years ago; she was then not able to walk. and the pain was then so excruciating thin she could not sleep at night. Your agent was then on his reg ular trip, and she asked him if he could cure her. He told her Dr. Thonms’ Ec- lectric Uii was asure cure. She tried it, and judge ul her astonishment when in a few (lava. the pain was all allayed and the foot restored to its natural condition. It is also the best medicine for burns and bruises 1 ever used. . s do earned every 0 who want work may test the LT: this uunmulleled otfer: '1‘< Ave!) t»iLtl‘§fiUtl we will send 1 of making 111‘ ever thought not required. ( in spare tiu‘ To M. E. of MI I'm-working leople. send 10 cems postage. nun we will mail vou flee ux'O'nl,vul-|v.blo sample box of goomthnt WI” pun van in the :mora money in u. few days than ght, prmsible at any business. Cup- wl. You um live at home “1H1 time only oral] the time. All of M] ages. gl'mmly sue: s'Slul "U ‘ooâ€"Aâ€"v ovonin me TEMPERANCE ITEMS Supplied by the W. C. T. linionh Richmond Hill. The followinp letter has been sent lo the member for West York by this officers of the W. C. T. Uniu‘n, of ‘ this Village: T l) DEAR Sm.â€"~The undersigned ofiicers of the W. C. T. Union, of Richmond Hill. on behalf of our Union, on behalf of the many homes Of Canada. blighted by the curse of the liquor tralfic, no be- half of the thousands of women and childrun driven to poverty. crime and degradation through its influence, on be- half of tens of thousands of our fellow- men who yearly fill the drunhard’a grave; and in the cause of humanity generally. appeal to you. our worthy representative in the Commons, to use your vote and also your influence,tn defeat the infamous action of the Senate in regard to the Scott Act. Wl‘ in we consider all the facts in this cue. it appears to u: superfluous to write you on the subject, an we can scarcely conceive any honorable man sustaining a. measure which sets at defiance the wishes of so many voters in our Dominion. The majority given the Canada Temperance Act stands now at 50,000, (fifty thousand) with as many more waiting anxiously for Voting time to come. Surely they are entitled to a fair trial of the Act. Wfiee’ling confident that when the time come! for decision, you will be found on the side of Temperance and Canadian Rights, we are very respectfully, M J. Skeeie, Treat. J. Sterling, Pram, L Switwr,Rec.Sec..E.L.Laugsufl',Vice “ M. Wiley/30:31». M.P. Sgndenon, ‘ ‘ Corn: muse intolerable pail. Holloâ€" way’u Com Cute remove! the trouble. Pnnumt to scall by the chainnm, the Local Board of Health of Richmond Hill met in the Savoury} office, at 2 p. m., on Monday, June loch, 1885. Present: W. H. Pugsley, Chairman; Dr. W. J. Wilma, A. J. Rupert, Henry Mifler, M. Teefy, Smretary. The minutes of meeting of 20th April, real! and approved. _ The Secre‘tary read a printed commun- ication (tom the Secreme of the Provin- cini Board of Health. 16th M“ int, re- lating to “ Vaccination,” which, on mo- tion of Mr. Miller, “condod by Dr. Wi'ooo. was laid over ti“ next meeting of the Bond. The Secretary resd two communications from Mu. L. F. Langstafl', wife of Dr. ’30,. Languafl', dated respectively 20:}: of Mny, 1885, and 15th June, ill-L, com- plaining of the this of the premise. oc- cupied by Fredrick Whitlock, on the vent side of Yongo Sfregt. _ ,J,3 ww-v “‘v v. _ . ~77 It was moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Dr. Wilson, that the Sanitary Inspecta or o! the village be instructed to notifi Frederick Whinlock thst the business ended on by him, as well u the premises) he occupies, an the west side of Yonge 8%., ate nuisances end dangerous to the health of persons iosiding in the neigh: bothood, and musk be abated; and in case the said Whitlock does not efl'ectuany abate such nuisance within twenty-foil!- (n -w t e MUSIC LESSONS ! houu after Inch notice, the said Inspector is hereby inltructed to prosecute the mid Frederick ‘Nllitlock under the provisioué of the Act. relating to the public health. â€"â€"Carried. 7 ‘il MOVed by Mr. Rupert, seconded by Mr. Miller, that. (ha Sanituy Inspector is hereby instructed to make a thorough inspection of the occupied and unoccupied premise! in the village, and report to this Board in writing on or befure the lat day of July nexLâ€"Carnec‘ ‘l-II , ,A.‘l_,) L" ‘1;\’”‘1USIC LESSONS. u. -..., "w.-. ,m, Moved by Mr. Miller, Eecnnded by Mr. Rupert. that. the Secretary is herebv ‘natructed to advertise in the 1mm papers 3 oublic notice that. the Inspector is fini- itructed to prosecute all parties neglect ingrto cumply with the provisxuns of the Acts of the Pn.vince of UuLanu relzmug to the public Health.â€"â€"Curricd. kn; - v â€" . . _ r--,,, The Board adjourned to meet on Sat.- Ilrduy, July 4&1), at. 8 30 p. u1_. ' M. '1' as“. Secretary. The superiority of Mother Hmves’ Wurm Exterminator is shown by in; good eflects on the children. Miss Bailey is now prepar- ed to give lessons on Piano or Organ. Residence. ppo- site Presbyterian Church. BOARD OF HEALTH. Wallace, Esq.. M. P.‘. [Single copies, 3 cts Rxchmond Hill w. c. T. Union. FLOI .l‘O GI‘ No. ‘51. l“ SIN 1‘5 AI

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