the lnarcl or Uouimissiouers. Letlus now lift the veil to a further view. To the invasion of Provincial Authority the Tory Government at 0t? tawa, it will be remembered, passed an illegal Liquor Act, and sought to put it into operation a. year ago. One of the prune missions of this Act seemed to be to provide a license for all “soreheadzs,†and those to whom the legally constituted authority had refused to grant one. Among the many instances afl‘orded was that of Mr. Digby. After learning that no license could be had for a. second house at the place in question, that gen. tlcmen obtained What Was termed a Do- luiuion License, and took a lease of the premises, as it is said. This Act having failed to stand the crucial test of the courts, was declared ultra vires and unconstitutional, and Sir John, whom our contemporary would delight to honor, was driven to admit that he could not longer: hold out'on this question against the “ little †Premier of Ontario, and all those who had been de- ceived ard entrapped into elicense under the Dominion Act had to go to the wall. And yet, forsooth, the ï¬lm, after the Tory party having worked the ruin of Mr. Digby and under false pretences led him into an untenable pcsition, will have the cool efl'rontery to charge the ‘blume ‘ upon Mr. Bzielgerow, the Licensed Com- missioners and the Provincial Govern- emlne ll) M‘cCaH our local m “'1 man who had done so much g Riding and country for having public platform exposed son more obnoxious features of the Fi‘iincliise Bill, the Sim, while 01'. been f‘ m throws his ‘Omm RIcuMoxv HILL. Thursday, bleman’s ( ler 111011 C??? in: oufussing th :ase in th and talent under bi‘k ‘to lncr ‘nstr narr used f lat comes uce oners and the Provincial Govern- It Mr. Digby himself had thought ‘5 the Local amhorities ‘hut had ged him, why, when he read from ï¬nchise Bill HIE ‘bnke our Smartir .m. if he in dan a†0-6 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 1081' OFFENSIVE I N S’OLE‘NCE l's Corners, now known as Little Thishouse, be it, remembered, then alicensed house; and had [for years previously, and one eadyliceuscd at that place hav- thought by the Commissioners licient, the application was of :fused, as it ought. Application :1 made by the same gentlemen , and consistently with their last year it was refused by the WFOI n m m 2, if we can, a “ more detest.- 10’: of the exercise of arbitrary The simple facts of the case are Bl its hc License Commissioners and ir, and that the Local Govern- permitting such malversation L'ily are the worst of the lot.†ls, columns in length are thus th in choice and pure Billings.- last two issues but one of this moral tory sheet, dwelling up- calls the enormity of “ this case.†And we are challenged, 3y this advocate for the ink 1e number of Licensed houses, , if we can. a “ more detest.- tarta hotel in Sale zen snid- that a. well-dressed wrestle with a chimney-sweep, r of being worsted even if he opponent. This is the feeling over one when called upon to contemporary, the Markham self styled “ Oflensive Inso~ ut if we are to touch pitch, ve our gloves if ' you =p1easo.‘ inmrily responsible for this g: and secondly the Local nt, but the real hidden spring .xkedness is the respectable 3d George Washington Bad- nd further he goes on to say, N badly administered by bad it Messrs. Jns. Gibson, Jno. and Simeon Rennie, ~s ) ‘.‘ this is the worst and of yet, and we hold Iefend it are as bad as I Uommlssmne ,se the License nets. and Mr Th 181‘ rune the Sum, while in private iiquity of that measure, mons sttack at another from the ï¬eld on the the provisions of which dared to publish, he in ï¬gi’ucml. inflict Irity subj wens 11!] “'il ll] If course, to \Ve are told “it >vnolds‘ loners tor‘ hast :ensed Eduses at act. A veritable in the refusal 01 )warc ast y zentie’ chastise some ary would to admit out on this Premier of recent issue ear U119 from the mlSSl( zero \v public to his called CaSE th 353mm 20mm & 50.; the ist. 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON, E Q. Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Mer- ichants, and Shippers, With Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advanoem Rennie, J. P., of Scarboru known to the publlc, and sult of these men frbm the mill be justly rebuked by and Liberals alike, and in x I use no cheap mat every set. a View to Alitâ€"umn' and Spring business. ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON RUBBER, â€" â€" â€" $8.00 0N CELLULOID, â€" â€" $10.00 Géld Filling, and skilfully performed Call and see me. ewer questions. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES“i Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’b New Method of extractâ€"- in}: teeth without pain, VITALIZED AIR ! Arcade Buildings, Rooms A & B, Upâ€"Stairs.‘ proving public behind you. The ruud~ side curs of society will have their snap and their bark, but they don’t. make public opinion. Go on we say License Cmmn and do right, take a stl'nigl course as you have done in this and you “(all ï¬nd as you now do u proving p lie behind you. T G. P. LENNOX as a. compliment to the riding Badgerow has recommended ml able and upright for Appointme responmble and honorable pnsi hold as Commissioners. say one word in favor of nu character and worth as Mr ex-reeve of Yorkville,Mr. J J. P.. of Markham, and duty in this instance. It is policy of the law to decrease increase the n‘umber of llql and we hope the authorities ï¬rm on this question‘and nut selves to De bulldozed into 2 wrong-doing. It is needless exercxse 0t Arbitrary rower," perhaps, that of the passage of franchising Bill, the like of Whil is nothing in the heavens above 1 the earth beneath. Hu'vmg mad statement of the facts which are the public, we refrain from close arity. The shafts of our conto though dipped in venom, lmv short of the obj acts of their ain' after so mlserable a tasl spectfully accept the chall our contemporary, and va as the “ most detestable" I exercise of Arbitrary P‘ ift License Question; but it mam who else were’slain‘, he had a object to serve at the time, and served, and these are now am banes of his many deceived f which lie bleaching on the plains ing likenesn of Sir. John A. Macdonald, G. C. B., and trampling it under his feet declare that it was he (Sir Juhn),and his party that had worked his (Mr. Digby’s) eternal ruin. We are in no doubt that the case of Mr. Dlgby is a hard one, but it is not an isolated one, there are many such, and the Tory party have the rec- koning to make. Sir Jx‘ohh knew Well i: was the Local and not the Dominion who the newspapers the announcement made by Sir John in the House at Ottawa that he'had given up the ship. did that gentleman, in a. ï¬t of desparation, seize from the walls of his bar-room the flam- ing likenesn of Sir. John A. Macdonaid, G. C. B., and trampling it under his feet. Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. umnissioners have†n arty 1d the will BEST SETS new has been m DENTISVL‘, has been worked n Jtlmrity means of d all other operations ;1, at moderate fees. No trouble to an- crook an 15th. 1881:†rial and warrant rxding that. in slmuid b )ny HIE paw, llSIilHCt 1m sent t1) Mr )ll llllnlSSl will remain unit “temp lllUW them rkham Sm nservalives , n , except, i the Dis- hich there ate Md Mr. Di 1V6 )llsible.and It Sll HILL out furwal‘d licun an mutter and his We due 1n fumili US mpson a. plmn ifl'réy. u cup- “ ‘ Hosiery My { Stylish fullun under HCI‘S )WeTS their )son litical ken than Mr sent Our If are the tlx ‘SN‘AT‘i &£RENNQN. At LoWest Prices Currants * & Raisins Canned Goods &c., &c, Prints 80 Gingham. Embroideries 66 Laces. Shirtings & Cottonades. Wall Papers Boys? Knicker Suits 1 Boys’ & Blinds Garden .. Teas & Gloves: Immense Bargains in ETESS Goods. Silks & Fine White Jersey suits Nobbv Ties & A ~Cau Solicited‘ Clothing Ready-Made Clothing Ordered Ladies" Sunshades. ° SM Children’s Sailors Felt SPEBIALTEES ! Straw For Cash or Trade, Colored: Shirts OUR Tweeds. Coffees Collars Satins. Seeds Hats. Hats. jLOWEST PRECES 1 I M 80? N. SUITINGS IN BLACK & COLORED. WORSTEDS, TVW’EEDS;=&C. TAPESTRY, WOOL, UNION & HEMP CARPETS} BEST VALUE IN TOWN. IBTSPMTION INVITED J Gashm THE FIRE PROOF £8853A |885g “SIIO’Jaé-WWCI‘SOEITB ‘NGS SNINHOG INE‘W PRINTS UQJBaq NEE? i S EBVIH‘EIVO (IEHSINIE New EGNCR SINHD $3! W was. Prints, Hnséa DRESS GOODS, MUSLINS, VELVETS 1.1120 IIBAB} L130 qsnb‘ufl FEE†JUST OPENI SPLENDID STOCK OF Isgp 38911949111 pu 90 SNUDDVM IOJ. SHIRTINGS I Cattomdes ‘ION IN’VITED J ISAAC CROSBY. DVM DNIUHEIdS 'SHIDUHEI UBHEAOU 'SEIIU'DHH NOISNEHXEI 'S‘lHVJ DNIAIHG (SHIGV'I SS Saga-1mm Wal- :WHM OUT A 1101215011 1);).10AOQ w, flamets,&ci .951an I QAEH )1 " ‘Iegxaqmu ;0 pun m 9.112 1pm.“ ;0 “V