Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Jun 1885, p. 5

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PROCTOR‘S STAGE LINE} 3101mm Mail. South EVE WING Mr. Keuuersley dwelling and shopm: H. B. Dewsbury. H 1.1 The Scott Act was car in Middles‘e: and Lincol latter by a majority of c same tiny it wa.s defoatm mnjouty. W. C. T.U The Richmond Hill ( engaged to play at Mar Dav. The Oddfellows making grem preparatx‘ sport. place to ge Forks! Rzfi Get Lardin machinesâ€"Fe Cash House. (10 to The the best valu W. C. T. U. will mee day, at the residence mend Street. Meml Special v W'hite and Shirtlngs 2 Subscribe for THE L: U] the 15!. of January 1 ms, Currants Prunes and a periodicals. taken at Tm ch'air Grey iFlan shirt for 85 Grain Cradi Hoes &c. at t Mr. Bert. Andrews, on has moved one door west. in the Lorne Block, and c haung ‘lle uentcst and le nQrth of the city of Town floor. the beautiful gruqu handsomely painted ceilin rounded by a wooden boln give it a very tasty nppea: cibus room will casxly ucc: During the m of the Toronto I short story eacl author. Among most noted com 'akiug husines future. A go; md all kinds iers promptly '1 he Concrete the best Scythe Owing to the 3 )1] Tuesday ever 11'. Thus A fine \Vhite 1.25, at The I Immense lothing at The Che POST OFFIC boot and shoe tra hill 140(3 AL 143 ‘1 fur will be M0 )ND HILL, 'l‘ln .1 Hilll’ 5W Wil W.C.T. U N ew Shaving Parlor barg The C ALL ING flamed. the Purchase Scott Act TIME TABLE. Oil 1 ripti 1t inten ms accummudnte I’l‘ 11 Counties. in the mm 3,000. On the l in Perth by a small tied last the Sn mmer a1 KB Meeting amuse 3P )t 1t NOTICE pnces 1b )Lh our mov uby 1 bummer ash House. h e 40 ~13 mother pa 'K serial 15 D( he ich twn the is the nathes HIE bv Mr hursduy 3E lit‘ heav a“ that Jan rti art i) the rlor the sale on another page rich growing district of Thorold, in the 0‘ four miles from the I For further particulr signed in ndvertisem ll‘l Tl Audim Th 1t. ‘f Ma D11 n-m 1r n}: Tl lll able Ir Ir 11'1 H 1t little rit ‘arm for ominion 1N'SDC awn 1L Bro. N. Du miktaes w . Boyle, Du ble ill 1 ation of Officers. were installed by W J.. as ofllcers of Ric Sec ounty of We city of St. II'I 11' 1onnuh‘ .au) 60 c lill smti‘ oman’s Journal." a monthly published Ottawa, is 8. decided suc- Jslastically supported by C. 'I‘.U. The literature Out. W. C. T.U. publishes HI I. nt Ill) lu long catalogue of ex« [a temperance literature d with great advantage All interested in the ture should send for a ;ht Excxjrsion. mm! moonlxghb excursion twohmr‘s sale on Luke ming, June 26th, 1885‘ Tl‘ ill I .1 Queen City ‘pply to ‘n t (4 1e are mi! «'1 f u r *lbfl o doubt many hemselvos of the nmou is from B1 ntions. PicANic. bversley, 3rd Con. their annual Pic-Nic agrove on Dominion Mllls Exam 1 Hill are all first-"class figure are to be atoes mended scqle um. his cast 1 j ;b done, a a Dream nfl will celebrat Pic-Nic In th hrixcmnR. 33 whn “‘l'llu an are the necee Rev. Mr. Patty ‘ministpra am ndvcrtim situated thivin; 041; L1 at 7.40 in with the p a (.13 e Metho ‘f the nts hing every pr‘ L [1 in Capt the (:1 Friday, the I 40 candidates to write at! hmnml Nh tati Wednesdav ne Dollar renc ordinary lland, and Cnthnrines the under- Ridgc all A spacious ing, and an soured. In me, and or selling at ppom! 1311' M uble gi van in \ M Mch 1H Train will ity. an holding in the connec 'choir Nicholls town and assury will be is great iting VHICG )mer . In match s. and hmond ine Hill 3m LU The the 6: 11d 1 for Vellore Celebration. The 5th annual Celebration will be held i1 the Town Hall Grounds, Vellore, on Domin ion Day. Wednesday, July lst. A platform will be erected in the grove for dancing, and a competent committee w1ll see that. every- thing is carried out in first-class style. Pro- fessor Marcicnno‘s Italian Orchestra will _be in attendance, whose sweet music is always so much appreciated. Several hundred Rnllnra win In: niven in prizes for all kinds thing is carried out in first-cm: tensor Marcicnno‘s Italian Orcl in attendance, whose sweet mu so much appreciated. Sev dollars will be given in prizes ' of athletic spurts, and a. silver awarded the strongs-st team in will rnce Day Patterson vs. Markham The Patterson Lacrosse Club Markham last week and played a name with the “ Stue ” of that pla match was we!) ( boys came ofi km were taken by t1 em boys seemed advanced and tc succession. Th team. purpose 3‘ succe team hone We have r the “ Cauad! News.” It ( Brigade, from phoh Iamished by J. D. Ili McLeod ; Portraits 01 of the first. bandage 0‘ 2'â€"from original sket Dumout'e 1‘ sppcial artist of t with Gen. Middl View of battleford {mm a : Wnrdm Corps, ’. Saturday, June 20: remembered by lover as a. red~letter day in the time it was m " Xoung Uuuaal team from the T tel-est was mnnii who would veun‘ regarding the result of the match. The sky threatened rain during the afternoon. not- withstanding whic‘h, the largest crowd ever known to witness (a. lacrosse match here as- sembled, and anxiously waited for the play to commence. Fully one thousand people were on the grounds. The gmud staud,which had been enlarged to twice its former capac- ity, was packed, principally by the {air sex. who seemed to tnkq as deep an interest in the play throughout as did the men. {lugging from nppem‘unce there was very little dzfier nc» inlthe weight of the teuxn.. The rl‘oruu 0’s were neatly dressed in blue The play was magnificent on both sides. Of the 'l‘orouzos, Cuulson, Bundle and Mc- Donuld acquitted themselves with great dis- tinction. The last, named has frequently played wilh the first twelve, mud by the way he handled his crosse on Suturduy we would The Toronto shirts and bl woru. us usu‘ worn. as usuul. ti shirts. Mr. F. V for the Turonms, m a mum cabin diuus. Mr. A. G and the uumnus ti. A. Nicholls‘ kétches fr ' with on his plae n t( linen gull though It the close mm: was_ Each game was exccolhugly wull coutedul. though {tom the beginning of the match to the close it, was plainly seen that the advan- tage was‘pn the side of the home team. The first game lasted only 4 minutes, and was bruught to it close by Seurle sending me bull between the Toronto flags. After a. few minutes rest. the ball was a.gainfuced.and this game, which wus the best of the day, lasted for 35 minutes. Dur- ing this time the rubber was three-fourths of the nu}? around the Toronto goal, and very dangerous shotsflwere fired by Sam-1e,Pugsley Bud Savage, but the dexterity and watchful eye of W. Run’dle, the goal-keeper, proud too much {or them in this game. and after too much some fine worked tt some fine te_am play by the visitm worked the rubber through, and the game was theirs. The third game lasted 1-6 minutes POWen getting hold of the rubber brillinnt throw, and scored another 5 the home team. ed, lasting it through H [ifiérl‘rtl‘m usual cheer for both teams, :11 marched from the grounds, headed by t Cornet. Band. and were afterwul‘ds dined the Grand Central hotel. The play was m‘agn‘iflceni on _ both an efforts < \Ver<a_bnuq tbefiadies es hem-mg from week crane in 4 Redditt. I and J. A. and J. A. McDonald. The dav passed by without a j: kmd, and the Toroutos. although went home perfectly satisfied with Mr. friend Miss Daniels, of North Toronto, is visiting relatives in this village. Mr. 'G. J. Ghana. gavu n) a Inendly T est opnn to the County of York also be ngen far running an a. If you want a big time on ‘ :20 to Vellore. ‘ney by The fourth and la M 1' nfin » H. Mathew Manitoba, 5} with 3112A. vs sti 1d by ‘11 nan him wall worthy of the honor. 01' I 2 team we will not pm'ticulm-ize, us or two excgpcions. each mam filler] admirably. and by their united acrosse Match. PERSONALS‘ this 8.112 adi mains the he wemn med in t1; fthu Villa u the day {of Mr ar'ty of eath‘ )n Lacrosse Ulub eek and played a ‘ Stare ” of that pla contested, but the ictérs. The first tv 30er in ‘en Sound th \V an than time hom : the atter 1 th "m ‘lll lasted 1-6 minutes, when were Lon 1 Mr. M ‘un by Mr Toronto goal, and very ; fired by Seal-le,Pugsley dexterity and watchful x0 goal-keeper, provgd ey, of the Mmkhflm Su .xll on Sulurdq‘ lust. ll) :t was the sh 2 minutes. and brought ’ of that place. ad, but the Put The first two a team. but the rs,aud bud the a. team which clubs outside c n: the opposiug 1m he has just relurned a day or two of this npert. hmoud Hill certain t re to face a tub. the gree M utt ing an torial. relfth number ,ud Illustrated W nmman from J :be opposmg I‘emperunce . Interesting amusement, :iven by MP wan! 1 wife are visiting up as “men 10 luit thum adia SKI Jresse :5 the Club went to 'M r ‘WllJ on both side undla and M 16 shortest play- es. Savage put 1311?. the match visitors him Applicati‘ lefieldâ€"J‘ FJiumn . Pnzcs d trotting Dominion ll] Putk 11 n1 Id ; and rt 0n Nudhu and M We play unea in that made 1‘ game frie 001 illustr anri their m1; Luw l‘t me‘ defeat lll'Z A H stwL ‘26 lmy s “'hlLu Lptvnu actml Unin- in Ha. W" 1.11 11y l ‘ld ‘fll’llS H by ach- Jud I ul Stylish'Well-Made made) only 3357 Fan Scotch Tweec made) only $1 \Nest of England made) only $1 Superior Fine Twi PRICES AT PETLEY’S. Fast olor Prints, at 4%c. 5c. 6c. 7c. 8c. gc. an yard. Housekeepers will please note the fact that we Fine White Cottons. soft finish; ‘at 5c. 6%c. 7c. 7;; and IIC. Factory Cottons, in fine and heavy makes, at 3 ic. 7;c. and 8.1,c. > Pillow Cottons, Sheetings etc., in Twills and PI Widths, in soft finish and fine and heavy ma] Table Linens in unbleached cream and Whth If 34¢. 39c. 45c.and 69c. These goods are forty-five cents to one dollar per yard. \Ve are also offering special value in White and Lace Curtains, Table Covers, Piano Cc Mats, etc. TO HAND; Showing "Es-Day. New Dress Goods! New Cashmeres New Milfinexy “ Silks &'Satinsi “ Jagkefis New Velvets and] “ Fwd Brocades 1 __ my? SOVS Cloths ‘ New Ginghams & Cambrics New Prints andi New ' J erseys talus ‘ New Gretonnes “, Table Linens “ Table covers “ Table napkins “ Quilts inc \Vorsted Overcoats, to order, in all the 11 .en's 1 weed bults, to. opaer, ine All W001 Tweed Suits, c ine \Vorsted Overcoats in all at Petley’s. 9ETLEY & PETLEY, Our stock has all been Production,on the best t‘ it the smallest living pro KING ST. EAST, OPPOSITE THE MA THEM A711 W001 mly $15. £6 SWEGBHS . M. HAMHJTQN, 1( véed Suits, very Hobby styles,(ready made ;0 and $150 per sultl only $51 184. YONGE STE TORONTGE TOR ONTO. English VVorstec d Suits, Mantel el ace Curâ€" Sums W66 Suits or Good Worsted Suits, We‘ed Suits,, m Suits, warrant< OdeI cen bought at the F0 3t terms,and is offered profit, torCASH only OOI Suits, rder Sults, to order, only at. at from $10 to $4 at from $12 to $55 p at from $12 to $25 only $15, to order 2 1 the newest coloring to order, (very Gloves New Corsets H ‘6 west colori all pure W Nobby Styl fllbbefls Embmidefies BLUES nderwe 81' OllI rchiefs n5 I10va 52m l1 11 $15. per suit I suit. er suit. Petley’s , only $15 IOC. CGVBX’S sellin an 95 customel t color- 11 frbe Lisle Lace, Table styles) (read (read read 32M.“ M

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