Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1885, p. 1

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(HE LIBERAL PRLNTIKG (i PUBLISHING HOUSE mummy» HILL. ~ â€" ONTARIO. lééffiifififiif, Neflnlis’r 'J‘i-H'Jvin I‘J‘Iu'nzitv. mnrnhor k't‘ Physicmns‘k in '1 "r “011b..(1g1te of Stduffviile Yongu Sim 011d Hm. Office Hours 7310 10 u. m. . W.RZE.WW 'Veterih arv gm College, Toronto. Diseuses at all ’ rc Med. Members C ' ‘ Ii Veterinary Surgeon Graduate Ortario Veteri- nary College,’l‘uron‘bo. Calls 11)‘(m:])t1y attended Charges Moderate. Diseases of Horses, CM- "(:.. scientifically treated by tho mtcst meth- vos. Horses bought mu”: sold on commission and emmilxegl as for srmndneas. {Ericaâ€"vommsfte Palmor House Richmond Hill, Stoufivi 10- Mmkhmnu :10. Victoria. Sq do. l‘hornhill do. \Vomlbridge . y do. Kleiuburg 29th do , A! nbletou. .. .301311 0 s, on hand at appointments, Yitalizcd A\ . 1 ('11 A, Free from 110.111. \Vor] Rnswm'cs Unionville,.. Weston Maple 4. Richmond 1 \Voodbridgn My. Husband wiFI be found in his; office, New- ton Bmok, u». cry Sar‘nn'rlgv, except when Smurr (luv falls on ‘ above dates. Wfll visit the foflcw‘ng places professionally :â€" Alame amome of (may to Lend on farm or Qtv Draperby lute est 7 percent; no commis- HOD. momom m Privme Funds to [mum on Fan}? l‘rmmr v at lowest rates of in- tm'osk to 1: at h..;hcr1' or for rmildingud. v, er purposes. Mortgages and Mmucn urns pur hased‘ Farmer: \ ‘ 1 :-:.\\ money by upplymg direct to <6â€"‘83â€"I Lionezsy‘ "to Loan fleeâ€"Rear of the . on Saturdays. MONEY TO Toronto OW Channh - ‘(Mice hou' Address A ROBINFON L.D.S.,Aurom,0nt VOL. VIII. ‘2": A 1101:: $1 per annum, in advance.] Barristem ROSE M‘CT‘ LD, MERRITT (S: CO. (,mm: Loanbuildin 8 Toronto (aficho Palmm‘ H G. H. Hmflmzad. L. D. 5., EEI‘. mefx; 6:. Laurgginfl. afijfi :gsnmfl Dr. Jan BROS L2" I “hound . T. Nfix'i‘TkiiESSs IS PERL] ‘5' Bin, ‘33”. .i. “Hagan. «tn-an, Magpie, qua ENE '53 S CARDS Mummy m Loan 218133) BY 399w 3.. Robinson. ., tors, Conveyancers, 8.72.. No. :4 Building 8: Loan “~19. 15 Toronto Street. (mate of Ontario Vet‘ [0031. 87’“ A VENUE. ooDanGE. *Es‘fmiimt. SURGEON DENTIST L116 "i LOWEST CURRENT RATES Wavy. I‘J‘Iu'ntitv. Mnrn'hor ('0 ex 011$..(1at-e of Stduffviile mud Hm. Office Hours ‘ “E WTON BROOK, "3nd .. and to 1390 ‘p. m lst Monday of each month MD and 2151; “ ‘ .IGth “ ” ,mth ' “ “d 22nd 15. 24111 Domest' uted Animals mans & Sumoumm 01112., KILL, ONT. REYNOLDS, de Sin, Ens‘t, Toronto Editor of LTBERAL, 1231. TIST, Richmond mu yam».-. .Efwnfluwmm WW» Funeral Fumjslninggs Aiways 0n Importer of Wntchcs, clocks: and fine jewellery 2L {$00k of Dinn‘onds MIL-L pm ciuusstonos always on hand, THIRD DOOR f-IttTifl‘H OF QUEEN S’J‘REFT TORONTO. I \I'nnufactul'in of jcxmllcl 1d ropuirixmuf‘u niches and c'roc s on flw‘prmms RJL specialty I 'J‘mmki‘w, uur patrons and friends for their lib- xm‘roum't‘ {L 61:0me \m beg to state that Have rviooivofl a large stock ofnewgoods in lath-A rmsl‘ 's. A 1mm stock of Elgih and Wulthum much ” ontonlmnd.‘ Licensed Aumioncerfor the Counties: of York UnwrmumlW341, Gomk 5-01“. m1 consignment (’reneml $1111 of stuck. 010,, prnmptly attended to at reubunuhm ‘b- 1’. 0. llr'ilh'fibs muo‘xvumn. WALL, NtLfiAR'fl‘mv a; 000$, BAIL‘JIYSTERS, SOLICITORS, at. OFFICES: )8 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. Rio! mond Hill 12.0. Every Saturday. W. {\I. rHAEHL J. S. FULLARTON. W. COOK. WIDE. I um 1:135 S’i‘ER-i’flk LAW, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyazmgr, 86¢. 20 ADE.LAIDEâ€"QT. EAST, TORONTO. ' 1”“.51DVYCE FREE TO CLIENTS. Licexlschuctioneer for the County of York,re- specmmy Emir-its your mtronuge and friendly infinnm-u. SHIP?» attendmll win the shortest notice um: at runwnable mt ' 110. Address, 1503. an"). VICTORIA SQUARE; James (1. Stokes. Licensed Audtioneer for the County of York, re- tfully A ciis yOIIl‘PZXLYOIMLQG and friendly - H‘UOR attended on the shortest, notice 1‘. 0. address, King. Incensed AIICMODO‘J; for the County of York Sales nt-tenflcd on the shortage notice,aud at ma.- abe rates. Adg '93 Stouffvflle P. O. IL" “PRIVATE FUNDS T0 JvnAX" arm 'xsmymmnm Having: refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in fil’ht~(‘,‘.£lSS style, I am.) prepared to give the public the best of accommmmimn. EKcellent Stszliflg and attentive 1n 131‘s. Sample Rooms for commercial trmmllm n. A good livery in con- necti '1. Terms 3] nor (luv. Daily ixprests to Toronto. Special ntfieutiun given to moving household furniture, pianos, &.c., &c. THE DOMINION HOUSE,’ FIRST-CLASS LIVERY. Special Rates to Commerciai Travellers LhrDOMINION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES Through Tickets to. all points East and West, and Manitoba. For Tickets, Rates, ($0., apply to '17. DILWORTH, Agent N. :9: N. \V. Rys., ROBERT QUINN, .\ Richmond Hill. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VIE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS NORTH ERN & NORTH WESTERN RATLWAYS. - ichmond Hill, Ran}. Ennmger, Proprietor. Gama]; Bank cf Sande» K. Chifiholm, M. 1‘. R, H. P. Dwight, D. M. Mac- (lunald, C. 1%. Robinson A. Mch Howard, and J. Giuty. Richmond Hi1 April 30th. Dopnsits wooix'od and Intm‘oabnllowed thereon at Current Rates N) nutico of withdrawal rcquirml. Drm'us mu mrts of Canada, United States and (mum Brit m, bought and sold. PROF. W. M. CLARKE, \Yu, fho undm-sv's nod, do hereby certlfy that Wm has this day successfully in Music. and therefore he d m; wlfi‘Ufrsw hull be, c] ‘ V0 czr {E ROBERT QUINN, .G cueml Passmigcr Agent Ix v f my‘s Ci Amity Church, Thmnhill, and St‘ larch, Biclnuoud Hill, isvopen to rccuh‘c pupils in A. VIRIG SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, App] ' JAMES IVE. LAW’RENGE, an and Einsaa'ummntal Music. Richmond Hill Branch. H1 N . J. Aynamirwn :5, Sn 39m {Bataan-fit. A A. A LINEN, Cashier. S3. M. Brawn. 10 Music Store, Richmond Hill tuned. Terms moderate. (tPY .E. VIE/mink as. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6., 1885. OT“ CERTIFT CA'l E‘. C. DATCNELOE, w. 13.x):‘L11,3I. Mz In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Chm/fly 8c SON, London. Engx 3m. Manager. 'Mrs. Fawcett openediihe meeting by devotional exex-ci A paper on “ Band r f‘ I"! We \Vork,” had been prepared by M“ wa) Hutch, but in her absence it 'fi'fir’mfi ~by, 1311‘s., Roney. . ’ I“ « ‘ i ' Miss Bm‘ves was to have been present to address the children, but in her ab- sence the work was taken by Rem J. W. Cameron, Mm. Fawcett, Mrs. Lousy, Mrs. Rutherford and Mr. Milne. Mnny warning and encouraging rmnarks were given, which should be “911 iiimressed in the minds of the rising gm) timi. Mrs. J. A. E. Switzcr, Secretary of the Richmond Hill Union, lead an address of welcome, which was wry appropriate and well composed. :1. Frizzell, of Toronto, ably respenflefl. In the absence «3f Mrs‘LCowan, a. paper on “ Prayer and Cu cranon to the Work,” was, lead by hm. Helmes, of Toronto, and was well received by the Cunvention. Mrs. Addie Clushnlm, M Ottawa, then addressed the meeting at considerable length. ' Megsrs. Milne and Fer! _. und~ RefiJLN‘F; - - . . _ . . . VS, - - Cameron Jamed heaxtlly m ‘a dusaugsfia 4] which folluwed 911 gm ‘ ‘ , . ' NM ham) ~ ~ The first County Convention of the \V. C. '1'. Union WM held in the Methodist Church. here, on Monday, and although the dew is said to have been the wettest on record, enull session was well attended, and much interest vas manifested throughout the whole meeting. The ladies of the Richmond Hill Union had worked fuithl’ully and wiiely for several weeks before the day apfointed, and had the day been fine the large church wouh’l nndoubtedlyliave been packed to tln: doors. But- the min, Winch commenced. at e'nrly morn, fell in tc-n'ents, notwithâ€" standing which, quite a number from Toronto came on the morning train. Among the visitors Vi.) attended the first session were the “lowing; Mrs, v . Chisholm, of Ottawa, :.' Prov . Union; Roney and l" Holmes, ‘W'est Wml Union, Toronto; M s. Ruther- ford. Centre Union; Mm. Frizzell, Mrs. Boone and Miss Hood, from the East end Union; Kira. Fair‘ett, of Maple; Miss Stephens, of New i‘kei; lilr. Milne, Pres. of Scott Act Assopmthm; Mr. Fee, Scntt Act organizer; liir. l‘li'SSV. of the Ulobe; J. P. ’mpert, J. C. ll'chuan‘ic and H. Dickout, of hiipie. Mrs Fawcett of Mania ihen fnlIowed 7 l . with an able address on ,1. ; “ Progress of our \Vork.” The evening; mncting opened at 8 o’clock. Though the min cuntizmed to pour, the attendance was good, the body of the church being comfortably fillud. Rev. W. R. Barker opened by wading a chapter, after which Rev. W. F. \Vilson led in prayer. Mrs: Cliisholm, I’mvinciul prejsjded; Mrs. G. \Viley,Cmmty Superintenc‘ient. read a. Very interesting address, which was carefully and beamiFuliy arranged. The address was divided into three 1J.,1)'TS, according to the motto of the, \V. C. '1‘. U., “ For Gad and Home and Native Land.” Each part was skilfully taken up and given in a very effective manner. The descriptive powers displayed in de- lineating " our native land,” and cnmpur- ing it to other beautifulclimes was simply grand, and was wmthy of the warmest applause. The chairwoman then introduced Mrs. SE. Peck,of New Yorkwho was received with applause. She gave an account of the progress which temperance is making in this country and that of the United States, and showed theta great deal of the success was brought ahunt by the earnestness of the women. but who: until ten or eleven years ago, had taken very little interest, publicly, in suppressiw: the evil of the liquor trellis. She mid the women came into the tem )crance work not by degrees, but with haw-ir- tible force, and their works T-‘L'l‘fi [ullmv- ing them. She had taken 1mm. in Scott Act campaigns in nine cunntics in On- tario. and of these the temperance people were victorious in seven. She said. that restrictive legislation was not a. new thing, as Romulus, the Roman Emperor. had passed a law prohibiting women the use of intoxicating liquor under the dreadful penalty of dual-h. Reforming: the drmilmrd by moral suns- ion had failed, and they now proposed that instead of drawing the dl‘llllkilrrd frnm the drain shnp, the drum shop be taken avny from the (lumlmnl. She cluscd by expressing a hope that the Scott- Act campaign in York Cauchy Wullld be vigorously entered into at am early day. The question of unfurmrgx sacramentai purposes was L many valuable suggestions to its introduction in place wine. S8915) WUHTY SSWENTEW. EVENING MEEEZNL. more mum as of fermented President, Faces as yellow as thatof the ‘Ueathcn Chinee,’ in Crwnseqnence of bile m the blond, grow fair and w31(slcsomeâ€"Lmking again when Northrup (C- Lyman’s Vegeâ€" table Discovery and great blood purifier is used to relax constipated bowds and expel the bilious poison from the circu- lation. Rheumatic and blond impurities are also drive: out by it, digestion ru- stored. and the system benefitted in every way by its use. A very pleasant evening was spent at the residence of Mr. and Mire. Seager. a. short distance south of this village, est Thursday evening. the occasion being the return from the NorthJ’Veet of their son Percy, who had gone to that lone land with the Queen’s Own Company to asraist En quelling the recent i1 surrection. The family had invited. a number of their in- timate friends frem Richmond Hill. Thomlpilh Toronto and other places to a social gathering. and the latter thought this a favorable ongormnity to show their appreciation in z» tangible term to one who had risked his life in protecting our homes and country. After all had par- tzzlien of is sumptuous tea, Rev. \V. \V. Bates asked the friends to he Heated on the lawn in front of the residence, and Mr. Sewer was made the recipient of a. very handsome gold watch chain and locket, accompanied by the following a8.â€" éress which was read by Mr. T. F. McMahoI : A proposition was made to form a County Union, but on account of only 5 Unions being represented out of 13 in the cnnnfy, it, was thought advisable to consult the others before proceeding with the organization. The meeting Closed in time to allow the delegates to depart on the noon train. Address and Presentation. DEAR SIRâ€"It having: beéome know yes- tm'ilay that you were to be at “ Bicknor - ” your Tather'g residence, to;day, « date ‘ ined by some of your friends i c- 5,: 7).,ch filminggg uf-gfiijggginjgflifigw you upon your sate return from 'the‘ North-weet Territoryâ€"you having passed uuhurt through the danger connected with quelling the insurrection. With 4 ulacrity yon responded when called “to arms,” and liming done vour duty to ‘ your “ Queen and Country” and, the God of Battles having given the victory to the rave Canadian Volunteers, Divine Providence has brought you buck to home and friends in peace and Safety. lint it was else felt that simple con- gratulations would be but a poor and in- adequate manifestation of the feelings of your friends in Thornhill and Richmond Hill? and so they ask you to accept this golf: watchâ€"guard us a. slight. expression of their gratitude to God 1'; r your safe return, and of their regard for yourself. You will not be surprised that the gift is not of great value when you learn that it is little more than twentyâ€"four hours since the initiation wag taken in the manner. Mr. Fee gave some profitable suggest» ions as to how VVomen’s Unions mighi‘ greatly assist in Scott Act work. \Vlth kindest wishes for your future prospm‘ity. Signed on behaflf of the donors, MRS. BATES, The Rectory. ‘ Mm, LITI‘LLL, Haw Hmm‘Mineml Spring Resfidonce. MRS. KEEFLER, Richmond Hill. Infcrmfin addresses were then given by Rm: ‘J‘f, \v’. Bates, Dr. Jas. Lzmgstafl‘. 1‘11“. ‘\“\7?li’er[ield and others, uftel \‘yhich a Couple of hours were pieusanfiy passed on the pleasure grounds, “hich were hand somer illuminated for the occasion. The sgaitheging dispersed about 12 o’clock after a mist enjou'nhle time. July 30th, 1885. Mr. Winger replied 1n appropriate terms, thanking those present for their mark of appreciation, and said he would ever prize the gift, and place in amongst his most esteemed keepsakes in token of their remain mince. Cucumbers and melons “ are forbidâ€" den frnin” to many persons. so constituted that, the least indulgence is followed by attacks (:f cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These persons are not mmre that they can indulge t!) their hawk; (mutant if they have. on hand a bottle, of Dr. J. D. K0 lugng Dyaentury Cordial, a medi- cine that. “ill glve immedinfn relief, and is a sure cure for all summer complaints. 1517'. Percy Sanger: From our own Correspondent. M01er LM'ELGL‘SE,â€"â€"I see by last week’s Luz/1m t- and also by Hm IJ‘MHM, that the Vic of Elgin Mills have brun very much amm “:d by my last 105ml" in re: Ct tn the match wiih the Gaku‘ I ‘rflziuk your comnmnimnt, wl-o signs llilzasmif “ (Fm: of Tim Vic%.,” would Um well tn km}: over my lvmcr nf fhe 1693, 4 m’ We Whit was written “ whv were no? the Viv->4 sntis commummnt, no 913.115 2111;: of Tim Vic%.,” would Um well to my lvmcr nf fhe JGHA, a: {we written “ whv were no? the V Iliad.” v. min, count of it, j’EFFERSON 105ml" Galzu‘ R“) m ‘11_‘l.u ] h i nu? The 61g ‘7‘ v WY. )0 sntis MC ‘Vliy san'm' from weak nerves, Valli? of appetite, and general debility? letting the loss of sleep mid rest impoverish the 95754 mm and thin the blood, when such is really meritorious remedv as Northrup (V; Lyman’s Quinine \Vine may be had at any drug store, This article is recomg mended by the highest ziiemlaers of the medical faculty in crises of indigestion, general debility, loss (if appetite, znnl nervous affections (if all kinds. It is al- so specially beneficial Do children and del- icate females, and to busmess men, stu- dents, and those who have much 11min work. \Ve would say. Never be Wiillrmt it. lt will Miengthdn you, keep your system in regular (n'ilur, :md enable you . to successfully grapple with the work ynu have to do. Itis plezmunt to the taste. and contains nothing injurinus to tlm moist delicate constitution. Remember to as}: for the Quinine \Vinu, prepared by Northrop 55 Lyuimi's. Toronto, and. we are mn'e you will pe satisfied you will V have full value for your money. Drugâ€" used all the pins that could be procured in pinning rags, not; handkerchiefs, to every person that came within his reach, and I happened to be one of his victims, and was decorated, as well as half a dozen morg. After thanking the lady who in- formed me of his triCks, I stopped his gun-(3 for that evening. Therefore, ‘, <‘l1ink ” Truth.” as he styles him'self) is more like an outrage on truth than any thing else. The public can judge fur the: isslvos which is truth and which {also- 110ml. In the first place he accuses me of leaving the ground immediately after the first game, when T did not till after the second. Again he says I went to the picâ€" nic a mile and a. half away. The pic-Die was no more than half a mile away at most. He also says that when they came up I was gwinging some children. That I don’t think any disgrace were it the truth, but I could not say Whether~ them was a. sw’ing on the pic-nic ground, and ' as to the handkerchief part; of it, I admit I had one pinned to the rear of my coat. I will expleiin how it happened. ‘ Aft-er bOLh clubs had supper, it not being very the evening, all hands went to the bglf-r‘ndm and eiijoved theifiselves by htvin'g a few quadrilles and’y‘altme, and “ii‘ik‘ileew'fieing aboy,‘ who- Wimmdfii the Vics., sat at one end of the hall and I here defy the Vics. or thelr outsiders to cnnvict me of anything but the truth in anything chat I ever wrote in reference to their lacrosse match or anything else. As; to '(msswerinr.r “ Truth,” this time I’m compelled to clear myself of his slander: but for any futu a display of his ignorance I will treat. him as the old woman did when the jackass kicked her. i would like to know what struck that ignummus, who, in the Hmuid, slgns himself “ Truth,” and publishes such porsunal insults. He reminds me of a. drowning man grasping at a straw. His main hold is the handkerchief that was l finned to my coat, and l think that is, a very poor one and one that. won’t stand much pulling, \th don’t he come out like a man and Sign himself “ One of the Vies,” as undoubtedly be is, and not- play the snake in the gram by signing himself is no person that can truthfully any the reverse. and as to “ Of‘fi'cious Outeider " it seems that that supposition was correct; as he admits that; their comnmnicaih was an outsider. I suppose the gentleman’s feelings were hurt very much, but it met ters little to me which or What ~way he takes it, as when I “ rush into print,” my statements can be relied upon, and I defy any person to say otherwise. He wants to know why I donzt deny any statement in Elgin Mills communication. He says I left. the fielé immediater after Ists 39 (r' h Scientisfs inform us that we may ex- pect a visit this ammncr {mm the terrible scvntme, Chelcx'a. \X’esf’s Pain Ring in The remedy t'v keep. Always ready for a sudden attack. Price only 2;) cents. Sold. by all drfo gist/s. the first game. which I did not till short- ly after the second game, and I would like to know how much more of an acci~ (lent: was the game the Oaks claimed,tlmn the second that the Vics. claimed. Was that not a fluke ‘Z The Oaks' goal-keeper threw the bull and hit one of his own men, who was within six feet of the stake and it bounded back and rolled through, and l have proof enough to safely say the (Idler last two games were no better, or as I stated, flakes. “ Truth ” to such insulting falsehoods, which I. can prove are nothing else. ALI" 1L3 (humid: m uvm‘ thorn [11 not 1' ‘ nth m'k in ‘; ,m'u 1 wall SILT ublo of '1i<~1:x,om.,1; all if. [Single Copies, 3 tbs an; \\'1 \\ (T \‘ml mm No.6. l )0 cont 1 YOU ALH" ‘Imt we ho

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