Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1885, p. 3

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Fa‘c of Two Soldiers of the Foreign Legion in Tonquin. The Sslgonnais of May ‘24th contains the following story of the terrible experience of two deserters from the Foreigm Legion in Tonquin : Three months ago two soldiers of the Legion Frangere, carried away by their adventurous spirit,left their post at Hunghoa. They followed the banks of the lied river for some time, living by hunting and by fishing, and were undisturbed in their wan~ darings. One day, however, they stumbled “cross a post of the Black Flags and were made prisoners. They were not summarily executed, the Black Flags no doubt hoping to get some informstion from them. They were conducted to Lso-kai, one of Lin Jung fu‘s lieutenants, after havingexsmined them, required them to show him how to make cartridges, indicatingthat th air live! depend- ed upon compliance with this demand. The legionaries were placed in a fix. They had never engaged in the manufacture of cart- ridges, neither had they the necessary tools. The mandarins would take no excuse, and one of the deserters was forthwith killed be- fore the eyes of his companion. The demand was again preferred to the latter, and on his again protesting his inability to comply with it the mandarin ordered his execution, but with much refinement of cruelty. The fugitive asked to be allowed to write a letter to Hunghoa, and the Black Flag of- ficer allowed him to do so, at the same time promising that the letter should reach its destination. Immediately one of the attend- ants struck ofl‘ an ear with his sword. The legionary still had strength enough to take the pen and paper which were given to him, and notwithstanding his horrible wound he wrote the account of what had befallen him. The letter was addressed to the captain of his company. It was not finished when his other ear was chopped ofl. He went on, however, writing a few more words more to give further details of his sufferings. A sen< tence in Chinese, written by his captors, completed the interrupted narrative. The prisoner had his nose out 011’, then his right hand, and he died a few hours afterward. The mandarin kept his word, as the letter was lately delivered to its address at Hung- The Chief of Earth‘s Purifiers. In a battle, even when all the deed com- batants on both sides are buried, there re- main the bodies of many ani mals, such a horses, mules, or camels, according to the geography of the place. These csrcases are so numerous, so bulky, and so difficult to bury, that decomposition always sets in be- fore the half of them cm he placed under- ground. The results to the survivors would soon be as deadly as the weapons of the enemy, were it not for the vultures, who are sure to come when they are wanted. One of the most curious examples of their aston- ishing instinct was observed in the Crimean war. I need not say that in the neighbor- hood of Sebastopol the vulture wane very rare bird, from the same reason which has made it extinct in Englandâ€"namely, lack of food. Yet the war had hardly begun to assume a serious aspect when the vultures arrived in ever-increasing numbers, and fed upon the dead horses, VVhence did these vulture come ’2 Many from Northern Africa, for {he Arabs declared that during that war very few vultures were found in the place where they usually abound. Many also appear to have come from Asia, as a similar phenomenon was observed in several part of India. Why They Failed. We receive so many letters from women and young girls who have tried to support themselves in the cities in difl‘erent ways, but felled, asking for advice, that we give a. few hints thus publicly for the benefit not only of our correspondents, but of others who may be in the same position. they Began} trade with no apprenticeship, Tcame at once into collision with experts in it, and so were defeated. A young girl heart; of china-painting. She sends for a box of colors and a book, and soon is dashing off plaques, cups and plates, which her friends are delighted to receive as gifts, but which nobody will buy. The reason is that they have merit enough to please partial friends, but not the critical public, for Whose praise and money so many skilled, patient artists are contending, in every department of art. “ Be accurate,” said St. Simon. curate; and again, if you ask m sesret of victory. Be accurate." They state that they have tried to earn a living by painting china, bee raising, silk- culture, embroidery, or by making brackets by jig-saw. Why did they fail! same history suite the other favorite employments of girls. Perhaps they take up bee-raising with absolutely no practical knowledge, and are guided by the vague accounts of the bonineas in the newspapers_ Now the World (like the Engli~h Prince the other day) wants the best and most accurate work which can be done in any department. There is too much competition nowedays for a slipshod, careless, though intelligent, laborer to have any chance at all. Tne bees die, the worms perish inexplicably by the hundred, the dccorative painting comes out of the oven cracked and discolored, While the work of stupid people, who give them- aeivea wholly to the study of their art, suc- ceece. Th: reasgn, probably, lies in the fact that FRENCH DESERTERS BE- HEADER. “ 5e ac- the final “ ‘Go to bed in the dark,’ was my father‘s answer, and I climbed the ladder and made my way along the timbers, no flooring being laid. A bright idea struck me, and I thought I could make one more appeal to my fate. I cried down: ‘ “ ‘It’s so dark I can't find the bed?” “ Quick as a flash came the answer. ‘Gel: as near to it as you can and lie down! ” “ My dear fellow, how glad I am to meet you again. In is years since we parted. You look well, healthy, flourishing.” “ Oh, yes ; I'm enjoying my patrimony. And you ; how have you been! You look rather ill and out of sorts." “ Yes ; I‘ve been on- joying my matrimony. Difference of sex in fortune between us, that': all." He Found the Bed. One of the sons of old Ipswich, himself gray-haired, was thus relating the character- i {tics of the parental discipline which obtain» ed in his youth. “One evening,” said he, “I had come under my father‘s wrath, and he sternly ordered me to go to bed. Bed was in the loft of a log house, and I com plained I had no light." It is unnecessuy to say that the bed was found and not lost again until morning. “Shoot Poll I as She Flies,” was the say it appeared in the proof-slip. The argue-eyed proof-reader, however, knew the quotation intended and changed it to read: “Shoot Folly as she flies.”â€"Pope. Of course it was an error, yet how many are daily committing much graver errors by al- lowing the first symptoms of consumption to go unheeded. If afllicted with loss of appc. tite, chilly sensations, or hacking cough, it is suicidal to delay a single moment the use of Dr. Pieroe's “Golden Medical Dlscoveryfi â€"â€"the great and only reliable remedy yet known for this terribly fatal malady. Send two letter stamps for Dr. Pierce's com plete treatise on this disease. Address World‘s Dispemary Medical Association Buffalo, If the public are fairly and faithfully dealt with they will come to appreciate it sooner or later. This fact is well illustrated in the experience of Messrs. Tuckett 8L Son, with their well known “ Myrtle Navy ” to- bacco. Throughout the manufacturers of T. & B. have stood firmly by their original idea. to give the public the best article pos- sible, at the lowest possible price, and in the large demand for their tobacco the public have manifested their appreciation. Delicste diseases radically cured. Consul- tation free. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo N. Y. When they were married he promised to cleave to her, and he was true to his word, for he clove the first time he went to the ‘heater. The butcher should always be placed on joint committees. No such evidence. Can be offered for any other preparation as supports our claim that Putnam's Painless Corn Ex‘rsctor is the best and safest corn cure remedy in the world. Dr. Consadine, Port Dslhousie, writes :â€"“ I can testify to its efficacy together with many others here." This is a universal opinion. Try Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor and avoid poison- ous and cheap substitutes. Sold by drug- gists and dealers in medicine. They Speak for flhemselves. PICTON, Feb. 17,â€"This is to certify that I have used Polaon’a NERVILINE for rheu- matism, and hswe found it a valuable reme- dy for all internal pain, and would greatly recommend it to the public.â€"N. T. KINGS- LEY. “Laugh and Grow Fat.” is a. precept easily preached, but not so easy to practice. If a. person has no appetite, but a distressing nausea, sickâ€"headache, dys- pepsia, boils, or any other ill resulting from inaction of the bowels, it is impossible to get up such a. laugh as will produce an al- dermanic corpulence, In order to laugh satisfactorily you must be well, and to be Well you must have your bowels in good or- der, You can do this and laugh heartily with Dr. Pierce's “Pleasant Purgative Pel- lets,” the little regulators of the liver and bowels and best promoters of jollity. The red rose is the national flower of Eng- land and the red nose is the natural flower of English beer. LEEDS COUNTY, Jan. 9.â€"We are not in the habit of puffing patent medicines, but we cannot withhold our testimony as to the great value of Nerviline as a remedy for pain. We have pleasure in recommending it as a never-failing remedy.â€"REV. H. J ALLEN, BENJ. DILLLN, and many others. P. A. Churchill states :â€"Thera seems to be no end to the success of Nerviline. I send you a few testimonials, and can send you plenty more if of use to you. Sold everywhere. Cucumbers sliced are said to remove frec- kles. This is not wonderful. They have been known to “remove” whole families. It is now announced that the king of Siam is the father of 364 children. The last time the item went around tha number waa only 240. Alma Ladies’ College, St. Thomas, Ont, has full staff and complete courses in Lit- erature, Music, Fine Arts, and Commercial Science. Re-opens September 10, 1885. For 50 pp. announcement, address, Princi- pal Austin, B.D. The only diff-fence between" going a fishing” and “been fishing" is the number of backaches and self-denunciations.” I 1 “(3th, Nlhety-Seven acres clear. éood for graiuror grazing, hall-mile [tom ooruomtion Uxbrldga. Apply to N. MUNRO, Uxbrldge P.0. "'cnisbumc x 1” THE ROYAL ENGLISH HORSE AND QA'H‘LE LINA- Many of the diseases so prevalent in these days are caused by using soap containing impure and infectious matter. Avoid all risk by using PERFEC’lION Laundry Soup, which is absolutely pure. Ask your grocer for PERFECTION. Manufactured only by the Toronto Soap Co. ALUABLE FARM FOR. SACKâ€"100 séies, 3; miles east of the clty ct sa. Thomas, For particulars, address J. J. Lewis. New Sui-um: ARMS FOR SALE. CHEAP.â€" All finalâ€"Jon: n_.1.‘ _DAE)IY, Guelph? _ H ASK YOUR GBOCER FOR IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLAOKING jutlntro'uoed from England, where it he been in use over 12 yearn. Care: I“ akin dinenses; hPBll cut-a, bfflllel und 59mm : cures mange on dogs. and wk 11 used In the bath, (About I tens nful to that") positively de- stroys flags, line, In t inseam on dogs. poultry, or nny other unlm‘l Bowl 50 500 and is] sub. Circu- n free: writs Earthen: NESS a 00,. 759 Oral 5!. Mom:me Menu wnnta everywhere. Good induce maqtfl togood men. ADD It 01108 for (arms And pu- WATER [an no superior : 20 feet per ham. hsnd orhorae-bcwer combined boriux sud took drilling macbiua ; "and an; new: am prlzes and diatom}! ml for 599910919. Will reopen September 3rd, 1835. The increasing popularltv sud success of this institution may be 00‘ counted lor by its plesssnt and heslthtsi locstion, its elegant buildings and grounds. its moderate charges, and its superior facilities for affording a flu- ished education in literary, musical, and fine art studies. Four Professors. and ten lady teachers, all specialists in their departments, besides stencher of walking. riding, Ind caliethenics, sre prepsnd to do thorough work, and meet the resealable expecta- tions of the best patronage. Students are prepared (or teachers and metricuhtion examinations. 8192 se- cure board, ltundry, and tuition in English, modern Isngueqes. music, drawing. and celesthenics, for one year. Those desiring admission should make early snd definite application to REV. J. J. KARE. M. A.. Principnl. 7 fl - I. A Portable Achromntls Telescope that will tell the tlmecf the church clock in Toronto at three miles off, with extra astronomical eye place and sun glass (or astronom'cal use. It will show Jupiser’s moons, spots on the sun, mountains in the moon, 6m. Sent to any address on receiptof $550. L. 0. Bacon, Rolled Spice Bacon. C. 0. Bacon, Gluiow Bee! Hfims, Sugar Cured Ham, Dried Beef. Bren fut Bacon. Smoked Tongues, Maps Pork. Plokl- ed'rongmu, Cheese, Family or Nuvy Pork. Lard in Tubs and Pulls. The Beat Brand: at English Fine Dairy 5an in Stock. FOR PLEASANT SEWING Wmmted FULL Length, and to run smooth on an] new! mmblna. See that OLAPPERTOK'S name: in on the ll 91. “For I!” N1 :1! Dry-Goods Deals". ; no r) n gt a 51mm Washer in the on! Wuahinz Machinav’n, wanted that u weah‘ w 0 ma 1: o r i H 1 years old W1 Lh u L he use 0 I w u p board, can with ens- wssh 50 to 100 piers in one hour. Agmu wanted all over Luz Ada. Sample lemm- trial mdterdcory given. Ladies make ’er uganu;no we}: 0!. clothen, and ovary Indy will buy um trying it; w-rrmwa to wuh calico: in five minutes. cottmgonda in 20, hedclothm 10. or no sale. Addxm, FERRXS l: C "Fuentes: Ild Hum lmturon. 78 Jan-vi: Street. TORONTO‘Canm 0.119%!) “10360908 7! CHAS. POTTER; Optician 31 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. We offer you a means of making from $10110 $30 per week, rlgbn along. in your own neighborhood, by acting 3! Agents tor our Teas am! Cofiee. We guarantee them to please or we will refund the pun chaser's money. No capital neededfl‘ust a. little push. The Teas need only to be shown and they will sell themselves Send name and address at once. Only one Agent will be appointed in each district. Lass no time. PETER WESTON Clapperton's Spool Cotton 1 JAMES PARK 85 SON. £13311 Line Edflifiiflfifiéfiifi Buillngduring winter ’trom Portland ever Thursday and Hulibx every Sgtmday m Liverpool. an In snmmm from Quobec (may: Saturdny 9.4) Lhcrpaol. u- mm; It Lon donderry to lnnd mails and pmnengem for So that on Ireland. Also from Baltimore. via. Hllimx 3nd St. John's N.F.. to Liverpool fortflghny during summer mouth: The steamers of the Glamow linen and} durln wlnhm to andfrom Halifax. Portland. Boston and mints] phi: ; and during summer between Glut ow Ind Moat tmal. weakly; Gltsgow and 130mm. w'r‘ekly; and 1?"qu Aug Philgdql'opi‘z. fortnighbiy. t, '02). a 7., or qther hum-mafia: ayaply to A. gobnmachm} &: (50‘, Baltimore; Ev Cunard 53¢ Cm 3.3.112“; Shea 8:: (kn, Joha'i N. m; Wm. 'i‘hmnmn A: 02).. at. John, N. P Alla-n 8c 00., China,ng Love xi Alden, New York ; H. Bourlier, T onh jAlIABS, Rana; 0:3. Quebec: Wm. Bro ‘ w. " hfllgdalpma; H. A. Ailm- pnriziimd, qu“ ' outrun! CAUTION? TO FARMERS’ SONS : r yenrHrg heifers had one hull. Write for desorlp. inn whs xnfl undizma to G. V BAKER. 'l‘nhdarw, IN BRONZE: LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINE. Prevention Better Than Cure. Snail-E ANBWAEH FOR Domksnoflnmfitfl; ’és’n'a'av'sraukr‘ffi‘lufni‘bfi" 5133231521 _o REMâ€"WES! uALF 1,01‘ 33, CONCESSION .UKE BBED ansmmcs to} in tvriéiéun‘ iiiwo Pork Packers, Toronto. NTABIO l-mIES' VOLLEGE. WHITBY, ONT. ""- EACH PLUG OF THE ESTABLI lHED 3! London, Ont. â€"-USE ONLYâ€" IS MARKED STAR AUGUR WELL BORING Per A. P. 240, 1 vs: Willinml' Eye Wlterfit cure: I” dlaenaea the E 'a that no ounble, even 001mI Blludnewz. :31 firm druggxats fox-1t. Wholaanle by Lynn Sons 1 Co ont'efigla flganor} olguulnr to see gha marveluu Biz}; mantel hi fiifiicréfififind Whfil Maj-7&3} Llwrenoe attest. or It GARDNER'S Drug Shore, col- ner Ind Nona \me utraet NTARIO V TERINAKY vOLLEuE â€"L‘emper uncs 815.. Torontn‘ Patrons. Gov. Gen. of Cmna‘da. Lleut.v(}ov_ “Ontario. The most success- ful VenerlnMy Institution in Amurica. Over five hundred graduates in successful practice. All ex- perienced teachers. Session bezins 00'; flat. Fees Fler Dollars Prlnnlpnl. PROFESSOR SMITH. V.S. GUT THIS OUT? Pfiz°éSv1$iii§§n$££€ifilQueen Uity 011 Works, ited. I TORONTO. SWMMIE -â€"â€"IS THEâ€"â€" BEST IN THE MARKET. nw STAND! nw mm: This College. founded in 1854, has had in attendance over 3,000 difierent students. It cfliers unnurrassed iscilitiesifor “ general culture" and for mstniculetion in Arts, Law, etc, at a moderate cost. The Col to Course embraces both “ matriculation work" and selected studies in Science and Philosophy. The A em of Music has awarded 26 diploma of Ernduetion in three years. It was never so popular as now. The Bu - noes College is under the direction of a practical accountant. Ornamental penmanehip a speciality. The School oi Art is in affiliation with the Ontario School oi Art. and teaches its courses. a A special course of lectures for conference students or the Methodist Church. in which the Rev. Dre. Cayman, Jefiers, the hev. J. B. Clnrheon, MA, and others take part, will be given during the winter months. m:A reduction in fees of 1" Ear cent. (instead of a deflvire sum as formerly) is granted to students taking we or more Departments. Bot ladies and gentlemen admitted. Fell terms begins September 8th. FOR “ ANNUAL ANNOUNCEMENT" AND CIRCULARS, ADDRESS mat-33:3: " SUNBI-JAM7' WRINGER 2 ONLY $3:00.v ONLY $3.00. Baton bnylng lend nu flme for on! ahang photo Ind Mlee of law. Mfl!’ Msohmaa nun for three yam nnd Ian! 01 I An: ‘Id’ In an I mu:th will do wall '0 "no I THE CHEAPEST I): THE MARKET. \Yarranted first- class, or money re- funded. Send di- rect to manufac- turers, or procure from your Hard< ware or House. Furnishing dealer. Hgmilton Industrial Works 00., Mggufacggyers. Hamilton, Can. The Most Effective, Clean, Durable and Economical Healer-s in the Market for warming and ventilating Churches. Schools, Public Bnlldlugs, Stores and Private Residences. Simple in construction and easily managed, capable of nging more heat with less consumption of fuel than any other heating apparatus. W Absolutely Gas Tight, m Seven sizes are made and can be not either In Brick or Portable Form. Correspondence solicited. For Catalogusa and further information address, Latest Improved Attachments agents price for similar machine 88f flur price only 825 such. Sewing Hashim Con §§LARDINE Eggfi‘fié gwffirb‘i‘g!‘ For sale by all leading dealers. Of Dea}ers who Sell in- GWRNHY’S NEWJlARRIS [WT MIR FURNACES 22 JAMES ST. SOUTH. HAMILTON $10 Reward for' the Conviction (IN AFFILIATION WITH VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, 0030030,) BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO 1& 1514941.; slamâ€"Thmérumtonad ue (equated m Exaiifine Their Sfifiéfior Méritg! THE E. & C. GURNEY CO. The New Cmflperative The (Jo-Operative SAMUEL" ROGERS & 00., AND OTHER MACHINE OILS MACHINE OIL. ALBERT COLLEGE, HAMILTON .~. ‘ REV. W. P. DYER, M.A., President. MANUFACTURERS OF‘ (Luann) GURNEY & WARWS Are the Best. At- tested by the Fact thntthero are more of our scales in use in the Dcminion than of II] owner makes combined. Hay. Sleek and Goal Sales, Farmers' ‘ Grain and Dairy Scales. Gnu-en’& Bum”: Scales, Scales for Domestic Use. Housekeepers, Consult Your Best Interests By purchasing a scale, and in buying one be sun toast the bees. Our scales are fully warranted in every particular. All sizes Railroad, Warehouse and mu Trucks. 7 Alarm Money ln-gyerg. "i‘or sale b-y vthao' Hardware Trfiérivenerillyi ll; lustth Ont-lone and Price List forwarded upon Ipplication. GURNEY & WARE “Hummusâ€"Montreal and Winnipeg. STANDARD SCALES HAMILTON. ferior 011 of Other Manufacture for McColl Bros. & Co- Toronto. CLOTHES \VRING EBS OF ALL KINDS “Royal Cans.- 3 ion,” “ Imperi‘ .1,“ “ King,” also Ma n gl es. Two Roller, and Three Roller. \V r i t e for particulars.

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