Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1885, p. 5

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The rcpm‘is from Londuu (m the weab to Whitby Jj‘ing L.» :11“me u! 115, :how‘ that the swing, L ops of mi kinds :n‘u um Jullv heavy this | The bulk of straw 111 {all wheat is nn “:4 an awn ’, but, the yield of grain In some places will be cw .2 {\sseued omiv: ; LL) ‘lu ~‘ £21. The publie‘iim of {he Illustrated War News has xsmi mm N9. 115 “Mich 13 one of the bust; {mu m 30 LJ.» pu‘nic. Tim pub. fishers 31'} mmpn'mu to bind a! e numbers for parties who have (:1 comping or incom- plete sens. Amy 1,“qu :wmflu'u mm Le got by taming Quin: ‘ Y * A 41111244111} column L; for the (M mom} Hill. flue lowest pm For one (lx'fllm‘ Concrete mach 01 U1: )n' {-fi p .. 1.1151115, 1 AN. best puncrcic‘; cam] 01 UK: 203135. go' Currants-t 201bs. I" Tapio Sago, 183? x {mod 81: 9.61133. best R1ce,20 N33. 1305;1111 runes, 42 bars Laundry S<')sp,20yds..‘1zavy Factuly Cotton, lyki‘ “Ede. Damn a few of: Barley 1 one deli: l‘he I" or Grounds, , at:o.1d:d.x , m Lime 0': th», v dull Just 1 some {:Iy Jim, \Vhir: whole ‘ Ih'oc) Qtlmm‘. Pm’kdalv... Davenport . \VCHLOW .. H Thwmh: . 3([k,Fi1‘.2\;\“ K' , V » ‘ rm‘. Nmrmnr Brenna} P W: m, a: least Bu‘es of LsxcmsHm 10 (mm at THE L ' " r‘ xhe Fire Proof. NJ and all kinds Craig’s is of August as in Summer wives. of groccuua at Iowa-5L p: the place, Dun" the 1m they are c1} wing grout, burl, goods. Cad} mu: see for m Lzbcml Assaciation. A ma Men’s L. (hub in, Jmkha . Lu nah] Uniunvnlc, on Friday (W’; at 7.301;. m, A full MN“ NEIL MC” “whip (rt 7,1» Hall, :IDS, August 7th, H ace Q5 requested. TURON TOW.) For thcbcstvaluei115311;jar,choicc Teas and Coffees, go to the Con- crete. . M( in 1 x pI'ICCS, fi“l)ipp;T:u:k100f every as: sale at I‘m; [.‘7 AL Show, Fruit jars, all 512,132‘, and Jelly Mugsat Hm Ca aerate .Kt bwéht prlce. 'JTxlom We in Dm‘cmw (fnmh-v‘ Um , I ' Mm’l .\ Ex Arum; l‘l‘qu‘, Mum: 'm: Cy. ‘lmnp‘I n. “Sm, Y r MAJ Exim chmcc Demanu’a Sugar at the Coxnlrcto, the fincst Sugar for preservmzf, L m r LlthneLL "noefing of the V M Union W111 be hob). at Hm residuum o A Stirlmg on Tues :23; pulling, Aug. Il‘Lh, .1:- 7.30. N. R. H. TIME TRBLE. If you want good get the Peerless at 5m mm 6‘29.” mflmmwmmmw W Until f' (311001! (J‘ A 1N HO In) m at. the Loncrete, : pieces of prnxad Musâ€" .14 : an: offered at 3 than { Hr? motive Wui‘m will b ' ' ’ (mm: 1' imlu x HIL‘. ' 1‘) :11] t b w ' Nun asi Pads Gwen at bottom to Savage's. cmrzt Sets for Lie at Tm; Ln:- The Crops ulA'U: “()th Sf: u‘f L ‘ 21 fufiv (>1 m (V Snub Jar V01: C «1 Earl man s, s: 111503 in mam the above xtth Sair. (SDI'LIL'K u~1th 'L'fl). mill in: » inchu RM luJU re our (2091. (? NORTH ['11 u rsd in m (m the weab to M 115, :how‘ that a mu u‘msuullv k of straw in {all \h ‘4 17, E“ v 'H w ‘1 A 111:. G, ’3 D each, for sale Hffl N'm‘.‘ 1:2le LINE. in mmth - ordvrs (1 at the Chine Oil, 1 ‘2 fwd rnh 711, Lim buw ‘ seem the Pulme r‘v 'at the 'z‘nstcx‘ 1.x EX 6.36 7.05 U1 m ‘10 37 M) JG \Vurms cause fevez-ishness, moaning and restlessness during sleep. Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is pleasant, sure and effectual. If your (ix'nggist has none in stock‘ get him to procure it for you. C. 0. Jacobs, Hullalo, N. Y., saysz- “ Dr. 'i‘lmmas’ Eclectric Oil cumd him of a bad mm of piles of eight years’ stand- ing, having; tried almost; every known remedy, ‘bcsldcs th Buli‘alo physicians,’ without relief; but the Oil cured him; he thinks it cannot; be recommendad too highly.” There being izuitatium on the market of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric 0i], customers will see that they get the gen- nine. in; meted the l‘ "Llia; Sclmol buildings to as- certain what L3 '2» ‘18 necessary to put Hum in proper ccndltxon. Mr, Trench mov- ed. seconded by Mr. l‘altm'son, that the chairman, so "gnaw, and the treasurer be a unmuizi’on to lock up the law L11 School Trustee El' ctiom, and report at next meet- iu â€"Ul1:'rionl. Moved by Mr. Duncun, sec- onded by 311'. She-Lalo, that the committee of managcnwnt be in "acted to {Wash me roofs doors, and windows of the school moms,nnd make the neuesml'y my 5. In Wm; then moved as an amendmentby Mr. Nuuglxton, h'woudell by Dr. Wilson, that the said com- of 111:111agemuut be instructed to make the necssmry rupmrn in two of Lhe three luck moms in the Public School to be occu- plcd during L110, Winter, the outlay not to (’XCOOCI $75. The amendment was hurried. '“l‘o‘ 13mm). mlgoumell to meet on the first Tuesday in Elomeznbe '. School Board B’Ieeting. TheRichmond Hill School Board mot for the transaction of businesg on Tuesday afnernoon, r. it. Marsh. chairman of the Board, presn ’. Members present, Messr‘. Tuttcrson, Boylu, Brown, Troncl , Duncan, Nanghton. Skce 0, Swims: and Dr. \Vilson. The minnfiea of hst mcefing were read, and on motion confir m1. On motion of Mr. Trench, sea-omh n by Mr. Brown. the Board A correspondent from Patterson writes to the Globe and Mail newspapers saying that a lacrosse match was played there on Tuesday last between the Richmond Hill and Patter- son cliibs, and that Patterson captured the murals, drumming the Visitors by three games to one. Those who never saw we clubs play would take it for granted “ml. the “ Young Canadians ” have bean delegated by the Pal;- torson team, Whnreas the victory was gained over a team com;_)osed of ” Kids " 10'aud 12 years of age, known as the “ White Rose ” club. The account is not only misleading to the public but is malicious. The writer may look upon it as a, joka,but it; IS a poor way to encleavor to build up the reputation of a lacrosse club. Probably the largest fire which has ever visited Toronta broke out between 12 and 1 olclogk Monday morning, and c-Lmtinued its ruvages for several hows. lb originated iii the large sugar refinerjwn tho Esplnnudo; burning all tlm boat, l'ouses and many at the vessels along the water’s edge. The loss is estimated at half a. million dollars. A night-watchman perished in the flames. it is supposed he caused the fire by letting his oil lamp d!‘C‘P,_fllld perished in ntfempting to subdue; the flames. Others have an idea it was caused by spontaneous combustion. This is! the time of year to cut and get rid of all kinds of noxious weeds, before going to seed. The principal structs of the village are pretty free from those troublesome and useless vcgemble productions, but some of the back streets need looking after. Cut them, and it will put an end to the trouble, not only £0 Lhose who have a right) to do the work, but to those whose duty it is to See that the By-an relating to the same is en- forced. This suggesbion might, alsq be acted upon by the farming; 001mm nity in this vicinity, in regard to Canadian thistles. - Our light-weight lacrosse players, the “ \‘vhlm Roses,” mountedou a. . high-toned chaise sturtm for I’utte: 11 on Tuesday afternoon to cram: sticks with the junior club of 1.12:1}; 31mm. Thc game was very exciting, shutfithe home team were too heavy for their fight but; agile opponents, and- defeated them by ihrec puma-s Ln on“ uf’wr about an hour mid .1 hzux 5 pm]. \‘. e have not heule the nmmmt of money which changed hands.‘ Eh: return match will he played here shortly. Bui‘i‘alc like Tournament. The Richmimil Hill VFire Bi‘igade havd i kid to take piii't iii a, fire tuui'nameut bovn ;. in Buffnio, commencing on Monday next. \“siiuiihiu pl‘iZHH we offered in several de-_ pmimmis, which. with practice, our firemen \muii‘I ' aid :1 goad chance 01 capturing, but the notice gin-n iniup; so short it has been decided not to t-ch part. We should like to see the B ' de practice regularly, so as to be in a pusilion to entm' a. contest at; any time, in which case we would expect to see the company’s funds stz'cngthcmwi before this‘se on is over. ‘ Early Monday morning, the I’m-in com- muucud penning, and continued wlvh slight mtervnls all during the day. Unfortunately it. came right in the mldst of barley harvest, zunl will cause great damage to cropsthrough- out tho munty. It does not take a very heavy min to knock ten or twelve cents a km 401? bm-ley. T‘s.“ liaimsfztther Family will gum one of their elk-aunt and w fined Scotch entertain- igemF‘v in the Tonmemnce Hull, Wednesday evm. Hg, Aug. 12th. The entertainment will consist of Hcotul: Snags, Scotch Smu-ies and Sun “ Music. By Lha notices o! the press, tin g» nimuld rocmvo a Quad house Concert Locommencu ab 8 u’ulwck. Admission 25 cents. 7;.‘3111 Chinese lanterns, and own-«thing pass- ‘ed off very phrasnnily. The mebergsies, ico Emma and other delicacies ware nicely Serv- ed up by attentive waiters. nnd gnve good sapt‘iwwtiou. The proceeds amounted. 60 30. Lufit FJ-ztiuy cvenim: the ladies of the Pro tel-inn church held their Raspberry 1mm 11 at. the residence of Dr. Jus. Lang< Muff. The grounds wew neatly decorated Raspberry F estival Scotland’s Songs. Noxious Weeds Toronto’s Fire Heavy Rain. N ‘sleading Lacrosse. Feb. 11m, ‘85. MISS FLORA COULuTER lS PREPARED TO GIVE LESSONS 1N MUSiC. Is there anything! more annoying than having your corn stepped “pun Z In there anything more delightful than getting rid 0f it 2 Hollmvny’s' Corn Cure Will do it. Try it and be convinced. M USN} SEEâ€"0N8}! Mr. Elijah Beyuunpf Temperanceville, whose barns were burned by lightning some time ago. has rebuilt mmther,which is; 45x60ft. It was raised on Mnndny, July 27th. The people turned out nobly and put it up in fine style. The Conference has ammo and gone again. \Ve had one change in our min- isters, Rev. Mr. Chupnmn who is nny assisting Rev. Mr. Savage. Mr. Benj. Lion], who has conducted a mercantile business {or a. 1011;; time in Springhlll, has (Imposed nf his property to Mr. Jesse len, of King Creek, and another gentleman. ' hey take possession early in August. My. Lloydimfeml mov- ing to TorunLn. He wi‘l be grchtlv mlss- ed in Springhill and vicir ' Our lacrosae boyszu'e having; a busy time lately buying and harvesting, but practice occasionally. The hay crop is pvetty good this season. Mr. Geo. Stewart has leased his farm. to Nh‘. Gillim, of” King, for :3. term of ye' s, and intends retiring for a time. From our own Correspondent. Business has been somewhat brisk of late. Harvest is now on hand, though the wet weather has caused considerable delay. Wages seem as high as ushal. The farmers are ufi'aringz nine and ten dollars a. week. and 1 know one man who is paying $50 for 20' dry days. The crops are quite as good as last year, with the exception of the full when-t, which, on high ground, was killed 011;. We have no hesitation in saying that Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dysenfery Cordial is Without doubt the best medicine over in- troduced for dysentery,diarrhwa, cholera and all summer complaints, sen sickness, etc. It promptly gives relief and never fails to effect a permanent cure. Mothers should never be without a. bottle when their children are teething. The adjourned meeting of the Brigade was held on Wednesday Evening. Lieut. Pligsley-in the chair. No answer from Bufl‘zfio had been re- ceived in reference to their mu ‘mlmnnc. It was moved by fireman Snider, seci ended by fireman McLean, that the lose Reel Company be sent to take part in the tournament. Movedasan amendment bv fireman Derry,seconded by fireman Kil‘khtnd,flmt owing to the short notice we do not send any part of the Brigade.~1‘he amendment carried. Mr. Savage reported that tho commit- tee appointed for that purpose 11nd 1001;- ed into the finances of the Company and found that about $95 was on hand. As no reply had been received from Buffalo in reference to car fare, (Du, the meeting adjourned till \Vednesday evening. arrangemeâ€"nt on Tuesday evening, Aug. 4th. The minutes of previous meeting were may} mid adopted. Messrs. Savage, Pngsley and Redditt were appointed a. committee to enquire into the funds of the Company, the fare to Buffalo and other expenses necessary, and to report on Tuesday evening. It; was i'equested thaLVthe Ho‘s-e Reel and Hook and Ladder Companies start priqtice on _Monday ngning. V After a. discussion on the matter resoâ€" Iutions were pagsed that this Brigade take part in the hose reel race and hook and ladder race, provided the funds will admit. Miss Sadie Sweet. of Hamiltoqu spending a few days with Mr. T. H, Redditt. The Lio‘menan‘b then stated that the meeting was in reference to a communi- cation rum Buffalo, relating to n gmnd Tournament for firemen to be held in that city on Mnnday, Tuesday and Wed~ nesday, Aug. 10th, 11th, and 12th. Th6 communicafiion was mad by Forc- ‘man Redditt and received. Miss W. Pollock, of Woodstock, is visiting friends and relatives in the village. Mr. Wm. Cook, of Australia, is relative: and friends in the village. Mr. W. R. Proctor started on Tuesday for a. trip to Montreal, Quebec and other eusnern places. Messrs. C. Trevathan, G. Kidd, C Sheppard and F. McConaghy, jr., proposgd mid accepted as firemen. Mr. W. Atkinson, j1'.. is speuc‘ling n. few week’s holidays in Woodstock, Simcoe and other parts. Mr. and Mrs. James Humiltonpf Uxbndgc returned home on Tuesday, after Spending; a week‘with their relatives and friends here and at Elgiu Mills. Grimmâ€"Near Victoria. Square, on Thursday, July 30th, Edward (irico, need 41 years. v ‘ A special meeting. of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade was held in the Cuuncil Chityynber on Saturday evening, Aug. lat. There were over tflirty members pres ent. SAIGonâ€"At Spfinghfll, on Sunday , A119. 211-1 :1. dullghherto 511‘. and B11‘S.J. T. Sad geun FIRE BRIGADE MEETING The meeting adjourned. The Brigade met according to special The meeting then adjourfied. PERSONALS. OAK RIDGES. BFRTEH§. HEATERS visiting cre Our stock has all been bought at the Fountain Head of Production,on the best torms,and is offered to our customers at the smallest living profit, ior CASH only. talus Tifa'i'ew Gmtnnnes “ affable Linem “ Table \mvem “ Table napkins “ Quilts “ Silks & Satins New Velvets ami Brncades New M a. 111:1 e Giatlm New Ginghams & Gammics New Prints Mia Safisaem New EMS-@373 “- Lame Cara New Dress Goocis New Gashmeres PETLEY 6% PETLEY No wholesale house in Canada will or can sell Black Silks at lower prices than ours. We show Black Gros Grain Silks at from 500. to 358.50 per yard. We have in stock standard brands at “fifty cents,” “seventy-five cents,” “one dollar,” and “one twenty-five” per yard, which we are convinced are quite, equal if not superior in value to any goods at the same prices in any wholesale house in the city. No house on this continent is in a better position to give the public value for their money in Bias}: Silks: than ours. Ali our Silks are purchasi- ed. direct from the mahufaethieisené as Black Silks are e, stepie article W( are prepered to sell them at a. small advance on cost. BLACK SELKS KING S‘I‘. EAST, OPPOSITE TQ HAND. 184.. YONGE STREET, TQRGNTQ. ‘ u-mveg New Game-«S “ Ribimm w}. &' filmwimg “Ea-Bay. New Millimw M 6£ mm mqv mm hake’ts Kid. Haves Sill: L] THE MARKET, Lisle

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