Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Aug 1885, p. 8

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hm of 1G ta 20,2 56:55, And vicinity that he 18 prepared to take orders for the delivery of all kinds of coal at the lowest rates. 6~6w. Address with particulars to “ THE LIBERAL ” OFFICE, ST. MARY s EMSCOPAL CHURCH.â€"Service at 3 .m., except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament; are held at 11 3.111. Sunday Schoolat 1:30 11.11; Rev.W. Bates, Rector \‘IECHANICS' INSTITUTE â€"Librarv of over 1000 v0 1mm,npouovaryTuesday eveningin the Mnâ€" a mic H; 100k. R. 1‘). LawLibm. rmu. Le 1111' ussions periodically. The undersigned begs leave to inform the people of Health is VVeaIth‘ RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465,1. O.G. T.~ Mev’w 1'11 tho ’J.‘ompm‘zumo 1m11- every \Vellnesduy evoninfsxut 7‘30 o’clock. \VmJInr isnn T.D. The Mo, nudist sabbath School’l‘emperance As 81M :m'uu IAnH‘ClL} pledge 0‘ Jul: every Sunday when L10 re<L \‘(nLHm‘rison sup‘r PRIZSDYTEI N (1mm OF CANADA.â€"â€"Sorvicos at 1] o’clock {L11 ,Emd . 11.111. Prayer meeting on \Ve 10.chka eveningafizzio. ROMAN cmum 1c CHURCHr-Ser‘v‘ices in order as full» " ‘ ‘ihurnhill at 5) run. and Richmond Hill at HMO mm; the following: Sunday at Richâ€" mond Hill at 9 am)” and Thornhill at 10:30 m m lintuwoyp HILL Conn-7r BAXD.â€"~Mcets for '1' ' Tuesday and Siu‘mrdayevemng at (1. Savage, Leader, 1'NCIL.~RO‘ w. Wm. Pugsley, Conn» ‘mj. Rollmit‘fiVJ‘. Powell. 1’ . , 21ml 1 McGonaghy. ()lcrk, M. '1 0613’. ‘. U. \V.,I\'y Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the j ‘ {no loom of 1GC Masonic Hall . ‘mtivc Tuesda) «1 $4 O'clock 11.111: Rene ('11; r) 'tifica‘te given f 000 in case of death. I. Crm w, Mnr‘our Workman, Bl (i1’c?:]1:mLRec. R. ’l" m" 'l‘cmpemnno, Rich n1 Hill Council [\0. ’1‘ “wt'in Temper no 1111.11, ouch alter- “ n‘y (won' 1r: :LLSu’alovk D m. Luna» antes 1' 5 1Cd to male or fenmle ,- 1,:wa or 111 case n ' death ‘ ' ‘00,, mm tho in 0:190 0f {lismvil J. Mudfl- zer,1wcording I‘m E. C. W] NERVE AND BRAD: TREATâ€" “\IT, a quarunt (£1 snecifle for Hyswrim Dizzi- no ‘3, Cunvnbuons, Fits, Norvous Neurulma, Headache, Nervous Frustration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, W‘le fulncss, Mental Depression, Sofbemng of the brain re, lilting in insanity and leudmg to miserv, doc-(Ly mxddeuth, r mature Old Age, Bal‘ronne Q, Loss of Power 2.1 either sex,Invo1u11tary Lamas and Spormntv urrha‘a vnnwdby (war-exertion of the brainsulfi- abuse or over 'ndulgonce. EM]; box contains one month‘s trcmunmm 53;.00 a box, or si): boxes for $5.0(Lsent by mai) prepaid on receipt of price. To cure METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 mm. and 6:30 p.111.,und Sunday school, at 2.30 p. 111. Young peopm‘s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening In the Leobure Room. Rev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rec. \V. 11150081, Assista‘ t. RIPW"I(>XD LODGE, A. F. .X.1\L,No.23, G.R.C â€"â€"Moets in the Lodge Roomfllnsonic Hullpn the Mondav on or before full 1110011,th 8 o’clock 13.1.11 G. Lock, \V.1\I. RICHMOND HILL G. Lock, \V.1\I. AXUIEXT 01mm: m4“ FORFRMERGACOIH‘t Rich~ mom], No. 7046 A O. F., meets m the Temperance Hull every alternate Fring :12; 7.30 p. m.â€"Robb. Peach; 0 1-D. Serremrv Fight Funding Lots for 58.10 on Centre Sbree 1mm. only 5100 each,15 per cent. down for pick uf the lots ; Also Two New Houses, 5rooms, 011 Richmond Street. 35%. LANGSTAFFS COAL. GOAL. 17' (PER SAIJE '2’ J‘yl'iss ",SzzL- is now prepar- ed to give .16 '30113 on Piano or 0 {an Beside:11.oe,oppo- site .i. l‘esby-serian Church. Wanted to rent for a term of years, with option of purchasing at end of lease. a “W111 ‘L‘m1‘.!Mm'ulm]wm cheap. jjuguu'cu mutt, for MM) 3-tf. 1N9, Gunranme §ix 130x05 WW amt: amettimxmtfi. {my case. V\ 1th one]: order 1'0 eived by ’ bottle .ncoompnnied with .00. we. \thenun weer our written guarantee n1 thelmmo jI'thet fitment does not cum. Hunmntves med only by Jon): ' & Co 81 and 83 King St. East, Toronto, Wage Qirsrmry. . IX'I‘VI‘ISGZ'T sz, incrmu 111‘ Hill Loomy soil. Chmrches. Soéimics. {films Richmond Hill. A. MULDOON. Call Em‘d see me. ' No truuble to an Swer questions. (40 Years Estabhshed) For good and cheap Watch- es, Olocks, Jeweflry, Sil- verware and Spectacles for every sight. WARRANTED AS REPRFSENTED. 82E M. Morphy. GQId Filling, and all other operatinns skilfully pierfornmd, mockâ€"ram fees. 79 QUEEN ST.,LONDON,E c., Will be glad to correspond with Apple Growers, Merâ€" chants, and. Shippers. with a. View to Autumn and Spring business. I use no cheap nmtsz‘ial and warrant every 3 It 14:1 Yonge Street, Toronto Thev will also give the usual facilities to customers requiring advances. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBERJ â€" ~ ~ $800 0N CELLULOID, â€" â€" $10100 APPLES. APPLES. APPLE‘é. VITALEZED AIR 3 SHARES DQNALD 8. Ga”: fiafifififlg fiflagg Q FIRST - CLASS SHAVE I Arcade Buildings, Rooms 86 B, Upfitairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extract- ing teeth without pain, by means of ANDEREV‘VS’ SE33 wng @amggw .9 HAEB-BUTTENG A SPEGEALTV BE RT. ANDREWS, Prop. E. M. MOR-PHY C. P. LENNOX, DENTIST, WEST’S LEVER PMS Ta alihsufferors frcm Indlaosflan, Bisord‘erad Stomach. Sick fieadaflha Will ihoroughly euro you. 'flmy do no? grlpe or purge, but me? mildiy, and whenevar used are considered prloo- lens. They have proven to be the Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signa- ture on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 3 ceigt stamp. GREATEST Use them and he refileved from your mEsery. 36 Pfiféis In a box, 250. per box, 5 boxes for $3 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES SOLE PROPRIETORS 8| AND 83 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO, ONT. Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in mi cases. THEY! ARE AN ABSDWTE ARE PERFECT (HIRE ~â€"IS THE PLACE FOR Aâ€"â€"â€" BEST SETS DYSPEPSIA 0R INDIGEsTION, WHEN WHY SUFFER FROM M69. 0. WEST 8: $0. OF THE AGE BLESSING -IN THE ‘Mav 15th, 1884.41] S “f? send six cents in postâ€" . age. and receive free, a. g I’ costlybox of goods which a g {21:1 will help an, uf either sex to more monuy right away than anything else in this workL Fortunes await the workers almolutelv sure. At once address I‘nUE & C0 Augusta. Maine. RICHMOND HILL Thursduv August “1.371815. "80 32 0 58 5 50 5 00 cats, per bushel Peas, do. Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs. Beef, fore (matte) :eef, hindquarbe Chickens. per pair Ducks, (10. Geese, each ........ TurkevsK per 11) .. Butter, pound rolls. Butter. large rolls ..... Ems fresh. per dozen ]?ot:Ltucs,por hag, Apples,per bbl ..... onions, green, per bush. Cabbage, per doz. Celery, do. '1‘111‘111173, pel‘bag . . Carrots, (10. Bonus, 1101' peck... Flour, spring, per Dbl” Flour, fn11,per bbl Hay, per ton traw. per ton . o Hcoooooocq gaaggdaogggs nah; coo aaigsa. ..... 0234 0 (:0 r; 00 7 00 8 50 o co 0 0 80 t 11 0 15 9 m 0 1.3 0 40 J 50 fi‘ 75 0. 80 0 45 o 50 ,0 60 4 50 13 00 Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction. as the work is under my own supervisor]. I am also prepared to do all kinds nf black- smithing (L‘- repairing in the most Work- manIike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. And Music of every (lcficription will be kept . rs on hand at rock bottom prices. Instru- DIODE» tuned. The public are invited to give us a call and inspect our stock. Orders promptly ubteudud to W. M. CLARKE. Richmond Hill, April 30th Pens. do. Eye. (10. Clover Seed, do. Dressed hogs, pev 100 11 Beef, fore quarters Eeef, hind quartex Chickens, per pair . Ducks, do. . Geese, each . .. . Turkeys, each Butter, pound rolls Butter, tub ( . Eggs, fresh, per do . Potatoes, per bag, Ap1)los,per bbl onions, grceu,per bag Cabbage (l0. Cauliflower do. Celery, do. Turuips, per bag. Carrots, do. Hay, per ton . .. straw, per ton RICHMOND HILL Kept on hand. First-class Hearse in ab tendance. TORONTO Thursdav. August 6311, 1385. Wheat,m11,per bushel. ..... so 82 to Wham, spring, do. 82 Barley, do. 50 outs, do. 36 Pens. do. 64 Eye. (10. . 70 Clover Seed. do. ...... Dressed hogs, pev 100 lbs . TEQS. WILSON TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- RICHMOND HILL. )0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the past twenty-five years, I beg to re- mind them and the Igeneral public, that having erected entirer new and com- modious premises, I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, MUSIC STORE. Cutters, PLATFORM 7 SPRING W A G U N S . fiwgmwm Ema, ! Opposite Coultor's Tudor Shop, where a full ~ supply of “’0 will in a few days open a new Music Stcre in the Village of I And vicinitylthat he has commenced the Undertaking business, and is prepared to attend to calls on the shortest notice. All kinds of NIUSECAL HNSTRUMENTS FEENERAL FURNISHINGS THO S. WIL SON. Begs to intorm the public of Paid special attention to. E112 gamma. Sleighs and “’M TBENCIX. .09 022 050 1'5 50 NEWMARKET WM Eigfiiéam! ‘v ‘11 may, 'ing Street 166 , WW wmh hi3! PAENTg, EELS, Tweeds 20 to 35 cts. Roll Carding 5 cents, 01d price 7 cents Spinning 12%; “ I5 “ 3 ply Yarns 20 “ 25 “ Un’n Flanne1120 “ 2‘5 “ Manufacturing Prices TO SUIT THE TIMES! -â€"â€"â€"AND mgmmm’ TOOLS. 111. (as? $331,}? U Iii} w ' q ea} 3:; 5S EVEEE‘E We have a CHOICE S'K‘OQK mud FRESH. FLOUR (1r FEED 311v; _ of which we will sell as Cheap for cash as any storm: on Richmond Hill, class goods. :, The above Mills will be run this season the same as lashâ€"0n 1» (c, ‘1 q ‘ W") . 11"! b“ i In. GEEK) C E; Customers will be able to exchange their wool for manufactured goods, and so not be compelled to wait for stock to be BETTER \VORK As our machinery is more extensive than any Custom Mil} in the country, we claim that we can turn out: Britisih Mag Staff! IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS 8: WOOLLEN GOODS, ' ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 83 PANTS. a LARGE. STOCK from 400133. upw HATS MM EAPS. SW73 MAM T8 PEERLESS MAQHENE m; if SPRENG STQGK QQMPLETE _ ‘ None to equal it. Usual stock of other goods always on hand. Paints, Oils and Glass :1 specialty. GLASS, PUTT‘Y,’ 8a; QBUELDERS’tfi and more of it than most other places. J 11110 9th, 1885‘ 23 4-993. ORDERS RESI’ECTFULLY SOLICITED. NEWMARKET WUULLEN MILLS, WORKED UP. I have it pure. And for Pure Paris Green I will sell it as cheap as any house in town or Torozzm, ‘ If not cheaper, The Celebritth THE NEW CUSTOM WORK ONLY. bear George Street, Tofonto. rmmivmm‘wmvwmrAwnmnnrvm «.uvrnwwv." »- -.: . ry.~.~..m-m=v~‘ r â€"- 159.3 e g E314: E .3; ' A g ‘ ~ I; x 'I ‘ J y ‘ 3 > w 5%“ _‘_r (TAT , 2x? LCEZINE OF LTLIK.‘ 57 It 15 Light and Easy to run Silent and rapid :21 21' Plain and ‘25 to 45 V v" inprewws gn‘ou mmy Send us :3 cents posfiuqc. I and by mail you will get . a ) free u p'mknga of goozlr 0 large Value, Lhut will 52m: yuu in wnrk that will an oncoming: you in mmw Hunter than tun thins; also 111 Amm‘icn. All me !~ 'lflfln lL )m’.‘ vnlsin each box. Agcn ’s\\1"xml’l cvorywlzuru n1 rai‘nhersox, (\f {'11 :1;z(;,»:,fu1‘nll 1‘mtime, or.L “1'5. 13)] enhato wan; torus at "1-HT own lmmms. JR,» Mix»; for all \\ (‘Z'llcl‘S 2.4 mmlv zts‘mn‘vd Don’t dam“. H. HALIJITT & (fun I‘tvl‘tlamlJUnin:u $3310"?le attention given to H ‘ I mmpor may“ Rhone of Family and VvthiIlfll) ' cellxts. MILLER’S TIGK DESTROYER; YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER, CHINESE GARDEN POWDER, M P. (3". SAVAGE. 157,K111g Si. Toronto“ games” a s 9m Tfiikflfifiéfi ESTEEfiiEfiHMEM AND~â€"â€" NEAT ,F *EFMNG s Besides working for the Merchants. I Will keep on hand a fine as- sortment of Patterns. RICHMOND HILLD It is strong, .hu'nble an d) builtpf the v 1(st LmLteriul that muncy can buy, or , . moduco. It was awarded five 11:9‘4115; and “EEO; first prizes at the Dominion Exhibition} October. tiwrnpidiv .kugu'xrsming all tfr old fashioned makes awry Jere. See it, try itbuy 1' and make 51120 that you get it Sold by High Arm Sew‘ :3 Hacking is now re: ogm'zed as the I‘Lichmond Hill, Dealer in Organs and 1’1.” E. Terms Hr A NEKV AND FAST! 7 NABLE L cave your 0rd , 353,.» (a. y/ July 3rd, ’84â€"1V CHEMISTS 8L DRUGGISTSa Every attention paid to jUST OPENED IN Silent and rapid :21 motion. Plain and 51 pie to Learn â€"PROPRIETOES ( -â€"â€"â€" rm 3 0211mm}, all lumping, first» :33 PERIOD, once. .4842:

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