Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1885, p. 5

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, (Jin Hall Uninn Station Brock Strcut Queen’s Wham-f Parhdzmcu D Lveuport Weston .. Thornhill. , RICHMOND VHILL.“ King ALu'ura Newmzmken TORONTO N. R. R. TIME TABLE. Newma‘rkct ....... Aurora. King.” lixc'leoxn HILL ijrnhill Weston. Lumeuporb. Pvu‘kfluh: TORONTO. Qleen's \thzrf Dyna}: Stu:va Unmu Station. Guy Hull. Connects Wibh at] trains, leaving tin Palmer House, 1111(1lean Hm. us follnw: :'\1.u1 A: ixpress.1\'m~5h & South , Accommodation “ “ ,“.\'pl'e.§S, Norm. Mai}, South. 300 IL. 1n. 1.).3 “ PROCTUB’S STAGE LINE, Until further notice Mails will be 0‘ Richmond H11} 1’“: . Office as follows BIOENING3â€"61:thNOI‘LhJ40HHl, Hmf mad '\\ 05:2, illclu: » - 'J hurnh‘lil, {\lnplP.'j’ummm,1'121‘1:}mm.&r3. 7.43 EVENING :â€"(jnjng somhjflusb and Want (us :dmvm N. 13,â€"]?eilisbm'ml Letters must he 111mm: at least Fll‘mun Mizmbus earlier than the (wave mentioned hours for 01min d {Lt Ciro RICHMOND Hun, Thnrsd 1y. Sept. 17. ’85 ib£€&io }’ ,/ 7% (M f **%s E New Ad {mad Mr. C. Mlson’s new at}. on another page, and call and see his fine assorlmvnt of new stews, lm‘mlwm‘e, and tinware. He is sellmg at very cinse,p1‘ices. Splendid new Season Black and Japan Teas at The Cheap Cash House. 0111' contemporary, the York Hamid, ac- cording to the custou of country 11cm spnpers has suspended publication for this week. A few day’s recreation once IL year is reiished by most people. Richmond Imng, No. 23, will hold its next regular Communication in the M :sonic Hull, Richmond Hill. on Munduy ovauiug, Sept. 215L, at 8 o’clock, p. m. Seamless Cotton grain bags only $2.45 per doz. at the Concrete. English, Scotch, and Canadian Tweeds at The Concrete nobby and cheap, 200 diflerent paitems. 17“ Fine all wool Grey 1 munch at 23 cts. at The Cheap (Lash House. Executors’ Notics. All persons having claims against the n?â€" tnte 01' the late Hem-y Puterbuugh ma noti- fied to send in such to the executors not lurer than Dec. 313$, L885. Sea notice on another page. “ Lives ” Taken. Councillor 1". G. Savn‘ga is; now 1( 311 agent for the Confederation Life MSW inn. and xt is sui-i be iq Wicked enough to tnke the “ [was ” of 2le his friends. The Cheap Cash Hunse the place to buy your \Voollc: Goods in all kinds at lowest prices in the marks . Prizes to be Awarded. After this week, hundrwls‘ of aspirants for the {our pnzrrs ojfex'ed by the Li my“ Ten C‘o. will have cause to Remem her. yes n member, The se venteonth u‘r‘ ghmnlmr. Dress Goods in all 1110 latcst put {ems and colors at The Concrete. Mr. P. G. quavge giws notice on, smother page that hu- is prepared t. "=11 “"111 Paper less than the cost pri . stock of Fur- niture, Paints, Oils, Glass, ., iq !;1,iw_;mld at Toronto prices. (In): and cxrmxine his goods. New 'l'weeds in Hobby patterns made up in first-Class 51le and :1 bertect fit guaranteed by The Cheap Cash House. Methodist Anniversary. ' "no, officials hi the Kir-thodlm chumh are arranging for Lhoir AHNUW‘L .. ,' SD‘HIDOHCI. Lecture and Tm», in OCH 110". Tim be 5 pm. vision, theol‘ :41, educational and crliuar'y, are to be so ‘ l. All lines of, Dry Goods Che; para Sugar, Tea and 311 grocerxes Chcélp‘ (3r, Nails and mi Hardware Cheaper at The Concrete than any house in the Conntv. M oving Again. Mr. \V. Miutorn is filming; farther north, so as to alluw our old friend Rugnrs, {lent ‘, again to become a. ciLizen. He mi] soon L»: both ab'e and willing: to extract teeth emiro. y without pain to theâ€"operzuor. POST OFFICE NO'NCE GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH beil . 8.01) {5.08 8.57 ’No Issue. Bargains EEFY, Postmasi 31‘ Accom 11.45 11 53 12.00 ACCOHI ’30 1.4 L1. 5.10 5.18 0.25 7 m) u. m 4.7 Splendid Heavy Seamless Grain Bags, only $2.50, at The Cheap Cash House. A Telling Sermon. szmnn. the ancient Ansyrian General, got another overhauling in the Methodist: cnurch last Sunday evening, on account. of his leprosy within and without, this time by the Rev. W. F. Wilson. A large number of Imumm‘s follow sufferers listened with deep aneutim. Great Bargains in Men’s and Boys’ Hats, Ties, Shirts, Under- clothing,&c., atThe Cheap Cash House. Mr. 0. Mason has just been placing in his hardwa‘ru More, a new and elegwfi oval fnmt show case, which, with other improve- ments‘ is giving his place a Very “tasty ap- pem‘auce. There 15 a, large and clear re- x’iactnl at the buck, which thW'S his silver- ware, cutlery, «0., Lu 1h» hart advantage. Vaccinazion. Smefllpux is making? 5th havoc amongst the Littlec‘nildren in Muuheul and other pi? vs. The uppiiumiuu of Dr. Jenner‘s pg'uvmxtutivc 011611: to be habiouable just now in all our towns uui Villages. Don‘t. be afraid to Lum up your sleeves. Fife Lecture. The righteous inuiggnmion of one of our lady l‘i iz,ns bum-d qu'l' LLst Sunday affir- nmm (m a small crowd wt boisterous boys who wear men’s was. Sm» 1904.11er those hoodh‘hllfi (m x'mvdyism and Sabbath break- uwg in n pr My JiV11V sum: If u. Word to the who L»: summom, mlch \vurds to the: ignorant (might [u be more than suflicwnt. A shorty-time ago the grass on the new pmk ground was mown, since which time the plot. has been carefully rolled, which is a grab improvement. to the field. There is mil: of having it aizfin clipped with a lawn mmwi', whmi Hie lacrosse boys and rising amhlues may yravtiua fur coming feats of agility at my time. Our cilixr‘n soldiers, the Oak Ridges Cavâ€" alry. under Captain .lm. McConnell, mmtel‘- ml [or drill, and started for Niagara. their old grounds, on 'l‘uesdny last. Withcut doubt the men and horses in the troop were fru- suporior Lr‘ these of any former year. They will find a camp in the neur south preferable to a trump 1n the far west. The Exhibition. From all accnuuls Ibo 1011mm Exhibition is being \vcll attended from all parts of the country, 01‘ in fact from all parts of the world. We doubt if il, is better patronized bv any other \‘illagn in the province than Richmond Hill. If an} thing new is on ex- hil ltiou uur people 221's bound to see it. Ymu-rduy, Mr. l’mcluij sold 75 tickets from minis village alone, and a. large number went, on Thompson‘s slaw-1‘ 6‘.» . In aiisnn’ to i: requisition of rate-payers, thq Reeve of Richmond Hill hereby gives nolice that a public meeting will be held In the Council Chamber on Friday evening next, cummuncing at 8 o'clock, for the pur- pose 0! taking into consideration the advisaâ€" bility of a civic holiday for 'the village. The giiestion as to whether the New Plll‘k Ground la m be opened this [all will be: (lthuSSOd, in which case i progi'mnme of mnu‘renmnls will have to be :zl'uulged. We hope the public will attend the iiieeliug Lo n’iru‘mw (Fiidav) nignt, as no further notice will be given. A valuable farm, thfa property of the late Henry 1’11\U'bx\ugh,\vlil be sold by public auction on \Vednesdny, Sept. 31m, 1885, at '2 o‘clock in the afternoon. The farm con- tains 75 acres, and is cmnpogod of part. of the west half of lot No. 1, in me 6th Con. of ng. It is in a high state of cultivation, and has all the necessary conveniences at- tflrxhud. The title is im‘lisputub‘xe. Ten per cam. of the purchase Inme is to be paid on day 0* Ski.” and as much more as will make up onavthird of the purchase money Within thirty days thereafter. For further particu- lars sec bills, or enquire of the executors, Messrs. A. Ctzluey and J. Ireland. J. C. ‘ , Auctioneer. The Village Council mvl 1n the Council Chm nlier for (bu tram-:aclinu of business on Mummy waning, “dept. Lilli, at 830. The Reeve in the uluir. (7mm members present, MOSSYS. ilelldiit, McCLmaghy uni Powell. he minulns (if last rimming, were read «ml on m m USllEfil'L-‘levl. An account from Mr. P. S. (JleUU. for taking suivey of Park ground, and plan in viii-Henna of the same, 'as read. On Inutlml of Mr. Redditt, sec- onded by Mr. I‘Jcflouughy, he account was ox‘ularefl to be [mi l. ilfn‘vd by Mr. Powell, secoiidmi by Mr, lledfli'vt, that the Clerk and Tre .urcr is liertfly instructed to demand payment of 23.11 unpaid subscriptions for the owningmltuf t 0 strut now known as L'n'ne :\v1:1‘.ue,which is 1L Continuation of Ax'xmlgl SL. and connecting Yonge with Ohm-(2‘ Li Carried. The Council then M1- j1>un~.'~ m mecbon Mundny evening, Oct. N 5th, 188-). 11,011 the-1t11inst.,the Wife of uf 21 son. on the am just, the x.l<ix1,ofu. son. DEA 'E‘Wh‘ LCDFPRDMOII th- 1M1: @thme Isabella, wife 0E. Unlub Lud. «L ’J .‘mruhilljn her 47th year Swab Lunch! :m. Bu. n10, N. Y._. says im has boon using Dr, Timmus’ Es Patric Oil for x-lleutmtisnn; he had such a lame luck he mail 1th (ll)tii))’l.}111)fl, but one buttiu h . to use his own expression, “ cured ‘nim up ” He thinks It is the bat thing in the market. ‘Ne have no hesitation in Sawing that {)1', J. P. Keflogg's Uysuntery Cordial is Jithnut doubt the best medicine ever in- troduced for dysoutery. diarrhmmphnlera and all summer (1 unplninta, sun, sicknesg, &c. It proulpt‘y giws reiiwf and nevex failg to effact a pnnitive mm) Mothers should mixer he withuut n. bwwn when their children arc \ect'uiny. New Show Case Rol‘ing the Park. Executors’ Sale. Public Netice. Village Council. Off to Drill Mr. S. S. Searle. of The York Herald, is spending a. week baking in the sights of the Queen City. Revs. W. R. Barker, W. F. Wilson, and Mr. J. A. E. Switzer, as delegates attended the Temperance Convention in Toronto on Tuesday last. We are sorry to hear that Mr. John Nixon, for many years a faithful employee at the Palmer House, is lying dangerously ill with typhoid fever, in Aurora. We are glad to notice that Miss L. Wright, of this place, has been successful in carrying 03 first honors at the Toronto Exhibltion in the competition among lady riders. Thos. E. Wright, of the firm of Wright Bros , carriage builders and undertaken, Richmond Hill, is in Toronto learning the art of embalming from Prof. A. Renourd,late of Rochester school of embalmiug. Professor 0. J. Keller, of Stratiotd, form- erly one of the “ wee ” fellows of our village, manipulated the organ in the Methodist church last Sunday evening, and favored the congregation with some splendid music. From our own Correspondent. S. S. INSTITUTEâ€"Rev. Jno. McEwen, Secretary of S. S. Provincial Amociation, held an Institute here on the 10th inst. Those who have heard Mr. McEwan treat of Sabbath School work need not be told that his discourse was eminently practi- cal; and to those who have not heard him I would say, don’t miss the oppor- tunity when it offers. 7- . GARDEN Emmaâ€"A very successful Garden Party was held on the 11th inst., at Mr. Nicholas Carver’s. The Wood- bridge Brass Band was in attendance and added much to the pleasure of the even- ing. The party was held under the aus- pices of the building commintee 0f the Episcopal church -to be built in Kleinburg and the snug little sum of $40 was realiz- ed as an aid to the building fund. cu in: an (uu u: uuu UuIL\AIuB nun... BARLEY MABKET.â€"H. S. HoMand. Flqu intends having a buyer establishud at Klemburg station for the purchase of barley. which will no doubt be a Conven~ ieuce to the farmers in this communiLy. A dilapidated physique may be built. up and fortified against disease by that incompaiulxle promoter of digestion and fertilizer of the blood, Nnrtlirnp J: Ly» man's Vegetable Discovery éLl-d Dyspepâ€" tic Cure. It counteracts biliousness and kidney complalnLS, overcomes bodily ail~ merits special with the feebler sex, causes the bowels to act like clockwurk, and is a. safeguard against malaria and rheuma- Lism. From our own Correspondent. On Friday mormng about 3 o’clock, Mr. John Steeb, Jr., of Aurora met with a. serious accident. [H'uppears that, a small load of young mtn were returning from Ringwwd, and when coming out the side road past; Curtis" Hotel, the horses ran against some sticks of timber, which have been left. lying on the bank all swimmer and the rig capsized, throw- ing the occupants (111 the street, breaking Mr. Steele’s 195.; near the hip. Drs Coulter and Ski-zilliy, of Aurora, were sent for, but were unable to set it. He was taken to his home in Aurora, where he now lies in a critical condition. Some farmers 0n the 2nd. con. of King have had their poultry yards vis1ted by persons who seem to know how to help themselves and in consequence the poul- try was missing. Smne people say their plum trees have been afiiicted 1n the same way. Mr. Wm. Norman, Miss Priscilla Norman and Mrs. J. Sutherland who went to England in the fore part of the summer, returned on Monday. the 14th. They are looking well and have had a. very pleasant time. They experienced a heavy gale on their return passage. Cucumbers and'melons are “ forbidden fruit” to many persons so constituted chat the least indulgence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping. Sac. These persons are not aware flint. they can indulge to their hearts content if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg’s Dyseutery Cordial, a. medi- cine that will give immediate relief, and is a sure cure ior all summer complaints. From our own Correspondent. A very'exciting game of lacrosse was played here on Munday, between the Newmarket and Aurum clubs, resulLing in a. draw. Each player seemed more in- tent on battering his opponent’s head than sendiug’tne ball through the goal. The Aurora. C‘Lvulry mustered on Mon- day evening to go into camp this week. They made a film show. n x . Inst, Sutfil'duy a few of our boys start- ed fora hunt. Not finding any wild game, they Visited a bum-yard and sucâ€" ceeded in Cap‘uu‘ing several fine chickens. No doubt the price. of each was cheerfully paid, but the medicine man declares that they were pheasunlg. ""u ; Mr. Jun. Stream and several others when returning frmn Markham upset the conveyance at Oak Ridges, resulting in a braken leg (hr Mr. ‘3Leuie, but- no serious injuries to the others. ' Scaling is about finished in the sur. rounding, neighborhood, but cuuziderablc grain is still out. It is of the greatest. impnrtauce that all bowel and snmnuch complaints should be attended to at once, especlally At this season of the year; \Vesst’s Pain King is prompt, rclluublc and curtain never to fail. Only 25 cent Sold by Sundersml B:‘os.,_ Druggists, R mmxond Hill. PERSONALS. KLEINBURG. 0 AK RIDGES. AURORA; PETLEY & PETLEY, TORONTO, The Leading Una-prise House fr ry 800113, Millnery, chaining & flamers. 528, E39 & :32 King 8?. Easig "mm. N.B.â€"A11 street cars pass our stores. Ask the conductor to let you off at Immense stock of new Dress Goods, Em Early Fall Tmfie Immense stock of new Velveteens and Flushes, t Immense stock of moves &2 Eiasiery, Immense stock of Black am] Gelered Jerseys, ~ See our 2 button Josephine Kid at 250., 6 button Kid at 50C. Immense stack of Manuals <2: Egfiankets Immense stack ' of flattens) Efikseetings and Linens, immense stock of Mantles Cloths, It will pay our to come 100 miles to trade, with us, and will be gold in your pocket every time. Our firms are Cash or C. O. D. Plain figures. No second prim. See our all W001 goods in Black and Colors at 25c. Millinery Silks and HOsiery Laces and Cottons -nâ€" YONGrE See our Black Ottoman Cloth at See our 28 inch Grey Flannels at 180. See our Jerseys at 70c. and See our Black Velveteens at 23C. and Mantles, See our yard wide Cotton at 3c. Dress Goods, Lace Goods, SPECIALTIES-~- and Linens, and Gloves, TORQNTQE Gents’ Cloths and Fine Ordered Readyumade Boys Furnishings, upwards. Clothing, Clothing, Clothing, T . weeds, Mantle

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