....-., u .u, a... _‘ blip @ihcrsl †IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVENING A T IHE LIBERAL PRlNTlNG (l. PUBLISHlNG HOUSE LtIOHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. EEITOII still ‘PROPRIETOR. 7 BUSINESS CARDS. medical. DR. (worms: LANG-STAFF, THORNHILL, ONT., Graduate of Toronto Uiiivcrsity,M.C. P. & S. Ont. two yours resident, ussistunt surgeon to Toronto Gencrxil Hospital]. Ofï¬ce and residoiicc,~0ne ’loor South of P. O. Otlicc Hum. 8 to 1o 12.. m., 6: 1‘2 to ‘2 p. in. Dr. J antics Langsinï¬ AND Dr. Lewis G. Langstafl. Members College Pliysiciunstb Sumeons, Ont, RICHMOND HILL, our. Hr. 011‘, Maple, ()tlics hours: 810 9.1.10 13.. in..mid to $.30 p.m- ’i..:tv. Ifiviisouh Medalist Toronto Ciiivcisiiv. 1mm 1 (r '(u: Physiciiinsd' Surgeons, Ont.,(lgite of Stoufl'vflle Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Oflicc Hours to 10 a. in., 5 to 8 p.111. slimming. F. EEEW’ITT, Veterinary surgeon.Gi‘uduate of Ontiu‘io Vet. College, Toronto. Disciises of all treated. RESIDENCE: â€" Srii Avsncs. Wooimmnas. the Domesticated Animals J. I“: nsu‘rsiisss, Veterinary Surgeon Gmduutc Ontario Veteriâ€" ‘ nui‘y College,’l‘oronto. Gulls promptly attended to. Churg Moderate. Diseases of Horses, Cutâ€" l tle, &c.. scientiï¬cully treated by the lutest meth- oes. Horses bought and sold on commissmn and examined as for soundness. OFFICEâ€"Opposite Palmer House Richmond Hill, Mann swim. WEEflbflEflQaflflfl Usni) In: Dr. A. Robinson. SURGEON DENTIST, L‘hunliiul for the favors of the past ‘30 yours may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fession, us iollows: Aurora, lst. $611, 16th, and ï¬nd of ouch month Richmond llill......9thand21th do, (at tho Palmer House) ï¬touffvllln........... ....18fh lo. Murkli ‘ 20th 1o. , Victori .t do. I‘liorohill. "1 do. \Voodbriilftc sill do. Kieiiibui‘; “lath do Houston, .....3i0‘th 0 Vitulirevl “ir'nlways on hand at unpointnicnts, \\' v i like at charm Free from vain. l A ROBINSON L.D.S..Auront Ont. 62. iii. Husband. L. D. 5., DENTIST, Will visitthefollowing places professionu11y2_ Unioiiville. lst Monday of each month NEWTON BROOK, ivcsloil .. . tli itnlest " Maple .. 16th n .1 Bichniolir 19th I u RVootloridgc . . . . . . ..22nd l\I1‘. Husband will be found in his, ofï¬ce, New- ï¬on llrook, every Saturday, except when Satur- ‘fiav farlls on the ubovo (lutes. nJAl _.. WFEEM,L_~A_ L___ ‘ Emmi. muscles, g, Msiliihï¬fttiiï¬, harrieie s, Solicitors, Conve “cancers, {can Toronto Ofï¬ceMNo. 14 Building 8:. Loan Chambers. DID. I5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank, on Saturdays. ._0_. MUNEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES _.o_. scsmmmms Trimnmu Intmnmmw HALL, FIILLAR'I‘ON (c LOOK, BARRISTERS, so:.1;:rrons, ci'c. OFFICES: 18 KING S'Inicirr Ems-1‘, TORONTO. Richmond Illll 1’.(). Every Saturday. W. 7:1. HALL J. S. FULLAIITON. [ELFYPItIVATIC FUNDS T0 LOAN. W. COOK. l n'iven away. , nts. posn‘g, I‘m} by 1.1 ‘Vl l, mu WI} ,1. u l‘i‘r‘ ~ " rigs "l ifoods “D. $5 " ("out vwi .__._._.___7 ..__ . __. . .__ ._____..._._._..._~ $10000 To Lean on Form Property at lowest rates of in- terest to pay oil Mortgages ut highermtes or for building, draining, or other purposes. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchaseu. Money ifulvuuced on second mortgages and. to purchase urins. Farmers will save money by writing or apply- ing direct to E. R. REYNOLDS, 20 Adelaide St... East, Toronto. Money to Loan. Alurae amount of Money to Lend on farm or Otv propurty interest7 per cent.; no commis- sron. MCLAREN. MACDONALD, MERRITT & SHIPLEY, llnlon LCM: buildin s Toronto bilatellimenns. Salem Eckardt. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Pct-l. Goods sold on consignment. Gcncml soles of stock. etc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, UNIONVILTIE. S. Ill. Brown. LicensedAuctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales uttcnder on the shortest notice and at reasoiiublcmtes. P. 0. Address, Box 96, VICTORIA SQUARE. James (I. Stokes. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, rc- spectfiilly solicits your Estronugo and friendly influence. sules nttende on the shortest notice and at reasonafbe rates. 1’. 0. address, King. N. J. Amstrona'. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Su‘les attended on the shortest noticegind at rec.- cbe i‘utes. Address Stouflvrlle P. O 1.: u ‘4 «5s 2mm») 1-».â€" WEIGHT BROS, 1 UN DEI‘TAI‘E RS, Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand Richmond Hill, Brillinger, B cnj. Proprietor. 'anii): reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in first-class style, I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodation. Excellent stdbling and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con~ iiectioii. Terms SH nor (luv. RUPERT’S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERYJSJTABLEVS. Daily Express to Toronto. Special 9. toution given to movnig household furniture, pianos. &c., 650. FIRSTâ€"CLASS LIVERY. Special Rates to Commercial Travellers EL‘K’DLlMlNION HOTEL, RICHMOND HILL. lthTHERN & NORTH WESTERN RAILWAYS. Throth Tickets to all points East rind \Vest, and Manitoba. For Tickets, ltutes, Ac, apply to T. DILwoiiTIi, Agent N. Aâ€: Is‘. \V. Rys., lionsn'r QUINN, Richmond Hill. General Passenger Agent. Gentssl Bush of tensile. PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-RESIDENT, SAMUEL TREEâ€. DIRECTORS K. Chisholm, M.P. P., H. 1’. Dwight, D. M. Muc- doiiuld, C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch: SAVINGIS DEPARTMENT, Deposits received and Interest allowed thereon at Current Ra tes. No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on all ports of Cunndu, United Status and Great Britain, bought and Sold. JAMES RI. LABWIREECE, [ill a n a go r. PROF. W. M. CLARKE, Organist Trinity Cliurch,Thornhill, mid St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill, is open to receive pupils in Vocal aim} Instrumental Music. Apply at the Music Store, Richmond Hill. Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. COPY OF CERTI‘L‘ICA TE . “'0, 1110 undersigned, do hereby certify that “'m. l‘uliiinford Clarke has this day successfully fussed his ï¬rst degree in Music. und therefore he shall be ulusscd as u Proicssor. W. F. C. BATCHIZLDE, M. D. H. W. Blix'rnn, M. M. London. Eng. Signed { lichmondllil April30th. 3111. ll,“ ( I" Eli Em?» Ar EQFE 1? in Combo : ((\lll 11w ,w, Wm Opening the New Park. A GRAND SUCCESS. On Friday last, Oct. 2nd, the New Park, situated on the east side of Church Street was opened to the public. The Reeve had proclaimed 2:. Civic Holiday, and the residents of the village and sur- rounding localities tinnedayout in large numbers, and evidently enjoyed the sports and games which took place dur- ing the day. The weather was all that could be desired, the absence of the sun being preferable to his burning rays. The faces of our citizens could be seen to beam with joy and pride, as > they on- tei‘ctl the gateway, and gazed on the new surroundings, quite willingito bid good- bye to the old Fair Grounds, where many days of enjoymentliad been spent and Victories Won. The Reeve, the Council- lois and all the leading citizens joined to- gether, and their combined efforts which brought the day to a. successiul issue, went again to prove that “ unity is strength.†At about 10 ii. In. the sports of the day Commenced with a football tourna- ment, in which four teams, GUI‘HI- lr'y, Victoria. Square, Ccshel and Weston High School took part. The; last men- (cloned club succeeded in car. .ing of?" the prize. which was a football puesented by the Committee of management. The play of the competing teams was exceedingly good, each apparently iindprstémdiug well the rules of the game, wliichinsuscd few disputes to be settled by the referee, Mr. 1 J. Palmer. ', 1n the afternoon the games began at 1 o’clock. and were well' ‘ conducted throughout. The grand stand was well ï¬lled with ladies, and the gathering was one of the most fashloiiablci which has ever graced our Villagg A {far the foot racing, quoiting match, &ck., 3m lacrosse teams, the Maitlands, of ngmnto, and the second twelvaof the Young Canadi. ans took their positions on the field to play fora. magniï¬cent silver blip. present- ed by the Civic Holiui‘vy‘ ‘cosgmiitee. The plav Was oi’liliéhiOst ‘ interesting-v ‘vflï¬mr and the (cums were evenly matched. but the visitors succeeded in capturing the silver after an hour’s hard play. But the excitement of the day did not reach the climax till the ball was set in motion by the 'l'oi‘ontos, of Toronto, and the \Vcstcrn District Champions. Ad- mirers of the national game have witness- ed many hard struggles in Richmond Hill, but we venture to say that never before did two clubs put forth greater eflbrls to secure the goal of ambition. , The Torontos brought their strongest team. 1mowing well that the Young 05.n- adians were no mean competitors, and although both clubs played with a. deter- mination to will, the absence of rough play or ill-feeling was discernible from beginning to end. “Then time was called (it 6 o’clock. each team had obtained two games, and the match was therefore (ic- clared a draw. The darkness came on before the pro- gramme of sports was concluded, there- fore it was resolved to have a torchlight procession and promenade couceri in the evening. The Richmond Hill coruct band took a conspicuouspart, and added much to the evening’s enjoyment by their beautiful strains of music. The TUG*OF \VAR CONTEST, between a team of muscular and sinewy giants in strength, headed by C. Simuis, and another, composed of men endowed with remarkable physical ability, with M. \Vilson as captain, was the cause of deafening cheers and laughter. Mark gained the first draw, but in spite of every effort, the indomitable Charley and his assistants gained the next two, and were awarded the prize. The win- ning team were proud of the result, but the opposing side declare it to have been the. most ridiculous farce ever seen in a. competition. We annex the contests and prize-win- ‘ ners during the day:â€" Quoiting Matchâ€"1st, J. Aurora. Men’s Race, 100 ydsâ€"lst, J. M. Palm- er'; 2nd, F. Powell. Boys’ Race, under 16 yrs, 100 yds.â€"â€" lst, Alf. \Vright; 2nd. Ii. Downing. Football Players’ Raceâ€"élst, Thomas Elliott; 2nd, Geo Forster. Quarter Milo Raceâ€"lat, Chas. Savage; 2nd, I“. Powell. ‘ Girls’ I’tiiceâ€"Ist, Phoebe Soules; Minnie Smiles. Three Legged Raceâ€"1st, and F. Powell; 2nd, J, Ill. W. E. Wiley. Boys’ lines, under 12 yrsâ€"1st, “'illie Wilkinson, 2nd. H v. SelV age I Palmer ‘and I Suva-.16; 2nd, J, Blanchard; 3rd, Jos. 1(1’l‘ï¬UT. Burrs" ‘-, mulor 8 37l'ï¬.â€"1Ll, Harry (Elm ll . lorbnt Sonics; 3rd, Fwd sr lg"; ‘ . lat, \‘3. ‘ 21‘â€, V \Vright. Tug-ofâ€"VVarâ€"lst, C. Simms Boys’ Race, under 12 yrs.â€"â€"â€"Ist, T. Lyons; 2nd, â€"â€" Glass. Boys’ Race, under 8 yrs.â€"-1st, F. Sheppard; 2nd. Percy Powell. â€"â€"â€"â€"¢c<>~â€"â€"~â€"n Cholera. will visit us this summer. Be preparnd by securing. a supply of \Vest’s Pain King, to be kept within reach. Disinfect your premises, as cleanliness and \Vcst’s Paiu King will carry you safe- ly through. Only 25 cents. Sold by Sanderson Bros, Druggists, Richmond Hill. School Reports. Report of Patterson School for the mouth of Septemberâ€"â€" FOURTH CLASS. THIRD CLASS, 1. Chas. Seymour, 1. M. Mulhollaud, 2. ‘N. Mulliolland, 2. Orvil Drury, 3. L. Downing, 3. Bertie Gillis, 4 JILO. Seymour, 4. L. McWilliams. 5. Harvey Cook. 1 (3. Mary Rumble. Ii SENIOR. II JUNIOR. 1. Willie Savage, 1. Nelly Kelly, 2. Joe Monday, 2. Alex Findlay, 3. V. Mulliolland. 3. Mary Hartley, 4. N. Kirkland, 4. L. Bassiugthwaite, 5. M.Ba.ssingthwaitc. FIRST CLASS. 1. IsaacMulholland, 2. Bertie Findlay, 3. May Savage, 4. Lizzie Rumble, 5. Janet Cook, H. A. NICHOLLS, Teacher. Honor-VIN)“ of Jefferson School for the ’ month of September:â€"-â€" FOURTH CLASS. 1, M. Rutherford, 2 Henry Clufl‘cy, 3 Alice Morison, 4 Kohl McLeod, 5 Gracie Newbery 6 Bella. Gibson, Geo Ncwbcry, J rump CLASS. 1 Carrie Playtor, 2 Martin Glancey, 3 Jessie Mortson, 4 Jennie Gale. SENIOR SECOND. 1 Efï¬e Gamble, 2 Wm Gibson, A Hamilton, ’3 Harry Gamble, 4 Frank chge. PART II. IJennie German, 2 Richard Noble, 3 Thos Glass. 4 Lillie Garness. J. C. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. 7 S Jessie Legge UNICR SECOND. Flovie Mortson, Henry IIorner, glimmer, , 4 Ernest Joyce, " '3 Thus Noble; l 2 3 Honor Roll of Richmond Hill Public School for the month of September:â€" FOR-lI 1. A. 1 CLASS. A 2 CLASS. 1. MinnicSoulcs, 1. Alex Sims. 2. Sadie Morgan, 2. Delie Palmer, 3. Jessiellooper, 3. Louie Lynctt, 4. Jars FalcoubridgcA. Gertie Barker, 5. Maggie Sterling, . Grant Coopm‘, 6. Aggie Reid. ' Lizzie Palmer, 6. Carrie Powell. E. A. SI’RAGGE, Teacher. IORM II. III CLASS. SENIOR II. .Muggie Lewis, I. M. Glover, Emma. Sivers, 2. 1.. Harrison, Currie 'Wilson, 73. M. thtson, ' thbe Smiles, 4. J. Falconbridge, . Jos Keefler, 5. Alex Reid, Wib. Skeelc, 6. M. Wilson, JUNI'JR II. . M. Harrison, A. Cosgrove, . Ed. Lynett, E. Redditt, . M. McConnell, E. Law. M. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. FORM III. SENIOR. JUNIOR. Frank Sheppard, 1. Lottie Hopper, . Herbie Davis, 2. F. Euipriugham, Albert Ansley, 3. Herbie Soules, Geo. Hopper, 4. L. Sheppard, Susie Trench, 5. F. Bailey, I’crcy Porvell, 6. H. Sanderson. ‘ M. WILEY, Teacher. FORM IV. FIRST DIVISION. SECC‘IND DIVISION. 1. Harry Glover, 1. Ellie Reid, Juli-.1 Lynett, ‘3. Fred Hooper. Iiiaggie Ansley, 3. Ella. McConnell, Imvld'l‘rickcr, 4. Edith 'l‘rcvcthun, Annie Class, 5. Annie ll’lasoii, . Tommy Muhonevï¬. Ella Wilson. THIRD DIVISION. cmrwsr cveuNH T. Ffflluidwl" 1. Sarah Trickcr, Z. Jennie Mohair, . 3. Herbie Hooper, 4. Maggie Sharp, 5 Dickson MON-Air, (l. Jimmie Albin. ' J . CRUICKTH ANK. Teacher. â€"â€"â€"74-â€"â€"oo¢>â€"â€"-â€"â€"y C. A. LlVlllgUltmlc, I’lutrsvillc, sn.ys:â€"- “ I have much pleasure in recommending Dr. Thom-as†lucnzon'ic Oil, 1::Olll having used it Iii)‘:%l'lf. and having sold it {0' some now it: nu own case I will say for it o. if. I 5‘ l'l': wt pl'i'péll‘itllul'l l . . ,‘,.',V,.:,,,,i ;,, _,,i,:l‘:fln THORNHILL From our own Correspondent. Our village has presented quite a. live- ly time the last week or two. The volunteers passing through on their way home caused some criticism on the general usefulness and behavior of our boys who have qeen drilling. Oii‘Sept. 30th, Rev. C. and Mrs. Phili) held their silver wedding, when some sixty or seventy guests were enter- tained in the grove near the parsonage. Mr. and MI‘S.‘Pllllp were the recipients of many useful and beautiful articles. Friends were present from Bradford, Toronto, Markham Village, Hagcrnmn and ’I‘liornhill. The ofï¬cers of the Salvation Army and the boys have bud kl. very unpleasant time on several evenings, rotten eggs, threat.- ening language and the lists were used, much to the disgrace of the young men‘ and boys of our village. Such cond not as destroying the drum is quite reprehen- sible. Ladies have been sent as ofï¬cers for a. time. On Oct. lst, conï¬rmation was held in Trinity Church, when seven, mostly middle aged and elderly people were con- ï¬rmed. The new plot for a. burying ground was consecrated. Mr. Walker has taken possession of the 'l‘hornhill Hotel. in place of Mr. Simous, who lciivcs for the land of the Stars and Stripes. -â€"740¢>â€"-â€"â€" SCHOOL BOARD MEETING.’ The Richmond Hill Board of Educa- tion held their monthly meeting in the High School building, on Tuesday after- noon Oct. 6th, at 4 o’clock. Mr. R. Marsh, iii the chair. Members present: Messrs, Skeele, Naughton, Switzor, McConagliyi Brown and Boyle. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. V The following accounts were read aï¬d on motion ordered to be paid:â€".Jos.Hall, ‘ for wood, $3.00; Mr. Dickson, conduct- ing reudingat Intermediate Examinations $4.80; Elinor Law, for work, $3.57. An account from It. E. Law was held over till next meeting. The Secretary read several communi- cations; one fiom Mrs. Wiley, asking I leave ofabscnce from school duties for *1 two or three days nine-xi; week...» sub- stitute to he placed in her room. On motion of Mr. Switzcr, seconded by Mr. McConsgliy, the request was granted. Mr. J. McBride, Head Muster, pre- sented a statement of the attendance, and progress made in the High School during the your, and. making a. compari- son wlth past years. The following is a. Copy of the statement:â€" To the Board of Education, Richmond- ‘ Hill, Gentlcnimizwl beg to submit the fob lowing with i'( and lo the attendance, progress, Ito. oi the High School. During the :icudcinical your ending July 188-5 we sent up two candidates for the Civil Service L‘xaxniipitiol‘. both of whom \HJI‘O successful. At the De airt- mental Exnnilmitins for tcziclicrs’ certiï¬- cates scvcntcen Clllldldiitts presented themselves, ton of whom were successful, V1Z.. six obtained Second Class Certiï¬â€" czites(two {I‘lï¬'l‘ " and four grade B) and four obtuinct 'il class. When it is taken into (1011:. ._lei‘uli In that only 19 per cent of the cundlxinv‘ow throughout. the province were Sillli'il-sflll, our school maintainsItsusuzil 12.35:; shuttling. For niati'iculmlon 111 Arts in the University of Toronto, we sent 1: candidate who pzisssd successfully. ll wu matriculated iii Queen’s University, l\'.w,.;ston. In order to show l‘lln our school is as popular as over, mul H . the attendance has increased i'atlnrr 1i -‘ . diminished, I here give the are.an lunclzmce since midsummer 181%, for '1 I ask u care- ful Ci)llllllll'll~1)l|. Average zittcuzlzzn‘n .zilf ycrti‘ 41 “ “ .. or, 2nd hqu “ ‘- r... “ †til “ w m “ “ 4:: " " ‘l ’7 (.3 During; the Exhil‘ I . ’l‘oronto, the attendance was i I ,pllnr, but at picscnt vm lurvc ( t on the roll, and today on art; Eli pupils. A class of two are l'(' we. first year examination In 1M :iy'of Toron- to, three nic pry; Izmtriculatimi in 'llll‘llllll) l:' vcsidcs large classes for ll!:‘ 1' -ll Examina- tions, viz. slytm class certiï¬Â« 03.1103 and {wow :1 class. ,lop‘z'w 1hr†. the above a. careful poi'u~ I burn Ill ï¬rs, I l -' rvaut, MCBRIDE. vzl‘l kindred complain“. :v. 11‘ appear- ances? Hm on! weather, green {'1 i‘l' etc, and unin pa". (2 o outing t mm». c wed not; :I rm 7' Hulloggls llx .- m... i "i. drops 111- ll". u . l chol- N“: l' i is. 3mm ‘r xwels.