fl havenpor IVeston . 'l'hm‘nhill ucumnm H173. K ins: Aurum (MK Au Atlmmm $13. A voin‘e‘) :1 0‘ nwctiuu win; 1!: xvi-wk hum! {mu Mn? 14) inusn ;‘ A,“ Uh; pumc, URONTO Newmmket... ,. . \m'om King“ . V WH‘HMVS‘.) Iii; : . i‘iun‘ulaill .. ....... . \Vl‘sfy u1 . ., Shiv 'i; 'v’nvkrl. 10 ‘ . , . . . V . . . . . . “.‘(j'I’BCLWL Queen‘s \‘v’mrf “rock Strum; H Umon Shun)“. Cay Hall. City “a.†Union Statin“: Brock Street, Queen’s \thz‘, 'FferllileԠUnti‘i further H‘:M< x) 1::in Ellchumml Hi1] J'us‘.‘ mm- -Z\Icnxm '. :~Goi ‘ 'm . “hat. 1 ux‘m Mnyhg? "v ‘1 EVEXII: (:~»Gmny >_v1;i.:‘ x ND H [11011310 Connects with 3D (T'L'THC, 1> “Imzse.Riulmm11111111. us {mums [Nuy‘f‘h {Q Swath... A1ou "uuodurtion “ “ E Nortl . f . M111, South. The (-itlzmx'f colnnmimn annnugï¬ng 117:1 <‘0"(EU\‘HII(}_’ (m (‘i\‘i(: Holidu‘x 0m. )ml, luv-t nypoinl‘mi i'n‘r 3011,5409) thu an '5"Im-w evening :0 «(Namibia lh." bl. mow: ervt ‘ T! V :u-jmx’i if :L inn-u of the \' \x‘w ruv} as follows: â€" I'Hhrl annuaw, Nuditym'e in ‘7», lumvin ervtrn. le 11111-0, uf the 11 as follows: ~ '! winditnru {cl Gents m‘Jm‘ 3011': mi :1 Um, Cm:- Crcte, E1]g1i512,53cotch and (Isms-MUM) Tweeds and tangy {11mian in end~ less variety Lu 96!»?ij {rum ‘PRDCTU AGE LINE. Ivv Lodge 3H AA 0. ’I‘uvsduy evennzv, 1’1: 1 h Hall Hit 8 ()’clm".~:. $1111.. * ad to be present. Fm: Brigide Mcctmg. The Inst DUN,“ a“ M Hm mum, . place from Hm f. ,- 11M" «waning. Ail ï¬rmmn are n... tmhl. After the Wadi. VIII '0 hold. in ::!.~ ‘k I‘IL‘Mirm ‘l‘he Am:qu M“ York {Mun "fiat-Grim Hui“: [7th, at ‘1 n, ’ :mrl Um hymn-r: u‘ge uttf‘nd m mmnwammmflmmmwwnmm9mmmyâ€:< Maple cm‘rwnmimce mmvoidrz‘ï¬y crowd- ml out till unrzt The Vicq 1m»? fm- ehaHonuc-v Sen-nutty, 1']. r a T. Watson (I. H n Seamless: (Tait/m i131“ ~12.45 per (ma. (it 3:1; The Cnuncilh" ï¬lmn “"13: m mun ’ s, at 1‘ n in? m ")1 3 a Gv‘nxcrm vlf,‘,1do'v.'L HT)". A. RH'H‘L‘ thornugh-bn-t ‘ e Ari. Heavy :11} Y'Vm/wi ( inches \Vi ' .11 the Cmr ' BU Latches all woo] }'}mst‘, spicndid quality, only 25 as. :1 pr. at Grenâ€" ‘11zm’s. ' For .‘xx'enn: Rom-’1 To†va m‘o ofl wow, 12mm 2 Toronto, um»: i C rm) n 2:: he place .' )I' dry goo (‘0 :‘ .111 groccri “0.1 a xmiwlw Ru R. R. TIME TABLE IL ()9 951" K 1,,†EU in: S Commilfee ix" c ins: \\'r ‘c‘nc‘dvy. B. Ila-3111'“; ,. 321’ H. Klehcih wnw: m:m!,,’:«:n m pwvv :U‘. ni‘ls: in 0 11w ia-ncmur :md impmvmm wnn ruwmly math 1,1! Hm I“ L 7w h:h:wv 1hr 1m ‘HJV-‘lllk G011; C. ~ :31 ,.~-,~, lvtwim: n :“gmut an nm'iu. { i SOYUG 5,1110. For i 1, the (“H ( I} Lady 3 e Bx’ T0,] {4017'} 'u (y 2H f A (Enwmm nmjun \m: “Jim/:1- “. Kahlil“; \V, Klehuils wn'r: apâ€" V :U‘. ni‘k: in mnâ€" md impravlmnmts luxlv 1; the PM Hut 12111] 11:0 held in ,rinrfluy, (m. u v‘f afflour A 111i; 1 at i H} ‘lm'ï¬lt l .l‘:(“u“‘ ‘1 C ‘1 ~ ,LU'†to (21121333211173 a ,_m m 11..',( '3, hunzlx E11. i. \Yeat 1m lmmlrl i he :mc‘: K) 4‘) modq next Mannlnic ‘ 10 I‘umcst- 7(I H \1 \‘I‘CI’QW [M]. )IVI/ Al) 1H ,m H7 V O As time would no; prnnif. the hose tree) and coupling (3mm In take “me on the livic .Iiluiiduy, Saturday, Oct. $11.11;â€, been named tu cvmplebu the progrummef The 3-5 prize for the hose reel nxcu has been sup- plmmsntcd by anothor dollar, given by Mr. B. hedditc. ' H Ladlcs. C211} and inspect the ï¬ne SKI-“ZR or mammas; and Meters newest styles at ’l‘h'“? (Tnmv C h Hoyse. n iq WM to be Hm fill in Wis enflrr'ghteued age when read v (11' (than; r money. A ‘u' raueived few days; ago Mr. V3 R. i’i'u from :1 party {I mumm-i 3:. “7 hill on the Bunk (1‘ (Trtnu’mm '! \l‘gu'y was not vlvt-rï¬wd [M 1}" bifi ‘."'171 presented at the | . .’Li) IHHUCH'SM w ed'Boys’ Suits Just Opened and {golï¬ng away down low at (31’ch nnn’s; Chchp (Sash House 0n Pri'iny nmrninyr ins" whiiszt working with Li .Jzu. }Irr_>\x'nlee ‘un- [ur‘nn‘uwig' n . ni‘ul aCcident. sp‘im 2.va wring; the skin behw second 2m! 12*“ In I novessimm :2, ' thing whiwz B. hum“. «1 ï¬ngers. This v um ks’ rest,some- little about 1mm lr banalitted thereby. The if; the Various evils‘ which lie .ng, so forcibly before I: heard him fall into ‘llnot be because they min-(l. He also referred to the Temperance Con- a Totoutoiu regard to n will (w; A .I. :11 Hint, i! - Huh-r1, ‘ ,lésh lu: Hxiiiks the present phase of “man quostion domandsgmd which (wry, made by the Scott Act at ;1 1h 1 Liouse of Commons justiï¬es. , , . . wimmu called on the young Livia :u lm ,ml silly temperance men, but to in :i :l‘ ‘zlul :1): ti, to be honest m«.11,to be in- ,l1‘l.‘:_< mm, and aluve all to by common- zziing each [)0 ix a very . The address was listened ,Ltontion throughout. the mcnt felt. was that it was too \x'n have we shall have more of such ‘ m lo H‘v young, failing sure that :w a!" the seed thrs srnvn may fall : r m: by the wayside and on stony «m mth {all on good ground, :rn'l ‘ f l; an abundant harvest. At Hm fln‘m‘ 0! HM k‘cture the pw<iJvnt called fwr w m «n the political features" of the ~ . w f:l:l“€l10fl. which were advanced Hi :7â€; ’ = :lmed conventiwn. Opinions ‘.‘.‘<‘1'n' v gloss“. Harrison. Saudeison um: lkmsdzuq, which gave the llll‘lb that ull gum} {l .i, llm Lime 11ml came when Christ.- .rln 1:13, min as they pray, uftvr which nm-ilvw Yth brought to :L close. and mitts Cheap Cash 'wood7 napa. ; mi: 400 31 below reg- (Era: (i variety r)? ;; f‘nst Owned at Th" Hog ' kid, Cloth. 2 .47 " 101,0, A uh! 1‘ m'icm. The Young (Tarnnihns "-Imt tr) Peterhoro ymfm‘fim‘ (<1 rmm‘peh) \vil‘v Hm lacrosse club of Hm? town for the I’l‘m‘iuciul Champion- Ship. MM defunct} Weir 0'; uwnts in three "'mu“. “3mm 8, ‘ and 30minutes. «my ’umvs H Kim top of the ladder, ps: far this Provâ€" ozml clmmyém ince mo, 'ronc ‘med. Richmond Hill Forever ":59le :lv'm um‘m. :tht \‘VIJ l ,npm ‘m a e r .v r .. , “muggy ,ierE’ man; Juan \‘ Yâ€" .lft’fflb Or: Hm waning: ut' 2nd, Mr. †«m 10:41.5 rail of 1:?0 dul‘zu' hills in liin‘mmnmi Bin. He, hm! changed some money at Hw ‘Li 1m x f1 m) the park ground, am 1' which 110 wnliwd M Mchmghy’s shoe More, and thrn \vvut m his own hnme.‘ 'Hé did not mi“: Hr.“ money {ill some time dur- im: the next fm‘mumn. A re rd has been off! rod and it i! hnwwl ‘x {a mm‘ 'reeover the 19%;, which 3 'iffymv: or sixty dollars. Creditorrz’ Netice. The orcdihrs nf Lam; Manny, late of the 'I‘ownshij': of \' Hun an, mm died on the 9111' E483. zero ‘ "wired to send-to Mr. Pnr , ha m} or before the 15th day of L‘Imw 'a|_>c:' next. the full particu- Furs: 0f their ('1 After that date the xvcuiors will pmr ME to distribute the assets of thr (1000:de mm†the pnrtles entitled. Soc, umfrc rm “"1 mm mgr. Lu‘nlw‘l. Hm :, that MM Ems; nm‘ni) } i: Wui A thy of :H “WAX (MT ‘11 Hul‘qi '11:);-ï¬}‘i: m w 11;; rim mam' “43111.50†1 ï¬mki n; C 1!] Fire ’Baiggade Contests “1r Hhflnnoml Hill on Tuesdm’, Oct ‘cw; L'rurVi: aged 1‘1 ‘Gm T119, CH1 hed. Painful Ace; Bogus Mon ETC "‘ ' 1,42)? Test DEATHS Wis enï¬hteued 'r money. A V1 rtï¬u' 1‘4rueived 95.3 hill on the The Council met in the Council Chamber on Monday eveningflct. 5th, at 8.30 o’clock. The Reeve in the chair. Other members present, Messrs. Redditt, McCouughv, Sav- age and Powell. The minutes of last meet- ing were read and on motion approved. The following accounts were ordered to be paid :â€"~’J‘o Hem-y Peters, work, 3200; Mrs. Tricker, $2.00; Jos. Hail. nails, $17.86; Geo. Redditt. posts for park, 88.55. The Clerk read copies of letters which, according to instructions, he had sent to parties who had failed to pay their subscriptions for opening the road now known as Lorne Avenue. It was moved and seconded that a com- mittee composed of the Reeve and Messrs. Redditt and McConaghy, be authorized to expend the sum of $50 in gravelhug Vaughan St., provided other interested pai‘tien con- tribute for the purpose of putting the road in a proper state of repair.â€"â€"Curried. The Council adjourned to meet on Monday even- ing, Oct. 26th. at‘8.30. On Saturday afternom last, a. case for trespass and assault was heard in the Coun- (il 09amber here, before R. Marsh, Esqqu. 1’. The parties concerned reside in the Township of Markham, ll, flew miles east of Thornhill. Tue complainant was a Mr. Cummer, who charged a Mr. Becket. his wife and son with trespassing on his premises after having been repeatedly warned not to do so» It appeared from the evidence that Becket‘s chickens mid gone into Cummer’s orchard, and that young Cum her, who is about twenty years of age, shot or shot at them. Becket healing the shot tired went down to the fence. when Cummer warned him not to come on his premises. Becket then put his little boy in the orchard, whom Cummer threw down, not however, he (Cum- mer) swore until the boy had pelted him with stones. After hearing the evidence, the Magistrate said that a trespass had been proven, but owing to the prococation caused by shooting the chickens he did not feel justified in inflicting 2t ï¬ne. The charge of assault was then tuken up. Several witness- as swore that Becket struck at young Cum- mer several times, and that Mrs. Becket raised a stick over his head in a threatening attitude, but that no blows were struck. This case the magistrate also dismissed. Mr. Duvison, of the ï¬rm of McDonald, Davi- son (1% Patterson, appeared for the defendant. V At the l'ei‘OIlt Junior Matriculation in arts "in Queen’s University, Kingston, John and Thomas Camelou, of our High School, paSS- ed suacessfully;tuki11g a good standing in a class of seventy-ï¬ve. Messrs. A. J. Hume, W. T. Storey, Wm. A1kinsou,jr., and 0. Savage are billpd to take part in the concert in the town hall, Markham, to-morrow (Frlday) evening. Mrs. G. \Viley has teen asked to deliver rm address at the Provincial Temperance Convention to be held in London on the 13th, 14th and 15th of this month. She W111 be accompanied by several other ladies from this village. To lessen mortality and stop the ill- roads of disease, use Northrop S; Lyman’s Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure. For all diseases arising from impure blood, such as pimples, blutohes, bilious- mass. 1ndiges:.1tm, etc†em, it has no equal. Mrs. Ti: ume Smith,Eim, writes: The 01611: was instructed to notify the Ontario (0 Quebec Railway Co. to rail certaih crossings. Commissioners were appo‘nted to in- spect certain bxidges and culverts. Few are. the remedies whnse beneï¬cial qualities and real merits have made them so popular with the public, and increas- ed from year to year their consumption, which, whilst possessing the most valu- able remedial properties, are yet so sim- ple in their compound, and. SO easy to take, as The Quinine Wine. prepared by Northrup &. Lyman, of Torunta. This article is prepared from the pure Sulâ€" phate 0f Quinine, combined with fine Sherry “line. and choice aroumhics,which relieves the Quinine of its bitter taste and does not impair in the leash degree the rflicacy of its action upon the patient; while small doses. frequently repeated, strengthv‘ii the pulse, increase muscular force, and invignra‘ie the tune of the ner- vous system, and thus, by the general \‘ignr which itinipurts, creates an appl- tite, which gi 188 to the stomach tone and energy, and furnï¬es the system against all infectious diseases. Ask fl’l' Northrop rï¬- Lyman’s Quinine \Vine; sold by all aruggists. “ 1 am using this medicine for dyspepsia: I have tried many remedies. but this is the only medicine than has done me any good.†Mr. “7m. Fisher was appointed over. seer for Div. No. 2, 8., in place of H. 1). Xamsder. resigned. H. P. Crush}, Esq, vma granted leave to cut down a certain tree an travelled road at Uniouvillc. Council adjourned to meet on the 14th of Nov. Mother Gx‘a‘ves’ \an Exterminator has no equal for dastruying worms in children andadnlts. See that you get the genuine when purchasing. The Council met at Unionville on Oct. Sri, at 10 a. m. Members all present. Minutes of last meetinc read and Conï¬rmed. The Treasurer was authorized to pay the following accounts:~ Jacob Homer, bridge on 3rd Con $15 ()0 Jacnb Hormel-340 ft. lumber. . 3 40 A. Mitchell, for ditching. . . . . . 5 00 R. Elliott, 2 sheep killed . 4-. 00 J. Campbell, culvert on 6th line 12 {)4} Gravel account, 411 yards . . . . 41 10 Mr. Gosgrove of Buttunville was grant- ed a. font license for a hawker. Dr. Farewell was appointed MedIcai Oï¬iger, in plflgq of Dr. Hamil}, rrj/sianed. MARKHAM CO UNCIL. PERSONALS. Magistrate‘s Couxt. Village Council. $15 ()0 3 40 5 00 4-. 00 12 {)5 41 10 HWIH GLASS DRESï¬ MANTLE ï¬iï¬KKNG A SPEGEï¬LTY. Will buy a very Superior and Extra, Heavy Black Gros Grain Silk Dress at PETLEYS’. 8 Will buy a Black Gros Grain. Silk‘Dress at PETLEYS’. Will buy a Colored Gros Grain Silk Dress at PETLEYS’. Will buy 6» Superior, Heavy, Black Grros Grain Silk Dress at PETLEY S’. PETLEY 4% WHEY, 9+ 6* . ~ am my .3“ V.) 1.5m; See our Black Otu «1:111 Cloth at: $31.50. It will pay our to come 100 milcs to trade with HP, and will be gold in your poclufc every Dims. Our terms are Cash or C. O. D. Plain ï¬gurw. "\‘o secoï¬d price. m1 immense stag}: immense stock 0f mew E‘émgg Goaï¬s, immense 0'9 1'5; n Emmense stock g3} Mo E5 'E‘fl IN Es . mgr 1†Q Emï¬y m {13.5.3 Q’stan 1 immense stack w 4x7}? ‘3 1 , 3‘32 ‘ m 311.8 33341. g ‘7! immense stock (5:3? ‘ : i. ‘6: m :13 1! immense stack 01?? See our 2 button Josephine Kid :1; 230., 6 button Kid at 50c. - Eï¬iéaag Si, East, @flaikei, TORQEfl’TO, See our all W001 goods in Black and Colors at 250. See our 28 inch ‘cMW; $3.3m? See our Black Velvetee: s :- C (t our ya rd Ix h! ‘2