Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Oct 1885, p. 7

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The habit of kicking, which is utterly destructtve of the value of a cow, may in every instance be traced to errors or vices in early education of the animal; 50, too, with the bad habit of Withholding the milk, and all others which are often complained of. Some interesting experimenfs have been made in Fl ance on the advantages of giving water to milch cows warmed, instead of in its natural cold state. At the Agricultural school of St. Remy two cows were fed on the same f: )d, but one was supplied with cold weter aid the other with the water to 113 degrees Fahrenheit. The latter yielded one third more milk. The éenuine stone crock with its glazing of glass makes a perfect package of butter, but the common clay crock, with its salt wash of vitreous glaze, is often a delusion in butter keeping; but what consumer ever thought it was the crock itself that worked the. damage and charged in to this came. .‘nc small p ztatoss found in digging thn crop, if boiled and mixed wth a little I) , , make excelled; feed for growmg piga, keeping them mhrifty until the time comes for heavier feeding and fattening. A great width between andlprominence of the eyes indicates a teachable and treetnble horse. \Vidth between the ears indicates courege. nobleness and strength of charac- ter. Roundness and elevation between the eyes indicate mildness of disposition and de sire to be carressed and to reciproc.*.te kind- ness; but never trust one that shows much U118 of the good effects of the low priccafur dairy products will be the turning (H‘ of many poor cows, never of any value for dairypux‘prjses. Certainly no farmer will be tempted to keep poor cows at; prcsmt prices of butter and cheese. Lard will remove wag'm grease. Rub the spot with lard as if washing it, and when it is Wt 11 out wth in the ordinary way with soap and water until thoroughly cleansed. No kind of stock takes kindly to a head of barley, being repelXed by its large, stiff and sharp awns. \Vhat is left on the field is therefore wasted except for its value as a green manure The takings of barley are always more stained than the bulk of the crop, and should use kept and thrashed se- par_&tely. _ _ I ‘ ‘ _ Chloride of lime will remove mildew, unâ€" lessit be very bad. Use four parts water to two of liaw, washing the cloth in this till the spots disappear, and rincing afterwards with p‘enty of cold water. It is said the fo‘.lowing preparation wi 1 drive a. mosquito out of the room Whenever one is making his presence felt: Four ouncas of oil of cioves, two 01m :63 1 f oil of pepper- mint, eight ounces gum camphur; mix we‘l and let stand. lkn't milk a troublesome cow, but turn a calf or two to her and let them do the milk- ing. An average cow will raise four calves to veal ages during a season. and these will bring $40 to $30, This is often more than can be made from her milk. Ground grain is the cheapest form in which nutrlment can be given to working horses. But to produce the best effect it should be mixed with cut hay, nut to give greater bulk, fur this the horse’s stomach does not require, but to make the food more porous in the stomach, so that the gastric Juices may freely Work through it. Meal a'o Je, eskpeaigljy of com, _which 503..” c )ly has The Wings of turkeys, geese and chickens are good to wash and clean Windows “71th, as they leave no dust or lint, as cloth does. Push for either milk or beef; you can't make anything at raising bones or hides. The southwestern plains can beat any dairy farmer at that business. ,dississippi farmer dashes cold water in- Le ears of choking cattie. This causes .Luimai to shake its head violently, and ' cular action dislodge» the obsiruc- Y'sod a milch cow that h‘ 1:13 up har mill; ‘21' 13116 calf is takcn frum her a. mess cf r 2.2:: slope while-1 being milked, and her mention will be so diverted tlmt she will yield “ ithout renwmberirg her calf. Sheep will eat the green wormy apple more readily than pigs will. In fact, the latter have to be partially starved to make them as good forage” as sheep. But the sheep must also be well fed, or some enter prising ewe will g t a. taste of apple tree bark, and soon make sad havoc. Whité above the pupil uf the eye or with white in that organ. Stock can he kept cheaply by a judicious use of much that is wasted. “"6 again re- mind our friends, now that they are har- vesting, that if they properly preserve the straw and corn foddu‘, and use a cutter for preparing such, they can keep more stock; all that is necessary being the feeding of a. grain ration daily. Thousands of tons of straw are anually used as budding or are trampled. on farms that contain no sheep and but few cows or steers, when at the same time a fair profit cou'd as easily be derived for such waste materials as to suffer the loss. Lemon juice will whiten frosting, cran- berry or strawberry juice will color it pink, and the grated rind of an orange strained through a cloth will color it yellow. {mixier ia wasted by being scattered arcund and trampled under foot. ;nvyflc'mrafll‘, will 'compact‘: in the stomajl and he leasAeasily di_gestf.ibl_e. Black linen thread should be kept wrap- ped in paper or away from the light which rots it. Braidene is it new umberial recently intro- duced f0 ' embroidery, and in the construc- tion of the sno v-ball or clematis design it may be used With the most satisfactory re- aults. \Vater in which box-ax is dissolved is good for the hair, and also 10 whiten tne face and hands. H; may be well to remember that the chsmging of pasture occasionally makes fat stock. Hot wood ashes applied to a. stove when cold will remove grease. Cover the spot on- tirely ; do not be sparing of the ashes. It! feeding stock in the barnyard always play: the fodder in racks. IX placed on Zhe 'vad, up it; is in mmy (mans, much of film Dairy and Stock Topics. \Vinter dairying is one lemedy against Row prices for butter. Vth snonge cake becomes dry it is nice 0 out in yhin slices and toast. A sponge is excel’ent tor, washing windows FOR THE FARMER- Home Suggestions. Nevertheless, the signs are that a confer- ence will be heldâ€"with the result, most probably, not of ratifiying, but of forbidding a violent restoration of the statue/[nu This disciaion, should it be assented to by Turkey, will be tantamount to a proclamation that the Sultan's Christian subjects can have all thcliberty they choose to take, for, Wherwa their rular's hands are tied, their own hands are left free. But they would speedily dis~ cover that they had merely changed a. MosA lem for a. Christian master. There is no occasion for 8. conference if all of the signatory powers mean to comply with the obligations to which they pledged themselves in 1878. The Berlin tresty itself (‘1' fined the methods by which its provisior s were to be executed. In the clause bearing on the present question there is, indeed, a stipulation that the Porte shall not send Turkish soldiers into the provinces until after informing the powers of the exigencies re- quiring the coercion. But, of course, this qualifying phrase was never intended by Lord Bmooxsrrmm to tie the hands or the Sultan snl perm it a revolution- ary movement to acquire resistless head- way ; it was merely designed as a pre caution ageinst the Porte’s perfidiously qusr tering its troops on trivial pretexts in Chris. tinn districts. As ametter of fact, the Forte for from abusing the powers bestowed by tresty. has hitherto refrained from actually occupying the Balkan passes owing to an un willingness to cause unnecessary friwtion. and upon the supposition that it could exercise the privilege at any time, so long as the Governor of its own appoint- ment should be instelled at l’hilippopolis, and Rnumelia could count only on its own militia to obstruct a Turkish movement. llut with Prince ALEXANDER at the head of the revolted provinCes, and with the defiles of the Balksns in possession of Bulgarian sol- diers trained by Russian oliicers. the politi» cal grievance and atrategicel danger are incontrovertible, accomplished facts, and the right mode of dealing with the is unmis- tskably prescribed in the clause which we have quoted. Turkey would have acted in conformity with diplomatic usuages and in- ternational law, if within an hour after pro- claiming the purpose of coercion it had set its hand with vigor to the work. By declarâ€" ing himself ruler of 'Bulgnria Prince Aler- under rendered superfluous a formal sdmisv sion by the powers that the exigency con~ temple-ted by the Berlin treaty had arisen, and warranted the Sultan’s resort to force. The Pnrte has lostllioumelia by vecillation and timidty, and it will be lucky if its losses shall stop there. It has waited several days before announcing a resolve to assert its rights, and it evidently means to wait still longer until the powus have given distinct assurances of acquiescence in its coercive action‘ But with every day’s delay the work of putting down rebellion is certain to involve more bloodshed and devastation, and the powers will become more loath to sanction measures that might lead to atro- cities like tho-‘e imputed to theTurks on a former occasi'm in Bulgaria. Moreover, the protracted and indefinite delay imposed by recurrence to a confereree will make it most difficult to localize the rising, and we shall see in all likelihood the whole region south of the Balkans in commotion. From the mass of contradictory, equivoca- and delusive telegrams relating to the com plication caused by the rising In Roumelia emerges the broad fact of delav. Delay means disaster to the Sultan, and probably implies bad faith on the part of one or more of the other parties to fine contract entered into at Berlin. Had the l’orte at this grave crisis obeyed the instinct of senfpreservation, instead of suffering its action to be paralyzed by divid- ed counsels ; had itpromp 1y, upon receiving news of the rebellion, notified the other sig- natory powers of its purpose to enforce the rights assured to it by treaty, and almost simultaneously despatched the 7,000 Turk- sh veterans available at Adrianople, it might with the utmost ease have seized Philippopolis, reinstated the deposed Gov- ernor, occupied vhe Balkan passes, and an- nounced that the incident was closed. But, haunted by natural iorebodings that the Loumellan revolt, like the Servian in- surrection, had been instigated by Russia, and was, perhaps. countenanced by Austria, it missed the fleeting opportunity, and allowed the rebels to tram-form what was essentially a Turkish into a European ques- tion. By waiting foraneedless realiirm- ation of a sanction already conveyed by treat-y, it gave time fora counter appeal from Prince ALEXANDER, and emboldened Russia t) so far throw ad the mask as to prepose a conference for the pretended purpose of deciding how or who or whether the stains qua should be restored. “ What i: the worst thing about riches 1’" asked the Sunday school superintendent. And the new boy said, “ Not having any.’ A Patterson man has a. horse which sings. It never urges a onlt as an excuse. Neither does it say neigh wnen an oat is set before it. A convenient receptacle for table cutiery, :0 be tacked to the insside of a cupboard door, may be made of Cant'rn flannel, so construc‘ed that there will be a separate czcmparhfint for 6.011 knife and fork. The flannll is sure to obsorb any moisture left; on a kr ifs by careles ness or by accidem, and the whole affair is ornamental. \Vhite Canton flannel, bound with scarlet dress braid, is the prettiest. Heavy carpe‘bs sane imes do not rcquire taking up wary year, Lulsass in constant use. ‘i ‘.«.e out the tasks from these, fo‘d the car- pets back, wzuh the floor in strong suds with a. toneapxmnful of bnmx diam lved in them I) Vsh with iuseut powder or lay with tobacco L ewes along the edge and retack. All moclm can be kept away and the egga dent-myvd by this means. We recently saw a sat-sen drema which had been washed, and it Iookcd almost like new. No amp was used, but; the dress was wash- Mi in bomx water which restored the gloas. One obje on to n sateen dress is that it never 1991152 wall washed in the ordinary way. This methnd is worth trying. A new remedy tor curing a cold: Pour about half a pint of boiling hot water over about; a drachm of pulverized camphor, and inlmle the vapors arising therefrom ten to twenty 11 inutes, Great relief is at 01303 ex- perienced, and after two or three repetitions the discomfurt is said to disappear (ntively. and newspapers will polish them without leaving dust or streaks. Use a soft pine stick to cleanse the accumulations of dust from the corner of the sash. Ammonia. will give the glass a clearer look than soap. The Balkan Situation. The Poor Little Ones. We often see children with red emp: blons on face and hands,rough, scalyeklu, and ofuen sores on the head. These things indicate a depraved condition «f the blood. In the growing period, chill- ren have need of pure blood by which no bulld up strong and healthy bodlea. If Dr. Pierce'n “ Golden Medical Discovery” l5 given. the blood is purged of its bad elements, and the child's development will be healthy, and as it should be. Scrofulous affections, rickets, fever-notes, hip-j oinu disease or other grave maladies and suiferlng are sure to result from ne- glect and lack of prc per attention to such cases. ()n the night after the coronation of George the Fourth, Sir Walter, having missed his carriage, had to return home on foot from the baiquet at “"estminster, in the smal hours of the morning. He wasaocompanied byayoung friend, who, when they were struggling in the crowd at Whitehall, became troubled tor fear of injury to Scott's lame leg. A space for dignitaries was kept clear at this point by the Scots Grays, and Scott ap- pealed to a sergeant of the force to be allow- ed to pass by him into the open ground in the middle of the street. The man answered curtly that the thing was impossible; his orders were absolute. As this moment some new wave of turbu- lence appromhed from behind, and Scott’s companion called Ont, in a_ loud voice,â€" "Take care, Sh" Walter Scoifrf take care!" The stalwart sergeant started on hearing the name. “What !" he exclaimed. “ Sir Walter Scott ! He shall get through, anyhow 1" He then addressed the soldiers near him : “ Make room, men, for Sir Walter Scott, our illustrious countryman !” The men were ready with their response : “ Sir Walter Scott! God bless him 1’ He was in a. moment Within the guarded line of safety. Why is a. girl like an Indian ‘3 Bacause she does’t feel dressed without a. feather in her hat. “ What: a lovely complexion," we often hear persons say. " I wonder what; she does for it T’ In every cane the purity and real loveliness of the complexion de- pends upon the blood. Those who have mallow. blotchv faces may make thelr akin smooth and healthy by taking enough of Dr. Pierce'a “Golden Medfclelacovery” to drive out the humors lurking in the system. There is no secret or patent in the production of “Myrtle Navy” tobmco. It could be produced by any manufsc- turer b11an manufacturer could make it pay at the price, unless he could purchase on a large scale and sell on a large E0119. Ha could not sell below the present price without a loss even if he could purchase on the lowest advantageous terms. To get a large market therefore, without which he would have no induce- ments to go on. would be the work of many years. That is the reason why Messrs. Tuckett & Son have the command of the market, and they are wise encugh to know that they can retain it only by keeping, the price down to hard pan fig- ures. \Vhy is a successful poultry man like a carriage builder? Because he makes a coop pay. £100.000,COO IN THE BRITISH COURT m: CIIANCRRY !â€"A large part of this war. sum belongs to the people of America. Cox & C0,, 41, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London, Eng., hm 9 just published 3. LIST of the heirs to this enormous wealth Reader, send a dollar and they will forward you this valuable LIST ; and if you find by it that you are entItled to any money or property, claim your own. Cox & Co. will show you the way. “ John Scott, of GoYa ! \Vell, Ihope your card may Serve me in as good stead as an- other Mr. Scott’s has just done. Upon my word, one of my best men, an honest felow from the North, Went out of his senses when he saw it. He offered me a week’s work for the card. and I took him at his word.” Prevention Better Than Glue. Many of the diseases so prevalmt in these days are caused by using soap containing impure and infectious matter. Avoid all risk by using PERFECTION Laundry Soap, which is absolute y pure. Ask your grocer for PERFEwION. Manufactured only by the Toronto Soap Co, No one ever hears any complaint of a mis fit when an old hous: tries on a. coat of fit W paint H'wing selected one, he wrot; his name on a. card, and direated it to be engraved onthe handle. At: breakfast he mentioned the purchase, and young Gohx, at once desirous of securing a similar toLl, soon sought out the same shop. Having bought a knife, to his mind, he wrote his name for the engraw er. When the cutler 33w the signature, he 8X4 iaimed,â€" NJ I as mignal a mark of homage Was that paid Soott- some years later by a sergeant of drggogm. _ _ There are only 300 shades of blue. We sometimes feel as though there were twice as many. Mild, soothing, and healing is Dr. Sage’s Camrrh Ramedy. Seeping-walking is supposed to be in some way connected with the trance-migration o souls. The difference between a lawyer trying a case and a (mt is that one is lying for a fee and the other is feline. The approval of the select few is music to the ears of authorship; the love of the mul- titude constitutes fam’. It is related of Sir Walter Scott that when he th at Shelliel l with his traveling compa ..ion and namesake, young Go‘Ia, he salied out early in the mom- ing to provide himself witn a pocket knifel “This is true fame,”aaid Coleridge, when he found a little worn copy of lhomson‘s Seasons lying on the window-seat of an inn Where he had stopped for the night. Ariosto might have drawn the same conclusion in regard to himself when, being detained in the Apenniaes by a band of robbers, he was protected by his name and reputation; the outlaws not only released him on learning who he was, but begged the honor of escort- ing him wherevethe might wish to go: A Lovely Complexion. Fame. complaint of a mis tries on a. coat of Eureka, Cvlinder’ Bolt Cutting & Wool Oils. AS THEY ARE TETE MOST STYITISH, CONVENIENIX AND MUST DURABLE TOP IN THE MARKET. There are over Twenty Thousand of these Tops now In use. mm are giving better sudsfacflon than any other. The manufac‘urar of these Celebrated Carriage Tops, owns more patents for 1m- provements, and makes a greater varleby than any other firm in Canada or the United States. Of Dealers whca ofl ferand Se“ Inv- On account of the tobacco crop of 1833 being so poor. we did not buy much. and selvcted only the best of it, as we {always wish to keep our “ T. 85 B, Myrtle" brand 11p to the standard; and thenfore there may be a scarcity cf T, 8: B. Mvrtle“ Plug for a. short time. If such is the case the a will be u, full supply on the market by the end of October. OMI‘iaggfim Six Gold Medals have hem: Awarded this (Pi! during the last Three Years. Be Sure to get PEERLESS, no other genuine. ‘VVE \VILL PAY FREIGHT BOTH WAYS IF NOT ENI‘IRELY SATISFACTORY The tobacco we are now a‘m finesb we have ever Ind. and our numerous c sumers. MBI‘MBH PEERLESSWi The Most racers-m, Cleans. erahle and Economlml “cutters in the Market for warming and ventilating Mum m, swam, Public Bangi-‘lmgs, Stores and Private Residences. Simple {a couatrucfion W11 .‘ of giving wore beat with less consumption 01’ fuel than any otheg heating appar,..w 1 Ar Absunsrae 3 was '5 o in may Seven sizes are made and can be set: either bx Brick or i’ortasle i‘uxm. Cu wagondcnm: wxmiud. For Catalogues and turther information address, Electra Plate Queen Wroks} Samuel Rogers 65 CO To our N umernus Consumers. HUMMEY’S NEW BAKERS EMT AIR FURNACES Examine Their Superior Meritd.’ THE E. 85 C. GURNEY CO. Brimnnia NOTICE. {p16 Reward. 101‘ the Goflviétion BUY THE IMPRQVED COPS B QY FINEST ’Gfiqynti‘wscm‘r .x my. (many Mfiflflxmm @I‘Km JUST AWARDED AT THE TORONTO EXHIBITION FOR Yours xnspeem'ully, OLD MEDAL about tomanufmture isthe 21d we know it will please ényf-MCCQLL'S For sale by all leading dealers. A51) OTHER MaCHlNE OILQ‘ (LIMITED) [JERFUMED DIHNF 1’0 Z‘ANR‘ hAl‘llETS, placed in Drawers, "ranks, Wardrobes, etc,â€" ‘ ydrive awayandd . Moths; an} otherinueots, imparting a. dulighlful and delic “a pz‘rlumu to the clothing, carrlofi or worn upon t, person whey are by Meir powerful concentrated maniac-mm proper- ties, n perfect meana of protecm‘on inguinal ia'tectlon of digeeane, lving 011 at the 53m» Link a most delight- tulodo , nails antlrely of esasinin Hearted colors, very prc w, unique, and neat. l ry one should have them. Mice 100. ssxxnhwtlnee for 250.. Thymu- Eircaol 30.2.1), the great English diginfev‘tanl; Laila‘ soap, awarded the gold m" " . London, Eng;- , 1884. Lane calms“ price 150 , or .3 .perhox of ;; nukes, sent passage paid to any add uprm receipt of price. Addreaa THYMO-GxunsoL Commxr, 750 Craig St“, Mun- lreal Circulars and descriptions of our Engliah Thy- ' .ra‘fxom m has on applicatlan. Wrfi-o {or to na. or Bnmm; €5.13 : , winner 1mm vailfn v and 11mm: every Bahama]: at: hm; from Quebec every Enurdw ‘40 UV a leluw m I,“ undeny Br) 1mm mafia mm pasuang y uaonnna .n v. Arelmnfl . Mm tram Baltimore. via “(ill m; (mm. m.» chu’r 1'3, to Liv 'norxl tortnighfiy durt mum A; onbhn The aiaumum Li the Glasgow :‘mm ‘ ’ :34"; main nu mm {mm film”, Fonhnd. Bum" an Minn-dul- mia; am! during summer between HIM:ij and nann- b: ' sky; {Byzagownnd Banaonrwaeklv; nnd (Mum. W27 ilhzndn .. nninwn-mn L. C. Ba.eon,Rnlled Spice Queen, 0. 0. Bacon, Glasgow Beef Hams, Sugar d Ham, Dried Beer, Breakfast Bacon, Smode '1' V ‘5, Mesa Pork, Pickled ngues, Cheese. Famliy o: Rwy Pork, Law! in Tubs and Pails. The Beat Branda 01' Eng- sh Fins DJJYV Salt in Stock. mum wamuy‘ umuguw mu. nunwurwaumv; Mm UNIIIDI and Philadelphia mummy. For: freight, pmnuygu, a: 5mm lPfllJK'QEL‘MOI hsnfly to A. Sohuflimhar M433, Huh 1. mus. ‘ mar 5;: 0a.. Haiflax; Shea U0 Sm. John’l. .3 Wm. Thomacn 59: 63:1. 8%. .. an a} 00.. Chtoazo'; Love: 8: Aidan. New York :3. Bonrlier. Tomnm ; Allan-15‘ Ram 05 On Quebec: Wm. Brock-Ea, 'l’hfladelnmax H. 3» Allan. Pmmletâ€"o: Bosmu Mammal. JAMES PARK 86 SON, trial andlerritory givnn. Ladies make good ngen o wear on domes, and every lady will buy after trying it; warranted to wash mlicos in five minutt‘s. cotton goods in 20, bedclothel 10. or no Sada. Address, FERRIS dc (10‘, l’atenwel and Mann- facturers. 18 Jarvis Smu‘ WOBONTOACInndn 3901'}: Packers, Toronto. S' lf-Op‘-nting Waablrg-‘Mr chlues. If ya} wan; one send m ya"! Damn. P 0‘ and exnreau Lflioa It one . THE NATIUNe L (,0 23 D; y St, NY. BIG OFFE R ferior Oil of :TJther Manufacture for McColl Bros. & 00 Toronto. Goods stamped Mert- den Silver Plate 00, are not our make. If you want reliable good: insist on getting they. made by the MERIDEN BRITAN NIA 00.. To intmduae I‘hn'u. we w_.p GIVE AWAY 1 00) Tm: Eagle Mum Wnbhnr in the only ‘A’nshing Mmmiuain. v urrr’ Hun. n weakly “ man or girl 14 years old W) Lh out the use of A w an 11. board, can with ease wash 50 to 100 pieces in one hour. Aganu wanted all over Can- nda. Sample semfor

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