WANT EB T0 RENT. BABINET ORGAN I Farm cf m ta am flexes, FOR SALE 1 ST. MARY s Erlscomn CHURCH.-â€"Sel‘vice at 3 .m.,except the third Sunday of every month, vhen the service and sacrament are held at 11 ; m. Sunday School at1:30p.m Rev. W. Bates, sector METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 mm. ind 6:30 p. m.,and Sunday school, at 2.30 p. in. Young sample's prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Senera Prayer Meetin every Thursday evening In the Lecture Room. ev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rev. W. F. Wilson, Assistant. PRESBYTIQRIAN CHURCH OF CANADA.â€"Services 33 1] o‘clnck u.m.,nnd 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting In Wednesday evening 11.127230. ROMAN CATHOLIC cannonâ€"Services in order s follow 8 Thorn‘hill“ Hit; 79 m?‘ \ddress with particulars to “ THE LIBERAL †OFFICE, 3-11. Richmond Hill. s Iouuw 5 “1mm...†u..- u m...“ _._... _., [111m 10:30 am; the following Sunday zit Rich- xond Hill at 9 a.m.. and. Thornhill at 10:30 a. m Wanted to rent for a term of years. with option of purchasing at end of lease. a. RwEMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No.23, G.R.C Meets in the Lodge Room, Masonic Hallpn the iondmy on or before full moon. at 8 o’clock p.111 Leek, W. M. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERSâ€"Courï¬ Rich- lond. No. 7040 9.. O. F., meets in the Temperance 3.11 every alternate Friduv at 7.30 p. m.â€"Bobb. each, C. L. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No..4BE,I. O. G. T.â€" eets in the Temperance Hull' every Wednesday veningï¬t 7.30 o’clock. WIï¬JIag'risnn '1‘.D. The Methodist sabbath sch oolTempemnco As ,ciation issue pledge cards every Sunday when asired. Wm.Harrison Supf MEG-HAwa 'leTITUTE.-Libmry or over 1000 alumasppen eVory Tuesday evening, in the Ma- nnie Hallirnm 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law, Libra.- nm. Lectures and discussionsperiodicallv. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.-Bleets for mctice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at .30 o'clock. C. Savage, Leader. Vl'hhAGl'. COUNCIL.â€"-Re' VP. Wm. Pugsley, 'Coun- ï¬llers. Messrs. Benj. Redditb, W. D. Powell, P i. Savage, and F.McCona,ghy.. (Hex-k. M. 'l'eefy. A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the lommi’ctee Room of the Masonic Hall .ach alternative Tuesday at 8,0’clock p.111. 'Bene- teary certiï¬cate given for $2,000i1'1 case of death. Crosby, Muster Workman. , B. Grennan. Rec. FARM HER SALE. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, ’40. 43, Meets in Temperance Hall,each alter- ,utive Tuesday evening atso’clock p. m. Bene- lciary certiï¬cates issued to male or female nembers for £41,000 or in case of death £2,000, one alt nmyablc in case of disabilit . J'. H. Sunder: on Select Councillors; J .A.E.S, "itzerï¬ecording iecretarv Avaluable agricultural homestead for sale. consisting of 150 acres adjoining the town of Thorold,in the Countvof Welland. About ï¬ve milea from NiagaraFalls,and four miles from the «may of. St. Catharines. Nearly 11.1] improve’d and in a hmh state of cultivation over which any kind of machinery cunlm used. Soil excellent clay loam. well watered by wells and stream. Eight, acres of excellent orchard. Splundxd buildings. This '5 said tube one of the ï¬nest mrms‘m Ontario. Another small farm would be taken in part [qvmeyn | , 1 g ,1 A“ uv umqu h. 17w;v ‘ w... Also a large number of well improved farms m all parts of 0ntm’xo in." sale and to exchange Send 101' 1151: am: particulars to E. 1i. REYNOLDSL m' to '1‘. F. MoMAHQN With the Modern Improvemenï¬a, for sale cheap. Enquire at WM. ATKINSON'$,_ Miss Bailey is now prepar- ed to give lessons on Piano or Organt Residence, oppo- site Presbyterian Church. MUSIC LESSONS. The fn rm which is cunmosed of Lots 28 and 29, in 131m 15rd (Jon. of Vaughan. and containing 165 acre ‘sfor sale 0r_to rqut._’1“ho plat-e is well .1 Em Saie m in Rani. wwun. m “I. u...., watered, has a good orchard, has 46 acres seeded, mfl tl‘m‘o are 13 acres of fallow. For 1 rther urticulnrs LU nly to V. . My Tun“ 10â€"4W‘ MISS I"; 0115‘ COULTER IS PREPARED ‘IU (jâ€" VL‘ LESSONS IN MU L316. , Heb. 11th. ‘85. Ml USEC LESSONS ! {:EQAE...‘ ’GGAL. ilih‘ he underaigned bogs learo to inform the v upeuplu of mos-N3) HILL . Aux mu“ \ .., I‘LIBERAL oflice. Richmond Hill wiuzxgtfllmmm. Churches. Ccncrete House. ilBHniBhii’ Hill Loomy 'soil. A First-Class Societies. ii) MemiaEétTEnsworomn hr "WM. SLINEY. Richmond Hill P. 0. {my )HIHVL“ ., IN E " v} The creditors of Isaac Murray. late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York. yeoman,who died on orabout the 9th dag of August, 1384 are hereby required to sen by poet prepaid’to Mr. Alexander May, Purple- villeP. 0.,one of the executors of the last will and testament of the said Isaac Mun-av on or before the 15th flay of November, 1885, ISAAC MURRAY. Their christian and surnames addresses and description with fuxl particulars of their claims mudn statement of their accounts and of the sequxgtieg git 93111) held by them. , ,A _ _._._.. “Ha num- Hm: unid nwuxuuvs 3:; (Mn I uvw. w, -_-_. _ And notice is hereby given that after the send. 15th day of November, 1885, the said executors will (pursuant to the provisions of R, S. Chapter 107) proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard to those claims only of which they shau then have notice and will not be responsi- ble in respect nf such assets to any person of whose claims such executors shall not at the time of distribution have uptico. , a n 0...»... L". The Annual Meeting of the East Riding of York Reform Association will be held in Victoria. Hall, Unionville, on SATURDAY, OCTL17TH,’85, MUAL MEETING. at 2 o'clock I}. m.. for the election of oï¬icers and the transact-.101; of othpri busyess. , L- LA ........:.:M.A.1 l-LIU uuruuwvwvu u. v--.“ As matters of impedance are to be copsidered representation from each Polhng Sub-Dwxsion is requested. V J03. GIBSON) Esq, JNO. C. CLARK, Pres. Sec. E.R.Y RA. “i V W Pies. Agincourt, Oct. 5th, 1885. Thorough-bred Southdown Rams. For further particulars apply to 15.4. A. REAMAN. Concord P.O. FXWEET To let for a. term of years in the village of Woodbrid ge,the East; Part of Lot No. S, the 8th Concession of the Township of Vaughan. This is one of the best fa.me in the Township, clay loam, and in a good state of cultivation, conven venient to churches and schools, about 17 miles from Toronto. - For particulars apply to ~ J C MCQUARRIE, ARCH†MCQUAW'}Executors, Maple P O 11nâ€" Ipurpose startin forManitoba. with two car loads of sheep on onday, the 7th inst†and shall return about the 15th of October nexï¬, to attend to my'duties as Auctioneer. All orders for sales may be left at either at the printing ofl'ices, Richmond Hill, or at the Palmar House, which, afber the above data, will be promptly attended to. S. ECKARWI‘, Unionville P. O. UL umvuuuuuu ... u--. m ... - _. Dated at Toronto tlnssoth day of September, MCLAEEN.MACD 0mm), MEnmm & SHEPLEY, 56w. Solicitou for the said Executors Richmond Hill, Sept. lat, WEST’S LIVER PMS WEI ihoroughly cure you. They do not grlpe or purge. bu! act mildly, and whenevzr used are considered prlco- less. They have proven to be the“ EREATEST To a“ sufferers from lndlseailon, Disordered Stomach. SOLE PRGPR IETORS 8| AND 33 Kim STREET EAST, TORBNTO, ONT Sold by Sanderson Bro“ Richmond Hill. Use them and be raiieved from yaw misery. 30 Pllls In a box, 250. per box, 5 boxes for $l FOR Sï¬LE Eff ALL DHUGGISTS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES Beware of.Coi1nterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signa- ture on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 3 cent stamp.’ ANMRE .‘Ws’ cgflgm/m @MMM f mm @MM 8 .‘r: SIRS? ~ CLASS SHAVE. Y, EOE SALE ! ESI/fï¬TE item? aï¬ï¬‚mï¬ï¬mmtgi THEY Am: An ASGLUTE mm ‘ PERFEBT cumz DYSPEPSIA 0R INDIGESTION, WHEN WHY $UFFER FRQM éflï¬ï¬. G. WEST 8: G3. NOTICE ! DECEASED. OF THE AGE ISTHE PLACE EOR A-nâ€"e BLESSING Sirsssamw IN THE '. late ofhthe 14-2W Wheat,m11,por bushel Wheat, spring, 60. Barley, do. .. oats, do. Peas. do. R e. do. .. C over Seed, ' do. .. Dressed hone. De“ 100 lbs .. Cfover Seed, ' do. Dressed hogs, pe' 100 lbs Beef, fore quarters Beef, hind quarters... Chickens, per pair Ducks, do. . Geese,es.ch .. Turkeys, esch ..... Butter, pound rolls. Butter, tub dairy . . . Eggs, fresh, per doz ..... Potatoes, 113x bug Apples, pef bbl'. onions, green, 59 Cabbage o. Cauliflower do, Celery, do. Tuxnips,per bag... Carrots, do. . Hay,.per ton straw, per ton . oats, per bushel .. Peas, do. . Dressed hogs,per100 lbs Bastion quarter......... 5 00 Beef, hind quarter . 7 50 Chickens.per pair 0 40 Ducks. do. . 0 55 Geese, each... . 0 50 Turkevs‘pexl . 0 9 Butter, pound r . 0 15 Butter, large-rolls... . 0 13 Eggs. fresh, per (102 . l.) 14 Potatoes, per bag . 0 35 Apples, per bbl............ . 1 00 onions, green, per bush 70 Cabbage, per (102. 0 30 Celery, do. Turnips,perba.g Carrots, do. Beans, per peck ...... Flour, spring,per bbl.. Flour, fall, per bbl .. Hay.pev ton . straw. per ton . MUSIC STORE. And Music of every description will be kept always on hundnt rock bottom prices. Instru- ments tuned. The public are invited to give us 59111151,qu inspect our stock. Orders promptly ab‘téiiae'd to @wmgwm r Hum Richmond Hill, April 30th. HNERTAKING ! mas. wmsom RICHMOND HILL Kept on hand. First-class Hearse in at- tendance. We will in a. few days open a. new Music store inihe Village of ‘ Opposite Conlter‘s T111101- Shop, wheré ' supply of TRENCH’ S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- RICHMOND HILL. â€"-)0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberalpi‘ ‘nnage during the past twenty-ï¬ve yams, I beg to re- mind them and the gamma] public, that having erected 2:19.:er new and com- modious premises, I am enabled to §upply Phaetons, Buggies, . Carriages, Gutters, PLATFORM * SPRING WAGDNS. ., Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed- to give satisfaction as the wax-k is under my own snuervisr J. I am alsoprepared to» do all kinds Hf black~ smithiug d2 repairing in the most work- manfll‘ike manner, on the shortest notice, and'c‘on the most reasonable terms. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS And vicinitylthat he has commenced the Undertaking business, and is prepared to attend to calls on'the shortest notice. All kinds of send six cents in post ‘1»qu and receive free, 21, 0.0.4415: box of goods "'hiI‘h 'wiiihelp n11, uf ‘ r M; 3.? av than may g mu'? nn-ait the xx orkm's ’ 'q I‘HUJ; a: C0 FUNERAL FURNISHINGS Horse - Shoeing Tomm'm Thursdav. Oct. 8, X555. Begs to inform the public 70f r:L‘HIO S. WILSON. W. M. CLARKE. Eï¬â€˜Ã©â€˜WarMu. Paicl special attentiopfo. NEW WWMWMMWQEBMMWWWW wwmw 1 0 .000 .4 Sleighs and ...............so g4 WV M THENCE! . 4 50 13 00 450 900 034 060 6 50 '7 00 850 060 065 080 11 0 18 0 16 0 15 0 45 (5'45 0150 0 60 18 BritiSh Flag Sfafl' I In GROC BE HIE 97-3. Glasswvare, «$50 \Ve have a CHOICE STOCK And FRESH. FLOUR do FEED always on hand. all of which we will sell as chcup for gash a3 any store em Richmond Hi“, keeping ï¬rst“ classgoods. ‘ _ - â€"‘ n - - A A. R I... IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS, " ‘ : ALL KINDS. SHIRTS 8c PANTS. 9. LARGE STOCK from 400138. up. HATS AND MP6. SW18 {WEE T0 mm AT THE PEOPLE’S STORE! You can buy WALL PAPER at less than cost, .and good stock to make _ready for Fall Goods. v In new designs at Toronto prices. Call and examine stock; tor yourselves. ~ Paints, Oils, Varnishes 53; Glass; of all sizes and cut toordier; USUAL STOCK OF HARï¬WARE. HARDWARE. , TINWARE. TINWARE. PARLOR OVEN STOVES !‘ WOOD AND. COAL CQGK STOW Stove Pipes 10 Gents 3. Length. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.EajVe Troughmg a Specialty. G. ATTENTION ’2 RICHMOND HILL, A NEW AND FASHION ABLE TAILOMNG ESTABLISHMENT AND NEAT FITTING Ghats, THE NEW wsLLaAMS! asides working for the B'fcrbluaxnts, I will keep on hand a ï¬ne, sortment of Patterns. Which he will sell at bottom priccs for cash. Also a new and well-assorted stock of Hardware. FUR NITURE Leave your orders at (m JUST OPENED. IN Every attention paid to The undersigned has on hand a large stock Qf STOGK COMPLETE T? _ Ti ‘4" mwthw w W?» .5. E 3.: 2' 3:- Guam“ ALEX. MOODI‘E. AND High Arm Sewing Maching xs now rec pgnized as the It is Light and Easy to run. Sikent and rapid in motion. Plain and Sxmple to Learn. It is strong, Jumble and well builtpf the very best material that money can buy, or skill produce. It was awarded ï¬ve medals and three ï¬rst prizes at the Domtnion Exhibition last October. It in rapile superseding all the 01d fashioned makes ever3where. See it, try it.bny it,aud make sure that yamget it, Sold by SEWING MACHINE OF THE PERIOD. E‘NMWME! " mg; Street. East, Rem" Gawae Street, Tofféito. 4-793. 7": Richmond Hill, Dealer in Organaand Pianos. Terms Easy. "7â€". 21;"; PUTTY,‘ &C. {zjiiâ€"Ziï¬â€˜iéLDEBS’P’ BRO S; TIVIE'. US A CALL. VaiVflï¬ï¬‚En