Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Oct 1885, p. 1

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, sister! ,Surgsoxi Grddhate Ofitsrlo V . 1.133063%, momma, Calls promffl swarm 10. Charges mutate. Diseases 0 ones. on: tlerhc" scientifically treated by the latest math- oes. ,Horses bought and sold on commission nn'd examined as for soundness. 4.. Winn- THURSDAY EVENING Am ‘ EHE LIBERAL PRINTING III PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" -â€" ONTARIO. ’wmmzm .2st mm Dr. Lewis G. Langstafl.» Mamba»: College Physicians & Surgeons. Ont; RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ' ‘sh‘l‘omnt-o Univeléitv. thber 1 W1 W? PMBicmnstdz Surgeons, Onb.,(]a.te of Yonge Street,” Richmond Hill. 011106 3011 to 10 n..m.,5 Span. deléZgEv'férontB. ' steases of an the Domesfimtad Am treated. I _ Busmmom:-â€"8m Avmwn. Woonnmax. F. HEWITT, YWftfigAeon, Graduate of aim V09. ummneuuu wt. Wufllulvuv- (lumen-Opposite Palmer House aiohmond m thankful for the of the past am my stinbe consulted in any bmnchmtfiz pro- laasion, as follows : Aurora, 156, 861:11 16th, and 22nd of out month aloha}on 9th and 24th fln_ .rrA..__ “... ..m. Stout? ville ... lo. Mulham........ 10. Victoria Square. do. Dhoruhilln. . . . . . do. Woodbridge . do. Kleinburg. » do‘ Noblebon... 80th 0 Vitalized Air alwa. onh'srnd at ointmnnh. Works like a. flaw. Free much. THOBNHILL, OWL, Irma ateof'roronto Unhersity.M.C. P. 6: 8. mt... wo ears resident, assistant surge“! to .‘aronto enml Hospital. 'Ofllce and yesidence.â€"One inor South 0! P. 0. Office Hours-8 to 10 a. m., & 12 to 2 p. ll. 0309 hours: 8 to 9.30 n. VOL. VIII. $I per annum, in advance.] dim NEWTON BROOK. ,W'lll visit the following places projessional'ly :J2 nionviue. . .. ....lst Monday of each month eaton . .9th and 2131: " , ‘u Ma. le .1661 " {my mend H111 19th ‘ " Wpodbridge.. Mnfiusimn‘d win he found in his, ofliee, New- aqn Bgodk, every Saturdavtexcept when Satur- m‘faflls on the above dates. -6,-"83'â€"I IIBWREH'GE, MERGER & ' Mefifififlfim " Barristers, Solicitors, Conve ancers, 8m. 5’ *I‘o‘ro‘nto Officeâ€"No. I4 Building & Loan > ‘ Chambers, No. 15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Centfal Bank, on Saturdays. MONEY T0 LEAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES MALL, PHILLAfl’a‘om & 000K, BARRISTEBS, SOLICITORS, 1&9. UFFICES: 18 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. Richmond Hill 1?. 0. Every Saturday. ‘ A U ‘ l U U and by mail vou will get ' 1 free a package of goods 0 large Value, that will start vou in work that willm; cnc» bring you in money faster than nnv thing eke 111 America. All about the $200,000 in pmsent‘» each box. Agents \mnte'l everywhere of eitihe‘.~ sex, of all ages, far all t’netime, or spare time onl,. to work for us at their own homes, Fortune far all workers ubwlutelv assured Dén’t d '. E. HALLETT & (30.. Portlandflaina a. G. 1". LAWRENCE. T. G. MILLIGAN. ‘ ' 4". A. McANDREW.’ W‘. M. HALL J. S.FULLARTON. W. COOK. E‘PEBVATEFUNDSTC LOAN. ' .- Address A ROBINSON L.D.S.,Aurom0nt. BUSINESS CARDS. ‘ @112 fifth-12ml ” “(at the Painter House). G. H. Husband. L. D. 5., m DENE'IS'I‘, Dr. James Lang’stail EMOR and PROPRIETOR. L E. MeMKHW, .‘l. T. NiTTBESsv M7 GEORGE LAN GS'I‘AFF, IS PUBLISHED EVERY in. W. J. Wilson. Dr. USED BY V Dr. A. Robinsoh. wmmm. Wemul. Orr, Maple. SURGEON DEN'I‘XSTQ “£21131. m., and to 8.80 p. m- in preseu‘rs given away. song us (i qpnts pogigage, To Loan on Farm Prdberty at lowest races oun- tenlt m Qty 011 We: at higheth or for Dugout: duining,oro or uses. M on in mfiéicmu Debenturesp $611M. :gey advanced _on Second mortgages and to purchase tum. - ; Ina-men‘le aavemone b writi or 9. 1y- 1mm ‘0 ‘ y Y H PP ‘ E. R. REYNOLDS., F , ‘20 Adelaide 812., East. Toronto. Limedrkucfioueer for the Counties of York Ouu‘fio ma Peal. Goods sold on consighment‘. Wales of atocki etc. promptly» attended to roman-Me mum-1 1’. address - _ - ‘ UNIONVILLE. Afibflqneer for the Gountv of York, re-. 1y solihits your atrénage and friendly ill H flue! attends on the shortest notice Ind“ _ mm'blerstes. P. 0. Address, 13b: 96. VIQTORIA‘sQUAB-E. ! , ‘ J‘a’mei ‘ c. Stokes. m Auctioneer forms County of York, re- ‘ y @11ng outagampnage and friendly ma ' ,sales‘at ad on the shone notice um! ammonium ramps. P. 0. address, K . WiNRIGâ€"HT BROS. 5‘; UnnEBTAKERS- I‘mqu Fwnlxis‘llniilt‘nlgs Alina? . «nu-9w, -v â€"vâ€"__V amoufitmf Money to Land on farm pr. in? property .incérest“! per cent; no commu- t‘é’immn MAGDONALD,MERRITT& . snfirmy. _ THEf‘ivDOMIINION HOUSEU“ _ iguchmond Hill, ' with: first-bum style, Iam togive the publio‘tho best of moomm . Excellent stabling and attentive hustlers. 5:113:13”!!me for commercial travellers, A good livary in con- nectiun. Terms 81 mar da'v. Rll‘ERT'S EXPRESS LINE & LIVERY STABLES. .. given to moving house fumifim. Daily Express to Toronto. Epoch! attention ho pianos, &c., &c. FIR STâ€"CLASS LIVERY. Special Rates to Commérciai Travellers mommxou flown, RICHMOND HILL. NORTHERN &-NORTH WESTERN .RAILWAYS. ’ Through Tickets to all points East and West, and Manitoba. For Tickets, Rates, kc" apply to » '1‘. DILWOBTE, , Agent. N. & N. W. Rysfl. ‘ 3031mm QUINN, Richmond Hill. Géntral Bank cf @gnada. PRESIDENT; DAVID BLAIN, WGE-PRESIDENT, SW14 TREES. I DIRECTORS ‘ x. Chifiholin, M.1>. n, H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mné- donald, C. B. Robinson, A. McLean Eowari, and J. Ginty. Deposits received and Interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. No notice of withdrawal required. Drafts on all parts of Canada, United States and Great Britain, bought; and sold. PROF. W. M. CLARKE, Richmon (3 Hi] April 30th. Vocal and Instrumental Music. We, the undersigned, do hereby certxfy that Wm. Mumford Clarke has this day auccessfully passed his first degree in Music. and therefore he shall be classed as a Professor. 3031mm QUINN, General Passenger Agent. Ming Lots for sale on Centre vStree East, on 5 >0 emh, 16 1161‘ cent. down for pick 3f the 1 ,ts , Also Two New HouSes. 5 rooms, 011 Richnmn-Li Street. ; . ’ R. LANGS'TAFF» ’- Night 7*. F OR SAIJE ‘9 5 $100,000 Organist Trmi’oy Churchflhornhfll, and St. Mary's Church, Rlchmond Hill, is open to receive pupils in RICHMOND HILL. T-HUESDAY, OCT. 15, 1885, --;N. J. Armstronc. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Apply at the Music Store, Richmond Hill. Pianos tuned. Terms moderate. \ . I _ L -‘ 3??le “Enigma ‘ l’pljop‘riff“-~ m ,_ _ "aaxq‘ohnvonoasma mu: iiiutfou'eer for tKe County of York mod on the” shortest notioafind at rel.- ‘ 'Addxess stouflflnb P! O I 1; SalemEck'ardt. Eifiéwififi LETS . Money to Loan. Wisteunmnns. v . W. F. C. BATCHELOE, M. D. 51‘3"” {IL W. Baum, 131: M: r JAMES M. LAWRENCE, A -A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. 8. M'. Brown. Uifion Long: builuin a Toronto COPY OF CERTIFICATE Emmy. “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentifis, Liberty ,- in all things, Charity.” 4 Mir-MVIAI‘JM . mqu mi London. Eng. Manager. FIRE BRIGADE M‘gflTING. .Minutca of adjourned , w meeting of Richmond Hill Fire Bd ' j .held in the Council chamber on y evening, Oct. .9th. after practice, Fem!) Redditt m thé chair. nu u-w v..." . The minutes of last meeti were read and on motion wore oonfirmfi’. ' Fireman John Sharp bandied his ren- ignation on account of not béing able to attend rogularl . ' ‘ ‘ V ' » ' On motion 0 '1‘. F. MoMmben, second- ed by C. E; Sheppard, the‘ resignation was aco‘epted. I Expulsion of members for'fibn-attendâ€" ‘ once was then taken up. J Thomas Powell gave an ag‘aiouae, ab- sence from home. 1' > Moved by Ed. Snider, _ndod by C. Trevethan, thatvthe exoum V accepted. The motion was carried. 5“ ’ J. McComighy’. :iifie m. gnawed to remain on thq'r’oll on motibp' 6f Foreman Sayaswémdmv .3: EW~ “x .-. - _ ,AJAJL_»H Moved by ER. SEider, mended by '0. Trevethau, that A. J. Eu 1’: name be laid over mi] next meetihéié being un- able to attend on account ; Sickness.â€" Carried. ' ’3 ‘ 4;» -‘ --- ‘N On motion; Andrew wen, W. S. Snyder. John Duncan, 5:" '; 1‘. Wilson were expelled frqmthe bt' , _e. The chairman of the 0011);!”th to make arrangements, for civic Malay spoxjts The chairman of the nonfifittee to make arrangements, for civic sports reported that the work peg ining to the civic holiday wag taken “is; y p. citizens’ committee, which report f'gddp‘ted as satisfactory; ' ' wuuauvury. " "u; Foremen Savage etetodikflthe prizes offered for competition, bygm ‘ cfifizene’ committee on civicholida'y: of! the Hose Reel Race, and thégpeciel 'm for the Coupling Match, not hefiafi? been con-‘ tested for,» would be ‘00 lied for on Samurde . October the 1761) 9 1 o’clock p-m., he negatinudi .‘ Vad- ‘WH’ . .9 Y .14.! yuan: v.- Emily Lifiim" Henfmmffimiim Rheumatism. Sprain, fonts, >Bruises, Sores and all diseases requiring external application. Prioe~25 cents and 50 cents per bottle» :SokL b Sanderson 15:03., Dmgsiats, Richmon Hill. We had a wedding .in the burgh on Tuesday evening, the 6th inst.; thecon- trusting parties were Miss Hattie Whit- ney. of this place. and Mr. T. Reynolds, of Uxbridge. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. E. H. Mussen. of Aurora, at the residence of the bride’s parents. Mr. James Whitney, brother of the bride, acted ae groomsman, and Miss Jennie Brooks, of.York Mills, acted as bridesmaid. After dinner the happy couple drove to Aurore,.accompanied by their friends, and took'the train for T.)- ro’nto, ‘amidst the congratulations of their friends. We wish them long life and prospegity. ' v From our own Correspondent. I presume you will think I have for" gotten you, as I have not written fbr so long, but I have been very busy, like all the‘rest of our burghers. The boat race that was to have taken place last Friday, failed (20' come off on account ,of the non-arrival of one of the oarsman’a bouts. but the race has to be ,rbwed, or the stakes forfeited, therefore it will take place on Tuesday, the flow, without fail, Between 2_a.nd.f1; e’clock pm), On Saturday before last, in, _the 'eveflé ing, a young man fromtiomnto met‘ with an accident by .whichhe’» had his buggy badly wrecked, by;c'um'mg incontact with a. lumber Waggon. 1t rwasxiark and ' he’ was 'dpiving'fast, therefore'tzhe‘ smash. Apple-beet are ' again "beginning to flourish- There was one lasEIWeek, which was quite a lively affair; "and ' we expect to hear of another very soon. ' - ' Hazard & Livingstone’s Panorama vis- ited the‘school house on Thursday evenâ€" ing last. ’ It was e‘verythin'g that {it was represented, and well worigh the three nickles paid for admissionf ’_ Mr. No‘rmafi McLoud died on Tubéday last, :1th n‘. m., and will be buried to- morrow. (Friday.) - ‘ ‘ Hard and soft corn’g cannot withstand Holloway’s Corn Cure: it is effectual every time., Get a bottle at huge and be happy. 'Fir'ab felief".iltirnatelye cure. These fire the successive efl'ects of one of the most deservediv popular remedies in the Dominion; Northrup &' Lymanfs Vege- ltahle Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, which reforms an irregular condition of the boixeis and liver, invigorates‘ the stomach, renews'digestion. and changes' the current of the blood from a. sluggish and» turbid into a pure, rapid and {art‘- lizing stream, Eighth Wonder of ti Wp'rld. H; AfNIénétigiSecrehary. JEFFERSON. From our own Correspondent. The Harvest Home in connection with the Lutheran Church was a grand success. On Saturday afternoon the flats of ‘Mr. 0. White were thickly dotted over with the many who had turned out to enjoy themselves. Games of various kinds were indulged in, and a very pleasant time was spent. On Sabbath, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Mchughlin, preached suitable sermons, the church being benutitullv decorated with fruits, flowers, in fact the produce of the season. . . . . . There seems to be a great demand for dwelling houses in our town just now. Mr. Robertson, who opened a boot and shoe shop a few weeks since, has been forced to leave, because he could not get a house to live in. We trust some of our enterprising men will see that this in- creasing demand is not overlooked, and encourug~thoae who are anxious to, turn in with us. The road leading to 'the station has been widened and graded. Had this been done at thevproper time the ublic would now be reaping the benefit, at as m is, the road will shortly be almost im- paggablg qwillg to the fall rains.»_ . Mr. John fine is re-painting his house on the 4th line and putting it under (ten- era_l_1ep_a.i_rt pyeviqus to _occu_pyi_n2 it._. The Salvation Army has dled a natural death. After the novelty of the thing wore ofi, a sufficient number could not be found to _keep it fluating. and it has succumbed. (Crowded out last week.) Missionary sermons will be preached on Sunday, mhe 18:11. morning and eve- ning, by Rev. J. A. Rankin, of Spring- hill. On the following Monday evening, a. missionary meeting will be held. Dep- utation, Rev. Briggs, Methodist book roqm, angl Rev. J. A. Rankin. Do'n’t forget the concert on Friday night in the Masonic Hall. ' , From our own Cdmapondent. Mr. Joseph Montgomery, rm King Station, isburning a brick kiln of one hundred thousand. Mr. M. turns out a. first class arti_cle every time. - VMrr. Peter Paxton; of the 3rd Con. King, captured a deer and a bear, while visiting his son near Briflia. Dr. Burns, near Kinyhorn, has 'pur- chased Mr. S. Maohell’s. magnificeht dwelling house and store for the sum of $2700. The Dr. purposes supplying a long felt wgnt bv~ opening a drug ptore; Mr. A. Ferguson has purchzsed Dr. Burna’ residence for the sum of $800. Aleck has the cage now. Report and observation my be is doing his best to catch the bird“ The bait“ is likely to prgve effective. Four thousand five hundred bushels of barley were delivered at King Station on Monday," the 5th of October. Farmers say they‘can diapoae of their grain more advantageoust at King than at any other market. ‘ Our energetic ehOemaker is kept very busy. To meet the requirements of his numerous customers he is compelled to work over time. The‘hamess maker challenges any man within a. radius of three miles :of Spring- hill, to shoot for $100 "a side.- Now is your time,_ sports. He made a. bull’meye '{m' Saturday. ~ ' ' . One finial ‘ofiMohher Graves?«Wom3. EX: hermimtcmwillcouvince yoii that? it has no qug1 33, gavgqrzng medicine. Buy a. botblg, aqd geq if it does not please you. Ly. w »': :37; :i.‘ 7 ‘ m. . 1 Fri). fut biyn’Coi-r'esbbiidefifi. , . Grait’i buying is quite lively this season.‘ .Four buyers are engaged in the business, and give within a few cents of Toronto prices, The house of Wm; Richardson was entered or‘rSmmday evening by bur- glars.-while the family were at, church, but only received a;‘ small amount for their trouble: This is the third house that. has been rarigack‘ed in a. short time ‘in this village. ‘ _ 'fl‘he ruller skating ‘rink was opened lasf; weekvby the Hollihgshead Bros., and it. is nynonved that, the contract for anâ€" other one, Via about being let on a much larger scale. 7 .Mr. H‘ J. Hartman, whose health has failed, has 5on his drug business to Dr. Rutherford of this place. Harry intends going to California. A disgraceful row occurred on Mosley St. Sunday night. One of the culprits was pnt’in the “cooler” and the rest es- caped,‘hnd have, not been sew, or heard tell of since. ‘ SPRINGHILL. AURORA. MAPLE. Arcade Buildin 5, Rooms A. 86 B, Up-L tairs. ‘ Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extract- ing teeth without pain, - by means of - 0.. P. LENNQX, -DENTIST9 VIT-‘A-LIZED AIR ! ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, - â€" â€" $8.00 ON CELLULOID, - -‘ $10.00 I use no cheap material and ' L warrant Mary. 593.... I “asldfilling, and all other operations akilhllly Rerformed, gt; mpderate fees. fidaili‘n‘d see me. ” No trouble to an- swer questions. ‘:__ 1rul. 1st): 1.. For Sale or to Rent. The farm winch is comvosed of Lots 28 and 29, in the 3rd Con. of Vaughan, and. containing 165 acres, is for sale or to rent. The place is well watered, has a good orchard. has 40 names seeded, and there are 13 acres of fallow. For lurthor particulars mm] to W . SLINEY, 104w. Richmond Hill P. O. 10-4w. MIss FLORA couflrnn Is PREPARED _. non-n vnnnn‘vn 7‘1 III’YTG‘I’I‘ MUSIC LESSONS ! And vicinity that lie-15 prepfired 1b take orders}or§tha.delizgry o_f all kinds of coal [.139 lgwftqt fates.” V , Best cta‘bton Coal delivered in Richmond Hill at 66380 per ton. , " A. MULDOON. )zdetg‘mfiy als‘br'l be left wuu ‘ Ebe undersigned hasslenve to inform the people of RICHMOND HILL MUSIC STORE. And Music of evs‘ry description will be kept always on hand at neck bottom prices. ' Instru- ments tuned. { The public uninvited-to give us a. call and inspect our stock. Didei‘s' promptly attended to ‘ ‘ W. M. “ QLZARKE. Absolutely no pain experienc'ed .and harmless in all oases. ’ flwmwam mm Richmond Hill, April 30th. ., s’ SEMINQ‘T‘fimwy I Mam j yaw/W; 9 FIRST ~0LASS SHAVE I HAlR-Q‘HT’TING fl 3PE§§§§QSLTV BERT. ANDREWSMPB‘QD. We willin a. few days oven a. new »,Musio Stcre in the Village a! Oppolite Coulter'e Taller Shop, where a. full ‘ supply of elm cf 19 £0 EU \édress with pnrficulm BEST SETS MUSICAL - INSTRUMENTS Wanted to rentior a term of years. with option of purchasing ut- end of lease, a 44-418 THE PLACE [FOR -A‘â€"â€"â€"- [Single copies, 3 cts in a. SAVAGE, mchmonaniu. _.w.__.‘ ‘ _ mrmm “ ’J.‘BI‘J LUCERAL ”‘ OFF'ICIE, Luomy soil. OF an 15th. 1884.-1v No. 16. Richmond ill.

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