Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Oct 1885, p. 3

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The Governor General arrived at the end of the Canadian Pacific Railway track a few night-a ago. He travelled the last forty- seven miles by road, camps having been arrangc‘l‘f‘by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. The weather was very fine, and the scenery from the ascent of the Rocky Mountains to Eagle Pass magnificent throughout. Work on the gapis making rapid progress. The work of raising the propeller “ Que- bec," sunk at the entrance of Bear Lake, is rapidly being pushed ahead. At one time her pilothouse was sixty feet under water, now it is only seven. They have raised and (married her two hundred feet to- wards the coast and expectto have her afloat in a few days. Several cases of small-pox exist in St. Catharina. The disease was bought from Montreal by asailor, its loathsome nature being at first unknown, and the sufferer was nursed by members of the Salvation Army, with the result of spreading the can. tagion. The tonnage of vessels arriving at the port of Montreal from the opening of navigation to the beginning of the present month shows an increase of 21,651 tons, instead of the de- orcaae so confidently predicted by pessimists. The shipments of wheat have also bx en largely in excess of thrse of last year. Grtab distress and suflering is reported as prevailing amtn g the fishermen of Labrw dot and their families in consequence of the almost complete failure of this year’s fish- eries. A Government steamer has left Quebec with H ur and fuel to relieve their necessities. Early the other morning attempts were made to wreck two private houses in Orangeville with dynamite. Both houses were much damaged, but fortunately their 9 )cupanta escaped with no worse results than a severe shock. John Nagle, a boy, was awarded damages of one thousand dollars at the Lincoln aa- sizm against the Grand Trunk railway for injuries received by being thrown from a. wagon by a. locomotive while crossing the track in St. Catharines. HOME. Heavy frost and snow reportl have been received at Quebec from outlying parishes. The assessment tf the city of Kingsh n for text year is SRGJMG 440, an increase over that of the current yexr of 25178435, The manager of the ()Atari? Cut 0‘1 Mill Company, of Hamiltr n, has heen cummivflud for trial for d» frauding the empomtion of a million gulluna of water. Vigorous mexsures are being adopted to prevent the spread of hog ch Ilen in Essex county, the Ptovincial Gavernment having senta veterinary surgeon with imtructio s to quarantine all in'czted plac 35, Under the Act passed in the last seaslcn of Parliament. A case of small-pox ha; been discovered at London, Out The victim mm from Hamil- ton, where he had bzcn engaged in nursing smill pox pa‘ients. trad-15 on the Canadian Pacific rail- way between Montreal and Winnip g, m'rc Lam Superior, will commence; running on the 19zh inst. Mr. \V. D. “’ashington of Virginia, 3 grand nephew of Presidm‘: Georgu \Vashing- ton, has been appointed United Stites consul at the city of Loalion, Ont. There are 700 head of imported cattle in the Levis quarantine, mostly intended for the Western ranches. The importation: from Europe during the last five seasons cover the large number of some 8000 head. At the meeting of Toronto City Council the other night it was decided to submit a by-law to a vote of the people for the com struction ofa. one hundred feet roadway to the south of the railway tracks on the Esplanade. A Yale, B. C,, despatch says : An ac- cident has occurred on the Canadian Pacific Railway near Kemloops, by which one White man and five Chinese were killed and a number wounded. A cow threw the engine from the track. The cars were badly smashed. A young man balonging 1'0 Kcmmbec, Frontenac county, While hunting in the woods, was shot and killed by a companion, who mistook him for a deer. Mr. Hebert, the Canadian artist, is in Quebec makfing arrangements toward: secur- ing the erection of 9. monument on the Dufferin terrace to Champlain, the founder “Quebec. Kingston tempev was man are preparing to prosecute parties who voted twice at the re- cent Scott Act election. The will of the lam Mrs‘ Edward Binney, of Halifax, leaves $10,000, moatly to local ehrities, and $1000 is bequeathed to the Reformed Episcopal Church of Canada. Irregularitles to the amount of thirty- three thousand dollars have been discovered in the accounts of the cashier of the Union Bamk of Halifax, N. S. The bank is fully secured against loss. The notorious Henderson Brothers, the two co‘oured prisoners who about a month rsiuce escaped from an (flicn- in London, Ont. , are reported to have returned to their former home, East Saginaw, Mich. The council of University College, Toron- to, have docided that all students attending must be vaccinated. The traffic receipts of the Canadian Paci- fic railway for the Week ending the 30:11 ult. were $272,500, an mcrense over the corres- ponding werk last year of $74,500. Toronto Temperance Electoral Union adopted the reaolutim of the Domin- ion Allianca not to vote for other than pro- hibition candidates for municpal, educstionâ€" a1, and Parliamentary honours. The inquest in the case of Private Samuel, of the Victoria Rifles, shot by a sentry on duty at the Exhibition grounds, Montreal, reamted in a verdict of accidental death. A sentry of the Prince of Wales’ Riflas, whileoa duty at the Exhibition buildings in Montreal accidentally shot a me nber of the Victoria. Rifles, the wounded man dying in the hospital next morning. At the cenclueion of the inquest at Wel- land on the body of the man found dead in a Michigan Central freight car the jury re- turned a. verdict of wilful murder against some person unknown. A deputation has been appointed by the Kingston board of Trade to endmvor to arrange for the runningnof the Napanee and Tamworth railway in' o the city. THE WEEK'S NEWS Mrs. Morgan O'Connell, a. niece of the Irish Liberator, is being boycotted with great severity. She is refused the necessaries It is stand in London official circles there is no truth in the report published by the St. Petersburg Nome Vremya, to the efl‘ect that the English had taken entire possession of Herat. Some of the English papers suggest that account of the continued violent boycot- ting outrages the next Parliament should treat Ireland as a revolted province and deny her representnion. It is probable that the Caroline difficulty will be settled by Germany abknowledglng Spain’s right to the occupation of Yap, Spain in return granting Germany free navigation of the waters in and around the islands. Fmty Nihilists including a number of professors and other well known persons, have been arrested at Warsaw on fine charge of conspiring to murder the Czar. The King of Dahrmay has married fifty wives, being the latest addition to the three thousand women who are privileged to call him husband. Mr. Plimsoll, the sailor's friend, was mar- ried the other day, his bride being an heirâ€" ess with Whom the elderly philanthropist fell in love at first sight. Soclosely ls Mrs. Morgan O'Connell boy- cotted that to supply her household a steam- er had to be despatched with necessary food from Limerick. A great defeat of the followers of El Mah- di near Amedeb is announced. It is now believed that it will not be necessary to re- lieve Kaseala. Lord Dufl'orin has recaived as a resent a young elephant with his tuska file thin and trained to out magazines and papers with them. A distinguished student of Girton has ex- changed mathematics for manila-making, and has opened an establishment in Lon- don. Prince Jerome Napoleon, having announ- cei his retirement from politics, has start- ed on a voyage round the world. It 11:, 3 been mining in the muth for many days, and nerioue damages have been done to the cotton in Georgia and Tenn-yaw. Railroad trmfi: is seriously interfered with. Hon. A. A. Adee, United States assistant secretary of state, is at Halifax, and is un- derstood to be obtaining information in re- lation to the fish catch. The exports from Halifax for the three months since the abro- gation of the fishery clauses of the Washing» ton treatv show a decrease of $314000, as compared with the corresponding quarter last year. There has been a proportional decrease of exports to the United States from all the fish centres of Nova Scotia; Prairie fires in McPhexson county, Dak., in two days swept away everything over an area of 100 square miles. Hundreds of fum- lies are (lestimte, and the loss is estimated at $250,000. The fire is now said to be under control. Returns of emigration! from Germany show a decrease of 30,000 for the past eight months as compared with 188-1. A fatal collision occurred on the Corinth and Kiota railway recently in which fifty persons wexe killed and injured. The Government steamer “ Newfirld” has returned to Halifax from Sable Island. The work of connecting all the life saving stations on this “ Atlantic Graveyard” is completed, so that hereafter people ship< Wrecked on the island will have some little chance of being saved instead of left to per- iah in the surf and on the sands as frequent ly has been the case heretofore. Advices from False Point, in India, say the recent cyclones destroyed 500 villages. The Nationa‘iata have decided to contest every Irish parliamantary seat except twelve. The report that Germany and Spain have effected a. settlement of their diffiaulty is confirmed. Forty Nihilists have been arrmted, the majority of whom are connected with the two colleges in Warsaw. At th e ansalon in Philadelphia of tha NA- tional Convmtion of Funeral Directors it was statad that the bill for the funeral of zhe late Ganeml Grant; amounted to $14,163, and that it had not yet.le paid. United States Customs officer: on the north-western boundary have just discov- ered the existence of the statute passed at the iast session of the Dominion Parliament, requiring a fee of $50 for every Chiuaman admitted to Canadian soil, and consequently find themselves in a dilemma. to carry out the provisions of the Chinese Restriction Act. Mrs. Bulls, of Syrac me, New York, whose determined rejection of food for some time p151; made hml‘ the an ject of 0011' sidurable newspaper notoriety, died the oth- er morning after having fasted fifty-nine days. The barges “J ohnaton” and “Tuscarora,” owned by George Hall & (‘o , Ogdensburg, went ashore just east of the pier at Olwego the other morning. They were bound from Charlotte to Ogdensburg with coal barges, and are thought to be a. total loss. No in SUIBDCO. An important suit between Col, B. H. Evars, of London, Eng., and Thos. Watson, of Chicago, involving the ownership of a million of acres of land in Mluisslppi, has been finally dispossd of by a decree of Judge Hill in which the lands were awarded to 001. Evens. The fish dealers of Provincatown are very indignant at the course of the Boston fish bureau in publishing their recent circular to the fish trade, advocating free fish, and re- fuse to furniuh reports of the catch at Prov- incetown. The duty mskes no practical dif- ference to the consumer, as Canadian fish still cout‘nue to arrive and pay duty. Sixty convicts working on a. railwny in Texas made a. desperate attempt on Monday evening to escape in a body to the woods. They were fitea on by their gunrds, twenty five being killed or wounded, the remainder affecting their escape. A Congregational minister who lived at Rock-springs, Wyoming, during the recent anti-Chinese riots there, has stated under oath to the grand jury that the houses of the Chlnamen were fired by themselves, to prevent their money, which they had buried beneath the houses, being sfiolen by their white assulauts. AM ERTCAN. FOREIGN. The man who said he was out on a lurk was really out on a. swallow. It is the testlmony < f all men whol have tried it that “Myrtle Navy” tobacco has fhe most delicious flavor of any tobacco in the market, and that it leaves none pf the unpleasant effects in the mouth which most tobeccus do. The reason for this is the high and pure quality of the leaf, which is the finest known in Virginia, and the absence of all deleterious matter in the manufacture. The men in this life to be most feared are the silent. and unobtrusive ones. It is re: the noise of an engine, but the engine itself which kills. Thunder is detonuting, but the still lightning brings instant deith. A quiet, reserved man will fight, and mere than that, will fightto thebittereat eternity when once started from his reserie, Men who flourish their weapons are bmggarts, but: m 11 who keep their weapons hid only use them when m cessary to self-de‘ense. Courage, which is the result of moral prin- ciple, is invincil 10. It has no bravado. It is the human trait which mskm martyrs. The little man tick the pistols and knife, the 1 burst into a. hearty laugh as the con- ductor, engimcr, fire nan, brakemen and a lot of pe ‘p'c crowded into the front end of the car, all holding their sides as they shout- ei and ti Med. Then the passengers brgau to lsughâ€"everyl‘ody but the big man who had yearned to chaw up all train robbers he could “ tackle”, “ size up” and slay. He got ofl at "the very‘ next stat-3.01:1, the make“, sh'epieatlookmg man that ever easily ed to prlayfirhe warrior. Suddenly the train stoppedâ€"shopped without Whistling. A dozen hands were on a. dozen Windows, prep u‘iug :0 push them up, when the unlimannered small m an walked down the aisle with a revolver in own hand, holding them awful carelessly. The passengers were glued to their seats, several shrivc‘ed right upâ€"that is, the places that knew them seemed to be vacznt, 'l‘hey ducked their heads â€"slld off their seats â€"got under or between seats. The big man, seeing the stif, turned just in time to catch a glimpw of the carelcasly handled revolvers. At thatjuncture every- body disappeared. Then a voiceâ€"a. strong voiceâ€"wins heard_aayipg 2 “ Don 1: point that thing this wayâ€"shout. Here’s my pistolsâ€"my hnifeâ€" my money. Take all I’ve got, but for Gaw-wd’a sake don’t shoot I” The continued raids of turkish marsuders, led by the Turkish officers, into trans-Can~ caaia, having caused Russian newspapers to adv seems the sending of a large force of Cossacks into Turkish territory to prevent such incursiwns. now Blll Murray Tackled the Brigands. He got". in at the first station south of Denver. Ha wore an immense braid-brim- med hat, the brim sticking out like huge fans. He was, like many of the passengers, cozmloss. A rough gray flmnel shirt, open at the neck, a huge belt about his Waist and high top boots, Inio which half a yard of his p mmloons was crammed, completed his dress. He carried an immense knife at his waist and a pair of pistols almost big enough for guns were thrusn into his belt. His long hair fell like a cataract; down his back, and his grizzled beard~aboub three Week’s growthâ€"made up one of the most formid- able figu es I ever beheld. fusing the small man in the man- the latter sigrei to him. The conductor inclined an ear, Lokefi back at the big mam in a strmge manner, than hurried out of the car, where- upon the lady beside me ahivered. I began to think we Were in the lion’s den, too. There was silence for te'I or fifteen minute; Nobody spoke. Everybody wha observed the actions of the small man and the conduct- tor as he hastened out of the car were ap- prehensive. The Spanish Government has abandoned its intention of expelling foreign journalists, who defied the pres! censorship by sending accurate account: of the ravages of the cholera, and the trouble over the Caroline Islands. of life, and persons speaking to her urnntl are also buyootted. There was an ugly robbery thwe or four days before; we did not knowâ€"how could we know ?â€"whather he was not a train robber in disguise» He Bonn sun us at ease on that; point by ostentxtiously stand- ing up in his seat and removing his big pis- 17013 {mm his belt. As he placed them on the neat beside him, he said : “ It won’t be hulthy for the brain robbnr that gets that:â€" or that eibhar.” Then he laid his huge knife down on top of the guns. “ That's big email" to out the en's Lfl' any whe=p thd: bothers this train.” Then he Settled him- ».If in his (out; with a. terrlhla acowl. As he Bottlei down for another nap, the mini!) front of him got up and twk a. next on the other side, sitting nearjhe window. The conductor camelnck again. As he was I held my breath when he looked at me as he cant his eyes aroundin search of a. seat. I was mightily relieved when he went; for- ward and preempted a vacant seat. So were all the passengers near me. ' " J uat let them trainâ€"robbers tackle this train while Bill Murray’s on itâ€"just let them,” then knockin his broxd-brlmmed hat forward, he settle down apparently for a quiet (1023. A little while later the con- ductor passed through. The little man near the man who thirsted to tackle the train- xoblnn rose quietly and selected another seat behind the big man, a consldemble dis- tance bAok of him. The big mm, at the end of the ten minutes, looked around and smiled. He surmised the xenon. “ Lord I" he said to the man just in front of him. " That fellow's afraid of getting in r-mge in front of me in case we are attacked. He needn’t be. My 81 n’s dead sure. 118'! m we like to get hit; by the rubbers blaziu' away at me 1" I don't think them was a mm in the car at that mommt who did not fee“ Jike shak- ing hands With the fierce looking big fellow they feared a moment before. 0 I he lud the advmtage in size. He was I) g enough -â€"in looksâ€"X0 frighten a regiment. “ Guess the company’s veiy unsaay ’bout their trains. Coufounded pxck of onwards 1 They’d on; to hire men an n menâ€"men that knows how to deal with these tralnqobb :rs. They’d art to send ‘em out with orders to bring inâ€"mlnd, bring inâ€"avery lousy train- rohber in the. countryâ€"and they’d do it.” Tut: was addressed to a. wild-lJoking, un- der-sized little frltow near him. The small In an did not reply. Possibly he did not know whether the big man would agree with hil views and dreaded a controversy. or feared to offend him. The big man said, very loud- WP- TR llN K033 ERS. rile Most Effective, Clean, Durable and Emmtsmiml Heater-sin the Market for w ventilating Churches. Schuols, Public Bulk]! a, . £1me and H’rivuto llcsmnlccs. Simple fin r‘onstmcbion and easily managed, capable of gum: nm v mm '59 consu'nrvtiun of fuel than any other heating apparatus m Absolutely “as Tight. ' :1. 1- . r) given are made and can be set either In Brick or Portable Form. Correspondence solicit: . Fox Catalogues and lurtzher Information address, arming Ind Snuff is the interpreter of the nose. “ The Proper Study of Mankind is Man,” says the illustrious Pope, If he had includ- ed woman in the list, he would have hem nearer the truth, if 170‘; so poetical. Dr. .R V. Pierce has made them both a life study, especially “0mm, and the pecu i r derange- ment: to which her delicaze system is liable. Many women in the land who are acquaint- ed. with Dr. Pierce only through his “ Fa.- vorite Prescription,” bless hm with all their hearts, for he has brought them the panacea for all those chronic ailments pe- culiar to their sex ;such as leuaorrhtm. pm- lapaus and other displacements, ulceration, “ infiet‘nhl fever,” bloating, tendency t a in- tennl cancer, and other ailments Price re- duced ta» one dollar. By druggiats. EurekaICyllnderl, Cutting & Woo 331m?“ 8816 byallleading dealers- has been a. laborious and costly work, but the end justifies the effort. Obstruction in any important channel means disaster. Ob- structions in the organs of the human body bring Inevitable disease. They must be cleared away, or physical wreck will follnw. Keep the liver in order, and the pure blool courses through the body, conveymg health, strength and life ;let it become disordered and the chant elm are clogged with impuri- ties, which reult in (lineage and death. No other medicine equals Dr. Pierce's “ Golden Medical Discovery " for acting upon the liver and purifying the blood. Bismarck ought to be ashamed of himself for robbing Spain while she has the cholera. We guarantee the speedy, painlels and permanent cure Without knife, caustic or salve, of thelargest pile tumors. Phamphlet and references sent for two letter stamps, \Vorlda Dispensary Medical Associatien, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. A defeated politician is a good deal like the earth he covets; he is somewhat fiatâ€" tened at the poles. IMPERIAL COUCH DROPS will give Positive and Instant Relief to those aufiering from Colds, Hoarseaesa. Sore Throat, etc., and are invnhuble to craters and vocalists. For mle by druggiste and ccnfectioners. R. & T. \VATSON, Manufacturers, Toronto. A short horse is sonn curried, but he must first be caught. The same may be said of a short cmhier. Prgventlon Better Than (Jul-ea Of Dealers who fer and Sell In‘ Many of the disease so prevalent in these days are caused by using soap containing impure and infectious matter. Avoid all risk by using PERFECTION Laundry Soap, which is absolutely pure. Ask your grocer for PERFECTION. Manufactured only by the Toronto Soap 00. SAMUEL ROGERS & on. :Queenrgfigggwms, A contemporary describes What it calls “ an aquatic hippodrone.” It must mean a sleepy sea-hone. £100,000,000 IN THE BRITISH COURT OF CH ANCERY lâ€"A large part of this vast sum belongs to the people of America, Cox 8L C0,, 41, Southampton Buildings, Holborn, London, Eng.. have just published aLIST of the heirs to this enormous wealth. Reader, send a dollar and they will forward you this valuable LIST ; and if you find by it that you are entlbed to any money or property, claim your own. Cox & Co. will show you the way. Ahead of All Competitors. HIGHEST HONORS AND GOLD MEDAL AT TORONTO; Six G0 ld Medals in Three Yearsâ€"Best Record in the World. PEERLESS OIL! GWRNEY’S NEW HARRIS EIOTKAIB FURNACES: Ask for PEERLESS, and be sure you get it, as there are imitations. The genuine 13 only made by Egan THE E. & C. GURNEY GO. Examine Their’Sfiperior Merit" I 7810 Rfiéwarfl‘ for the éfiriction Blowing Up Hell Gate MACHINE 0E1... HAMILTON: WSATISFACTION GUARANTEEDflD ef-Mwomfi A. P.250 (LIMITED) II: is the oniy pnparation of the kind‘whioh contains all the nutritious, together with the stimu- lating properties of beef, and the only one which 235 the pgwer 1;? supply nourishment for brain, and bone, afid mfiséle‘ (% AC H {N ERY F01: 9 HASâ€"ENGINES AND . Boilers. hawzmd Sninnlu Millw, l'nning Fac- tory and Outms. Stove and Heating Mm'hines, watot whsela, Chopping Mills, etc Send or deacripmive eanulouux and mmflm] what you want. (Mention this papa) :1, W. PETI’JE, B JOHNSTON’$ FLUI BEEF ALUAuLE FARM mm :3 ILLEAluU acres, 8 mike east. of the c‘tv of St. Thomas. For pu- uculora address .9. J. LEWIS, New Saturn, Ont. ‘ 'It is‘ éohEEdEdfiy'éll’th‘alflfie mummy; Hummus Cowman, Kingston. is deserved- l the mosu popular business training school in MINES“ ILL SOME BES'PONSIBLE MITESMAIi (or lady) who oonsi 19rd himself worth 8100 a month writs to W. K. BomeAN rBraqtrforrd. mm mm» AYESHIRES for $5185 'mEuom. no mulling: heifers and one bull. Wnce for deter!!- ninn. prim mi 139(11qu an n w R \quéfiflalgs; V 351mm. gem {ifiuw 1; mm: w m: m ONLYm-m fléappertm‘s 335309! Mon l Wurnnted FULLeru‘fl; C0 mu mimosa on In! Wng machine V - Ayrnnmzq‘a mde m the Rahal. W Fwy M 9 17*: Mi Dry-Gnodn nails“. CANADA PERMAW; ENT LOAN 8: bAVINGS C0. Company’s Buildings, Toronto St. Toronto. The Company has now on hand a large amount of English money which it in re- pared to lend on first-class securities at ow rates of interest. Apply to J. HERBERT MASON, "WVMJzinagiugrDllegtgg ASK YOUR GROOER FOR IMPERIAL FRENCH SHOE BLAOKING No whiflietraea i0 injure trees. FM on man and team. Watkimz qualities guarantee . Money le- funded if not satisfactory aitera fair :rinl. Price. 810 without collars and bridiea. ARMS FOB SALEâ€"An khanâ€"Sena (DIM! Jonx J. DALxY. Guelph. Unleman’s Improved Plaugh Harms Adude to Orchard Work DEWEY & 00., [noon-panned! Subscribed Capital. . Paid up Capital. . . Reserve Fund. . Total Assets. OOLBORNE. ONT, McCoy Bros, & 0. ferior Oil of Other Manufac‘cure for A. D. 1885. Tonoiiton‘

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