Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Oct 1885, p. 5

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The GovernorvGeneml has proclaimed , Saturday, the 7th of November, as a. day of Thanksgiving throughout. l the Dominion: ‘fmeiohers mil cfiose théir‘ikchooflymrthat “my mid rest from their labbn without inn-y inrther notice. Twentyâ€"fivb gents, please. ' City Hall Union Station Brook Street Queen's Whm Parkdulu. .. .. Davenport Weston“. Thomhill. thm’mND Hmn‘ King” Aurora... . ‘ Newmwkae D rwenpor anrkdalae N. R. R‘ TIME TABLE. TORONTO. TORONTO. above) 0216 N. B.â€"Registered Letters must be handed in M least Flfbeen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hem for closing. Until further notice Mails will be closed at the Bichmond Hill Post (mice as follows:â€" nmma:â€"Going North.soulh, East and “West, including Thornhill, Maple, Toronto, Markham, &c. 145 MNINuzâ€"qung soutmEastand West (as ‘ Connects with all twine, leaving House, Richmoni Hill. as follows : Mail & Express, North & South ..... Accommodzztion "‘ " Express, North... . Mall, South... PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. Brennan» HILL, Thursday, Oct. 15, ’85 We “gt/12mm; Miss Keating, late of Hamilton, has opinâ€" ed a. dress and mantle making establishment in Maple, and will be happy to receive a call 'from the ladies of that village and surroundâ€" ing localities. Read her Ad. on another On another page we publish the names of the Auctioneers and Pedlara for York coun- ty. -‘1'here has been quite a. decrease in each list since last year. In October last, there were 23 quctioneers and 22 pedlazs, whereas the present list gives only 15 of the former and 14 of the latter. Concert. ‘ 'J‘heladies of the Presbyterian, Church will hold their annual concert on Thanks- giving night. Excellent talent has already been secured. . . For a cheap overcoat, go to Grennan’s. The 1 wxost funeral which LIL“; passe/I thl'UUIp. um‘ villzugr' for some time was 1.11M cf the into \‘Um, Sfiuey, who dvpnrtnd this life on Friday In '1. and \ as buri u} in the L‘izm'uhiil (“high-3y on Mon-lay funnnon. L'Z'l'. Slinoy itv, an; was big, knew him. a an old reside/1:1 1:1 this )oenl- 3 impacted {:31 those Vim Mr. I. Crosby, of “ The Fire Proof,” is exLendiug his business in me millinery dev partmeut,aud has seemed the services of Miss Johnston, who has had a. number of years' experience in American cities. Special sermons in connection with the Methodist Church Anniversary of this plzzcc, will be preached by Rev. M. B. Gonzon, of Scarbom', on Sunday next. Liberal col- luc'dous are expected on behalf of the trust fund. Anthsms will be discoursed by the choir of mu church. Ladles all quallty, only man’s. Seamless Cotton Grain B s only $2.45 per (102. at the Concr te. At the annual meeting of the W. C. T' Union it was decided tn ‘ old the meetings in the mom‘ucrs’ house5 m rotation, begin- ving at: Mrs‘ J. Sanderson’s. Tuesday e'yuu Mg, Oct. 20th. at 7.30. All members are samesnly requested to attend. Mr. B. Gremmn comes out with a change of Ad. this week, and describes a splendid assurtmout ox goods in ‘uhe vnrious dume ments of his establisnmpnt. Intending; pur- ghasers should call and inspect his fine- dia- pluy. Men’s and buys’ si‘its, ladies” mumlvs and ulstel's in the newest style. um and see for yourselves. Firm. all-V001. English worsted I“ 'n. f ‘0 A .(x‘, ,1 ’(.C ,, mum ()1H§aIO.Ox_I,at Hanna) a heap Cash 11011 New Twecds and Worsted Sui:- ings, rmbby goods, just opencr‘i, at (Brennan’s Cheap Cash House. New Dress Goods at Grennan‘s. Queen’s Wharf ...... IBka Street ...... 9.55 Umun Station... 10.02 Glty Hall... WHITE For a nobby suit go to GreunanTS New Velveteens at Grennan‘s. RUST OFFICE NOTICE LOGAIJS". ‘2 “ The Cheap Cash House." Auctxoneers & Pedlats. w. C Anniversary Sermons. GOING NORTH. GOING‘ SOUTH. N ew Millinery. To the Ladies. Thanksgiving. M nil. 8‘00 wool hose, splendid 25 cts. a pr. at Gren- 1‘ . U. M ee’i . nm‘ 3.). 8.15 9.20 9.38 9.42 9.47 1L TEEFY. Postmaster. Accom. 11.45 11 53 12.00 Accom. 11.50 12.05 12.27 12.40 12.53 Mail. [3.13 6.27 5.45 0.56 7.05 12.10 12:53 1.03 1 .55 1.15 the Palmer Ex. 5.10 5.18 5.31 6.15 6.40 732 7.40 7.47 0.16 For the cheapest and Best flan- nels all wool at 15 cents a. yard and up, go to Grennan’s. One day last week. Master Everett, son of Mr. R. Law, whilst; beech-muting with some of his companions, fell from the tree and broke his arm between the shoulder and elbow. Dr. Wilson set. the limb, and though painful at. tunes, in is doing as well as can be expected. A rotten limb, which broke with his weight, was the cause of the accident. Heavy all Wool Grey Flannels 27 inches wide only 20 cents per yard at the Concrete. To new subscribers THE LIBERAL will be sent from this date, to the end of January, 1887', for on DOLLAR. Now is the time to subscribe. He who takes a large city‘ week- ly, containing for the most part foreign news. in preference to 3 good local sheet though it may be much smaller, is like the man" who bought the large pentaloons for his little boy and muttered he was bound to have the worth of his money. Encourage your local “paper. » ‘ Be Careful. Vaccination, which is the order of the day in Richmond Hill, is, no doubt, a great pre- ventative of smallpox, and something which :zhould be encouraged by all. Yet we hear that certain of our gallants, who are inclined to take privileges, are dreadfully annoyed at some of our young ladies who have under- gone the operation, 'as the boys say they can- not go near them of late without the latter exclalming, “ Do be careful of my arm ! ” Grennan’s Cheap Cash House is the place for bargains in all kinds of dry goods and groceries. ‘ A'n Immense stock of Boys’ Sults just opened and selling away down' low at Grennan’s Cheap Cash House The Markham Exhibition { which was held on Thursday and Friday of last week was a great success. It 18 estimated that upwards of 10,000 people were on the grounds during the last day. The show of horses in 'nearly all the classes was unusually good. Equally- so were the cattle, sheep, swine and poultry. Mr. R. Marsh made a fine show of South- downs, and W. a: A. Wright attracted much attention with their different varieties of fowls. The directors say that never before has it been such a complete success. Are our Mechanice‘ Institute Directors, aware that the season tickets for the library, (26., have expired, and that we have now entered on another year? If. we have a President, it is hoped he will call a meeting, and endeavor to get the directors together once more. The first of October is the prop- er time to sell tickets,. and the farther it goes after that time, the more difficult is it _to do business With the public. If our In- ;etitnte ianot. to be allowed to._tnke its Jag; ‘kiclg ” this_ia.11,something must be done at Lance. Ladies. call and inspect the’ fine stock of mantles and ulsters newest styles at The Cheap Cash House. Gents order your suits at the Con- crete, Eng]ish,Scotch and Canadian Tweedsand fanCy Pantings in end- less variety to select from North York Teachers’ Association. The regular half-yearly meeting of the N. Y. T. A. Wlll be held in the Model School. Newmarket, on Thursday and Friday. the 29th and 30th of October, commencing at 10 o‘clock a. m. All schools in the riding are to be closed, and both days reckc‘med as visiting days to all teachers who attend the Convention and answer to roll call of each session. A good programme has been ar- ranged. Mq'. James L. Hughes, P. S.. I. of Toronto, has consented to be present, and will address the convention on Thursday evening. Subject :-â€"“ School days in Cedar Vale.” All friends of education are invited. Great variety 9t gloves and mitts just opened at The Cheap Cash House; kid, cloth, ringwood, napa. buck, elk, antelope, &c.; over 400 varieties,selling at much below reg- ular prices. “ The Woodbridge News." We have just received Vol. 1 No. 1 of a. new paper started in Wondbridge, which bears the name of The Woodbridge News and Star of West York. The sheet is about half the size of THE LIBERAL, but, as tho editor vary appropriately states, it is not the quan- tity.of matter a newspaper contains which is to be tnkeu intuconniucmtion as much as the quality. It hopes to steer a steady cum-so between the rocks and shoals r‘f party ’59 hug and party strife, and lays down” its plattfwl'nl as that. of an independent journal. 1511'. (1. Theo. Chauncey, late of Markham, is its editor, proprietor and publisher. We gladly place it luau U our exchanges. The suggeslion referred to in the above hmdmg if; very judiciously jhrm‘m out; by Mr. C. "Envell‘an, whose Ad. appears on an- ‘ w page. This faslliuuabla inflow} es- €lxll’lellt is well conducted and carefrdly m lunged, and is vorthy of the liberal pm- 11‘: ragga which it is receiving. A well selected as =I‘I'Emvnt of patterns always kept, and ‘I Hue lime hints Hg lired by ,nstumcrs me 1 c1" “ly in misth by the, germ; prupx’ictm‘. Court of Revision. Court of Revisien for the Townghip of Vaughan sat at Maple, on Tuesday, the 13th 211 sf. His Honor Juflge Morgan, who has hum recently appninted, presided with goad jm‘igment and mmhed ability. TWentyeight mw 1 mum were phiced on the Voters' List by request of the Conservative partv, and thirtyeight hy the Refurniez's, but whether those will renuzin Line to their respective sides at the next elm-{ion us died-iu~the~wool tm'ics, or hide-bound gritb, remains yet to be. seen. 1 ght of who forage-ng names were on (mail list. Subscribe for " The Liberal." Markham Exhibxtlon. Mechanics‘ Institute. Pmpare for Winter! Arm Broken. r The Provincial Championships: (From the Toronto Mail.) . a The Young Canadians, of Richmond Hill, are highly delighted at winning the Provin- cial Lacrosse championship, and also at " cleaning out " the famous Peterboro’ club- in three straight games. The Young Cana- dians are, perhaps, the smallest and best proportioned club in the province, and by activity, persistence’and science have placed themselves at the top of the ladder. Rich- mond Hill feels proud of its club. and well it has a right to, as they are, no doubt, the earning intermediate champions. ‘ The following is a listof the officers elect. ed for the ensuing year at the last insetmg of the W. C. T. Union :â€"Mrs. Stirling,Pres.;‘ Mrs. Lanastaff, 1st Vice.-Pres.; Miss Sander- son,l2nd Vice-Pres; Mrs. I. Crosby. ,3rd Vice-Pres; Mrs. Wiley, . Cor. Sec.; Mrs. Switzer, Rec. 860.; Mrs. Skeelo, Treas.; Mrs. Marsh, Supt. of unfermented wine depart- ment; Mrs. .Storay, Supt. of Evangelical Work; Miss F. Trench, Supt. Young People’s Work. The following committees were then appointed. :â€"Miss Wiley and Miss Sanderson, under the supervision of Mrs. J. Sanderson, Press 0011).; Mrs. Grant, Mrs. W. A. Sander- son, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Skeele, Mrs. Barker. Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Brown. and the Misses Scookdale, Cruickshank and Trench, Scott Act. Com. v ' The village Fire Brigade were out last Friday evening for their regular practioefind. did some good work. Ehe engine was in the best of trim and cheerfully aboWered water in an directions. Three hundred feet of hose were laid, and at that distance water was spouted over the high poplar trees op- posite the Central Meat Market. This is the last regular practice of the season, but the Company are ever, ready to respond 'to a call at any time. and as long as 'we have such efiieient-oflieere at the helm, backed up by willing assistants, our homes will never be neglected when fire visits our village. ' Posters scattered thgoughout the County herald the news that a wCivic Holiday has beenflproclaimed for the loyal citizens of Maple, on Friday,the 16th inst. tc-morrow). ‘ The mayor and alderman exten a cordial invitation to the surrounding country. and will be happy to receive Visitors from a dis- tance.~ . The return match between the . " Maple‘Leaf ” lacrosse cluh, of Maple, and, the “ Young Dominicans,” of Aurora, will. he played in the afternoon commencing at ‘2' o’clock. Admission to grounds, free. In the evening. a conceerill be held in aid ‘of’ the lacrosse funds, for which a good pru- gramme is provided. We hope that a large number will attend from our village, as it is a known fact that Maple is always well rep- resented at our concerts, lacrosse matches, &c. - " The Grand Union ‘Spring Exhibition of the County of West York and Township of Vaughan Agricultural Societiee'will be 1:61.:- in the village of Woodbndge on Tuesday. and Wednesday, the'20th and 21st of this month, when upwards of $3,500 will be awarded in prizes. Many speciail prizes and donations are to be given, particularly for battens commodity which is worthy of every encouragement‘. Arrangements have been made with the Toronto, Grey (t Bruce Rpilwoy for return‘tieke’tsnt one and, cum"- lihird [argon the first ‘day, and at “single fare on the second day.' Should the weather prove propitious .un excellent exhibition is expected. - October x7th. We hope to see a good turnout of citizens to witness the contests and races in the New: Park on Saturday afternoon next. ~ Admis- sion free“ to all. On account of the recent serious accidents among members of our fire brigade, new sides will have to be chosen for the hose'reel race. ‘ Several pairs of firemen purpose entering. for the special pnze, which is a handsome pair of coupling keys. Re; port says that a team of stalwarts from Elgin Mills Wish to measure their strength with an equal number of our men in a tug of-war. Come along, neighbors, we shall be happy to accommodate you. The Reeve will de- liver his inaugural address, and altogether we may expect an enjoyable afternoon. Has any person yet thought of an appropriate name‘for our beautllul pork? If no other is forthcoming, We would suggest that it be called after our beloved sovereign. and for ever after be known as “Victoria Park.” Mr. L. Bailey, late of our High SchoolJme commenced his medical course at Ann Arbor school of medicine in the slide of Michigan. Although this is Lou’s first, veni-ura from the parental roof, we feel certain he will be quite at home among his American fellow- students. It is with painful feelings we inform our readers of a very serious .accideut which haplened to Mr. Geo. Trench on Tuesday afternoon, by which he lost four fingers and the greater part of.his left hand. His regu- lar vocation is running the engine in Trench’s steam carriage works. but at this particular time he was planing a short piece of board with the buzz plane, which revolves at a. terrific rate by means of steam. When the whizzing plane came in contact with a. knot, it threw the board hack, and caused his hand to go forward among the knives, which instantly effected the cruel deed. Dr. Langstnff was immediately sent for, and after administering chloroform, dressed and. bondaged the‘wounded limb. He is doing as well as can be expected, but has suffered greatly since the accident occurred. If an inward feeling of tender sympathy could ro- lieve George of this sad misfortune, every citizen of our village would speedily come to the rescue. int we fear he is destined to spend many months before he will be able to resume manual labor of any character. P. Patterson, Esq., noted as judge on fruits, wines, £11., at the North York Fair, held in the town of’NewmarkeL, on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. The Hon. A. Mackenzie, M. P., Geo. W. Badgernw, M. I). R, and ’3. '1‘. 1. Preston, Sm. Cull. Reform Association, are expected to he pI-Pspnt at the annual meeting of the E. 1;. Y. R. A. at Unionville, on Saturday, 17th inst. W.C. T. U. Officers. Maple .Ciyiz: Holiday. PERSONALS. Woodbridge Fair. Serious Accident. Fire Practlce. Will buy a Black Grros Grain. Silk Dress at PETLEYS’. Will buy a, Colored Grros Grain V Silk Dress at PETLEYS’. Will buy a Superior, Heavy, Black Grros Grain Silk Dress at PETLEY S’. Will buy a. fiery Superior and Extra. Heavy Black Grros Grain Silk Dress at PETLEYS’. For ».Ea,-rly Fall Trade HIGH CLASS DRESS 80 MANTLE v ‘ MAKING A SPECIALTY. . PETLEYS’ S PETLEY (5’5 PETLEY, Immenselstock of new Dress Goods, Immense stock of new Velveteens and Flushes, Immense stock of Grmves £3 Hosiery, Immense stack @‘ff flattens, Sima’sings am} Egimns, W‘Eamles £5 Mantle “Twins, (:2? Emmeme Stgaéz £4; Immense stack 9f Black and 66101696. Jerseys, ' See our 2 button Josephine Kidat 25c., 6 button Kid at 50c. immense steak of Manuel's & Blankets See our Black Ottoman Cloth at $1.50 It V'iH pay 0 If to come 100 miles to trade with us, an will be gold in your pocket every tune. Our terms are Cas or C. O. D. Plain figures. No second price“ King St. East, Opposite the Market, " ‘TORONTo, YONG-E} STREEW, TQRQENTQ. See our all wool goods in Black and Colors at 2 50. LADIES, See our 28 inch Grey Flannels at 180. See our Jerseys at 700. and upwards. See our Black Velveteens at 25c. yard Wide Cotton at 5c. ’ '1 $91“

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