Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Oct 1885, p. 8

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Turkevs, per 1b ...... . Butter, pound rolls. Butter, large rolls ...... . Eggs, fresh, per dozen . Potatoes, per bag.......... Aglples, per bbl ....... 0 ans, green, per bush. Cabbage, per doz. Celery, do. Turnips, per bag Carrots, do. . Beans, per pack ....... Flour, spring, per bbl. Flour, fall, per bbl . Hay,per ton ........ straw. per ton Cauliflower do. 0 Celery, do. . .. 0 'l‘urmpsdaer bag... .. 0 Carrots, do. . .. o Hay,perton ... ..10 straw, per ton ........ .. 8 HIOEMOND HILL Thursdev Oct. oats, per bushel . 0 Peas, do. 0 Dressed hogs,per 100 lbs. .. 6 Beef, fore quarter ....... .. 5 Beef, hind gunner . .. 'l Chlckensmer pair . .. 0 Ducks. do. . .. 0 Geese, each ......... .. 8 .. 0 .. 0 . -0 .. 0 .. 1 .. 0 887.3 888% sseakcaesassssgsg 8888528 - nap: coo: The Annual Meeting of the st Ridin of Xork Ref-orm-Associmtlon will be eld in Vic ria. Hill: fiii’ibyfvflié,’bh' SATURDAY, UCT,17TH,I’8.5, at 2 o’clock p. m.. for the election of 51110633 and the traumatic); _of other business. _ Ap lea, per bbl on 0125, green, or bag Cabbage o. Cauliflower do. Celery, do. ..... m..._....,. u-.. L- . As matters of importance are to be ‘oonaidered representation from each Polling Suh-Dhqflon is requested. . v‘ a; J05. Gmson, Egg, Mora-Cm“, ‘ 7 r93. Sec. E.R.Y.R.A. Agincourt, Oct. 5th, 1885. ANNUAL Thorough-bred Southdbwn RQHES. '. For further particulars apply to .,‘ 15-4. A. REAMAN, Concord P.O. Beét, Roll Cavda'ng 5 cents, Spinning 3 ply Y's-m 20 Un’n F awe}. 20 Tweec’m in) to 35 cm. UNDERTAKING’ ;! Kept on hand. First-class Hearse in at- bendance. RICHMOND HILL The above Mills will be ruh this season the same as lastâ€"on Customers will be able to exchange their wool {or manufncsnred goods, and so not'be comyelled to wait for stock to be BEG-VB" ‘ AS our 1“: any C1: THOS. WILSON NEWMARKET WflfiLLEN MILLS ! And vicinity. that he has commenced the Undertaking business, and is prepared to attend tci‘oalls on the shot-lest notice. All kinds of and 1mm of it Ifhan most other places. Juno FUNERAL FURNISHINGS NEW OR“ 11111 I! '9? LICITED FOR SALE L EVORKED UP. Begs to inform the pubfié of THO S. WIL SON. CUSTOM WORK ONLY. ' rvchinery is more extensive than C tam I‘vixl} in the country, we :mim that we can turn out; ‘5';;¢;;°;;;;gg° 8383 8388365e8$88888 OOO' .p 83 an: markets. I M‘CS‘UEN MILLS wwwmm wwwwmwwwmnmwmmmwmmwmm "6470001000011000 0010;.8. MEETING. n‘xd price 7 cents ll K- 25 n’ 25 to 45 032 75'?) 018 016 015 oéi 55 J abez Scrivener George Bossier W J Devine Rlchard Parsons Henry Krein Moses Rieack Wm Bye Joseph Cadden Moses Stern John E Buck Jno Ellston Benj Rollmg Israel Wolf Samuel Hall Wm. Brown E. Draper H. L. Vanzant J as.‘ O‘Brien Thos. Atkinson. Paul Lepper Nelson Smith J as. Bogart Jae. Kavanagh Jas. W. Crassley N J Armstrqng EV Major w .. um...” _,, David 1391de J G Owen T H Brunton The creditors of Isaac Murray. late of the Township oszmglmn,i11 the County of York. yeoman,who died on or about the '9th day of August, 1884. are hereby required to send by 1)oStpm1midtoMr. Alexander Malloy, Purple- ville P. 0., one of the executors of the last will and testament of the said Isaac Murray on br before 1.110 15th 6.2137 of Novembér, 1885, , \ r r w w “v J Shall then have no“ (1 W111 not be responsi- Meinrcsuect’fivu n us as to any person .of whom) 0,. ’ 511th cxecumrs shall not at the time of (i )u‘ '11) 11mm notice. Dated at; Toronto th1si£dth 78.70:); of Sebté‘mber: Mm\JmN‘MACDDNALD, MIaner 65 SHEP'IZEY, lfi-fiw. Solicitors for the saidEuzecutoré And 11 Am 15 mme gm en mat after the-jam 15th day of November, 183 . the said executors will (pursuant to the pun 5 mm of R, S. Chapter 1417) yu'ocmarl to mm mm the assets of the' said dec pm: a muggy-i. The pmmws entitled thereto haw : regard m) U‘ we 4:121 ' {721137 of Whlch they l; To let for at rm of you in the village of 'Wocd: Atacama East, Part of Lot No. 6, the 8H) leaessinu of; theU,‘()\\‘1"‘hlpn1 Vaughan. This is one (1 ' “‘0 1; EU {inms in the Township, clay ' puml 5mm of cultivation, com‘enr Aches and 33.110018, about 17 miles J (/1‘)vfl'b‘bltflfiiu'fi 9.12pr to J (1 l‘mfiruumnt, 1th ‘ I, â€" Axum Mcmmnnm, ) LAL‘JWL” m SOLE PRGPR IETORS 8! AND 83 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. OIT. Sold by Sanderson Bros., Richmond Hill. ISAAC MURRAY. Their chr‘ tinn and summnes addresses and descriptim with fml partxculms of their claims anda smtcment of their accounts and of the sequl‘iti (if any)he_1d by 'bh' FAR 1% T0 LIST OF LICENSE}? KUCTIUNEERS“&' PEDLKRS‘“FOR“THE ‘COUN‘I’Y OFYORK. " . To all {sufferers from Indl‘ofllon. Dlsordorod Stomach. WEST’S LIVER PILLS Beware of Counterfeits and Base Idlilations. Genuine wrapp_ed onlz in Blpq, signa; tune on everybox. Free triaf package of these Celebrated ‘Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. @REATEST Wlll‘iiioroughly ouroyou. ' .1110: (It not grlpb .or par-go. but no! mlldly, and whonovoll and are consldorod prloo- loss. .‘l'hoy In" proven fo be tho Use them and be rollovod fun your mlsery. 30 Pllls II'I_ I box. 250. per box. 5 boxes fo'r‘tl FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS IND DEALERS IN MEDICIIIES Sink Headaflhe THEY ARE All ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE“ Treasurer’s Office. Co. York, Toronto. October, 1885. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION. WHEN 6N0. c. WEST 8: 00. WHY SUPPER FROM Published by authority of the County Gongcil ESIéTE 0F THEN-(AGE DECEASED. NAME. BLESSING KfiVETIONEERS .xcw’uors, Bin ,1, PEDLARS Toronto Toronto Emery York Toronto Toronto Scarborough Toronto Toronto King Thorn’bill ' Laakay Toronto ‘York RESIDENCE Newmarket Aurora. Ringwood Newmarket Qpeensville Stonflville, Aurora Malvem Streetsville Newmarket laymen Balhnven Stouflville "TDRESS :MAKING. {And bode-into ébarges. i0 mérit h liberal share of patronagei Ladiea’ Much: - Oct. -1-5_th, 1885. Late of Hamilton, practical Dress and Math Maker, begs to inform the ladies of Maple, Richmond Hill and Nioiuity, thutilshehiu opened in the above business in t e . ‘. ,. . f.,"‘ , VILLAGE 'OF MAPLE,” TRENCH’ S -CAR1RIAGE WORKS.- _)o(_..._ In returning thanks to my numerous friends fdr their liberal pn‘ ‘znage during the past” twenty-five years, I b g to re- mind 'filend the genus] pubic, that having erected entirely new and com- modious premises, I 'am enabled to supply ' ‘ ‘ Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, " Sleighs and . Both light and heavyhall of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work isnnder my own supervism. I am also prepared to do; all kinds hf black- smithing do repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on’ the most reasonable terms. send six cents in post- age‘ and receive free, a ‘ c05th box of goods which ‘ an ' I will help all, of either sex to more money‘right away than anything else in this world. Fox-times await the Workers vteiv sure. At once address I‘RUE & Co xr-:.., Aur: JMaine. I purpose starting for Manitoba. With two car londsof sheep 0n~Monday, the 7th inst, and shell return about the 15th of October next, to M ‘o my duties as Auctioneer. A11 orders We left at either of the printing 1111'? Hill, m" at the‘l’almnr House, 1.2, above date, Wm be promptly PLATFORM“? SPRING - 'WAGQNS. . RESIDENCE Ani‘hopgé by Vg‘tfiot, attentiqq to ' mg, ,, ,Vgtnta o? hqr'pafimi .. _., Horse - Shoeing FASHIONABLY CUT. , And Garment Styliahly Made. . FIRST-GLASS WORK; i]. J. if MACDONALD, ~ MAN'I'LE Foot ' Foot-x _ One horse Two “ Two 5: Foot Foot DESCRIPTION OF Two horse Foot One 'horse’ act 5 One horse MISS- KEATING. item Mummiumts; RICHMOND HILL. Paid special‘attention to. NOTICE ! LICENSE \‘VM TlfiENCH. AND: S. Ecrium'r, Uniunvfile 1‘, 0 Tréasurer C’o. Ybrk. lNov. IDec. J an. Feb. Mar. 9," 24, 26. Oct. 7, Sept. 29, [ m- LICENSE EXPIRES GENE] mm. DAT]! WHEN 17; 17, 17, 27, 16, so. 27, ‘u u 1885 1886 PARLOR OVEN STOVES' I In new. designs at Torontp prices. .'.Call and examine stoic}?! ' ion yourselves. = ‘ ,.~ , Paints, Oils, Varnishes'Rz'Glass of all sizes and 'cut toâ€" order. USpALSTOCK OF Groceries, Greékery, Hardware, 860., - ON HAND. ‘ ~ 553' ;_.: , P. G. SAVAGE: You can buy WALL PAPER at less than cost, and good. - ’ stock to make ready {or Fall quds. ‘ WOOD AND GOAL-- COOK STOVES ' HARDWARE; HARDWARE. j TINWAR‘E. TINWARE; AT THE PEOPLE’S STOR‘Ef Stove Pipes-"510 Gents 3. Length; REPAIRING PfiOMPTLY ATTENDED To; ’ Eave - ~ Troughng a. _Speoia,1ty. ‘ C. MASON. MEL & mas, ELM-535%; 'E-fiTA‘ELEwMaEPéT Yes, my frienstgx 7 _our‘ For lowness in price, style, quality; Workmanship, and latest patte1‘ns,TreVethan’s In GROOERIES. Glassware, 8:0 We have a CHOICE STOCK and FRESH. FLOUR & FEED always on hand. all of’which we will sell as'cheap for cash as any store on Richmond Hill, keeping first-v ALEX; MOODIE. PREPARE forWINTER Is the place'to come. Do not forget the shop, Over Hall’s Feed Store. Leave your» orders now. 1 IN DRESS GOODS, WINCEYS, TWEEDS & WOOLLEN GOODS, ALL KINDS. “ SHIRTS 8c PANTS. a. LARGE STOCK from 400%. up. HATS AND "DAPS. SUIJS MADE TO ORDER. ' ' selveé ‘comfortébly‘for'ihe I Coming Winter, and to ‘ make it shre call and" ' inspect my Which are now arriving. Which he will sell at bottom prices for cash. I Afisofia new and Well-assorted stock of Hardware. THE NEW WILLIAMS! ! ” The underSigngthas Qn hand a laxges‘gock of STOCK COMPLETE AND MW PAKNTS, Mina 'GLAss", "P‘UT‘TY; 8d: ‘ QBUILDER‘S’P’? 3“"?ANTE @322 166 King Street East, It was «wax-fled five medals and- three first prizes at the Domtnion Exhibitiiyn lust October. It ia'rapidlv snperseding all the old fashioned makes everywhere. See it, try it‘.bny it,e.ud make sure that you get it} Sold by ‘ ' J. LUSH. ' It is strong, durable and well builtpf the very best material that. money can buy, 'or skill produce. High Arm Sewing Maching 13.n'ovy rec- ognized as the It 13 Light and Em to rut! : \r. Silent and rapid in motion. Plain and Simple to Learn. SEWING MACHINE 01’ THE PERIOD. Richmond Hill, Dealer in pram! aid! ' Pianos. Terms 2;; 4-’83. GIV AND V « 1 l‘u‘ear Get)ng Street, Toruylo‘ E US A CALL.

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